
Monday, August 18, 2014

Compassion upsetting Corruption & Ousting Hypocrites

              No brakes for me when I was 8, No brakes for me now at 53. Get out of my way.

8/23/14- The personal history I am revealing here will be uncomfortable for some. Knowing that my brother Jr. invited my ex back into my life both times I tried to get him out in 1985 and at divorce filing in 2005 throws all this into play. They are not secrets, it is not gossip. It is my story, my life, thrown into the public by Belfast City Hall, Belfast Real Estate Agents and my brother. 

Jr. continually and openly entertaining my ex at my old family cottage, banishing me from Bayside. The pain too great. Even when I moved here in 2010. Jr. did not offer to help at all. OK. Then he flew my brother Donald in from Alabama a few weeks later. My son had never met Donald. Jr.s wife, Sheila asked Joe to stay away so that I could be with my family. That was very sweet of her. Very sad that she had to do that, can you imagine?  My ex didn't listen, he brought Michael over to meet Donald before I had a chance. Why they didn't tell him to get the hell out there and never come back, tells volumes of history.

The real estate agents and City Hall made it personal, used my trauma's to sell me undisclosed hell and crush my rights and soul. The Compassionate Cities sharing the same meetings as I try to save our lives is my sign to tell my story. To see just how horrible people pretending to be someone else can be. With my family, there is much more dark that will always stay in the dark. That dark is the reason to claw your way out or let it eat you alive. I clawed my way right into another dark hole of human hell disguised by such natural beauty.

This week I will file suit against the local corrupt businesses that knowingly, with great pretending concern, also stuck it to me. J&B AutoBody, Rte 52 Belfast and Ridge Top Chimney Sweep -Chris Kulbe and his dangerous, illegal stove pipe and chimney installation. I hired him because of his interview on BCTV- Mr. Safety firefighter professional. He really sent me reeling- 2 years he has been stringing me along. Pretending and lying. A fellow Jersey Boy, blah, blah, blah... 

How many times can one female be taken advantage of...her entire life to date. And day can be my last, and this must be told. My kids suffer and struggle, torn as Mom takes on fight after fight that keep crashing into our lives. Their entire lives. They will be 17 and 21 this year. The day will come when they are free to see their Mom. I love you both above all else. Invisible Bullet after bullet, I stay and always will.  

The 8/19/14 Belfast City Council Meeting contains the essence of compassion vs. corruption and hypocrites in denial(public and government). 

Open to the public is for individuals to present their individual or group concerns to the public and governments. The truest freedom. The truest public pulse test. The difficulty to hear proven corruption on so many levels, on so many issues by people that you given your trust and compassion is a problem. These entities are bound ethically and legally to protect the people. It never ceases to hurt me though to have the people of the public take public swipes at me. 

Skip Pendleton has yet to take a verbal swipe, but his body and face speaks volumes at every encounter. Disgust for me. He is a volunteer pillar, leader, loved and adored, family history that probably predates Belfast, and probably most that support him, share his disgust for me. None of these people have ever bothered to speak to me. Some of Skip's extended family were my friends before I was sold hell in 2010. Not anymore. They look away. It always hurts. They were never friends, they pretended. 

This Larry guy- Tighe?  is another pillar, more on the political spectrum. When he speaks, I pay attention and pay respect. The few encounters we have had were respectful greetings. I was side-blinded when I just clicked on the 2nd open to public at the end of the meeting and he took a swipe at me. That is what prompted me to write about open to the public.

Larry is way out of line. I am trying to save my home. How dare he diminish me. He is upset that Council finally, after 4 years, gave one small step towards accountability towards the slaughter of my property. What do I have to do with his agenda for the withdraw? NOTHING. Another pretender.

Where did their integrity go, long time passing....

click 6- open to the public 

Skip Pendleton with pedestrian committee concerns for Swan Lake Ave that have been previously discussed many times and are under action by City Council and Belfast PD

UU Minister  Perkins for Compassionate Cities and my new hero.

And me and my 4 year in plea to stop (proven, documented, tracked & mapped, pictures, video's, invitations, request after request publicly and privately for investigation, offering resolution after resolution over 50 meetings exposing City Hall and real estate corruption, extortion fee attempts for public documents and information that are with held, denied, and manipulated, intimidation tactics with assistance from the of Belfast PD, City Attorney, State Boards, Commissions, DEP, Attorney General, Governor, private attorneys, local businesses, tainted City committee's, all those in corruption denial or approval) the corruption and the forced City water slaughter to the flood plain, flood zone, private property of Seaview Terrace. 

 Larry Tighe with an alarming reporting on the RSU20 School withdraw that is also under action and City assistance for over 2 years

From there it will go to communications. At 9:42 in,  Council's comments are 6 of one half dozen of another. Had this been addressed 4 years ago when I first got slaughtered by undisclosed forced water of enormous geography, I would not be in these meetings period. No one would even know me. Everything I have said is true. Proving it against all their attempts to shut me down has been beyond horror. To hear them personalize me again and again is unethical and unprofessional. Lee takes a swipe at me again and Hurley spins another lie, stating I said "to send her water at other people's" he is drumming up neighbor pitting again. 

First, it is not MY water- it's CITY RUNOFF WATER that City's build infrastructure with our property taxes to protect EVERYONE'S property. 

Second- the runoff from the ANNEX was approved to run into Mid Coast Mental health's property behind David Smith's house. It is not HIS property. The Annex runoff is illegally coming to MY property and I have pleaded and pleaded for this to be fixed for 2 years now. No action.

Third- All rerouting is to CITY MAINTAINED PROPERTY AND SEWERS. Wight Street is undergoing massive improvements, City Planner Wayne Marshall is pushing for sidewalks and infrastructure upgrades with the rezoning to R3. The City has routed that water to Wight Street- the City has ALWAYS been the one routing it to "OTHER PEOPLE'S" 

City Council has got to do something with Hurley. He is a danger. Proven here, this Compassion drive has got him squealing. Nancy Hamilton is no better. She has to go to. Totally unethical for her to be on City Council with her husband as the planning board chair. She speaks up to thank a volunteer, Skip Pendleton for using his influence to keep pushing her agenda.

I have not watched this entire meeting. I can't bear to hear the spending on greedy wants as we drown. The Compassionate Cities prompted me to begin writing my story below. I have more to add, Mom was a Rosie the Riveter and how she met my Dad, good stuff. Looking for the pictures is another emotional journey of pivotal capturing moments. Then I start reflecting on my compassion skills and how they were hampered from the constant assaults with no one stepping in to help. I turned to speech and sarcasm. What am I to do? Lay down and allow us to die? Or keep hanging on and keep trying however I can to keep it on the front lines? Only mothers that have been through the same can truly grasp the strength and compassion needed to sustain the mobs mentality. The mothers are the easiest prey to dismantle- the thugs use your children. It is proven here. Again and again. Family, Government, Schools and Police. The Wall and little me. Who says an ant can't? I've got high hopes. Thank You Compassion Cities.

