
Monday, May 26, 2014

Belfast Tourism Slaughters Residents

On this Memorial Day, my freedom to protest. THANK YOU VETERANS!!

‘Most everybody’s fairly optimistic:’ Tourism outlook good, experts say
Posted By Abigail Curtis On May 25, 2014 (6:07 pm) In Business,NewsState
BELFAST, Maine — Every year on Memorial Day weekend, Maine’s coastal communities shake off the sleepiness of the long winter and spruce up for the arrival of the summer tourists, whose dollars help fill the coffers of local businesses and keep many Mainers employed.


Belfast- where real estate agents and City Hall sell the illusion. Instead, infrastructure denied to private properties, turn over hell. A key Belfast City Hall official, horrified at what City Hall has in store for residents. It's happening. Pitting neighbors against each other, businesses against residents, City Hall promoting business and recreation. City Attorney protecting the corruption and misspending with billable hour after billable hour. Impossible to fight them legally- they with hold and manipulate all the documents and public. Boycott is the only avenue.
Selling undisclosed hell to the innocent and destroying lives and private property in the bypass. City Planner devising more plight to the vulnerable. Big changes on the table in the comprehensive plan. Here it comes. All the water forced to my private property is a death sentence. Paid cash, had property inspection, corrupt forced flooding never disclosed, inspector corrupted report, left out the nightmare, agents and City Hall thick as thieves, fresh snow covered the ditch at showing, no water issues or STREAMS my number one concern- verbally and in writing. Real Estate Commission corruptly dismissed complaint. Refuses to provide listings of neighbors owning the nightmare, and selling again and again. The stream disclosed in those listings but I cannot get those listings for proof. No agent will provide them, Carol Lehighton, the Maine State Realtor Commissioner stating she cannot access them, and now I get a letter from their attorney. Request denied. DEP Commissioner AHO closes investigation for corrupt planning and approvals from the huge wetland site now Captain Albert Stevens School, 2006. Runoff illegally being forced to private properties in the "watershed', all pouring to me, not even in the natural path. Force channeled all the way with 14? more sites adding and 2 miles of highway, north and south Rte 1 and more. They keep going. Kill me.
I've been fighting them all alone for 3+ years. City Hall, DEP, compensated neighbors, Realtors, Attorney General, businesses, horrible network of corruption and bullies. A domestic survivor mom, used all to move here and began again in safety with children. Right, they saw me coming and stuck it to me but good. Thought I'd be too battered to fight back I guess. Have to have flood insurance even though I paid cash and had just enough to get by, no welfare. Still no welfare but now insurance has gone from $1588 to $4000. Any day, 5 inches can take us out with all the illegal violations from business runoff from miles outside of our private property, flood plain, flood zone. Ruthless, evil- but hey- Hurley is ruling Belfast "Happy". For the worthy and wealthy and clueless.
Thank You Veterans! Regardless of their evil, I am free to protest and speak because of you. Sadly, the then owner of the real estate agency is a Marine and is not worthy of the flag or humanity. He even told me, as that he gave me the right to protest his agency, his corruption. Twisted.
Laurie Allen

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