
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Let's Roll United - Honor Todd Beamer -True hero and integrity.

6/7/14 Below is the Freedom of Information Request for the Findings of Fact. My neighbor also went down to City Hall to speak to City Manager, Joe Slocum, prior attorney. Joe Slocum is claiming he doesn't know what a findings of fact is. He most certainly does. No doubt the mandatory findings of fact was not done. It is impossible for Seaview Terrace to have met ANY conditions to support healthcare facilities. We are a crumbling, dead end street with 12 single family homes. Show us the approval Joe. No more corruption for Seaview Terrace- you have endangered us enough.

Now, I see how Wayne Marshall, City Planner is sewing the loophole to make us a "long standing urban neighborhood" Randy Mailloux (in town attorney) and Bruce Mailloux (retired School Superintendent) purchased a home on this street many years ago under an LLC ! Hmmm, insider trading, I mean planning? Sneaky way to say there is a business on that road. Their elder mother lives in that house. Wonder if she knows what her boys are up to. She is nothing short of Miss Daisy. Past school teacher too. Integrity and spunk, she is wonderful. She came to my house once, I invited her in, she knew I was getting ready to say excuse the mess. As soon as I got out excuse- she cut me of pertly- "Never apologize to anyone for your home." WOW, I love you!!

  • Choice of tax regime. An LLC can elect to be taxed as a sole proprietor, partnership, S corporation or C corporation (as long as they would otherwise qualify for such tax treatment), providing for a great deal of flexibility.
  • A limited liability company with multiple members that elects to be taxed as partnership may specially allocate the members' distributive share of income, gain, loss, deduction, or credit via the company operating agreement on a basis other than the ownership percentage of each member so long as the rules contained in Treasury Regulation (26 CFR) 1.704-1 are met. S corporations may not specially allocate profits, losses and other tax items under US tax law.
  • Limited liability, meaning that the owners of the LLC, called "members", are protected from some or all liability for acts and debts of the LLC depending on state shield laws.
  • Much less administrative paperwork and record keeping than a corporation.
  • Pass-through taxation (i.e., no double taxation), unless the LLC elects to be taxed as a C corporation.
  • Using default tax classification, profits are taxed personally at the member level, not at the LLC level.
  • LLCs in most states are treated as entities separate from their members. However, in some jurisdictions such as Connecticut, case law has determined that owners were not required to plead facts sufficient to pierce the corporate veil and LLC members can be personally liable for operation of the LLC (see, for example, the case of Sturm v. Harb Development[12]).
  • LLCs in some states can be set up with just one natural person involved.
  • Less risk of being "stolen" by fire-sale acquisitions (more protection against "hungry" investors).
  • For real estate companies, each separate property can be owned by its own, individual LLC, thereby shielding not only the owners, but their other properties from cross-liability.

Then on the corner on Northport Ave- the old farmhouse, now a family apt. That is in a trust owned by Dutch, M.W. & J.J., OD., TRSTS- 16 Cottage St. Clearly that is on Northport Ave., wouldn't be surprised to learn it was somehow finagled to a Seaview Terrace address. Now, we have a business and apartments. 
"Pillars" of the community, Mailloux and Dutch. Right, tell that to the 12 families on Seaview Terrace that they may be destroying.

Guess I've been fighting more than City Hall, add in all the players. I see Dutch is on the assessment board too. And then Peter Nesen (sp?) Optician on Northport Ave with that big chunk of gorgeous property is on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Was wondering why the owners were letting that building get run down. Attorney Lee Woodward is Chairman of the Board at Waldo County General Hospital . Now why isn't Fahey St slated for R3 Zoning- Dr. Slaughter and another have offices on that street. There are probably more but I don't know them. Roger Pickering on Wight St. was Chairman of the Planning Board during the adoption period of the Comprehensive Plan.. Then he stepped down to planning board member. Paul Hamilton became Chairman, married to City Council Nancy Hamilton!!! What?? How is that allowed? Bedding down sure vote for planning!. And she does. 

Back to Pickering. Wight St had been receiving improvements for the last few years, sending all their water to us with their improvements. Wayne Marshall, City Planner is pushing full throttle for Wight St to rezone to R3 with many perks for them-he's pushing for sidewalks immediately. As we drown, crumble, not worthy of saving after all the slaughter the City has forced on us, surely all part of the plan. Wipe us out, let businesses come in and pay to fix it up. Win, Win for City Hall, Death, Death for residents of Seaview Terrace. Sure, I'm crazy. Sometimes I wish.

