
Sunday, October 5, 2014

"If we are going to fight a global war on terror, we should follow the rule of law in the U.S." James Risen (see below) It is EVERY citizen's duty.  It is our duty to protect the United States from the corruption within. Step in.

Putin City Hall, Belfast Maine... Vladimir Hurley Belfast City Council from New Jersey totally knows the City is illegally drowning us. They lock up the documents and deny all. Here's a sample of during the first year. Hurley is the king pin. Owns several businesses and is on "Fire" for Belfast- downtown Belfast that is. Robbing and drowning the wee ones for his visions. Force Flood them and tell them it's a natural outlet and mother nature. Then after we wipe them out, take it through inverse condemnation and put down a parking lot for the new healthcare area. Seaview Terrace is Seaview Perish.

After 7 month of being shoved down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, I went public on 11/1/11. I was scared to death, relocation was contested and awarded. I needed to be under all radar. I had to save my home/neighborhood. After this meeting, I speak at over 50 more to present. Key meetings are posted in above tabs with summaries.

The later meetings have a new format to click exactly to open to the public. The old ones, you have to ff and I speak for a long time with fact after fact. After my 2nd speaking Hurley takes a public rant against me. I am home watching and frightened for my safety. A City Council member attacking a resident for speaking truth of force flooding and intimidation tactics.  Here is his rant. He has done this for 4 years. Wayne is the Belfast City Planner and Joe is the Belfast City Manager. For the prior 7 months, those 2 have buried documents, lied, denied, told employees not to help me, on and on. Slam, slam, slam.

Belfast City Hall Meetings I've spoken at and the erosion video (I ramble just look at the erosion from one spring melt 4/2011 ditch turned into wild torrent rapids. You Tube Video Erosion of my stream taken 8/2011
11/1/11 First Meeting After 7 months of Lies/Withholding Public Documents/Tossing Me Around like a Pack of Cigarettes...sucking the life out of me 11/1/11 City Hall Meeting- fast forward 20minutes, 44 seconds, hard to hit that though, seems to jump from 20minutes to after my speech is done. May have to begin listening at 19 minutes, but don't ff- it will skip to end again. You can back it up too. I give almost 15 minutes of choking testimony. After my wrenching public plea to stop flooding us 52 minutes into meeting City Manager Joe Slocum tries to deflect from missing map and discredit me, that was only the beginning of the missing documents that Wayne must have hid when you hear him give the history of the development 56 minutes into meeting. When questioned by Council, Mike Hurley as to what is Belfast's Storm Water Ordinance, Wayne Marshall, City Planner and torturer of my life, states it directs to send storm water to nearest PUBLIC waterway- streams. I have requested this ordinance since and he fails to produce it... he must be lying and Seaview Terrace is NOT a public waterway, the City has no right aways or easements...THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!Then Mike Hurley says this storm water flooding is Council's problem but then they vote to take no action in the 1/3/12 Meeting where they brought in the City Attorney who had more public documents with held from me specific to my property. When I tried to question him he ran away and Council closed the discussion.
12/6/11 City Hall Meeting- I speak publicly ff to 28 minutes - 45 minutes in- I'm new to speaking and stumbling but effective- @41 minutes I'm free wheeling for the last 5 minutes. YOU MUST GO TO THE BREAK @ 2 HOURS 5 MINUTES IN. Sound is off but Slocum's hands are flying- then @ 2:11:05 here he comes with maps that I was never allowed to see. Swarming and pouring. THEN HURLEY DOESN'T KNOW THE MIKE IS BACK ON AND AT 2:14:19 SAYS "Give her an answer. "Are we going to build her a storm system or not." The answer is not, lets nail her and he proceeds to doing just that @ 2:25:56 until 2:29:13.  I let it rip with truth and maps. After 8 months of avoidance, corruption and lies, the public must know that Council IS KNOWINGLY FLOODING THE CITY ENDANGERED FLOOD ZONE OF SEAVIEW TERRACE AND TAKING OUR TAX DOLLARS AND BUYING RECREATIONAL PARCELS FOR MILLIONS AND WILL COST MILLIONS TO DEVELOP...SEAVIEW TERRACE PROPERTY IS WORTHLESS BECAUSE OF CITY OFFICIALS.Verbal Planning approvals with residents present are a sham. What the Planning Board approves and what the Planning Manager, Wayne Marshall DOES are night and day. Impossible for the resident to get accountability and public documents.
Later at the end of the meeting, long after I'm gone, ff to 2:25:56 Council member Mike Hurley slanders me with confidence and ease.

Mike Hurley’s public rant against me at the 12/6/11 City Council meeting. He is outraged that after 7 month of behind to scene's attempts to steam roll "she takes it completely public" Here's the rest.

“I want to respond during the discussion about water. I came to the entire subject early on when we stated getting copied here on everything, wit a pretty open mind about it, well, is there a problem here? What’s the problem? I think that’s what we do her quite often is hey what’s the problem and try to fix it and if there is something we can do. 

I want to say I had an open mind to it but having had the avalanche of emails that we received and what we heard tonight again, I just want to say that, ya know, if anybody thinks the way to solve a problem is to insult people with things like, Wayne’s World, Ignorant, Dysfunctional, Shot to Hell, Deceiving, Corruption, Lies, Cover Ups, Bullied, I want to add one word…RIDICULOUS. I’ve worked with all these guys and I’ve been on the wrong side of government in the past and I’ve been on the wrong side of government while I’ve been in government. And ya know, it’s just ridiculous to listen to this stuff. 

I would not object to putting this on the agenda for us to talk about what we should do about this if anything.(out of quote for me to say they put it on the 1/4/12 agenda and brought in the City Attorney Bill Kelly to speak for them and shut it down.With more with held public documents. Council voted No Action.) But, you know, to listen to these to these kind of character assassinations of people who could really be bothered to do these things to this woman, I’m really sorry, nobody has any interest in doing any of these kinds of things that she keeps proclaiming and you know it’s unfortunate she takes it completely publicly and tonight even, I kept waiting for her, what’s the problem (out of quote for me to say, I clearly stated in the beginning what the problem, what I wanted done, and backed it up with facts for the ?? Time) How would we address the problem.

 I THINK SHE’S MORE INTERESTED IN FIGHTING, but I’m willing to talk about it and look at it and maybe, ya know, there’s something we can do, I don’t know. But anyway, I FEEL LIKE WAYNE AND JOE, IN PARTICULAR HAVE BEEN AN ABSOLUTE PINATA AND I APPRECIATE THEM BEING RESTRAINED. I am sure, I can tell from everything that the landowner is absolutely feels put upon by the water that runs in the stream in through her yard. I think, maybe there’s a way to solve this but constantly insulting the people you’re trying to talk with, at least it’s never worked for me at home.”

I am at home watching Hurley say this on live TV and am horrified and frightened.  He just made me a public enemy to any feeling threatened by a woman and/or honesty. While any storm can take me out. The witch hunt is on. That was 4 years ago.

From: Mike Hurley []
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: Work Order For City Ditch Digging
Hi Laurie/ what you have called my denouncing of you is a misinterpretation. I am denouncing your attitude and your language. You have repeatedly used insulting language that is unacceptable to me. You throw around words like bullying, Wayne’s World, corrupt, liars, etc. etc. etc. I do not agree with you in the use of these words regardless of whatever your problem may be regarding the stream that crosses your property. You do not have a right to verbally attack and abuse people and go unchallenged for using the language you choose to repeatedly use. So in my words: your choice of language is rude and ridiculous. You have a problem with your stream where it crosses your property. If you want to talk about the problem; fine. But I will not just stand by while you repeatedly attack people who are trying to do their job. We will probably have a public discussion on city responsibility for storm water . Best/ Mike Hurley
Michael D. Hurley
Belfast City Council

Subject: FW: Work Order For City Ditch Digging
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:39:41 -0500

Hi Laurie/ I’ve been on the good and bad side of government for many years. I believe I have a pretty good knowledge of how government acts and responds to citizens such as yourself. I first came into government, ran for office, to change how people were treated by their government. When you are speaking in public: that is your time to speak. It’s not a debate. If communications had come after you spoke I would have said exactly what I said later in communications. I stand by my comments. I have championed many people who felt they were getting a bad deal from local or state government. I, and the rest of us in city government, including Wayne Marshall and Joe Slocum, actually do this because we like serving the public. If you don’t like hearing from and helping people to the best of our ability there isn’t much else in the job. But often we have to also tell people that we can’t help them and no one likes to hear that. If no one told you there was a stream on your property how is that a city concern? If as you think; you were mislead by a realtor , how is that a concern of the city? There is a realtor review board and lawyers are always ready to take a case. As far as the stream that may or may have not been moved back almost 50 years ago do you want us to take action based on that possibility? How would you feel if you were perfectly happy in your home and we came along and said “50 years ago they moved the stream and you need to move it back?” I think any reasonable person would say 50 years ago is no longer anyone’s responsibility. At this point; whatever is on the ground is what it is. You make a number of points that essentially hinge on
1. that we have moved water that used to not flow through your stream on your property
2. that development approved by the City of Belfast has sped water downstream that used to not flow at the same speed or volume
I have looked at the maps available at City Hall and I do not agree with your point # 1. When I look at the water retention that was designed and built by the various projects they do not appear to be failing or unable to hold back the water. I have looked at the stream and I have a differing view than yours and what should be done about it, if anything. There may be more rain but that is another office higher than mine.
My point about communication is that you have repeatedly used language that is destructive to problem solving. Sometimes you have to choose between fighting and problem solving. From my experience the use of language like Wayne’s World, corruption, lies, cover-ups, bullying, ignorant, shot to Hell, dysfunctional, and deceiving among them create an atmosphere that is not conducive to problem solving. I reject all of those descriptions and terms.
I expect we will discuss our storm water responsibilities. There are dozens of streams such as yours, I have one that crosses my property, and how the city deals with our responsibilities to safeguard stream banks is a good topic for us to consider. I am very sorry you have had such a tortured experience. I believe turning down the rhetoric is always a better way to find a solution; if there is one available. In the end you may remain unhappy with the city response. Having sued the City of Belfast myself in the past that is always a option for you to consider. And if your attorney talked to a judge with the language you use routinely you’d probably fire him. I hope that you will find a way not be driven unhappily by this very stressful situation. Best/ Mike Hurley
Michael D. Hurley
Belfast City Council
11/17/2014 There are many more personal attacks by City Council Vladimir Hurley as recent as 9/2015. Imagine what is said to the parties he controls. People I have known since youth summers from 1969 in the neighboring village of Bayside have stabbed me in the back to stay in the graces of Putin Hall and Belfast "community". They wear their guilt and shame every day attempting to blame me for what they allow and support. I am working on compiling Hurley's attacks on a separate blog- but I'm frying many foul souls. I'll work on Vlad Hurley @, then to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall, Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly, Real Estate Agency owner Earl Black, his agents Bill Ingersoll, Sam Mitchell, and Jan Andrews, their recommended property inspector- DJ Brown Property Inspector (China, Maine), Maine Realtor Commission, Maine DEP commissioner Aho and her staff, Maine Attorney General's office for Freedom of Information, Brenda Kielty and executive secretary Rose Smith, Senator Mike Thibodeau, Senator Angus King, prior Senator Olympia Snowe, Governor LePage, and more related players TBA.

Administrative Staff of public schools- Superintendent, Principals, Guidance Director, Guidance Counselor are part if the corrupt/bully/culture. School vote swaying by Belfast City Council and facebook group - Friends and Supporter's Of RSU20 School to vote no on the budget by Courtney Sanders, wife of City Council Eric Sanders. When I questioned ethics and reasons of swaying I was blocked from the site. A teacher, Mr. Hamm took liberties to denounce me.  His department was on the cut and he is also a friend of Courtney Sanders. These people are embarrassing. See

3. 1/3/12 City Hall Meeting- Seaview Terrace 1rst on agenda (I also speak publicly ff about 15 minutes in- 3rd person up. Council remains silent and hires City Attorney, Bill Kelly with our tax dollars to try and deflect the forced flooding. KELLY REVEALS YET ANOTHER PUBLIC DOCUMENT OF FLOODING ON SEAVIEW PURPOSELY WITHHELD FROM ME.(Who knows what else they hide? Impossible to know, I have been intimidated and refused information on my property for 10 months and counting. ) A 1987 City hired engineer report that...SURPRISE- does not hold the City accountable for flooding. In fact, even with residents complaints of flooding in 1987, begins the City Planning approvals for Capt Albert Stevens School, Volunteers of America, Tall Pines, MidCoast Mental Health to build, eliminating ground absorption, accumulating storm water in huge dug out pools and channel down to private property, Seaview Terrace. Clobber us further by taking the storm water across Rte 1 from the Armory, National Guard, down to Pray's Homes along the side, back towards the trailer park, meandering and to accumulate more stormwater from who knows how far back and back across Rte 1, culvert forced directly into Seaview Terrace.

 During Katrina, I was(and still am) fighting to save my home/neighborhood from the same. I had sent my Belfast City Council rep., Marina DeLune an email- 10 months of begging City Council to investigate with a quote from Brad Pitt . She called me in a threat to the Chief of Police and I was summoned into pokey. She later apologized but what if I the Chief didn't think I was stable? I had just moved us out of destruction and the last thing we needed was this. Four years later, it is beyond scope. I keep vigil exposure.

Subject: Failure of Man
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 10:45:51 -0500


Just now on Sunday Morning, Brad Pitt spoke about his help to New Orleans. He said nothing makes him angrier than hearing that the devastation was due to an "Act of God" when it is the "Failure of Man". Deja Vu.

Looking the other way through rose colored glasses is open invitation for those who have other ways. Someone has to fight back- you are not willing to see it and that is dangerous since you are Council. It is difficult and crushing while you support evil dealings and that has happened to other residents. However, they don't have the money to fight back or the strength. You will see, I hope you will try before it blows up.



*Added 11/18/2014
Sent:Tue 1/31/12 8:59 AM;
Dear Chief McFadden and Marina,

I wanted to thank the Chief for reaching out to me on 1/30/12 in regards to the email above. I want to clarify the email and put Marina at ease. I meant that it is dangerous for ME that Marina does not see or acknowledge that I feel threatened because of the verbal discrediting/slander broadcast on TV from Mike Hurley, Joe Slocum and Wayne Marshall.

I meant that I will continue to make this very public until resolution ( hence, before it blows up). I have been trying since May to handle this with dignity and honesty. At minimum, it would have been professional and ethical for the slander and discrediting against me to have been publicly retracted as I requested and was denied. For the record, I will forward those communications from Mike Hurley and me. I did express concern for my safety yesterday to Chief McFadden. There are many men with anger issues against strong women. Mike Hurley had no right to place me in jeopardy.

I should have contacted the Chief of Police immediately but didn't want to cause further friction.


