
Saturday, May 15, 2021

5/25 3rdDEFEND ME

Hunted In My Home & Out, Season After Season. Traps, Cuffs, Shackles, Kidnaps & Drugging. From Robes, Uniforms, Suits, Slacks, Skirts, SCRUBS, Shields & Guns, Neighbors, MaineHealth, Belfast and City Wall Hall, Waldo County, State of Inhumane Maine ... Get Her!!!  MOB MENTALITY OF THE GUILTY & GREEDY. Sad bullies.

Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 8:09 PM
To: Logan Perkins <>;same list below
Subject: 3rd2ndRe: Withdraw venue motion
Logan Perkins,

Why aren't you responding? I have been under false arrest for 8 months (correction from 7 months below). 

Laurie Allen

From: Laurie Allen
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2021 6:14 PM
To: Logan Perkins 
Sent to same list below

Subject: 2ndRe: Withdraw venue motion
Logan Perkins,

Please respond via email to 2nd request for #1, #6, #7 and #8.

You mailed me the court competency hearing notice for 7/1 which I emailed below that I received that. That is all you mailed but wrote you had important information and documents. 

1. Why didn't you mailed them as I requested? Will you mail them? As stated, I do not download email attachments.

2. Further research found that Judge Robert Murray can order medications that will hurt my healthy mind and body. I am quite certain he will if I continue to try and represent myself pro Se. Regardless that I do not have mental illness and am proven competent. Regardless of precedence. Regardless of serious harm. Inhumane abuse to a woman. Precedence overwhelming. Discrimination and deadly bias for me. No press for an indigent female standing up to bad men in power. I do. I must.

I will allow you to represent me to avoid meds that can cause suicide, clinical depression, and TDK, involuntary body twitches and jerks for life and many other serious illnesses and unknowns. Especially to a healthy, chemically balanced person like me. 60 years old and clean bill of health.

3. I am innocent of all. ADA Entwisle is allowed to present only hearsay by biased individuals and Judge Robert Murray does not require evidence as he set that precedence with making me a felon with his terrorizing with a dangerous weapon conviction. ADA Entwisle has free leeway to capsize the Constitution of the United States and Maine. Regardless of the State's burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Regardless of law.

I have been under false arrest, since Sgt. Fitzpatrick busted my door down at gunpoint on 9/25/20. No warrant. No reason. Officer Megan Trubuzio tried to lure me outside for 3-4 hours prior. I told her to get a warrant.

I knew I would be falsely arrested again because on the 9/25 Belfast Police Blotter it said I was arrested in Bangor for parole violation on 9/25. FABRICATED. Yet they broke my door down at gunpoint that could have ended my life for NO VIOLATION. MY OLD BEAGLE WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT IF HE TRIED TO PROTECT ME. PLEASE DEFEND ME.  I was in jail from 9/25-10/14, with many more violations of proceedings and rights. I could have died in there, scared to death from gunpoint.

Then, I'm given bail and shackled, chargef $5  day, placed under house arrest since. Shackle removed last month. I am frightened each time I go in my front yard. I won't leave, no fresh food. Without the shackle trackher they can fabricate more violations if they can get me outside. I will not make that mistake again. 

Seven months of arrest for fabrication, buying time to do what next?  Medicate to ? or a psych. jail? 

4. I will not plea deal. Not guilty. That this is going to trial is heartbreaking. I carry that alone. My probation is up in the first week of this September. ADA Entwisle and Judge Robert Murray continue to try and silence me eternally. Fabrication because I am law abiding with no prior record. Can't get me legally. 

5. For this record, I am not leaving my home until I must go to court on 7/1/2021. Fabrication is their evidence. 

6. Please motion to dismiss the  disorderly conducts, probation violations, and revoking of bail conditions. There is not any evidence of the disorderly conduct or probation violations. Beyond any doubt. Fabrication through hearsay.

