
Saturday, March 29, 2014

1939-PRESENT Proof of Belfast City Slaughter to Seaview Terrace

View maps, original plans, pictures of water slaughter

The local ordinance that Belfast City Hall refused to provide to me, the ordinance damning them day in, day out, as they consciously and intently slaughter Seaview Terrace, violating many more laws and ordinances. One inch of water is equal to 1 foot of water flying through my yard. Up to three inches- after that- I've yet to find out. Illegal stock piling of snow at all these sites all winter, 1000 acres or so, spring melt, heavy rain, buh bye Seaview Terrace. Survivors will file class action law suit. Buh bye Belfast. City Manager and City Planner will scurry away, pockets full, to the next town to drown.
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

Buyer Beware- Not- Buyer Run, Run, Run. All my blogs are overwhelming with Belfast City Hall corruption, their motto and the State's - "We plead the 5th, sue us" . Confident to devastate your finances, soul and all basic rights. I was sold undisclosed hell 6/2010 and to date I continue to present the corruption. Maine is 4th in corruption, home rule, municipalities govern themselves with the support and approvals of the State, democracy a disgrace. This is the rule, not the exception.

In Belfast, the corruption in the slaughter of my neighborhood of Seaview Terrace is documented since 1987, but began approx. 1965? This was a farm, aerial views show the corruption beginning with the plans for the construction of the new Rte 1 (bypassing the old Rte 1 through town, also known as Northport Ave.)  The 1939 picture, where 40 is written is now Seaview Terrace. Then 1966? and the freshly dug ditch visible. The sub division of Seaview Terrace not proposed yet. It looks like ditch was dug to carry the runoff from the new Rte 1 which will run parallel to Seaview Terrace. The proposal comes in, and they have to move that ditch, to allow for more lots. My side of the street. They push the ditch back 70 ft, ripping up the tree line, and never stabilizing the banks. Not concerned for erosion from 2? miles of highway runoff through private property. They concoct a plan with DOT/DEP and City Hall to call this a natural stream (to coincide with the local ordinance to drain to a natural outlet), make it wetlands for DEP control, lock up the files and throw away the key. That was the start- till present day they are force channeling runoff, melt off, from businesses and developments from miles outside of Seaview Terrace, to the private property, flood zone, flood plain of Seaview Terrace. Creating a disaster zone and full force abuse to stop the accountability. State to local, all implicated and covering- DEP, DOT, City Hall, businesses and residents.

Some residents receive deals, some have had to do illegal drainage work, others sell and do not disclose the hell. Turnover high, all in-town, and real estate agents are the nasty link. Rather than unite and demand Belfast City Hall to provide basic infrastructure to sell these properties honestly, they choose to stick it to the buyer, knowing the powers are in place to protect them and crush the buyer. I did it all by the book, told them I did not want any water issues, have in writing where I refused properties that disclosed a stream, drove from NJ to see the properties, had a summer residence in the neighboring village of Bayside since 1969, I was no stranger to this area. The property inspector, DJ Brown of China Villag, Me. corrupted his report, supervised by reality agent Sam Mitchell, Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews all of the BH&G, now Masiello Group Realtor, High St. Belfast Me. in April of 2010- spring melt, stream/ditch  and un-stabilized banks not disclosed in report or listing. At showing a few months before in 12/2009- 2 inches of fresh snow covered yard. The stream not visible and at move in in 6/2010 it looked like the drainage ditch surrounding the 1/4 acre property on all 3 sides. That spring, 4/2011 all hell would break lose. Wild rapids thundering through my yard for over a week, ripping away over 600 ft of property. Welcome back to hell, thought I'd escaped the domestic abuse by the skin of our teeth to begin again in safety. All residents are in danger, corruption off the charts, a respected official confiding that "We have not seen anything yet" Shocked at what their plans are. It's happening, has been happening, and I'm doing all I can to bring it all out. Not just my property- all properties, all abuse and corruption. Four years later, eyes are opening wide. Still, no one has stepped up to unite for accountability and resolution. Infrastructure and schools denied, what a disaster.

DEP including Commissioner Aho, Maine State Real Estate Commission, Governor LePage, Senator Thibodeau, Senator Olympia Snow, Senator Susan Collins, Senator Angus King, Belfast City Hall, Belfast City Council, Attorney General, FBI, FEMA, Waldo County EMA, Belfast Police Department, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, JB Turner, President of Front Street Ship Yard, Greg Dutch owner of Dutch Chevrolet,residents, real estate agents, Belfast Arts in the Park, Belfast Celtic Celebration, Bill Maher, reaching out to Veterans, all media, on and on...I've chased them all, pleading and proving, Save Seaview, Save Belfast- no comment. That woman is crazy relentless, we would NEVER do those things. Right. Water doesn't lie, neither does the corruption and abuse to other residents properties. The blogs contain the overwhelming proof. However, a tactic is to overwhelm with rhetoric.  I was beat up when I moved here, it's been difficult. I try the best I can to document and spread awareness with blogging, posting, protesting and attending City Council meetings where they try to shut me up like no others. Then alienate, slander, intimidate, basic mental torture. And no one stops them, that is the heart break. Humanity.

Excuse the repetition and disorganization through out the blogs, every day is another battle. I'm alone taking them ALL on. And will until.

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