
Friday, October 30, 2020

Stop Raping US White Lives Murder MPBN VP Charlie Beck

Dr. Donald Lombardi
Charlie Beck MPBN VP
State of Maine
Maine Health
Waldo County
City of Belfast
Seaview Terror Neighborhood except for 3, #30, #31, & #49.
#'s 18(Chukee), 5, 10,  11,  22, 23, 26,  27, 40,  and 45 are evil beyond HuMaine. Old and mean. GIT!

Git Hooded Robes JustUs Robher Murray, Worth, Fields, Alexander, Mathews, Davis, Walker, Fowle, Dobson, Mary Kelly... 

10 Specials couldn't kill Joi Z Exit 9. They kill and rape for system profit. Court Clerk Brooke Otis and husband Bailiff Ryan Otis own Rollies and prior BPD John Gibbs, owner of Front Street Pub, fund the State of Maine system.

Hook and addict the women, set the rapist free for more, give another drink to theirs to drive drunk in trucks on Rte 1, at Hannaford at 3pm as our children cross Rte 1 and 52 from Troy Howard Middle School and their YMCA. BPD supports their drunks. More, more, more.

Attorneys on the take. 


     Over my dead Bonnie. pro Se. Yo.

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 3:30 PM
To: 'James Greeley' <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; Governor <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; ; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: DiscountFw Corpral Albert Visit
Detective Greeley,
You did not advise me of the discount for the poor and innocent when I was shackled for 515 days and took my money and freedom then and now. 

Please refund the difference for the 515ish days and the monies you have received to track my innocence again.

Charles Beck supports the taking of my life and assists. Entering my home to take pictures to ? Feigning to buy my house, calling my daughter to convince her to illegally do an involuntary hospitalization, 4 cuffed and kidnapped for 2 months to force med me to suicide, using his sons to approach me as he hid in his house, illegally getting rewarded with City of Belfast drainage work on private property to illegally send accumulating water to another with Davis (relation to Judge Davis?) Contractor filling in his property to further the flow of illegal water to another, to 11 years of my neighbor taking me down, a novel of hell.

I stand alone but with the love of my children and support of my ex, Father Joe, $18,200. Amazing. Yes indeed.

Laurie Allen

From: Lamma, Lori <>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: Corpral Albert Visit

Hi Laurie,


As I understand it, if you make less than $23,000 a year, you qualify for a reduced rate for the ankle monitor.  Do you have any documentation to indicate that, like a bank statement with monthly income or anything else?  I think Detective Greeley would be happy to help get that reduced rate for you.  Let me know if I can assist.


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Ste. 202

Belfast, ME 04915





Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 11:58 AM
To: Lamma, Lori <>; and the rest, same as above

Sject: Re: Corpral Albert Visit


PO Lori Lamma,


Detective Greeley came to my house to have me sign the contract to pay $170.00 a month for the trackher ankle shackled per month from my below poverty income of $18,200. I comply.


Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 9:39 AM
To: <lori.lamma@main same as the rest
Subject: Fwd: Corpral Albert Visit


PO Lori Lamma,


If I could get Mike Stewart from the AP, to interview me, this would turn my life right, as always.


I ask for you to communicate by responding to this thread rather than piecemeal, for clarity and accuracy.


My next phone appointment with Northern Lights, Acadia, Hillary Stewart is on 11/10/2020. I comply completely and underwent ADA Entwisle and Judge Murray's orders for a psych. eval. last year. Stating I have delusional paranoia.


I state facts with documentation. Please check with your people for further actions against me. I comply as always.


Laurie Allen




From: Lamma, Lori <>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 4:05 PM
Subject: Checking in


Hello, Laurie,


Thank you for your email from last Friday, I appreciate your checking in, and I very much appreciate your hope for peace.  May you have peace as well, and may all of the things you’re going through right now resolve themselves into a calm that gives rest to weariness, soothes suffering, heals every affliction and encourages joy.


Please let me know what’s going on with you as far as counseling and for the evaluation you have to do for court.  We will continue to keep in touch by telephone and email for now, until we know more about where COVID is heading in Waldo county.


Be safe, be well.


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Ste. 202

Belfast, ME 04915





Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020, 9:11 AM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton;; 'James Greeley'; William Entwisle;; Governor
Subject: Corpral Albert Visit

PO Lori Lamma,

Yesterday, Corporal Albert (sp?), kindly came to my house to give me a check for your last fabricated arrest and several jails since 9/25 when BPD busted my door down and took excessive force and rage to take me out at gunpoint.


To save my life yet again at your fears,I hAd contact with law enforcement. Furthermore, I am shackled yet again, under house arrest, yet again and am confirming that I cannot leave my home to visit you, and do not know of any of your plans to silence me.