7 Please motion to dismiss the competency hearing. I am competent as the email thread proves, please motion to dismiss with this argument from my 4/26/21 email in the thread you have and copied here:

"From this email thread alone, it is clear that I am extremely competent to defend myself pro Se. Dr. Barter was chosen by the State to find me incompetent is further proof of corruption. 'The model for competency to decide treatment consists of "five steps" of criteria:
1. Reliable diagnosis of a severe mental illness.
2. Without treatment, a short term prognosis of major distress, including "profound anxiety, depression or other painful affects, deterioration of the personality, and proliferation or intensification of symptoms.
3. The availability of treatment is likely to be effective.
4. Incompetency to consent or refuse Trey: and
5. That a reasonable person would accept the treatment offered.
"Psychiatrist and Harvard Law Professor Alan Stone offered his 'Thank you Theory for Civil Commitment' Stone 1975 Intended to provide a treatment oriented alternative to a purely dangerous approach, the model keyed on competency- 5 steps.
Stone's Thank you Theory formed the basis for a model Civil Commitment Law endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association of 1982 and published by Stone and attorney Clifford D. Stromberg a year later. (Stromberg and Stone 1983)'

Therefore, this reasonable person that does not and has not presented any mental illness in my 60 year lifetime, further evidenced with current Court ordered psychological evaluation and therapy per conditions of release, 9/2019 by Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle. I chose the best in the State of Maine, Acadia through Northern Lights Medical, Bangor, Maine. " 

Number one is that I do not have severe mental illness. I do not have mental illness period. Precedence set using Stone's model. Beyond Competent, beyond any doubt.

8. Please motion to withdraw my 2 month old motion for a venue change to Knox County.

Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2021 10:13 PM
To: Logan Perkins <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; William Entwisle <>; georgeallen99 <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; Roberto Struba <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; dave reardon <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: Withdraw venue motion
Logan Perkins,

1. I received hearing notices for 7/1/2021 today.

2. After further research today, I understand that since I didn't appeal the terrorizing conviction within the impossible time frame under abusive and threatening circumstances, I cannot appeal to the US Supreme Court.

3. Further research found that Judge Robert Murray can order medications that will hurt my healthy mind and body. I am quite certain he will if I continue to try and represent myself pro Se. Regardless that I do not have mental illness and am proven competent. Regardless of precedence. Regardless of serious harm. Inhumane abuse to a woman. Precedence overwhelming. Discrimination and deadly bias for me. No press for an indigent female standing up to bad men in power. I do. I must.

4. I will allow you to represent me to avoid meds that can cause suicide, clinical depression, and TDK, involuntary body twitches and jerks for life and many other serious illnesses and unknowns. Especially to a healthy, chemically balanced person like me. 60 years old and clean bill of health.

5. I am innocent of all. ADA Entwisle is allowed to present only hearsay by biased individuals and Judge Robert Murray does not require evidence as he set that precedence with making me a felon with his terrorizing with a dangerous weapon conviction. ADA Entwisle has free leeway to capsize the Constitution of the United States and Maine. Regardless of the State's burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Regardless of law. 

6. I will not plea deal. Not guilty. That this is going to trial is heartbreaking. I carry that alone. My probation is up in the first week of this September. ADA Entwisle and Judge Robert Murray continue to try and silence me eternally. Fabrication because I am law abiding with no prior record. Can't get me legally. 

7. For this record, I am not leaving my home until I must go to court on 7/1/2021. Fabrication is their evidence. 

8. Please motion to dismiss the  disorderly conducts, probation violations, and revoking of bail conditions. There is not any evidence of the disorderly conduct or probation violations. Beyond any doubt. Fabrication through hearsay.

9. Please motion to dismiss the competency hearing. I am competent as the email thread proves, please motion to dismiss with this argument from my 4/26/21 email in the thread you have and copied here:

"From this email thread alone, it is clear that I am extremely competent to defend myself pro Se. Dr. Barter was chosen by the State to find me incompetent is further proof of corruption. 'The model for competency to decide treatment consists of "five steps" of criteria:
1. Reliable diagnosis of a severe mental illness.
2. Without treatment, a short term prognosis of major distress, including "profound anxiety, depression or other painful affects, deterioration of the personality, and proliferation or intensification of symptoms.
3. The availability of treatment is likely to be effective.
4. Incompetency to consent or refuse Trey: and
5. That a reasonable person would accept the treatment offered.
"Psychiatrist and Harvard Law Professor Alan Stone offered his 'Thank you Theory for Civil Commitment' Stone 1975 Intended to provide a treatment oriented alternative to a purely dangerous approach, the model keyed on competency- 5 steps.
Stone's Thank you Theory formed the basis for a model Civil Commitment Law endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association of 1982 and published by Stone and attorney Clifford D. Stromberg a year later. (Stromberg and Stone 1983)'

Therefore, this reasonable person that does not and has not presented any mental illness in my 60 year lifetime, further evidenced with current Court ordered psychological evaluation and therapy per conditions of release, 9/2019 by Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle. I chose the best in the State of Maine, Acadia through Northern Lights Medical, Bangor, Maine. " 

Number one is that I do not have severe mental illness. I do not have mental illness period. Precedence set using Stone's model. Beyond Competent, beyond any doubt.