Sent:Fri 6/06/14 12:00 PM (; (; (; (; (; (; (;

Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, City Council and Mayor,

I understand City Planner, Wayne Marshall is on vacation for some time. The Assistant Planner, Sadie Lloyd can certainly email the mandatory findings of fact requested below to me and my neighbors, C****** B*** and R**** C******* (emails are in the cc). This is a FOAA request, please email the documents within 5 days.

 The public document, mandatory Findings of Fact from the Belfast Planning Board Comprehensive Plan approving Seaview Terrace,  currently zoned  r2 zoned residential  single family neighborhood into a zone r3 housing and healthcare.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Maine 04915

We requested today, to Belfast City Manager, under the Freedom Of Public Information Act, the Findings of Fact Approval by the Belfast Planning Board to rezone.  BELOW is an example of a Savannah, GA. rezoning a R-6 (Single family residential zone) into a PUD-IS (Planned unit development- Institutional)
It is not healthcare though, which would be more findings for sure.  Seaview Terrace would not be approved under these findings. I have no doubt that Findings of Facts approval were not done or are corrupt- using a way in by City Planner, Wayne Marshall calling us a long established urban neighborhood. LIE! We have been a zoned residential- single family homes (12 on a dead end street, that is crumbling because there is no sewers, no drainage, and only 20 ft. wide) since developed in 1967.

Protest the plan and halt all recreation/want spending TFN. Independent committee's must be formed to secure facts and public documents held in Belfast City Wall Hall. Email Council and speak at open to the public at 7pm, this Tuesday, 6/3/14. The 3 minute rule is not a rule- many are allowed limitless meetings when the supreme deem them worthy of their visions.

Residents must stop these ordinance changes per the comprehensive plan. Clearly as "un-clearly"
as City Wall can do. Stalling facts to confuse the in the by pass residents. The highest tax paying residents. Calculating to pit neighbors against each other. Common tactic for diversion for over taking. No need to read the Hunger Games, The Flooding Games are reality in Belfast. Extermination under way with targeting the vulnerable. The City Planner is stating so.

Take a Sunday stroll or drive to Seaview Terrace. Let's be friends. I'm always home and have never been the villain I am painted as. Even those that know me, have chosen to look the other way. Clean slate. Let's Roll United-  Honor Todd Beamer - true hero and integrity.

This plan to change our zoned residential- 12 single family homes ONLY- should have never have passed through any Planning Board or Planning and Zoning brains period. Here is a another town rezoning a residential into healthcare- ALL OF THESE WOULD VIOLATE SEAVIEW TERRACE. CASE CLOSED. Clean house completely of officials, Council, Attorney's, and Boards. All corrupt.


1. Will the proposed zoning district permit uses that would create traffic volumes, noise level, odor,
airborne particulate matter, visual blight, reduce light or increased density of development that would
adversely impact the livability or quality of life in the surrounding neighborhood?

Yes xx No

2. Will the proposed zoning district permit uses that would adversely impact adjacent and nearby
properties by rendering such properties less desirable and therefore less marketable for the type of
development permitted under the current zoning?

Yes xx No

3. Will the proposed zoning district permit uses that would generate a type or mix of vehicular traffic on
a street or highway that is incompatible with the type of land use development along such street or

Yes xx No

4. Will the proposed zoning district permit uses that would generate greater traffic volumes at vehicular 
access points and cross streets than is generated by uses permitted under the current zoning district to 
the detriment of maintaining acceptable or current volume capacity (V/C) ratio for the streets that 
provide vehicular access to the proposed zoning district and adjacent and nearby properties? 

Yes xx No_

Rezoning Request
MPC File NO. 12-002055
12815 White Bluff Road
R-6 to PUD-IS

5. Will the proposed zoning district permit uses or scale of development that would require a greater
level of public services such as drainage facilities, utilities, or safety services above that required for
uses permitted under the current zoning district such that the provision of these services will create
financial burden to the public?

Yesxx  No

6. Will the proposed zoning district permit uses or scale of development that would adversely impact the
improvement or development of adjacent and nearby properties in accordance with existing zoning
regulations and development controls deemed necessary to maintain the stability and livability of the
surrounding neighborhood?

Yesxx No

7. Will the proposed zoning district permit development that is inconsistent with the comprehensive land
use plan?

Yesxx No

Comments (7)
POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Jun 02, 2014 12:08
DELAY PUBLIC HEARINGS- they are still working on the ordinances- they have been planning this since 2009. The public must review thoroughly and get agenda's with City Council and have all concerns addressed IN WRITING, Then, to a public hearing to share information.
Rezoning Seaview Terrace to R3 is dead corrupt. Attempting to pass this extermination through will be costly class action lawsuit where residents pick up that tab.
I caught more frightening "future land use language" from City Planner, Wayne Marshall at the 5/28/14 Planning Board meeting. The menu is wrong- click on #4 ff 4minutes15sec.
He is speaking about the Searsport Ave district. Land uses state specific uses, buildings, businesses, etc. He is changing that to a simple broad definition and the board must only decide yes it fits the land use or no. Losing the control for the public to protest a controversial application. I can see that coming into the R2 and R3 zonings as well. Opening up a massive can of healthcare scary neighbors. But, nothing you can do, they are licensed healthcare...they fit. Yes. Lock your doors, Annie get your gun.

