
Monday, March 31, 2014

Below this post is 1939 to present- there is a google link that takes you straight to pictures proving the City Manager, Joe Slocum is slaughtering with water. In this latest meeting he is grasping at straws but the pictures show when it was a farm in 1939 do not show a stream. The map he is speaking of in this last meeting is on the link as well. The farm is gone, and a ditch was dug for the run off from the new Rte 1. New Note 4/9 for engineer input- At the end of the 4/1/14 City Council Meeting (link below) Evil City Planner, Designer of Drowning and Denial, Wayne Marshall comes up to the podium to state that he has quad maps from 1903 that show the stream and then he shoots me the evil eye. That man does not have empathy, he is driven and ill.  I googled quad maps and got one from 1917- to the right you can see the cluster of streets which is in town. Seaview Terrace is at south of the cluster. No stream. Here is the link, then click on the criss crossing cluster to zoom in. Seaview Terrace would be to the right? of the 25' marking. At later topo gives the hospital (across the street (east) from Seaview Terrace

Feature Type:Hospital
Latitude:N44.41247° (NAD83 datum)
Elevation:85 ft MSL
County:Waldo County, Maine  

Say it was a stream for arguments sake- it was moved when the houses went up. Therefore not a "natural outlet" as the local ordinance references. Let's go one step further and imagine it is a natural stream. On the link is my map that I tracked following the water (Slocum of course, didn't have any maps for drainage but would charge me hundreds, maybe thousands to try and find some). From 2 miles away they are force channeling it, culverting under roads and even Rte 1, all over- 14 sites, 2 miles of highway runoff on both sides, forcing it to the flood zone A, flood plain of Seavew Terrace on all 3 sides. No rights of ways, no easements. no conscience, slaughter us with water and destroy us. Most disgusting is that Seaview Terrace IS NOT a natural outlet, making them white collar murderers because we can go under in moments, Slocum refuses to even put us in a Mitigation Plan with FEMA and Waldo County EMA. He is angry, lies, bullies, and is not competent. Ditto for City Planner, Wayne Marshall and Code Enforcement Officer Tod Rosenburg and City Attorney Bill Kelly.

4/24/14 Gave my ward Council Mary Mortier and reality agent (network corruption web) final request for public spending spread sheet. She tosses me back to Joe Sloscum, City Manager. Time to hit the pavement to get a petition and hold them accountable for misspending. Sure wish I had Elizabeth Warren- D Senate, Mass. as my Council. Belfast would be shining true to the residents who volunteer endlessly and pay for the corruption of City Hall. This accounting will surely blow our follicles out. See for communications from  Mary Motier.

4/16/14 City Council Meeting 4/15/14

Click 6 open to public ff 7:50-12:06 (at 9:32, my word of the day BALDERDASH)

True to form, City Council and City Manager refuse to save Seaview Terrace from their corrupt ego's  I prove AGAIN that the City is force flooding via the BELFAST CONSULTING ENGINEER NEIL FINLAYSON reporting in 1987 that this is a drainage ditch. I show the picture of this ditch, in 6/2010 that was 2 ft wide and 2 ft deep. After spring melt in 2011- white water rapids tore through for days and days, ripping away over 600 ft of my property. Right up to my newly installed 6k fence. Just a bit more and away it would have went.
Click 7 communications or let it go right into it from Open to the Public. Listen to it all if you can bear it. 
City Manager, Joe Slocum committed to Seaview Terrace road work in the last meeting but wants to take the cheapest way out. Destroy more of our property with digging drainage ditches in our front yards that will soon look like my backyard ravine. 

They refused to plan and prepare by putting us in the TIF (Tax Increment Finance)and Mitigation Plan. They refuse to provide the 4 year spread sheet for spending on legal fees, grants, matching funds, capital projects, recreation, consultations/studies. I request this accounting again direct to my Council, Mary Mortier, ASAP before they start hacking away at the blue, pink and yellow collars, resident infrastructure and schools in this budget.

Councilor Hurley told me in the last meeting that I need to stay and wait for the communications portion where they will address the open to the public comments. They have taken the 5th in all meetings by orders of the City Attorney because each time they open their mouths they hang themselves. Sometimes they disobey the mighty one, unable to curtail their ego's.