Click on 10 and watch the show. I'll need another page for that. Hurley and Hamilton are wicked souls. Lee, Sanders and Ash have guilty souls. Mortier is self serving, I'll leave it there.

 Where have all the flowers gone... they are still here, in my yard, I will save them. And take breaks in my hammock, breathe deep. Ommmmm.

As I was going through meetings to focus on Crazy Councilor Hurley's rants, lies and bullying, this one meeting below sums up all of their evil- City Council, Mayor, City Manager, City Planner and his minions- Code Officer and now Economic Developer. This 2/18/14 City Council Meeting was the vote to amend the Northport Ave TIF to allow it's funds to be used for downtown infrastructure. I pleaded for 3 years to get Seaview Terrace into the TIF through the new Annex building. TIF's open up funding and grants for infrastructure. This was the hammer. They knew I was coming to speak for the public hearing comment portion. Any legal changes require public hearings and public comment proponents/opponents. Public Hearing and Comments ALWAYS precede the actual meeting call to order. It is a legality- posted in the paper and mandatory, no deviation of procedure.

Except this time. City Manager Joe Slocum has the economic director send me an email clearly to bait me into missing my chance for public comment. I had no doubt that was the plan.

 Thomas Kittredge ( sender is in your contact list.
Tue 2/18/14 1:33 PM


Ms. Allen – I wanted to bring to your attention that the public hearing for the Northport TIF has been moved from immediately preceding tonight’s Council meeting, to the actual business agenda for tonight’s meeting, as item E-1.  Agenda is attached.  I am not sure exactly what time that we will get to it on tonight’s agenda, as it will depend on how quickly preceding agenda items go.

Thomas Kittredge
I knew better. I got there early. Sure enough, the paper agenda given to public at the meeting did not have the Northport Ave TIF Public Hearing listed, yet when the administrative assistant Manda Cushing read the hearings, her copy had the TIF as the 4th public hearing PRECEDING the meeting. Watch as I go to the podium confused and City Manager Joe Sloscum jumps in to say there will be 2 public hearings for the TIF. Bull. Had I not been there, he could have made that change when the meeting came to order during adoption of the agenda. He would have played stupid, saying there was some confusion, the public hearing for the TIF listed as item E-1 was wrong. Public Hearings are by law held prior, which they did, please strike E1 - public comment from the agenda. I would have protested and got escorted out by Officer Ward. 
Instead it bit water boy in the balloon. I got to speak 2 times and out of all my public speakings, this one ranks first. Poor Manda is shaken, she is new, and I am shaken too each time I watch this. Listening to my Council, Miss Piggy Mortier assist Water Boy Slocum and attempt to minimize the transfer of these funds to the downtown after all my time and heart spent trying to secure that funding was retching.That they calculated to stop me from publicly speaking and may have succeeded is flat out 


 noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
: very harsh control or authority

At minimum City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Council Mike Hurley display proven psychopathy." The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack conscience and empathy, making them manipulative, volatile and often (but by no means always) criminal. They are an object of popular fascination and clinical anguish: psychopathy is largely impervious to treatment."
It is not only this meeting but already in place when I moved here in 2010. These 3- Marshall, Slocum and Hurley are the constant bullies wielding power and the traits of psychopaths.Hurley came here from NJ in 1985? Poor Belfast, easy pickings for the evil ego's. My first protest in the center of town, 2011, brought Jay Davis, City Council Maniacal Mike Hurley's buddy (I did not know who Jay was at that time) Jay asked me what was the problem? I asked him if he really wanted to know?

 He said yes. I gave him a short story- real estate agents selling undisclosed hell because City Hall secretly floods private property destroying homes and lives. Jay told me that my protesting corruption is not how things were done around here. Did I go talk to Mike Hurley about it? I told him I did and Hurley couldn't shut it down fast enough. Jay tipped his hat, said Good Luck and walked away. Then I learned he was a BFF of Michael Maniacal and Jay was also the director of the Restorative Justice Program. Oh poleez. This was going to be very bad. Beat up me against mini Gotham. So be it, I stand for my children, our home, our rights, our democracy. 

New blog under way- I'll start posting Meetings with Maniacal Mike tomorrow. Check back for- Here's Johnny Putin on his "Happy".
They all vote to rob the TIF and nail the coffin shut on Seaview Terrace. I'm still kicking and will until. When the meeting begins to play- 1 minute later is when Manda reads the Northport TIF Public Hearing- and I am there and speak for 2 minutes. Then click 10E- The E.D. spends 7 minutes explaining the theft and I get up again at 7:40. Whoa, It's powerful. Mayor Ash attempts to intimidate me again. Not a chance Spanky. They continue as if I never spoke. White Collar Murderers

And below my personal bio, I have to tolerate Joe Sloscum stating he does not have the funds to save Seaview Terrace. It never ends. Tens of thousands wasted in this 4 year cover-up. 

8/22/14- A pity- I got deleted again on the Penbay article announcing City Council Roger Lee is not running again. The post I replied by Junker207  got deleted too. Even though it was posted for 2 days. I didn't copy it though. Just mine- I must be on some kind of alert for all the media online posts. They nail me. Tainted reporting in Maine. Can't understand it. Dancing around the corruption.

                                 My 3 Mainer Boys- Ted, Laird and Bill with Wilbur, Ted's dog.

Here, Here Junker207. Although I was born in NJ, @ 8 yrs old in 1969, I converted. I swam in those chicken guts, grabbed on to 3 Mainer boys for my best friends till this day and hate that Maine's lax laws are easy pickings for the expert loop holer's by out of staters. Baiting and implicating some Mainers- Belfast ain't seen nothing yet once the small print of the Comprehensive Plan really squeezes out  City Hall's undesirables.Unless you can get a hold of the "changes only" binder City Planner, Wayne Marshall is giving City Council for approval to vote the plan in within weeks. They have slammed me down so many times, I'll never get a hold of the binder in time. Or ever. They deny every request for public information but disguise it by saying they gave it to and I don't know what I am looking at. Telling me to hire a lawyer to work with the City Attorney to try and get those public documents. Right- this potato ain't that stupid.

I have a hands on master's degree on City Hall corruption- mostly planning "cow tying". This blog was to boycott Belfast City Hall corruption, not businesses- only the one's who awarded Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Citizen of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce.

Email me- and come to the Compassion Cities peace and compassion march on 9/5-9/6 beginning on Church St down to the water. Councilor Hurley and Hamilton sure are threatened by this movement at the 8/19/14 Belfast City Council meeting- click on #10. open to the public 6 has the RSU20 tax sucking update (I give saving Seaview another go) Education and infrastructure ignored and robbed by City Hall in their quest for greedy visions. Locking us in with grant pig-outs. and low balling project costs for approval. Then come the totally foreseen "un-foreseen's" City Planner Wayne Marshall's forte.

