
Friday, October 30, 2020

Stop Raping US White Lives Murder MPBN VP Charlie Beck

Dr. Donald Lombardi
Charlie Beck MPBN VP
State of Maine
Maine Health
Waldo County
City of Belfast
Seaview Terror Neighborhood except for 3, #30, #31, & #49.
#'s 18(Chukee), 5, 10,  11,  22, 23, 26,  27, 40,  and 45 are evil beyond HuMaine. Old and mean. GIT!

Git Hooded Robes JustUs Robher Murray, Worth, Fields, Alexander, Mathews, Davis, Walker, Fowle, Dobson, Mary Kelly... 

10 Specials couldn't kill Joi Z Exit 9. They kill and rape for system profit. Court Clerk Brooke Otis and husband Bailiff Ryan Otis own Rollies and prior BPD John Gibbs, owner of Front Street Pub, fund the State of Maine system.

Hook and addict the women, set the rapist free for more, give another drink to theirs to drive drunk in trucks on Rte 1, at Hannaford at 3pm as our children cross Rte 1 and 52 from Troy Howard Middle School and their YMCA. BPD supports their drunks. More, more, more.

Attorneys on the take. 


     Over my dead Bonnie. pro Se. Yo.

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 3:30 PM
To: 'James Greeley' <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; Governor <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; ; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: DiscountFw Corpral Albert Visit
Detective Greeley,
You did not advise me of the discount for the poor and innocent when I was shackled for 515 days and took my money and freedom then and now. 

Please refund the difference for the 515ish days and the monies you have received to track my innocence again.

Charles Beck supports the taking of my life and assists. Entering my home to take pictures to ? Feigning to buy my house, calling my daughter to convince her to illegally do an involuntary hospitalization, 4 cuffed and kidnapped for 2 months to force med me to suicide, using his sons to approach me as he hid in his house, illegally getting rewarded with City of Belfast drainage work on private property to illegally send accumulating water to another with Davis (relation to Judge Davis?) Contractor filling in his property to further the flow of illegal water to another, to 11 years of my neighbor taking me down, a novel of hell.

I stand alone but with the love of my children and support of my ex, Father Joe, $18,200. Amazing. Yes indeed.

Laurie Allen

From: Lamma, Lori <>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: Corpral Albert Visit

Hi Laurie,


As I understand it, if you make less than $23,000 a year, you qualify for a reduced rate for the ankle monitor.  Do you have any documentation to indicate that, like a bank statement with monthly income or anything else?  I think Detective Greeley would be happy to help get that reduced rate for you.  Let me know if I can assist.


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Ste. 202

Belfast, ME 04915





Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 11:58 AM
To: Lamma, Lori <>; and the rest, same as above

Sject: Re: Corpral Albert Visit


PO Lori Lamma,


Detective Greeley came to my house to have me sign the contract to pay $170.00 a month for the trackher ankle shackled per month from my below poverty income of $18,200. I comply.


Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 9:39 AM
To: <lori.lamma@main same as the rest
Subject: Fwd: Corpral Albert Visit


PO Lori Lamma,


If I could get Mike Stewart from the AP, to interview me, this would turn my life right, as always.


I ask for you to communicate by responding to this thread rather than piecemeal, for clarity and accuracy.


My next phone appointment with Northern Lights, Acadia, Hillary Stewart is on 11/10/2020. I comply completely and underwent ADA Entwisle and Judge Murray's orders for a psych. eval. last year. Stating I have delusional paranoia.


I state facts with documentation. Please check with your people for further actions against me. I comply as always.


Laurie Allen




From: Lamma, Lori <>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 4:05 PM
Subject: Checking in


Hello, Laurie,


Thank you for your email from last Friday, I appreciate your checking in, and I very much appreciate your hope for peace.  May you have peace as well, and may all of the things you’re going through right now resolve themselves into a calm that gives rest to weariness, soothes suffering, heals every affliction and encourages joy.


Please let me know what’s going on with you as far as counseling and for the evaluation you have to do for court.  We will continue to keep in touch by telephone and email for now, until we know more about where COVID is heading in Waldo county.


Be safe, be well.


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Ste. 202

Belfast, ME 04915





Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020, 9:11 AM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton;; 'James Greeley'; William Entwisle;; Governor
Subject: Corpral Albert Visit

PO Lori Lamma,

Yesterday, Corporal Albert (sp?), kindly came to my house to give me a check for your last fabricated arrest and several jails since 9/25 when BPD busted my door down and took excessive force and rage to take me out at gunpoint.


To save my life yet again at your fears,I hAd contact with law enforcement. Furthermore, I am shackled yet again, under house arrest, yet again and am confirming that I cannot leave my home to visit you, and do not know of any of your plans to silence me.

I always hope for peace, especially to you.

Laurie Allen


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