
Friday, August 15, 2014

Olver Engineering Seaview Terrace/EPA/AG/Governor

Note-  I am harsh in words to the corrupt. Water does not lie but they continue-lying, manipulating, intimidating, with holding public information and documents, alienating, trying to break me, exhausting the llittle strength I HAD LEFT, MY CHILDREN NEEDED ALL OF ME. Four years now, robbed and kicked. Humor helps me endure and the supply is endless. Belfast City Manager Slocum was kicking me from day one in 2011- white collar style- with a smile and torture. His early emails at the end of the waterboy blog- were just the beginning of his abuse. I keep on. In fact, last week he came to Seaview Terrace with the engineer, Many Olver and Director of Public Works and Roads, Bob Richards. I told them that if the 6 inches that just fell in Portland Maine fell here, Seaview Terrace would be gone. Slocum told me if I didn't stop talking he would leave. I told him to get out now- leave. He stayed but when he drove past me I was waiting to tell him he would be a murderer soon. He saw my 75+ yr old neighbor with her old dog- slowly walking up to her ranch next to the massive culvert. In 2009, it overflowed, wild rapids down Seaview Terrace again, wiped out her yard, almost took her car. I told this to Slocum during his street inspection 8/2011- he said it could have knocked her house off it's foundation. Hello. He denies saying that now. She also reported that to City Planner Wayne Marshall at his Seaview Terrace street meeting after Joe's. He did nothing. He is the slaughterer, Slocum and City Council enabling makes them even more guilty- premeditated murder by the Wall to the residents of Seaview Terrace. 

This meeting was dangerous for me. Mayor Ash was looking to the Chief of Police to take me out. JB Turner and the owners of Front Street Shipyard were there. They have seen this again and again. JB and I were at the same meeting where he was pitching the purchase of land for the future Front Street Shipyard in November 2011. The contrast is sickening. How they sit next to me silent as I beg to save Seaview Terrace is beyond me.

Mayor Ash refuses to allow me a few minutes to finish the proving of the corrupt City slaughter to Seaview Terrace. I am begging him, he tells me basically, he is sick of hearing it, wants something new. I respond, like what- when Seaview Terrace is under water, B**** G****** house is gone, maybe dead? Chief McFadden tells his new officer to follow me out. Right, like I am the danger. I come back into the meeting and wait for the 2nd open to the public to finish pleading to save us and stop the corruption. i sit right next to one of the owners of the Front Street Shipyard. How she sits there, like many times before, and never says a word to me. Even when I am out in the hallway as they leave laughing and happy. Water boy takes care of them. Good water boy. 

Because I am a single Mom, who won difficult contested relocation, the danger the City and others further imposes on us is beyond maniacal. The local real estate agents were the vultures fully aware of our battered situation to relocate to safety and privacy. They led us to slaughter, did not disclose the water, (previous and later Seaview Terrace listings disclose stream- the Maine Real Estate Commission and Mary refuse to provide those listings- not public- Commission corruptly dismissed complaint just like DEP/Aho). Property Inspector DJ Brown recommended by real estate agents, inspected in Spring- did not report stream/brook/ditch with water running through it and un-stabilized banking. Agents did not advise of flood zone. I would have refused this property and they knew it. I was paying cash and they nailed me. Counting on my situation to stay under cover and succumb to more abuse.

What they can't understand is that I will not succumb, even if it kills me. Stress kills. Water kills. White Collar Terrorism with City Attorney and Law Enforcement Support. I will never give up. My kids will have the recorded City Hall meetings and my blogs. I stood. I spoke. Until.

7/15/14 City Council Meeting Click both open to the public #6 & #11.  No one is accountable. Pass it on to us. Do we stand up for our children and for those who risk their lives for our rights? Or pretend it's just me?  I am held to 3 minutes- no one else is- even the prior speaker spoke over 4 minutes uninterrupted. I didn't even get 3 minutes and Mayor Ash began going off on me. I am pleading that the weather is our of control. each inch is a foot of water to Seaview- I measured 3 ft at 3 inches. More will be a much higher ratio. Mayor Ash is violating freedom of speech.Click #6 ff 7minutes15seconds to where I try to speak. I wait to the end to the second open to public, #11 - done within 2 minutes.