10. Please motion to withdraw my 2 month old motion for a venue change to Knox County.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 9:36 PM
To: Logan Perkins <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; William Entwisle <>; georgeallen99 <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: Withdraw venue motion
Logan Perkins,

Please mail the attachments and important information. I have been cut from the internet, laptop hacked and can't print. I bought an iPad at Verizon Belfast and they took off the imei number so I couldn't get that working. 

My phone gets hacked. I don't download anything from emails. As backup counsel can't you do the things needed that I have given you (4 actions are listed below)? As explained, my motions get shelved and/or denied/dismissed. I call the court clerks and am told nothing is scheduled when there has been a hearing scheduleded as explained in the prior thread.

I called Stephanie, the clerk, and told her that notifications were to be sent to me as well as you. She said notices are sending to you only. She said she made that addition for mailings to me and said nothing was scheduled. Your email below is of concern if a hearing is scheduled again and I am purposely not notified again. Failure to appear. Bail violation. Back to jail, anything can happen to me in jail. Innocent with no prior record before Belfast corruption.

These attempts to take my freedom has happened many times. Including the psych eval, many attempts to make that a failure to appear but I am  persistent, competent to know ADA Entwisle and Judge Murray's neverending violations of my rights and due process. Innocent. All know.

PO Lori Lamma knows when I have hearings weeks before I receive notice. She is supposed to email me when she receives notice. I insisted since the clerks don't show it. I haven't received any notice from any.

Is anything scheduled next week? Please mail all the information immediately. 

Below is the information to do the appeal for the terrorizing conviction to the United States Supreme Court and 3 motions (dismiss competency hearing, dismiss disorderly conducts, parole violation and revoking bail, withdraw venue change) Can you do these as my back up attorney? If not, please give reasons. Then, you will represent me if that is necessary to do all these 4 actions below.

Please advise immediatly. I must review every prepared action with copies for my records. Tom Shehan had tried to file motions before my review and were damaging to my defense. They were withdrawn. All 3 appoints David Sinclair, Lisa Whittier and Tom Shehan would not defend my 1rst amendment rights with precedence, which is in violation of Maine statute 806 for the attorney oath. 
Upon admission to the bar, every applicant shall, in open court, take and subscribe an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and take the following oath, or, in the case of an applicant conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath, such applicant shall make appropriate affirmations to the same effect:   [PL 1975, c. 66, §5 (AMD).]
"You solemnly swear that you will do no falsehood nor consent to the doing of any in court, and that if you know of an intention to commit any, you will give knowledge thereof to the justices of the court or some of them that it may be prevented; you will not wittingly or willingly promote or sue any false, groundless or unlawful suit nor give aid or consent to the same; that you will delay no man for lucre or malice, but will conduct yourself in the office of an attorney within the courts according to the best of your knowledge and discretion, and with all good fidelity, as well as to the courts, as to your clients. So help you God."  
PL 1975, c. 66, §5 (AMD)
The focus is the appeal to the United States Supreme Court. Here is the link to my post on my blog.
"U.S. Supreme Court appeal. Requests that the highest court in the nation intervene to correct an error on the part of the state courts that violated the U.S. Constitution. "
1. Please advise when you will prepare the appeal. The appeal is to the US Supreme Court, 1rst amendment constitutional violation. 
    Please appeal WALCD-CR-2018-00139 Bench Trial with Judge Robert Murray, finding me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon for filming my hand while thanking Belfast City Council, City Manager and City Planner for "being my target ya assholes". A "flippant remark" and not a "credible threat". Video below. Judge Robert Murray violated the United States Constitution, my first amendment rights to freedom of speech/expression with precedence, Supreme Court, Watts v United States and reiterated by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. See Slate, In The Line of Ire. Can You Shoot An Obama Target. By Jonathan Rapoport.

