
Friday, March 28, 2014

See above tab City Attorney Fees Request To make you laugh. All that know me NOW, will say, yup, that's Laurie. But I'm laughing through it too. City Hall is too sick not to laugh. Come to the Boycott Corruption picnic in Belfast City Park on 5/2414 (see details in above tab and lets have some fun while assembling for JustUs.)

This request for public money spent on fees and wants is crucial. Belfast Gotham City Manager Joe Slocum and City Attorney Bill Kelly will corrupt this to the hilt. All Belfast residents should be on this. I can't get diddly squat from them alone. But I sure do keep trying- 4 years and counting. :)

3/31/14- True to form, as for the past 4 years with Belfast City Hall. No documents to prove our corruption and abuse to residents for you. Final Approved Site Plans, Infrastructure Storm Water maps,  Zoning Conditions of Approval, Financial Accounting for public spending for City Attorney fees, lawsuits, in house counsel, grants, matching funds, studies, consultations, etc. City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall corrupt every request, never to give actual documents, never to comply, continue to torture me and try to extort fees for document research which will yield zero. Maine Freedom Information Act and overseeing Attorney General's office even more corrupt. Refusing to reinforce and investigate.

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