I always hope for peace, especially to you.

Laurie Allen


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

$1 Lawsuit Dr. Donald Lombardi. Hitman Waldo ADA Mr. Bill, Entwisle

MY blogspots are always safe for viewing, they have clicked it 130,000 times, climbing by the New York minute. If you get the message, Google and click from there. See why I keep proving. 11 years now. Oy Veh.

9/16/2020 Proof of 9/15 post State of Maine taking Maine. Over My Dead Bonnie.
Noon- Verizon Belfast & Verizon join burning freedom. Connect the Nazi's. TWC to Spectrum to Beeline Cable to Fairpoint to Consolidated Communications to State of Maine to MaineHealth with Dept. Of Defense Drug Rapist Dr. Donald Lombardi back to Jersey, his he thinks, to Ma Bell to become Verizon
CHILDREN. What are you doing?
Laurie, you're now a member of You know you're from South River
  Hi Laurie, Your request to join You know you're from South River has been approved. Now you can post and comment in this group.         Visit Group     Thanks, TheFacebook Team

9/15 9:45pm I belonged to FB You know you're from South River (main one) & the from Houlton, Maine page. After posting (Houlton was months ago) below on the S.R. page, the site vanished from my search. Same with Houlton 2 months ago. It's s not FB. It's State of Maine and rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi. I'm for the first. To die for? Sure.

Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 10:36 AM
To: William Entwisle <>; <>; Governor <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Tips Account <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
September 15,2020

Waldo Unified Courts
Market St.
Belfast, Maine 04915

Brooke Otis County Clerk

I, Laurie Lee Allen, pro Se charge Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute, NJ with drug raping Laurie Lee Allen in January, 1980.

This link is my Google photo album of my witness statement to BPD, my 2009 resume, my false psychiatric evaluation from Acadia No.
Lights, Bangor, Me.

All my home access to Internet has been fried by ? and I must use my iPhone with ONLY Verizon. ADA Entwisle has been lying to make me a felon, fabricating charges since 2017 to date. He is trying to silence me with a title 15 Mainehealth Psych. Eval., to stop my 1rst amendment rights, Freedom of Speech and my life. He was denied restricting me from ALL internet access.

Therefore, printing is not possible. I hope to file this with Brooke Otis today

I do not have a home address for Dr. Donald Lombardi but he is at the Steven's Institute, 1 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, NJ 07030 phone 201-216-5000

Thank you.

Laurie Allen, pro Se
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915

Friday, September 11, 2020

ADA Entwisle,JustUs Murray & Billings Git 'er. No.

 Marijuana & byproducts allowed on Laurie Allen's conditions of release. No kill

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 10:16 AM
To: William Entwisle <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: marijuana allowed Cndtns Release
ADA Mr. Bill Entwisle, Attorney General Frey, Governor Mills Chief Lincoln, and Sheriff Trafton,

Today, Judge Robert Murray picked Judge Billings (looks alot like Judge Fowle) to push me into more dispositional conferences for fabrication and zero evidence. Just heresay from my chemically imbalanced, medicated neigjbr, 2 houses down ( over 500 ft. away from me. David Smith's boundary line is a full screen of high bushes. I can't even see his yard let alone little David.

In ADA Entwisle's discovery, is Maine State Database
Conditions of Release
BCS (14) In order to determine if I have violated any prohibitions of this bond regarding alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or their derivatives, marijuana products or dangerous weapon I will submit to searches of my person, vehicle and residence and if applicable, to chemical tests.

My P.O. Lori Lamma continues to try and incarcerate me, since beginning 2 years of parole, September 2019. As my neighbor, MPBN VP Charles Beck can attest, I rarely leave my home to stay free.

Cops have already come to my house to arrest me for smoking pot. After 15 minutes of proving to Officer Juba or Guba, the other cop was on the phone with ? to explain that I know my rights and what should he do? Let the Honest 60 yr old alone Mom go. This time

Mr. Bill is at it again. He didn't appear and Judge Billings refused to heat me and threatened me with contempt of court. He instructed the audience to not behave like Laurie Allen, pro Se.

Therefore, Laurie Allen's condition of release allow marijuana and byproducts. No arrest please.

Every charge and the felon terrorizing conviction are fabricated and State of Maine Judiciary is guilty of at least 3 violations of 6 Rules of Conduct for State of Maine Judiciary.

Please Governor Mills, issue a title 14 sect 556 Maine Special Legislature
 This eraces all charges, convictions and restores my spotless record of 60 years. Please, for my children. Thank you.

Laurie Allen

Community Health Fraud w/ Mainehealth & Incognito Dr. Donald Lombardi, Dept of Defense Global System Rape, Students. Yo Todd Beamer & George Floyd. Let's Roll. 911.