Communications spotlights their true incompetence and dribble. It is painful to watch, and a true test of keeping my head out of the wall when I am in the same room as them. This meeting I award myself the "Hole-less Wall Award". 

FF to5:50/communications City Manager, Joe Slocum goes back to hiding behind the City Attorney (clearly he reads this blog since he had that 12/27/2011 letter in hand. Takes him 19 hours to find zero public documents for me but they are overflowing with their maps and documents for cover ups. I endure the dribble of his problems to get mud cleaned up around some poles, the public bathrooms being unlocked and locked, all during FLOOD TIME and mud season, concern only for City property.

Councilor Eric Sanders is status quo- rhetoric mediation much ado about nothing. That's what his "reality" is. I think he even records himself on his phone when he speaks. 

FF to 8:44 Incredibly, Councilor Nancy Hamilton, at communications, had this to say (sadly and surely she prepared this balderdash) Happy Tax Day. Because we are living here and seeing where our money goes, I think we are a little more accountable than the Feds. Hope to balance the needs of the taxpayers with the needs of the town.

FF 9:25 Hurley thanks me for mentioning the 1987 Belfast Consulting Engineers name, Neil Finlayson??? Giving us a personal rundown of how HURLEY knows Neil. WT* does this have to do with an engineer confirming Belfast City Hall corruption and the slaughter of Seaview Terrace???

An embarrassing lot to watch.
4/15/14 Their cover up is beyond stupid and on our taxdollars, 4 years and counting. In 1987, the original owner, Dr. Caswell of my house(1967) and neighbors had been pleading for an investigation for flooding of yards and basements. The City of Belfast sent the City Engineer- Neil Finlayson (see full letter on  SEE #3- "NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH" The liars blog are some early emails- 2011/12 from City Hall and my Councilor, Marina DeLune. I didn't post them before because I was trying to protect her. Her "constituents" set her up, she is just clueless and weak. Councilor Roger Lee was the one who convinced her to run, he is the treasurer at her church, she believes in him. Shameful.  As you read her emails, you will see they are feeding her false information to send me into an abyss of dismiss and break down. Getting so personal, trying to elicit sympathy from me when the City Manager was 5 months into his corruption, and recent tragic deaths in his family. Totally unethical and unprofessional. I was so angry that she did that to me. Councilor Hurley takes a public rant against me, Slocum and Marshall receive more pity. Pathetic. I feel sorry for them all. And the City Attorney, Bill Kelly speaking for them all and running out of the hall when I question him. The most pathetic of all. And they keep stroking each other as they go under from the misspending  of tax dollars, drowning the residents without a thought. Over and over and over again.
1987 Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson
3.  Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency.  I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. 

You could suggest to Dr. Caswell that his brook is private  property  and that if he, and other owners, feel strongly about the  problem, that the hire a contractor to clean out the brook to their specifications.

The City Attorney, Bill Kelly (1/4/12 Meeting)trying to use this with held public document, specific to my property, in his defense. Forced to admit that there is not a natural outlet when I uncovered the with held and buried 1967 development plans. Showing a ditch that was dug in the 60's (for run off from the 1963 construction of the new Rte 1) had to be pushed back. That is when the began the destruction and corruption to this area. Rather than build sewers and take it to City maintained property, the unleash it to private property and continue adding to us until present, over 15 developed large sites, thousands of acres, more than half paved, forcing it all to little Seaview Terrace, private property, flood zone, flood plain, no ROW, no easements...slaughter the 12 families with water and destruction. And deny it.

In the 4/1 meeting (link below) City Manager Joe Slocum continues to hang himself. The map he refers to, is in this link below. It is the ditch that was dug after the farm (apple orchard) was sold off. Land cleared and ditch dug for runoff from the new Rte 1. Surely, that was not ethcial or probably legal and the beginning of the slaughter by officials. Joe Slocum refuses to be reasonable, he and Wayne Marshall continue with their defense for slaughtering residents. Slocum cinches his neck right here" Whether that stream was moved or not makes no difference to us at all. There is no indication the City ever moved it. So, if it was moved from where her living room is today, to her backyard where it is today, it is still a natural stream." WWWHHAAAT???  Buffoon dribbling, costing us a fortune. City Planner, Wayne Marshall, Buffoon II, lops up to the podium with his new dribble for a 1907-1908 quad map showing A stream. Just stop it already, so sad. Where ever this stream was, it was not in the Seaview Terrace boundaries. But, hey- according to Joe- he can make a ditch anywhere and declare that a stream and drown those residents and treat them like dirt with full support of City Council, City Hall,  BPD, City Attorney, DEP, Attorney General,  the whole State backing up the corruption. Their reasoning for slaughtering residents is so twisted. manufacturing a stream to drown us- where they actually are bound to divert water and protect residents in a flood plain, flood zone. Unbelievable evil and calculated planning to abuse the innocent and struggling.

