Subject: Re: RapeRe: CALL OUT CULTURE
AG Frey,
Jeff Evangelos is calling you out in this news link. Panel recommends feeding JustUs and theirs more 4 their profit. Proof of lawless evil by JustUs. BoycottBelfast.blogspot.
Laurie Allen
New Belfast police chief selected
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.
McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases....PeterTaber • 4 years agoA sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.maine_seashore • 4 years ago He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;) Force Review Panel releases annual report, recommendations
The panel has been criticized for not going far enough in recommending solutions
(End of 2/9/23 email of this long, disturbing thread and post)
Tyre Nichols attorney Ben Crump chants "Call Out Culture" Deadly but I do. 13 years by State of InhuMaine. Killher.
1 day ago — All fell short of the shift in law enforcement culture Black people in America have called for — a culture that promotes freedom from fear, ...
2 days ago — Video 2 is really fucking awful. Several officers literally hold him while others kick him in the head, punch him in the face and beat him ...
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 8:52 AM
To: georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; dave reardon <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; June M. Moore <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Annie McGowan <>; <>; <>; Fitzgerald, Patrick <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; <>; Vanessa Taylor <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Lamma, Lori <>; Perry, Bethany M <>; <>; <>; Fsp <>; <>; <>; <>; Molly Ross <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; bob richards <>; LAURIE ALLEN <
Today's post on www.boycottbelfast.blogspot of good health and very good mind.
"2/1/23 As history dictates, the JustUs culture collars are above their laws. Prior PBS MPBN VP Charles Beck plows on. Ignoring America as I stand loud and law abiding. After 13 years of being thrown into their foulness, they soil truth and courage. Fabricating endless charges to shackle and track me for 700 days with a cancer ankle monitHer. Knowing my father, sister, and 2 brothers died from cancer. False arrests, breaking down my door at gunpoint without warrant or reason, JAILINGS to take my innocent, record spotless life, fabricating me as mentally ill as persecutory delusional, cuffing me in my home to MAINEHEALTH MENTAL HELL for 2 months, force drugging me with suicidal drugs, with the cancer shackle, beyond illegal, no prior mental illness, not in crisis, arrest in 2/2017 fabricating terrorizing to make me a felon, unobtainable 25k bail, "For the State" public attorney David Sinclair worked against me. Not advising my bail was reduced and more. My partner tried to pay the bail day after day after day. Waldo Corrections, Sheriff Trafton's culture refused to take the bail, citing lame excuses. My partner wanted to drive 2 hours to Wiscasset, Two Bridges Correctional where they abused my rights off the charts and record. Waldo Corrections told him they wouldn't take the bail either. On Friday, 7th day of kidnapping, I knew I would die there, raped to death, call it a suicide, send my body to Belfast Chief McFadden, to his garage, to his "restoration" acid vat and bone party with his culture. I cried for my terrorized children. Then a cellmate was being released at 9am. I gave her written and verbal instructions. The guards listened. After her departure, my name was called for transport back to BELFAST. Bail had yet to be paid. Two Bridges bailed on Waldo Corrections, Belfast officials, Chief Bones McFadden, ADA Entwistle, Hooded Robe Judge Robert Murray and 10 more Hooded Judges, and Charles Beck. Years more of terror and lawlessness ensue to date to silence me. Charles Beck "dropped the mic" after 40 years with "early retirement". Not. Give me the mic, let me prove what his culture has done to my children, my dogs, my home, my properties, my rights, my significant life of truth. This is just a partial of 13 years of first hand State of InhuMaine JustUs Culture. I prove and protest. Don't murder me, I am innocent. 62 years of innocence, no prior record until BELFAST MAINE POLICE 2017. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME. BECK KNOWS I AM INNOCENT. He is witness with his sons."
Laurie Allen
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 11:44 AM
To: Belfast Police Chief Cormier, Attorney General Frey, Commissioner Randall Liberty, Governor Janet Mills, and 100+ email listed in first email way below
Belfast Police Chief Cormier, Attorney General Frey, Commissioner Randall Liberty, and Governor Janet Mills,
(I sent all the above the picture of my front yard. No text required.)
Sign on my backyard porch.
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 11:08 AM
To: <>; bob richards <>; and 100+ in this email thread listed below in 1rst email
Subject: Re: RAMillsFreyHerbigPrtstSrvy2010Jngl
Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
Charles Beck, 18 Seaview Terrace has been illegally riding his ATV on public streets since I moved here in 2010. He illegally plows snow, rips up turf and transfers snow from neighbor to neighbor. It took me many years to stop him from plowing his snow onto my property. He doesn't listen to stop and no. I have never called authorities on him. Last week he plowed snow on my side of the street, stopping when I came out. He left turf and ice boulders in the street that would get plowed into my driveway when public works plowed. I cleaned up his destruction and said nothing.
Today he endangered the child next door. He plowed along side her and got stuck. His ATV turned sideways. This picture was taken as he got away from her. That was dangerous and I must report him now.
There has not been any response by any in this thread to date.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Belfast, Me. 04915
11/22/22 Natasha Irving, District Attorney files her sexual harassment complaint against Judge Charles Budd. Rape ring. Investigation below.
