
Sunday, May 4, 2014


Corruption has surfaced, after 40 years of consistent underground root rot. The construction of Rte 1 in 1970 began the tenacious spread. Developing without proper infrastructure to accommodate impervious runoff. The illegal rule to date- send it to private property and deny it.

1. In 1987, Neil Finlayson, consulting engineer hired by Belfast to corruptly investigate flooding into Seavew Terrace. Prior, Belfast terminated the salary position of a City Engineer. Why?  Because of the corruption of Planning, approving sites and permits. Not meeting compliance and standards recommended consulting engineers is the surface. Underground are the toe fungus officials destroying basic ethics and rights. The executive sessions festering and infecting the clean.

The Captain Albert Stevens School is a prime example, ask abutting residents- The Sanderson's, 3 years of following the legal route with the legal illegal's- DEP, Army Corp, Belfast City Planner-Wayne Marshall, Belfast Planning Board, City Manager's from 1970-present Joe Slocum, with City Council as the front line to insulate corruption and the City Attorney to order them silent and non-responsive to residents in receipt of their corruption. A few "worthy residents" will receive secret compensation, implicating them into silence. Selling out.

2. Final approved Site Plans have not been recorded in the Waldo County Deeded Registry since City Planner- Wayne Marshall came to Belfast City Hall, approx. 1999. The Why is clear. Why would you want full control of those damning documents that the City Planner and Planning Board approve?Spawning evil intent through implicating and baiting. The ethical, the minority, whistle blow to whom? Corruption top to bottom.

a. Attorney General's office (proven by refusal to investigate Freedom of Information violation after violation...

b. Governor LePage- refusing to speak with me at the Front Street Shipyard and many emails...

c. DEP Commissioner Aho closing their corrupt investigation of the Captain Albert Steven's School- huge wetland site, illegal run off outlets sending rivers of runoff to private property, along with at least 14 other sites. All merging illegally, into the flood plain, flood zone of Seaview Terrace. No rights of ways, no easements, and not a natural outlet. To further their fungus web, the DEP has made the private property's on Seaview Terrace receiving their illegal runoff WETLANDS. Under DEP jurisdiction- evil volley ball.

3. The documents to prove the corruption and destruction to private properties are in the private offices of the City Planner and City Manager. They manipulate the requests for basic public documents, the spinning vortex of rhetoric and non-compliance is meant to break you. I did not break and keep at it- almost 4 years now. A few unannounced raids to Belfast City Hall in 2011 revealed enormous corruption.

The laws and ordinances in place to protect the property owner, violated like white collar vultures tearing into a domestic survivor Mom and kids. Ruthless and focused, tear her to shreds. Destroy, drown the neighborhood, endanger their lives EVERY DAY. She is prime victim, vulnerable, beat up, relocated from out of state- stick it to her.

4. Corrupt the real estate agents and property inspectors. Buyers are denied requested information. Buyers stating their number one request is a property without ANY water issues. Buyer rejecting any listings that disclose a stream or wetlands. Buyer rejecting the showings she drove 500 miles to see that displayed foundation issues. Buyer told no problems with the hell they sold her. They never disclosed this forced stream on the listing or inspection on this 1/4 acre property. She paid cash. They nailed her but good.

Neighbors that have sold properties since, also owning part of the forced stream, did disclose the stream. The lot next to me was once part of my lot and owned by the original owning family since 1968- The Caswell's. Dr. Caswell got the shaft by City Hall when flooding became severe in the 1980's. The "consulting" engineer, Neil Finlayson, gave a bogus report (full report in this blog) never looking for the cause of runoff coming into Seaview Terrace. Like looking at a bee sting on your hand and not knowing how as the massive hive is a turban on your head. Neil did confirm however, that there was not a stream or natural outlet running through these properties. They were private property drainage ditches put in by the developer in 1967 (prior it was an apple orchard).

The maps I was able to score indicate the orchard was cleared and a ditch was dug to divert runoff from the new construction of Rte 1 to be completed in 1970. But then, a developer, Wendell McLeod bought the tract.That ditch running through the center was filled in. Homes built and no infrastructure built to handle the runoff from new Rte 1- North and South. They sent it into the then undeveloped top to middle portion Seaview Terrace.

At development, 1968 there were  only 5 houses.

a. The original farm house on the corner of Seaview Terrace &Northport Ave currently owned by DUTCH, M.W. & J.J. OD Trsts (16 Cottage St, Belfast). Greg DUTCH of DUTCH Chevrolet???

b. 10 Seaview Terrace currently owned by Bruce and Randolph Mailloux (Seaview Terrace, LLC 151 High Street). Randolph a Belfast Attorney, Bruce recently retired Superintendent of Schools...

c.  5 Seaview Terrace currently owned by Linda Garson Smith

d. 11 Seaview Terrace currently owned by Rosemarie Costello

e. 17 Seaview Terrace currently owned by Laurie Allen

From there on, City Hall Belfast began channeling all runoff from a 2 mile swath, illegally to the private property of Seaview Terrace. Claiming it as a natural outlet to jive with the local ordinance.

Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city.Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

Puzz Caswell, daughter in law of deceased Dr. Caswell and part owner of my home began the sell out to the innocent. A local real estate agent and intimate with Belfast property, she subdivided this lot. Karen Caswell owns the lot next to me with only a garage on it. After the 1987 engineer report denying forced flooding to Seaview Terrace, the Caswells put the house up for sale. Sold it to a banker, saw he got sold hell. He sold it to Minister Tarpley. The Minister sold me hell through the now Masiello Reality Group on High St, listing agent Bill Ingersoll (still selling), Sam Mitchell (oversaw corrupt property inspection by DJ Brown Associates while I was in NJ) and Jan Andrews (my agent, retired- I was her last sale...).

