
Sunday, August 2, 2015

8/2015 & 9/2/14 City Council Mike Hurley Threatens Seaview Terrace Residents

Pure  Evil Heil Hurley. 50 years of illegal City water slaughter to Seaview Terrace, a flood plain, flood zone, private property, not a natural outlet and ethically bound to divert. Instead they force water slaughter genocide to take after disaster. This is Hurley's plan and he hates that we haven't gotten taken out yet and will have to pave.

I have been relentless with paving to code, ordinance and state law. They have staged corrupt options and a corrupt meeting with a few targeted residents. I am at the meeting when Slocum announces this meeting with Seaview residents on 9/3/14. I don't know anything about the Seaview Terrace meeting.

I leave the meeting and send emails to all of them asking when and where the meeting is. I send it again, many times the next day. I need it in writing to be sure I am not tricked again. They never respond. They hold the meeting without me. The residents have watched Hurley threaten to "pull the plug" on paving Seaview Terrace, how Hurley has "had it with Seaview Terrace". Stating that if Seaview Terrace residents won't accept the corruption that  Belfast City Hall will do a corrupt pave at all and "pull the plug". Hurley states that we should buy back the road that the City continues to slaughter... This man is dangerous and ill.

I have taken the sole responsibility for the neighborhood to fight City Hall to save Seaview Terrace to eliminate conquer and divide. City Hall divided my neighbors anyway. The targeted neighbors accept any goat path paving/illegal draining that the City will do.

I did not know that these few neighbors went to the meeting and accepted the corrupt option #4 (according to Mayor Ash). My brother Donald,  died on 9/4/2014. The City trucks roll in unscheduled, no notice to residents (as always done weeks before paving) . They thought I'd be at my brother's funeral in Alabama om 9/8/14. I will never forget the horror and devastation in my front yard, all week long when I was in great mourning.  Make no mistake, Heil Hurley and City Manager Sloscum jumped on my brother's death to slaughter me more. They are inhumane and dangerous, creating mob mentality through implication.


Belfast City Hall officials create hazard to spend more for downtown while force flooding watershed residents. A cyclist just got T-boned there. Vehicles will be distracted from safely waiting to beating the clock placing the crossing pedestrians and cyclists in more danger. Property taxes101 mandate resident safety. Belfast officials mandate for the 1% and the wannabe's.
The Boathouse is another asset for the 1% and connected. I am the poster Mom who made it out against the odds to be targeted and sold Belfast City Hall hell. To date, 5 years of Belfast City Hall officials and players threaten my home and our safety. New Hope is no hope in Belfast. Our children are not allowed to have their senior prom at the Boathouse. Yet Our Town Belfast Gala for the 1% and players use the Boathouse and Armistice Bridge as if they own it.
Ironic that Officer Ward was newly stationed at City Council meetings after I bravely and dangerously went public in 11/2011. They were counting on my situation to stay under all radar and protection. City Council called me in as a threat to Belfast Police Chief McFadden in 2011, he summoned me to headquarters, cleared me and told me I was the high lite of his day. After officials could not intimidate me (City Council, Mayor, City Planner, City Manager, Code Officer, Public Works Director, City Attorney, City Video Director) Officer Ward followed me out of a meeting to persuade me to back off of City Hall. Ned Lightner, City Video Director came outside too- and had a go at me. I spoke facts.Officer Ward then attempted to shame me as a mother. Months later, Chief McFadden and Officer Ward came to my house unannounced. I invited them in. The Chief stated he received an anonymous email that I was unstable. When I didn't break, the Chief resorted to shaming me as a mother. Intimidation Interrogation over. Children off limits.
Public works targets me with massive snow (on top of flooding), used the funeral of my brother in Alabama on 9/8/14 to send in the trucks, unscheduled and unannounced to illegally pave and illegally send more water to me against code/ordinance and Title 17/38. I couldn't go to the funeral and watched in horror as the men ripped away 5 years of work and hope. City Council Mike Hurley freely threatens residents rights and safety with City Wall and players support.
Owned Town Belfast. Targeted and trapped again. I stand alone. Brave.
Laurie Allen
Seaview Perish

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