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace*

From: Marina Delune ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Wed 2/01/12 4:22 PM
Hi Laurie,
Thank-you for your email.
I feel a little guilty and embarrassed now about what was clearly an overreaction to your email, but I did feel threatened by the language and was truly afraid that things had escalated out off control and might end in violence.
I have been fully reassured by the Chief that there is no danger of physical harm from you, and I hope that you can have that same reassurance for yourself in regards to the Council. We have no desire to keep you from having your say. Nobody has any plans or desire to have you intimidated from having your say, and I'm quite certain that the Chief did a good job at conveying that.
I have been insulted several times, quite outrageously, by Mike Hurley, as have many, many other people. It's almost a rite of passage living in Belfast, and anyone who has lived in Belfast for awhile is very aware of this. Rather than damaging your reputation, you are much more likely to have gained sympathy from the public
He rarely apologizes. But he will often turn right around later and do something kind and helpful.
Believe it or not, after his rant, he tried to find a way that we could help you to reinforce the banks of your stream inexpensively using some kind of wire netting system. We were told that the City can not selectively help out in matters involving private property- that in matters concerning drainage if we set a precedent it could cost millions and millions of dollars to help everyone else.. But Mike did sincerely make an effort to help you, doing research as to what was out there that could do the job inexpensively. He does really care about people, he just has a very short fuse,  But once he's blown off steam, he doesn't hold on to his anger. Physically, I can assure you, he wouldn't hurt a fly, and you are in no danger.
Laurie, at the neighborhood site visit, I heard both Chris Cabot from the DEP and Mike Hogan say that your drainage and erosion problem was not a serious one, and that it could be adequately addressed with $2000 to $3000 worth of work. I know that you are very hard up for money, so perhaps there is little comfort in that for you. But I also I know that you feel your house is in imminent danger, but that is not the impression that I got from them at all. Perhaps Mike Hogan would be willing to talk to you about that and have some helpful suggestions.
I have received some free information from the Waldo County Cooperative Extension about various inexpensive plantings that I can do to help prevent erosion along the bank of my property in Stockton Springs. I don't know if that would be helpful information for you, but if you think it might be, their phone number is 342-5971.
Best wishes,

 *Added 11/18/2014
The complete denial and zero concern of the force flooding of miles and miles of developed impervious ground to the tiny 12 home, flood plain, flood zone and THROUGH my private property is insane. DEP is in on it approving the very sites to drain to my property. Some designed by Mike Hogan. The DEP somehow deemed my private property drainage ditch that is NOT a natural outlet, as wetlands. Giving them regulation and corrupt approvals to send runoff from miles away to my property. "Not a serious one, could be adequately addressed with $2000 to $3000" Marina is lying. Just to shore up the sides are estimates of 75-80k because it's "wetlands" and requires permit by rule, engineering, etc. And that's just to try to stop the rest of my yard and fence from getting swept away from the next heavy rain, meltoff from illegal snow piling- look at the map I drew, the video of destruction from ONE spring melt lasting for days. The expense to correctly mitigate with infrastructure is big. Hence- make me look "ridiculous" and torture her for every request for help till she breaks.
Here is the Chief after my threat assessment. (I had also cited concern for the new police presence specifically brought in for me during my public speakings at the City Council meetings. The Chief was not in support of that, but Gotham City Manager Joe Slocum ordered it. Protect the corrupt officials by pulling the protection for the people off the streets. As the years went on, Slocum would have the Police department intimidate me 2 more times in private, off the record, not in the station. I do not allow that anymore. I watch my back, front, sides, where I go, what I do, what I say, and am not a welcome community member in the downtown. The Chamber of Commerce are funded by City Hall. Slapping and drowning residents. Boycott Belfast.

Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden
Subject: FW: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater

Dear Chief McFadden,

I will not be involving you (unless I am afraid) in the rest of this City Saga. I think it is appropriate to forward this last email (and I will give you all of them if you wish) because it is clear that since May I can't get a straight answer from City Officials on the most basic storm water requests.

I may be wrong, but I got the impression that you were mislead about my character and integrity. I am beginning to prevail having held on through the storm. I found you to be impressive and fair. I hope we maintain mutual respect and celebrate the fun of no brakes! Superbowl in the garage?? Toast one for me and many for Tom Brady. I'm hooked.


Laurie Allen 

From: Michael McFadden ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Wed 2/01/12 12:19 PM

I read through the emails you sent me, but to tell you the truth I haven’t identified anything the Police would or should become involved in. That being said I want you to feel comfortable calling on us if someone/something is causing you to become afraid. I wish you nothing but good luck with your efforts, I said that to you when we met and I mean it.

As for me being mislead about you. I really hope I didn’t project that to you. My impression of you really only got better after we spoke, but it didn’t change. My impression of you was that you are a fighter (Not a bad thing) and you’re not afraid to stand up for what you think is right. (again not a bad thing) I met you and I found you to be genuine and believable, and I enjoyed our conversation. I understood your frustrations with the City, and I even felt comfortable enough speaking with you to tell you about something I didn’t particularly care for. (Your comment about the Police Officer at the City Council meeting). Something I wouldn’t have done if I thought you were a hot head or argumentative.  Believe it or not our conversation that day was one of the highpoints of the day for me. Thank you for coming in to talk with me.

Viewing of the Super Bowl will take place in the Rec Room at my home this year. This is serious business the Giants must be beaten.

Any fan of the Patriots is a friend of mine!!!


11/8/14  I have not worked on separate thug pages. Last night on the 6pm excellent news  on Democracy Now/War & Peace/ Amy Goodman was the 9 BILLION dollars  hush up. JP Morgan Securities Attorney, Alayne Fleischman whislteblows. (And  Bank Of America, Chase, etc."payoff deals" with the US Attorney General Eric Holder ( Eric also prior attorney for similar "corrupt corporate America" to buy prosecution immunity and sweep it under the rug. )

Earl Black, owner of the real estate agency that sells undisclosed hell tried to buy my silence for 6k 2 years ago. Honest souls cannot be bought. Belfast City Hall lying, intimidating. with holding and manipulating/tainting public documents/information, calling me in as a "threat" to the Chief of Police, Mike McFadden (whose brother-in-law is also the Time Warner Cable/Internet technician with free access to homes and personal computers...several times into my home.) Four years of tactics to silence and break me for exposing illegal flooding, destruction and endangering the lives and private property of residents, right up to the State level. The corruption proven again and again, "officials" believe they can ruin/kill lives. It would kill me if I didn't do all I can to stop them. Each time I weaken another stands up and gives me strength. Dawn Zimmer, Hoboken Mayor exposing Christie, another brave Mom. William Binney Snowden, Risen, Fleischman, down to the little, the unprotected, the core, the mom relocating to begin again, lawfully, privately, safely and truly after a lifetime of the same greed and abuse, little Laurie Allen. I have been told I am no more than a "Pimple on their ass."  Isn't that special.

Here is the 60 minutes clip for investigative NY Times reporter and author, James Risen. The government gives him a choice- give up your source or go to jail. Death of your soul or jail. No contest. 


This is a story about what happens when the demands of national security collide with the public's right to know.

That dilemma is at the heart of the case of James Risen, a Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative reporter for the New York Times.

Risen was the first to break the story about the NSA's secret wiretapping program that monitored Americans' phone calls without a court warrant. He's been subpoenaed to divulge his confidential sources in a separate federal criminal trial. He appealed the subpoena all the way up to the Supreme Court, but the court turned down his petition. Now, if he doesn't name names, he could go to jail.

New FBI Director, prior Deputy Attorney that refused to break the law and resigned in 2004, James Comey, gives me hope with the brave whistle blowers.
That's a principle over which James Comey is willing to sacrifice his career. He proved it in 2004 when he was deputy attorney general. Comey was asked to reauthorize a package of top secret, warrantless surveillance targeting foreign terrorists. But Comey told us "significant aspects" of the massive program were not lawful. He wouldn't be specific because it's still top secret.
Scott Pelley: This was not something you were willing to stand for?
James Comey: No, I was the deputy attorney general of the United States. We were not going to authorize, reauthorize or participate in activities that did not have a lawful basis.
At the time, Comey was in charge at the Justice Department because Attorney General John Ashcroft was in intensive care with near fatal pancreatitis. When Comey refused to sign off, the president's Chief of Staff Andy Card headed to the hospital to get Ashcroft's OK.
Scott Pelley: You got in a car with lights and siren and raced to the hospital to beat the president's chief of staff there?
James Comey: Yep, raced over there, ran up the stairs, got there first.
Scott Pelley: What did you tell the attorney general lying in his hospital bed?
James Comey: Not much, because he was very, very bad off. I tried to see whether he was oriented as to place and time. And it was clear to me that he wasn't. I tried to have him understand what this was about. And it wasn't clear to me that he understood what I was saying. So I sat down to wait.
Scott Pelley: To wait for Andy Card, the president's chief of staff?
James Comey: Yeah, and then White House Counsel Gonzales.
Scott Pelley: They spoke to Attorney General Ashcroft and said that the program should be reauthorized and you were there to argue that it should not be. How did it end?
James Comey: With the attorney general surprising me, shocking me by pushing himself up on his elbows, and in very strong terms articulating the merits of the matter. And then saying, "But that doesn't matter because I'm not the attorney general." And then he turned to me and pointed and said, "There's the attorney general." And then he fell back. And they turned and left.
Scott Pelley: You'd won the day?
James Comey: Yeah, I didn't feel that way.

My prior boss at one of these lethal, ruthless, corporate banks couldn't wrap his head around the fact that I would not pressure customers into buying "insurances". A trainer came and badgered me for hours to force me into pressuring customers. No dice. She was relentless to where my boss finally told her that was enough because it was clear I was ready to walk. Employees baited with bonuses and awards and intimidated with firing. I asked one of the "top" employees how did she do that. She lowered her head and said she targeted students. The day after, another worker was being escorted out in tears. I asked her what happened? She said she quit because of the same pressuring. Our training group of new hires began at 15. After 6 months, 2 were left. 

 I went into personnel and told them "I am here to do the best honest work I can give you. If you are going to beat on me, than fire me right now." That branch was rated the cruelest call center in their world wide network. Corruption culture of greed. 

Back to the compiling of thug pages in the pink below. It drags me down to keep reliving the 4 years. I haven't had the stomach to go there... I will advise HERE when I add the pages. They are throughout the blogs- key corrupt/intimidating letters/email from Maine DEP Commissioner Aho, Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum and Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall can be found on 

Maine State Real Estate Commission also corrupt and covers for real estate agencies. They dismissed my case for not doing a more exhaustive search? for a ditch on my small 1/3 acre property. Where I was assured no water issues, no stream disclosed and the property inspector covered up for the agent.
(is is repeated below but wanted to give a short explanation for the new reader) A

10/28/14 Compiling separate pages of documented corruption by each "official" thug. See below
11/1/14- I hope to get this emails in place that set the tone "With hold, Intimidate, Lie, Deny- WILD" over the next week. . Here is City Manager Slocum early on, refusing to provide public drainage information. Soon after, he'll start intimidate me with outrageous fees to "search" for public information (that he has no intention of ever providing) this is ongoing to present.  See below pink #3.

 So often times it happens. That we live our lives in chains. And we never even know we have the key... 
Here I am, Flag High-Peace Sign- hot on the tail of Mayor Ash and my council- Mary Mortier and City Manager- Joe Slocum- the City Wall Hall slaughtering my neighborhood. For a mile they were just a bit coward with fearless me flying in the high of freedom. It was grand! 5/2013

10/31/14 "Laurie Riot vs. Putin Hall, Belfast Maine" Protesting @ Belfast City Hall today from noon-2 Happy Halloween All!!

10/24/14 Saw this on the news last night. From Federal to Local- the tactics are the same- more shocking when they come after Mom trying to begin again under abuse radar...corruption at the core of humanity. Amazing that for 4 years, the public is still watching and waiting for what? Laura- come and tell my story, parallel to Citizenfour only no one is protecting or helping, I keep standing.

image not displayed
Long Before Helping Expose NSA Spying, Journalist Laura Poitras Faced Harassment from U.S. Agents
Journalist Laura Poitras is being described as the connection between the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the reporters for The Guardian and T...

Though superlatives can mischaracterize any movie’s qualities, it is not an overstatement, I think, to call “Citizenfour,” Laura Poitras’ film about Edward Snowden, the movie of the century (to date).

Hi Laura,

I saw your interview on Democracy Now. My story is the personal parallel documented in several amateur blogs. To see the corruption at the local level levied on me, a 53 yr old divorced single Mom who made it out of a 20 year abusive marriage, against all odds, winning relocation to begin again under all radar in safety and privacy is sickening. To connect the dots from the federal to local/state corruption and community alienation/shunning can be a key wake up to all citizens. I have always had the moral code. My record is clean, I never would have lasted this long. The personal sacrifice you mention becomes distant as ... Protecting my children and home has been my only focus and it has been a terror attack for many, many years. Corruption in family, ..., schools, mental health system, NJ family courts- we barely made it out. That is another story and also fascinating and frightening. If I were educated or even familiar with mental health disorders, my life would have been very different. Up until 2011, I was clueless until ... and opened up real time education to learn... and the many that are ill. And the many that get implicated into their corruption. Relocating 500 miles away, we crawled into an even more dangerous nightmare.

June 2010, I was sold undisclosed hell where I was specific to no water issues. Maine is 4th in corruption. Here I am rejecting a listing with a stream- via the beginning online from NJ to Maine.
And she never responds to how City services work... This Stover Lane is not a City street- I would have been in double trouble .
Sent:Tue 9/29/09 1:06 PM
Hi- I like 12 Stover- mls#918125. Stream has me nervous though. Any water ever in basement- there aren't any pictures of the basement. What is in there? What about the street itself when it snows? Does the town plow- how does that work? What do you think the lowest price they would take for it? Had a realtor here today- going to start at 300K, might not be able to afford 240 after all is said and done- 210-220 cash might be more like it. Thanks. Also- I may change my visit to the week after christmas. Will keep you posted.

You are invited to view laurie allen's photo album: Real Estate Commission Investigation 42013
Real Estate Commission Investigation 42013
17 Seaview Terrace -
Apr 24, 2013
by laurie allen
BHG Town & Country, Listing- Bill Ingersoll, Selling-Jan Andrews(retired) Owner- Earl Black unethcial, proof of undisclosed nightmare stream,property inspection, disclousure, flood zone maps, my map, pics, estimates for 4/2011 spring wipe out, Puzz Caswell local realtor and previous owner of me home send lying email, DEP emails for information ignored, more on DEP and City Corruption at
m. Earl Black, Town & Country owner tries to buy my silence with 7k for selli...
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So- I give everything to the real estate commission. Overwhelming non-disclosure- even sending more emails as I needled all information for Seaview Terrace. Then I even told the investigator to pull up listings for stream owned properties on Seaview Terrace- 3 of them, that list the stream. He said he never had such a thorough complaint ever filed.

Then I get the decision. Dismissed because I didn't do a "more exhaustive search on my private property drainage ditch." !!!! Are you kidding me- he even had the full report from the property inspector that said zero about the stream or ditch- which was supervised by the real estate agent Sam Mitchell (collegue of Jan's- she was in Fl.). Done in April- for sure the stream was visible and banks un-stabilized-  which is a specific check in the report which was left N/A.

I have been unable to get those listings showing the stream disclosed. The State commission had their attorney send me a letter saying it's not public information, forget about it sister. My City Council, Mary Mortier is a real estate agent, she won't give them to me. I sent emails out to just about every agent in the state asking for the listings. NO! The owner of the real estate agency- now called Masiello Group Better Homes & Gardens, is Earl Black. He owns probably half the agencies in Maine. After almost 1 year of him bullying me, his attorney sent me a letter offering me 6k to go away and shut up. No.