Fw: Escalate To Robert Stack Ceo Fraud Case 450421

Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:13 PM
To: MemberServices <>; <>
Subject: Escalate To Robert Stack Ceo Fraud Case 450421
Member Services @ Community Health Options,

Below thread has the original 9/9 report to Community Health Options Fraud, Waste and Abuse. Please escalate and forward this email thread immediately to Robert Stack, President/CEO of Community Options. PLEASE respond via email immediatley with the findings and actions.

Thank You, 
Laurie Allen

Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: 60 daysFw: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421

Please respond today.  

Thank You

From: MemberServices <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:30 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: New member portal contact form submission from Laurie Allen

Dear Ms. Allen, 

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect. 

I am not sure what you are inuring about today. Can you please be more specific? It appears you included past emails in your inquiry but our system cut off your email before I can see a question was asked.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call Member Services at (855) 624-6463, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. 

Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.

Member Services Email Team
Community Health Options
P.O. Box 1121 
Lewiston, ME 04243 

Member Services: 855-624-6463

Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 12:05 PM
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jennifer Agrella <>; Editor@FalmouthToday.ME <Editor@FalmouthToday.ME>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>
cc: same as above

To All Media,

My insurance, Community Health Options paid out approximately 50k to MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital-Belfast,  MaineHealth Spring Harbor Acute Hospital-Westbrook, State of Maine Riverview Psychiatric Hospital-Augusta and MaineHealth Behavorial Health-Belfast for my kidnapping by the Belfast Police Department on 1/8/2019 detailed below. Mike at Community Health Options called and confirmed that their Fraud, Waste and Abuse department did receive the email and is investigating. It can take 30 days. 

Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:20 AM
Subject: Fw: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421
Resent to correct email
( rejected)

Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:13 AM
Cc: ubject: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421
Dear Community Health Options Fraud,

Please confirm that you have received the below on your website. Your representative, Greg @ 207-402-3877 has helped me several times today. I had tried sending this and I recieved a message stating my message was blocked. That happened last week as well and that is why I sent case #00450421 via a FB message on your site and received this message back 
Hi, Laurie. Please contact Member Services to follow the appropriate pathway for your request. We do not discuss your protected health information or do business through our social media channel. I will, however, copy your text submission to a document so that you don't have to repeat everything from the beginning. I hope this helps and wish you the best. Thank you for being a Health Options Member.Member Services: 855-624-6463

Greg contacted me this am to help me. When Greg called me the 2nd time, I asked for the email for fraud because I got blocked again. He gave me the email and I asked him to stay with me as I hit the submit button and this time it took- I did not make any changes on it. My internet does get hacked by the State of Maine/law enforcement. I must make sure you have recieved this life threatening complaint. Thank you.

Laurie Allen

Thank you!

Thank you for your submission. The detection and prevention of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse is essential to maintaining the integrity of the healthcare system. We appreciate your willingness to assist us with this vital process. If further information is needed, we will contact you.

(also documented on your sales force case #00450421. Per the Maine Bewhavioral Health FAQ one needs to have a diagnosed mental illness/disorder to do an involuntary hospitalization. I was never examined by Dr. Daniel Britton at Waldo County General Hospital, 1/8/2019-1/10/209, Dr. Beal did not examine me and I had never met him or had any medical care for many, many years. Never mental healthcare. When transferred to Spring Harbor Hospital on 1/10/19-1/29/19 the one piece of paperwork I finally got, stated Dr. James Ray examined me. I was never examined by him and I have never met him. I was transferred to Riverview Psych Hospital on 1/29/19 and on 2/13/2019 psych. nurse practioner Sarah Street Taylor who spoke at me less than a half hour total since intake, diagnosed me with BiPolar 1 , delusional disorder and an unspecified psychotic disorder.  Note in 2007 where I did have a psych, eval in NJ Family Courts by Guardian ad litem Dr. Rosenbaum. No mental illness/disorder. I have never been treated for mental illness/disorder.) 

The State of Maine on 8/20/2019 has corruptly found me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon from a one time comment at a one time target shoot in 10/2017 where I don't own a gun, never shot one before or after (absolutely not illegal/public figures freedom of speechexpression) On 9/13/18 I must serve 5 days in jail and 2 years probation that mandates a psychiatric evaluation and counseling. I do not have mental illness/disorders and have 58 years of clean health.
3 minutes 30 seconds in John is shooting, I say "Right there Hurley. That's Hurley right there in the center. Fuck you Hurley. All of Shitty Hall. All ya's, that's the center target. How do you like it?" That is all I say during this video.
First few seconds I say "Joi Z's turn. I never shot before. I was good in archery though, in camp. When I was 8 or 7, whatever. @ 1 minute John asks me if I want to shoot that target or just shoot. I tell him he doesn't have to fix it (the target) I'm not gonna hit anything. He says yes you will. @1:43 I say I wanna shoot the target. HEY, I wanna shoot the target. Let me have fun. 