8/22/14- Sadly, Seth Thayer, a heavy hitter here in Belfast and on the Our Town Belfast board, is the same Seth Thayer who bought my deceased sister's house in Bayside- Sunny Side. Seth knows all this family dysfunction, the Allen's have been loud in Bayside since 1969. 

My sister, Janel Elizabeth Allen Miklos- 30? and mom, Helen Hell On Wheels Allen-60? 1979ish- 

Seth is Mr. Gossip Queen. He has taken many public posting swipes at me. We have NEVER met each other. Here is a copy of one his posts with on the Bangor Daily News. I copied it and pasted it to the Our Town Belfast fb site. My City Council Mary Mortier and City Council Hurley are also on this board. One of them banned me from the Our Town Belfast site, just like the FB Save Our School sites (see above tab labeled more outrageous public postings) Breanna Bebb, director of Our Town Belfast was horrified and reinstated me immediately. Way to go Bre! It was so spectacular dancing with Bre at the street party a few weeks ago. A local summit by 2 women simply dancing, great healing. Seth your dance card is coming up. Maybe we can organize a town wide Alan Jackson- Boot Scoot Boogie- easy instructions right hereah... 
Visit seththayer's profile 
seththayer5:21 a.m., Thursday Feb. 13 
just stop already. You, as an uniformed consumer, purchased a house that had some problems that you, as an uninformed consumer, are trying to pass off on anyone in your path. If you hat
e Belfast so much, it might be time to think about moving onto somewhere else. Take your losses and go. Buying a home is an investment choice, not a right. Sometimes people make bad investment choices, as you did in this case. The responsibility lies only with you.

I see Seth Thayer and Mary Mortier are on the board. Mary tell Seth how you, a realtor and my Council refuse to provide the Seaview Terrace MLS listings showing disclosure of the stream on those properties but not mine. Tell Seth how you take the 5th at the meetings instead of investigating and resolving, Tell Seth how Belfast City Hall lets and encourages businesses to drown Seaview Terrace by not removing plowed snow. Tell Seth that Seaview Terrace is not a natural outlet and you are drowning and destroying us. Seth has beat me verbally on the BDN posts a few times- telling me to get out of Belfast. A few horrible people can make this town so evil. I'll see you outside of this meeting and all nice days holding my signs. Looking forward to Seth's new building and the view. Nice place to protest. And I paid for a property inspection corrupt DJ Brown Property Inspectors, refused any properties that disclosed a stream, told BH&G Realtor #1 concern NO WATER ISSUES- drove 500 miles to see properties but 3 inches of fresh snow covered 1/4 acre yard- looked level and I was assured no water- Bill Ingersoll, BH&G Masiello Group High St Belfast Me- Listing Agent.

I didn't write this for pity, I never want pity. ACUE- Awareness, Compassion, Understanding, 
Education. That's it. I don't know why I am the magnet for the dysfunctional, but there is no doubt I am. Which also makes me think that the dysfunctional are the majority and the minority better snap to. Dysfunctional family members that are ruthless need to be dealt with. Not set loose on society to become someone of danger in a white collar to seed their greed. Greed is the fire alarm regardless of collar color.  All compassionate hands on deck. It ALL starts at home. 

                                                   Joisey Girl circa 1964?

Hell stream not disclosed by agent Bill Ingersoll/Masiello Group High St Belfast, below property inspection by DJ Brown Property Inspectors supervised by Sam Mitchell/Masiello Group during spring melt April 2010. Stream/brook/unstabilized banks- nothing reported. Paid cash- not even told I was in a flood zone. Number one was NO WATER ISSUES. For 6 months I refused in person and in writing all properties showing/disclosing ANY water issues. Agents swore no water issues with 17 Seaview Terrace. I was telling this to a reporter last night and he asked me if they were bound to disclose the stream. I say yes but the Real Estate Commission has dismissed my complaint. 

Yet, I know other stream properties on Seaview Terrace did disclose stream on their listings and I asked my City Council Ward and Real Estate Agent, Mary Mortier to print those listings for me. She said no for lawsuit purposes. I asked the Board for them, I had told them to look at them during the complaint process. They saw them but would not give me a copy. I asked all area real estate agents to give me a copy. NO. Then I got a letter from an attorney representing the Maine State Realtor Commission saying the listings are not public documents and I will not get those copies. That is corruption. They lead you to believe the Board will hold agents accountable for clear ethics violations and lying. The Board protects the agents, not the consumer. I gave the board all my proof, and I had a boatload. They investigator even said he has never received such detail and supporting documents.    

                       Town & Country Real Estate, High Belfast changed name to Masiello Group

Previously dry- after less than 2 inches in 3 hours- over 2 ft of water

Subject: FW: Belfast Woman Fights Over City Drainage BDN 5/14
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:02:53 -0400

To All,

Total confirmation of my email to all last night, that I tried and tried to resolve ethically and civilly. This article is from 2012 and Tuesday night, 8/19/14 is the FIRST time a City Council rep has kind of , sort of,  commented. Except for 11/2011 when I first went public and Hurley said it was the City Council's job to fix. If he wants to. Oy. Putin on the Happy video instead. Dance for me, don't look at the suffering.

I just learned that Roger is not running. Go out a hero, Roger. Save us fast. I'll be your biggest fan and promote the courage like you know I will and can. :)

Laurie Allen

Belfast woman fights city over drainage

By Tom Groening, BDN Staff
Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m.
Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.
Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.

Tom Groening | BDN
Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.
BELFAST, Maine — A woman whose backyard is bounded by a stream she claims the city has created and increased in size remains locked in conflict with city hall.
Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact.
City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay.
For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled.
“That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week.
Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said.
This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course.
But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved.
On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake.
“I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said.
Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix.
Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace.
At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed.
“I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies.
Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November.
Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem.
The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms.
And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property.
Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000.
“If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.

The City of Belfast Officials (Manager, Planner, Code Officer, City Council, Planning Board, Economic Developer, City Attorney protected by Belfast PD) do what corrupt officials do- lie, deny, manipulate, create smokescreens, doubt, take the 5th, with hold documents and information, foot drag, feign ignorance, intimidate, alienate, create new rules and ordinances for their club, hire different engineers, advisers, committee's, confuse grant stipulations, underestimate projects to get approval, get underway and ooops- lookey here, an "unforeseen", totally seen host of problems, on and on it goes. Their never ending web of corruption is overwhelming.

I have tried to cover the corruption, it is practiced in the schools system as well, the businesses play along for obvious reasons, the most personally devastating is the real estate agents, also lying, wheeling and dealing, the consumer duped into buying a nightmare regardless of their law breaking. Maine is 4th in corruption and that comes from the top down. Maine Realtor Commission, DEP, Belfast City Hall, and Real Estate Agents and Property Inspectors. All tearing away at me for exposing their corruption for years and counting. I was their perfect victim, shredded to bones, desperate, children crashing, unemployed, and working with real estate agents that had a birds eye view into our trauma's and danger. I did it all right, this was my only chance and I knew it. With great courage, I did it alone. In 9/2009, the worst time to sell a home, foreclosure's, the market flooded, nothing selling, my NJ home riddled with code violations and in sad shape.