 I have been a summer resident in this area since 1969, and even built a 2nd year round home for retirement or sooner in the next town (Northport in 1997 and lost it in the divorce in 2007 to my ex). And hello, the builder of my life long Bayside dream come true, Jamie Drinkwater- hit water. That is why the house is higher than the porch. (picture below)  Jamie and my ex for reasons unknown and not discussed with me, did not put the 2 sump pumps in the basement that the plans called for!! Even after  hitting water during excavation!!! My friend, Bill Paige, Bayside Agent, called me and told me 3 feet of water was in the basement when he went to turn on the water prior to our first full summer in 1998. So, you bet I was adamant that I did not want ANY water issues on my last chance to live in paradise when I put it all on the line in 2009. Belfast or bust. My ex has assumed my life in Bayside when on vacation from NJ residence.

Buddies with my brother who was given our Bayside family cottage and can never get enough. George Allen, VP Bee Line Cable, Skowhegan, Me.  Family Cottage around 1979? and my first sign for my friends- who knew? Our cottage was party central.

 Furthering the web of spiders with Belfast Chamber of Commerce and down town business heavy hitter Seth Thayer. Don't you know he bought my deceased sister's cottage in Bayside.

He clearly knows my family history, and slams me online. I am "Auntiebully" post name. I just went into the Bangor Daily News to find some of Seth's comments against my posts. I knew when my BDN deleted my posts. Now, I see they went in after the comments were closed and deleted many more. I never went back and checked those...till now. I am able to pull up some and will post on a separate page. There are many- will advise when the page is complete- but you can view what I have so far.

This article that the kind and honest Tom Groening wrote sums up the witch hunt I have endured. At the time of this article in 2012- I did not know about online papers and comments. I found out after the comments were closed and read them with horror. The lies- I never pulled out vegetation- I did get a property inspection in the SPRING- the real estate agent (Sam Mitchell) oversaw the inspection by his be continued...

Belfast woman fights city over drainage
  • Avatar
    Seth Thayer 2 years ago
    It was her responsibility to figure this out before she bought her house.  I recently bought a house that I knew had drainage issues from the village paving the road in front of my house.  I have to deal with it and actually, that is the best way to get it fixed. 
    Sorry Laurie, you are on your own...buyer beware!  Seller should have disclosed and you can try and go after the seller...I think though, that your time to try that has come and gone.

No room for mistakes, I was meticulous, working with the Belfast agent for 9 months, drove up for showings, refused all with water issues and streams, hired a property inspector and bought 17 Seaview Terrace. No water issues and documented in writing. I paid cash and was not told I was in a flood zone either.

August 2010. I was awarded relocation. We were on our way. March 2011- wild rapids came pouring through my yard for over a week. No stream was disclosed, no stream was visible at purchase. In town property, established neighborhood since 1967, 12 homes, lots approx. 1/4-1/3 acre each. I lost 1/4 of my property- swept away. The City Planner showed me a map with many paths of runoff being forced into Seaview Terrace in 4/2011. I told him that was illegal and I wanted a copy of that map.

From there all doors slammed shut and the abuse took off. Sending me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, not providing public information or documents and with support from the whole wall. City Council, Manager, Attorney, Chief of Police, Public Works, Mayor, DEP Commissioner Aho, Real Estate Commission, local businesses, community players, Attorney General, Senators, local paper... I was already mentally battered when I moved here and the agents knew that. Thought I was easy prey as did City Hall.

I could not get any information, all documents were in City Hall and with held. They would claim I was given them but was too stupid to know what I was looking at. Basic zoning conditions, final approved site plans, and drainage/infrastructure maps. The very documents that would prove the City was illegally using the flood plain, flood zone, private property of Seaview Terrace as a major outlet for runoff and meltoff for miles of developed impervious ground outside of Seaview Terrace. I went public on 11/1/11 with no other choice. The last thing my children and I needed were to be public. My ... is relentless.

City Hall took the 5th after months of personal attacks and torture. In 12/2011, The City Attorney took over with intimidation tactics, also refusing to account for public documents. I have all this in letters from him and a meeting where he attempted to shut me down on 1/4/12. The DEP is also involved and corrupt. I have proving letters, emails and pictures direct to the DEP Commissioner Aho. She lamely dismissed the investigation where I proved her approvals corrupt. City Hall meeting after meeting, the Mayor tries to stop me from speaking at open to the public. City Council calls me in as threat to the Chief of Police. I am summoned to the station where I am sure they have already searched my bio. I am cleared but the tactics continue. Police are newly stationed at meetings to intimidate me. "Off the record" police conversations to dissuade my corruption protests and pleas to stop the force flooding to my home and neighborhood. Then resorting to shaming me as a mother for fighting to save our home. The Chief and an officer even came to my home to interview me for my stability. They received an anonymous tip that I was near a break down. After they could not shake me, they went after my kids again. I told them interview over, please leave my home (I had invited them in). The Attorney General office responsible for FOAA, useless and documented. I made a paper trail from the start in 9/2009 beginning with the real estate agents. Governor LePage refused to speak to me in person at the Front Street Shipyard in Belfast where I tried for hours with witnesses. He refused to respond to my emails. I sent letters to Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Bill Maher, Brian Williams, many newspapers and even called the FBI branch is Ma. No one can say I have not reached out and put myself out there. Taking on the old boys club has kept me thin and on high alert. Staying public and in tact has been 24/7.  No mistakes again, no chemicals, live clean and true. That's it and only that allows me to continue.

I have proven corruption, law breaking, denial of rights by the slew, I have been outcast and continue to stand. They limit me to 3 minutes public speaking and ONLY to me. City Council unethically speaks against me, it is all televised and pivotal meetings are on my blogs. The Real Estate Commission corruptly dismissed my complaint, I do not have an attorney, knowing they will bury me financially. I live on 18k a year, no welfare, 12k of that to flood insurance, taxes and  bills. I am debt free and live lean but free. Free to speak regardless of the corruption and fear tactics. My story is the American Mom story, the core, the courage that comes naturally when democracy and rights are denied and terrorized. My blogs are full of proof and overwhelming. It is hard for me to keep up let alone edit. The life long abuse has taken it's toll but I am focused. It's hard standing alone for so long. I will until. I have been totally transparent and public. That is my only safety and staying out of the woods and wood chippers. Feel free to use my story to spread awareness and action. It has to start local. I've tried to rally ... , hypocrites are exhausting and massive.

Laurie Allen

(some of my blogs below- remember- I did not ask for this and I am not "educated". I'm am just a mom standing up against many bad hands) , , ,,

10/27/14- These  maps and erosion picture tell it all. Since May 2011 the City has lied non-stop, with held public documents, intimidation tactics, attempts to silence me, extort through outrageous fees for basic public documents that will never be produced but will break me, broken State laws, local laws, public slander and endangerment to a citizen, denial of basic and constitutional rights to citizen, slaughter of property and imminent forced flooding disaster. The back up is through out the blogs in emails and televised meetings. I'll work on a page for those specifically. Will advise when ready. Hopefully within a week. The City of Belfast for 50+ years has been illegally using Seaview Terrace private property as an outlet and fabricating lie after claiming it is a natural outlet to coincided with the ordinance for runoff. There is much more corruption, it has become cultural- in the schools, many businesses, many tainted/implicated residents, still spreading...

Prior to 1967 development of Seaview Terrace- it was a farm. In this 1939 aerial view- see the section 40. The white house is the farm house- behind is the farm and future Seaview Terrace. Look close- there is NO STREAM- NO DITCH. You will see in the next aerial view for the planning of Seaview Terrace- a ditch running through it. That ditch was dug after the farm.  Previously, Rte 1 was Northport Ave. The road that the farmhouse is facing in this 1939 picture. The farmhouse is still there and is now on the corner of Northport Ave and Seaview Terrace. Owned by the "Dutch" strong holds of Belfast. The developer, Wendell McLeod received approval to fill in the ditch. NO NATURAL OUTLET ON SEAVIEW TERRACE.

After 1968- Belfast City Hall would begin to illegally channel all runoff and melt-off to Seaview Terrace. They have denied it all and I have spent 4 years relentlessly proving the slaughter while they with hold all information and try to portray me as crazy, stupid and trash. I tracked this map myself in 11/2011 when City Hall refused to provide any maps or drainage information for the prior 7 months, sending me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole.  The pink ribbon is my home. Rte 1 No and South (2miles of highway) to the right - The Captain Albert Stevens School 2 miles above- marked as Stormwater Holding Tank (picture album of CASS below). This whole area forced into Seaview Terrace. I am lot 5- this is the plan with held and buried- I scored it on a covert storm raid to City Hall on a hunch. Guess I'm a Jersey Seal!! (The same would happen with removed and buried Captain Albert Stevens School maps and drainage documents months later, and will be another page) Slam Dunk- City Manager Joe Slocum had an aneurism when he found out I got this in 11/2011. Ditch filled in and homes built on top. City Council in on every step- I made sure to involve them through an enormous email trail. :)

 Waldo County Emergency Agency Director and Engineer, Dale Rowley (very familiar with the area- his office a mile away) said my map is good. So that is about as close as authentication as one can get. The cost to fix this 50 year slaughter is not in their greedy visions. Force the big flood, wipe out Seaview Terrace take it with little compensation because it is worthless. Inverse Condemnation. I'm in their way.

No doubt that the sellers of my home filled in this ravine and made it look like a 2x2 drainage ditch for my property only. No stream disclosed, no water issues confirmed by real estate agent. I found out in 2009- Seaview Terrace got hammered in spring melt. Flooding over the road, down the road, a lady almost lost her car, her front yard got wiped out- she lives at the top- by the huge culvert. Bet my yard was history. And the owners, Minister Tarpley and real estate agent Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell in cahoots with property inspector DJ Brown, China Village- stuck it to me. Sold me hell. Bought in 6/2010 and in 3/2011 wild rapids tore through my yard for almost a week. Turned my 2x2 ditch into this. 

10/28/14- Working on compiling 4 years of condensed corruption into separate pages for each- City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, Zoning Code Officer Tod Rosenburg, City Council Mike Hurley, Mayor Ash, City Attorney Bill Kelly, DEP Commissioner Aho, Attorney General FOAA, Real Estate Agents Bill Ingersoll, retired Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, Puzz Caswell/Agency Owner Earl Black, DJ Brown Property Inspector, Maine Realtor Board, J&B Auto Body, Ridgetop Chimney Sweep- Chris Kulbe and other "players".  Huge project- all will be listed here in HOT PINK and may take 2? weeks to complete. Keep checking back. Will date each entry.

1. 10/28/14(added comments to orig. 10/27/14)- Beginning of  Bull and Bullies 5/2011 City Planner Wayne Marshall

2. Will be 7/2011-8/2011 with City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Council Marina Delune, Mayor Ash and DEP Chris Cabot


Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 11/10/11 6:36 PM
Cc:Councilors (; Jennika Lundy (
Ms. Allen,

The photographic Map that show the stream behind your house in 1957 ,before any house in your neighborhood existed, remains in Jennika's office for the convenience of your inspection. So is the second Aerial photo map from 1997 where your house and neighborhood  is depicted- showing the very same stream. I wrote to you and we have not heard back from you on your interest in seeing these Maps. I can't copy them in house and will be pleased to have them copied for you when you bring the money in that such copies cost. Once you see them you may be in a better position to decide whether you want copies.

I have found NO maps that depict all storm water channels draining into the culvert at the top of Seaview Terrace. I am continuing to look for any Maps I can find that  show storm drain channels draining  into the stream that moves through the culvert at the top Seaview Terrace near Route #1. You may wish to contact the State to ask them if they have any maps of any drainage they have going into this stream.  I am not sure who you would ask but perhaps the State officials who came to your neighborhood and inspected this stream could assist you with that.

It is my understanding that you have the flood maps of your area. If not let me know and I will get you copies.

 I have found  no maps of storm water channels draining into the stream at your private property. That being said it is possible that the two small culverts (10-12 inches) underneath the road at 45 and 49 were indeed built by the City. It would have been a long time ago and I have no maps of them but they are readily visible. I did confirm with Bob Richards, our DPW Director, that about 8 years ago  a ditch that carried water off the road and also from the abutting private property was overgrown and the public works crew- in a maintenance effort and with the permission of the property owner did indeed go in and clear out the growth in that existing ditch. That is my best understanding of what happened. The only reason for the City to do this was because the water was starting to back up onto the road which the City wanted  to clear it off.

 Although I do not generally do research for anyone as that is not what the Freedom of Information Act requires, I did look up this statute which I believe supports the City's obligation and right to put small 2 culverts under the road and to maintain this ditch that public works removed the growth from.


Title 23: HIGHWAYS

§3251. Ditches, drains and culverts; control; damages

The municipal officers of a town may at the expense of the town construct ditches, drains and culverts to carry water away from any highway or road therein, and over or through any lands of persons or corporations, when they deem it necessary for public convenience or for the proper care of such highway or road, provided no such ditch, drain or culvert shall pass under or within 20 feet of any dwelling house without the consent of the owner thereof. Such ditches, drains and culverts may be constructed under such highways or roads. Such ditches, drains or culverts shall be under the control of said municipal officers and interference therewith may be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than 3 months, or by both. If such town does not maintain and keep in repair such ditches, drains and culverts, the owner or occupant of the lands through or over which they pass may have his action against the town for damages thereby sustained.
Before land is so taken, notice shall be given and damages assessed and paid therefor as is provided for the location of town ways.

Your email of November 3rd says the City  has directly contributed to the erosion of your yard  and your road. The road was accepted by the City when your subdivision was approved.  In all honesty I can not see what the City has done that has affected anything in your neighborhood that was not there long before your houses were built. That is what I had hoped that you would see if you would just come in and look at the photo's from 1957. Every house lot and property on Seaview View Terrace- including your own appears to put water into this stream. It is the natural drainage way that has been there forever. When I visited your property the ditch that runs the full length of your property between you and your Northerly neighbor appears to drain your yards.

I hear three different financial requests from you.
1. Reduce your taxers and I understand the Assessor is currently evaluating that. I hope he is in contact with you next week when he returns from sick leave.
2. The City should just install storm drains on your street. We do not have them on many, many streets in the City because they are so expensive to install. Today the City would not likely accept a subdivision that did not come with its own storm drain system. This is a policy question in my mind - not a legal one.
3. Finally you mention the damage to your property. I have asked several times that you send me a communication that asks for payment for whatever you think your damages are and I will send it onto the City's Insurance Company. Please send communication along to me so that they can do their own review and respond to your claim. I can't write it for you because it is your claim to make.
 I will continue to look for more information and I am sending this to the Council so they will know how we are trying to respond to your requests.

 Please do not hesitate to send either me or Jennika any request that you may have.

 Thank you,

 Joe Slocum

10/28/14- Below is ongoing communications and abuse. Deleted a bunch in error yesterday on the past 2 brutal months. The meetings need to be reposted with summaries and documentation. I'll work on this today. Will advise when organized. Parts of this blog are too personal, but this is totally personal. My home, my life, children, home, safety and health have been under their hacking assault by the masses. Salem witch burning.

