
Thursday, November 21, 2013

12/4/13- With supporting businesses and the Chamber of Commerce awarding Joe Slocum, City Manager (not even a Belfast resident) Citizen of the Year was a slap in my face. THEY ALL KNOW HOW HORRIBLE JOE SLOCUM HAS TREATED RESIDENTS, ESPECIALLY SEAVIEW TERRACE, AND THE PRIOR EMPLOYEE FOR GENERAL ASSISTANCE AND SUMMER HELP AT THE POOL, AND MANY MORE.  


To read intimidating, unethical letters from City Attorney, Bill Kelly and Commissioner Aho's letter closing investigation, City Planner, Wayne Marshall early emails of smokescreens and City Manager, Joe Slocum- go to (ASK'M Aho, Slocum, Kelly, Marshall)
A streamlined version of beginning with BHG Realtor selling me this undisclosed nightmare, the corrupt Maine Realtor Board dismissing my complaint, pictures of proof and more contained in slide show albums- all I have uncovered with City Hall, and more @, The original blog is overwhelming- that was the plan- to overwhelm me, have me post too much, readers get turned off and I go off track. But, I leave it on for proof of hell.

What a weasel. Joe Slocum, City Manager totally omits the inclusion of the entire business park and AIRPORT for zoning conditions of snow removal "Larabees Plumbing and entire business park including airport.." Click on header above "12/4-City Manager Joe Slocum's Deceptive Response to 3 year request for Public Documents"

 I reiterate- no outside water coming into Seaview Terrace is legal. We are not a natural outlet. the City has no right of ways or easements, it is private property in a flood zone, flood plain that the City has the civic duty to DIVERT water away from us and is grossly forcing enormous volume and slaughtering us. City Manager, Joe Slocum refusing to include us in an emergency mitigation plan with Waldo EMA- see meeting #7 below. City Manager, Joe Slocum, refusing to include Seaview Terrace into the Northport Ave. TIF (meetings galore where I plead to be included) to open up funding for infrastructure for the costly disaster the City has created. City Manager, Joe Slocum, grandstanding dollar after dollar, grant after grant, assistance, committee's, on and on for business, window dressing, and recreation while slaughtering residents. Slocum even has the gall to point out the he has spent 19 hours creating this recent web of deception. Compiled with the 3 years and all the City players- tax dollar wasted of the charts. Could have built the Brooklyn Bridge and the Penobscot Narrows Bridge 3 times over. Certainly, Seaview Terrace and Northport Ave would have proper infrastructure that is a 101 of our tax dollars. But no. Burn me at the cross by a slew of City THUGS.

 Joe Slocum corrupt manipulation of public documents request. What is so disturbing is the total disregard for residents safety and property due to City Planning cutting corners, knowing the low income resident can't endure the cost physically and mentally to hold them accountable and save their homes. City Manager and City Attorney order the Council not to respond, to go along with their corruption, City Planner given free reign to trash residents in his path, businesses reaping the corruption at the expense of the poor. With holding documents, lying, bullying, intimidating, with smiles and behaviors typical in dangerous dictators. So many honest residents here, only wanting to spread good will. City Hall robs us all.

The only language they understand is BOYCOTT.

Belfast city manager wins Citizen of the Year award
Click to read Village Soup article and my comments.

11/27/13 Updated with snippets of personal history and pictures taken today at 10 am after maybe 1 inch of rain. Yesterday- all was dry. The only run off onto my private property should be from MY property only. 125 feet of this man made drainage ditch is my private property. No rights of ways, no easements, and no way, no how a natural outlet for 2+ miles of development outside my property. Yet, that is exactly what they are doing- forcing it on all 3 sides to my private property and trying to cover up the water. Idiots.

Look at that massive culvert- that is on the top of Seaview- bringing it all into Seaview Terrace private property. In 2009, spring melt- the culvert could not handle the volume, pouring right over the road, into yards, almost taking a house and a car, in 2011 it was cresting- the flow wild rapids ripping 1/4 of my yard with it. Wayne Marshall,  City Planner, smirking and blaming Mother Nature knowing it was his planning. Knowing he looked the other way as businesses did not remove plowed snow EVER- all season- all to melt to us, private property, flood plain, flood zone. City Hall following suit. Every year I have documented with pictures- all in the blogs. 

