
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Add-on Fascism USA

   From: LAURIE ALLEN <>

Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 1:53 PM
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Annie McGowan <>; <>; <>; <>; Jon Carman <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; dave reardon <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; Governor <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; Earl C. Black <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>
Subject: Re: 7/1 HearMeRe: 6/9/20 BPD Wtns/Mtn Dsms
Clooney Foundation for Justice,

The court appointed attorney by the State of Maine is powering over my rights as pro Se and my refusal to sign release forms for medical records with Northern Lights Health/Acadia. Court ordered psych. evaluation and therapy under conditions of release. Judge Robert Murray (ordered this 4th by the State attorney to undermine my defense, innocent) found me guilty on 8/19/2019 for a video that was not sent to anyone where I filmed my hand and thanked Belfast City Council, Manager, and Planner for being my target. A flippant remark with precedence for 1rst rights. Yet, Judge Robert Murray made me a felon on hearsay by these officials destroying my property and rights since purchase, 6/28/2010.

Two years probation will end on 9/18/2021 to free me to leave this hell.
The hearing is this Wednesday and the abuse of power to silence my rights is sick. As proven.

Logan Perkins has issued a "Motion in Limine with attached 17A Subpoena for production of medical records on behalf of Laurie Allen." Stating as Stand-by Counsel she has the right to subpoena my records. 

If the Clooney Foundation for Justice won't step in for the loss of the first to a woman drug raped by power then I don't know what the foundation does for America. It begins at home. My home.

I am alone and poor. Standing up to the same bullies since I could talk.

I have not violated my probation and PO Lori Lamma gets her report stating I am in compliance regardless of constant interference to cause a violation. 

America. Worth my life. Yes. My beagle may die that day. He is over 18 and is traumatized from all the cuffing and kidnapping of me in my home. Taken away 10 times? Gordon taken to the pound. He cries even when he sees me in the yard. He must be with me at all times. I can't take him to court this time. It will be too hot for him in the truck. 

That makes me cry and hurt for all. Barbarian abuse by power. Fascism.

Innocent to Death,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

  From: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Thursday, June 3, 2021 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Competency/evidence
See my answers interspersed below. 

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 6:20 AM LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Resent adding #3, withdraw venue. Please respond to #1, 2 & 3 today. Thanks

Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: Competency/evidence
Resent with grammatical corrections, ie 
"conditions of release" and "tardive dyskinesia".

Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 11:52 AM
Subject: Competency/evidence
Logan Perkins,

This motion by ADA Entwisle states that they will restore me to competence for trial (pro Se) by treatments. 
The State's motion was to request a hearing in order for the court to determine if you meet the legal standard for competency to stand trial.  The standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence, in other words, if the State proves that it is more likely than not that you are "incompetent to stand trial," then the court will find you "incompetent to stand trial."  That is step 1.  Only if the State succeeds at that effort, does the court move on to step 2, which is the question of the likelihood that you can be "restored," through treatment.  If the court finds that you cannot be restored, then all your cases will be dismissed, but, the Department of Health and Human Services will likely do an additional evaluation to determine if you can be your own guardian and live independently.  That process does not involve the court itself. 

If however, the court finds that there is a likelihood that you can be "restored to competency," with treatment and services, then the court will decide whether or not to order you committed to a state instiutiton for "restoration," or to order you to participate in an "intensive outpatient mental health program." See 15 MRSA Sec. 101-D (5) (A-B).

There are three separate questions at a competency hearing, 1) is the Defendant competent, if yes then trial, if no then 2) is the defendant likely to be restored via treatment, if no, then dismissed, if yes then 3) what treatment, inpatient, or outpatient? 

Judge Murray ordered a psych evaluation under conditions of release in 8/2019. Evaluation was done by No. Lights, Acadia and therapy with Hillary Stewart Reed. Almost completed for 2 years, I have not been found incompetent, and not in mental illness requiring any medications or assistance in decision making.

If there is a psychological evaluation that was done by Acadia, I'd like to see it.  Do you have a copy?  We should consider subponeaing the author. However, that evaluation would have been for clinical purposes, or diagnosis, and treatment recommendations, not for forensic or legal purposes.  It would have addressed the question of competency to stand trial, as that is a legal question, and determinations of competency are only made by courts, not by mental health providers. 

I have been proceeding pro Se in Waldo Judicial for many years, many, many hearings, winning a protection order against Mark Rae, winning small claims against Chris Kulbe, Ridgetop Chimney, and competent as pro Se for the terrorizing with a dangerous weapon trial.
With respect to these previous proceedings, we should obtain certified docket records of those that show that you represented yourself successfully on a number of occasions.


Forcing me to mental treatment that may force meds that can cause suicide ideology and tardive dyskinesia is unnecessary and inhumane. Under their reasoning to make me competent to stand trial pro Se.

I agree, but that does not change the legal standard.

1. Therefore, you may represent me provided treatment is dismissed. Please confirm this.
As I've indicated, the question of treatment will only be reached if the State prevails on the first two questions. I cannot promise you that if I represent you that you will not be ordered committed to the custody of DHHS for in-patient treatment, or ordered to participate in out-patient treatment.  Either scenario is possible.  I understand that you do not want that, and I can promise you that I will advocate for your wishes to the best of my ability.  

2. Please provide the discoveries and State's evidence for the charges immediately. Advise when this information will mail out to me.

I had understood that the State had previoulsy shared all the discovery with you, nonetheless, I am mailing you copies of your docket records, as I indicated and your discovery.  That either went out in yesterdays mail or will go in todays.

3. Please withdraw my 3+ month old motion for change of venue.

Again, whether I do this, or you do this depends on the nature of the representation.  Do you wish to remain pro se, or do you wish to have me represent you?

Please let me know.  If we are going to issue subponeas or rely on other records from Acadia we need to do that soon.



Thank you.

Laurie Allen

Unified Criminal Docket
Docket NO. CR-18-139

State of Maine Waldo v. Laurie L. Allen

The State of Maine moves pursuant to Title 15 MRSA section 101-D(5) for a hearing to determine whether the defendant is competent to proceed or whether she can be restored to competence with appropriate treatment.

1. A forensic evaluation was conducted pursuant to the court's order, by Dr. William Barter on behalf of the State Forensic Service.
2. Dr. Barter's report reflects his conclusion that the defendant did not demonstrate skills normally associated with competence to proceed, but that she might be restored to competence with appropriate treatment interventions.
3. The State requests that a hearing be held to determine whether the defendant is competent to proceed, and if not, whether she should be ordered to submit to treatment designed to restore her to competence.
4. The defendant's position on this motion is not known.

WHEREFORE, the State requests that a hearing be scheduled to allow for determination of whether the defendant is competent to proceed, and if not, whether she should be ordered to submit to treatment designed to restore her to competence.

William B. Entwisle
Assistant District Attorney
Bar Number 3933
Date 4/8/21

Logan E. Perkins, Esq.
Perkins Law Office
253 Waldo Rd.
Belfast, ME 04915

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