Way back in 8/2011, City Manager Joe Slocum did not care about the private properties destroyed by City slaughter but he did care somewhat about the City owned road of Seaview Terrace. At my insistence, he finally came to inspect the destruction. He needs his own chapter- but I will stick to the paving of Seaview Terrace at this time. Note Slocum's web spinning to cover up slaughter and law breaking. Sending me water and the beginning of neighbor alienation.

 In an email dated 8/12/2011 from Slocum he wrote " 9. Seaview Terrace is a City road and I need to find out how wide our right of way is. The City does have the right to shed water away from its roads to protect them from the kind of damage we saw Tuesday. I may also call the City Attorney to secure his advice."

And in a Slocum 9/9/2011 email "
" The road could indeed use some work and will be addressed in conjunction with our regular road program which calls for attention in areas about every 10 years. The road has alligator cracking because the ground underneath is wet. The present existence of a couple of culverts underneath the road which transfer some water from the higher land across the street to your land on the North side are an attempt by the City to have the road not act as a dam to the natural flow of gravity and also to preserve the asphalt on the road itself by eliminating standing water on the road edge or underneath it. We have these culverts all over the City and you will indeed find them all over the State.I will ask my Public Works Director, by copy of this email to let us know in what year your road might see some resurfacing. It will not be this year. At this time there are no funds or plans to install storm sewers along your road. We like many municipalities have have many roads without these amenities

 My observation suggests to me that the stream behind your house has been there for a hundred years and has acted as the watershed for everything above it including your entire street. The City is not responsible for changes to the land or for the constructions of buildings, the expansions of lawns or cutting of vegetation  done  by every home owner- including your predecessor which has had an impact on surface and sub surface water in your neighborhood. The very ditch that is maintained between you and your neighbor is a good example of how you and your neighbor channel your water to the stream behind your house that is the natural drainage way. This stream and the water the water your entire neighborhood adds to it, simply goes behind other peoples houses down grade from you and in fact goes right into our City Park where it empties to the Sea. Some of your neighbors across the street want more surface water drained toward your side.

 Finally, if you continue to believe that the City is the party responsible for your damage then please send me your reasons and I will present your legal claim to our insurance company to see if they see this matter differently than I do.

Absent new information this is my final response to this matter. I am sorry that I could not find a way to agree with your conclusions." Ha- like Marshall in 4 months prior- trying to send me down insurance hell hole. Not going. And you have no idea who you are dealing with. Final response- I don't think so.

I run with the paving and drainage. Slocum never gets back to me on the paving. I start trying to get funding through Northport Avenue Tax Increment fund. Seaview Terrace could be included into those boundaries through the new improvements and the Annex. I did my homework. And campaigned for the next years in meeting after meeting, email after email- no action, no comments, but I was relentless. I also campaigned to have Slocum put Seaview Terrace, a flood plain, flood zone into a mitigation plan. I did my homework on that too. No action, no comments. Both will be documented with emails and specific meetings on it's on page.

In April 2014, Slocum finally announces to City Council that Seaview Terrace must be regraded. It is a mess, heaves, cracked- over 17 years since last paved. The culverts draining to my property need to be replaced and this practice is now illegal. State Law prohibits sending accumulating runoff to another private property. They must install road side drainage- there is no other option. Slocum and Councilor Hurley refuse to spend the 135k needed to pave it properly and state this publicly in meetings. For 4 years they refused to prepare and were now breaking the law and threatening Seaview Terrace residents. I had just saved us from getting illegally rezoned to a new zone- from residential to residential and healthcare. Meaning a meth clinic could be my 20 ft away neighbor.

Seaview Terrace residents joined to shut that down, and I was splintered out. Residents didn't want anymore trouble. They did not have the water coming through their yards, because I was getting their water. I knew the City would be working them against me and they did. 4 months later, in August 2014, Slocum hired an engineer on our tax dollars to create a smokescreed.. The engineer was given a tainted boundary map that showed the stream was not running through my private property. The engineer, Mandy Olver new fully that the stream was on my private property. But she designed 4 options, the 4th and cheapest was to keep sending the runoff to the stream. Seaview Terrace residents received a letter from Slocum, mentioning only 3 options and DID NOT include the tainted maps that showed the drainage paths for each option. I have email after email asking for that information, asking if Council would be voting, when this, when that, never a response. That will be another documented page.
Slocum was doing all he could to with hold information from and do illegal paving. To be continued...

(below is not the to be continued part)
Subject: Compassion 4 Corruption
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 11:03:42 -0400

Dear Minister Perkins and UU Treasurer/ Belfast City Council Roger Lee,

Once again, I opened my heart and hopes with the Compassionate Cities campaign. How do you do this Roger? You participated in even the most recent corruption in the illegal City Hall tactics against the legal paving of Seaview Terrace after you came to my home that very day. You saw the Good Deeds boundary stake confirming the City made slaughter stream is on my property even though the whole state of Maine has known this for the  4+ years that I have been protesting and posting. You saw those maps that were never given to Seaview Terrace residents at the work shop that night were corrupt, showing the "stream" as not part of my property. You knew I was not given these maps,  advised of the City Manager chosen Seaview Terrace residents for the "neighborhood meeting" at City Hall regardless of repeated documented requests for information to City Manager Joe Slocum.

If I didn't subscribe to the Republican Journal online, (where they have banned me from posting  ) I would have never known of the corrupted boundary maps that were given to the engineer to illegally send more water to me. Oddly, those maps were not in the Republican Journal printed paper article on the Seaview Terrace paving City Hall work shop meeting. One would think that the reporter, Jordan Bailey would have at minimum, asked for my comment. 

All of City Council, Mayor, Manager, and Planner have been a willing and participating destroyer of my life, children, safety, rights, home and neighborhood since 2010 . Destroyer of neighborhood and rights predating my arrival to Belfast in June 2010.

Here is a sermon for thought- Should Laurie Allen Wash the Feet of City Council with City Stream Slaughter Water?

With Peace,
Laurie Allen

(PS- Since City Council Mike Hurley publicly broadcast at the 9/16 City Council(blue link to meeting below- MUST WATCH) as a spammer and unethically denounces me again, I did not copy him. Leader of the corruption pack. Council Sanders,Mayor Ash, City Manager Slocum, Council Hamilton, City Planner Marshall and Council Lee take their corruption turns (even stating the map they gave to the engineer is wrong and they knew it- Hamilton is even married to the Planning Chairman- Paul Hamilton- unethical as hell)

Meeting link- I brokenly speak at #6- open to the public for 5 minutues- timed by Hurley. #7 Communications ff to 7:29.  Ash is lying- I sent an email that night on Tuesday 9/2, after the work shop asking when this "neighborhood meeting" was and where. No response from  Slocum the next day, 9/3. He held the meeting at 6pm on 9/3 and NEVER notified me- the one that would be impacted. Here is my email of proof.)

Sent: Tue 9/02/14 9:11 PM (; (; (; (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (

To All,

I checked with a few neighbors- we did not receive any notification of any meeting for Seaview Terrace in City Hall with Joe Slocum tomorrow. Slocum and Hurley are a danger to residents. We didn't do this to Seaview, the City did. Hurley threatening us is serious. 

You are planning to send me MORE water and I will fight this until. It makes all of Seaview Terrace upset. How can you sleep?

Will Council be voting on the options, if so when?

Laurie Allen
10/7/14 Belfast City Council Meeting. Click 6 open to the public- I am first up with another sign and 3 minutes to speak (rule made for my speaking only- others allowed unlimited depending if City Wall Hall kisser). Meeting continues without comments. Posted this one to show I still stand.

 Belfast City Wall and Players =
(end of email sent 10/26/14 to Minister Perkins and all cc'd)
*** below was attached to above email and resent to all.
Corrections- the banning from the Republican Journal page link is fixed. And it was the 9/2/14 City Council Meeting where City Manager Joe Slocum vaguely mentioned the meeting. Councilor Hurley stumbles and threatens Seaview Terrace and I am there- I had already spoken and thought I was being baited to speak out of order and be escorted out. Then I went home and contacted 2 neighbors at 9 pm to confirm that they did not know anything about a meeting on 9/3/14. The work shop meeting was not taped but equally corrupt. In fact, Mandy Olver, (engineer) also stated that she did do the watershed study and inspection of the CASS completed storm system that I had been asking for the finds of for over 3 years. The City Planner Wayne Marshall had removed the conditions and all drainage documents from that huge wetland turned into a school site draining all the way down to my yard. City Manager Joe Slocum finally stated in 12/2013 that the watershed study and engineer inspection was NOT done. I have it in writing. Yet Mandy states it was done and no one will give me those findings, Slocum recently stating he has already given me my answer.

Excuse the length of this portion of my blog I copied for the 9/2 meeting- it is all pertinent and current.

9/8/14-The proof of current slaughter to my private property and corruption just filmed. This is why City Planner-Wayne Marshall, City Attorney- Bill Kelly, City Manager- Joe Slocum, City Council and Mayor CORRUPTLY through legal loopholes, suspended local ordinance in the 9/2/14 City Council meeting. To do this illegal work to further slaughter my neighborhood and my home. Calculating and evil- how could you do this Councilor Roger Lee? You came to my home on 8/26/14, the day of the secret work shop meeting on Seaview Terrace and gave me hope. I opened my home to you even after all you have done to me. Flooding will be my only way out, one way or the other. By your doing. 

City Council Hurley stated in special workshop meeting for Seaview Terrace( where residents were not notified) he is "not interested in spending 135k to solve this." 

City Council Mike Hurley in 9/2/14 City Council meeting communications portion (meeting link and summary below)  to City Manager Joe Slocum. "If you run into the kind of treatment that you're running into, I'd pull the plug on it. Just say forget it. You guys don't want your road paved, fine. I'm not gonna, ya know, we're not gonna like- I've really had it on Seaview Terrace. People don't want their road paved, fine. I wish they'd buy that road back. Let it be a private road, they can do what the want."

Real Time Corrupt Illegal Slaughter Suspending Ordinance for City Work on Private Property 9/8/14- Mine.
LAURIE has shared a video with you using OneDrive.
9/8/14 Illegal Water Slaughter to Private Property by Belfast City Hall and All Watching and Enabling Corruption

The slaughter is underway- Belfast Public Works is out there right now- digging to flood me more. I sent out this email at 9 am to Belfast City Council, City Manager Joe Slocum, Mayor and Belfast Engineer Mandy Olver. I copied UU Minster Perkins (who has been watching the corruption and promoting a Compassionate Cities Charter with UU treasurer and Belfast City Council Roger Lee) Governor LePage, EPA- Cyndy Mackey, Attorney General Office-Brenda Kielty, Belfast Chief of Police- Mike McFadden, JB Turner- President of Front Street Shipyard (we began at the same meetings in 2011- he to transform the waterfront into glory, me begging for a sewer to save Seaview. JB is flying and Seaview is dying) and new media- Portland Press, Bangor Daily News, PenBay Pilot and Republican Journal Village Soup.

City Council, Mayor,City Manager and Belfast Engineer Mandy Olver,

The Belfast Public Works Department is on Seaview Terrace this morning, Monday, September 8. It appears you have chosen to send me more water illegally and have spent more tax dollars to cover up this corruption. Employing  Olver Engineer, providing them will corrupt boundary lines showing my private property drainage ditch, turned City Hell storm ravine- is not my property. With this corrupt map and superimposed corrupt boundary lines, Mandy Olver proposed illegal draining and the City Manager set up the corruption. (note this blue explanation just added 10/26/14-This is the ridiculous corrupt boundary map I copied from online Republican Journal article. EVERYONE knows that stream runs through my property including Governor LePage. My home is the 3rd lot up on the right side. Blue line is the City made stream that runs through my property. I am the the last resident on the street that owns. First 2 lots- David Smith and Frank Costello do not. Mid-Coast Mental Health owns that section. Yet David slams me every chance he gets and was notified of the meeting. David harassed me so badly, the prior Chief of Police (Trafton) advised me to get an order of protection against David. Sadly, I did. That was in 2010, I had just moved here.)

 Waldo County Emergency Agency Director and Engineer, Dale Rowley (very familiar with the area- his office a mile away) said my map is good. So that is about as close as authentication as one can get. The cost to fix this 50 year slaughter is not in their greedy visions. Force the big flood, wipe out Seaview Terrace take it with little compensation because it is worthless. Inverse Condemnation. I'm in their way.

9 months after non disclosure cash purchase,4/2011, wild rapids ripped my 2'x2' private property drainage ditch into a 12'x4' ravine for 2 weeks. The yellow tape is where the ditch was.I wasn't told I was in a flood zone A either- water was my number one concern, written and verbal, again and again. "No water issues with this property, all have been resolved." Thugs, I live in terror after escaping terror. Since then, more has caved in- the previous owners filled in, no doubt after the 2009 illegal snow melt wipe out to Seaview Terrace.

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9/2/14 Belfast City Council Meeting Click 6 open to the public. I am the last speaker. From there it will go in to communications. City Manager Joe Slocum speaks first and all his reasoning for crushing Seaview Terrace was dismantled with everything I said below. Slocum did not notify me or several other neighbors of this meeting he is scamming for Seaview Terrace residents on 9/3/14.
What would be the purpose of this- to further persuade my immediate neighbors to approve the worst and cheapest option to send me their remaining roadside water and all future rain/snow melt. Just as I said below, pitting neighbors against each other while the City denies basic mandated resident infrastructure paid for by our property taxes.
After Slocum speaks, get ready for  City Council Michael Maniacal Hurley. Threatening Seaview Terrace residents. It is unbelievable. No one else addresses Seaview Terrace after Hurley. I have not watched the entire meeting. I can only take a little at a time.  JB Turner, President of the Front Street Shipyard was there again. Taking it all in for the 100th time. Come on JB- help us out, we support you.

Below is what I said at open to the public.

  On the agenda I see a rush of reading on the Comprehensive Plan and I am alarmed at 'Current ordinance provisions for the above zoning districts will be eliminated.' What does this mean and what is the effect? Council has not voted the plan in, or had public notice.

Seaview Terrace residents received a letter on Saturday 8/30/14 from City Manager Joe Slocum stating the road will not receive it's 40 year overdue proper road side drainage. Insanely stating that if the City repairs one of the City forced disasters for residents, they will have to fix others. Neighbors through out Belfast are suing each other for water run off because of exactly this refusal from Belfast City Hall to provide mandatory infrastructure 101.Residents previously with dry properties become flooded because of planning and development.

City Planner Wayne Marshall states “This is a significant neighbor to neighbor issue.” It is a CITY issue but the City pits neighbors against each other instead.

Councilor Roger Lee said in the last meeting that there is not any other Belfast private property that receives the enormous amount of City runoff like Seaview Terrace. Seaview Terrace cannot be compared to any others. This is an emergency situation. As a flood plain flood zone it is your civic duty to divert all runoff away from the road to City rights aways and not to other residents.

Slocum's letter is persuading the residents to ignore the illegal forcing of ALL neighborhood drainage from above, across and even behind residents on the south side to my private property. Neighbors are pumping their basements into the ditch and into these City culverts and it is all forced to me. Flip the flow of water to any other residents private property and they would be standing here right now and I would be supporting them.