Catching bits and pieces under Wayne's words is calculated vagueness to slide in more resident abuse. When they are ever ready to release all the information, the public viewing should be a minimum of 2 months since Council only meets twice a month. Getting it on an agenda is their call and many times their call is to take the 5th.

In the 2nd round the budget, Slocum budgets for road/culverts on Achorn St. Slocum does not state a budget for the repaving on Seaview Terrace with necessary roadside drainage as he stated previously. He did say there were problems because the water district had told him they were digging to work on Seaview's water lines. Never heard another thing, no neighbors have been contacted as he said he would do before the paving this summer. Is the extermination already underway? Destroy us completely, render our property values worthless from City destruction. And then come in and take it for nothing, Eminent Domain without compensation.  Hence, class action law suit inverse condemnation. The illegal flooding and destruction proven. Guilty, get out, all of you.

Posting on media is the best way I can inform many. I am very careful, I am held on a tight rope like no others. All in protection of Belfast City Hall. I have been banned from open sites- Our Town Belfast, PenBay Pilot, Bangor Daily News, and The Republican Journal. My posts were all on the corruption of City Hall. Belfast City Hall has called me in as a threat to the Chief of Police, the police have had "conversations" with me that crossed boundaries, City Hall has tried to stop me from speaking at City Council meetings, City Attorney Bill Kelly sending intimidating letter after letter, Kelly advised City Hall to take the 5th and refuse my requests, Kelly advising me to hire an attorney to ask for public documents, requests for public documents corrupted, manipulated and many with held. A few surprise raids to key honest City Hall employees allowed me to score a few key damning documents to the City Planner- Wayne Marshall, City Manager- Joe Slocum- City Council, City Attorney- Bill Kelly, DPW- Bob Richards proving their corruption. Mini Gotham- all this because I am asking to save our neighborhood from their forced flooding, with a sewer. A sewer. No. Destroy us, destroy her. Their master plan for Belfast does not include us. Proven for sure with the attempt to rezone us to healthcare and housing. So, that's just a snippet of the abuse- I must have my freedom to post and speak. That is my only weapon to save us.

I continue to woo Bill Maher to Belfast when he comes to Portland in September. Made him his own Belfast White Collar Bully Blog     Well now, isn't this special? Suddenly the link to my Oh No Mr. Bill blog isn't linking?? Where's Snowden when I need him? You can access the blog by clicking on the orange B above. It will take you to all my blogs- (not the back up Mr. Bill- still copying that over- just in case.) Let's try it with http in front

 The Strongest Link to expose the thugs, nationally. Here's today's post on his blog.

6/9/14- Hey Bill- So much corruption to write about. It's daily, 4 year's and counting. The headers above have pertinent information for ease of reference.  Of course it would be easier to talk to you. So call me maybe?  Send me an email or message on facebook. More Finding out I'm up against all the "pillar" players with City Hall and my little street is in their way. Hence, the forced flooding and torturous treatment for my investigation. Four years and counting. Little Laurie Allen taking on rural White Collar thugs... Had a past Council Member who organized a "coo" way before my time here, tell me 4 years ago, "You ain't nothing but a pimple on their ass." 

Well now Winston, I'd say a full blown festering boil is a White Collar epidemic now... No one thought I'd hang in there. Taking all the heat and keeping the pressure on. Now, their plan to pave over Seaview is proven in the upcoming Comprehensive Land Use plan to rezone our single family, 12 home, dead end, residential zoned street to houses and healthcare. Trying to keep the plan from the public as long as possible to confuse and deceive. Falsifying mandatory Findings of Fact approval, I am sure. No way can this rezoning pass the Findings of Fact. The problem- as always, City Hall refuses to supply public documents. Four years of proof in my blogs. Public choosing to ignore, rather than ruin the illusion of Belfast. That will be the death of the true Belfast, the grit mixing with the pompous. Give me the old nights in the 70's with the Rollie's crowd and bumper pool any day. Frank Sinatra on the juke box, dancing with our cue sticks. Time for a milk shake...mmm good!
Sent:Mon 6/02/14 12:26 PM (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (
Hi Dan & Dan,

Why are my posts going to the second page? Newest posts always go to the top of the order on the first page on comments. I test posted this on the new agenda article today just to be sure.