John says let me fix it. Stop. I say it ain't on red, we're good. John mumbles something. I say yeah that's what he said. @2:50 John says you're good to go baby. I say alright. @3:20 John says you're ready to roll. You have 9 shots. 

I'm having a hard time seeing the target through the scope. Later John would tell me because the scope is for his dominant eye vision, it's his rifle. I don't have dominant eye.

In the lying Republican Journal and jail court hearing they made a big deal about being a "scoped" rifle and trying to use the 9 shots as me planning 9 shots for each of the officials. Which is not true and I name off less than 9 anyway (below)  

@3:59 I finally shoot one and say "oh this is nice. What I'd get. (NOT WHO) Let's go look. Safety on. Oh that's fun. That's nothing. It's a little weinie gun for Laurie. I like it. And little bullets. "

John says You got it. I say "oh fuck yeah. I'm good too. Didn't ya know that." John is telling me it's automatic and I say "yeah it's automatic, just like me. It's not even that loud either. I don't need these plugs. Alright, I'm set. Ohhh, this is cool. I don't even need that stand. Done. I'm done. (meaning done shooting period. I did it and did not want to shoot again.) I did it. I did it. 9 9 9. I'm gonna bring the camera over. John's gonna point out. I hit some."

@6:11 I say "Fuckin' Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marhsall, blah, blah, blah
Thanks for being my target ya assholes."John says Look, ya shot it all full of holes. I say"I shot it all full of holes. And I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me." John counts 6 shots in the target area and says pretty good. I say "pretty good. I got em all on there. All 9 right?" John says yes, nice group. Not bad for your first try. I say "not at all. Watch your ass buddy" (meaning John because he is a sharp shooter. They edited this part to the media to make it seem like I was saying watch your ass to City Council.) 

Then John walks away and I follow him with the camera and say "I'll watch your ass. Go ahead keep on walking. Look at that dupka. Oh Johnny- who's your girl? Who's your girl? He's acting like he can't hear me. It's bullshit. Look at these little things. Tell me you can't hear with these little peanuts. Alright bye."

Below sent online to WFA Community Health Options

Please note on my earlier online submission sent 8/22/2019 @ 4:18am. Found guilty on 8/20/19 of Terrorizing With A Dangerous Weapon. Judge Murray is ordering a psychiatric evaluation, therapy and meds proving what follows was an illegal involuntary hospitalization kidnap to silence. I have not shared this because I feared it would be used against me in my trials. I have feared every day that it may be my last since 2017. I have no one to help me, no money and I am under countdown to file an appeal within 21 days from 8/20/2019. I am beat up and just a H.S. diploma. I am to report to jail on 9/13/2019. I have never been diagnosed with a mental illness/disorder and even had a psych. Eval in 2006 during divorce in Middlesex Family Courts, NJ with Guardian ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum. No illness. I’m fine. I may not be able to afford the tainted transcripts of my 8/20/19 trial for the appeal. I hope you can respond immediatley. Both of my submissions are beyond belief of State of Maine silence her.

Since posting bail, 3/2/18, charged on 2/23/18 with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon for a freedom of expression 10/2017 youtube video of my one time target shoot where I have never owned a firearm or shot before or after. Judge Murray found me guilty on 8/20/19 after 2 years of manipulated corrupt court dispositional hearings to buy time to break me. I had been shackled with an ankle monitor since 3/2/18, 57 years old, no prior record, 25k bail reduced to 5k on the 5th day in jail. Waldo corrections refusing to take the bail from my friend John on 2/28/18, 3/1/18 and 3/2/18. I proved I was to die that weekend in Two Bridges. And again to be taken out on 6/6/18 @ Waldo Superior Court hearing with Judge Murray.

1/8/19, 10:30 am. Four Belfast Police SUV’s in front of my home. I call 911 to document as usual. Four cops come in for a bail check, one was Fitzgerald. They brutally cuffed and kidnapped me. There were no bail violations and never have been. I am taken across the street to MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital ER and not told anything. Placed in a suicide watch cell with a guard. A Dr. Beal tells me I am not eating, my house is messy, I’m not sleeping and I am unhygenic. I live alone. I never met this Doctor and have been to a healthcare provider in at least 5 years. He tries to get me to sign a diagnosis of Psychosis Paranoia. I refuse. I have not received any information telling me why I am here. A crisis worker from PenBay, Susan asks my history and I tell her a long story. I will not sign anything. Staff persists all day. I can’t leave. My dogs are home alone, I tell the cop they will have to be  put down if I am not returning home. 