The City must correct this. Real estate agent and prior owner of my home, Puzz Caswell told me this in 2011, prior to the Seaview Terrace street meeting that she attended in August 2011 with me and my neighbors. Puzz stating that the flooding is worse than ever. Which is why she probably sold in the 90's, who sold it to another, who sold it to another, who sold it to me. Undisclosed hell. The buck stops here.

City Manager Joe Slocum, saw first hand, the destruction on Seaview Terrace with me in August 2011. He said then the road was in need of repair from all the water underneath, cracking it and heaving it. He has had 3 years he had to plan proper drainage with funding. Nothing done. I offered resolution again and again through the TIF. Seaview Terrace could have been included into the Northport Ave. TIF via the new Annex. (Not said because of time restraints placed on me- is repeated requests to Joe Slocum to put Seaview Terrace into a mitigation plan. Also refused.)

Right now there is the 90k in that TIF along with the budgeted 45k that would fix Seaview Terrace correctly. We have been servicing all these business sites and highways, taking their runoff and melt-off into the private properties of Seaview Terrace. TIF's have been used to assist with business and infrastructure. We have been a free sewer for miles of roads, highway, business storm water and snow melt for 50 years.

AGAIN- we are not a natural outlet, the City has no rights of ways or easements. Even if we were a natural outlet it is insane slaughter to force all the impervious runoff up and down and across town to us. Road side sewer drainage is an absolute necessary. The roads may last for 50 years. A band aid pave job over frost heaving culverts as stated by Mandy Olver, consulting engineer is the worst option. The City made this disaster. The time is now to correct it.

There is more water into Seaview Terrace every year, more water under the roads. 17 years prior and 17 years future are not the same and is a ridiculous formula to even mention.

As a dead end street, a turn around is ordinance mandated. A resident has stated that their private property is used by the City as a turn around. Case in point- the City maintains that private property section with snow plowing. The City dug the private property ditch @ 23 Seaview Terrace in 2009 to send harboring water to me. The City does do work on private property where there aren't any easements or right of ways.

The 3 culverts running under Seaview Terrace carry harboring water from the south side to my private property on the north side. The City is breaking the law under Title 17 by sending harboring water to me. The City is breaking the law under title 38 by the severe erosion to my property from sending me the harboring water. There is harboring water roadside at several areas. Slocum's resolution is to send it to me. Roadside sewers would take all the water away from the road legally and remove the culverts.

City Manager Joe Slocum is not planning, providing or protecting residents as mandated by the Maine Municipal Alliance. This constant denying and bullying is a disgrace and threatening our health and safety. 

Seaview Terrace did not spend the surplus, we did not get a say in how you spent all of our property tax dollars. Bob Richards said in the budget meetings that road repair was a least a million dollars behind. Infrastructure is denied to residents in the watershed.

Tonight Joe Slocum is asking for permission to borrow 4.5 million just to cover basic operating expenses. The first time in 35 years that a loan is needed to keep City Hall open. Regardless of the split tax bill, that should have been covered by the surplus. The school tax is out of this world and you talk of floating bonds for a public works building, upgrading City buildings and City properties like you're buying toilet paper. While flushing the residents into a cesspool. You can find the money for option 1 for Seaview Terrace. Please do the right thing and save Seaview Terrace."

This is the email I sent to my neighbors and the Wall before the 9/2/14 meeting.

Email below sent in response to a letter received today, 8/30/14 from City Manager Joe Slocum attempting to place a bad band aid that will soon rip off and leave us in disaster. Four years he had to plan to fix Seaview Terrace and this is it. Slaughter us with more water illegally.
Sat 8/30/14 2:32 PM

Joe Slocum, Mandy Olver, City Council and Mayor,

I ask that my neighbors share this email with other residents ...xxxxxxx 

Seaview Terrace has taken enough slaughter. I would sign a petition if a neighbor will draw one up for option 1 and present it to City Council at the meeting 9/2/14.

The only option is 1. The other's violate Maine State Law Title 17 & 38 stated here

 Specific to title 17 is the harboring of water... deposited or allowed to accumulate, in such manner or in such location or situation either within or without the limits of any highway, as to be unsightly, detracting from the natural scenery or injurious to the comfort and happiness of individuals and the public, and injurious to property rights, are public nuisances. [2005, c. 397,Pt. A, §11 (AMD).]

The harboring of water as evidenced in these pictures at 22,18 and 17 Seaview Terrace would be injurious to property rights by ditching them to drain to another's private property.

Your letter does not provide a mapped plan for each option with specs. At the work shop, Mandy Olver stated the ditch would be right next to the road- there is little right of way to spare and not recommended. Hurley stated he is "not interested in spending 135k to solve this." The road will be 18', shoulder and the ditch itself would be 2 feet wide and 3 feet deep with no stabilization. These ditches will be unsightly and dangerous. Soon they will erode and keep widening into our front yards. Huntress Ave. is an example. Weather patterns are flooding hell.

The City has used Seaview Terrace as a free, illegal storm water l outlet for miles outside of Seaview Terrace for 50 years and counting. This has swamped, endangers and devalues our property. The City has saved money by also not paving Seaview Terrace in 17 years. We are a flood plain, flood zone and the City is ethically bound to divert all water instead it force channels all water. 

In the pictures below, you can see water is coming from behind the south side- forced in from across Rte 1. There is a culvert running under Rte 1 into that area. Look at that amount being forced to my property after only 1 inch of rain. Look at what is coming in illegally from the Annex and Wight Street. Wise planning is to do it correctly, save our properties and paving may not need to be done for 50 years. That is saving money.

The fact that City Manager Joe Slocum refused to plan and prepare for proper drainage for the past 4 years, spending our property taxes on City wants, while Seaview Terrace is drowning is criminal. My neighbors are not concerned with my property and this has caused great discord by the orchestration of City Hall.

I do not want any ditching on my property and it is illegal to force everyone's run off to me. One 4 inch rain will turn those ditches into a disaster. The City will be long gone, properties further destroyed, devaluing and devaluing. 

Joe Slocum has sat on this since April, now it is a rush to get done, with poor information. If you are refusing to fix Seaview Terrace under option 1, do not begin any work until all neighbors have received a detailed plan of all ditches, size (width, depth) how they will be banked, all water flow mapped paths to where, road turn around, mail box placement, pavement width and depth for the entire road of Seaview Terrace. The City cannot do this ditching because it is illegal.  

What is the Council's decision on which option. I checked the agenda for this Tuesday's meeting, 9/2/14 and Seaview Terrace is not on. I would think they have to vote on an option. When will that be?

I do see a rush of reading on the Comprehensive Plan and am alarmed at "Current provisions for the above zoning districts will be eliminated." Why? Council has not voted the plan in, or had public notice.


Laurie Allen

(Note pictures and video of Seaview Terrace sent  are posted above)

8/27/14 Right now on the table is the paving and drainage of ONLY Seaview Terrace. What is force-ably pouring into Seaview Terrace is another matter and a huge expense to correct. Belfast City Hall history does not give much hope that they will correct that slaughter. They may use the overall Belfast investigation to trick us into the bait and switch. Slocum is a lawyer, expert at rhetoric and creating doubt and shifting blame. He just got caught with  enormous corruption when Mandy Olver said she did the reporting for the CASS conditions that Slocum put in writing in 12/2013 was never done.  I requested another FOAA for those documents last week. No word yet- the 5th day for a mandatory reply is nearing. With that, I can even file a slam dunk lawsuit. All the watershed residents can. Possibly many have already. We need to know what is being spent to protect their corruption. It can bankrupt Belfast and they scurry away. Hurley will give another speech... Wow, I did not see that coming. Those guys really were corrupt. Who knew? Laurie Allen was right. Well, I've been wrong before and I'm sure I'll be wrong again. Don't you love me? I'm just a dummy...wink and nod to the remaining minions.

This paving and minimal drainage of option 1 may be the only small relief from the massive slaughter. It is all related, regardless of what they spin. The pictures show the flooding, outside and coming inside through private properties where neighbors get relief by sending it to me by the City's hand.

The City has not rights of ways, no easements, no legal authority to force any of this water into Seaview Terrace. We are a flood plain, flood zone and their resolution is to send it to me. Let me sue my neighbors or just float away. I can't force neighbors, but it is a chance to make Belfast right. Right for the future. Show our children that adults will be the role model to stop the adult bullies. A bunch of hypocrites, those telling kids to stop the bullies, and that taking no action is enabling. Poor kids.

All of you white, blue and pink collar bullies are showing my kids first hand, how to beat on their mother for standing up against corruption. Stress kills. You are killing their mother.  I cannot move. This is it. Not even in 2 years with current circumstances. The only way out may be the flood that will take us all out. I'll make sure to pay my flood insurance out of my low income even though I don't hold a mortgage. We will flood. Neighbors are in denial if they think the water won't hit them.

These blogs are proof of private property slaughter and resident abuse by Belfast City Hall. They violate zoning conditions, ordinances, state law, ethics, with hold/deny existence of public information/documents. I was sold undisclosed well known hell in 6/2010, the City fabricating my property and some other neighbors, into a "natural outlet". With this they force flood us to pending death and deny it. I have spent the last 4 years exposing and proving their corruption. 

 The lengths they have gone to in covering up are outrageous and documented through out many blogs. They can't cover up water, and they have never had anyone challenge them relentlessly for 4 years. Truth prevails, no gray area here. Below is my property. A once 2x2 drainage ditch for 9 months and then all hell broke loose and into hell I was thrown. Thinking they could burn me quickly, they underestimated my endurance. My other blogs go into detail if you are interested. This one serves real time and how the businesses support City Hall and vise versa, follow the money and diminish the undesirables. The grand visions of greed. City Hall tells residents if your City mandated services are repaired then other residents will want the same. Seriously, that is their argument not to fix resident infrastructure. Director of Public Works, Bob Richards said in the budget hearings 2014 that roads alone are over 1 millions dollars in disrepair. In this upcoming City Council meeting on 9/2/14, City Manager Joe Slocum has depleted funds. For the first time in over 35 years, a loan for 4.5 million dollars is requested. Split tax bills are the excuse. No, 

Belfast is spiraling into the red. The spending on wants continues as the needs of basic infrastructure and resident safety are denied. Requests for hidden accounting spread sheets were met with no ceiling fees for information that will never be given. Basic requests for for public information and documents have been met with the same over these 4 years. Pure torture and enormous waste of time and tax dollars. 

The the map I tracked and drew is from 2011 when City Hall refused to give infrastructure/sewer/runoff information. the pink ribbon is my property- all forced to me. I did not get all the paths nor all the culverts, but this is disgusting enough. A resident counted 19 culverts crossing under Congress St. The Public Works building is there. I am told behind there is where the brook was/is? For my safety, I have not gone there to investigate. 

Miles and miles of impervious ground, Rte 1 N&S, over 15 developed BUSINESS sites outside of Seaview Terrace and all the neighbors above and across and behind all to me. I am the last in the path of water slaughter owning private property. The 500 ft. beyond into the culvert at Northport Ave., belong to Mid-Coast Mental Health. A small un-buildable srip of swamp, they do not care what happens to it.

  I was there for Annex hearings in 5/2011, site meetings did not approve this path. 

It was to come out behind David Smith's house into Midcoast Mental Health property. They knew it was more than Annex runoff, they did not tell. One planning board member(Russ Berber?-did point to my house as I was standing there, and said to Chairman Roger Pickering, how would you like to own that property and laughed. Pickering shook his head. I was dead in the water right there and have been flailing 911 since. Save Seaview.

And like Putin- the past 4 years of volumes of corruption with City Council taking the 5th and Mayor Ash taking to the gavel and police use... this recent "concern" is most likely another tactic. It will confuse the public into thinking, OK, now they are trying. Lets give them the benefit of the doubt. No more- immediate action required.

Four years of trying to silence me and destroy Seaview Terrace and public documents and Council Lee motions to give City Manager Slocum a contract for 2 more years and voted through. Never a reprimand for all the lies? No, I don't think they plan on doing a damn thing. Smokescreen, spending more tax dollars in engineers to report repairs that the City Manager will say "We don't have the money. But I have updates on the new public works building site, upgrading City Hall buildings and properties, applying for more grants and establishing more committee's for wants... so sorry you're all flooding and your properties are swamped and worthless. Put it up for sale, we won't tell.
Below is a summary, repeated through out my many blogs but written here to throw myself out to the mercy of the public to help. The calculating cruelty for the past 4 years is shattering. Understanding how this is allowed by the public, when it is happening to many in City Halls way, tells me Belfast has a long history in conditioning the public to believe they cannot challenge City Hall. Some not wanting to believe the corruption. Time is wasting. Looking away is enabling. And following the leader is herd mentality. "Herd mentality, or mob mentality, describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, and/or purchase items." 

I have cited other residents and neighborhoods destroyed by City Hall. Those that fight back through lawyers are soon broke. Or sue their neighbor instead. Some thinking it will not happen to them if they allow City Hall to destroy other people's lives and properties. City Council did NOT take any action to save Cedar Street when the neighborhood came out in force. 

I am the resident speaking. I am the only resident receiving the most illegal runoff, tearing away my private property. I am providing hard proof through all the illegal with holding of public information.

What they have done to me and Seaview Terrace is one of the biggest crimes in their portfolio.  

For 4 years City Hall, real estate agents, some businesses, some residents, have tried to break me and disgrace me. Painting me as a neurotic, paranoid vigilante. Per City Attorney Bill Kelly in one of his many unethical, alienating letters "this has become a form of sport for Laurie Allen"... When the safety and stability of my family depended on staying under all radar, healing and getting on our feet. They counted on me to stay quiet. I did try, after 9 months of pure torture, I had no other choices. 

Our lives were and are on the line. Negotiating with local and family terrorists... I don't think so. Anyone destroying and endangering life with calculated ruthlessness is a terrorist to this Mom. If it were just me, it'd be a totally different ball game. I'd be even more of a problem for the corrupt. There is no other way once you choose truth.

The real estate agents had my traumatic family dossier and they in conjunction with Belfast City Hall deceive the innocent into hell. Early on, my goal was to get the real estate agents to hold City Hall accountable and fix these secret hells instead of passing it on to another. The agents united stronger with City Hall. Maine is 4th in corruption, it is in every safety agency that is bound to protect the citizen. I have alerted them all, again and again- Attorney General, DEP, EPA, Governor, Realtor Commission, Senators..the trickle down to local- government, schools, businesses, and some tainted public. It is a mirror to the dysfunction and corruption in Congress, so massive, it seems hopeless. 

Belfast is not hopeless and the only way I have been able to survive this abuse is knowing how important this is for every citizen. I've been the punching bag, forced to expose my personal life that they were using to paint me as unstable. My family has been loud in this area since 1969. They know and knew and continue to use. I put it out there, hoping for outrage and action, so many preaching community and caring. This is it. It is so much bigger than Seaview Terrace. Seaview Terrace is the footprint to accountability. One solid step against corruption and forcing City Hall into transparency and ethics. 