View maps, original plans, pictures of water slaughter

The local ordinance that Belfast City Hall refused to provide to me, the ordinance damning them day in, day out, as they consciously and intently slaughter Seaview Terrace, violating many more laws and ordinances. One inch of water is equal to 1 foot of water flying through my yard. Up to three inches- after that- I've yet to find out. Illegal stock piling of snow at all these sites all winter, 1000 acres or so, spring melt, heavy rain, buh bye Seaview Terrace. Survivors will file class action law suit. Buh bye Belfast. City Manager and City Planner will scurry away, pockets full, to the next town to drown.

Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city.Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

Everyone is involved from the real estate agents up to the Attorney General's office including Govenah LeRage. So much material, so many documented meetings, emails, unbelievable audacity and stupidity.
I've been at this for 4 years- much of it documented in several blogs. They overwhelm to intimidate- so there is lots of rhetoric, but the maps and pictures are the proof. DEP Commissioner Aho corruptly closed the investigation that took me 2 years to get. The Real Estate Commission corruptly dismissed my complaint against the Realtor- Earl Black who owns half the agencies in Maine. They refuse to give me MLS listings for properties on my street that did disclose the stream.

Belfast City Hall, City Attorney, and DEP all with hold and manipulate public documents. Trying to wear me down, intimidate me, alienate me, use police power, try to stop me from speaking at meetings, media blocking my posts and now totally censoring 2 years of postings in the local paper. I will say, I was shocked to read posts in the Bangor Daily News and Republican Journal, my posts are tame compared to many. And all of my posts are relevant to local, state and school corruptions.

4/5/14 From my Facebook- 
I was afraid to post this, which means post it. Both are City employees taking personal liberties to dissuade me. Look at this meeting- never disorderly- I need to stay and speak. Some 35 meetings and nary a mistake. Here's what happened when I left @ 9 pm ( the police officer was even more persistent, baiting me as I am thinking about it now). The police force knows the full history- they been ordered to be in every meeting since City Hall tried and tried but couldn't stop me from speaking. The camera guy, I've know since 1975? and his family in Bayside. Not friends then but definitely friendly. Small village, like Peyton Place. Damn. Hate that. I told him awhile ago to stop crossing lines. Keep it professional. See below for the actual meeting and where an awful neighbor takes a shot at me too. 

City Council and City Manager stoop even lower, if you can believe that. Taking personal shots at me trying to taint the public. t I proved myself along time ago, and have been waiting for them to open their ego mouths- they finally did. Truth always over rules- I got this one. No doubt, the City Attorney was having a cow when he saw them breaking his order's to keep silent. Then they had the officer follow me out the meeting to have a chat. Telling me I was getting close to disorderly conduct, I'm careful- I know they want to take me out- the cop keeps at it though, then tells me I need to take a different approach, in his 35 years on the force... on and on. He was courteous, but his message was clear. I stated the facts for him and his last attempt was to pull my kids into it- I told him as horrible as all this is, my kids are watching their mother take it, and keep pushing back with facts and honesty. It's a life lesson, Mom always will always be accountable and hold others accountable. The officer had me out there for about a half hour and the guy that tapes the meetings- he came out and interrupted me as I was talking and started asking why none of my neighbors care. He was being so rude- I know him too. I began explaining and he walked away as I was talking. Jerk. But I know City Hall put them both after me. I was fine, they can't break me, the hump is behind me. Full force ahead- protest- they must chitting bricks. I'm charming and funny when I'm out talking to people. It's a gift that I really love. Yak Yak Yak, laugh, laugh, laugh- make fun of City Hall- that's golden. 