At 48, I was fading away. Everyone ran, it was too scary. Divorced in 2007 by 2009 I was a step away from destitution, agoraphobia set in. The kids were in Bayside for the summer. An old friend called me out of the blue and invited me down to the shore for her daughter's graduation party. I broke down, crying, afraid, I told her I could not make that 45 minute drive to Toms River. I rarely went out anymore, only for necessities.

In the 80's we used to go out dancing ALL the time at the shore, skiing, renting shore houses, we were foot loose and fancy free. Here we are at the company Christmas party- 1983- I'm 22. . DJ (my nickname for her- Dancing Jeanne) is the best dancer. Puts Flash Dance to shame. Oh did the boys love her.

She was beyond alarmed. She begged me to come down, just for an hour, I was sobbing, I had to hang up. That was the breaking point. I was either going down or getting up. The Eagles came on, "So often times it happens, that we live our lies in chains. And we never even know we have the key." And that was it. Music has been the best medicine. The next day, I put on a dress and my pearls. I went to that party. It was hard, I was crying down the Parkway. But I did it. The next day I bought a ticket to see Burn The Floor on Broadway. Alone,  I took the train to NYC and subways and saw the show. Fantastic. I had never gone to NYC alone. I was scared. Riding in on the train, a man was giving a tourist all kinds of transportation information. He was in the next car- I heard him but couldn't see him. When it was time to get off the train, I got next to him. I asked him how he knew so much up the transportation system. He said he started out  as a limo driver on the Jersey shore 30 years ago and uses mass trans every day commuting.

 I told him I needed to get to Broadway via the subway and he said come on, I'll get you on the right subway. I kept thinking this guy was so familiar but it was so hectic- there was no room for further conversation. He was in a rush and was gone. Weeks later it hit me. He was our limo driver, friend of my rock and roll band(Red Handed) drummer boyfriend, John Kirsch. It was John's birthday and we did up the town in a limo. The train guy is the guy in white. I forget his name. I was 21.

In 9/2009, I put my NJ home up for sale and went to see my attorney, ethical to the hilt- Fred Roselli and told him we had a relocation battle to win. He said it was very unlikely, contested relocation is rarely granted. I said Do It. I was back. One phone call from someone who cared. That is all it took. DJ saved me.

6/2010 I pull into 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Me,  my life packed in a 50 ft Penske Truck, my NJ home slashed to rock bottom and sold. The relocation motion was not even filed in NJ. Come the September, I may have to go back to NJ for school and be homeless. We were in really bad shape but I held on and kept going. I landed a job at Bank of America, Credit Card Services 3 days before I had to be back in New Jersey for the hearing. One week before school was to start, relocation awarded.

I did it, we could begin our new life, heal and be joyful with privacy, safety and peace. Not to be, a whole pack of white collar thugs, Real estate agents and City Hall began taking me down that spring when the dry small drainage ditch exploded into wild rapids for almost 2 weeks. Ripping away 1/4 of my backyard, my new fence close to falling in. HELP ME PLEASE... the thugs slammed the doors shut and 4 years of hell have ensued.

The atrocity of these Belfast white collar thugs, some businesses and some public, is they attack the nucleus of humanity, a mother and children relocating from a life of abuse to begin again. Against all odds, making it out and into an undisclosed water slaughter and hell. 50 years of adding City Hall calculated force flooding to the private property, dead end, 12 family, flood plain, flood zone, no rights of ways, no easements and definitely not a natural outlet.

Strange how people who know me so well, don't see me anymore. Choosing to think I have become someone else, but I am the same. I do what needs to be done and I see it through.

Below is just some random family things. I had posted a very upsetting history. After I read it again, I read it for the last time.  I'm done with that grief. More progress. My, my, my....

That's my house on the corner. Great hill for skate boarding and sledding. We are in front of a real crazy man's house. He was the Tasty Cake Man. His panel truck loaded with flat tasty cake boxes. He would take us for a ride- tell us to lay on top of the boxes- they were almost to the ceiling- he would nail it and then slam on the brakes and we would go flying into the windshield. We loved it. When we got older we saw how dangerous he was. I'm thinking Paulie never told his Mom and my Mom would tell me when the truck was home and to go take a ride.


My only picture with my Dad. We were driving down from NJ to Miami to meet Dad's family. This was a throw up stop for me. Severe car sickness. After this, they got sick of stopping and told me hang my head out the window and let it fly on the highway. Long trip. They flew me home on the return with Mom.

Dad was a Navy man, WWII, South Pacific. Captain of the first twin propeller luxury 50? ft yacht, the Stella Dora, in the 1950's owned by Roshek, Iowa department store mogul. JB Turner of Front Street Shipyard knows the Stella Dora, we have connections and the City splinters them.  Dad and his Step Dad took  the rich and famous deep sea fishing in Miami on their boat, HY-BALL. Lana Turner and Arthur Godfrey were regulars. That's Dad there with his step-Dad (from 12 yrs old and what a kind man) Captain Jesse O'Hyden- 1938?

Below is the Tom Dooley story. I want to post my mom's history- Rosie the Riveter- cool story. She had it tough. Her mom died when she was a baby, her Dad remarried a mean step Mom and then her Dad fled when she was 16. She never heard from him again. It was around the time my Dad died, that she got a call saying her Dad died. She was a mess.  We moved to South River in 1963 after Jr. at 3 years old, set a fire at our East Brunswick house. He went to the gas furnace or water heater in the basement and stuck our plastic Bop the Beetle game into the flame.


Dad's great grandmother was Anne Foster Melton, true love of Tom Dula aka Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley. Anne's mom forced her to marry another when Tom went off to fight in the Civil War. Anne didn't think he was coming back so she married the shoe maker- he was considered wealthy among the shacks and dirt floors. Tom came back and heartbroken, took up with Anne's cousin. Laura Foster. Anne and Tom still had relations. Laura got in the way and wound up murdered. Tom hung for it, but it was never certain that Anne didn't do it. Thanks to google I just found all this out recently. Dad never talked about it and Mom mentioned it in passing. Turns out I have a cousin who wrote a book about it. We hooked up in the internet, he filled me in on many relatives and genealogy. I had letters that my Dad wrote to his Mom when he was in the Pacific mentioning these relatives and now I know.

Bucket List Whippoorwill Academy, Ferguson NC- Great Video, Sadly Edith Carter passed away this year. She knew many of my relatives and preserved the history.