Loop hole ordinances do not protect any resident. I have proven that 100 fold. These new ones coming in are sure to hurt the weak. Residents only chance will be to support each other through unification and hold City Hall accountable. As it is lawfully to be, but as Restorative Justice President, Jay Davis told me as I protested the corruption years ago in the center of town- This is not how we do things around here- City Council Mike Hurley runs Belfast. Hurley has been conditioning the downtown as his since he came here in 1985? He has brought in the wall of corruption in key positions, some of the same madness, some victim by implication. This is spot on. Feigning caring but if your assets are not part of the greed vision- you are deemed undesirable and denied rights and protection. 

Seaview Terrace is the proof. No question. This is spot on Hurley and his followers. The public and the committee members duped can fix it now. See and stop the corruption. His network a powerhouse that is beginning to crumble- They overspent and continue. They are ready to float bonds to spend more as residents pay and pay. The basic services of infrastructure are denied. 

There are a few things we take for granted in social interactions with people. We presume that we see the world in roughly the same way, that we all know certain basic facts, that words mean the same things to you as they do to me. And we assume that we have pretty similar ideas of right and wrong.
But for a small – but not that small – subset of the population, things are very different. These people lack remorse and empathy and feel emotion only shallowly. In extreme cases, they might not care whether you live or die. These people are called psychopaths. Some of them are violent criminals, murderers. But by no means all.
Professor Robert Hare is a criminal psychologist, and the creator of the PCL-R, a psychological assessment used to determine whether someone is a psychopath. For decades, he has studied people with psychopathy, and worked with them, in prisons and elsewhere. “It stuns me, as much as it did when I started 40 years ago, that it is possible to have people who are so emotionally disconnected that they can function as if other people are objects to be manipulated and destroyed without any concern,” he says. ...
see for more. More to post- can't keep up. The work shop was prime, his postings are prime, he spoke against a meeting with Seaview Terrace residents to discuss the road because "Laurie Allen will dominate the meeting just like she has for 4 years." It is the truth the dominates, the true threat. 

Belfast City Hall slamming back with lie after lie regardless of visible proof of their doing, their forcing, their destruction to private properties is proven. 4 years they have refused to resolve and repair, and are still throwing me to the wolves as they are forced to make some repairs since they failed at an illegal attempt to rezone Seaview Terrace to a parking lot R3. The Comprehensive Plan will be voted in with more hidden undesirable resident elimination.

I was protesting the illegal rezoning attempt to Seaview Terrace immediately. The treatment by some of my neighbors during this assault has severed those relationships. A few quick back stabs. Erin never apologized to me and we live right across the street from each other.  
This video was taken in May 2014. 
LAURIE has a file to share with you on OneDrive. To view it, click the link below.

My private property drainage ditch at purchase in 6/2010, it looked like the drainage ditches on the sides of my house. 

2 ft wide,2 ft deep grass swales. Belfast Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Agents, Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews knowingly did not disclose the stream, knowing I refused other properties with ANY water issues and definitely streams/brooks/running water, refused in written emails.

As Seaview Terrace was manipulated to be the best purchase- with NO WATER ISSUES OR STREAMS/BROOKS/RUNNING WATER, I honed in with question after question of any problems- why on the market for so long, why are 2 other homes for sale, is there future development coming, is Rte 1 a problem, is there ANYTHING that would make me sad for buying this home- response- RESOUNDING NO. This is the best value and sellers just dropped another 10k you better jump now, there is great activity. 

That was in 3/2010, I had drove up from NJ 3 months prior and saw this property. A fresh 2" snow at showing, blanketed the yard, where it was grass and 50 degrees the day before. I had done a drive by. Ok then, lets go. I need to have a safe home for the contested relocation procedures in Court. It is a difficult procedure, rarely awarded. No room for any mistakes or any danger. This was my chance to begin again in the safety of City lines and the services provided. The agents knew this, we had been working closely since September 2009. 

In 4/2010, DJ Brown Property Inspection, under the supervision of Sam Mitchell, another Better Homes & Gardens agent, corrupted the report. Nothing reported on the ditch that certainly was draining with spring melt. All agents since have jumped on the lying band wagon, including my City Council rep, real estate agent, Mary Mortier.

The personal issues are heart breaking. First and foremost, I am a mom and I will do whatever is necessary to protect my children as the corrupt continue to use them to stop me from exposing corruption. No boundaries. I do the best I can. It is their business, residents and citizens in the way of their greed become an undesirable casualty.

9/4/14- I put this down the ladder as an FYI. The article is one sided- the corrupt side. Poor reporting. Not worth posting to take up the space. It's the SOS except this time they altered maps to taint the public against me. The local paper Republican Journal Village Soup  reported Seaview Terrace falsely on 9/3/14. Seaview Terrace aerial view with boundaries super-imposed, are false and reporting is biased- citing City Attorney false findings that have nothing to do with the paving and sending me more harboring water from neighbors. . My private property drainage ditch is now the City forced stream and this picture does not show the stream running through my property. My property is the the last parcel of this hell that is resident private property. Neighbors 2 houses down do not own "stream" property- it is owned my MidCoast Mental Health.  Jordan Bailey, reporter- did not ask me for comment- I was there- she has never spoke to me- but she speaks for me in the article. This paper is a Belfast City Hall sympathizer. The reporting is not investigative and is more rhetoric direct from the mouths of the corrupt, City Manager Joe Slocum and City Attorney Bill Kelly. A waste of ink and flesh. A pity and big part of keeping the public non-informed. 

On Memorial Day, At the sacred ceremony at the Grove Cemetery, I was underway filming the ceremony. Graves in front of me, my view was unhampered. Mid filming- Jordan Bailey walked across the graves to stand and stay right in front of me.  I stopped filming, hoping she would take her shot and move away and I could film. No, she choose to violate this day I hold so dear.  I could not move, bystanders surrounded me, we were respectfully on the path, not on grave sites. She had a telescopic lens, could have shot anywhere. Those shots she took were not even used. The paper defended Jordan, saying it is her right to obstruct even though the entire cemetery offered her many places to stand.  Here is where I started filming again after she ruined the first.  100_0073.MP4

Shorty after, the paper banned my online rights to comment. Jerks. 

7/1/14 Belfast City Council Meeting- Click 6 open to the public- I'm 3rd speaker (ff 4minutes40seconds). Click 7 for communications ff 1minute44seconds- See Slocum lie again "never had any plans to pave Seaview Terrace until next fall"

(4/1/14 City Council Meeting- click 7 ff to 9:36 and 12:44, Slocum states TWO times- paving Seaview Terrace this spring/fall ) This meeting is shocking. I come back and am not messing around in the second open to public. They must have been wetting themselves when I came up to their thrones. Click 6 for open to the public, they speak about me in communications (7) I'm back- click on 11 and into communications again. Hurley tries to dominate me. Not.
They rip into me. Watch it all, my neighbor joins in too. This one they have choreographed a mess with manipulations and with holding simple public documents. Forcing me to re request and re request for the same documents. Never to get them and Council refusing to validate validity of documents. This mess here is a simple request for 7 zoning conditions for snow removal at 7 sites. 51 copies Slocum says- files, maps- What The... No I've been down this rabbit hole too many times. Hand me the documents- Slocum refuses because they are not there. I'm home watching as they attack me. I come back for the second open to the public, click on #11- I am on rapid fire with fact after fact- then listen to Hurley- "if we want to put it on the agenda- we put Seaview Terrace on...and then he fades. At that meeting on 1/4/12- the City Attorney Bill Kelly spoke for City Council and ran out when I questioned him. City Council immediately voted "no further action". Bang, bang. Listen to Slocum go back to his mess again, and defending that there was a stream there before the developer bought it and moved it. Hogwash. It was a ditch and he moved the ditch. For kicks and giggles- let's imagine it was a stream. Once it's moved it is not natural. Ergo not at NATURAL outlet.)

Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city.Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.
Back to 7/1/14 meeting- Hurley  takes liberty to slam me again and again, no difference here. He says I have dominated for 4 years. Preferring this to court where he has carte blanche City Attorney and tax payer dollars to break me. They want me to take me out financially in court. A friend told me of another similar flooding to a wealthy woman in Bar Harbor/MDI. She was into 10 million in legal fees 4 years ago. Evil officials/ Hurley comparing his property on top of Belfast (HIGH St. to the basin of their cesspool- Seaview Terrace. Neighbors liking this nightmare do not own "stream" property and are clueless to the drowning. Turn on the news. We're dead. City Manager Slocum, Council Mike Hurley and Roger Lee go back to denial and entitlement drowning.

Later in communications- it turns to the school officials dysfunction- just like Belfast City Hall. The students suffer, the residents suffer/ Hurley refers to the very same corruption tactics he and City Hall use in committee's and delays. Oblivious to the irony. Simple madness.

Look at the map I drew, nothing natural about their forced calculated slaughter. 

Here is a picture of water forced into the top of Seaview Terrace - even coming from ACROSS Route 1 via culverts (3 or 4 more too)

Double NEW culverts (Per Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley- they were not there prior to 2007) to send to Seaview Terrace from Wight Street @ Roger Pickerings house- Chairman of the Planning Board. Coming from the illegal drainage of the huge wetland site built over Captain Albert Stevens School 2007.

Captain Albert Stevens School Illegal outlet at bottom end of fenced area- bypassing approved engineered outlook at the HIGHER section of fenced area by access road.
As well as lower fields with culverts taking that runoff away and under School Street to the watershed residents- my property the final private property over and over a mile away from here. Plus the site is illegally allowed to stock pile plow-able snow all season that will melt to us along with 12+ other sites. Wiping us out in spring melt 2009 and 2011. City Manager refuses to provide zoning conditions stating snow is to be removed off site. But, I got Police Chief McFadden to confirm- he saw the zoning conditions for CASS and sent me an email stating so. City Manager, Joe Slocum threw the Chief under the bus, stating CASS is following the SCHOOL maintenance plan for snow. Right, school plan over rides City Zoning Conditions.

 Michael McFadden <>
 laurie allen <>
 Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:08 AM


I did some research, first the Zoning Conditions of Approval document indicates that the CASS school is responsible for snow removal. Any potential violations of this document would be a zoning issue handled by the board or by the code enforcement office. We as Police would have no authority over this issue unless a state law or local ordinance was violated. There are no state laws or ordinances enforceable by the Police Department which would prohibit the school from removing snow from the parking lots or events/sporting fields in the manner in which they are currently doing it. 
Hope this helps,


image not displayed

Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
Belfast Maine - 

Mar 29, 2014
by Laurie Allen
Maps, engineer plans 1939-present- prove corruption State-local
From: Michael McFadden ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Wed 2/01/12 12:19 PM

I read through the emails you sent me, but to tell you the truth I haven’t identified anything the Police would or should become involved in. That being said I want you to feel comfortable calling on us if someone/something is causing you to become afraid. I wish you nothing but good luck with your efforts, I said that to you when we met and I mean it.

As for me being mislead about you. I really hope I didn’t project that to you. My impression of you really only got better after we spoke, but it didn’t change. My impression of you was that you are a fighter (Not a bad thing) and you’re not afraid to stand up for what you think is right. (again not a bad thing) I met you and I found you to be genuine and believable, and I enjoyed our conversation. I understood your frustrations with the City, and I even felt comfortable enough speaking with you to tell you about something I didn’t particularly care for. (Your comment about the Police Officer at the City Council meeting). Something I wouldn’t have done if I thought you were a hot head or argumentative.  Believe it or not our conversation that day was one of the highpoints of the day for me. Thank you for coming in to talk with me.

Viewing of the Super Bowl will take place in the Rec Room at my home this year. This is serious business the Giants must be beaten.

Any fan of the Patriots is a friend of mine!!!


Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden
Subject: FW: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater

Dear Chief McFadden,

I will not be involving you (unless I am afraid) in the rest of this City Saga. I think it is appropriate to forward this last email (and I will give you all of them if you wish) because it is clear that since May I can't get a straight answer from City Officials on the most basic storm water requests.

I may be wrong, but I got the impression that you were mislead about my character and integrity. I am beginning to prevail having held on through the storm. I found you to be impressive and fair. I hope we maintain mutual respect and celebrate the fun of no brakes! Superbowl in the garage?? Toast one for me and many for Tom Brady. I'm hooked.


Laurie Allen


Abusive email from Council Mike Hurley. Threatening me with a choice to rezone our neighborhood to a parking lot for his office complex or full throttle destruction of Seaview Terrace to the "Grand Canyon" already underway.
From: Mike Hurley ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 6/13/14 12:52 PM
What would be helpful would be if you were capable of believing the basic information.
Subject: why rezone if it's going to destroyed ?
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:39:14 -0400
Which one is it? An all-encompassing office complex or the new Grand Canyon?

*** End of correction email sent to UU Minister Perkins,  UU Treasurer/Belfast City Council Roger Lee and all cc's on 10/27/14.
10/11/14  Michael Moore- are you out there? Did you read my facebook post on your site for your next doccorruption?? 

" single Mom takes on corrupt City Hall Belfast Maine and players- local to state level solo. 4 years holding strong against police/freedom of speech/intimidation/freedom of information/ you name it...all after winning relocation from abusive marriage from NJ corrupt family court with crashing kids. One step away from destitution, I made it out, to begin again in safety and privacy. Only to be sold undisclosed hell and into saving my neighborhood from the State of Maine, 4th in corruption. Over 60 City Hall public speaking meetings, real time corruption, protesting, posting, blogging, banned from posting in papers...overwhelming history of standing up again and again. Sure could use a spotlight. It can begin in Belfast Maine, I just need some support. So many cowards."

Michael- I copied and pasted a bit of mini-Putin tactics for an appetizer. In these 4 years they have used smoke trails as deterrents. Baiting me and forcing me to post repetitive requests for the same information. My first public meetings and you tube video of slaughter to my private property( in November and December 2011 are long ones. Over 20 minutes each. I was a mess but standing. Below with the 3 meetings, up to the definition of facism is repeated in the blog. The first 2 meetings require fast forwarding to the open to the public speaking and communications. The 3rd meeting has the new format to click to each agenda speaking. The 3rd meeting, I scare myself as I speak in the 2nd round.

  Belfast City Councilor Mike Hurley promotes forced water slaughter to residents private property. Fabricating a mythical stream as a sound reason to drown and destroy, the flood plain, flood zone of Seaview Terrace on all 3 sides. City Council, Mayor, City Manager and City Planner support slaughter. Here's Johnny- Belfast is his stage, Seaview Terrace his reality victim unable to escape out the bathroom window.

Below is the local ordinance that City Hall uses as a reason to slaughter us. Hiding all documents that prove there is not a "natural outlet" running through our private property. Sick officials. I prevailed and nailed the original development plans. A ditch ran through here- probably dug in the early 60's to take the runoff off from the newly constructed Route 1 bypass. Before that, Seaview Terrace was an apple orchard.
Sec. 62-192. - Permitted discharge of unpolluted water.permanent link to this piece of content

Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city.Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

It would be sick enough if there was a private property stream running through that they chose to use instead of building infrastructure. So this is insanity by the mass- #1 is City Planner Wayne Marshall, characterless, cold and calculating. #2 a toss up between  City Council Mike Hurley ,City Manager Joe Slocum, and City Attorney Bill Kelly. Code/Zoning Todd Rosenburg takes the next slot. Route 1 north and south highway nasty runoff, more roads, roofs, parking lots, totally polluted and coursing through our properties and into our beautiful bay- untreated. Super fund sick.

