
Friday, April 30, 2021

5/12 ACLU NO Again They pro system owned

 (5/12/21 Received rejection notice in mail today. Knew it from years ago with terrorizing charge of fabrication. They're no good. They're no good. They're no good. I'm gonna say it again.
Pro-system white cheesecake. Yep. Next.)

 Below thread proves Belfast Police Brutality Excessive Force To Death To 60 year old, life long law abiding, single little woman. Waldo Judiciary, Waldo County Sheriff Dept., Waldo Corrections, MaineHealth, prior MPBN VP Charles Beck (my sick neighbor, 18 Seaview Terrace with #5, #10, #11, #22, #23, #26, #27, #40 and #45. All help the system to silence my life and take my property.) Judge Robert Murray, Worth, Fields, Alexander, Davis, Walker, Billings, Dobson, Mary Kelly, Fowles and Mathews with ADA Entwisle, DR. DRAKE, DR. JAMES RAY, DR. KIRBY, DR. BARTER, RAPIST DR. DONALD LOMBARDI, Waldo court appointed attorneys and 4 profit attorneys protect their 4 Profit Rape Ring and murders. 


Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 6:41 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>
Subject: ACLUMattPollackSupCourtAppeal
 NY ACLU and Maine ACLU,

FYI- Email thread below sent to Maine ACLU Online Request For Representation on 4/29. Thank you. 

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 7:53 AM
To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; William Entwisle <>; georgeallen99 <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: Competency Hearing
Dear Maine Supreme Judicial Executive Clerk Matt Pollack and ADA Entwistle,

Today I mailed a continuance motion for all Laurie Allen's Waldo Judicial proceedings to halt pending written direction from Maine Supreme Court Matt Pollack per this email thread. 

From this email thread alone, it is clear that I am extremely competent to defend myself pro Se. Dr. Barter was chosen by the State to find me incompetent is further proof of corruption. The model for competency to decide treatment consists of "five steps" of criteria:
1. Reliable diagnosis of a severe mental illness.
2. Without treatment, a short term prognosis of major distress, including "profound anxiety, depression or other painful affects, deterioration of the personality, and proliferation or intensification of symptoms.
3. The availability of treatment is likely to be effective.
4. Incompetency to consent or refuse Trey: and
5. That a reasonable person would accept the treatment offered.
"Psychiatrist and Harvard Law Professor Alan Stone offered his 'Thank you Theory for Civil Commitment' Stone 1975 Intended to provide a treatment oriented alternative to a purely dangerous approach, the model keyed on competency- 5 steps.

Stone's Thank you Theory formed the basis for a model Civil Commitment Law endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association of 1982 and published by Stone and attorney Clifford D. Stromberg a year later. (Stromberg and Stone 1983)"

Therefore, this reasonable person that does not and has not presented any mental illness in my 60 year lifetime, further evidenced with current Court ordered psychological evaluation and therapy per conditions of release, 9/2019 by Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle. I chose the best in the State of Maine, Acadia through Northern Lights Medical, Bangor, Maine. My therapist, Hillary Stewart Reed can confirm that I do not present any of the criteria and medication is not required, warranted or acceptable.

ADA Entwistle, Judge Murray and Waldo corrections continue to force alternative s and appointed mental health treatment and their attorneys to cover up the proven and autrocious life threatening actions to break and silence me through lethal abuse of power and criminal crimes against the rights to life as an American of The Constitution of the United States of America.

The current fabricated charges are:
1. Disorderly Conduct, Loud Noise, Private Place. CR-2020-00332.
2. Disorderly Conduct, Loud Noise, Private Place. CR-2020-00466
3. Violating Condition of Release CR-2020-00581
4. Violating Condition Of Release CR-2020-00714

ADA Entwistle Motion s to Amend Bail Terrorizing With A Dangerous Weapon WALCD-CR-2018-00139.

I can prove so many violations by Belfast law enforcement, ADA Entwistle, Waldo Corrections, Waldo Unified Courts, MaineHealth, Two Bridges Correctional, Seaview Terrace implicated neighbors, State and local government agencies, businesses, etc., over 11 years, it has become more than most anyone could endure. I do and remain solid in truth and documented facts.

