
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

At purchase 6/2010- my property went out another level 10 ft from the fence to a on foot deep- 2 foot wide, private property (mine) drainage ditch. After spring melt from all the below sites, illegally stock piling snow all winter, over 10 days of wild- 4-5 ft high rapids tearing through - this is the result. City forced slaughter.

Proof of forced slaughter- click on tab above 1939-1970 maps. Today flash flooding, every event could be the end. Russian Roulette- City Hall pulling the trigger that will kill us.

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:45:15 -0400
Ms. Allen,
Lying is a serious accusation and I not only do my best not to do it but yes I do resent being called a liar.
I rely on many people in what I do and communication is an ever challenging effort. In this process could I make a mistake?  The answer is yes. 

Joseph Slocum
Sent:Tue 7/15/14 10:20 AM

Joe Slocum,

Proving negates accusing. Lying, with holding and manipulating does make communications challenging- you always get caught. Blaming and denying is not professional or ethical. Stop it and stop resenting yourself. Proof - go to: -

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Proof of forced slaughter- click on tab above 1939-1970 maps. Today flash flooding, every event could be the end. Russian Roulette- City Hall pulling the trigger that will kill us.
Laurie Allen

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