
Friday, February 21, 2014

3/15/14 See Below Pictures for New Postings & Above Tabs 5/24/14 Boycott Picnic

3/15/14- I apologize for double postings, lengthy emails- it is part of the corruption. Overwhelm me with delays, redundant rhetoric to confuse, see the above tab 12/4/13 where City Manager Joe Slocum is forced after almost 4 years to answer my request for public documents that now prove the slaughter corruption and surely delayed until statutes ran out or I simply broke down. Despicable and evil. This appears to be their plan- why else would they force the destruction and death that will come. Overdue. 40 years in the making and continuing.
inverse condemnation
n. the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly damages the use of a parcel of real property that it is the equivalent of condemnation of the entire property. Thus the owner claims he/she is entitled to payment for the loss of the property (in whole or in part) under the constitutional right to compensation for condemnation of property under the government's eminent domain right. Example: the city of Los Angeles widens a boulevard and thereby takes the entire parking lot of Bennison's Busy Bee Market. The city offers to pay for the lot, but Bennison claims the market has lost all its business since no one can park and wants the value of the entire parcel, including the market building.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nazi Mentality

3/6/14- Another mindless meeting I attended and summarize in the local paper, Republican Journal, Village Soup- Join me in protest- Boycott Belfast City Hall Corruption- email me

3/04/14 Belfast City Council Meeting

After 10E this is posted NOTE: DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THE REST OF THIS MEETING CANNOT BE DISPLAYED Strange, the meeting is airing in full, why can't they get the Thompson's Wharf debacle on. You can watch it though, hit 10E and ff to 12 minutes in when Harbor Master Kathy Pickering steps up. At 31:54 in Hurley says he does not know specifics but “did not feel good with exactly what went down with this situation … Reflect very poorly on the Harbor Committee in particular.”At 32 minutes in- City Planner, Wayne Marshall is motioning for City Manager, Joe Slocum to go for a private talk away from the meeting. Hurley does not want any loopholes to rebuild the wharf as is. Joe Slocum tells Council the motion will be in 2 parts, and it seems strictly a formality to get the project in motion. Knowing the Planning Board will over ride the Harbor Committee's final recommendations if they are not in favor again. At 39:40 Hurley pledges his respect for Kathy and the situation “bugs me”. To which Council Mary Mortier responds “It's dirty pool” Really, Ms Councilor/ Realtor, selling hell to the innocent and honest thorough buyers and then taking the 5th. Mortier refusing to even provide MLS listings on Seaview Terrace and I quote Mary Mortier's email dated 2/18/14 “It seems I will not be able to provide you with the Information you requested, per my office & Insurance.”

IT IS City Hall and Realtors playing dirty pool with people's lives but the people will shoot the final blackball. This is the first shot- boycott City Hall protest can be another. Slocum also mentions an engineer is hired to decide parking on the Common. Another force of force and sucking on residents and tax dollars. Later they nickle and dime every resident service and City employee as they blow our bucks out their blow hole for their wants. Someone has got to request a spread sheet now for 3 year spending on City Attorney fees, law suits, grants, consultations, projects (cost approved and final cost, harbor walk, Front Street parking lots, road and sewer work, Roger Lee's public access rocks, the Belfast signs, the Harbor Walk, the Rail Trail, that dam recreation area with 20k in consultations then dropped, etc) BEFORE THE BUDGET BEGINS!! They will not respond to my requests. 

(At the 2/18/14 meeting I plead for saving at #4 and @ 10E- note that I was sent an email that the public hearing this is always at the start of meetings, would be heard THIS time, much later, at the agenda discussion. BIG FAT LIE to get me to come late and miss my chance to speak. Proven here- look at 10E- no section for public hearing. Slocum had to jump in with it and Ash was ready to move right past me. But I was ready to pounce as well. I figured they were setting me up, so I came early anyway and now they had to let me speak twice. Crime never pays. I was powerful at the 10E speaking. Mayor Ash trying to stop my freedom to speak of City Hall abuse and yelling at me.