Have to give my brother Jr. a thanks. We did have fun when he didn't feel threatened by my honesty. Here we are at the incredibly wild fun Octoberfest in New Brunswick NJ. You can't see Jr. because I was on his shoulders. Thanks bugsy.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Olver Engineering Seaview Terrace/EPA/AG/Governor

Note-  I am harsh in words to the corrupt. Water does not lie but they continue-lying, manipulating, intimidating, with holding public information and documents, alienating, trying to break me, exhausting the llittle strength I HAD LEFT, MY CHILDREN NEEDED ALL OF ME. Four years now, robbed and kicked. Humor helps me endure and the supply is endless. Belfast City Manager Slocum was kicking me from day one in 2011- white collar style- with a smile and torture. His early emails at the end of the waterboy blog- were just the beginning of his abuse. I keep on. In fact, last week he came to Seaview Terrace with the engineer, Many Olver and Director of Public Works and Roads, Bob Richards. I told them that if the 6 inches that just fell in Portland Maine fell here, Seaview Terrace would be gone. Slocum told me if I didn't stop talking he would leave. I told him to get out now- leave. He stayed but when he drove past me I was waiting to tell him he would be a murderer soon. He saw my 75+ yr old neighbor with her old dog- slowly walking up to her ranch next to the massive culvert. In 2009, it overflowed, wild rapids down Seaview Terrace again, wiped out her yard, almost took her car. I told this to Slocum during his street inspection 8/2011- he said it could have knocked her house off it's foundation. Hello. He denies saying that now. She also reported that to City Planner Wayne Marshall at his Seaview Terrace street meeting after Joe's. He did nothing. He is the slaughterer, Slocum and City Council enabling makes them even more guilty- premeditated murder by the Wall to the residents of Seaview Terrace. 

This meeting was dangerous for me. Mayor Ash was looking to the Chief of Police to take me out. JB Turner and the owners of Front Street Shipyard were there. They have seen this again and again. JB and I were at the same meeting where he was pitching the purchase of land for the future Front Street Shipyard in November 2011. The contrast is sickening. How they sit next to me silent as I beg to save Seaview Terrace is beyond me.

Mayor Ash refuses to allow me a few minutes to finish the proving of the corrupt City slaughter to Seaview Terrace. I am begging him, he tells me basically, he is sick of hearing it, wants something new. I respond, like what- when Seaview Terrace is under water, B**** G****** house is gone, maybe dead? Chief McFadden tells his new officer to follow me out. Right, like I am the danger. I come back into the meeting and wait for the 2nd open to the public to finish pleading to save us and stop the corruption. i sit right next to one of the owners of the Front Street Shipyard. How she sits there, like many times before, and never says a word to me. Even when I am out in the hallway as they leave laughing and happy. Water boy takes care of them. Good water boy. 

Because I am a single Mom, who won difficult contested relocation, the danger the City and others further imposes on us is beyond maniacal. The local real estate agents were the vultures fully aware of our battered situation to relocate to safety and privacy. They led us to slaughter, did not disclose the water, (previous and later Seaview Terrace listings disclose stream- the Maine Real Estate Commission and Mary refuse to provide those listings- not public- Commission corruptly dismissed complaint just like DEP/Aho). Property Inspector DJ Brown recommended by real estate agents, inspected in Spring- did not report stream/brook/ditch with water running through it and un-stabilized banking. Agents did not advise of flood zone. I would have refused this property and they knew it. I was paying cash and they nailed me. Counting on my situation to stay under cover and succumb to more abuse.

What they can't understand is that I will not succumb, even if it kills me. Stress kills. Water kills. White Collar Terrorism with City Attorney and Law Enforcement Support. I will never give up. My kids will have the recorded City Hall meetings and my blogs. I stood. I spoke. Until.

7/15/14 City Council Meeting Click both open to the public #6 & #11.  No one is accountable. Pass it on to us. Do we stand up for our children and for those who risk their lives for our rights? Or pretend it's just me?  I am held to 3 minutes- no one else is- even the prior speaker spoke over 4 minutes uninterrupted. I didn't even get 3 minutes and Mayor Ash began going off on me. I am pleading that the weather is our of control. each inch is a foot of water to Seaview- I measured 3 ft at 3 inches. More will be a much higher ratio. Mayor Ash is violating freedom of speech.Click #6 ff 7minutes15seconds to where I try to speak. I wait to the end to the second open to public, #11 - done within 2 minutes.

Sent:Sun 8/17/14 3:28 PM (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (; Governor (; (

Governor LePage, Attorney General Janet Mills, Mandy Olver (Seaview Terrace Engineer), Cyndy Mackey (EPA), City Manager Joe Slocum, City Council, Mayor and ChIef McFadden,

(Attached to this email is a word document that I couldn't add here on the blog. I copied it to a new blog- here is the link
I have compiled damning evidence of the pending death of or on Seaview Terrace in the attached document. It was difficult - please excuse the breaks and choppiness. Below are pictures.  Please advise if any action will be forth coming to get ALL forced water away from us immediately. Investigations by the AG for all agencies (Belfast City Hall, DEP, Maine Realtor Commission and Real Estate Agency of Earl Black (at purchase was Town & Country now is Masiello Group) are requested. Please advise. I have volumes of documents and pictures. Four years of absolute hell thrust on me, a domestic survivor who made it out by the skin of my teeth. To be kicked ruthlessly by Belfast and State officials. Shame on them. I survive for my children. 

Mandy Olver is advising the City Manager for Seaview Terrace infrastructure right now. I wanted her to have all this information. Time is up, Freeport can be us, only worse. Article below the pictures.

You remember me Governor...Front Street Shipyard...countless emails....until. Thank You. 


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Me. 04915
You are invited to view Laurie Allen's photo album: Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
Belfast Maine - 
Mar 29, 2014
by Laurie Allen
Maps, engineer plans 1939-present- prove corruption State-local
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Torrential downpour washes out bridge in Freeport, strands two families

Posted Aug. 16, 2014, at 9:09 a.m
FREEPORT, Maine — Two families were stranded Wednesday after a torrential downpour washed out the one and only bridge leading to their homes in Freeport.
Four inches of rain in 90 minutes. Six and a half inches of rain in all. And the bridge was no match.
Beth Toothaker, one of the stranded homeowners on the other side of Allen Brook, said that usually, “it’s just a very small, little brook.”
But when that torrential downpour hit Wednesday night, the brook turned into a giant, swirling pond.
“It built up so high, then swirled around and blew all the culverts out. They were probably plugged up with rocks and debris,” said Mike Shea, who also was stranded.
The floodwaters washed the bridge away.
“The neighbor’s got her car trapped over there. She can’t even get out,” Shea said.
“They told us if there was a fire or if somebody needed an ambulance, there’s absolutely nothing they could do,” Toothaker said. “The only thing they could do is make us a priority for airlifting. So I like to say it’s a good thing I’m a nurse.
“I had to go finance a Ranger [because] we have chickens and turkeys up there that need to be fed,” she added.
An estimate for rebuilding the bridge over their private drive was between $60,000 and $100,000.
Unfortunately, because it is a private drive, the town of Freeport and the state of Maine are not obligated to help rebuild that bridge.
“To come up with that kind of money, it’s hard,” Shea said.
“If we can’t get this resolved before the snow flies, that’s the scary part. Cause there’s no way to heat the house without oil,” Toothaker said.
At this point, both families don’t know what they’re going to do. They’re trying to find a way to build a new road to their homes, one that doesn’t involve the bridge.