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 9:43 AM
To:100+ thread list in below +>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: RAMillsFreyHerbigPrtstSrvy2010JnNatasha Irving, Waldo County District Attorney,
Please investigate the fabricated charges and fabricated conviction where Judge Robert Murray, ADA Mr. Bill Entwistle, 2011- 2019 Belfast City Council, Planner and Manager, ex police chief McFadden, ex police chief Lincoln with State of Maine Corrections used epic abuse of power, civil rights violations, Judicial code violations, and countless more to silence me for life.
Seeing you have the courage to press charges against one Judge of the State of Maine Rape Ring prompts this request. They have made me a fabricated felon to protect drug rapist Dr. Donald Lombardi and the rape ring. I am trapped. Please help.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Belfast, Maine 04915
PS- Brooke Otis, Waldo County Clerk, please forward this entire email thread to Natasha Irving. This confirms her receipt. Thank you.
Published: Nov. 21, 2022 at 6:39 PM EST|Updated: 14 hours ago
BANGOR, Maine (WABI) - A Maine District Attorney has joined a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against a Penobscot County district judge, according to the Bangor Daily News.
According to the complaint, Natasha Irving, the District Attorney for Waldo, Knox, Lincoln and Sagadahoc counties, says she was sexually propositioned by Judge Charles Budd within three minutes of meeting him for the first time at a conference in Tennessee, including inviting her to sleep with him in his hotel room.
Samantha Pike, Program Director of Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Services at Wellspring, filed the lawsuit in federal court last week claiming Budd sexually harassed her at the same conference and that continued when they returned to Maine.
The BDN reports Budd was placed on administrative leave in August by the Chief Justice, but the reason has not been made public.
When asked by the paper, an attorney for Budd said his client denies the allegations against him.
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 11:57 AM
To: 100+ listed below in next email thread
Subject: Re: RAMillsFreyHerbigPrtstSrvy2010Jngl
Chief Cormier,
1. It is certain that I have stopped many system rapes through first hand accountings of rape by power.
2. It is certain that the system power of the State of Maine, MaineHealth, and Dr. Donald Lombardi (Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ) have corruptly abuse my life, loved ones and property to terrorizing, documented horrors to disgrace and dismiss.
3. It is certain that neighbors support the system against my living , unwaivering 12 years of proof. Recent claims of fearing me by neighbors Charles Beck and Marcia Cooper
indicate more abuse to silence.
I stopped displaying signs of system rape for profit fearing fabricated charges as has been the status quo with the same owned local government, neighbors, law enforcement, district attorneys, attorneys, businesses, MaineHealth and the corrupted Judicial system since purchase of this undisclosed hell, 6/28/2010.
4. Today, I watched CBS Gayle King praise the courage of those reporting the rapes of Harvey Weinstein. Publishing "She Said" that began the Me Too movement. The movie "She Said" is now releasing.
5. It is certain that I have exposed a global rape ring by system power to students and nobody's like me. I take them all on alone because the fear is too much for all that should support me.
6. I must continue to stop rape through system rape signs on my property. The signs with MPBN VP Charles Beck, Not Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and Welcome To The Jungle will not be displayed as I witness neighbor collusion to silence my rights to protest system rape and corruption. To date.
7. I have proven epic denial of my rights through abuse of the most powerful and protected.I suspect a claim that these signs to stop rape my is intruding on their right to enjoy their property. I do not wish to be dragged into the corrupt Judicial system ever again. If these signs will result in neighbors taking actions against them, please respond via this email thread of such. I have added Charles Beck's Gmail email since he stepped down and out as VP with president of MPBN, Mark Vogelstand. This was after my lawsuit against MPBN and MaineHealth was dismissed by Judge Robert Murray without allowing me to be heard, yet again.
Charles Beck is directly across the street from me. He called the police on me few weeks ago because of his fear of my signs. I have been displaying signs since 2011 with the forced flooding to Seaview Terrace by Belfast City Hall to the DEP, State of Maine without objection by Charles. In fact, back then he admired me. Oy veh.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 3:29 AM
To:<>;George Allen <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; dave reardon <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; June M. Moore <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Annie McGowan <>; <>; <>; Fitzgerald, Patrick <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; <>; Vanessa Taylor <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Lamma, Lori <>; Perry, Bethany M <>; <>; <>; Fsp <>; <>; <>; <>; Molly Ross <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: RAMillsFreyHerbigPrtstSrvy2010Jngl
Chief Cormier,
There has not been any response from law enforcement or government officials for this entire thread. Moving forward for my safety, I have stopped putting up my daily signs in my front yard except for BoycottBelfast.blogspot.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 5:56 PM
To: 100+ list below in 1rst email thread
Subject: RAMillsFreyHerbigPrtstSrvy2010Jngl
To All,
New back porch sign. Can be viewed from InHuMaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital Annex parking lot.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2022 10:06 AM
To: 100+ list below in first email of this thread and post.