Additionally to almost being shot to death in my home by Belfast Sgt. Fitzpatrick on 9/25/2020, was another false arrest and corruption of ADA Entwistle. July 2020 I was cuffed at my home approximately Noon. I was brutally handled again and placed in the concrete room inside booking. No bathroom, bed, window, no visual to beyond 4 walls if concrete. I was told I was intoxicated. I was not but was allowed to drink on probation at that time. 

I had bought one can of a Long Island Iced Tea to see if it was good. It was. That day I opened it and had not even 1/4 of that single serve can. It was strong and I put it back in the refrigerator. Done. Cops came banging on my door for a bail check and kidnapped me again. Clearly they have surveillance on every moment in my life.

John Shifflett was told my Bail was $70 but they would not release me until 7 pm to sober me up. I was kept in that hole, no water, no food, no contact, not allowed to go to the bathroom as I begged and begged. Until I went on the floor in the corner. I had no idea what time it was or what was going to happen to me. I was not allowed any phone call. If I wasn't dating John at that time, I would have been gone a long time ago in Two Bridges, weekend of 3/2/2018.

Finally the door was opened. It was Officer Lori (now retired). She is always kind to me. It was 4am. I thought I was going home. Instead I was cuffed and shackled. Transported by Lori to Somerset Jail. First time. I told Lori the events and she said that was illegal during the video taped 1 1/2 hr. drive. 

At Somerset Jail I was body scanned, eye scanned, cavity check, lice showered, holy chit.

Days later my video hearing with Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle was in the middle of the booking area where many heard and watched. An attorney was on and spoke to me as I waited for Murray and Entwistle. When they came on, I told the facts. After that Somerset Jail sent me home.

ADA Entwistle did not include the transfer to Somerset Jail in his discovery. Completely omitted. Attached to the discovery was my original conditions of release where I was allowed marijuana and it's by products. I caught another entrapment. It had been changed to say I was prohibited from marijuana. I had showed the plants that John was growing in containers legally in my backyard to police on a previous check.

I told the Courts and was told to file a motion. I told them that I could be arrested as soon as I walk out with PO Lori Lamma constantly attempting to have my Bail revoked. I got that entered on the record and got rid of every seed and marijuana at my home. No alcohol, no weapons. Both alcohol and weapons have been planted in my house while being held captive in many illegal arrests and 2 month psych holding and drugging. Murray had amended bail prohibiting alcohol prior to the planting.

I don't want any chemicals period. I am healthy and hoping the ankle monitor of cancerous ray's for over 700 days doesn't present cancer. I would have to motion for medical treatment where? Not in Maine. MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital illegally drew my blood during the psych. kidnapping 1/8/19 -3/2/19. Hoping to find anything. Guess not.

For my safety, I included all these addressees. No offense to Matt Pollack. He has been respectful and professional in previous conversations a few years ago.

Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Competency Hearing
Dear Maine Supreme Judicial Executive Clerk Matt Pollack,

The two email threads that I have sent to you are evidence of Judicial misconduct of bias, financial implications with MaineHealth and commerce, tampering of evidence, hearings, discoveries, gross abuse of power with law enforcement, MaineHealth, mental health system, businesses, State of Maine agencies, community and neighbors. The short list of 11 years of violating my rights, life, privacy, protection, property and family for protecting our constitutional rights, when sold undisclosed water slaughter corruption, local to State and all involved, on 6/28/2010. All alone. I do.

Since 2012, I have been denied my Judicial rights to be heard, pro Se by Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews, Robert Murray, Davis, Fowles, Walker, Billings, Dobson, Mary Kelly and Alexander. Alexander was not 1rst hand hearings like the other ten. He was the Judge of the day with Worth when I went to District Court for an immediate protection order against abutting neighbor, friends of Judge Worth, illegal lot 23 Seaview Terrace, 300 lbs. of vandalizing, terrorizing, stealing, with hate and protection of Belfast PD and Sheriff's Dept., mean, mean, powerful Mark Rae. 