1. Response from City Council Mike Hurley- continuing to defend his slaughter!

Mike Hurley (
Fri 8/15/14 11:38 AM
Is this regarding the Morrison Brook? Thanks/ Mike Hurley

My response:
And again- let's PRETEND there was a seasonal runoff brook through private property- you still have no rights of ways, no rights at all to make a storm sewer out of our private properties for half of the bypass developed by miles and miles of impervious ground, roofs, parking lots, unknowns, a slew of pollutants to private property and directly into Penobscot Bay. 

2. The entire email sent to Mandy Olver was also included in the email to the Governor, EPA, DEP and AG.

Fri 8/15/14 12:30 PM
Governor (; (; (; (

Governor, EPA and Attorney General,

The Governor, Attorney General and DEP have dismissed this illegal government forced water slaughter to Seaview Terrace for the 4 years I have been trying to save Seaview Terrace. The Belfast PD has taken active steps to intimidate me and I want this on record that you have been notified.

As for the EPA, this is the first contact. You can see all the runoff being forced to our private properties from highway, roofs, parking lots, and unknown. From here it goes into the Penobscot Bay, untreated.

Commissioner Aho dismissed her corrupt investigation illegally allowing this run off into Seaview Terrace from the Captain Albert Stevens School. She is corrupt and it would be pointless to tell me to go to her.

This is record that the EPA has been notified. Brenda Kielty please forward this to Janet Mills, AG. 

Responses advising me to contact other agencies are refused. It is your responsibility to act and get all runoff forced into Seaview Terrace out of Seaview Terrace immediately. 

Laurie Allen

Fri 8/15/14 11:13 AM (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (

Mandy Olver (Engineer for Seaview Terrace),

After I sent this email (below), you, City Manager Joe Slocum and DPW Bob Richards appeared on Seaview Terrace. You saw 80? year old B**** G****** with her old dog slowly walking towards her ranch that would be gone if those 6 inches of rain that hit Portland on Wednesday hit Belfast. She would be dead, and that is murder. I told Bob Richards and Joe Slocum they would be murderers as they drove past me.

I saw you were advising them to drain more runoff to me through the culverts above me. That is illegal by Maine State Law to send accumulating water to another. It is illegal to send all this water to my private property and the proof is below and also confirmed by the Belfast City Engineer in 1987.

Your plans for Seaview Terrace certainly included your knowledge of the history. You will be held accountable for any improper engineering. The City of Belfast is one flood away from a class action law suit and you are hereby advised. 

Laurie Allen
Fri, 15 Aug 2014 09:29:00 -0400
Joe Slocum, City Council, Mayor and Chief McFadden 

After 3 inches fell over 6 hours, my previously dry PRIVATE property drainage ditch had 3 feet of water- 4 feet wide rushing through it. These 6 inches in Portland, Me, less than 2 hours away- would be well over 6 feet of water slaughtering ALL of Seaview Terrace and for days on end. In one hour, 3 inches fell between 9-10 pm. Sleeping Seaview Terrace residents would never have a chance to get out,B**** G****** ranch and cars would get carried away immediately. The 8 more ranches and cars on Seaview Terrace would follow. According to the news, it takes only 3 INCHES of water to move a car!! Over 6 feet of water crashing through- there is no rescue, you refuse to even put us in a mitigation plan.

Further destruction will be the road. With out storm sewers, it will be swept away, along with our properties. As I said 4 years ago, then you will come in with inverse condemnation and surviving residents will have their properties taken with out any compensation because it will be worthless. My blogs are full of your corruption, and will be the basis for a class action lawsuit of enormous loss, life?, that will bankrupt Belfast. Your legacy, your greed, your doing.  For 4 years, City Manager Slocum has been buying time until we go under and it is documented. 

inverse condemnation
n. the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly damages the use of a parcel of real property that it is the equivalent of condemnation of the entire property. Thus the owner claims he/she is entitled to payment for the loss of the property (in whole or in part) under the constitutional right to compensation for condemnation of property under the government's eminent domain right. 

It is doubtful that anyone else on Seaview Terrace has flood insurance. They will have a total loss, cars and recreational items included if they do not have them insured. My flood insurance is almost 4k a year out of my 18k income and that is at a 25% discount because I have had continuous coverage before the new FIRM this year. Any day, could be the last for Seaview Terrace.   

For 4 years, I have been forced into more danger beyond the danger I tried to escape. Any day the stress of it all could kill me. The calculated conversations that Officer Ward and Chief McFadden have had with me "off the record" to persuade me to stop saving Seaview Terrace with the only tools I have- facts and my public speaking are beyond threatening. Resorting to admonishing me as a mother and questioning my stability is evidence that my protection and basic rights are of no value to the City of Belfast and speaks volumes to the safety of all residents in the path of City greed. 

 I have sounded every alarm and ruined my life in attempts to save Seaview Terrace from your slaughter. Seaview Terrace was NEVER a NATURAL OUTLET . You are breaking Belfast ordinance and drowning us. A flood plain/ flood zone that anyone with any conscience or ethics would not force flood to death, especially by those collecting our property taxes to do just that. Very sick indeed. Below is the proof. I ask you AGAIN City Manager Joe Slocum what is the immediate plan to save Seaview Terrace and therefore Belfast?

Laurie Allen

Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

 Per 1987 investigation by Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson of Seaview Terrace flooding:

"3.  Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency.  I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. "

Below- section 40 is the farmhouse and farm of Seaview Terrace in 1939 NO STREAM- NO NATURAL OUTLET!! s.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Starting up new resident's concern and action every Monday @ 6pm Belfast City Park Waterfront Pavilion beginning 8/4/14. This can be fantastic. It will take awhile to catch on. No problem, the view is spectacular, I'll be waiting with a smile.

8/23/14- converting over to Compassionate Cities, a movement by local ministries.

Sent:Thu 8/21/14 11:48 PM (; (; LAURIE ALLEN ( (; (; (; (; (; (
Dear Minister Perkins and Roger Lee,

The Compassionate Cities and the UU Church are connecting with me. I have wanted to volunteer and be part of the community of goodwill for a very long time. I didn't look into the CC until today. I would have picked that over Moral Mondays and I am converting. My involvement into the UU/CC is a conflict for some and I want to work on that. Starting with sharing how City Hall is actually abusive to many residents in their path of visions and greed. This isn't because of me. I am the first one to take them on and hold on. They tried and tried to send me to attorney and insurance land where I would be lost and broke for good. I didn't take their bait. I keep coming back and coming back. I'm all for peaceful saving of Belfast. Bring it on Minister, I will follow and help. I make good signs. I have protested peacefully for 4 years under great duress. 

