
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5/20/14 Belfast City Council Meeting Presents the Kill

Below are my posts in the local paper, Village Soup Republican Journal, where they printed the agenda for the 5/20/14 kill via the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan. I have been posting public awareness on corruption after corruption, this is the end for my neighborhood. Meeting link at end of the top post. Small sampling of other corruption uncovered and ignored.

 POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 28, 2014 08:58
Plan rezones residential neighborhoods Wight St., Seaview Terrace down to Interiors by Janis Stone (Red house by-pass) to R3- HEALTHCARE AND HOUSES. 4 available tainted stream properties on Seaview Terrace are available for a methadone clinic, rehab, etc. Any could be a next door neighbor for this currently zoned residential area. Increasing the unethical, illegal slaughter 40+ years with this final kill. This one will be swift and done. Clearly this plan has been in motion for many years- City Council fully aware, participating and will be approving. Probably began around the time Councilor Nancy Hamilton sold out from this area and moved. I can't stop this alone. Click on 10E City Planner Wayne Marshall assuring the public can speak all they want, Council has the final say... So moved(Nancy's line), second(Eric's line), bang, bang by Mayor Ash, it's our end.
Councilor Mike Hurley asks the UU Pastor- Dean Perkins and Joel Krieger- First Church Co Pastor, to send more information. These men spoke at open to the public (#6 ff 9min.12 sec) promoting the international movement,Compassionate Action for communities. Joel describes it as "Treat all others as you wish to be treated yourself" Councilor Roger Lee is the treasurer with the UU Church.
What happened to Belfast? A twilight zone never ending episode of corruption and denial? It's coming to the end for many. No compassion action for the 4 years I've dedicated myself to spreading public awareness. Maybe, now? I hope.
5/20/14 Belfast Council Meeting. click 6 ff9:12 ,click 10E Comp. Plan Overview-calculated tenderizing for the final slaughter.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 21, 2014 10:10
R.T. Grant matching funds from private donations. Stay aware- grants are used as leaches to pass more spending for absolutely known's feigning unknown, now necessary as project is underway.
Be very aware of this Airport jargon. All the public input and public hearings cannot stop the corruption. The damning documents needed are locked up in City Hall, all corrupted plans, compliance conditions, zoning conditions, are manipulated, denied, with held... Freedom of Information is rhetoric and torture right up to the Attorney General's office. 35? meetings, 3 years of persistence in requesting the same documents and unannounced storm raids to City Hall. I scored enough documents to prove the HUGE wetlands site, Capt Al Stevens School flew through corrupt approvals, DEP, Army Corp to local. Conditions of compliance were not met, engineer reports ordered were never done, allowing for illegal flooding to watershed residents private property. Neighbors suing each other, unable to stop the source- Belfast City Planning, Board, Manager and Council hiding behind the City Attorney with police protection in Council Meetings.
They float deceiving language and assurances. Vague responses, beliefs, opinions, volumes of rhetoric- nothing in writing. Get it in writing prior, record meetings, pictures, form your own committee, attorney and engineer independent of City Hall swaying. After is too late. An attorney would be sent down the same rabbit holes that I have been sent for basic public information. Take @ least 15k and torch it. The attorney has not even begun to produce one ethical step towards resolution. A wealthy resident in the MDI region had spent over 10 million in fees fighting development runoff to private property. Fighting them in their arena is a near death experience. The appeal process is the crowning caveat. You must appeal with in 30? days of approval. The nightmare hasn't even broke ground, may not for many months, and all those plans, documents, are buried, City Hall abusing the resident to no end, City Council taking part and taking the 5th when cornered.
1.All runoff forced to Seaveiw Terrace is illegal- there is NO NATURAL outlet. Began in 1970 and still adding to it. Constant destruction and flooding. A flood plain, flood zone, they should be diverting and protecting. Property taxes and flood insurance off the charts. The mil rate to hit 25 and abusing resdients, denying basic rights and infrastructure.
2.Zoning conditions for sites to remove plowed snow offsite- ignored. Destroying resident private property with melt. In 2009 it came crashing over Seaview Terrace- almost taking the car and wiping out the yard  @ 40 Seaview Terrace, confirmed by Belfast City Tax Assessor, Bob Whiteley. City Manager, Joe Slocum commented to me in 8/2011, that it could have knocked her house off it's foundation. She is fit but elderly and loved by many. A school mate of Bob Whiteley's wife. City Hall doesn't care- no compassion for their force drowning.
3.Corrupt zoning approval for abutting residence to Dr. Morrow. To sell that residence, Zoning and Planning forcefully attempted to resolve by forcing the violation run off to Dr. Morrow. City Hall and selling agent had zero conscience for Dr. Morrow, and the battle played out in televised Council Meetings. Dr. Morrow was forced to hire an attorney and engineer to protect her property from City Hall slaughter. 11/7/12 Belfast City Council- ff40 minutes, and watch 20 minutes of white collar bullying. It's insane. .
4. 48 Old Searsport Ave. purchased with assurance from City Planner, Wayne Marshall, that their waterfront view would remain. The lot in front was not build-able. After purchase, Wayne Marshall would approve a house to go up on that un-build-able lot. Legal illegal nightmare, community tainting, City Hall ruined more lives, crushing dreams and souls. Ruthless. The owner of that illegal house, would default- into foreclosure and moved to Florida...
5. Bridge Street resident may lose the last bit left of water view when the Front Street Shipyard builds the big one with flexible ordinances. Shady City Planning underway- resident told construction will not begin until an order for a massive yacht is received. SAY WHAT?? Right. That's a curtain for corruption to fly though approvals because an order is in house but no house to build it in. Potato head patterns are all over. Independent committee's are needed ASAP.
New video- The Slaughter March. We ain't seen nothing yet. Seems like a lot of homes are popping up for sale. Don't even get me going on the corrupt agents selling the undisclosed nightmares.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 19, 2014 14:08
Whoa- Slocum said this would be paid through fund raising- Grants usually require matching funds. Slocum tried to slip in 3 grants in the last meeting for more wants. Insanity. Not a care for our demise from their refusal to provide resident infrastructure. Any day can bring the from their corrupt planning, forcing runoff illegally to private properties, misusing tax dollars for their glory. Pitting neighbors against each other, some tainted by their wants causing and others to lose their homes/properties/value. How do good people become so callous? Greed. Do the Happy Dance and forget about us....

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