Worth had already recused herself after robbing me of an open and shut case for 6k against my ex-husband with Judge Fields. Even my ex said it wasn't fair and actually gave me 3k after her dismissal. Now they had my very private divorce papers to use mental abuse to hurt us. True to date.

Alexander should have decided the immediate request with proof for protection but sent it to Mathews in Rockland to deny many hours later. Judge Sparaco awarded protection at the hearing. Rae appealed and lost. I was pro Se always.

The corruption has escalated in dangerous, threatening, illegal, fabricating charges, arrests, violations of rights off the charts for 11 years to the most deadly on 9/25/2020 with another fabrication of violating parole on the Belfast Police Blotter online. It stated I was arrested for violating parole conditions in Bangor. I read this in my living room as Office Megan Trubuzio spent hours yelling and banging on my front and back door to come outside and talk to her. She refused to talk to me from my window and I said to get a warrant. No warrant. Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke down my beautiful 2k door, which is still broken, and came at me at gunpoint. I hit the floor and spread and my beagle nearly died. He could have been shot like me. Innocent and in our living room.

To date, ADA Entwistle and Judge Murray have not stated the violation, and I was never legally charged, yet I am still under arrest. Clearly fabricating mental illness to use as incompetence. Again, misconduct because of no evidence and pro Se. No plea. Innocent. Dismiss just like they had to do after 2 years of fabricating cease harassment charges, arrests, 2 months of illegal involuntary hospitalization through MaineHealth with Dr. Drake, Dr. James Ray, Dr. Kirby, LPN Sarah Street Taylor and Judge Mary Kelly ordering med suicide and TDK to my healthy mind and body. 

Judge Murray, ADA Entwistle and PO Lori Lamma continue fabrication to deny my due process and rights. Judge Murray force appointing another attorney is not for my life but for theirs. I comply and must abide to their proven abuse of power to the system to silence and destroy all that I am and have. I certainly do not have mental illness and never a diagnosis before Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle sought mental health fabrication with ex Chief McFadden emailing and using my children. He threatened me for years with Officer Ward. Telling me to back off of City Hall and protect my children. Twice. Face to face.

To subject me to further persecution by these corrupt and deadly proceedings is inhumane. I see the D.O.J. of the United States of America is taking special procedure to review Police abuse of power. Please do the same here.

I am a 60 year old, single, innocent, healthy and law abiding below poverty level, Mom who could have been murderer on 9/25/2020 and many times prior. In my home and on my property where I fear to leave regardless of house arrest.  Court ordered to death, beyond a reasonable doubt.

I am asking for special review immediately to free me and clear my spotless record as it has always been prior to Belfast real estate and City Hall corruption to my property and Street. The Gaza Strip v MaineHealth and State of Maine.

The true target shoot is innocent, freedom of speech. A flippant remark, never a threat. To Belfast City Council, City Planner and City Manager "Thanks for being my target ya assholes." Video just showing my hand as I said only that. Innocent beyond a reasonable doubt. Judge Sparaco would have thrown it out. What was told to the Grand Jury? Lies. Beyond any doubt.

Deputy Joel witnessed the phone hacking and it will happen until. Please accept my communications through email only. I would be open to a video conference but all access from my home is hacked or has been eliminated for over a year. I will not drive anymore and cannot leave my dying 18 year old beagle alone. He is very traumatized from excessive, abusive, hateful Police busting into my home for many years.

Please halt all proceedings and allow special intervention by the Maine Supreme Judicial Court to rule on the felon conviction with these emails and the true target shoot flippant remark. Freedom of Speech. McFadden sent it out globally, slandered to death. I wasn't supposed to get out of Two Bridges alive. Proven. Waldo Jail refused to take 5k bail for 3 days from John Shifflett. I got a message to the outside with an outgoing cell mate on Friday. He was at the jail trying to pay again before work at 9. No. Then they must have got word that I got a message out and we're backing out of a very bad rape death to me that weekend. Call it a suicide. But. Corporal Albert told John that he was "going to get your girl." John had not paid the bail. Another mistake. 