I had fun in your kitchen on Thanksgiving. I had sent an email to ask if I could help and received a yes. When I walked in the door, I knew I made a mistake. I had thought I was coming to feed the homeless and poor. I did not know it was a sit down for the congregation.  I wanted to leave but a woman in a wheel chair was by the door and began chatting away to me. She was so kind. Now, I wanted to stay and maybe make some friends.  It was awkward for awhile until I got to peel potato's. and Marshall got me going.Then we were done, and soon people would be coming. I went to the hallway, started looking at the pictures on the wall and Roger was a member, the treasurer, his picture on the wall and I thought I was going to drop dead. I had to get out of here.  Roger may be walking through the door any minute. Then the realization that these people I was having so much fun with may know me. They may think I came here to spite Roger. The tears were coming. I couldn't tell them why I had to leave. I just said I have to leave. they must have thought I was some nut job.

I went home and shared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with doggies, Stewie and Gordon.My children were in NJ. That is just the way my life rolls. Home is sanctuary. I was happy to be home. No one can hurt us here- except the City's forced water.

Tuesday's meeting was quite the poo poo platter. It had everything. Nice job, Minister Perkins handling Mary Mortier's condescending tone. It made my skin crawl seeing Councilor's Hurley and Hamilton so threatened by a Compassion Resolution that they can't control. Abstaining and voting against a mission for compassion and peace. 

Mayor Ash was stumbling and wrong. The City Manager was ready to sell of those tax properties. Roger stopped it. Hurley had just read that letter too. 

Forcing real estate agents to deceive and not disclose to unload these City damaged properties. Including the property inspectors. I never would have bought this property if the stream was disclosed, if any water issues were disclosed. I asked verbally and in writing and had the property inspection. No stream, no water issues, no banking issues, no flood zone disclosed because I paid cash. Maine Real Estate Commission dismissed my complaint even though other listings on Seaview Terrace with "stream" property disclosed a stream. Merrill's at 27 Seaview Terrace disclosed the stream when they put it up for sale in 2012. Mary Mortier, my council and a real estate agent won't give me a copy of that listing. The Commission won't give me the copy. No real estate agents will give me that copy. Maine is 4th in corruption. DEP Aho- corrupt. All those that enable and look the other way- make them just as corrupt. Governor, Attorney General, Senator Thibodeau, Erin Herbig... I reached out to all.

I've taken such a beating in Belfast, directly affecting my children, the Compassionate Cities prompted me to share my history. City Hall has read this before, I've been blogging for 4 years. It's buried in one of them. So much City Hall corruption, so many blogs of proof. I'm still updating my history, but it's an interesting read. Dysfunction is not boring, I'll say that. It's down a bit from the top of the blog. 
To see a snippet of confirming emails of torture and Twilight Zone worthy- go to To see intimidation letters from the City Attorney and City Manager, go to To see a streamline of version of my orginal blog- go to  The original is overwhelming- I had no idea it was going to morph into so much deception. 

I'm sharing this with you Minister so you realize the scope of the mission. i am only one of many. Maybe you know this already and this is why you brought it to City Hall. That would be outstanding. I am sorry this is so long. I wanted to get it all out in the open. It took me a long time to do this. Thank You. 


I tried for 8 months, to get an investigation prior to going public on 11/1/11. I made that map in November 2011 and presented it. I gave you all a packet of 21 pages including the map and pictures with water flowing through each culvert, mapping it's way down to me. I invited all of you again and again to come to my house, see the destruction, tour the paths I mapped. Bob Whiteley, City Tax Assessor is the only one who came. He was shocked at the severity and the range. The water was cruising all the way down- there was no way to hide it or deny it. 

He saw that it was not a natural outlet. He knew my neighbor Becky Gibbons (his wife is a school mate of Becky's) and she came out and spoke to us. She told Bob that this stream had been moved in the 70's. She told him, like she told City Planner Wayne Marshall in the street sham meeting in August, that in 2009, that huge culvert (4 ft in diameter) next to her house  overflowed violently. Almost taking her car away, wiping out her yard, leaving a huge gully. Joe Slocum said it could have taken her house off it's foundation. I wasn't here yet, but it must have wiped my back yard out. It was on the market even then. Slocum wrote in one email that my "predecessor's" altered that area. I bet they had to fill it and make it look like a drainage ditch, just like the ones on both sides of my house. Drainage ditches for my property only.

Slocum and Marshall lied again and again trying to make that drainage ditch a 100 year old natural stream.  The boulders are piled up on the opposing side. You refused to come see it so you could keep denying it. I told you all that City Hall was with holding the original development plans and information on Seaview Terrace and the Captain Albert Stevens School. Those documents prove the corruption. City Hall is "foolish" to make me go to such great lengths trying to save my home and neighborhood. I have a hands on master's degree in City Hall mostly Planning corruption. You, as a past planning board member are aware. You have refused to assist me. Until now. I accept, I forgive, lets make things right.

Seaview Terrace can go under any day. Subjecting us to delay after 50 years of providing free sewer runoff for an enormous section of developed Belfast where City Hall has done everything to destroy us is wrong. I campaigned for 2 years to get us into the Northport Ave TIF  via the Annex to open up funding for infrastructure. You voted me down and voted it to the downtown. I contacted EMA to get us into a mitigation plan, you brought in Dale Rowley director of EMA to speak. I spoke, giving the information again at open to the public, Mayor Ash was trying to stop me from speaking. Telling me to get an attorney. Then when Dale gave his presentation, none of you asked about mitigating Seaview Terrace, nothing about flooding, nothing. Hurley chit chat on the new building and radio's. A disgrace. Dale is an engineer and HE told me my map was good.

And Hurley is manipulating what I said to pit more neighbors against me. He is the epitome of The Hunger Games as The Flooding Games. Hurley- "to send HER water at other people's" I did not say that and it is not MY water it is the City's water- runoff is an infrastructure responsibility 101 with our property tax dollars. Per Maine Municipal Association. I said to channel it to City maintained property. The bypass/exit area by Janis Stone interiors is City maintained property. Hurley says the flow is low, so it can certainly handle it. Unless of course, Hurley is lying to save money for his downtown. Wayne Marshall stated in his Comprehensive Plan- the goal is get rid of housing in this healthcare area. 
I quickly proved the rezoning of Seaview Terrace to R3 was illegal and it was rescinded. But the rest of the plan remains. Taken from Marshall's summary for R3.

