
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

City Manager Slocum compulsive lying, misspending and denying to residents-Status Quo

Note - Updated comments in parenthesis dated 7/10/14
Below was sent to City Manager, City Council and Mayor Ash.

7/1/14 Belfast City Council Meeting Click 6 open to the public- I'm 3rd speaker ff 4minutes40seconds. Click 7 for communications ff 1minute44seconds- See Slocum lie again "never had any plans to pave Seaview Terrace until next fall" 

( 7/10/14 this section not sent in the email- just wrote. In the 7/1/14 meeting communications portion- Councilor's Hurley and Lee go after me again defending City lies and slaughter. Hurley stating he "fundamentally" ?? disagrees with 90% of what I have PROVED in spite of their power, intimidation tactics and with holding of basic public documents. Lee stating that it is a natural stream, even though the 1987 Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson admits and writes each private property lot has drainage ditches put in by the developer. NO STREAM. The CITY FORCED A STREAM that is destroying our properties and endangering our lives at every event. Lee then states he has seen a map to prove there is a stream. They would have been showing the map on TV to shove it up my nose and out my ears. They lie.

Councilor Eric Sanders appears to have had a change of conscience to a degree. Asking for the residents to be included in the discussions for drainage when ever the slithering one decides to spend our money as cheaply as possible. Slocum stating another street meeting. NO WAY. NOT AGAIN. City Hall Meeting Agenda so all can attend and have it documented. 

Seaview Terrace is a flood plain, flood zone. The insanity to slaughter us, fabricating a stream, as if even that would acceptable to send rivers of runoff to private property. Not just one property- an entire neighborhood of families, pets, many barely able to pay our bills with rising property taxes and flood insurance.The City has made Seaview Terrace a flooding disaster and the cost to repair to safety not in their greedy visions for window dressing downtown. 

Slithering City Manager Joe Slocum having the venom to spit out "HE" does not have 220k to put in drainage sewers on Seaview Terrace. For 4 years now, I have come before them again and again with resolutions. TIF (Tax Increment Financing) and Mitigation Plans open up funding and grants exactly for the infrastructure needed. Denied. The attempt to rezone us last week to a parking lot was the plan.

I foiled that plan, nipping the illegal procedures in the bud. Councilor Mike Hurley then threatens us with now becoming the "New Grand Canyon" clearly deciding to take us out with the water regardless. He states no one ask permission to dig ditches for his drainage. Ditches are already in place at his property, routine maintenance. Seaview Terrace is just about the width of 20 ft- NO DITCHES in place, not possible to ditch with out more destruction to our small, swamped private property. So sick of Hurley tainting the public with his BS. Just like City Council Roger Lee, City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall.

4/1/14 City Council Meeting- click 7 ff to 9:36 and 12:44, Slocum states TWO times- paving Seaview Terrace this spring/fall 
Watch both sessions of open to the public and following communications. Click 6, goes into 7 for communications and rhetoric, 11 and into 12- Laugh factory. I actually turn my back to them after I speak and put my hands up and tell them to go ahead and stab me in the back while I'm here...

Sent: Tue 7/08/14 11:30 AM

Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,

I am concerned for your mental state that is endangering our safety and private properties. You have consistently challenged and denied proven facts of illegal Belfast City Hall procedures/ordinances/state law. I have presented these at public meetings and emails (4 years and counting) where you and City Planner, Wayne Marshall place residents in grave danger and ruin lives and private properties.

You have refused every opportunity for the past 4 years to prepare for the expense to properly restore Seaview Terrace to safety. I have proven the City is using this flood plain, flood zone as an illegal forced water slaughter outlet, destroying our private properties and endangering our lives. The City continually adding to it.

 1. In August 2011 you wrote to me that the road of Seaview Terrace was in need of repair. All the illegal forcing of water to this flood plain, flood zone causes heaving and cracking in the road, with no sewers to take the water away. Instead, the City has illegally dug ditching on the private property of 23 Seaview Terrace in 2009 to allow flow from accumulating water from neighbors to my private property. You, Joe Slocum also lied about this. Stating that the City is legally precluded from doing work on private property. 

I requested the work orders for heavy equipment from Public Works during that time frame where my neighbor witnessed and put in writing the ditch digging on 23 Seaview Terrace with heavy equipment by Belfast Public Works. Director of Public Works, Bob Richards states that he does not use work orders. I find this questionable- detailed records of equipment use are mandatory for insurance purposes. 

I persisted for records. In 2012, you (Joe) back peddled and retracted. Stating that "indeed" the City had done private property work on 23 Seaview Terrace, but it had been done 8 or 9 years years prior, past the statutes of 7 years. I still persisted for records. 

Bob Richards finally produced a steno log/diary of work done on Seaview Terrace. You (Joe) then back pedaled again, and stated yet again, that "indeed" work was done in 2009, but it was done to save the road. There is a culvert under the road at that spot. Impossible for water to reach the road. Unless all of Seaview Terrace goes under. It is a several foot drop from the road to the ditch (pictures ). Furthermore,  the digging was done another 10-20 feet in. 