1/9/19 Dr. Beal is nasty and harassing me to sign. I refuse. All day they try to force me to sign for psychiatric treatment. I refuse.

1/10/19 7am I am transferred via Waldo Sheriff Dept. cruiser to Spring Harbor Acute Hospital, Westbrook. I am not given any information or documents at intake with Essie Leach. Another staff female meets with me, I state that I do not have mental illness and this is illegal. Social worker Erik meets with me and I tell him my story and that I am not participating in anything and this is illegal. On 1/11/19 Jennifer Parent, psych. Nurse comes to my room and I state no mental illness, illegal hospitaliztion. 

1/12/19 Stephanie Birdshall Psych. Nurse speaks with me, I tell her the same. I read Maine Behvaioral Healthcare Maine Health Rights on the wall. These rights, pamphlets, admittance packet were never given to me at admission as protocol dictates. Staff refuses to give them to me. I fill out a formal grievance and Alison M r/n gave me the Blue Paper application dated 1/9/19 from Waldo County General Hospital. Signed by Dan Britten, who I have never met to date. Dan Britten states he is the examiner and believes I have mental illness because of “mental health decompress?, delusional, unable to care for self, doesn’t want to live anymore, perservative? Thoughts at persecutory delusion” and citing untrue recent actions and behaviors. Signed by Dan Britten and endorsed on 1/9/19 @ 8:04pm by Eric J. Walker, Judicial officer, District Court Judge. Alison M/RN refused to give me any further records and order me away from the desk. I saw a fake post admission certificate signed by James Ray, DO stating he examined me at Spring Harbor Intake on 1/10/2019 and diagnosed me with severe mental impairment. I have never met James Ray, DO and was not examined by any Dr.

1/13/19 I get a pamphlet- Maine Healthe Behavioral FAQ- It states a person WITH a diagnosed mental illness can be involuntarily hospitalized through family and behaviors. I called 911 from the wall phone to report I was being held illegally against my will. The 911 operator spoke to a staff member and I was to be punished severely from there on in. I wrote a grievance to “CEO or Top Administrative Brass @ Spring Harbor”

1/14/19 Staff has been trying to force Risperidone on me, ordered by a Dr. Kirby who I have yet to meet. I refuse and am on day 1 of a food/fluid strike after being sickened by tainted tea that I witnessed changing tea bags. I was violently sick, throwing up for hours the day before. Dr. Kirby met with me for a few minutes and I would not participate. I was given an envelope with the white paper process and I refuse it, and state to mail it to my son in NJ. I write a directive @ 7:40pm that I will not take foods/liquids or treatment here or in Maine and request to be transferred to Princeton Medical Center, Princeton, NJ. Given to Ellen, the supervisor.

1/17/19 5pm. Day 4 no food or liquid, staff unconcerned but still pushing Risperidone as is Dr. Kirby. I show him my skeletal back at the desk in front of staff and ask what kind of Dr. allows this and pushes drugs. I am having chest pains and ask to be transferred to Princeton. I am ignored. 

1/18/19 Day 5 no food or liquid. Food trays have names on them, that is why I have refused to eat them. They refused to let me go to the cafeteria to pick out my food since intake on 1/10/19. I am never allowed outside. I see a another’s food tray and he has not woken up yet. I grabbed it and ate it before they could stop me. After that, they allowed me to go to the cafeteria. I ate a lot.

1/23/19 White paper hearing video with Portland District Court Judge E. Mary Kelly, docket MH-19-13. Order for hospitalization in a mental hospital and involuntary treatment up to 90 days. 34B MRS S3864. Medication ordered. Halopeidol begins on 1/24/19.

1/29/19 Transferred via ambulance to Riverview Psychiatric Hospital. Carmen Wright, social worker and Sarah Street Taylor, psych. Nurse practitioner. 

2/6/19 PNP Taylor orders Haldon in a.m. and Seroquel in pm.

2/9/19 PNP Taylor stops Haldon and increases Seroquel from 100 mg. To 200 mg.

2/13/19 approaches me in common room and states I have paranoia and persecutory delusion. Stating a diagnosis of BiPolar 1, Delusional Disorder and unspecified psychotic disorder and goes into depth about how sick I am. I file a grievance against her for HIPPA privacy violation in the common room with others.

3/1/19 PNP Taylor increases Seroquel to 300 mg. Desk staff repeatedly states since my admission that I do not belong here and they do not see any mental illness and enjoy my company and talks.

3/8/19 Discharged from Riverview and transported home, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine, 04915.
I live alone and the meds have made me unable to be productive and causing severe depression. I am in bed only getting up for the bathroom, my dogs and food. Ordering food online, my packages arriving opened. After a month, I realize that I am not court ordered to take these meds on the outside. I stop and it took months to rid my system of the many side effects and harm.

