
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Corruption Belfast Maine City Hall vs. Survivor Mom

This Belfast City Hall water slaughter private property genocide ravine is my property. At cash purchase in 6/2010 it was a grassy 2x2 drainage ditch for my runoff.  After property inspections and documented emails that I would not buy any homes with any water issues or streams, none was disclosed. I drove 500 miles for the showing in 12/2009. A 2-3inch snow covered the yard. Level to the boundary/tree line abutting the WCGH Annex site. I closed in NJ and Maine within a week of each other in 6/2010. Since 1995, it was beyond brutal. Hold on, just a little bit longer. This is my only chance. Slim to none. I jumped. Into a boiling pot of  Mobstah Lobstah hell.

I was assured I could begin my dangerous NJ relocation procedures with a safe home and community waiting in Belfast. Belfast players knew they were taking my life with a smile. The prior owner, Minister Tarpley filled in the ravine, planted grass and made it appear like the 2x2 private drainage ditches on the sides of the home. Drainage for my runoff only. In 4/2011, thunderous wild rapids tore through my yard for days almost taking my new fence. Luckily, I didn't put the fence up to the ditch. I left a 15 ft wide buffer for mowing ease. Gone girl Gone. City Planner Wayne Marshall was smiling as he traced miles and miles of paths of water being forced into Seaview Terrace in 4/2011. The map was on the wall in in the planning office. I told him that he could not do that and I wanted a copy of that map.

The map went missing, claiming it never existed and that I was confused. All doors, documents  and City Hall assistance slammed shut. With smiles and rhetoric emails. This first video is rambling. For 4 months prior, they mentally beat me down and I was very beat when I came here to heal in 6/2010. They refused to give me an agenda, denied everything. Stating this was a natural stream and natural run off. NO WAY. I'm not a potato head. My eyes see what is and my mouth speaks what I see. Always. Prove me wrong. Mistakes are made because of the difficulty in with holding information. I am not wrong. The corrupt are so easy to see. They lie, deny and run for wall protection.

No easements, no rights of ways. DEP, EMA, EPA, FEMA, Army Corp, and other enforcement agencies participate and anticipate with holding and manipulating freedom of information. First hand witness, me, Mom. No information or maps "available" to tell me where this water comes from. At this video, in 8/2011, I didn't know what I was exposing. I had to save my home, it wall all I had left. They made me look like an idiot, baiting me into conjecture to which they would spin me as being unstable, OCD, looking for a fight, with conspiracy paranoia. I was an annoying waste of their time and tax payers dollars. Telling the public that again and again. Creating mob mentality.

I have never backed down and continue to expose epic corruption. Local to State to Federal (FEMA). I went public on 11/1/2011. Placing us in danger and choking back tears as I spoke at podium on public TV. I have no experience with government corruption or public speaking. I was a broken Mom trying to heal with my children in peace and privacy. I thought we got away, against all odds. I did it alone. I stand alone. Chin up. Go. Exposing more power abuse with the system in my back yard. Healthcare and Department of Defense- Maine's Black Water on .

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