Digging done to force accumulating water to my private property. ILLEGAL. The Merrill's told me they called Public Works because of that stagnant water and the bugs in that ditch. That is why the City dug the ditch deeper at 23 Seaview Terrace and to allow more water to drain from other neighbors. 

Then resident, Bud Hand @ 26 Seaview Terrace agreed with Public Works to keep that ditch clear at 23 Seaview Terrace to ensure the flow from his property to me. It's not even his property!! Trespassing onto private property to do work under City instruction. You (Joe) were very sympathetic to this old man when he came to a City Council meeting to speak against my protesting the forced flooding. Pitting neighbors against neighbors, very sad "indeed". Mark Kelley bought Bud's house and told me that Bud gave him instructions to keep the ditch at 23 Seaview Terrace clear.

This is why you must install sewers. The forced drainage to me is illegal. Any ditches dug will force more water to me. The pavement width in front of my house is 18 feet. There is no room for ditches even if you channeled it all to Northport Avenue. My section is the flattest on Seaview Terrace. It is the Bermuda Triangle of roadside accumulated water at 22, 23 and 17 Seaview Terrace. Attempting to ditch it to the culvert at 18 Seaview Terrace to the ditch between 17 and 11 Seaview Terrace is illegal by Maine State Law. Illegal to sending accumulated/puddled water to another.

2. In 2011 you corruptly deemed the private property drainage ditches on Seaview Terrace as a 100 year old natural stream. I had requested the history and development of Seaview Terrace and all water paths coming into my private property. You with held the original plans showing a ditch was moved and you deem that moved ditch as a natural 100 year old stream. Councilor Roger Lee and Councilor Mike Hurley support this lie. 

You (Joe) claimed no knowledge of any water forced into Seaview Terrace but would be glad to charge me by the hour to try and find some accounting in some building, somewhere, maybe, if anything exists, in the end, there may be nothing found... 

3. You (Joe) refuse to include us into the Northport Ave TIF to open up funding for sewer infrastructure. 

4. You (Joe) refuse to put us into a mitigation plan that will open up funding for sewer infrastructure and assistance in federal funding when we are slaughtered. 

5. You (Joe) continue to manipulate each request for your corrupt procedures that slaughter private properties.

6. City Council is taking firm stands against saving the residents of Seaview Terrace. The City Planner, Wayne Marshall and Planning Board are the tools to the slaughter. City Council Nancy Hamilton is married to Planning Board Chair, Paul Hamilton. The Captain Albert Stevens School planning and approvals as well the Comprehensive Plan, both thick with corrupt procedures. Councilor Nancy Hamilton notoriously defends planning and zoning, even the Searsport tanks. She is a threat to resident safety and ethically should not be on City Council. Her vote tip ethics and safety. She should remove herself.

Below is easy validation of, at minimum, compulsive lying, supported by City Council. In the 7/1/14 meeting, Councilor Hurley once again displays accountability inability and unethically attempts to diminish facts by ignorantly stating he fundamentally (?) disagrees. Making stupid comparisons and comments. "Sue us" is his resolution (backing up my foaa for City spending on attorney fees). 

Hurley portraying me as "dominate" for these past 4 years, where it is actually the truth that is dominant. I am only the messenger. All of these efforts to hide the truth have wasted even more tax dollars into this corrupt, vortex sucking cesspool with unlimited City Attorney advisement. 

Council Roger Lee is asking me to bring the Seaview Terrace residents back in for testimony to the flooding. Another tactic attempt to confuse and diffuse. The tactic proof is the Cedar Street residents. They came to Council in force (2009? when Seaview Terrace also got nailed, almost wiping 40 Seaview Terrace off the map). They were getting slaughtered by the illegal runoff/melting from the then new Captain Albert Stevens School. They did not know of the corruption to bypass to mandatory Planning Board conditions of approval and snow removal to slaughter residents private property. City Hall did and City Council supports City Hall corruption. No concern for the residents, case closed, no investigation to the flooding, pony up thousands and thousands for sump pumps to send it to a neighbor, to sue each other.  City Hall spends infrastructure resident property tax dollars on their greedy visions and wants. 

I am the only resident in residence on Seaview Terrace that all this water is forced to. The neighbors do not have the same concerns since they are illegally sending me their water with City assitance. The 2 homes below me, the Costello's and Smith's do not own this ditch property. It belongs to MidCoast Mental Health in that section. They have not lost their property to these wild rapids. No one on Seaview Terrace wants to expose the slaughter- it slaughter's property values. I am hanging from the noose alone. Still kicking until. 

See for actual pictures of Seaview Terrace in November 2013 after one inch of rain.  All the water forced to my private property. Prior to the rain, the ditches were dry. Also is a picture of my hand drawn map for all the water forced into Seaview Terrace. You have seen this many times, as I bring it to meeting after meeting and send it email after email.

For clarity Joe Slocum-

1. State why you lied   "never had any plans to pave Seaview Terrace until next fall"  when you clearly stated paving would be done in the spring/summer in the 4/1/14 meeting (below)

2. State resolutions to relieve Seaview Terrace of all incoming forced water on all 3 sides - see map on blog.

3. State resolution and date for paving and legal drainage of Seaview Terrace.

Laurie Allen

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