2. Please motion to dismiss the  disorderly conducts, probation violations, and revoking of bail conditions. There is not any evidence of the disorderly conduct or probation violations. Beyond any doubt. Fabrication through hearsay.

3. Please motion to dismiss the competency hearing. I am competent as the email thread proves, please motion to dismiss with this argument from my 4/26/21 email in the thread you have and copied here:

"Today I mailed a continuance motion for all Laurie Allen's Waldo Judicial proceedings to halt pending written direction from Maine Supreme Court Matt Pollack per this email thread. 

From this email thread alone, it is clear that I am extremely competent to defend myself pro Se. Dr. Barter was chosen by the State to find me incompetent is further proof of corruption. 'The model for competency to decide treatment consists of "five steps" of criteria:
1. Reliable diagnosis of a severe mental illness.
2. Without treatment, a short term prognosis of major distress, including "profound anxiety, depression or other painful affects, deterioration of the personality, and proliferation or intensification of symptoms.
3. The availability of treatment is likely to be effective.
4. Incompetency to consent or refuse Trey: and
5. That a reasonable person would accept the treatment offered.
"Psychiatrist and Harvard Law Professor Alan Stone offered his 'Thank you Theory for Civil Commitment' Stone 1975 Intended to provide a treatment oriented alternative to a purely dangerous approach, the model keyed on competency- 5 steps.

Stone's Thank you Theory formed the basis for a model Civil Commitment Law endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association of 1982 and published by Stone and attorney Clifford D. Stromberg a year later. (Stromberg and Stone 1983)'

Therefore, this reasonable person that does not and has not presented any mental illness in my 60 year lifetime, further evidenced with current Court ordered psychological evaluation and therapy per conditions of release, 9/2019 by Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle. I chose the best in the State of Maine, Acadia through Northern Lights Medical, Bangor, Maine. " 

Number one is no severe mental illness. I do not have mental illness period. Precedence set using Stone's model. Beyond Competent, beyond any doubt.

4. Please motion to withdraw venue change to Knox County.

Complete transparency is necessary for my safety and defense against corruption by ADA Entwisle and partners. The burden of proof is on the State of Maine. Computations of how much evidence is  approximated to be 90%. ADA Entwisle is given carte blanche to bring whatever charges he wants against me without evidence and Judge Robert Murray allows. For over 3 years now. 

The appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court will clear my record. The State should do a Title 14 section 556 and clear my record instead. After 2 years of fabricated harassment charges and endless hearings to entrap, ADA Entwisle finally dropped the charges because he couldn't get me to plea. Such waste and abuse. Inhumane.

Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen

From: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: Withdraw venue motion
Hi Laurie,

This request also raises the issue about whether you want me to represent you, or whether you wish to remain pro se and have me as standby counsel.  If you wish to remain pro se, you can simply file a written request to withdraw that motion.  Also, if you generally have questions about what is scheduled for when, or what actual proceedings are happening on what day, you can be in touch with the clerk's office. The docket record from your case documents what events and what outcomes occur when, as well as other important information.
I'm attaching the docket records that I was given when I received my stand-by counsel appointment. 



On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 1:30 PM LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Logan Perkins and ADA Entwisle,

My several months old motion to transfer all venue to Knox County Court has not been heard. Please withdraw that motion because Judge Robert Murray did not send a hearing notice for my motion for his recusal. Judge Robert Murray brought it to the last hearing for bail conditions which turned out to be to remove the shackle trackher. Unbeknownst to me, pro Se.

Then he ordered a Court appointed attorney at no charge to me regardless that the competency hearing has not been heard. Logan Perkins is the attorney.

He announced my motion for his recusal. I stated that I wasn't prepared to argue that and cited bias as one of many reasons. He denied his recusal. That motion should have been granted and then the change of venue to Knox County.

Therefore, Judge Robert Murray could be on the bench in Knox County, negating the reason for change of venue. Travel is now a problem as well. 

Logan Perkins please confirm that you will have my motion for venue change withdrawn. Thank you.

Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen

Logan E. Perkins, Esq.
Perkins Law Office
253 Waldo Rd.
Belfast, ME 04915

This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain information which is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

No Appeal 2 US Supreme Court

 5/15 See today's post that includes information below and new communications to Court Appointed Attorney Logan Perkins. I can't Appeal.


Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 8:02 AM
To: Logan Perkins <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: 4th rqst Appeal Trrzng
Logan Perkins,

Thank you for the information. Murray denied my motion for recusal, status quo. Sandbagger. I was hoping Matt Pollack could advise of another avenue with that rule. Dead end.

The focus is the appeal to the United States Supreme Court. Here is the link to my post on my blog.

1. Please advise when you will prepare the appeal. 

2. Please motion to dismiss the  disorderly conducts, probation violations, and revoking of bail conditions. There is not any evidence of the disorderly conduct or probation violations. Beyond any doubt. 

3. Please motion to dismiss the competency hearing. I am competent as the email thread proves, please motion to dismiss with this argument from my 4/26/21 email in the thread you have "Today I mailed a continuance motion for all Laurie Allen's Waldo Judicial proceedings to halt pending written direction from Maine Supreme Court Matt Pollack per this email thread. 

From this email thread alone, it is clear that I am extremely competent to defend myself pro Se. Dr. Barter was chosen by the State to find me incompetent is further proof of corruption. 'The model for competency to decide treatment consists of "five steps" of criteria:
1. Reliable diagnosis of a severe mental illness.

2. Without treatment, a short term prognosis of major distress, including "profound anxiety, depression or other painful affects, deterioration of the personality, and proliferation or intensification of symptoms.
3. The availability of treatment is likely to be effective.
4. Incompetency to consent or refuse Trey: and
5. That a reasonable person would accept the treatment offered.
"Psychiatrist and Harvard Law Professor
 Alan Stone offered his 'Thank you Theory for Civil Commitment' Stone 1975 Intended to provide a treatment oriented alternative to a purely dangerous approach, the model keyed on competency- 5 steps.

Stone's Thank you Theory formed the basis for a model Civil Commitment Law endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association of 1982 and published by Stone and attorney Clifford D. Stromberg a year later. (Stromberg and Stone 1983)'

Therefore, this reasonable person that does not and has not presented any mental illness in my 60 year lifetime, further evidenced with current Court ordered psychological evaluation and therapy per conditions of release, 9/2019 by Judge Murray and ADA Entwistle. I chose the best in the State of Maine, Acadia through Northern Lights Medical, Bangor, Maine."

Number one is no severe mental illness. No mental illness period. Precedence set using Stone's model. Beyond Competent, beyond any doubt.

Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen


Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 8:30 PM

To:LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <> and list
Subject: Re: 4th rqst Appeal Trrzng
Logan Perkins,

The appeal is to the US Supreme Court, 1rst amendment constitutional violation. 
    Please appeal WALCD-CR-2018-00139 Bench Trial with Judge Robert Murray, finding me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon for filming my hand while thanking Belfast City Council, City Manager and City Planner for "being my target ya assholes". A "flippant remark" and not a "credible threat". Video below. Judge Robert Murray violated the United States Constitution, my first amendment rights to freedom of speech/expression with precedence, Supreme Court, Watts v United States and reiterated by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. See Slate, In The Line of Ire. Can You Shoot An Obama Target. By Jonathan Rapoport.              

Truly Innocent,                                  
Laurie Allen
  • U.S. Supreme Court appeal. Requests that the highest court in the nation intervene to correct an error on the part of the state courts that violated the U.S. Constitution. 

Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 7:08 AM
Subject: Maine Attorneys Oath To Support The Constitution Of The United States Of America
Upon admission to the bar, every applicant shall, in open court, take and subscribe an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and take the following oath, or, in the case of an applicant conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath, such applicant shall make appropriate affirmations to the same effect:   [PL 1975, c. 66, §5 (AMD).]
"You solemnly swear that you will do no falsehood nor consent to the doing of any in court, and that if you know of an intention to commit any, you will give knowledge thereof to the justices of the court or some of them that it may be prevented; you will not wittingly or willingly promote or sue any false, groundless or unlawful suit nor give aid or consent to the same; that you will delay no man for lucre or malice, but will conduct yourself in the office of an attorney within the courts according to the best of your knowledge and discretion, and with all good fidelity, as well as to the courts, as to your clients. So help you God."  
PL 1975, c. 66, §5 (AMD).