1. This is the meeting where City Attorney Bill Kelly spoke for Council and unveiled a with held public document specific to my property. I had requested the full history and development of Seaview Terrace in 10 months prior resulting in rhetoric. (all meetings and summaries below are copied from my blog) 1/3/12 City Hall Meeting- Seaview Terrace 1rst on agenda (I also speak publicly ff about 15 minutes in- 3rd person up. Soon after City Attorney, Bill Kelly (white collar bully to step up to podium) uncharacteristically is brought in to speak for City Council . I am a new resident and not aware of the sand bag tactics. 

 Council remains silent and hires City Attorney, Bill Kelly with our tax dollars to try and deflect the forced flooding. KELLY REVEALS YET ANOTHER PUBLIC DOCUMENT OF FLOODING ON SEAVIEW PURPOSELY WITHHELD FROM ME.(Who knows what else they hide? Impossible to know, I have been intimidated and refused information on my property for 10 months and counting. ) A 1987 City hired engineer report that...SURPRISE- does not hold the City accountable for flooding. In fact, even with residents complaints of flooding in 1987, begins the City Planning approvals for Capt Albert Stevens School, Volunteers of America, Tall Pines, MidCoast Mental Health to build, eliminating ground absorption, accumulating storm water in huge dug out pools and channel down to private property, Seaview Terrace. Clobber us further by taking the storm water across Rte 1 from the Armory, National Guard, down to Pray's Homes along the side, back towards the trailer park, meandering and to accumulate more stormwater from who knows how far back and back across Rte 1, culvert forced directly into Seaview Terrace. The engineer does confirm that my property is not a natural outlet, it is a private property drainage ditch put in by the developer.

I am blind sided and try to question Bill Kelly. He runs from the meeting and City Council immediately shuts down the agenda by voting "No Further Action". WT*.. wrong. 3 years later- I'm still in action. 

2. For the record,  Dale Rowley, engineer and Director of Emergency Management of Waldo County (EMA) told me the map I tracked and drew of forced runoff (and I am sure I missed some) is good. He told me this at the 3/6/12 City Council meeting.

Waldo EMA-Plans for Disaster-on agenda- I speak to save Seaview @20:10 @25:50 Mayor Ash tries to tell me not to come back anymore- get a lawyer- not a chance. I give it back- he tries to anger me.. Dale speaks @51:46 w/ overview- Council does not address Seaview Terrace, talk of Irene-flooding other states- unbelievable yet again.
3/6/12 Belfast City Council Meeting 

3. City Manager Joe Slocum refused to plan proper infrastructure. Almost 4 years of enormous wasted tax dollars in this cover up. Placing a band aid on this pending death of Seaview Terrace is ruthless.

This 2/18/14 City Council Meeting was the vote to amend the Northport Ave TIF to allow it's funds to be used for downtown infrastructure. I pleaded for 3 years to get Seaview Terrace into the TIF through the new Annex building. TIF's open up funding and grants for infrastructure. This was the hammer. They knew I was coming to speak for the public hearing comment portion. Any legal changes require public hearings and public comment proponents/opponents. Public Hearing and Comments ALWAYS precede the actual meeting call to order. It is a legality- posted in the paper and mandatory, no deviation of procedure.

Except this time. City Manager Joe Slocum has the economic director send me an email clearly to bait me into missing my chance for public comment. I had no doubt that was the plan.

Ms. Allen – I wanted to bring to your attention that the public hearing for the Northport TIF has been moved from immediately preceding tonight’s Council meeting, to the actual business agenda for tonight’s meeting, as item E-1.  Agenda is attached.  I am not sure exactly what time that we will get to it on tonight’s agenda, as it will depend on how quickly preceding agenda items go.

Thomas Kittredge

I knew better. I got there early. Sure enough, the paper agenda given to public at the meeting did not have the Northport Ave TIF Public Hearing listed, yet when the administrative assistant Manda Cushing read the hearings, her copy had the TIF as the 4th public hearing PRECEDING the meeting. 

Watch as I go to the podium confused and City Manager Joe Slocum jumps in to say there will be 2 public hearings for the TIF. Bull. Had I not been there, he could have made that change when the meeting came to order during adoption of the agenda. He would have played stupid, saying there was some confusion, the public hearing for the TIF listed as item E-1 was wrong. Public Hearings are by law held prior, which they did, please strike E1 - public comment from the agenda. I would have protested and got escorted out by Officer Ward. 

When the meeting begins to play- 1 minute later is when Manda reads the Northport TIF Public Hearing- and I am there and speak for 2 minutes. Then click 10E- The E.D. spends 7 minutes explaining the theft and I get up again at 7:40. Whoa, It's powerful. Mayor Ash attempts to intimidate me again. . They continue as if I never spoke. They all vote to rob the TIF and nail the coffin shut on Seaview Terrace. I'm still kicking and will until. 

2/18/14 Belfast City Council Meeting.


 noun \ˈfa-ËŒshi-zÉ™m also Ëˆfa-ËŒsi-\

: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
: very harsh control or authority
Back to blog. Other blogs specific to my undisclosed hell home on 

10/7-14 I am not computer savvy and struggle to post over these 4 years. Copy and pasting causes big problems, margins, deleting, it is a nightmare for me. The post below is a major problem and I don't know why. Each time I try to edit or add, it morphs disaster after disaster. Why do I continue to be the talking punching bag? Because this is where it begins. Exposing includes exposing my life.  I beat them all to that punch. That makes many uncomfortable. It's all on the table, I have nothing to hide. I am true, nothing more, nothing less. Corruption is epic, clean up begins with community. Lets go already.

Belfast City Council Mike Hurley is and has been "on fire" burning resident after resident with his implicated web network for over 25 years. City Hall insanely ordering not to provide basic tax dollar infrastructure to residents. Stating if they fix one, they will have to fix all, so they fix none. Let it self destruct as the build their visions, build City Hall dominance, wiping out funds. For the first time, per City Manager Joe Slocum, the City needs to take out a 4 million dollar note to cover immediate operating expenses. DPW Director Bob Richards stating basic road maintenance is over 1 million in disrepair. Council refusing to hold City Hall Planner and Manager accountable. Meekly asking where funds have gone, why projects are riddled with issues and met with rhetoric of corruption. Here we are. Schools and City Hall broke and broken. House of Cards with residents watching the fall. The first step up has been laid out for 4 years and welcomes all, especially the guilty. Fixing forgives.

(I wanted to post the links to the awards to resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum and missing fundraising funds Troy Howard Middle School Principal Kim Buckheit in post below when referenced but couldn't. So, I'll put those links here (Village Soup Article for Slocum is posted in entirety in above tab SLOCUM CITIZEN ABUSERSlocum received this award almost 2 years after I went public with corruption. Protesting in town, trying to get business support and residents support them. Hello- total slap in my face by the Commerce. Note the comment of MY then Council below, Marina Delune. See to see her sending me down the hole. Wiping her hands after a year of torture and calling me in as a threat to the Chief of Police, stating I should pray and meditate for resolution. Not kidding. Go read her emails. She also tells me that it is a rite of passage to be abused by City Council Mike Hurley. ) :

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Belfast Putin Hall vs. Little Laurie Allen

    10/3/14- I have added a few things below in bold red. I have also been forced to expose more corruption by administrative staff at Belfast Area High School unfolding for 3 years. Superintendent Brian Carpenter, Principal Fitzpatrick, Director of Guidance Jim Davis and Guidance Counselor Jessica Woods. The D.O.E, has the documentation and is investigating. City Council, Eric Sanders has received the documentation.  I will advise when posted. Over 31 pages of emails prove again and again, they can't even be bothered to schedule mandatory courses. 10/5/14 - Covering up with lies to the students and avoidance to the parents. The killer is that I uncovered this with BAHS 2 years ago. Yet they callously could care less and continue to short change students with an enormous all approved budget,with over staffing, replacing courses with study halls and when caught they outsource to online teachings and are failing at that. This time, I have the D.O.E. to confirm the corruption. Again, I know this blog has many repetitive posts because of refusal to resolve. It is so overwhelming and emotionally draining and so much more not reported here. I can't get through it all and do my best to make the public aware against the many players.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The goal is for the community to see and act based on facts presented. I can't leave out the personal trauma, as a single Mom trying to start again in safety and privacy, this has been a terror attack by the packs. I thought I'd gotten out. Instead, the real estate agents saw me coming and threw all ethics and codes of disclosure and basic humanity aside, selling me undisclosed hell in 2010. Imagine escaping against all odds, all alone, crawling day after day, year after year, waiting for the slim chance and putting it all on the line. One mistake and I could lose my children. In 9/2009, that window cracked open. Nine months of intense communications from NJ to Maine and real estate agents Jan Andrews and Bill Ingersoll with one visit 12/2009 for corrupted showings and one corrupted property inspection by DJ Brown supervised by real estate agent Sam Mitchell in 4/2010- spring melt. No disclosure, no doubt the cover up was clear- water doesn't lie, nor the turn over of the homes slaughtered by the City of Belfast.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   They(the white, pink and some blue collars) have made Belfast a culture of corruption. Belfast City Manager, City Planner, Zoning/Code, City Attorney, City Council, Mayor,Economic Director, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Outsourced Engineer of the Day, DEP, Attorney General, Maine Real Estate Commission, Schools (THMS parents told me of thousands of missing fundraising dollars held by Principal Kim Buckheit. Similar to the Belfast Chamber of Commerce awarding resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum as Citizen of the Year, the Maine Principal Ass. awarded Buckheit Principal of the Year. Parents were disgusted- emails were burning up in boxes), local businesses (Real Estate- Earl Black, Bill Ingersoll, Sam Mitchell, retired Jan Andrews, DJ Brown Property Inspector, Bank Of America Belfast, dangerous wood stove installer- Bangor fireman, Searsmont Planning Board Member- Chris Kulbe owner of Ridge Top Chimney Sweep, J&B Auto Body Belfast, Lowe's Thomaston...) I can't keep up. It has been constant and state wide for over 4 years. They are beating the hell out of me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    9/27/14 City Council Mike Hurley is the evil, the demise of morality. Incapable of balancing humanity and his greed for MORE. He has had 30 years in brainwashing the community. Not funny how quickly the community goes along to get along. Blinding corruption and resident abuse burns new eyes. Huffington Post - Are Politicians Psychopaths ?
     More to come- but not today- it is a beautiful day. No City Hall/Hurley Psycho's Allowed.

     Here's Johnny, I mean Belfast City Council Mike Hurley.... 

    Actually, will the real Valdimir Hurley stand up?


    Link and article to Hurley "Putin" his happy while slaughtering Seaview Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. I love this video. Thanks Johnny.
    Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
    Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm) 
    Earlier this spring, Hurley started watching people around the world put their own versions of “Happy” on the Internet, including the one done by young dancers in Tehran who were thrown into prison shortly after the video was made public. He was enthralled by the sight of all the regular folks dancing to the infectious pop song and wanted to make a video in Belfast. He and downtown promotional group Our Town Belfast worked to get financial support from underwriters, and by April they were ready to start production.


    image not displayed

    Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
    Belfast Maine - 

    Mar 29, 2014
    by Laurie Allen
    Maps, engineer plans 1939-present- prove corruption State-local

    9/23-  If nothing else,let this blog serve as awareness to the true sickness in government and business. The training ground from family has taught me an easy path. Right or wrong. When presented with the wrong doing, the doer immediately chooses resolution or accuser dissolution. What is shocking is those that join in and support the corruption. Massive- Maine is 4th in corruption. That encompasses all levels, businesses, committee's, tainted community and tainted neighbors. Those not tainted, do not want to get involved and may fear retribution. Go along to get along. How's that working for the world? Hypocrites are toxic.

  1. Pussy Riot Flogged by Cossacks in Sochi - YouTube

    Feb 19, 2014 - Uploaded by Wall Street Journal
    Members of Russian punk group Pussy Riot were attacked by Cossacks in Sochi as they attempted to perform ...

9/17/14- Quick note to new readers as I display my blog link on my vehicle. In 6/2010, I was sold an undisclosed nightmare and these blogs are the four years of personal torture to expose and plead resolutions 4 years and counting. The whole system is involved and tainted. The big corruption in Belfast City Hall and real estates agents enjoying the high turn over in selling the undisclosed hells. There are many, mine is the worst and most dangerous. The buck stops with me. Always has. Simple rule to live by is right or wrong. The true life to live right has no boundaries. This corruption on this one property is huge- implicating key officials, DEP, Attorney General, Governor LePage, Realtor Commission, Property Inspectors, local businesses, local real estate agents, big real estate agency owner, Earl Black, tainted attorneys, implicated community, the list is long and proven. My other blogs are the earlier 3 years- I streamlined 2 blogs last year for history. and (this one focuses on the City Manager, Planner, Attorney and DEP Commis. Aho).

Below is the current blog, unfolding real time- it is repetitive since City Hall does not address any of my requests- they spin drama and smokescreens. Water does not lie. They are flooding Seaview Terrace illegally, 50+ years. clearly a case of inverse condemnation. I said this 3 years ago. It is coming to a head now. The hammer is slamming down, passing the Comprehensive Plan through small print, with held information that will end the Belfast we knew. The prior Belfast City Tax Assessor of 20+ years, told me this 3 years ago. He said what was coming was shocking. It is here. He just retired so I post this without harming him. Bob Whiteley is an honorable man and his back bone and assistant- Nancy See. Exposing this corruption has been a full time + no pay, soul crushing job. These blogs need weeding out, but it is devastating to attempt to edit- it sends me into their black hole.

9/14/14- City Manager refusing to confirm Seaview Terrace will be in ALL maps as zoning R1. City Hall is murdering Seaview Terrace. All information is manipulated and/or denied. They brutally torture me through filthy neck tactics (masked under white, blue and pink collars), for 4 years as I try to get  my children and myself  safely on our feet to begin again. Horrible doesn't come close- watch any of the approx. 50 meetings where they wait to pounce as I present fact after fact. They bait and with hold to force me into conjecture and public ridicule.They thought they'd break me by now. Their plans to further drown Seaview Terrace. My property is the last private property of this massive City forced water slaughter, 50 years and counting. The final slaughter underway to make it illegally legal through the tainted Comprehensive Plan to be voted in by corrupt Council any day. Their motto "Go Ahead  Sue Youself"  G.A.S.Y.  Residents foot the bill for City lawsuits, we sue ourselves and the fat cats get even more fat and corrupt.

Last week was an illegal assault with massive Public Works heavy equipment. All the money and hours spent in a smokescreen attempt by the City Manager and surely Hurley (psycho councilor) to confuse with tainted engineer options. The residents did not receive the tainted boundary maps given to the engineer, showing my private drainage ditch City slaughter is not in my boundaries. My staked boundaries, confirmed with Council Roger Lee are on the other side of the stream.This is the corrupt map- the blue line is the City made "natural outlet" - my house is the third up from the the right corner and the last private property owner of this City wide forced water slaughter. The rest of the stream strip to Northport Ave belongs to Mid Coast Mental Health.

City Manager Slocum spun another lie- stating he would be meeting with residents to discuss the options. Never happened, in came the trucks- as I watched the slaughter to my private property all week in great mourning. You see, they thought I would have been in Alabama because I had told the Belfast PD school resource officer the Friday before the unannounced assault that following Monday. I had just learned of my brother's death and had to go to the High School to bring my son his sports equipment.