Sent:Sun 8/17/14 3:28 PM (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (; Governor (; (

Governor LePage, Attorney General Janet Mills, Mandy Olver (Seaview Terrace Engineer), Cyndy Mackey (EPA), City Manager Joe Slocum, City Council, Mayor and ChIef McFadden,

(Attached to this email is a word document that I couldn't add here on the blog. I copied it to a new blog- here is the link
I have compiled damning evidence of the pending death of or on Seaview Terrace in the attached document. It was difficult - please excuse the breaks and choppiness. Below are pictures.  Please advise if any action will be forth coming to get ALL forced water away from us immediately. Investigations by the AG for all agencies (Belfast City Hall, DEP, Maine Realtor Commission and Real Estate Agency of Earl Black (at purchase was Town & Country now is Masiello Group) are requested. Please advise. I have volumes of documents and pictures. Four years of absolute hell thrust on me, a domestic survivor who made it out by the skin of my teeth. To be kicked ruthlessly by Belfast and State officials. Shame on them. I survive for my children. 

Mandy Olver is advising the City Manager for Seaview Terrace infrastructure right now. I wanted her to have all this information. Time is up, Freeport can be us, only worse. Article below the pictures.

You remember me Governor...Front Street Shipyard...countless emails....until. Thank You. 


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Me. 04915
You are invited to view Laurie Allen's photo album: Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
Belfast Maine - 
Mar 29, 2014
by Laurie Allen
Maps, engineer plans 1939-present- prove corruption State-local
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Torrential downpour washes out bridge in Freeport, strands two families

Posted Aug. 16, 2014, at 9:09 a.m
FREEPORT, Maine — Two families were stranded Wednesday after a torrential downpour washed out the one and only bridge leading to their homes in Freeport.
Four inches of rain in 90 minutes. Six and a half inches of rain in all. And the bridge was no match.
Beth Toothaker, one of the stranded homeowners on the other side of Allen Brook, said that usually, “it’s just a very small, little brook.”
But when that torrential downpour hit Wednesday night, the brook turned into a giant, swirling pond.
“It built up so high, then swirled around and blew all the culverts out. They were probably plugged up with rocks and debris,” said Mike Shea, who also was stranded.
The floodwaters washed the bridge away.
“The neighbor’s got her car trapped over there. She can’t even get out,” Shea said.
“They told us if there was a fire or if somebody needed an ambulance, there’s absolutely nothing they could do,” Toothaker said. “The only thing they could do is make us a priority for airlifting. So I like to say it’s a good thing I’m a nurse.
“I had to go finance a Ranger [because] we have chickens and turkeys up there that need to be fed,” she added.
An estimate for rebuilding the bridge over their private drive was between $60,000 and $100,000.
Unfortunately, because it is a private drive, the town of Freeport and the state of Maine are not obligated to help rebuild that bridge.
“To come up with that kind of money, it’s hard,” Shea said.
“If we can’t get this resolved before the snow flies, that’s the scary part. Cause there’s no way to heat the house without oil,” Toothaker said.
At this point, both families don’t know what they’re going to do. They’re trying to find a way to build a new road to their homes, one that doesn’t involve the bridge.

1. Response from City Council Mike Hurley- continuing to defend his slaughter!

Mike Hurley (
Fri 8/15/14 11:38 AM
Is this regarding the Morrison Brook? Thanks/ Mike Hurley

My response:
And again- let's PRETEND there was a seasonal runoff brook through private property- you still have no rights of ways, no rights at all to make a storm sewer out of our private properties for half of the bypass developed by miles and miles of impervious ground, roofs, parking lots, unknowns, a slew of pollutants to private property and directly into Penobscot Bay. 

2. The entire email sent to Mandy Olver was also included in the email to the Governor, EPA, DEP and AG.

Fri 8/15/14 12:30 PM
Governor (; (; (; (

Governor, EPA and Attorney General,

The Governor, Attorney General and DEP have dismissed this illegal government forced water slaughter to Seaview Terrace for the 4 years I have been trying to save Seaview Terrace. The Belfast PD has taken active steps to intimidate me and I want this on record that you have been notified.

As for the EPA, this is the first contact. You can see all the runoff being forced to our private properties from highway, roofs, parking lots, and unknown. From here it goes into the Penobscot Bay, untreated.

Commissioner Aho dismissed her corrupt investigation illegally allowing this run off into Seaview Terrace from the Captain Albert Stevens School. She is corrupt and it would be pointless to tell me to go to her.