City Hall made it loud and clear that they could give a damn about how they endanger residents and destroy their property. At minimum, the Northport Ave. TIF boundaries should have been changed to include Seaview Terrace via the 2012 Annex additions as I have asked at least 10 times prior for 2 years. No comment. Business tax dollars and business grant funding would lessen the cost for the water slaughter to Seaview Terrace from City Hall, businesses and D.O.T.- Rte 1 No and South, sparing the residents tax payer dollars.

Captain Albert Steven School was issued the building permit corruptly by Belfast Planning Board intending all along to slaughter water shed residents with illegal runoff. Sanderson fought the runoff for 3 years and won. In 2002, the water slaughter path site plans were changed and that water would be illegally sent to Seaview Terrace (one of 12? sites- could be more) Mayor Ash spoke in this 2/18/14 meeting of activity on the Sanderson properties during agenda 10G. Clearly identifying the property on the Rte 1 No. side- where in 2002 a proposal for a development of 80 homes was an option under negotiations with Richmond Group Subdivision for the 28 acre site, runoff to Seaview Terrace private property.

Open to the Public #6 – I came to the 3/04/14 meeting to address Mayor Ash's comment on that development. During the 3 years that I have exposed residents abuse and corruption to some 30 City Council meetings, not one Council member has responded, reacted, investigated, nothing, except drown Seaview Terrace, all corrupt and guilty. But at this meeting Mayor Ash spoke up and denied his Sanderson comment. Simply stupid- it's on the meeting video. After I put Mayor Ash in his place, Council Eric Sanders tries to diminish my concern for this new activity on this same parcel for an 80 home sub-division. As corruptly always, no concern for this document being removed from the file prior to my viewing by City Planner, Wayne Marshall (1 of 100 abuses over 3 years), or for the sheer corruption of the content. No, instead Eric and Ash proceed to laugh at me. This City Council and City Hall is a disgrace. Hurley calls Eric out later on his biased rhetoric in 10c when Eric is campaigning for his personal agenda with the ball field. Hurley never promotes his personal agenda and bias, they all do, and that is not ethical. Total blatant corruption in public view.

After Mayor Ash see's I am going to bury him again, he gives me and only me the 3 minute get out.

#7 -First communications has Council Mike Hurley stating Maine was ranked 13th for happy people. He states “considering all the people who complain about stuff in this town, I was kind of surprised by that.” Then Council Nancy Hamilton tells how she will go back to visit a town where people were nice to her and her husband, Chair Planning Board- Paul Hamilton. They are mindless to the corruption of City Council, Planning Board, ZBA, Code Officer, City Planner, City Manager and City Attorney. Neglecting basic 101 necessities, infrastructure and education. Creating mistrust, fear, disgrace, misery and helplessness among residents. Choosing recreation, wants, ego's and business while destroying lives and robbing people and their properties.

10C- Parks is trying to trim the budget as ordered. Sanders should not be speaking to this at all. Mayor Ash pleads for the poor, stating these cuts to residents services are not a drop in the bucket compared to what City Hall spends on wants and waste. Stating it takes approx. $770,000 to raise the rate a mil. They want to charge for the pool and the 17k for the Walsh/Dog Park grounds care taking. Yet you must forward to 10G.

10G. Economic Developer Thomas Kitteredge is speechless when he requests permission to hire Ron Harriman to administer grant money and Council Nancy Hamilton immediately motions approval. Thomas is shocked, AND STATES- DON'T YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MUCH THIS WILL COST? And Council and City Manager Joe Slocum laugh. Hurley says, “We're on a roll, don't mess with us.” The cost was not requested nor a concern. But they'll spend weeks on the budget to stick it to the already strapped City Hall services for residents and blue collar City Hall employees. Protest and Boycott City Hall.

I beg for saving. click on #4, my first soft speech -and then click on 10E1 ff to 7:10 - worth the ff'g, it will blow your socks off to see them bury their heads and City Manager Joe Slocum baiting me off camera  and telling me he is allowed to shake his head?? I could speak for hours of his corruption in this cover up death destruction forced flooding to Seaview Terrace but they will give me the gavel, and escort me out. I must be quick, civil and on point, even though 4 years of their bullying is burning my skin raw. Oh Alice, to the moon, right in the kisser- my dream.