Officer Greg Stearns and I have had many conversations, he even came to my house after he saw me in town protesting on St Patricks Day in 2013 by Rollies Bar and Grill. His Dad was a regular the City Hall meetings. After my first public speaking City Council meeting in 11/2011, Mr. Stearns said "They are never going to fix it." Mr. Strearns is very ill with cancer and my brother had just died from cancer (4th in my immediate family). Greg approached me at the school, I was too raw to hide it behind my sunglasses. We talked about his dad and my brother. I know everything I say will go to City Hall, I never thought they would use my brother's death to slaughter me. They did, And they will until. The stress is unbearable and with cancer taking my immediate family at 54, 56, 65 and 67, compiled with a history of trauma that we barely crawled away from to begin again in Belfast, 2010... Belfast City Hall and corrupt real estate agents/property inspectors, and all the players(State, local, businesses, tainted community members and some neighbors)  are killing my children's mother, I will be 54. My blogs of truth and strength are my legacy. As repetitive as they may be, it is the proof of bullies and thugs refusing accountability and slamming the brave and true. I hang in there, doing the best I can, every waking hour.

Here's Belfast City Council Mike Hurley (sent to City Council, City Manager and my neighbors), leader of the pack, again showing his Putin vs. Pussy Riot stance. At least if the Belfast Police Department flogged me physically instead of mentally, I'd get some support. Mental abuse is coward abuse, I know it well. They know I'd hit back and get even louder. Trying to spin me as crazy, I post all so they can't use it against me. Total exposure when we just needed peace, privacy and safety to heal;

From: Mike Hurley (
Sent:Sat 9/13/14 1:01 PM
I have blocked Laurie Allen’s email address as a spammer and will no longer receive it. Thanks/ Mike

9/12- 9th Request sent @ 8:50 am to City Manager, City Council, Mayor, Neighbors, cc to Bangor Daily News, Pen Bay Pilot, Village Soup and Portland Press.

Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,

Two days have passed. This request does not require all the drama you use to avoid providing public information and accountability. Please advise in email form today:

1.  Seaview Terrace is proposed for R1, please revise ALL the proposed  maps on the City website  to reflect consistency of R1 zoning for Seaview Terrace. 

This map below reflect Seaview Terrace as R1: Under Planning "September 17 Council Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendments" appearing yesterday, 9/11:

212-Proposed Residential 1 Zone Map

These maps below STILL reflect Seaview Terrace as R3: Under Planning "September 17 Council Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendments"

402- Future Overall Map-Inside Bypass

405- Future Residential 3-Inside Bypass

2.Due to inconsistent and unreliable City website information- confirm any changes in ordinance amendments in written language that specifically affect Seaview Terrace.

 Seaview Terrace as a dead end street with 12 single family homes, makes this request  easy and reasonable. Ditch the drama. Thank You.

Laurie Allen  
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Maine 04915 

Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:13:26 -0400

Ms. Allen,
You may demand all you want for answers by certain times but you will get a response when we can reasonably get to it. I will not copy to anyone but you. I am sending your request to the City Attorney to clarify our responsibilities here. I am also sending this request to Wayne Marshall, the City Planner to see if he can answer your question within a reasonable time.
 Joe Slocum 
9/11 Although I wrote below that I see a map reflecting Seaview Terrace into proposed R1, other maps on this City Website show us in with R3. We are not sectioned out. The Northport Ave link does not load. I don't know if they have written hidden amendments specific to Seaview Terrace that may harm us. They slaughter us with ease, break law after law, ordinance after ordinance, lie, lie, lie, deny, deny, deny then smile at you and destroy my property yesterday, tomorrow, 50 years and counting. More coming, Seaview is the beginning of the end for what Belfast was. They don't care that they are drowning and destroying Seaview Terrace. It is a horrible City Hall, all that we hate in Congress, destroying our country, and the good. Greed does terrible things to those who want more. And more. And more, It is never enough. Tragedy on Seaview Terrace will happen. It will be their legacy and every one will know. I've documented and publicized it relentlessly. I find peace in that. I took all the abuse alone, almost 4 long years. All my waking and subconscious hours were consumed with this sickening corruption to destroy my life, the new life I crawled to. To begin again in safety, peace and anonymity. How could so many be so corrupt and cruel? It is epic and is getting ready to burn like wild fire with the hidden agenda's in the Comprehensive Plan.

 City Council Hurley playing stupid "... Geez, Wayne,  people can't understand this land use chart, should have done this, done that.. oh well, too late now, we've only been planning this confusion since 2009, Oh boy, some are not going to like this building height restriction, I know I wouldn't if I bought thinking I could build up. Gee whiz- Council must vote to provide infrastructure to residents, but golly Wally, I'm going to fabricate a stream and beat the hell out of that woman that exposed me and my web.  My buddies will help too, I've got lots of greedy, implicated wall and  business buddies." Hurley's heavy head and hand wrote the kill, while forcing the fooled to dance for him. Putin on his "Happy" video by the Chamber of Commerce. Say no more.

9/10 Lawless SLAUGHTER- Belfast City Hall strong armed Seaview Terrace 9/8 & 9/9- illegal drainage with culverts and heavy equipment forcing neighborhood drainage to my private property (specifics below) NOW the release of the proposed zoning ordinances SLATING SEAVEIEW TERRACE INTO R3. SEAVIEW TERRACE RESIDENTS FOUGHT THIS ALMOST 3 MONTHS AGO AND WAS APPROVED INTO R1. IN PAPER TODAY AND CITY WEBSITE IT IS SHOWING WE ARE GOING INTO R3.  THE EMAIL BELOW SENT AT 8:10 AM ON 9/10. CITY MANAGER JOE SLOCUM IS NOT RESPONDING.

10:15 am- no response from City Hall for below. 2nd requesting and will request every 2 hours until response. 4th request done @ 2:30pm 5th request done @ 6:40 pm. Next will be Thursday 9/11 @ 10:30 am. 6th reg 10:42 am 9/11 over 26 hours of waiting for basic information as Seaview Terrace is under another illegal assault to my private property as I write... Next req @ 12:30 pm
7th req done 12:45 pm. 8th req  2:54 pm. 9/11 over 30 hours to confirm R1 proposed with any amendments  specific to  Seaview Terrace .  Red Flag Joe Slocum "I am sending your request to the City Attorney to clarify our responsibilities here. I am also sending this request to Wayne Marshall, the City Planner to see if he can answer your question within a reasonable time." 

9/11- 6pm  Slocum still has not responded, which is indicative of 3+ years for drainage into Seaview Terrace, development of Seaview Terrace and Final Approved Site Plans for all the 15? sites draining into us. Intimidation and torture tactics used instead. I hung in there, proved their corruption again and again, this week was the most barbaric. All out illegal assault to my private property while they thought I'd be attending my brother's funeral in Alabama. They will deny it, but they knew and took advantage. Just like they did when I crawled here in 2010 to begin again. Non-stop beating by Belfast City Hall, State of Maine (DEP, Realtor Commission, Attorney General, Governor) and businesses. The most painful was that Front Street Shipyard could have helped, I held onto hope. How we stood in the same meeting after meeting as I pleaded to save Seaview Terrace with basic sewers. Our property taxes go to the Front Street property again and again. Terrible.

I just checked the City's website and the maps are changed. Seaview Terrace is now correctly listed into the proposed R1 zone.

I am sure City Hall was trying to slip the R3 zone through. But I was watching. 

 City Manager Joe Slocum, City Council and Mayor,

Please confirm today, by 10 am which proposed zone Seaview Terrace is slated for. Copy all recipients on this email. The website shows R3 as does the article in the Village Soup.

Below is the approval to place Seaview Terrace into proposed R1.

Laurie Allen

Slocum's response @ 12:15 pm
Ms. Allen,
You may demand all you want for answers by certain times but you will get a response when we can reasonably get to it. I will not copy to anyone but you. I am sending your request to the City Attorney to clarify our responsibilities here. I am also sending this request to Wayne Marshall, the City Planner to see if he can answer your question within a reasonable time.
 Joe Slocum 

My response @ 1pm
Joe Slocum,

Respond ASAP.  This is alarming. IF another error has been in the 3+ years that I have been lied to and you claim that Seaview Terrace is:

1a. Proposed for R1, please revise the proposed zoning map on the website and send the revised map via email by 2:30. 

1b.Furthermore, include any amendments in written language that affect Seaview Terrace directly by 2:30. 

Referring me to a table of land uses is not reliable because of proven City error after City error. The public hearing and final vote is days away . I have proven the City routinely uses illegal practices to get the job done and tells the victim/victims to sue the City. 

Per C****** B*** "It is our understanding that seaview is still proposed for r1.  S**** called and spoke to wayne marshall."

There is no reason to delay to answer in writing the proposed zoning for Seaview Terrace and related information above.

I will 4th request @ 2:30.

Laurie Allen

9/9- The never ending corruption is desensitizing. Four long years I have dedicated ALL my time and soul to save Seaview Terrace from 50 years and counting of the City of Belfast forcing enormous runoff and enormous illegal winter snow piling at over 15 sites, miles of highway, miles of local road and impervious ground from up, across, this way, that way, anyway to force it to tiny, flood plain, floodzone, 12 family, dead end street of Seaview Terrace. The City fabricating it is a natural outlet which I have painfully proved again and again that it is not. 

The City denying every public document/map/all information using intimidation tactics to with hold. The City Attorney sending intimidating letters. City Council calling me in as a threat to the Chief of Police. The City Planner lying-robbing rights-destroying life after life. City employees and City Council ordered not to give me information and complying. A charade of deceiving in not providing Freedom of Information basic requests. Never providing the documents and claiming they did. I persist and am met with more abuse and outrageous fees to begin looking for  basic zoning conditions, final approved site plans and area drainage that will NEVER be provided. Absolute torture that has many calling me paranoid and crazy. People that I thought were my friends and know me. One for 4 years another for 40!! I am outcast, I am fine with that. It is standard procedure when the public is faced with such corruption by those that they trusted and perhaps have become implicated into their web unknowingly. Now they see they are and do not want to upset their lives as I burn in full public view.

Meeting after meeting (over 50) they try to stop me from informing the public. They begin bringing in police guards, the police have "off the record" conversations with me and try to break me. Unsuccessful they then try to shame me as a mother.  Guilty City Council trying to scorn me further in public meetings because they did not honor their pledge to serve and protect the residents that elected them. This is just a drop in the bucket in all they have done to me in the past 4 years.  They force me to go above and beyond, it is so personal for me. This is my home I am trying to save from a wall of corrupt. I crawled here 4 years ago, with my children to begin again. I did it all, I did it all right, by the book, all inspections, all questions, all and more. I could not afford one mistake. Ask anyone who makes it out, few do.

I bought this home in 2010. I paid cash, the agents swore there were no water issues/streams/brooks along with the property inspector- water was my number one concern. I put it in writing and refused all properties disclosing water. 9 months later, undisclosed hell tore through my yard. Every corrupt State agency, commissions, boards, local and private have formed a wall of brutality to me and my children. Maine is 4th in corruption and my story can be the beginning of reform. The public must stand together and protect each other's rights and hold the corrupt accountable. It is visible and doable. How adults can look the other way and allow this to continue into the lives of children is beyond me.

Belfast City Hall officials and real estate agents in Belfast are the worst of humanity that I can conceive. The agents have the voice to stop the secret slaughter to so many properties that they sell by deception. I stayed true and kept the pressure on to keep Seaview Terrace in the public for 4 years. It is a nasty game for them and their kind. In lieu of all my proof and non relenting reporting, City Hall and some businesses flagrantly break the law, breaks the resident and is the root of criminals in power. I cannot stop them without the public. But I can make it public and that is my job. I may die at anytime and these blogs and meetings are irrefutable.  

There is so much to report, it looses focus. The proof is throughout the blogs and it is City wide to many residents. Forgive the ramblings, I only want peace and to live in privacy and safety. That is all I ever wanted. I never signed up for this, it is the last that anyone would want in their lives. I will not pass it on to another.

Here is the email confirming that work was not to begin on Seaview Terrace until City Manager Joe Slocum met with Seaview Terrace residents and City Council voted on which option presented and discussed. This procedure is documented and was abandoned when the City learned of my brother's death last on 9/4/14. Services in Alabama were published, viewings on Sunday evening, 9/7/14. I could not attend the services and did not publicize that. Monday morning the City of Belfast rolled into Seaview Terrace to quickly place culverts to illegally drain to my property. Residents never informed, City Council meeting on 9/16/14 to vote on options corrupted. To protect themselves, in the 9/2/14 City Council meeting, on the written agenda was the corrupt suspensions of all ordinances in this district and others till further notice. Lawless land for the corrupt. All systems go, SLAUGHTER SEAVIEW now while Laurie is in Alabama. 

No one will want to believe this it is so wretched. If Slocum didn't state he was having a meeting with residents first and if Council did not have a work shop for the Belfast Engineer to present the options to City Council then I would believe it either. I didn't want to know this. Here is the proof. This email is dated Tuesday, 9/2/14 at 9 pm after the City Council meeting. I was there when City Manager Joe Slocum announced in communications that he was meeting with Seaview Terrace residents the next day, 9/3/14 at City Hall. I nor any of my neighbors were eve notified of this meeting.  They never responded to this email. 9/7/14 they devastated my life even further with heavy equipment to destroy my life, rights and property.

Sent:Tue 9/02/14 9:11 PM

To City Manager Slocum, City Council and Mayor,

I checked with a few neighbors- we did not receive any notification of any meeting for Seaview Terrace in City Hall with Joe Slocum tomorrow. Slocum and Hurley are a danger to residents. We didn't do this to Seaview, the City did. Hurley threatening us is serious. 

You are planning to send me MORE water and I will fight this until. It makes all of Seaview Terrace upset. How can you sleep?

Will Council be voting on the options, if so when?

Laurie Allen

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Belfast Peace Festival approaches

Belfast Peace Festival approaches This is the Compassionate Cities movement that the UU Church brought to Belfast City Hall and opened the door that has been slammed in my face for 4 years. City Council Roger Lee is the treasurer at the UU Church and certainly brought an about face to door slamming my face. Whether it is show or true compassion will play out as City Council Mike Hurley and City Manager Joe Slocum continue the choke-hold drowning of Seaview Terrace.

FYI- this is buried below the article on Seaview Terrace by Ethan Andrews, Penbay Pilot. I wanted it posted here to. I moved here to be under all radar and did so for 9 months then the water came crashing in with all the unethical corruption.

 8/29 updated public comments on this article below and posted separately in above tab Unethical Council Hurley.. My first post at the bottom did not post right away- it went into a review period. I did not know it posted till now- hence my repeating some of the same in later posts. Due to the City's personal connections into my personal family trauma's in neighboring Bayside (Peyton Place II) and the personal attacks they launched publicly and privately, I put the trauma truths out. Not all and not anybody's business as stated below. City Hall and the real estate agents forced me into public to defend my children, my home, my neighborhood, and my character. Slay away then leave me alone.

To the anonymous letter requesting me to run for City Council, I wish you would have signed your name. Independent Committee's are what we need. I'll do that. I need help.