Subject: MillsFreyHerbigHrsmntPrtstSrvy2010EdJng
Governor Mills, Attorney General Frey, Belfast City Manager Erin Herbig,
Neighbors continue to harass me. Marcia Cooper approached me again. This time at Aubuchon Hardware in Belfast and I did not respond. After neighbors harassed me when I stood with my sign across from MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital, I feared for my safety again. That was my first public protest since all these fabricated charges began in 2015 and Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint on 9/25/2020, no warrant, no charges, no reason. Brutally cuffed and kidnapped into abusive and terrorizing State of Maine Corrections until 10/15/2020, released from Knox County Jail, still no charges but bail was announced finally. Paid and released under house arrest again, shackled again, fearing for my life. Alone. Probation for fabricated terrorizing Belfast officials was over on 9/15/2021 and more fabricated charges were dismissed, no evidence again. I am a free fabricated felon, trapped and hunted. Female survivor against such power.
Then, Liheap Chuck Ransom and Maine Fuel owner, Don Lemieux, destroyed my furnace after using the summer of 2021 to bill for repairs for a small leak. In 11/2021, Maine Fuel filled my oil tank with oil and the furnace stopped working.
After being a 10 year good, loyal customer to Maine Fuel, with Don telling me so, he dropped me without reason. His email informing me as the cold was setting in is below. Abusive Chuck Ransom and Augusta Liheap sent me a list of other suppliers to aid in this continuing abuse from Belfast LiHeap since 2013. More corruption to my home and life. Keep my benefits. I document proof of constant system corruption, first hand, 6/28/2010 to present. Hoping for an interview and investigationto shed light on this 12+ year horror. Please.
It is clear that selling my home is not allowed. I cannot not leave. I will heat with my small woodstove and stay in my home. I will not place myself in the danger of public protesting again. I continue to display informative signs on my property, clear of the city right of way. I put them away each evening to thwart more theft and vandalism.
Belfast City Manager Erin Herbig - This email documents my request to you to advise via this thread if there are any issues with the daily display of my signs on my property, weather permitting. No response will prove legality.
This email is to inform and ensure my safety as best I can, alone and nearing 62 years of age. Truth always is the threat to corruption. I don't lie.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Belfast, Maine 04915
From: office <>
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 4:50 PM
Subject: SERVICE
Ms. Allen,
In response to your request for service work, I need to inform you that all service requested by Maine State Housing has been completed. At this time no further work shall be done. We will be returning your Fuel Assistance credit balance to Maine State Housing, and you will need to provide them with the name of the fuel company that you wish your benefits to be sent.
Donald R. Lemieux
President, Maine Fuels, Inc.
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 3:16 PM
To: thread list below in 1rst email
Subject: HrsmntProtestSurvey2010EdWelcome To The Jungle
Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
Today from 11:30am-12:30pm, I stood on the corner of Seaview Terror and Northport Ave. with my 19 yr old beagle, Gordon in his wagon and my sign, A friend stopped to inquire. While we were talking, neighbor Linda Garson-Smith came over, interrupting us and also taking phone pictures of me Then, neighbor Marcia Cooper came and began harassing me. My friend as witness. I blocked Marcia with my sign and said "Leave me alone."
Neighbor Charles Beck was watching me from his driveway and neighbors joined Charles in clear discussion of me.
As they have fabricated charges against me in the past, I wanted to inform you for my safety. I do not wish to file charges. I will be peacefully protesting there daily. I will advise if I am harassed or threatened. Thank you.
Little Laurie Allen
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 8:15 AM To 100 listed below in 1rst email thread>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re:ProtestSurvey2010EdWelcome To The Jungle
Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
I will begin protesting with my up and down the public sidewalk in front of MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital. As I have protested the lethal State of Maine and MaineHealth system corruption first hand for 12 years, please advise via this email thread of any issues. I protest peacefully, and only speak when spoken to. I do not and will never use or own a firearm or weapons. My truth and proof is always threatening to those guilty.
Since 2010 Belfast City Council, City Hall Officials, ex Chief McFadden, ex Chief Lincoln and their officers with ADA Entwistle and eleven corrupt Judges- Worth, Robert Murray, Mathews, Davis, Fowles, Alexander, Billings, Walker, Dobson, Fields, and Mary Kelly unified to silence me. McFadden and Officer Ward threatening me to mother my children, fabricating charges of harassment for 2 long years of "dispositional court conferences" to buy time to get something on my spotless record. Using tactics to bait and break. Sexually anonymous threatening letters, catfishing a fictitious Shanon Berry that she had been drugged and raped over a weekend by law enforcement. Knowing I was drug raped by healthcare management guru with global student access, Dr. Donald Lombardi, currently a professor at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.
ADA Entwistle lost, unable to force me to plea deal, pro Se, fabricated charges dismissed. Arrests, JAILINGS, bail, fear of no consequence to the system. Next. Fabricate terrorizing with a dangerous weapon charges. Regardless of manipulating my video that was not sent to anyone, it was only a filming of my hand where I made a flippant remark thanking Belfast City Council, Manager Slocum, and Planner Marshall "for being my target, ya assholes." On 11/5/2017. McFadden had already began fabrcating harassment charges from those City Hall Officials 10/2/2017. ADA Entwistle had me arrested on 2/23/18. Murray made me a fabricated felon 8/2019.
1/8/2019, 10:30 am. I am cleaning my back door when 4 BPD SUV'd and one unmarked car fly up Seaview Terror, come back down and park in front of Charles Beck's house. He is home. The cops bang on my door claiming bail check. They swarm my house, my beagles terrified, and cuff me. It my dogs would have protected me they would have been shot.