Please advise through writing of assistance before the competency hearing, unscheduled at this time, is heard. Thank you.

Laurie Allen, pro Se

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 4:11 PM
Subject: Fw: Competency Hearing
Dear Maine Supreme Judicial Deputy Joel ?,

I just spoke to you as I did on Friday, 4/16/2021 when our call was hacked. I could hear you but you couldn't hear me anymore. As I had told you that this may happen at the start of our conversation.

Matt Pollack was out of the office and is still out as you advised me today. Here is the email that I incorrectly entered the address. You said you received the other. I told you I want to appeal the terrorizing conviction, Docket CR-18-139.
The email explains other possibilities to clear my record. I said I will call you tomorrow to discuss this email and you said I can talk to you or Kim? I think you said that name.

Thank you.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 7:55 AM
Subject: Fw: Competency Hearing
Dear Maine Supreme Judicial Executive Clerk Matthew Pollack,

Here is the 2nd email. Judge Murray has already assigned another court appointed attorney regardless of the hearing yet to be heard. Previous court appointed attorneys, David Sinclair, Lisa Whittier, and Tom Shehan were for the State, refusing to argue my first amendment rights to freedom of speech/expression with precedence, Supreme Court, Watts v United States and reiterated by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. See Slate, In The Line of Ire. Can You Shoot An Obama Target. By Jonathan Rapoport, 8/11/2010.

Those owned attorneys took my money and tried to entrap and scare me into a plea. No. They ran and I simply argued the above. ADA Entwisle argued hearsay for 2 days. I didn't cross examine because it was hearsay and a bench trial with Judge Robert Murray. If Judge Susan Sparaco was the first, it would have been dismissed immediately. Murray made me a felon and continues to end my rights to live.

He would not accept my exhibit of evidence of my 10/2017 target shooting that was not sent to anyone and was uploaded in January 2018 to my YouTube playlist, John and Me. Just fun things we did. Other playlists were of epic Belfast corruption. Many have been hacked.

ADA Entwisle was giving the DVD evidence of the target shooting and stated there was other video on it. I objected and wanted my DVD entered. Instead, Murray told Entwisle to get another DVD with only the target shooting on it by days end. Corruption.

The actual shoot is a first and only shoot with John's rifle. I have never owned or shot a firearm. The target was a basic store bought $1.00 red and white paper target. After I was done, I went to shut off the camera. I put my hand in view, and made a flippant remark. I named off Belfast City Council, Planner, and Manager and said " Thanks for being my target ya assholes." That is all. I never spoke of them during my shoot. They were not on my mind. I was having fun and the real video proves that. Innocence. Never sent, never a threat, only my freedom of speech and documented truth is their threat. Proven too many times over 11 years.

A title 14 section 556 would clear my spotless record before Belfast horror, 2010. An appeal would too but is not within my access unless you can accept these 2 emails and the true video to clear me and stop further assaults to me and my rights. I only go outside to quickly get my mail. The police hide in bushes to get me. Break my door down at gunpoint
Now they are back to using the mental health system to silence me.

My phone session with Hillary Stewart Reed, Acadia, was hacked on Monday. We managed to talk of the motion below. Hillary is a good therapist and is more than concerned. She knows that I do not have mental illness and is impressed with all I do and who I am. I excell. One at a time, to the best of what the corrupt will not allow.

I do not have any tools to prepare and my postal mail is tampered. My truck had nails driven into the tires when I am forced out to court or to probation. The backup camera was ripped off and I fear my brakelines will be cut. I do not want to drive anywhere. My food is from Sam's Club and Amazon online. Since 11/2020. 

Murray refuses to recuse, and has not allowed my 2 month old (at least) motion to transfer all proceedings and probation to Knox County. Now, I fear traveling to Rockland if I could.

I had called you to talk about rule 63, recusal of Murray and rule 70 for a law student assistance and if you could assign an unbiased court attorney. 

I am hoping that special exception will be granted and my record cleared, with compensation to free me from Maine. I am still alive, healthy and innocent. 60 years old and hanging in there. 


