
Monday, July 14, 2014

         Ooops not Daisy Mae, Ellie Mae From the Beverly Hillbillies- she was my hero at 4 in 1964 and at 54 in 2014. Putting up my Daisy Dukes- Tell the truth.

Posting all this corruption, personally attacking me, my children, my pets, my home, my property, my basic rights is difficult. Staying under the radar in safety and peace was all I wanted. The real estate agent knew that and took me to the slaughter house. Counting on me to stay under cover. City Hall followed the same suit. After 8 months of desperately trying to negotiate with resolution, they could care less if we perished, in fact have done all they can to do just that. Intimidation and bullying from professional legal con artist officials. The most serious was City Council calling me in as a threat to the Chief of Police in the first year. Certainly gaining full access to all my privacy. Not to mention that the Chief's brother in law is the very same cable/internet provider technician who has been in my home numerous times. Free access to my computer. Good thing we are good, honest people. I am not worried.

Recently, the Chief came to my house with Officer Ward. (Officer Ward attempted to persuade me into submission at a previous "informal" conversation after a City Council meeting.) They received a tip from someone they thought was sane claiming I was coming apart. I invited them in, they interviewed me, couldn't shake me, even resorting to shaming me as a mother for fighting corruption. Didn't that embarrass my children?????????? Interview done. It was probably my dangerous ex husband, always threatened by truth/me. Drinking buddies with my also threatened bully brother. My brother is a well known power in this area, he may have called as well. He has taken me to the cleaners many times, sold me out, physically hurt me, witnessed by many, twice almost killing me via choking and drowning, resenting me all our lives. Splitting me away and then using me against our sister to take more and more. It is never enough though, he got the cottage in Bayside, pillaged our mom's estate, than our sister's. Yet because of his greed and huge ego, he is admired. Fine. Good luck, get out of my life .  I want nothing from you. Be good to my children, that's all. Sadly, my ex and brother show my children it is ok to beat and cheat their mother. Showing them all you can get by stealing and lying. The children abused also, my daughter getting it the worst. Each time I save her, he pulls her back in. They are desperate to want to believe I make him do this. Children always want the love from the abuser parent. They are young adults now, and will figure things out. I had hoped to bury all this, but 6 degrees of separation- many know my family, my ex, my kids, even big mouth, kiss City butt , Our Town Belfast, Seth Thayer. Oh joy, he bought my sister's house in Bayside- Sunny Side and he likes to take some punches at me too.

All the thugs who take advantage of children and a woman/mother, struggling to survive are the most despicable of all. Terrorizing the core of humanity in the United States of America, Belfast Maine. Mother and children. Mostly out of staters coming here to seize and exploit the lax laws.

Go to and read the City Attorney and City Manager letters trying to intimidate and stop me from public speaking.

Ex had just sent me a text "Laurie please please stop with these useless protests. The children (who will be 17 and 21 this November- young adults witnessing their mother fight solo again and again from bully after bully for their rights, property, safety and stability) are worried sick over it, all crying and physically upset, truly concerned about your health and safety. No one in Belfast cares so please stop fro your kids. They love and are worried sick for you."  He does this over and over- I can't get away from him. Dragging the kids in, brain washing them, using them in attempts to control me. Last year he used our daughter to steal 8k dollars for him. 6k was mine and all the savings I had left. With an income of 18k, I am welfare free, own my home, debt free, paying 14k yearly in flood insurance (a must), house insurance, car insurance, heating and basic bills. Stealing that money, while he makes over a 100k has devastated me and my relationship with my daughter. Yet, he prevails and the bullies keep coming at me. Nothing short of a witch hunt. Little, low income me, such a threat to these thugs for trying to live my live in peace and honesty.

So, excuse me when my Jersey comes out- when I defend myself - when I tell the truth of the abuse. Think how this makes you feel- are you horrified or trying to convince yourself that I somehow deserve this. My bet is the latter, it has been the story of my life. The Little Girl That Would Not Back Down.

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