2/21/14-Belfast City Wall not any better than Putin- mental flogging to a beat up survivor Mom is possibly even more disgusting. If they beat me physically, if my ex beat me physically, maybe people would help instead of looking away.  Video shows Pussy Riot members beaten by Cossacks -*

They have been forcing enormous volumes from business/highway impervious ground from miles outside and into the private property neighborhood, flood zone, flood plain, no ROW, no easements, of Seaview Terrace. Flooding us and endangering our lives daily. I have lived here 4 years and confirmed Seaview Terrace went under in 2009 and 2011. Honest residents are feared or bribed into silence. The City of Belfast has been forcing the water for 40 years and continues to do so until present day with new developments. City Hall denies this, locks up the documents and takes the 5th, refusing to speak and using any and all intimidation tactics to silence me. I first got wind of this TIF over 2 years ago and quickly began campaigning to get Seaview Terrace included in the boundaries to open up funding for infrastructure. Every meeting that the TIF was on the agenda, I was there, at least 5 meetings, countless emails, the City of Belfast refusing to hear me, to save us, continuing with their slaughter of water and stroking their ego's and visions of grandeur as the regular residents sleep. To date, I have attended over 30 meetings (see meetings in above tab on, volumes of emails, pouncing, pounding, protesting, relentless pressure and community alienation, state wide corruption involved- DEP, Attorney General, Governor, Senators, Belfast City Hall, enlisting protection from our police force and City Attorney. I stand, loud and true until...

Protocol for these public hearing is one speaking at the beginning. They sent me an email prior to the meeting TELLING me that the public hearing will not be in the beginning but when it comes up on the agenda. They were counting on me to come late, miss the public hearing and not allow me to speak. I came at the start of the meeting See City Manager Joe Slocum jump to tell me there will be 2 hearings. Clearly, his doing. Lucky me, now I get to speak 2 times- soft the first time, tough the second time. Also note just prior to my 2nd speaking- Mayor Ash does not open the meeting to the public hearing. They had an executive session prior to the meeting where I believe they rehearsed the public hearing portions, counting on me NOT showing up for the first one, and then not allowing me to speak at the 2nd hearing by stating they had a changed it in the beginning. They didn't get to do that because I was there at the beginning. Otherwise, City Manager Joe Slocum as he does at every meeting, issues last minutes changes to the agenda, would have said the public hearing for the TIF was listed twice in error, the second hearing is removed. But, I figured that out.  Cop followed me out like I'm the criminal. Mayor Ash laughing after I announced BOYCOTT. 

Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 13:33:45 -0500
Subject: RE: Email TIF, Remove Snow, Save & Fix Seaview Terrace

Ms. Allen – I wanted to bring to your attention that the public hearing for the Northport TIF has been moved from immediately preceding tonight’s Council meeting, to the actual business agenda for tonight’s meeting, as item E-1.  Agenda is attached.  I am not sure exactly what time that we will get to it on tonight’s agenda, as it will depend on how quickly preceding agenda items go.

Thomas Kittredge

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Belfast City Council- Mary Mortier/Realtor, Eric Sanders, Roger Lee -Vote tonight 2/18/14 to slaughter or save Seaview Terrace ?

2/18/14- also see above tab and below "Residents have no Idea" for buying resident silence.

From: Mary Mortier - GRF ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Tue 2/18/14 5:50 PM
It seems I will not be able to provide you with the Information you requested, per my office &

Date: 02/17/2014 12:21 PM (GMT-06:00) 
Subject SPAM-LOW: Archive MLS Listings 

Dear Mary,

Please provide full archive MLS listings for 31 Seaview Terrace listed in 2011/12, 27 Seaview Terrace 2012, and 23 Seaview Terrace 2011/12.  Please advise when I can pick them up.

Laurie Allen
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 22:47:13 -0600
Subject: RE: SPAM-LOW: Archive MLS Listings

I'll be in my office tom. afternoon, I'll  print out what's in the MLS & will have in an envelope & bring with me to council meeting. 
Sent:Tue 2/18/14 7:42 AM
To:Mary Mortier - GRF (; LAURIE ALLEN (
Dear Mary,

Great- thanks- they are not active listings- all stream owners, 2 could not sell, the other to a Florida guy. Isn't that special? Only 4 properties own stream property- I am the 4th and from NJ. Isn't that extra special? MLS said in the archives and I have to request through an agent. My new NJ realtor friend said easy to access- she can't though cause she's NJ. Maybe meeting will be cancelled? Big heavy snow coming. I'd like to come to your office and get it. Let me know when- you can text me or call me @ XXX-XXXX. MLS said in the archives and I have to request through an agent.

