
Saturday, April 26, 2014

5/1/14 Enabled the picassa  links below to view pictures, documents, reports, etc.  

 4/28/14 "Petition Pit" will be @ Belfast City Park entrance, weather and soul permitting. Resident support is needed - please stop, sign and save residents rights. Added #5 Special City Council meeting and public hearing presentation and discussion for above spending scheduled within 2 weeks of receipt of petition. 250 signatures are needed. Thank you.

(revised this post 4/27/14- also the "Petition Pit" was very windy and nasty yesterday. It was not productive but I tried. Will canvass for signatures when weather warms and winds subside)

Hi Neighbors,

Please drive by and sign at the "Petition Pit' Rte 1 South (by dog park and airport) Belfast, Maine. Belfast City Council and Manager must provide accounting for their spending since 2012. City Manager, Joe Slocum is denying request to waive fee's for this accounting to educate the public on train wreck spending of property tax dollars. Instead, Slocum is demanding a "down payment" with no ceiling,. Status quo - the past years of torture with holding/manipulating the basic public documents (final approved site plans (which include zoning conditions for snow removal).  development history of my 1966 neighborhood and home, and infrastructure sewer/drainage maps and ordinance). 

Slocum states he has provided some of the documents.  Indicating that I am too stupid to read them . Belfast City Council refuses to validate documents received, and takes the 5th. Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly sends me intimidating letter after letter, trying to break me mentally and financially, telling me I must hire an attorney to speak for me. State, Realtor, City Manager, Joe Slocum, Planning and Zoning, Planning Board, City Council and Mayor Ash sing the same tune and try to silence and break me. Trying to paint me as unstable, unreasonable and unworthy as they slaughter Seaview Terrace with water from development to date. WATER DOES NOT HIDE OR LIE. They flood private properties rather than build/maintain infrastructure for "unworthy" residents and spend on their worthy choices and wants.  In fact, early on in 2011, Jay Davis, Belfast "worthy" resident, buddy of City Council Mike Hurley (Belfast Slum Lord), prior journalist, author, Board member of the Restorative Justice Program!!! approached me when I was protesting outside the BH&G Masiello Reality Group (former Town & Country) in the center of town. He told me that this is not how things were done around here. He asked me if I contacted Mike Hurley. I told him I did and that Hurley won't touch it. Jay smiled, wished me well and walked away. I knew there and then, my new beginnings of healing, safety and peace with my children were being destroyed by a whole network of white collar bullies. I knew this type well. They were robbing the last I had, home and soul. I was destined for hell and outcast. 

Some 40 and counting public speakings at City Council meetings, public protest at event after event, posting, emailing, corrupt State investigations, covert raids to City Hall to score a few precious public documents,  door after door slamming, few residents willing to publicly support, the "worthy" residents and businesses stroke City Hall and scorn me, City employees tainted against me... truly a disgrace to democracy and our flag. Their pledge sickens me, I go stand in the hall. 

 I am free to speak, to stand, to do what I can. I do, so help me Me. That is my vow.

Dirty cowards that use the vulnerable as manure to fertilize their nasty, stinking smirking ego's.

I posted below in local paper- Village Soup, Republican Journal:

 It was upsetting to see the Belfast Chief of Police, Mike McFadden, at the budget meeting night, 4/24/14, under scrutiny for every dollar spent to protect us. Hearing him state how he is given 10k to manage his department, needs a bit more, as Councilor Mary Mortier extracts $100 from his budget in miscalculations.
Yet, City Council refuses to request and provide public accounting for of their spending in studies, consultations, City legal fees, lawsuits, project spending, etc. Because of this train wreck spending they deny "Basic municipal services that are so essential there is not debate in most communities over whether they are needed. they include fire, POLICE and rescue services, trash disposal, ROAD UPKEEP AND UPGRADES, clean water and air, and enforcement of health and safety codes. You should be informed about your property taxes and be active during the decision making process in your community when deciding how you money is spent. These services and other popular local gov't services, such as libraries and recreation are financed mostly with the property taxes that remain after the bills are paid to the school systems and the counties which totaled more than $1.2 billion" Per the Maine Municipal Association.
City Manager, Joe Slocum has emphasized the small amount left, and the grueling cuts to departments essential to basic services as hands fly in approvals for wants, mistakes, and more misspending. My request for the spread sheet on their spending is finding it's way down the same path of manipulated denial- through unavailability and unlimited fees for public documents that will never be true if not validated by a 3rd neutral party. My council, Mary Mortier refuses to assist. A public petition requesting this spread sheet accounting is necessary. 
Please sign at the "Petition Pit" at Rte. 1 South (Dog Park behind) and sign. I'll put up a sign with my blue, 4 door 2002 Ford Explorer. Perhaps others can do the same with their friends, groups events, etc. Advise if my request needs adjusting, I am not a professional, nor a college graduate. I'm a single, low income, Mom, thrown into the fire of corruption and trying to make City Hall accountable and provide basic services to residents. Email me for support and/or help. I will deliver petitions to City Council. This needs immediate action- the budget is underway. Thank you.
Please provide the following years spread sheet cost accounting, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 to current:
1. Identify each lawsuit to the City of Belfast, include verdict, settlement and all fees.
2. Identify each and all in-house counsel fees.
3. Identify each and all costs for grants, including application, if awarded, City funds matching/contributed, including pending and final cost for each project clearly identifying total grant cost and monies received vs. total City funds spent and those pending or underway to date.
4. Identify each and all public money spent/allocated for consultations/studies for all projects scrapped and approved (examples-harbor walk, rail trail, parking, lighting, capital projects, include RSU20 City spending in withdraw/consolidation) start to finish, underway and pending.

5. added on 4/26/14- Present and discuss above at an announced public hearing, televised Special City Council meeting in Belfast City Hall chambers. Scheduled within 2 weeks of receipt of petition.

4/24/14 Gave my ward Council Mary Mortier and reality agent (network corruption web) final request for public spending spread sheet. She tosses me back to Joe Sloscum, City Manager. Time to hit the pavement to get a petition and hold them accountable for misspending. Sure wish I had Elizabeth Warren- D Senate, Mass. as my Council. Belfast would be shining true to the residents who volunteer endlessly and pay for the corruption of City Hall. This accounting will surely blow our follicles out.

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