Comments (1)
POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Jun 02, 2014 12:20
I posted information on the first reading Zoning ordinance with the thread from my 6/1 post. It's gotten pushed to the 2nd page with older posts taking precedence (5/29, 5/30?). It should have definitely went first order for today's post, but it did not. Hopefully this goes to the first order and those interested can go to that post. If it doesn't, there must be an "intentional problem" .

Voila-after my email this above post went to the first post, first page. The other, however did not get moved up- the one loaded with corruption on the Comprehension Plan. :(

Sent:Mon 6/02/14 1:08 PM (
Someone had the ability, because one was moved. Doesn't make sense that they both wouldn't have moved if it was just a glitch. As it is, Jeff Davis is going to have a field day on me again. A**hole. Wish no one knew me, and I live here in peace, safety and under the radar as I intended. Ruining innocent lives, sick. More coming.
  • Re: City Council agenda: June 3

    I posted information on the first reading Zoning ordinance with the thread from my 6/1 post. It's gotten pushed to the 2nd page with older posts ... 
  • Re: Residents pass $35.5 million budget at district wide meeting

    It's deja vu all over again. I am declaring shenanigans with this budget. The problem has nothing to do with hot lunch or the meager stipend for ... 
  • Re: Diary of a runner and his road to health

    Well done Reade! Well Done! 
  • Re: Belfast awarded $400,000 in federal brownfields cleanup grants

  • POSTED BY: CAITLIN HILLS Jun 02, 2014 18:10
    Laurie Lee,
    You may have some good points about rezoning, but they get lost in your barrage of almost incomprehensible posts. As an activist, you must know the three pillars of getting support;
    1) keep it simple! Most people will not read after the 4th line, use bullet points.
    2) keep it focused! Take one issue at a time, more than that, people will get confused.
    3) keep it cordial! You will attract more support if refrain from personal attacks.
    Caitlin Hills
     POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS May 28, 2014 05:09
    Holy smokes, ma'am! Talking about raining on a person's parade?  You should really get a cat or something. You need a dose of happy worse than anybody I ever of.
  • POSTED BY: LESLIE LAVENDER May 28, 2014 21:26
    Laurie, We get it, you abhor Belfast and everyone associated with it. You NEVER have anything good to post. Happiness is a do-it-yourself project. It is certainly your right to express your venom, but I feel for you. Nobody should be so negative all the time. I agree with Jeff, you need a massive dose of happy and a big, frosty mug of, well, you know.
  • POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 29, 2014 11:01
    Leslie, you are misinformed. It is the corrupt local real estate agents, corrupt Belfast City Hall/Council and supporting businesses that destroy the lives and properties of innocent Belfast residents that I abhor. I stand for democracy alone and take the hits while protecting my children and our basic rights.
    This is into my home. I have no one to protect me, no one to support me, no attorney's to help me. The little I had left after a history of family abuse, I sunk into this relocation to begin again, joyfully, peacefully and privately. Corrupt Belfast City Hall and the real estate  agents with their recommended property inspector robbed me and keep kicking me.
    I have taken refuge in my home. I have been alienated and am open season for anyone wishing to take a shot at me. Proven here, there, everywhere. Memorial Day is my happy day to come out of the house and safely into the public   I honor my Dad and veterans that died for the democracy that allow me my freedom to do the same. I do so respectfully and emotionally every year.
    It is a very personal honor to be part of the Belfast that is real and true. This is the Belfast I know and love. To have a professional from this paper, knowingly violate basic respect and space of others on sacred ground with a sacred memorial ceremony underway... That was wrong.
    It is wrong for all that attack me but that is democracy. This morning, I was protesting on the corner of Seaview Terrace and Northport Ave. for the corrupt rezoning of our residential neighborhood to Housing and Healthcare land use. Regardless of "provisions" that the City Planner, Wayne Marshall may try to snow(den) us with, a methadone clinic or the likes will be an approved use and my next door neighbor.
    I waved good morning to passing cars, even to Belfast DPW, Bob Richards (not reciprocated). Many waved and smiled, one man(over 50 in a new model burgundy colored Maine plates SUV) gave me the finger, as did my Alaska neighbor. I did not expect that from her. Snowden's interview last night resonate's the same behaviors and tactics. The true know and stand. And sleep. Sleep and music is my happy no one will ever steal again. See me at Belfast Summer Nights with a good band- I'll be dancin' with myself..oh, oh. oh. oh
  • POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS | Aug 12, 2013 05:44
    > > >
    > > > Maybe you should start defining your terms and writing in complete sentences. You can be a little confusing. And maybe you should hook up with Mel Gibson. He was pretty good in Conspiracy Theory.
  • SEE ABOVE 2 TABS FOR MORE IGNORANT POSTS FROM JEFF DAVIS, HAROLD RICHARDSON (he was the first to disrespect me many times on the Republican Journal. I did not save those early posts. He was nasty), CAITLIN HILLS,  CITY COUNCIL MIKE HURLEY/ERIC SANDERS/WIFE COURTNEY SANDERS AND MORE..