Belfast Police and State of Maine have violated my life and countless rights, lawlessly for 8 years. Going full throttle since May 2017. Throughout this summer, 2019, Officer Gormely and Sweetser Crisis worker Bre and Stephanie came weekly to incite paranoia and mental abuse in attempts to facilitate me before my charges went to trial. The ankle monitor was removed after 515 days, costing me $5 a day where my father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer, video of the monitor making me ill and Judge Murray refusing to take it off, motion after motion. Over 10 dispositional conferences where I was pro se. Thank you.

That was the end of what was submitted to the ACLU on 8/22/19, one of three submitted. They may not respond for up to 60 days. Please investigate and advise immediately.

Thank You,
Laurie Allen

From: MemberServices <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:30 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: New member portal contact form submission from Laurie Allen

Dear Ms. Allen, 

Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect. 

I am not sure what you are inuring about today. Can you please be more specific? It appears you included past emails in your inquiry but our system cut off your email before I can see a question was asked.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call Member Services at (855) 624-6463, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. 

Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.

Member Services Email Team
Community Health Options
P.O. Box 1121 
Lewiston, ME 04243 

Member Services: 855-624-6463

Important Notice: 
This e-mail message and any attached documents may contain information from Community Health Options that is privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure.  If you are the intended recipient, please maintain this message in a secure and confidential manner.  If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message and attachments.  Thank you. 13

Community Health Options complies with applicable Federal civil rights law and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.

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--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: No_reply []
Sent: 11/13/2019 3:46 PM
Subject: New member portal contact form submission from Laurie Allen

Community Health Options

New contact form submission

A new message was submitted at 3:46 PM on 13 November 2019:

Contact TypeI am a current member
First NameLaurie
Last NameAllen
Existing Member ID0000032767001
Date Of Birth12/31/1960