THE Northport TIF vote is the final hope. I have nothing to lose, Realtor stole it all. City Hall and Council try to finish the job and break me completely, mentally and financially. You are on both sides of the evil coin. Let's see what you, Roger Lee and Eric Sanders do. Sell your soul or save a neighborhood and beat up Mom. 

Laurie Allen

17 Seaview Terrace

Monday, February 17, 2014

Come On Bill Maher, Be My Hero, Pick Me, Flip A City- Belfast Maine City Hall

(see below my letter to the Veterans for updates on sick City Hall and below that for updates on TIF slaughter for the City Council Meeting on 2/18/14)


Borderline Personality Disorder in Corrupt Government

Public Corruption

The Costs of Public Corruption – And The Need for the Public to Fight Back
by Patrick Fitzgerald
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois

...Corruption can also change the face of a community. Over and over, for several decades, some Chicago aldermen have given away public benefits, like zoning rights and city-owned land, to real estate developers who, in turn, have lined the aldermen’s pockets and campaign purses.
Undoubtedly the most harmful consequence of endemic public corruption in a community is the apathy that it engenders – the culture of acceptance. Over many years of seeing corruption in almost every facet of government, many residents of a community begin to simply accept corruption as the immutable status quo. They come to assume government is broken and ineffective and destined to function corruptly. The consequences of this culture of acceptance in a community are many. Some residents simply disengage from the political process and no longer trust their government to function well or in their interest. Other residents may come to believe they must engage in corruption in order to gain government benefits themselves. Still others will begin to look the other way when they witness corrupt transactions. And honest folks are discouraged from entering politics or suffer from the skepticism engendered by others’ misdeeds.
The culture of acceptance makes it very difficult to detect, investigate and prosecute corruption. Although there are a variety of federal statutes that we use to prosecute corruption, including fraud, bribery and extortion statutes, as well as RICO, prosecutions cannot be successful without truthful witnesses and willing cooperators. Because voluntary assistance from the public in corruption cases is often hard to come by, we use many investigative techniques that assist us in gathering evidence and requiring cooperation, such as the use of grand jury subpoenas, grants of immunity, consensual recordings, and wiretaps. Using a wide range of these tools to vigorously investigate corruption can lead to convictions of corrupt officials once thought to be above the law, which, more effectively than anything else, demonstrates that the public need not accept corruption. Successful prosecutions that show that no one is beyond the reach of corruption statutes serve to encourage, empower and mobilize members of the public to work to change the culture of acceptance. We are grateful in the Northern District of Illinois that juries time and time again have rejected the argument that corruption is acceptable because it is the “Chicago way.”
In addition to the need for effective prosecutions, federal prosecutors must engage in community outreach to ensure that all residents of a community know that they can have a voice in stopping corruption and that they need not accept corruption in any degree—at any level of government. In the Northern District of Illinois, we try to send the message as often as we can that community involvement is critical in rooting out corruption. We regularly communicate that residents must take an active role in their government so that it properly functions for them. We also emphasize that the vigorous efforts of law enforcement should not be used as a rationale for the community to stay silent. The public’s refusal to accept corruption is the first line of defense in the fight against it.
While corruption will never be eliminated from our communities, vigorous investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials can serve to reduce its harmful effects and, most importantly, greatly diminish the culture of acceptance.

As I wrote these names, I realized for the first time that City Council Nancy Hamilton is married to Planning Board Chairman, Wayne Hamilton. This sickens me as I think of how I struggled to understand how a City Council woman could be part of this slaughter to a domestic survivor mom and children. Clear as day now. I remember hearing Paul talk about his company in a Planning Board meeting during the construction of the new WCGH Annex ( also corrupt site conditions as in the horrifically huge Capt. Albert Stevens School corruption- Slocum forced to admit after holding out for 3 years for statutes-see below. Planning Board totally corrupt) What company was/is that? Was it construction? The Hamilton's also hold many properties and have ties to Searsport. Now I see why Nancy did not want to get involved in saving Belfast from the Searsport Tanks. She said it was none of our business. Seriously, it's on tape on the meeting. Incredible. But she gets high and mighty on law breaking when a few of Mayor Ash's re-election signs go missing. There must be boatloads of uncovered corruption. Wake Up Belfast Residents.