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Extermination of 12 families, paving way to Germany!

Sent:Sat 5/31/14 8:02 AM
To:John Krinjak (; (; (; ( (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Governor (; (


FYI to the proposed final slaughter to Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine. More
Thanks, Laurie Allen, 17 Seaview PERISH, Belfast, Me
(See CC's for government informed)

Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding, retention of possession after a lease to the government expires, deprivation of access, removal of ground support) or it can be a regulatory taking (when regulations are so onerous that they make the regulated property unusable by its owner for any reasonable or economically viable purpose). The latter is the most controversial form of inverse condemnation. It is considered to occur when the regulation of the property's use is so severe that it goes "too far," as Justice Holmes put it in Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon, 260 U.S. 393 (1922), and deprives the owner of the property's value, utility or marketability, denying him or her the benefits of property ownership thus accomplishing a constitutionally forbidden de facto taking without compensation.
Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court has not elaborated on what "too far" is, and the doctrinal basis for its jurisprudence has been widely criticized. But it has articulated three situations in which inverse condemnation occurs. These are (a) physical seizure or occupation, (b) the reduction of the regulated property's utility or value to such an extent that it is no longer capable of economically viable use, and (c) where as a precondition to the issuance of a permit, the government demands that the regulated owner convey property to the government even though there is no rational nexus between the owner's activity's impact on public resources, and the owner's proposed regulated use, or where the extent of the exaction is not proportional to the effect of the owner's activities (Nollan v. California Coastal Commission and Dolan v. City of Tigard).

Comprehensive Plan is the extermination of Seaview Terrace. Just as I have been saying, slaughtering us to render our properties worthless and then they take it. Inverse Condemnation. City Planner, Wayne Marshall is painting the long established, ONLY single residence, 12 homes on Seaview Terrace as "Urban". While painting the "Urban" Wight Street as all single family. Not- has business's. Planning Board (prior Chairman for ever) Roger Pickering lives on Wight St! Marshall is pushing for sidewalks on Wight St. in this plan too. He is delaying public display of plan, claiming board is fine tuning and he is on vacation this week. Mary Mortier our ward Council and real estate agent is dodging questions. Plan is to manipulate the plan to the last minute, keep the public confused, fulfill legal responsibility for public hearing. And separate us.
Most of in-town going into new zone RI and will only be concerned with their setbacks and changes. Allowing for diversion as Wight St down to Janis Stone Interiors gets ripped out of residential, into Housing and Healthcare. Methadone Clinics could be a neighbor- 25 ft set back on half acre- 25 side. Four properties (of course the only ones with the City forced river running through them) on Seaview are available. CLEAR PLANS TO ERADICATE HOUSING ON SEAVIEW TERRACE. Regardless of legality. Proven corrupt again and again, sites approved not meeting conditions of approval. CASS the true slaughter to all residents in the watershed. Seaview is the first to be hacked and working their way in. They are moving the Public Works on Congress St., blowing tax dollars on City buildings, wants and business. Nothing for residents because they are squeezing us out.
STOP THEM NOW. PROTEST THE PLAN, YOU WILL BE NEXT. Lawsuits will bankrupt Belfast. The mil rate 25? Taxes, flood insurance in the bypass, schools mismanaged and in failure mode, who will buy? No one. Perfect for the takeover. Slow choke but deadly. Hear what I have been proving for 3 years. If this goes through, precedence is set. Save Seaview Terrace and you save yourself as well. The rest of the plan is paving the road to Germany. Intentional small print on line, I forced them to email me the R3 preliminary plan. Mary Mortier wouldn't help us.
Without immediate public outrage, email Slocum and Council- (cc me-, a business boycott on Belfast may become the focus. Businesses and recreation wants have been trampling over Seaview Terrace. Cruel and indecent greed while we are exterminated. Hospital is "likely" staying?? The Plan is set. This is pivotal. Delay is too late. 


Goal: To provide an area in which health care facilities/offices and professional offices are recognized as a primary use, and to establish this area near Waldo County General Hospital.

