
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reflect and Correct, Stop the Boycott

In fact, my first day out protesting in 2011, Jay Davis a buddy of Mike Hurley and member of the Restorative Justice program approached me. I told him of the City flooding residents and realtors selling undisclosed nightmares. He told me that what I was doing was not how things were done around here. He asked me if I contacted Mike Hurley. I told him I did and Mike didn't want to touch it. Jay wished me well and went on his way. There is much more, the City Attorney trying to intimidate me is the most offensive and unethical behavior. 

I have become a target for all those supporting the Old Boys Club which has a strong hold over Belfast. Their children are in the schools that my children go to, the schools have been difficult (not the teachers but the administration), I've taken public ridicule, public abusive comments online with media, I watch my back ALL the time, fear for my pets safety, adhere strictly to the law and cling to tray and stay on the high road. Sometimes, I wind up in the ditch.

See above headers "My video and 18 Corrupt City Council Meetings for video history.

Maine is 4th in corruption- school administration and government corrupt and greedy, those that challenge, get burned out. I've hung in there for 3 years and have solid ground to begin the change. Must start at the bottom of this cesspool and clean our way up. City Hall in Belfast is the first cesspool to clean and it will spread like the sun drying up the mold and decay.

It is unbelievable to think that I fought so bravely, for so long to get out of abuse with my children. Odds stacked against me, and no one to help me, me ex assuming my life, friends and family. But I did it, the courts were corrupt, Judge Keiser, Middlesex County NJ,  I was his last case, 4/2007- he was removed from the bench).

6/2010 I was sold this undisclosed illegal storm/melt runoff from miles and miles of outside development. In 4/2011- my 1/4 acre dry property suddenly had thundering rapids cruising through it for over a week, ripping away over 1/4 of my property. Frightened, I was directed to City Planner, Wayne Marshall. Smirking, he showed me a map on the wall and traced at least 4 paths tunneled into Seaview Terrace, private property, flood zone, flood plain, no rights of ways, easements and not a natural outlet (this would take me over 7 months to expose with great pain and grit). I looked at Wayne in horror and said straight up - "The City cannot do this- I want a copy of this map. I asked Wayne for help in getting rocks against the banks to stop my fence from falling in. He wasn't smirking anymore, and said NO. I would never get that map and City Hall and BHG T&C now Masiello Group Realtor, Bill Ingersoll and Earl Black-  began their crusade to burn me at the cross and bury all proving public documents. Now, 3 years later, what I have said from the start is true and the City is corrupt as hell and still burning residents. The tendrils of corruption keep unraveling, DEP approving sites and City violating compliance, ordinances, State law, each level of government supporting each other in corruption- local to State- DEP, Attorney General, Maine Realtor Board, it is much bigger then we can imagine. Laws so lax, candy land for attorneys, creating exceptions to the exceptions. They try to lure you in to legal proceedings to break your bank and bury you before a motion is even on the table. The first year they tried to send me down the other path of hell- file a complaint with City insurance- right, I just fell of the turnip truck. Only way to fight government corruption is to whistle blow and blow and blow. Till the public says- enough- we have to get involved. You, your neighborhood, your town, your basic rights could be next. It's shattering. We must Fight City Hall.

Go to for full letters of corruption from DEP Commissioner Aho, Belfast City Attorney-Bill Kelly, Belfast City Manager- Joe Slocum and Belfast City Planner- Wayne Marshall (ASK'M Aho, Slocum, Kelly, Marshall) Here is a snippet from some of  the letters, Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly sent to me.

4/26/12-" ...have become a form of sport for you...You have been provided the information that you have requested....There is nothing more any City official can provide to you...Your repeated requests relating to the same information are not going to lead to different information, nor different positions of the City officials....The City officials have expended significant time and energy in addressing your questions and requests. They have done all they can do an there is nothing more they can do at this point in time. As a result, to the extent that your emails, commentary, and questions are repetitive, there is no purpose at this point in the City officials responding to you. That will be the course....I am aware that multiple residents on Seaview Terrace do not share your concern, do not share your methodology of unfair characterizations of City employees, nor the way that you describe the impact on your property's value regarding this stream/drainage swale, which has been in the same approximate location for at least 50 years and ...before it was slightly moved by the developers in the late 60s."

7/20/12 "The City will not index or otherwise list the documents you request... The City has collected documents responsive to your recent emails in the last few weeks...However, be advised that to the extent that you, in person or through emails and letters, seek analysis, written indexing or characterizations of documents made available pursuant to your requests, the City will no longer respond to such requests. It is clear to me that you misunderstand...and I find no basis for your  your complaints alleging City responsibility for the flow of water through your property. That position has remained the same for the past year, and it is not going to change, Your neighbors have disagreed with your allegations and your characterizations in the neighborhood. I AM NOT AWARE OF ANY CREDIBLE SOURCE or informed person that supports your position alleging City responsibility for drainage conditions that have been present for over 50 years on the property you recently purchased..."