I am kidnapped to MaineHealth WCGH, ER, Friday. My house open for taking, I can hear my dogs howling in distress. I am told nothing. Since they made such a show for Charles Beck, I know he is involved again.
It is an illegal involuntary hospitalization. I have no prior diagnosed mental illness and was not in any crisis regardless of the lawless. A Dr. Beal (DR. DREAD) informs me I am dirty, my house is messy, I spit on neighbors... He is trying to force me to sign forms. I SAY NO! They keep me under Police guard all weekend, pressuring me to sign and also take drugs. NO! NO shower, abused and not given any paperwork.
Early Monday morning, I am kidnapped to MaineHealth Spring Harbor, Westbrook. Horrorville. Abused mentally as the staff, Dr. Kirby and Erik try to force drugs. I protest at the desk area, I call 911 to report kidnapping and am punished. I finally get intake documents that I have been fighting for. The Blue sheet states a Dr. James Ray examined me at in take to Horrorville. False. I never even met this fraud the whole abusive month I was held involuntarily. Every day, trying to force Risperidone, regardless of my hunger strike and skeletal spine.
After a month, Judge Mary Kelly ordered my drugging. My healthy body and mind. Tardiff Diskenasia ? Become suicidal ? Holy Chit. State wide Cuckoo's Nest on steroids. They transferred me to Riverview State Psychiatric, Augusta. My solid gold claddaug ankle bracelet was not returned. Thugs.
At Riverview, LNP Sarah Street Taylor had orders to diagnose me as persecutory delusional and poisoned me with increasing doses of Seroquel for a month. On 3/7/2019, I was dropped at my home and a 4' wall of ice.
Harassed continually by police and mental health supervisors at and in my home, fabrcating charges of disorderly conduct in my home. Seriously. 9/25/20- Sgt Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint, no warrant, no reason. Brutally cuffed to 3 jails until forced to give bail and still no charges.
Against excessive force and abuse by the State, Judiciary and MaineHealth, I made it out. ADA Entwistle had to dismiss his charges of disorderly conduct. They made a trial out of the 9/25/20 illegal arrest. Fabricating that I was in violation of probation therapy with Acadia Northern Lights. Not. Murray was not happy to find me innocent this time.
I want my record cleared. Mental and Judicial.
I want compensation that ADA Entwistle and Judge Murray were given.
Take this hell. Paradise Maine no more. I want out. Or I persist as I have for 12 years.
Little Laurie Allen
From:ALLEN <>
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2022 9:32 AM
To: same list below one thread>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Survey2010EditedWelcome To The Jungle
Belfast Police Chief Cormier, AP Mike Stewart, and Charles Beck,
This1994 Good Deeds Survey plan by Gusta Ronson and this note was added to my blog post on 8/21/2. Until 2014, 20 ft side setback required (now 15 ft.) 40 ft. was needed from eaves of home and garage. The Caswell sons were not able to subdivide, short footage. Therefore 17 and 23 Seaview Terror is one lot. The sale drawn up by Belfast City attorney Bill Kelly, and also as their attorney, in 2015 to LLC Pennny Rae, Mark Rae, Terry Lacombe Lincolnville real estate agent, Kayla Lacombe Lincolnville Town treasurer. Illegal, with the house they built. They stole 15 ft of my property, filled in my drainage ditch to flood my front yard, plow snow from garage driveway 15 ft into the side of my house, the illegal list of these *hugs is horrific. Officer Gibbs issued ME a criminal trespass notice of the 15 ft. that the *hugs staked as theirs. Mauling my sailboat, trailer and tires. Nails into my Airstream and F150 tires, back up camera ripped out of F150, thefts to even a broken umbrella that I used for landscaping... Isn't that so true then MPBN VP neighbor Charles Beck. All so heartbreaking and menacingly mean.
Little Laurie Allen
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 10:07 AM
To:same list below in this thread
Subject: 2010Edited signReWelcome To The Jungle
NY AP Reporter Mike Stewart and Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
Here is some of the horrific system history that proves my constitutional rights denied and ordered to silence. In the zoning petition drawn up by then MPBN VP Charles Beck, it is clear that my signature was crucial to use with the neighborhood to falsify that we were all agreed to separate from the rest of the zone to become what zone? Please tell me what zone Seaview is.
The pictures pertaining to this post can be viewed on my blog (original development plans for Seaview Terrace, map of miles of force channeling illegally to Seaview, original listing of my home and abutting lot that became one with mine, my home and garage where Rae illegally bought and built home...)
I tracked the illegally force channelled City and State (rte 1 North and South runs parallel to Seaview Terror, massive snow melt and storm run off) from miles away. The Captain Albert Steven's School illegally channeling enormous water slaughter with then DEP Commissioner Patricia Aho lying and closing my investigation of visible, disgusting proof and all over.
Per ordinance (at that time, prior 2014), City Council could approve run off to a natural outlet. Seaview Terror is not a natural outlet. Original plans below for development of SEAVIEW TERRACE prove. The listing does not disclose a stream as my number one at purchase was NO WATER ISSUES, OUTSIDE OR INSIDE. They filled in the ditch before I drove 500 miles for showings in 12/2009. I would never have bought this house if the stream was disclosed. DJ Brown Property Inspection and real esate Sam Mitchell corruptly omitted the stream in 4/2010. I did not receive the Inspection report until after closing. Agent Jan Andrews had gone over it on a phone call to me the week after the inspection. FALSEY reporting as my agent.
