
Friday, July 4, 2014

Flash Flood Watch issued for July 4

Flash Flood Watch issued for July 4

Flash Flood Watch issued for July 4

GRAY — The National Weather Service has issued a Flash Flood Watch for Friday, July 4, due to the fringes of Hurricane Arthur. Moisture from the storm will link up with a frontal system over New England to help produce a period of heavy rain across the region this afternoon and tonight.
The Flash Flood Watch area includes Knox, Lincoln and Waldo counties. A Flash Flood Watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding, a very dangerous situation. Those in a Watch area should monitor weather forecasts and be prepared to take action should a Flash Flood Warning be issued.
Rain will spread across the coastal plain of Maine during Independence Day, becoming heavier as the evening and night go on. A total of 1 to 4 inches of rain is expected. Embedded thunderstorms could cause even heavier rainfall rates. This amount of rain could lead to flash flooding.
The Warnings/Advisories tab of VillageSoup’s Weather link carries current advisories for Midcoast Maine.
POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Jul 04, 2014 15:21
4-6 inches will be over 6 ft crashing into Seaview Terrace tonight. Spending the holiday getting 4 full rooms downstairs- upstairs. Sunken split level. Councilor Mike Hurley took more shots at me in the meeting Tuesday, 7/2/14 as I pleaded for forced water rerouting. The next day, facebook gave me a fitting post to his abuse. See Seaview after only 1 inch of water fell where it was dry prior. My elder neighbor next to that huge culvert is in immense danger. Oreo, her 13 yr old dog is hardly mobile. I fear for them. She told me that in 2009- all the illegal plowed snow at 13 sites draining to us (zoning conditions mandate plowed snow to be removed off site- but Code Officer allows- knowing it will wipe us out in Spring melt) overwhelmed the culvert. Came crashing through her yard, almost taking her car, wiped out her yard, left an enormous gully.
City Planner, Wayne Marshall and DPW Bob Richards did not care when she told them this at the street sham meeting in 8/2011. City Hall would not give us an agenda. Everyone had to take off from work. This elder woman was providing hospice care and had to hire a nurse to attend this sham. I heard her tell them and she even wrote it down and gave it to Wayne. They could care less. I told City Manager, Joe Slocum when he finally came to inspect Seaview Terrace after months of dodging. He even said it could have knocked her house off it's foundation. He denies saying that.City Hall denies all. Water does not lie, neither do I.
I fear for us all as we sleep tonight. Slocum refused my repeated requests to put us on the radar for EMA with a mitigation plan. Refused to reroute water. Refuses to provide infrastructure. Property taxes are mandated to roads and upgrades. Bob Richards said it is over a million behind. Slocum destroys us and focuses on visions, grants and committee's to bait and implicate. City Council and City Planner, ditto.
Tonight could be deadly to Seaview Terrace, City Hall slaughtering with forced water. Greedy leaders calculating destruction, inverse condemnation. Worse than eminent domain. No doubt the illegal attempt to rezone us to R3 was the future parking lot for the healthcare zone. Hurley threatened me in an email on 6/14 when I caught them illegally rezoning. He wrote "Which one is it? An all-encompassing office complex or the new Grand Canyon?" Bet he's "Happy" right now. Seaview could become the new Grand Canyon tomorrow.

(Below posted on Bill Maher's blog, 7/5/14 8 am)

I've reached out to Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, Hoboken Mayor- Dawn Zimmer, posted to Bill again and again and again, made a blog for Bill, I have been fighting City Hall/business corruption alone, 4 years and counting and it is ripe for media. The main stream media in Maine is tainted. Also resorting to censorship manipulation. The Bangor Daily News stalks my posts like no other, deleting me in a nano second as other's post racist, personal attacks. Mine are specific to government/business corruption- careful, clean language, trying to spread awareness and support.

My local paper is not any better. The Republican Journal, Village Soup. "Arthur" had the potential to force the final forced government drowning to Seaview Terrace, my 12 family, single family neighborhood. Inverse Condemnation is clear. I have been throwing the biggest protest, solo and against huge intimidation tactics. The most recent and dangerous was the Chief of Police with another officer coming to my home to interview me for mental stability. Then when they could not shake me, they went after my children and shaming me as their mother for fighting for democracy. All on

Here is the recent posting where the editors of the Republican Journal, Dan West and Dan Dunkle, manipulate my posts.The critical posting of flooding is on the second page (I'll be posting that on my blog soon- you have to be a member to see it), nailing Belfast City Council Mike Hurley aka "Here's Johnny"

Bill Maher- can you help the little/loud woman taking on the thugs against all odds? It is getting very dangerous for me.
(Below is the local paper bullshit)

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN | Jul 05, 2014 07:11

Again my posts were manipulated to the 2nd page. I just sent Dan West and Dan Dunkle the proof along with Society Professional Journalism Ethics- "pubic enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy..."
My "test" automatically went to the 2nd page. Immediately after my email, the "test" appeared on the first page- most recent. Games of corruption to hide the flooding death forced on to Seaview Terrace by government.
No one has to read my posts. Some prefer to personally attack or attempt to diminish my public awareness of government and reality/business corruption.. The paper allows that. I will not respond to them again . This paper has blocked me, deleted me, their reporter intentionally stepped over graves to stand in front of my taping at the Grove Cemetery on Memorial Day. Ruining basic respect and ethics. This paper has manipulated the order of my posts several times. It is intentional..It is a sad day for democracy, disgracing ethics on the 4th of July.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN | Jul 05, 2014 06:25


(Above test went to 2nd page- after email to editors- it went to the 1rst page)

Comments (8)

POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS  Jul 05, 2014 09:52

..and this concludes our test of the Emergency Conspiracy Broadcasting System.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Jul 06, 2014 08:09
Dan West or Dan Dunkle- comments on the flash flood article are still flagged to the second page. Please unflag- you did it with my test post- moved it from the second to first page after my email. These repeated proven  posting issues on corruption are relevant to the articles.
Your paper is not at risk, just little old me, trying to save my neighborhood, home, and rights to life. What's your beef? (a local businesswoman asked me that when I was saving Seaview from the illegal rezoning to R3- she made me laugh with that)

I'd say I foiled that "conspiracy" to pave paradise. City Planner Wayne Marshall did an about face after that executive meeting on 6/18/14 with City Attorney Bill Kelly and Zoning/Code Officer Todd Rosenburg. On 6/19/14 planning board voted to rescind R3. City Manager Joe Slocum currently violating foaa for law procedure accountability that even brought that illegal R3 rezoning to a proposed approval by Planning. Reporters don't investigate that. I hand it to them and nothing. So I post it and take the abuse and alienation.

Corruption is foul, I can't look the other way. Never could, never will. I do what I can, something can always be done. Never give up and be sure.

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