4/1/14 Belfast City Council Meeting 
 Click #6 open to the public ff to 5:56. I had sent an email to Council, Mayor and City Manager and am reading from that. Per the State of Maine Municipal Association property taxes go first to education and basic municipal services (fire, police, rescue services, trash disposal, road upkeep and upgrades, clean air, and enforcement of health and safety codes. After those are satisfied, than to libraries, recreation, etc. 

Click #7 communications ff to 2:55 Slocum, Hurley and David Smith take liberty to discredit me, they could have told me to stay, Joe didn't speak at all when I asked him for the documents. They know I leave. David Smith is my neighbor (does not own stream property) who harassed me the first month I moved in, 7/2010, He is a dog hater and was set to silence mine. Another neighbor 1/4 of mile away from him (3 lots up) owned a small dog- Yorkie? and David came to her house over and over. He could hear her dog bark through out the day. He would not let up, kept coming to her house and calling (just like me) The woman was forced to put a shock collar on her little dog to stop the harrassment. She said her dog was, never the same, she has never forgiven herself, 

The Belfast Chief of Police, told me of a judge in Augusta, Me. ordered a dogs voice box removed due to a complaining neighbor. No doubt, that is where David was going with this. I beat him to the Chief, had the Chief come to my house to see all I did with a 5 ft fence and 100% screening, told him to put camera's on me to prove David was fabricating. David went to the Chief a week later, the Chief told him that I had gone above and beyond. David became irate, Chief came back to my house, and explained an order of protection to me. Lovely, if the Chief is telling me, I better do it. So I did. Welcome to Seaview Perish, I mean Terrace, AKA Hotel Hell on the outside- stay in, stay away, more thugs coming...:(

Click #11 for the 2nd time I come back for open to the public and fly with facts and proof.
it will go right into 12 with Hurley, Slocum and Marshall repairing their web.

4/3/14 See tab 4/3/14 Slocum refuses Mitigation Planning cc'g Governor, DEP Commissioner Aho

4/2/14 PROGRESS- Seaview Terrace will be paved with drainage within months. See tab above "4/1/14 Meeting Progress" and read the letter and then watch the meeting- WOW.


New blog to touch on just few of many lying emails from City Manager, Joe Slocum. He confidently lies immediately, mirror to City Planner Wayne Marshall because they have removed the public documents that would expose their lies and deception. They have manufactured a "natural stream" defense to avoid the liability of drowning and destroying Seaview Terrace private property. Endangering our lives daily with flash flooding to this flood plain, flood zone they that are bound to divert run off from. For over 35 years, they continually force runoff from developments outside of Seaview Terrace directly into Seaview Terrace on all three sides. Using the ordinance to drain to a "natural outlet" which I have proved is not a natural outlet, not a natural stream, all incoming water is illegal. I uncovered that with held plans 7 months in and Slocum's emails prior forever prove he is a liar and calculating to diminish me and Seaview Terrace without a second thought. Council all on board and assist in the deception. Unethical and unbelievable Belfast City Manager, City Council, City Attorney and Attorney Generals office for Freedom of Information emails. Now that I have proved the corruption, the flooding as I said 4 years ago to Seaview Terrace is illegal and the contributing sites also in violation- reading the original path of emails is gross and sick. 

Below is the 4th blog.  For more see the original blog (which got overwhelming, I streamlined the most important to 2 and 3 is specific to corruption letters and emails from City Manager, Planner, Attorney, DEP Commish Aho)  , (streamlined version of original) (Key Official samples of corruption- DEP Commish Aho closing corrupt outfall and compliance violations of Captain Albert Steven School est. 2007, that took me 2 years of pounding to get opened, unethical letters of intimidation from Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly, cover-up smokescreen garbage from Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall and Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (volumes more not posted as well as Belfast City Council and Belfast Planning Board- front line protectors of resident abusers.) In no way do is my reference of Nazi mentality meant to disrespect the horror of slaughter as the world watched. It is a  comparison to similar tactics to the intended water slaughter to the 12 families on Seaview Terrace. Flooding kills, forced flooding of this magnitude breaking the law and burning the messenger is murder. We are a flood zone, flood plain, private property, no ROW's, no easements, all incoming forced slaughter is illegal and proven. We are not a natural outlet- DEP and Belfast City Hall decided to make us their sewer, deny it and force drown. Then, they will come in and take Seaview Terrace through inverse condemnation. No compensation- in their twisted minds- simple occupation. Next.

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