Green section is back yards where slaughter water is forced from the top. We get it on both sides as well from miles away- from The Muck & Captain Albert Stevens School- down and over, all of Wight St (which is the direct path to the City Park storm ravine to the Bay), up and down Rte 1 and miles beyond. The pink ribbon is my yard. Joe Slocum, City Manager and Wayne Marshall, City Planner refused to provide any maps, paths, final plans, on and on. I followed the water myself  and drew this map. No doubt I missed some- Public Works on Congress St. is one.

My back yard where 1/4 got ripped away in the torrent, 3/2011 and all doors started slamming shut.

The illegal water slaughter entry from miles outside of Seaview,and even from across Rte 1 !! This massive culvert overflowed, drowning and destruction amuses City Planner, Wayne Marshall and City Manager, Joe Slocum, City Council, Planning Board and City Attorney, Bill Kelly

Neighbors runoff  illegally forced to me

This is the ditch the City did private property digging. Slocum denied, then when caught, said it was over 8 years ago,  when I proved it was in 2009, he then said- OK- but we did it to protect the road. The road is NOT near this ditch and they dug some 20 ft in from this spot to keep the flow going to my private property.

More coming from behind Seaview- behind Huntress Garden Apt and from ACROSS Rte. 1

This is a better picture of where the City did illegal drainage work on private property to flow to mine. Joe Slocum had 80+ year old neighbor, Bud Hand speak in support of the City and against me. He didn't tell that this ditch drains from his property and he entered into an agreement with the City to maintain this ditch even though it is not his property.  Making sure the water will continue to flow. Terrible neighbor alienation.

My house and proof of road side water that the City could care less about, damaging the road. Neighbors wanted to send this to me but were denied. Water pouring into basements- no where to drain. No infrastructure and Planning drowning us.

More coming to me from opposing neighbor. And in the background, the Annex. Where they are sending me an illegal unapproved slew from them and Wight Street. Joe Slocum and Bill Kelly tell me to get an attorney, they are not answering any questions.

Drowning and destroying all 3 sides
From the Annex and Wight St.- unapproved, illegal and just added as recent as 2011. Diane Allmyer Beck witness to the corruption. Another member snickering to Roger Pickering, pointing at my property, "How would you like to own that?" as I'm standing right there, the site visit in 5/2011 per my public input for the Annes addition.

WHAT!! 3 YEARS AND COUNTING I PROTEST RESIDENT CORRUPTION IN THE CENTER OF TOWN. In a nutshell- Belfast City Hall buries the proof and uses their power to diminish residents attempting to save their properties from illegal development, site compliance, violations of rights, ordinance, and law. The meetings below offer proof, as City Council cowers and takes the 5th with the City Attorney, Bill Kelly and City Manager, Joe Slocum, their dictator.

NOT ONE BUSINESS OFFERS CONCERN OR HELP. Residents fend for themselves, many implicated by being forced to illegally tie into City Lines or being recipients of City bartering or bullying. I am the poster Mom for bullying from Government, Family, Schools, all those that corrupt my basic rights. Volumes on my Belfast Bullies blogs and sadly my brother and ex as they continue to rob me and my children. My brother bringing my abusive ex back into my family against me. In conjunction with Belfast corruption. Winning relocation from NJ to Belfast was intense and rare. I did it, we could begin again. Begin another chapter of disgusting greed and ego's. Bill Ingersoll, BHG Realtors, High St., Belfast, saw me coming. Jan Andrews- my realtor from the same office, his partner in crime. Months and months Jan knew the abuse, the children crashing, knew I didn't want any properties with streams or water issues, refused in writing those disclosing streams, emails asking and asking, property inspection tainted, paying cash, flood zone not even disclosed, I drove 500 miles to see the house- no stream visible, fresh snow covered the yard. I kept asking what was wrong with this house, why was it on the market for so long? No problems they said, just a slow market and the best value in town. Other showings were downplayed. That business is the most despicable of all. It is in the center of town and the perfect spot to BOYCOTT.

