
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum Violating FOAA As ALWAYS

City Manager and City Planner are rhetoric kings to confuse and bury request. Looking for loopholes to deny basic public information (ie- in this instance negating the usual terminology used in every Planning Board approval of "findings of fact" forcing me into rewording and hence more rhetoric. Here is the request- omitting the findings of fact used in my original request from 6/5 where Slocum began manipulating. Here is the request cut and dry- his response below is insanity fried. What???? Waiting for his new silly response:
(cc'd City Council and Mayor)

7/8/14 And here it is. My response is first sent to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, All City Council, Mayor Ash and City Attorney, Bill Kelly. To save repetitive aggravation in his rhetoric, I am putting his previous volleys and follies in a tab above labeled Comp. Plan Corruption.


Tue 7/08/14 6:16 PM

Joe Slocum,

Clearly, the about face to reverse rezoning Seaview Terrace to a new zone 3 was because I caught City Hall breaking Maine State Law procedures for Comprehensive Planning . It doesn't get any clearer than this: 

Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning: A Flexible Technique for Protecting Maine Municipalities


Pg. 267 "A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.”  

Your words and I quote "I understand that you believe that you are relying on the law that you quoted to me. In my opinion this law has nothing to do with implementing a Comprehensive Plan." are not complying with Maine Law. Your opinion breaks the law, repeatedly I might add. 

I want this to be clear as Councilor Roger Lee stated in the last meeting (7/1/14) that my neighbors speaking against the rezoning was effective. It was catching City Hall breaking the law that was effective. Case Closed.

Laurie Allen

PS- Councilor Roger Lee and City Planner Wayne Marshall also attempted to defer Maine Law Contract Zoning as not relevant because of the term Contract Zoning. In the Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning is this explanation "It should be understood at the outset that the phrase "contract zoning" is simply a convenient term of art. It has no legal significance in and of
itself but merely refers to a reclassification of a land use in which the
landowner agrees, prior to a zoning amendment, to perform conditions
not imposed on others in the same zoning classification. ...

Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2014 17:30:19 -0400

Ms Allen,
 This is my final response to you on your letter of June 6th that I responded to previously
The Planning Board did not make the decision to call your area R#3. That recommendation was made by the Belfast Comprehensive Planning Committee and adopted by the City Council after multiple public hearings There is a Memo from me to the public explaining the roles of the Comprehensive Planning Committee, the Planning Board and the City Council on the City Website that may be of assistance to you.. There was no Zoning Change to the uses authorized on your street. The recommendations from the Comprehensive Planning Committee ( which is  a different group than the Planning Board) and which were reviewed and revised by the City Council as Policy statements are all in a sizeable document dated October 13th and 27th of 2013.  Both the Comprehensive Planing Committee and the City Council had public Hearings on these recommended policies. Wayne Marshall advises me he specifically sent the portions of that large document relating to this issue to you. If you wish to inspect the whole document you can make an arrangement to come in and do so. Contact Manda in my office so we can schedule a time.
So the Planning Boards responsibility here is to review these policy recommendations found in the Oct 13 and 27, 2013 Document and to put specific language to these recommended policies. They may recommend something different if they believe they should. Since none of their recommended efforts to put language to these policies is back before the City Council I do not know what their ultimate opinion is on any of these issues.
I understand that you believe that you are relying on the law that you quoted to me. In my opinion this law has nothing to do with implementing a Comprehensive Plan.
Finally I will never be in a position to identify and show you all the information that persuaded anyone about anything.
 I am not able to read minds. The document quoted above is my response to you. I will be ignoring any further emails that recite seventh request or eighth request. This is my answer- my last answer- to these questions.
Joseph J Slocum 

First, The Planning Board

 the section of law yopu recite does notr apply

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