Past, Current & Future Use

Waldo County General Hospital and the many physician offices that have developed near the Hospital are now the prime uses in this area. The Hospital underwent a significant expansion in the late 1990’s and continues to expand. It is one of the key reasons people, particularly retirees, from other areas in Maine and other states choose to live to Belfast. Other health care facilities, such as the Tall Pines Rehabilitation Center and Mid-coast Mental Health Services are also located in this area. The Hospital likely will remain a key part of the City’s fabric and it is important to allow reasonable opportunities for the development of new health care related facilities, particularly offices for physicians who want or need to be located near the Hospital. It is noted that these active uses generate considerably more vehicular traffic than residences, and such traffic could adversely affect the desirability of the area for future housing development.

While the Hospital is the primary use, housing remains a significant type of development in the area. Sea View Terrace is a long established urban neighborhood, and single-family residential housing remains the predominant use on Wight Street. Publicly supported housing, such as Penobscot Terrace, Coastal Enterprises, and Huntress Gardens, also is located in this area. While the City believes much of the current housing will remain, in the longer term, more of the current single family houses likely will be converted into professional offices, and some of the limited amount of available land may similarly be used for offices. The City believes it is appropriate to allow new housing in the area, and there is a limited amount of land along Wight Street to accommodate such, but it wants current and future residents in this area to recognize that a health care office or facility likely could become their neighbor.

The main goal for this area is to allow uses that support the delivery of health care services. Thus, it is important that the City ensure that other types of nonresidential uses, such as retail and non-health care service providers, not be permitted in this area. The City now allows such uses in many areas of Belfast, and the limited amount of land in this area is too critical to the primary goal to encourage other types of nonresidential uses.

The City views this area as a critical ‘Growth Area’ to support health care operations and facilities for Belfast and all of Waldo County. The area also can support limited amounts of residential growth.


Permitted Uses (Examples of Main Uses)

1) Hospital/Health Care Facilities
2) Professional Offices & Health Care Offices
3) Single-Family & Two-Family Residences
4) Congregate Care & Elderly Housing
5) Home Occupations, Small Scale (low impact)
6) Bed & Breakfast
7) Municipal & County Uses
8) Schools, Churches, Day Care Centers & Similar Uses
Minimum Lot Size

1) ¼ acre – 10,000 square ft for single-family or two-family (sewer)
2) ½ acre – 20,000 square feet for single-family and 1 acre for two-family (septic)
3) ½ acre for nonresidential uses (such as offices & municipal buildings)
4) 60 feet street frontage for residential and 100 feet for nonresidential

Density (Number of Housing Units per Acre)

1) 4 single-family units per acre (sewer)
2) 2 single-family units per acre (septic)
3) 8 two-family (duplex) units per acre (sewer)
4) 2 two-family (duplex) units (1 structure with 2 units) per acre (septic)
5) 0 multi-family units per acre as multi-family is a prohibited use
6) There is no specific density standard for congregate or elderly housing units
6) No specific restriction is proposed regarding the amount of lot coverage for either a residential or a nonresidential use.

Setbacks (Distance Structure must be Located from a Lot Line)

1) Front setback is usually 25 feet for houses, but potential opportunities for variable front setbacks on Wight Street if houses in the vicinity have a consistent amount of setback from the street that is less than 25 feet.
2) Front setback (structure) for offices, health care facilities, and other permitted nonresidential uses of 25 feet with appropriate landscape buffers.
3) Side setback of 15 feet for residences and 25 feet for offices and other nonresidential uses, with appropriate landscape buffers required for nonresidential uses.
4) Rear setback of 15 feet for dwelling unit and 5 feet for detached accessory structure to a residential unit, and 25 feet for offices and other nonresidential uses, with appropriate landscape buffers required for nonresidential uses.

Major Changes Compared to Current Requirements

  1. This is a new area that replaces the current Health Care District, and includes a portion of the area that is now in the RES-2 zone. The goal is to ensure there is a targeted area within the by-pass in which offices and health care facilities are permitted, and at the same time, greatly reducing the amount of area in which such uses are now allowed. The current Residential II and Residential Growth zoning districts allow professional offices and health care facilities anywhere in the districts. It was deemed that this approach creates a potential for conflict with a number of residential areas, and that this approach results in office uses being scattered through-out the community rather than concentrated near the Hospital.
  2. Potential use of variable front setback requirement in limited areas.
  3. An increase in the amount of side and rear setback requirements for nonresidential structures; 15 feet is increased to 25 feet.