(*Below to *** was not included in email. Added to blog after.)
My backyard after spring melt 4/2011 that sent torrent rapids tearing through my property where this was filled in when I drove from NJ for showing, 12/2009. Closing on 6/28/2010, my first time back to Belfast since 12/2009. ***More corruption is when the original owner of my house, Dr. Caswell also purchased the abutting lot and put a concrete foundation garage on the boundary line. Making both lots one lot. Side set back was 20 ft. to keep that lot separate.
Gusta Ronson of Good Deeds told me that they could not subdivide the estate as the Caswell sons tried to do in 1994. In 2015 they illegally sold it as a lot to the brutally threatening and abusive Rae family. Building a house on my? property, now 23 Seaview Terrace. Rae told me that they are friends of corrupt JUDGE PATRICIA WORTH. That is when the fabricated charges, terrorizing trauma and destruction to my property and life went totally lawless. Officer John Gibbs protected the thugs and also received citizen of the year by the Chamber of Commerce. Downtown Belfast businesses had a social media party upon The Republican Journal reporting me arrested and slandering me to hell. Confident that I was not to get out alive as I proved in this thread below. So much more, it's meant to declare me mentally ill with persecutory delusional. Too awful to survive. I do.
MaineHealth and Riverview State Psychiatric are run by the very sick and special. JustUs v JustMe. Wanted dead or alive. Proven too many times.
NY AP MIKE STEWART PLEASE INTERVIEW ME. New England media, and system fail America.
From older post in this blog. The real estate links may have been deleted as the comprehensive zoning statute was. Smartly, I copied and pasted for solid proof.
11/5/2015 I've provided a lot of supporting history information that is overwhelming. The fact that City Manager Joe Slocum refuses to update the City website for the in-town zoning that he claims was voted in by Belfast City Council over a YEAR ago, in 10/2014 is the RED FLAG. Regardless of what he writes in emails or "manipulates" as an official document, he lies. When caught he blames me and when I finally corner him, he states he makes mistakes. His emails below stating Seaview Terrace is R1 is not official. The only official map the can be validated is to put it on the City website.
All of the yellow area was R2 (which unbeknownst to most R2 residents, allowed for medical offices). The new zone R3 is Housing and HealthCare. Belfast City Hall held public hearings in the summer of 2014, stating the R2 zone would become R1. That is a different zone- R1 does not allow medical facilities. City Manager Joe Slocum, Belfast City Council and Mayor,
Please respond today per my FOAA 6/6/14 and agenda requested 6/3/14.
1. Has Seaview Terrace been approved for rezoning to R1 and included into the R1 public hearings? If not, please respond to #2 and #3. (Advise to all recipients on this email)
2a. Respond via email today- Members of the Belfast Planning Board approving amendment to rezone residential Seaview Terrace to R3- Healthcare and Housing. (Advise to all recipients on this email)
b. All the information provided to "persuade" the Belfast Planning Board to approve the proposed change to rezone Seaview Terrace to R3, Healthcare and Housing. The residential zone is the most stringent zone to protect residents.
(Advise to all recipients on this email)
3. Confirm 6/17/14 City Council Meeting agenda for discussion of validity to rezone residential Seaview Terrace to R3- Healthcare and Housing per 6/3 open to the public request at Council Meeting. (Advise to all recipients on this email)
It is VERY difficult to obtain basic information. It would be helpful to be helpful rather than look for loopholes to deny.
City Manager, Joe Slocum is:
>>>Misleading the public in procedures (see Maine State Law below landowners must agree to change, Planning Board approval, then public hearings)
Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning: A Flexible Technique for Protecting Maine Municipalities
Pg. 267 "A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.”
>>>Delaying FOAA illegally and charging unreasonably for public information (see below in red. Using Wayne Marshall's absence and information contributes to all residents.)
The Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) is a state statute that is intended to open the government of Maine by guaranteeing access to the "public records" and "public proceedings" of state and local government bodies and agencies. Can an agency or official delay responding if my request was not directed to the agency public access officer?
No. An agency that receives a request to inspect or copy a public record must acknowledge and respond regardless of whether the request was directed to the public access officer.
The unavailability of a public access officer may not be reason for a delay. 1 M.R.S. § 413(3)
The agency or official may, but is not required to, waive part or all of the total fee if the requester is indigent,
or if the agency or official considers release of the public record to be in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. 1 M.R.S. § 408-A(11)
Laurie Allen
Re: FOAA 6/6/14
Ms Allen,
This is my final response to you on your letter of June 6th that I responded to previously The Planning Board did not make the decision to call your area R#3. That recommendation was made by the Belfast Comprehensive Planning Committee and adopted by the City Council after multiple public hearings There is a Memo from me to the public explaining the roles of the Comprehensive Planning Committee, the Planning Board and the City Council on the City Website that may be of assistance to you.. There was no Zoning Change to the uses authorized on your street. The recommendations from the Comprehensive Planning Committee ( which is a different group than the Planning Board) and which were reviewed and revised by the City Council as Policy statements are all in a sizeable document dated October 13th and 27th of 2013. Both the Comprehensive Planing Committee and the City Council had public Hearings on these recommended policies. Wayne Marshall advises me he specifically sent the portions of that large document relating to this issue to you. If you wish to inspect the whole document you can make an arrangement to come in and do so. Contact Manda in my office so we can schedule a time.