2/19/13 " ...There is no requirement under Freedom of Information act that requires the City to provide verbal or written responses to these repetitive questions. You continue to ask for these actions to be done and you ignore the CLEAR statement from the City that it is not going to engage in responding to your questions...When you come to Council meetings and make these same arguments you should expect that the Council will not be responding to you because THEY HAVE ALREADY MADE THE DECISION THAT THEY DO NOT AGREE WITH YOUR POSITION...This is matter is resolved from the City's perspective."

Me, Laurie Allen writing now- Clearly City Attorney, Bill Kelly is not credible and uses intimidation and alienation. Clearly, the City did not respond to my requests and with held public documents which has unfolded and is proven. See header above for full request and other manipulative responses from Slocum.

12/4 Pictures & City Manager Joe Slocum's Deceptive Response to 3 year request for Public Documents

From:Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 10/24/13 12:59 PM
Ms. Allen,
I acknowledge receipt of this request. It really appears that if we have what you are asking for that we have repeatedly made it available to you in the past. Nevertheless I will try one more time to gather together what documentation I can locate. I will ask every Department Head to help me with this effort. It takes a lot of time for us to continue to pull these documents out and together for you but I am willing to give it this additional effort.
 As you may know, Jennika, who oversaw your requests for the last 2 years, no longer works here. We are also short staffed by the loss of the Assistant City Planner and we have an election to run on November 5th.
At this time I estimate that it will take me three weeks to gather all this information and collect it in a secure area for your inspection. I will let you know by email of the exact date.  We will then ask you to schedule, in advance, when you will be here to inspect these documents and you may identify any documents for copying at your expense. One of my staff members will attend the scheduled inspection. These meetings as a practical matter need to work for both schedules. Please note:
1. I am assuming that your question #1 relates to the Captain Albert Stevens School.
2. I will refer to the Assessor your request #7 for a reassessment- which is not a freedom of information request- and ask him to handle your request as he would any other property owner.
3. Request #6 asks what we are doing or not doing- which is also not a freedom of information request. Please note that the City's position on your allegations has not changed from any of the positions previously detailed to you in prior correspondence- including the letters sent to you by our Attorney on behalf of the City Council. 
 Thank you,

Joseph J. Slocum
Belfast City Manager

And his latest partial email admitting to the City corruption in not following compliance of studies and engineer reports to approve drainage requirements AFTER construction. Certified Calculating Corruption destroying and endangering residents and their private property. Full request and responses on header above, must read to get full scope of manipulation to avoid giving specific documents

  • From:Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
    Sent:Mon 12/02/13 12:43 PM
    To:LAURIE ALLEN (; Councilors (; William S. Kelly (
  • Dear Ms. Allen,

I believe I have concluded my review of the document search you asked me to make as the freedom of information request on October 21, 2013.  This review has taken longer than I expected and I note that many if not all of these files have been made available to you in the past.. 

...I have full files and the aerial maps for your inspection. Our records are not perfect. 
 acknowledge your request to meet with specific people to review these documents. I’m denying that request...

#6 Two Steps have been taken to address comment 6. First, the City of Belfast had assessed a stormwater impact fee to new developments within the unnamed stream's watershed to assist in funding an offsite drainage study.The Belfast Elementary School watershed will be included in the offsite drainage study of the overall unnamed stream's watershed will be included in the offsite drainage study of the overall unnamed stream's watershed, which drains through the "24" culvert beneath Congress St., east of Priscilla Lane.
11.3 The applicant shall pay a stormwater impact fee of $5,000 to the City to better enable the City to conduct an analysis...

1.       I have been unable to locate any offsite drainage study relating to the Captain Albert C. Stevens School. To the best of my knowledge the study was never done as referenced in the conditions of approval (condition number 11.3) dated November 20, 2002 and again on January 15, 2003.

11.1 The applicant shall either : a) Provide the City a letter from a licensed civil engineer certifying that the stormwater improvements were constructed in accordance with all City specifications and in accordance with Site Plan requirements; or b) Pay the City the cost to employ a City inspector to inspect construction of the stormwater improvements.

3.        cannot find, nor am I able to identify any letter from a licensed engineer or reports from the City Engineer that all storm water work was done as represented.   However  I have been able  to locate a copy of the” as built” plan which shows this construction. I will make an attempt to get this letter from the engineers who designed and oversaw the construction of this work.

Michael McFadden <>
Jan 14


I did some research, first the Zoning Conditions of Approval document indicates that the CASS school is responsible for snow removal.
e.      The Cass School Conditions Plus the Cass School Maintenance plan which calls for snow to be kept on site.
Slocum throwing the Chief of Police under the bus to protect his corruption. That's enough. Slocum is not credible and only comes forth with some information of Planning corruption because of my surprise visit where documents weren't back in hiding. Council Mike Hurley publicly slandering me, calling me ridiculous, Council calling me in as a threat to the Chief of Police, Mayor Ash trying to stop me from speaking at public meetings, telling me a member of Council will assist me in dealing with Joe Slocum and Joe Slocum denying that request, I could write a book on the unethical, bullying tactics employed to cover up the expensive disaster Planning has created and adds to since approx. 1975. 

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