I got wiped out my first spring here in 4/2011. My dry backyard turned wild rapids, turns out from all the illegal snow piling all winter at some 15 sites. Zoning conditions (that the City Manager will not provide- giving false documents instead) require sites to remove "plowable" snow off site. It ripped away over 600 ft of my property, torrent for over a week. City Hall fully aware it was from these business sites that the Code Officer allows to violate ordinance, while destroying Seaview Terrace. Instead blaming Mother Nature. Nothing here has been natural since 1966. All of it is corruption, deep rooted and clear to see. All doors slamming shut on my head.

Residents don't want to see this. They want to sweep it under the rug, keep building the House of Cards to paint Belfast as a community, a community collapsing because of corrupt infrastructure, officials, the same as the schools. Let's build another want instead....just like the Feds, just why the world hates America, greedy ego's and bullies rule.


Belfast City Wall Hall and local Reality Agents set the tone way before I moved here in 2010. Nothing like new eyes to say "You can't do this!!" Well, Jersey Girl, this is how a few of us white collar bullies run this town and we will beat you down. Well, I disagree.

Please Mr. Maher come to Belfast and stand by me for JustUs from the Mayor.


I packed up the American Flyer Wagon with the American Flag, Petition for accounting of Belfast City Hall/Council hidden spending and a great big smile. I rolled a block away to my "Petition Pit" @ gorgeous Belfast City Park. Loving our Freedom to take it back.

My first signatures- Bruce and Billy  Totally fun and funny!

5/6/2014 Belfast City Council Meeting click below- This meeting showcases resident slaughter vs. resident conflict with grant addiction and City Hall tainting and luring the public.

Click 6 open to the public- ff 6:35, I'm  bit choppy, so much to prove in 3 minutes time, but I drive the pending slaughter to 4 neighborhoods, Hospital, local roads and 2 miles of highway. No concern, no comment from the Wall.

Click 10-Business- ANOTHER RECREATION WANT-City Manager Joe Slocum opens up with approval to begin ripping up the railroad for a walking trail!! Recreation priority.

10A- ANOTHER RECREATION WANT-presentation for 100k project to enhance biking safety with an island in the road to slow traffic and some road striping. After my speaking this was obscene and clearly the speaker knew it too. It fell apart quickly. City Hall and Council encouraged this presentation and prepared with the guidance of Belfast City Planning. They were comfortable presenting this cost, not anticipating the clarity of evil greed. They all spent many months to push this,  for a few bicyclers. This area is heavy load traffic, a huge mile long steep incline with yachts in tow and 18 wheelers- it will never be a safe zone for recreation. Add in all the texting and drunk drivers, you are all in danger. Council Eric Sanders is the proof. He lives right there, and got hit on his bike by a drunk driver. Ripped half his ear off. Striping and island would not have made any difference. Your choice, your risk.

10b- ANOTHER RECREATION WANT- City Council Mike Hurley took the liberty to apply for another grant in private for development of a Performance or Event Center. He is not at this meeting and City Manager Joe Slocum takes the lead in announcing this bomb shell. Minimizing by stating it may not be granted, same old pattern setting us up. We have the Hutchinson Center for events.

STOP THE GRANT ADDICTIONS AND GREED. The Harbor Walk, The Armistice Bridge, The Parks, The Trails, The Library, The Harbor, we're good. FOUNDATION NOW! Schools and infrastructure NOW!! The house can fall so fast, so very fast. Council, Planner, and Manager will scurry for cover. Just like all the evil leaders in the news. Disgusting slaughter to the people.

In the budget meetings, Director of Public Works, Bob Richardson states the existing shoddy infrastructure will cost over a million to repair. No plans for that. Instead, plans to build a new expansive, expensive complex for public works, refit all City buildings with energy efficiency rehaul, but pay the blue and pink collar City employees a pittance, with hold full time benefits for the 4th year in a row to the two 32 hour sweatshop employees at the stinking, heavy lifting, hazardous transfer station. Give em a another $32 a week before taxes- $10.60 AN HOUR AND NO BENEFITS. THAT'S ABUSE. Loyal 9-10 year City cemetery workers, also sweatshop conditions. $9 an hour- maybe a buck for them too.

And City Council and Manager refuse to provide the public accounting for their train wreck hidden spending as they cut dollar by dollar to the souls and foundation. When did Belfast secede from America? This is dictatorship and evil slaughter! So easy to see, stop blinding yourselves.

5/13/14- Below post to K**** S******* response- Resident not offered any compensation, would not take a silent deal if offered and was told that this building would not be getting built until and order for a new boat was received.. Then they would build the building to build the boat. That is ridiculous. I bet they are scheming to do a whirl wind "emergency, stat, approvals flying..." same City Planner, Wayne Marshall tactics to bypass public concerns, issues, compliance, appeal process and un-foreseens ( that they are actually VERY aware of). They are corruptly choreographing more wants to add into the project and sticking it to the tax payers. Using TIF and capital reserves language to trick the tax payer into thinking we aren't footing the bill for another want as we drown from lack of basic infrastructure.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Feb 18, 2014 09:17

Hi K**** S*******- Can you tell me what happened or is happening with your fight against the 39' Front St Shipyard addition that will eclipse your waterfront view? Did you receive any compensation? I see your post for democracy, I hope you respond. I'm finding those that don't respond have received compensation for silence. I hope you received compensation and still have voice to share. Thanks.

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