After 3 years of cover up and lie after lie, this is not a natural stream. Read Joe Slocum's and Wayne Marshall's lies, they know it is not natural but use that as a back up defense when I finally uncover the ordinance. They bury the original plans, never thinking I will persist, and eventually uncover them- showing it is a man made ditch late November 2011. Slocum nearly has an aneurysm. That is when they all take the 5th and bring in the City Attorney, Bill Kelly to speak for them. He uncovers ANOTHER with held document on my property which is just another cover up done in 1987 for flooding to Seaview Terrace. All on my other blogs. See the meeting in above header #3- 1/3/2012. They blindsided my agenda, and quickly voted no further action as City Attorney, Bill ran from the meeting.

How the DEP says this is wetlands is even more corrupt. The Maine Realtor Board dismissed my complaint. Commissioner Aho, DEP dismissed the investigation, Governor LePage almost jogged trying to get away from me at the Front Street Shipyard, Senator Thibodeau tried to run but I cornered him. Conflict of interest he said, I should run and join the corrupt City Council.

Bill Kelly, City Attorney cruelly stating many unethical opinions most disturbing was that I appear to be taking this continuing horror in sick pleasure, a kind of "sport" for me. Look at the 11/1/11 meeting, I am barely holding on. After 6 months of their beating me down, I forced myself to the podium. The last thing, putting myself in public, on TV for all to judge and dissect after years and years of horrific trauma to the children and me. Desperate to have privacy, safety and to heal. My strength unmatched, I should have broke many times.


Meeting after meeting, the treatment of the resident begging for City infrastructure vs the business getting the royal treatment is blinding. In fact, my first public whistle blowing meeting on City Hall corruption, 11/1/11 was also JB Turner's first public meetings for the plans to build the Front Street Shipyard. Kissing him and kicking me in the very same meetings. Within 6 months Front Street Shipyard was built and I'm unable to get one straight answer to the forced flooding to Seaview Terrace, instead I'm forced down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. Regardless that my children and I had just moved here in bad shape. Relocated to heal in safety and peace. NOT- thanks to Bill Ingersoll BHG Realtor, High St Belfast. Sold me non disclosed hell.

 Thank the skies for the Front Street Shipyard and MBNA. Belfast Planning is a disaster. The Boards, Council and City Hall are conditioned to disaster and corruption. Blinded and seemingly simple minded or is that the plan. Play possum and take control when no one is watching. Not hard to follow, no master minds there. Although Elizabeth Miner steps up- she is intelligent, alone and out numbered. Wayne Corey has merit- there is hope.

As for Joe Slocum, Wayne Marshall, Mike Hurley, the rest of City Council, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Code Officer Todd Rosenburg, business sites allowed to violate ordinance and not remove plowed snow, all melting and forced to Seaview Terrace illegally, unethically, no rights of ways, no easements. manufacturing a man made ditch on private property to be a stream, therefore a natural outlet, therefore all systems go- send them all the runoff from over 500 acres and deny it. Council calls me in as a threat to the Chief of Police, City Attorney sends me unethical letters of intimidation, City Hall buries and with holds vital public documents of proof of City violations and corruption, they try to stop me from speaking at meetings, begin posting policemen at meetings when I speak, City Council takes the 5th- refuses to speak or respond to residents with serious City Hall violations. They fully supporting the corruption and City Manager, stroking business and implicating many in their corrupt web. Makes me sick to have to look at any of them. But I must. Sure hoped business would have supported us as we support them. Not. Go to for specific written proof of unethical officials. In others are proof of Realtor corruption, pictures and more documents in the album blocks (click on them), Maine Realtor Board corrupt dismissal...on and on and on.

The Chamber of Commerce rewards the abuser of residents with a citizens award. Disgraceful. The Chamber fully aware because I bravely whistle blow louder and louder and louder. Shamefully disgusting.

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