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 4:47 PM
To: The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Fw: Competency Hearing

To Amal and George Clooney and Media,

All have received volumes of proof where the State of Maine, MaineHealth, and my 1981 drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi, now faculty @ Steven's Institute, Hoboken, NJ, continue to render me silent for the rape and corruption to me, my property, my home, my entire life.

If no one in this email list will interview me or step in with an attorney to appeal my terrorizing felon record that is clear freedom of speech with precedence, then they will make me speechless with medication and treatment by MaineHealth, State of Maine, and Lombardi with the motion granted today that is below.

There is no one in Maine to go against these powers. Without any evidence, they dismiss my motions and precedence without conscience. Media is owned by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree's husband State wide. Maine media has slandered me and I am held in Maine, falsely arrested over 10 times for fabricated charges, illegally hospitalized for 2 months, drugged to where I was severely depressed and abused by too many to commit suicide, and they continue to harm me and the rights of all. 

Probation for the felon fabrication is up at the beginning of September 2021. Just months away as I try to stay in my home until free to leave. They bust in to take me. Now the fabrication charges are 2 disorderly conducts in my home, and unknown charge for 9/25/20, broke my door down at gunpoint and cuffed me to jail till 10/15/2020, no charges ever given. Released when bail was given on 10/15/2020 from Knox County Jail because I began forming a rape group in the jail. Put on house arrest since 10/15/2020 and shackled. Today I got the shackle off but still on house arrest.

I don't want to leave my home until I am free. They can fabricate more charges if I go outside. I haven't left to get fresh groceries since before Thanksgiving. Without the ankle tracker they can fabricate anything they want. 

With cancer killing my family, I was surprised that Judge Murray approved my old motion to take it off. Worrisome. They do all they can to hurt me.

I have never had and do not have mental illness. The DBT Center in Lawrenceville, NJ helped my children and me through the brutal divorce, 2006-2007. Lifesavers. They know me, no diagnosed mental illness. 

I have probation court ordered therapy with Hillary Stewart Reed at Northern Lights/Acadia. She agrees that I do not need medication, but Northern Lights is protecting Lombardi. Proven on the intake interview that I have. The rape is not who I said and not accurate at all.

I went to Acadia to stop the State from forcing Maine Health on me. They will find me incompetent. Fry my brain. Unless the Clooney's and real media step up. America needs truth and proof of Judicial Misconduct by the State of Maine, Rape 4 Profit, by one 60 yr old, innocent Mom, below poverty taking them on, pro Se, 11 years and 11 Judges. 

Documented to the T. No prior record, a good person always. Roselli and Roselli know me well. Tom and I were in the same class, 1978 South River NJ. Fred helped me win relocation and other legal issues. DBT knows me. Innocent, direct and honest. 

Please don't let them fry me. Tick. Tick.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine, 04915


Motion granted by Judge Robert Murray 4/9/21 Waldo Judiciary Court Belfast Maine
Subject: Competency Hearing
Unified Criminal Docket
Docket NO. CR-18-139

State of Maine Waldo v. Laurie L. Allen

The State of Maine moves pursuant to Title 15 MRSA section 101-D(5) for a hearing to determine whether the defendant is competent to proceed or whether she can be restored to competence with appropriate treatment.

1. A forensic evaluation was conducted pursuant to the court's order, by Dr. William Barter on behalf of the State Forensic Service.
2. Dr. Barter's report reflects his conclusion that the defendant did not demonstrate skills normally associated with competence to proceed, but that she might be restored to competence with appropriate treatment interventions.
3. The State requests that a hearing be held to determine whether the defendant is competent to proceed, and if not, whether she should be ordered to submit to treatment designed to restore her to competence.
4. The defendant's position on this motion is not known.

WHEREFORE, the State requests that a hearing be scheduled to allow for determination of whether the defendant is competent to proceed, and if not, whether she should be ordered to submit to treatment designed to restore her to competence.

William B. Entwisle
Assistant District Attorney
Bar Number 3933
Date 4/8/21

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