"While the Hospital is the primary use, housing remains a significant type of development in the area. Sea View Terrace is a long established urban neighborhood, and single-family residential housing remains the predominant use on Wight Street. Publicly supported housing, such as Penobscot Terrace, Coastal Enterprises, and Huntress Gardens, also is located in this area. While the City believes much of the current housing will remain, in the longer term, more of the current single family houses likely will be converted into professional offices, and some of the limited amount of available land may similarly be used for offices. The City believes it is appropriate to allow new housing in the area, and there is a limited amount of land along Wight Street to accommodate such, but it wants current and future residents in this area to recognize that a health care office or facility likely could become their neighbor."

For  years I came to meeting after meeting, request after request telling you Wayne Marshall was with holding public documents- giving full files and claiming they were in there. I was too stupid to know what I was looking at. You flat out refused to validate receipt of true documents. Stating "I do not validate documents" Wayne removed every storm water document, engineers reports. abutters communications, DEP. Army Corp- volumes of information from the CASS files prior to my counterside inspection of 4 huge files, 4 hours of grueling stressful page by page, waste of my life. The "boys club" Slocum, Marshall, and Rosenburg, smirking and making me sick. I came back the next day. Wayne was out of the office. I asked the secretary, Marie, to see the files again, and voila, Wayne put all those crucial documents back in. There were so many, it was overwhelming. I broke down in tears at the evil corruption and torture of it all. Marie was at a loss. I panicked that Wayne would walk back in, I yanked out the planning boards Conditions of Approval, and a few other's. I begged Marie for copies on the spot. She did it.

 I knew these conditions were not met, and so did you. For 2 years, request after request for this impact study and engineer's inspection approval. All of you took the 5th and Slocum refused to respond. Until statutes ran out- he said 11.1 and 11.3 were not done. CASS was built in corruption of compliance because those conditions would have stopped the illegal forced water slaughter to water shed residents. My property gets 100 fold of this after you add in all the other sites and  highway coming to me. You did nothing. Now residents are going to pick up the tab for another shady engineer investigation that will buy more time to have the big one take us out. And that tainted report will also go into Wayne's abyss.

A. Per WBRC Architects Engineers letter dated 11/7/2002 to Mike Morse, MDEP Project Manager
RE: 2941.10/Belfast Community Elementary School 
      L-21070-22-A-N Response to comments
#6 Two Steps have been taken to address comment 6. First, the City of Belfast had assessed a stormwater impact fee to new developments within the unnamed stream's watershed to assist in funding an offsite drainage study.The Belfast Elementary School watershed will be included in the offsite drainage study of the overall unnamed stream's watershed will be included in the offsite drainage study of the overall unnamed stream's watershed, which drains through the "24" culvert beneath Congress St., east of Priscilla Lane.

B. Per :Belfast Community Elementary School Site Plan & Use Permit 
        Adopted Conditions of Approval
 Final Approval of November 20,2002 & 
Amendment #1 to Approval of January 15,2003 
Amendment #2 to Approval of April 9, 2003

1. Description of Project: SAD#34, applicant proposes to construct the Belfast Community Elementary School, a school which can accommodate 340 students. The project also involves demolition of the existing Robertson Elementary School and the conversion of this former school site to an athletic field....

11. Storm water Management: The applicant shall construct all stormwater management improvements to specifications identified on the approved Site Plan prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. Further the applicant shall maintain all stormwater facilities in good working condition. 

11.1 The applicant shall either : a) Provide the City a letter from a licensed civil engineer certifying that the stormwater improvements were constructed in accordance with all City specifications and in accordance with Site Plan requirements; or b) Pay the City the cost to employ a City inspector to inspect construction of the stormwater improvements.

11.3 The applicant shall pay a stormwater impact fee of $5,000 to the City to better enable the City to conduct an analysis...

We need a on the City books City Engineer full time for accountability like Belfast USED to have. And to put the final approved site plans back into the Deeded Public Registry where they were free to public access at any time like the USED to be,  until Wayne Marshall came on board and stopped the public access. Hello corruption.

Anyone with eyes can see that all this water forced to Seaview Terrace is illegal. We are NOT a natural outlet. The City has no right, no rights of ways, no easements, we are flood plain, flood zone that you are ethically bound to divert water from and protect residents. This was sent to you in March 2013, a year of requesting zoning conditions on all these sites illegally stock piling snow, melting to us and wiping us out. Never to be fulfilled. Chief McFadden didn't believe me when I filed complaints that the Annex and CASS were in violation of code. I was at the Annex site when Planning Member Diane Beck asked Mike Hogan what he was doing with plow-able snow. He said taking it offsite of course. That is how I knew and then saw it wasn't enforced. Then I knew why Seaview Terrace got wiped out in 2009 and 2011. The Chief was able to get access to those zoning conditions. He confirmed I was right. Slocum later threw him under the bus, saying the school is following THEIR maintenance plans. And you accepted that. 


I did some research, first the Zoning Conditions of Approval document indicates that the CASS school is responsible for snow removal. Any potential violations of this document would be a zoning issue handled by the board or by the code enforcement office. We as Police would have no authority over this issue unless a state law or local ordinance was violated. There are no state laws or ordinances enforceable by the Police Department which would prohibit the school from removing snow from the parking lots or events/sporting fields in the manner in which they are currently doing it. (from Chief McFadden)

Per Local Ordinance, the Code Enforcement Officer is not issuing violations that are flooding our floodplain, flood zone neighborhood of Seaview Terrace. We have confirmed the CASS and Annex are in violation and the other sites need confirmation so that police power may protect the flood plain as our local ordinance dictates

Drainage. Adequate provision shall be made for stormwater, with particular concern for the effects of any effluent draining from the site. Erosion resulting from any improvements on the site shall be prevented by landscaping or other means (see sections 102-1123 and 102-1124 and chapter 98).
Snow removal. The plan shall provide for storage of snow accumulation or removal from the site. 
Floodplain and floodprone area mean any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source (see definition of "flood" and "flooding"). 
Floodplain management means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood control works, and floodplain management regulations.
Floodplain management regulations means zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, health regulations, special purpose ordinances, such as a floodplain ordinance, grading ordinance, and erosion control ordinance, and other applications of police power. The term describes such state or local regulations, or any combination thereof, which provide standards for the purpose of flood damage prevention and reduction.

Belfast Ordinance (it is certainly is polluted on top of not being a natural outlet- Rte 1 runoff- may even be coming from the airport, huge roof tops, parking lots- maybe the EPA will help)
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

 Per 1987 investigation by Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson of Seaview Terrace flooding:

"3.  Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency.  I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. "

inverse condemnation
n. the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly damages the use of a parcel of real property that it is the equivalent of condemnation of the entire property. Thus the owner claims he/she is entitled to payment for the loss of the property (in whole or in part) under the constitutional right to compensation for condemnation of property under the government's eminent domain right. 

And finally the 1939 map- quad 40- farmhouse still standing on the corner of Norhport Ave and Seaview Terrace. No stream. The ditch running through there in later pictures were man made. Perhaps to handle runoff from the airport? Planning for the bypass runoff. 

Laurie Allen