2/17/14 Uneducated, unaware, it is epic in Belfast City Hall. Calculating, convincing, power control, heartless and dangerous when exposed. No doubt, facts and behaviors are here. Condescending ego is your first clue. City Councilor Mike Hurley, City Councilor Nancy Hamilton, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Code Enforcement Officer Tod Rosenburg, Paul Hamilton Planning Board Chairman...

High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization

Document Information:
Title:High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization
Author(s):Alan Goldman, (Arizona State University, Glendale, Arizona, USA)
Citation:Alan Goldman, (2006) "High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 21 Iss: 8, pp.733 - 746
Article type:Research paper
DOI:10.1108/02683940610713262 (Permanent URL)
Publisher:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Purpose – This paper aims to assess highly toxic personality disorders in leaders, implications for organizations, and methods for assessment and intervention.
Design/methodology/approach – Action research was used, including a thick description case study narrative and application of the DSM IV-TR.
Findings – Personality disorders are a source of a highly toxic and dysfunctional organizational behavior; borderline personality disorder in a leader may serve as a systemic contaminant for an organization.
Research limitations/implications – A qualitative, case study approach may not lend itself to replication or quantification; usage of the DSM IV-TR requires clinical training in counseling psychology; the growing incidence of personality disorders in leadership warrants cognizance, ability to assess, the creation of early detection systems and methods of intervention.
Practical implications – Through the narrative of a case study researchers and practitioners can obtain a glimpse into the day-to-day operations and nuances of a highly toxic leader and how it impacts an organization; interventions and solutions are provided.
Originality/value – This paper calls attention to highly toxic leadership and organizational dysfunction by investigating borderline personality disorder as a prototype.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Calling Veterans To Healing Action To Save America

2/16/14 War waged below.

(originally posted 12/23/2013)

Merry Christmas Veterans 

Dear Veterans,

Some will be receiving my cards today and others through out the week. Over a month ago, I pledged to send 53(my 53rd birthday this New Years Eve) cards to veterans for the holidays. I watched Matter of Duty, documenting the veterans by Sheriff Liberty of Kennebec County, Maine. I thought of how sick our corrupt government is and am on the civilian front lines. It has challenged my integrity and soul to the brink. I see the PTSD epidemic and hope the relief comes in holding our government and business accountable.

I've been doing just that for 3 years, my blogs overwhelmingly full of information, proof, pictures, the few public documents that I was able to scoop and still they manipulate those. I thought, perhaps it might help some Veterans to support cleaning corruption one town at a time, then one state, then we have foundation for real change against corruption and greed that are killing our forces and the little guy, woman and child.

Including this into the cards was a last minute thought and they needed to go out the next day so that you would receive them before Christmas. I don't have a game plan if there is interest in helping clean up Belfast. I probably need to do another blog to try and stream line all the corruption with validation so you can clearly see the line. The Realtor to corrupt Maine Realtor Commission, The Realtor to the City of Belfast to the DEP to Attorney General to the Governor. All bases covered, all corrupt doors slamming shut. Not one attorney will step up to the plate, guess they know the outcome for the lax laws of Maine, the exceptions to the exceptions, the bullies to the bullies, trying to break this Mom, surely they thought I would never last this long.

I thought a year ago, I need the vets. I kept chugging along and sure enough, the path presented itself. Here we are. In honor of my Dad, Clyde Allen WWII Navy Vet, VAMC, East Orange, NJ 1977. I know he is my strength.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever your preference- peace and goodwill is it. I hope you know you are so important and so needed. Thank You. Maybe a VA blog supporting the clean up of Belfast Corruption can begin- then I could see if anyone is interested, has questions, I'm open for direction of support. Having a veteran set up the blog and monitor it for authentic members would be helpful.

Salute and Respect Always,
Laurie Allen