I have a question about

From: LAURIE ALLEN Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 12:47 PM To: ; LAURIE ALLEN Subject: Fw: 60 daysFw: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421 Resent to include 3 fraud attachments/documents From: LAURIE ALLEN Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 12:42 PM To: ; LAURIE ALLEN Subject: Re: 60 daysFw: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421 FWA, Please respond today. Thank You Please notify Community Health Options if you suspect healthcare fraud, waste, or abuse has taken place by using the following resources: Online: complete our online form to send an anonymous email to us about the suspected fraud, waste or abuse. Phone: 207-330-2397. All calls are confidential and can be made Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Calls made after hours will be sent to a secure voicemail. Email: E-mail is secure for your protection. Write to us: Community Health Options Mail Stop 100 Attn: Department of Fraud Waste & Abuse PO Box 1121 Lewiston, ME 04243 All information received is strictly confidential. As specified under the HIPAA regulation, section 164.512 (f), Community Health Options may make referrals to law enforcement agencies for further investigation. What happens after a report is submitted? Community Health Options' Fraud Waste and Abuse team will begin researching materials such as claims records. After the claims records have been reviewed, a member of Community Health Options’ team may request relevant medical documentation from the parties involved. All materials are then analyzed before a final determination is made. From: LAURIE ALLEN Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 9:18 AM To: ; LAURIE ALLEN Subject: 60 daysFw: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421 Community Health Options Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, Please advise the status of my 9/12/2019 fraud case 00450421. Initially, I was informed that it could take up to 30 days. On 10/2/2019 I was told I would receive the findings within 60 days. Please respond via email. Thank You, Laurie Allen From: LAURIE ALLEN Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 11:58 AM To: ; LAURIE ALLEN Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Jennifer Agrella ; Editor@FalmouthToday.ME ; ; ; ; Democracy Now! ; ; ; ; ; ; James Greeley ; Raymond Porter ; Robert Walker ; William Entwisle ; Kathleen Greeley ; ; Jeffrey Trafton ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Elan Stern ; ; ; ; ; georgeallen99 ; Governor ; ; ; ; ; ; Clif Staples ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; lora mills ; Rick ; June M. Moore ; ; ; ; ; ; ; dave reardon ; ; ; ; ; ; William Entwisle Subject: Re: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421 Community Health Options Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, Below was on CBS this morning and they are investigating the Doctor's next. Attached are the fraudulent documents. 1.Blue Paper fraudently signed on 1/9/2019 by Dr. Daniel Britton, MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital fraudently stating that he examined me and lies of behaviors. I never spit on anyone and would have been arrested for one example. I was never examined by Dr. Daniel Britton. I have never met Dr, Britton. 2.Post Admission and Examination Certificate MaineHealth Spring Harbor Hospital fraudulently signed on 1/10/2019 by Dr. James Ray and another fradulent diagnosis that I was mentally sick. I was never examined by Dr. James Ray. I have never met Dr. James Ray. 3. Order for up to 90 days of involuntary psychiatric holding with drugging by Judge Mary Kelly on 1/29/2019 for mental illness/disorders that I do not have or have ever had. These drugs cause serious side effects including permanent involuntary movement-tardive dyskinesia, depression and suicide. Especially to a healthy mind. Massive Medicare scam exploits cancer fears A CBS News investigation uncovered a new Medicare fraud that could potentially cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Recruiters are showing up at senior events promoting a genetic test they claim is completely paid for by Medicare. They promise the test will reveal information about their cancer risk. But the results often do not come ... Truly, Laurie Allen From: LAURIE ALLEN Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:20 AM To: LAURIE ALLEN ; Cc: ; MICHAEL SAMSEL Subject: Fw: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421 Resent to correct email ( rejected) From: LAURIE ALLEN Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:13 AM To: LAURIE ALLEN ; Cc: ubject: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421 Dear Community Health Options Fraud, Please confirm that you have received the below on your website. Your representative, Greg @ 207-402-3877 has helped me several times today. I had tried sending this and I recieved a message stating my message was blocked. That happened last week as well and that is why I sent case #00450421 via a FB message on your site and received this message back Hi, Laurie. Please contact Member Services to follow the appropriate pathway for your request. We do not discuss your protected health information or do business through our social media channel. I will, however, copy your text submission to a document so that you don't have to repeat everything from the beginning. I hope this helps and wish you the best. Thank you for being a Health Options Member.Member Services: 855-624-6463 Greg contacted me this am to help me. When Greg called me the 2nd time, I asked for the email for fraud because I got blocked again. He gave me the email and I asked him to stay with me as I hit the submit button and this time it took- I did not make any changes on it. My internet does get hacked by the State of Maine/law enforcement. I must make sure you have recieved this life threatening complaint. Thank you. Laurie Allen 207-505-5987 Thank you! Thank you for your submission. The detection and prevention of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse is essential to maintaining the integrity of the healthcare system. We appreciate your willingness to assist us with this vital process. If further information is needed, we will contact you. (also documented on your sales force case #00450421. Per the Maine Bewhavioral Health FAQ one needs to have a diagnosed mental illness/disorder to do an involuntary hospitalization. I was never examined by Dr. Daniel Britton at Waldo County General Hospital, 1/8/2019-1/10/209, Dr. Beal did not examine me and I had never met him or had any medical care for many, many years. Never mental healthcare. When transferred to Spring Harbor Hospital on 1/10/19-1/29/19 the one piece of paperwork I finally got, stated Dr. James Ray examined me. I was never examined by him and I have never met him. I was transferred to Riverview Psych Hospital on 1/29/19 and on 2/13/2019 psych. nurse practioner Sarah Street Taylor who spoke at me less than a half hour total since intake, diagnosed me with BiPolar 1 , delusional disorder and an unspecified psychotic disorder. Note in 2007 where I did have a psych, eval in NJ Family Courts by Guardian ad litem Dr. Rosenbaum. No mental illness/disorder. I have never been treated for mental illness/disorder.) The State of Maine on 8/20/2019 has corruptly found me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon from a one time comment at a one time target shoot in 10/2017 where I don't own a gun, never shot one before or after (absolutely not illegal/public figures freedom of speechexpression) On 9/13/18 I must serve 5 days in jail and 2 years probation that mandates a psychiatric evaluation and counseling. I do not have mental illness/disorders and have 58 years of clean health. 3 minutes 30 seconds in John is shooting, I say


Friday, September 4, 2020 link to my YouTube channel. Paste. Belfast Chief of Police, PeeWee Michael McFadden's Playhouse 9/3/2020 Dr. Donald Lombardi Rapeher & ADA Entwisle OCD Get Clean 60 yr old Mom Silent 13 False Arrests, Prisons, Illegal Psych Jail MaineHealth and Riverview 1/8/2018 to 3/8/2018

Judge Mary Kelly ordered medding me to suicide. Judge Robert Murray continues to order my end. Judge Patricia Worth couldn't get it done . 11 years now.  Truth of horror that no one wants to know. Instead, join the kill. Mob mentality is real

Please petition I have no one in Maine.

I am so sorry for not posting this sooner but I had to be ready for the disbelief and judgment. Anyone who knows me knows this would never happen to me consciously. Right out of the gate with Bill Cosby I said holy shit. I had posted it up on my blog for awhile but my children were in enough danger. I hope this helps anyone's girl who has been in this lengthy, accessible and horrifying, off the charts personable evil.