So the Planning Boards responsibility here is to review these policy recommendations found in the Oct 13 and 27, 2013 Document and to put specific language to these recommended policies. They may recommend something different if they believe they should. Since none of their recommended efforts to put language to these policies is back before the City Council I do not know what their ultimate opinion is on any of these issues.
I understand that you believe that you are relying on the law that you quoted to me. In my opinion this law has nothing to do with implementing a Comprehensive Plan.
Finally I will never be in a position to identify and show you all the information that persuaded anyone about anything.
I am not able to read minds. The document quoted above is my response to you. I will be ignoring any further emails that recite seventh request or eighth request. This is my answer- my last answer- to these questions.
Joseph J Slocum
During the hearings, Belfast City Hall was "imposing" that Seaview Terrace and Wight St would not follow the rest of the R2 into R1. Slating us as R3. More manipulation and they claim only Wight St was rezoned as R3. Yet, real estate listings since the changes in the old R2 have been corrupt with agents refusing to confirm true zone code. That tells me that all of R2 is R3. City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall fabricate lie after lie as to why they will not officiate the zoning of R1 and R3 on the City website. PUT THE R1 AND R3 ZONES ON THE WEBSITE. AGENTS ARE SELLING FALSELY ZONED PROPERTIES AND THE BUYER IS SCREWED. THE LIST GOES ON, SELL THEM UNDISCLOSED HELL.Below, my request has and is the same. Put the zoning on the website. None of his rhetoric is acceptable. No unofficial maps and no meeting minutes (the minutes state they voted in ordinances according to the massive binder! Nothing specific- therefore useless) And Sloscum tries to charge me for his corruption. Ms Alllen,
Thank you for your inquiry. I spoke to Wayne Marshall and he advised me that he has sent you the Map showing that Seaview Terrace is R-1 three times.
Seaview Terrace is R-1. I do not know how to be any clearer to you than this. If maps on line are not current I will look into when I can and if you are correct then we will get to that when we can. I have tried to help you in the past but I will no longer be sending information to third parties at your request.
I will be reviewing your request further, including securing a copy of the map that has been sent to you 3 times. You will get a further response form me withing 10 days. That will be before or on February 24th.
Joe Slocum
Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:25:58 -0500
Subject: Re: Zone R3 21st Request
mcushman@cityofbelfast.orgMs Allen,
I did the research you asked for and have photocopied for you the 15 pages of the minutes of the Council Meeting of October 7, 2014 when the City Council voted to adopt amendments to the Code of Ordinances and 6 pages of the newly adopted Maps which show Seaview Terrace as being Zoned R-1.
These maps still need to be updated on the city website.I am leaving this documentation with My Assistant Manda Cushman along with a bill for $5 for the charge of researchibng and copying these records for you.
Joe Slocum
Ms. Allen,
Your maps are here for you to pick up as earlier communicated to you in writing. The Freedom of access act
does not entitle you to demand we do anything with our website by a certain date and we will get to it when we can. I have written to you and confirmed that Seaview Terrace is R-1 and I have made arrangements to get you a copy of the minutes of when it was approved and a copy again of the maps themselves. I will not do anything more on this request. You have all the information and I have offered you the rest when you pay the copying fee.
Joseph J. Slocum
11/4/2015 If I am correct, will the old R2 unite and fight the Belfast City Hall deception that we were zoned into R1 over a year ago? Belfast City Hall will not officiate the R1 and R3 zones on the website. City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall lie. Slocum lies in emails too. Confident the City Attorney will break you financially and mentally with billable hour foot dragging. Their forte' with resident's footing the bill. Basically suing ourselves. That's their arena, with Belfast resident, corrupt Judge Patricia Worth ruling for corruption. The Belfast Games.
R2 boycotting and protesting will yield immediate results. It's our property. It is clear that R2 is now R3. See the laws that are clear they will take us without fair compensation. Buy us out, we fly. Destroy us, we fight. the property is the "watershed R2"plan. Fire/Flood/Disaster Plan. Independent Resident Committee's maintain the protection. From here on in. A committee for each of City Hall department. Resisting is assisting the taking. Amnesty for those implicated by the City. Belfast can be where it begins. The first star on the map against government corruption. Shining, beautiful Belfast.
Other neighborhoods have other corruption. New developments will bring more corruption. It's daily life, epic corruption. Thinking that you can't fix City Hall is not thinking and the children pay.