Other Issues & Ideas To Consider

1) Encourage extension of sidewalks, particularly on Wight St. Wight Street should be a high priority for new sidewalk construction.
2) Encourage extended pavement shoulders for main streets so such can also serve as bike lanes. The City has created this type of pavement shoulder on Northport Avenue, and a similar type of pavement shoulder could be appropriate for Wight Street.
3) Encourage planting of street trees.
4) Examine how stormwater is managed through-out the area. City often lacks adequate stormwater facilities. This is a significant neighbor-to-neighbor issue and could hinder the development of professional offices in the area. Relying mostly upon on-site stormwater management is both expensive and land consumptive for many uses.
5) Consider establishing better quality performance standards, particularly with respect to requirements regarding landscaping, lighting and noise, with the intent of minimizing the amount of conflict between nonresidential uses and residential uses which often are located side-by-side. Past concern has been raised at Planning Board public hearings regarding operations at Waldo County General Hospital.


 Wayne Marshall ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 5/30/14 9:49 AM
Dear Ms. Allen
I am responding to your May 29 email to Sadie Lloyd, Assistant Planner.  I am the Department staff member that is working with the Planning Board to prepare Ordinance amendment associated with implementing the adopted Future Land Use Plan and all communications with our Department regarding this project should be directed to me.  I also have sent a CC to all persons that you indicated in your email.
I have attached the pages you requested from the adopted Future Land Use Plan for the proposed Residential 3 zoning district.  This Plan was adopted by the City Council.  You are welcome to stop by the office to review a copy of the complete adopted Plan if you would like.  It is too large of a file to email.  I also have taken the liberty of  providing you the current requirements in the adopted Zoning Ordinance for the Residential II zoning district, most of the current standards were adopted in 1985.  
Also, as Councilor Mortier indicated in her May 27 email to you, the City Planning Board will soon be conducting public hearings regarding the proposed Ordinance amendments.  All hearings will be held at the Troy Howard Middle School cafeteria.  Interested persons can offer comment at the hearing or submit comment in writing or via email.  The Planning Board is responsible for preparing language for the proposed Ordinance amendment to implement the policy direction in the Future Land Use Plan.  The Planning Board will make recommendations to the City Council and the Council will conduct additional public hearings on the proposed Ordinance amendments.  Only the Council, at the City's legislative body, has the authority to adopt Ordinance amendments.     
The dates of the Planning Board hearings are:
Proposed Residential 1 zoning district     -     June 25
Proposed Residential 2 and Residential 3 zoning districts - July 2
Proposed Downtown Commercial and Waterfront Mixed Use zoning districts - July 8
Our office will be sending notices to neighbors of the upcoming hearings in the respective zoning districts 14 days prior to the respective hearing.  As such, we all will be posting information on the City website 2 weeks in advance of the respective hearing.  As such, the notice to neighbors for the proposed Residential 2 and 3 zoning districts will be sent by June 18, and all information for these areas will be posted on the City website by that same date.
I note that our Department is continuing to prepare amendments to the draft proposals to reflect direction provided by the Planning Board and that we will not be posting the specific Ordinance amendment proposals until such are complete because we want to ensure that the information provided to the public reflects the actual recommendations of the Planning Board, and not a draft document that may not contain all accurate information. 
Lastly, I will not be in the office next week so I will not be responding to any emails during that time. 
Thank you for your interest.  


5/20/14 Belfast City Council Meeting Presents the Kill

Below are my posts in the local paper, Village Soup Republican Journal, where they printed the agenda for the 5/20/14 kill via the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan. I have been posting public awareness on corruption after corruption, this is the end for my neighborhood. Meeting link at end of the top post. Small sampling of other corruption uncovered and ignored.

 POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 28, 2014 08:58
Plan rezones residential neighborhoods Wight St., Seaview Terrace down to Interiors by Janis Stone (Red house by-pass) to R3- HEALTHCARE AND HOUSES. 4 available tainted stream properties on Seaview Terrace are available for a methadone clinic, rehab, etc. Any could be a next door neighbor for this currently zoned residential area. Increasing the unethical, illegal slaughter 40+ years with this final kill. This one will be swift and done. Clearly this plan has been in motion for many years- City Council fully aware, participating and will be approving. Probably began around the time Councilor Nancy Hamilton sold out from this area and moved. I can't stop this alone. Click on 10E City Planner Wayne Marshall assuring the public can speak all they want, Council has the final say... So moved(Nancy's line), second(Eric's line), bang, bang by Mayor Ash, it's our end.
Councilor Mike Hurley asks the UU Pastor- Dean Perkins and Joel Krieger- First Church Co Pastor, to send more information. These men spoke at open to the public (#6 ff 9min.12 sec) promoting the international movement,Compassionate Action for communities. Joel describes it as "Treat all others as you wish to be treated yourself" Councilor Roger Lee is the treasurer with the UU Church.
What happened to Belfast? A twilight zone never ending episode of corruption and denial? It's coming to the end for many. No compassion action for the 4 years I've dedicated myself to spreading public awareness. Maybe, now? I hope.
5/20/14 Belfast Council Meeting. click 6 ff9:12 ,click 10E Comp. Plan Overview-calculated tenderizing for the final slaughter.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 21, 2014 10:10
R.T. Grant matching funds from private donations. Stay aware- grants are used as leaches to pass more spending for absolutely known's feigning unknown, now necessary as project is underway.
Be very aware of this Airport jargon. All the public input and public hearings cannot stop the corruption. The damning documents needed are locked up in City Hall, all corrupted plans, compliance conditions, zoning conditions, are manipulated, denied, with held... Freedom of Information is rhetoric and torture right up to the Attorney General's office. 35? meetings, 3 years of persistence in requesting the same documents and unannounced storm raids to City Hall. I scored enough documents to prove the HUGE wetlands site, Capt Al Stevens School flew through corrupt approvals, DEP, Army Corp to local. Conditions of compliance were not met, engineer reports ordered were never done, allowing for illegal flooding to watershed residents private property. Neighbors suing each other, unable to stop the source- Belfast City Planning, Board, Manager and Council hiding behind the City Attorney with police protection in Council Meetings.
They float deceiving language and assurances. Vague responses, beliefs, opinions, volumes of rhetoric- nothing in writing. Get it in writing prior, record meetings, pictures, form your own committee, attorney and engineer independent of City Hall swaying. After is too late. An attorney would be sent down the same rabbit holes that I have been sent for basic public information. Take @ least 15k and torch it. The attorney has not even begun to produce one ethical step towards resolution. A wealthy resident in the MDI region had spent over 10 million in fees fighting development runoff to private property. Fighting them in their arena is a near death experience. The appeal process is the crowning caveat. You must appeal with in 30? days of approval. The nightmare hasn't even broke ground, may not for many months, and all those plans, documents, are buried, City Hall abusing the resident to no end, City Council taking part and taking the 5th when cornered.
1.All runoff forced to Seaveiw Terrace is illegal- there is NO NATURAL outlet. Began in 1970 and still adding to it. Constant destruction and flooding. A flood plain, flood zone, they should be diverting and protecting. Property taxes and flood insurance off the charts. The mil rate to hit 25 and abusing resdients, denying basic rights and infrastructure.
2.Zoning conditions for sites to remove plowed snow offsite- ignored. Destroying resident private property with melt. In 2009 it came crashing over Seaview Terrace- almost taking the car and wiping out the yard  @ 40 Seaview Terrace, confirmed by Belfast City Tax Assessor, Bob Whiteley. City Manager, Joe Slocum commented to me in 8/2011, that it could have knocked her house off it's foundation. She is fit but elderly and loved by many. A school mate of Bob Whiteley's wife. City Hall doesn't care- no compassion for their force drowning.
3.Corrupt zoning approval for abutting residence to Dr. Morrow. To sell that residence, Zoning and Planning forcefully attempted to resolve by forcing the violation run off to Dr. Morrow. City Hall and selling agent had zero conscience for Dr. Morrow, and the battle played out in televised Council Meetings. Dr. Morrow was forced to hire an attorney and engineer to protect her property from City Hall slaughter. 11/7/12 Belfast City Council- ff40 minutes, and watch 20 minutes of white collar bullying. It's insane. .
4. 48 Old Searsport Ave. purchased with assurance from City Planner, Wayne Marshall, that their waterfront view would remain. The lot in front was not build-able. After purchase, Wayne Marshall would approve a house to go up on that un-build-able lot. Legal illegal nightmare, community tainting, City Hall ruined more lives, crushing dreams and souls. Ruthless. The owner of that illegal house, would default- into foreclosure and moved to Florida...
5. Bridge Street resident may lose the last bit left of water view when the Front Street Shipyard builds the big one with flexible ordinances. Shady City Planning underway- resident told construction will not begin until an order for a massive yacht is received. SAY WHAT?? Right. That's a curtain for corruption to fly though approvals because an order is in house but no house to build it in. Potato head patterns are all over. Independent committee's are needed ASAP.
New video- The Slaughter March. We ain't seen nothing yet. Seems like a lot of homes are popping up for sale. Don't even get me going on the corrupt agents selling the undisclosed nightmares.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 19, 2014 14:08
Whoa- Slocum said this would be paid through fund raising- Grants usually require matching funds. Slocum tried to slip in 3 grants in the last meeting for more wants. Insanity. Not a care for our demise from their refusal to provide resident infrastructure. Any day can bring the from their corrupt planning, forcing runoff illegally to private properties, misusing tax dollars for their glory. Pitting neighbors against each other, some tainted by their wants causing and others to lose their homes/properties/value. How do good people become so callous? Greed. Do the Happy Dance and forget about us....