Dr. Donald Lombardi, Ph.D is a serial rapist into the thousands.I was 20 years old, working at NJ Aluminum, going to night school @ MCC, personnel management. He was my teacher. Very boisterous, scrappy, smart, would later show me his media picture winning amateur middle? light? weight boxing.He was targeting me. Towards the end of class, he asks me to stay. Tells me he's been trying to get my attention through the course. Asks me out to dinner, I say no. He said is it because I am your teacher. Yes. (not really, not attracted to him what so ever) 

Told me to come to AHS to interview. Double my salary. AHS top hospital supplier in America. GREAT company then, now Baxter. I get the job- course is over but I have a paper to turn in and don't want to because then I have to go to dinner with him. He keeps after me. Tells me he'll come to my house, meet my mom and take me out to Van's (Freehold) for dinner. Nice place. Ok, I'm safe. I had only one drink. After dinner he says he has to stop at his apt. Asks me to come in with him for a minute. Fixes me a drink... but I couldn't stop him or speak.. can't remember that thank God. Wake up...oh my God, run naked to his bathroom. Puking my guts out. Please take me home. He kept stalking me in the office. I told him my mother will never allow me to go out with him again. Then I saw Cosby and said that fucker drugged and raped me and look at his fucking resume. Serial rapist. Get him someone please.

Dr. Donald Lombardi
Dr. Donald Lombardi
Industry Associate Professor
420 Babbio




School:  School of Business

Research & Education

  • 1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
  • 1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
  • 1978 MA – Human Resources Management
  • 1976 BA - English

Experience & Service

General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.

CHR/InterVista 1984 – present
Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer

Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004
University Director of Planning and Development

Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984
Director of Professional Development

American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982
Eastern Director – Human Resources
Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004
Department of Communication

Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.

Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988

Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps                    1976 – 1980

Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.     

Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison

Achievements & Professional Societies

Professional Societies
  • Faculty Fellow – American College of Healthcare Executives
  • Senior Fellow – The Government Institute
  • Senior Advisor – Executive Educational Council of the Department of    Veterans Affairs

Grants, Contracts & Funds
Department of Labor and Workforce Development Cycle 5/Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership Grant

Selected Publications

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (2006). Health Care Management. , New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (2002). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager, Second Edition. , New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1997). Reorganization and Renewal: Strategies for Healthcare Leaders. , Chicago: Health Administration Press.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1996). Thriving in an Age of Change: Practical Strategies for Health Care Leaders., Chicago: Health Administration Press.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). The Healthcare Organizational Survey System, Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager. , Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). Progressive Healthcare Management Strategies, Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc. .
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). Stress and the Healthcare Environment. , Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). Handbook of Personnel Selection and Performance Evaluation in Healthcare., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

  • Lombardi, D.N.. (2005). "Preparing for the Future: Leadership and Management Strategies. ", Healthcare Executive, (11), 8-14.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Pyramid Organization: Maximizing Performance ".
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Last Public Trust", Administrative Radiology, (1).
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "How to Diagnose and Treat Conflict in Your Department. ", Materials Management in Healthcare, (1).
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). "Human Resource Management in the Health Care Setting", Hospital and Health Services Administration, (3), 298-299.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). "Healthcare and the New Union Movement", Materials Administrative Radiology, (4), 16-21.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "The New Pyramid: Laying the Groundwork with Motivational Power", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45 - 50.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "Ethics and the Organizational Human Resources Strategy. ", Clinical Laboratory Management, (1), 31-39.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Progressive Leadership with Values: Progressive Strategies for Healthcare Management", Chicago: ACHE.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Urban Healthcare in Crisis", Administrative Radiology, (2), 14-22.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics , Healthcare and the 1990’s: Part 1", Clinical Laboratory Management, (6), 416-425.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics of the Heart and Mind. ", Administrative Radiology, (10), 17-22.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Intraprenuerial Constituency Management: A Success Profile for the 1990’s", Hospital Material Management Quarterly, (11), 26-31.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Eliminating Future Tense", Administrative Radiology, (9).
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Mind Trust: Dimensions of Healthcare Leadership", Administrative Radiology, (9), 25-29.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Performance Evaluation Techniques", Administrative Radiology, (5), 35-39.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "The InterVista Performance Evaluation.", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "The Quan-Com Selection Series", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Managing Healthcare Intraprenuers.", Chicago: ACHE Publications.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Healthcare Leadership Qualities", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Healthcare Selection and Performance Appraisal Systems. ", Chicago: ACHE Publications.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Selection for Proformance.", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Managing the Pace and Pressure of Today’s Healthcare Environment. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Maximizing Managerial Performance. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Maximizing Human Resources.", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45-48.
  • Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Intrapreneurs: Finding Diamonds in the Rough.", Healthcare Executives, (5), 43 - 48.