Think "We Can, We Must" Call me or email to committee- or leave a message @ 207-218-1125. add on to 11/1/2015- After 20 odd years as the Belfast Tax Assessor, Bob Whiteley told me in 2012 that the Comprehensive Plan would be devastation to many residents. He was giving me a heads up on his way out. Thank you Bob. The mental beat down never broke me because I knew. The "Plan" was adopted in 2009 and hush, hush to the public. Committee's formed for appearance of public involvement and transparency. In executive sessions, City Council was groomed for the real plan in private packed binders. That is how they voted the zoning through in 10/2014?. No specifics, City Council voted the ordinances as written in the binder, over several meetings. Belfast City Officials (Planner Wayne Marshall, Manager Slocum and City Council- Roger Lee, Nancy Hamilton, Eric Sanders, Mary Mortier and Heil Mike Hurley) began manipulating public information for intown zoning changes in Spring 2014. My street, Seaview Terrace and Wight Street were targeted as bait. They proposed that Seaview Terrace and Wight St would not move with the rest of R2 into R1- strict residential.The R2 at this time would allow for medical offices. The rest of the old R2 was proposed to go into R1. STOP RIGHT THERE.I found online, Maine Law stating that the municipality cannot section out private properties into a different zone from the rest of the private properties. Unless that private property/neighborhood agrees to be sectioned out. Otherwise the entire zone moves from the old zone code (R2) into the new zone code (R3). If the public does not stop it before City Council votes it in, it's a done deal. City Manag
er Joe Slocum is a prior attorney and City Attorney Kristen Collins came from the Maine Municipal Alliance as an attorney. She knows this law like Liar Liar Pants On Fire... City Manager Joe Slocum states that in his opinion he doesn't have to follow Comprehensive Plan Maine Law??11/4/2015 This page contains the Maine Law and corrupt emails from Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum attempting to deviate Maine Law. The refusal to put the official zoning map voted through (9/2014 according to Slocum vs. 10/2014 per City Planner Lizard Wayne Marshall (Rhetoric Deviator). Many residents of the old R2 district were unaware that a medical facility was allowed because of the separate zone for healthcare (Waldo County General Hospital, The Annex and Midcoast Mental Health). Spring 2014_ The lizard deviates the R2 (yellow section in map above) public attention by stating R2 will go into R1 with the exception of Wight St and Seaview Terrace. I protest immediately and the play begins. Wight St already had a medical office. Those residents did not react. Over the summer, Seaview Terrace residents were led to believe we won, we would be moving into R1. Buying more time to vote all of the R2 into R3- Healthcare and Housing. Legal and done because R2 was healthcare and housing. Stopping the old R2 from organizing and petitioning to become a new zone- R1.
$189,000Home For Sale Pending 23 days on market
30 Huntress AveBelfast, ME 04915
Other Property Info
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: See Town
The Plan is all healthcare for the R3 zone. See the Lizard's Spring 2014 roll out for Healthcare and Housing (R3) copied from the City website also on this page. The lizard states that current homes will be phased out..Since the unknown vote for the old R2, property listing zoning codes in this old zone are corrupt. I caught 45 Seaview Terrace listed as Hlthcare in Fall 2014. Others list R2, residential, R1, and recently- "town" on Huntress Ave. Meaning go see the Lizard to be duped without documentation. Corrupted listing with agents enjoying the turnover after the buyer is screwed and moves to sell hell to another. It stops here. City Council Miss Piggy Mortier is a real estate agent. A monster with the rest of the agents, destroying life after life for a couple of thousand in commission. HELP! Buy me out of this ever escalating horror.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 1:54 PM
To list below
Subject: Edited signRe: Welcome To The Jungle
Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
I made another sign to edit out any confusion that it is me threatened. I wanted you to know that prior to my blog name of in 2013, it was Specific to Belfast City Council, Planner, Manager, City Attorney and state agencies abuse and corruption to me, my children, my home and Seaview Terrace. I protested in town continually. I wanted downtown to support resident infrastructure needed as we support them.
Instead, a Chamber of Commerce member informed me that director Dorothy Havey intentionally awarded resident abuser, City Manager Joe Slocum citizen of the year to slap me in the face. That is when I slapped back with Boycott Belfast. The mob mentality to me is proven deadly but I duck and weave, dance and keep telling the truth. As always.
This link is to the page on my blog sadly explaining this. I fix not destroy.
Fixing this is worth life. I love Maine since my parents bought what was paradise in 1970 for $3700. A fully furnished, gingerbread cottage on Broadway, Bayside.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 6:06 AMTo same list below
Subject: Re: Welcome To The Jungle
Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
As I was taking my signs down at 6:45 pm last night, Charles Beck pursued me from the street. I told him to leave me alone and stay away from me. He kept talking. I responded that since I moved here (6/2010), he has been back stabbing me and refuses to listen when I say no and stop.
Some examples are;:
1. Refusing to take no to take me to a Stills and Nadh concert in Portland. His son Carson as witness.
2. Refusing to take no as he badgered me to go to his camp on Swan Lake.
3. Refusing to stop plowing his snow across the street on to my property even though I told him that was illegal and to stop MANY times.
4. Refusing to fence in his chickens and illegally allowing them free range on Seaview Terror.
5. Refusing to leash his puppy Blue as he would dart away as well as let Blue out unsupervised into danger.
6. I went to every City. Council and Planning Board meetings to stop the illegally forced City/State massive channeled runoff flooding to Seaview Terror, and stop the illegal zone change. Charles went to City Manager Joe Slocum and disassembled all my work. Telling me that City Hall told him that I am crazy and that he is following Slocum's instructions (that were wrong to petition the zoning.) I refused to sign Beck's petition where he was ONLY having Seaview Terror residents of 13 homes. Petitions require 250? signatures but Beck over rode my petition. He kept at me to sign and even illegally put it in my mailbox to sign it. I never signed it and it appears that Seaview Terror was illegally rezonec from R2, Residential to R3, Residential and Offices. Belfast City Hall and real estate agents refuse to advise since 2014.