This is record that the EPA has been notified. Brenda Kielty please forward this to Janet Mills, AG. 

Responses advising me to contact other agencies are refused. It is your responsibility to act and get all runoff forced into Seaview Terrace out of Seaview Terrace immediately. 

Laurie Allen

Fri 8/15/14 11:13 AM (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (

Mandy Olver (Engineer for Seaview Terrace),

After I sent this email (below), you, City Manager Joe Slocum and DPW Bob Richards appeared on Seaview Terrace. You saw 80? year old B**** G****** with her old dog slowly walking towards her ranch that would be gone if those 6 inches of rain that hit Portland on Wednesday hit Belfast. She would be dead, and that is murder. I told Bob Richards and Joe Slocum they would be murderers as they drove past me.

I saw you were advising them to drain more runoff to me through the culverts above me. That is illegal by Maine State Law to send accumulating water to another. It is illegal to send all this water to my private property and the proof is below and also confirmed by the Belfast City Engineer in 1987.

Your plans for Seaview Terrace certainly included your knowledge of the history. You will be held accountable for any improper engineering. The City of Belfast is one flood away from a class action law suit and you are hereby advised. 

Laurie Allen
Fri, 15 Aug 2014 09:29:00 -0400
Joe Slocum, City Council, Mayor and Chief McFadden 

After 3 inches fell over 6 hours, my previously dry PRIVATE property drainage ditch had 3 feet of water- 4 feet wide rushing through it. These 6 inches in Portland, Me, less than 2 hours away- would be well over 6 feet of water slaughtering ALL of Seaview Terrace and for days on end. In one hour, 3 inches fell between 9-10 pm. Sleeping Seaview Terrace residents would never have a chance to get out,B**** G****** ranch and cars would get carried away immediately. The 8 more ranches and cars on Seaview Terrace would follow. According to the news, it takes only 3 INCHES of water to move a car!! Over 6 feet of water crashing through- there is no rescue, you refuse to even put us in a mitigation plan.

Further destruction will be the road. With out storm sewers, it will be swept away, along with our properties. As I said 4 years ago, then you will come in with inverse condemnation and surviving residents will have their properties taken with out any compensation because it will be worthless. My blogs are full of your corruption, and will be the basis for a class action lawsuit of enormous loss, life?, that will bankrupt Belfast. Your legacy, your greed, your doing.  For 4 years, City Manager Slocum has been buying time until we go under and it is documented. 

inverse condemnation
n. the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly damages the use of a parcel of real property that it is the equivalent of condemnation of the entire property. Thus the owner claims he/she is entitled to payment for the loss of the property (in whole or in part) under the constitutional right to compensation for condemnation of property under the government's eminent domain right. 

It is doubtful that anyone else on Seaview Terrace has flood insurance. They will have a total loss, cars and recreational items included if they do not have them insured. My flood insurance is almost 4k a year out of my 18k income and that is at a 25% discount because I have had continuous coverage before the new FIRM this year. Any day, could be the last for Seaview Terrace.   

For 4 years, I have been forced into more danger beyond the danger I tried to escape. Any day the stress of it all could kill me. The calculated conversations that Officer Ward and Chief McFadden have had with me "off the record" to persuade me to stop saving Seaview Terrace with the only tools I have- facts and my public speaking are beyond threatening. Resorting to admonishing me as a mother and questioning my stability is evidence that my protection and basic rights are of no value to the City of Belfast and speaks volumes to the safety of all residents in the path of City greed. 

 I have sounded every alarm and ruined my life in attempts to save Seaview Terrace from your slaughter. Seaview Terrace was NEVER a NATURAL OUTLET . You are breaking Belfast ordinance and drowning us. A flood plain/ flood zone that anyone with any conscience or ethics would not force flood to death, especially by those collecting our property taxes to do just that. Very sick indeed. Below is the proof. I ask you AGAIN City Manager Joe Slocum what is the immediate plan to save Seaview Terrace and therefore Belfast?

Laurie Allen

Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

 Per 1987 investigation by Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson of Seaview Terrace flooding:

"3.  Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency.  I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. "

Below- section 40 is the farmhouse and farm of Seaview Terrace in 1939 NO STREAM- NO NATURAL OUTLET!! s.

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