In 11/2017, fabricated charges of harassment to Belfast City Council, Manager and Planner were executed and began the years of false arrests, abuse and over use of force at gunpoint to me in my home by law enforcement. Illegally banning me from City Hall, the police department and most in town Belfast, Route 1 South, Rte 3, Swan Lake Ave. etc.
While also fabricating terrorizing with a dangerous weapon charges from City Council, Planner, and Manager. Illegally arresting me in 2/2018, 25k bail set with no prior record and not owning a gun. Jailed in abusive Waldo Jail friday night for 3 nights and then to horrific Two Bridges Correctional in Wiscasset.
My hearing was illegal on that Tuesday because it should have been done on Monday. Court Clerk Brooke Otis would later tell me that the hearing was on Monday with Judge Dobson. I told Brooke that was false because the hearing was on the 4th day of my hunger strike that began on Saturday morning in Waldo Jail. Judge Dobson kept the bail at the unattainable 25k as I was below poverty level.
On Wednesday, the news reported my bail was reduced to 5k. No one told me. My partner, John saw it and tried to pay the bail on Wednesday at Waldo Jail. They refused to take it from him. He was told he could not pay it at Two Bridges either. Ditto on on Thursday and Friday. They knew John had to work on Friday at 10 am. They were not taking the bail knowing he had to leave.
My daughter had put $50 in the commissary account so I could make phone calls. No one told me this and I was not able to call out. I was not to get out of Two Bridges. However, on that Friday (7th day) I knew I would die a bad rape death fabricated as a suicide. At 9 am an outgoing cell mate had instructions from me to free me that the guard witnessed.
Within 10 minutes of the cellmate leaving, announcement "Allen transport back to Belfast. Get ready." Waldo Jail corrections officer had walked past John and told him, "I am going to get your girl." At that time, Waldo Jail had not allowed him to pay the bail.
I was shackled with a cancer track her for a total of 700 days to break me, restricted travel to entrap, probation therapy designed to fail to entrap, illegal law enforcement tactics beyond belief to break me. Including illegal psychiatric kidnapping into MaineHealth ( WCGH, Spring Harbor Westbrook) and Riverview State Psychiatric from 1/8/2019- 3/7/2019 with forced suicidal drugging by Judge Mary Kelly, Dr. Kirby, Dr. James Ray, Dr. Beal, LNP Sarah Street Long. Drug raped by their guru, Dr. Donald Lombardi, military might, healthcare adviser/author of manuals of over a hundred, professor currently at the esteemed Steven's Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. His life of access to students like me in 1980. All fully informed of his drug raping and all protecting him and his.
7. Against all these forces to end my life again and again, I stayed home for safety. Law enforcement harassed me continually even illegally breaking my door down, without warrant or reason, at gunpoint on 9/25/2020. To stop my freedom to live. My door is still broken. Maine Fuel destroyed my furnace under State of Maine LiHeap guidance. I cannot sell my house now or apparently ever.
8. I tried to sell my house by owner before Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down. Charles Beck feigned to buy my home. Entering my house to take pictures and close to closing the sale, he wanted to do the closing without anyone else. I told Charles that I had already emailed Blair Agency in Bayside for Blair's assistance. I was awaiting response. Charles hid in his house and never spoke of buying my house again. Charles intentions were now clear. Fabricate the sale and break her for good.
This winter I don't know if I will be able to survive without my furnace. Clearly, many businesses have targeted me and I fear for my safety. They are protected by the lawless.
This is only a snippet of the horrors I endure for being sold a never ending hell of corruption, abuse and rapes that I bravely stand against while my sanctuary is destroyed with assistance from neighbors. For years now, I rarely leave my home. Trapped and hunted in America by JustUs. Bounty for those who assist. Charles Beck got an illegally dug by the City of Belfast on private property drainage ditch. Also illegally sending accumulated water to another. And more.
The courts and theirs are proven corrupt and unjust. Appeals are costly and useless for me. More for them and theirs.
Laurie Allen
Sent Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:55 PM
To:georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; dave reardon <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; June M. Moore <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Annie McGowan <>; <>; <>; Fitzgerald, Patrick <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; <>; Vanessa Taylor <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Lamma, Lori <>; Perry, Bethany M <>; <>; <>; Fsp <>; <>; <>; <>; Molly Ross <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Welcome To The Jungle
Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
Charles Beck, (18 Seaview Terrace) called the police to state he felt threatened by my new sign. I assured your officer that the lyrics written apply to me because of all the harm done to me by Belfast Officials, Judiciary, State of Maine, rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi, etc. as continually reported by me to no avail.
I put on a disclosure sign stating "you" implies me, Laurie Lee Allen. A picture is attached.
Please advise of any law breaking issues with my signs that I take down nightly as written to you before. To date you have not advised of any problems with me that are law breaking.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview