
Friday, July 25, 2014

Stephen Colbert takes LePage’s side (for laughs): ‘Maine is just one Octomom away from bankruptcy’

Stephen Colbert takes LePage’s side (for laughs): ‘Maine is just one Octomom away from bankruptcy’

Same thug dictatorship, ego crazed bullies in Belfast City Hall. Supported by a few with the same illnesses, the 99% can easily cure this. Moral Mondays Assemble Accountability or MMAA. MMAA's can do and do. LePage could get in again with Cutler and Michaud splitting votes. Shudder to think of LePage unleashed in a final term. We ain't seen nothing yet. Comedians will have a lifetime of material. I've got volumes with Belfast City Hall (Manager, Planner, Attorney, Council, Code) So visibly disgracing the good.

And connecting the corruption dots from State to Local to Business is my post below.

Governor LePage to Visit Front Street Shipyard

Aug 8, 2012  Lepage came to The Front Street Shipyard in Belfast with ALL the white collars- City Manager, Joe Slocum, House Rep. Erin Herbig, Senator Thibodeau and more. I was there front and center, holding my sign high and respectful "Stop Flooding Seaview" my SUV/office decked with proving documents, pictures, blogs, American Flag, banners- all in their vision. As LePage attempting a trot past me, I said Good Morning Governor- I'd like to speak with you. No response. I waited an hour for hime to pass by again- I said the same. No response. Reporters and all the "dignitaries" ignored me. LePage escaped by getting picked up on Front Street Shipyard private property. Thibodeau was parked on public property. I saw him when he came and I approached him then. He blew me off. I waited for hours until he left and cornered him. My SUV was right there- I begged him to come look at the proof. He looked and told me he could not help. Told me I should run for City Council. I said "Become one of the corrupt? No thanks, I can do more on the outside bringing all to shame. " The attorney general blew me off, Janet Mills was not the AG yet. I reached out to her attorney family in Farmington for assistance. After 3 attempts where they refused my communications, I deem them corrupt as well.

And now the Bangor Daily News reports on Belfast Area domestic abuse while local government abuses entire neighborhoods and beat up Mom's. I am Auntiebully.

Searsport man charged after allegedly kicking in door, assaulting estranged wife
Posted By Abigail Curtis On July 24, 2014 (6:02 pm) In MidcoastNewsPolice Beat

  • Is it just me, or does the Belfast area end up in the news every single day for something like this??

      • White Collar Coward Thugs Too- hiding behind the City Attorney and Belfast PD. I clawed and crawled to relocate from abuse with my children, put it all on the line. Only to have Belfast real estate agents and City Hall beat me and kick me non stop for the last 4 years for uncovering their corruption. BPD resorting to trying to shame me as a mother for protesting the corruption and embarrassing my now almost 17 and 21 yr. old children. The Chief and an Officer came to my house 1 month ago, to interview me for my stability. When I didn't falter, the Chief launched into the bad Mom verse, telling me as a parent, he would seriously think about a different job if his kids were concerned for him. Seriously. After a City Council meeting, a few months ago- an officer followed me out and gave me the same "conversation" The Mayor cut me off at the last meeting at open to the public. I am the only one who gets a 3 minute time limit to speak, this time they didn't even give me that.
        The owners of Front Street Shipyard were there. Talk about irony- JB Turner, president of FSS- began proposing the blighted area as a shipyard to City Council at the very same meetings where I went public in November 2011 after 8 months of rabbit hole torture trying to get public information locked up in the City Planners office. Begging City Hall to save Seaview Terrace, a flood plain, flood zone A, from their forced water slaughter beginning in 1968 to present day. 4 years later- I've been kicked, robbed, rights denied, sewers denied and Front Street Shipyard is flying high. None of them spoke to me. I wrote about this on our local paper- Republican Journal/Village Soup. I've been banned from posting.Pity. Unbelievable letters from City Attorney and Comm. DEP Aho (dismissing corrupt investigation for corrupt water slaughter to Seaview Terrace from Capt. Al Stevens School- a huge wetland site, now a sinking elementary school) onwww.belfastbullies3.blogspot.c... Don't even get me going on Councilor Mike Hurley- I'll get banned for good from BDN next. They Like Mike.
      •  21 hours ago
        I had to re-read your post to understand... I'm sorry this has happened to you. Sounds like the abuser has connections and this spilled over into other aspects of your life because of those public connections partly because of what you know, and has become embarrassing for your adolescent children now, too. Have seen this happen before. Sometimes the abuse doesn't end even after leaving, but occurs in many other insidious ways. Sounds like you may have to remove yourself even further; not sure if this is financially possible, but it may be your only option at this point
      • My post below- got deleted-but I copied it as soon as I posted- waiting to hear back from Bangor Daily New as to why they censored it. 

         3 minutes ago
        No- my ex lives in NJ. . Corruption in Belfast is off the charts. I wish this weren't true. I have ties here since 1969- parents bought cottage, fully furnished in Bayside, Northport ( next town over) for $3700. My sister (RIP) bought a cottage and a heavy hitter for Belfast business bought her cottage 7? yrs ago. I built my own year round house there, next to the Northport Golf Course in 1997 and lost it in the divorce (ex took it, then he assumed my life in Bayside, 8 weeks vacation- and my brother's drinking buddy- so goes the saying you marry what you know) To take on the bullies, one has to be honest and true. They drag me over the coals- even those that know me well and those that don't- it is easier to reason I must deserve this rather than stand up and support me. I am seasoned now at 53. Standing alone and stronger than ever. I stand for all that are bullied in any fashion in any arena. It is epic.
        I was meticulous in relocation- it is rarely granted- and I did it. Yes, the realtors knew my situation intimately- I worked with them for 9 months, crossing every T, dotting every I. Alone. Many turn and run with domestic terror and crashing children. They (friends) did. I knew what I had to do and how to do it. My 401k and inheritance, all I had was used to build the house in Bayside. I left the work force in 1995 to Mom. Filed for divorce in 2005, 18 yrs. married. Two long years of crushing and robbing to break us and bring me back into the marriage. Courts, Child Protective Services, Guardian ad litem, clergy, therapists, dr.'s, psych., friends, family (2 bully brothers left) all failed us. It was unbelievable. The more I told the truth , the more I was dismissed and disrespected. Protecting my kids was priority. I did it- shut out all and focused on holding on and wait for my chance. That small window finally came in 2009 and I jumped. Ex taking my Bayside life and the home I wanted all my life, was now a huge advantage.
        I chanced it all to relocate from NJ to ME. No mistakes- this is my only chance. Real estate market was crashing- my house was in poor shape- put it up for sale in 9/2009. I had been researching Belfast homes online for months prior. Had to sell and buy in full, to a safe home and begin again. I did just that, 12/2009 drove up for showings of 5 homes. All with water issues and streams refused, have it in writing too. I was guaranteed no issues with 17 Seaview Terrace. No stream disclosed, no stream on the 1/4 acre property visible. Surrounded on 3 sides by 2ft x 2ft drainage ditch. 4/2010, went into contract. Realtor recommended property inspection by DJ Brown Inspectors- done that month. For sure there was water coming through, not reported- unstabilized banks not reported, inspection overseen by realtor.
        6/2010 we pull into 17 Seaview Terrace our previous life crammed into the 50 ft Penske truck. We were crawling but we made it so far. The relocation papers had not even been filed yet. Middle school beginning in 2 months- I could be denied and back in NJ, homeless. My ex could get the kids. Just a little pressure. 2 weeks before school, I won. New life beginning. Then the river came crashing through my yard in 4/2012 and a whole new hell opened up. Private property and resident abuse by the white collars, business owners and the connected beyond humane.
        Where I had to be under the radar for safety, to heal with children and get on my feet- I was thrown into the fire to fight for our lives- this home is all I have left and 2 more years till last child graduates high school. The forced water slaughter is white collar extermination to our 12 family neighborhood. A flood plain, flood zone. All unknown to me- no mortgage- now flood insurance is a must- 4k!! my income 18k- almost 4k in taxes, house/car insurance, utilitites, food- NOT ON WELFARE- not employed, saving home is a full time job and then some. Ethically they should be diverting all water away from us, instead they are drowning us with a smile and strong support. Sick.
        4 years and I have uncovered enormous corruption. State to local, plenty of players, staying VERY public is my ONLY safety net. I am a whistle blower in danger with no other way to go. Strange how someone fighting for the man is a hero and a woman fighting for her home and children against the man/men/women is an "unstable threat". They cannot break me. That is a terror attack to the nucleus of humanity- mother and children. It happens to many. I protest all abuse.
        The grass roots group, Moral Mondays on the Bill Maher show caught my eye. I am starting that up this Monday, 7/28 from 6-7pm @ Belfast City Park Pavilion/waterfront. May take awhile, but eventually they will come. More SAVE USA- start at home.

        Looking at what's happened to you, in summary, is a part of what commonly occurs in domestic abuse/violence situations. That is, the abuse is continued through financial means, even after separation. Some people may not understand that domestic violence occurs on all socioeconomic levels. You were able to get yourself and children out of a domestic violence situation, but at a great financial loss. Your goal of wanting custody of your children, but having to give up most of joint assets to the abuser to get this agreement shows where your heart is - and it's unconscionable for the court system to allow continued abuse. Then, as you've picked up the pieces to start all over with the finances left, bought a new home and getting your family back on its feet, you're just about wiped-out again. This time the people in place within the system, who should be doing their jobs, instead are engaged in unethical and corrupt practices.
        A lot of what you've written, unfortunately, is sounding so familiar to many other people and situations in other towns - to the extent about you finding this corruption during the past 4 years on all levels appears common now. It's simply covered-up very well.
        When you choose to speak about it, it'll take a lot of energy. In looking at reports about other whistleblowers, more often it takes a lot of effort and retaliation against people doing so is high. Part of the reason you're facing people in the community, including realtors and those who know you well, behaving the way you've described is mob mentality. Sometimes people are afraid of taking an ethical side, and acting accordingly because they may fear retribution, losing money, or not appearing as part of the group. Sometimes it's a clique or family/friend group; the minions gather because some are ones easily led.
        Based on observations, listening to others, and researching it's appearing the court system is simply a money-maker in most aspects. Seems some guardian ad litems are working in tandem with attorneys, become a hired gun for one side and making a lot of money harming families. There's a group addressing the guardian ad litem problems, but it seems this isn't gaining much progress, and the money keeps rolling in the meantime.
        Regarding the inspection process - I've heard a lot - not surprised there either. Wonder how some receive certification. My friend was going through a divorce & one problem they'd had with their house in Brunswick was a flying squirrel infestation. Her husband refused to hire an exterminator, so she made sure the court documents delineated this was his responsibility as the house was on the market. My understanding is the inspector for the buyer never mentioned it in his report.
        Wondering who is the contractor for Seaview Terrace? Some towns will prohibit certain contractors from building (heard of Lewiston and Auburn doing so), but this information isn't passed onto other places. And if it is, the person may be protected by the town they're building in and by Codes Enforcement, etc. Again, suing takes money; but perhaps this can be a neighborhood effort. The State level doesn't address this either - basically they'll certify individuals, but leave it to the town to follow codes, etc.
        The bottom line I'm learning is: follow the money. Seems money is taken wherever and from whomever it can be taken. This is happening to you with little regard to the well-being of your family. And I am sorry for that. But I also see you are intelligent, have perseverance, and love your children. Keep swimming.


        In my disqus it says your 1st posting's been removed (?).
        Wanted to let you know when I said Keep Swimming it's encouragement - something from Finding Nemo when Dory says to just keep swimming (simple, but true to life situations). After just seeing your You-Tube posting I realized it could've been taken as a joke (pun) - but it's not.
        My gut feeling was sociopathic instead of bpd; but I'm not a Dr., so just my thoughts based on observations.. Especially evident in situations of power, control... gaslighting, obtaining "stuff" including money... tend to be very intelligent, charming, life of the party, the social butterfly... sheep in wolf's clothing; very at ease around people.
        I'm not on FB, but if there's a way to contact you through your blog, I can do that.
        7/27/14 - To SamRN13- I mentioned swimming in Bayside because it supports Keep Swimming. It takes courage for me to go there. 

      • Seems like you work in this field- if I can help or you want to reach me, email me anytime 
      • I agree- psychopath is even closer to Councilor Hurley. The City Planner- Wayne Marshall and City Manger- Joe Slocum fit Borderline Personality Disorder. It comes out when truly threatened and exposed. These City officials have never been exposed until I did so. Their reactions are raw Borderline- #1, 2, 4 & 5.

      • High Functioning Borderline Personality Disorder - people BPD's that cope with their pain by raging outward, blaming and accusing family members for real or imagined problems
        In a discussion on, Randi Kreger, co-author of Stop Walking on Eggshells, says the situation with high functioning borderlines look more like this:
        "1. Denial is their primary characteristic. They disavow having any problems and see no need to change. Relationship difficulties, they say, are everyone else's fault. If family members suggests they may have BPD, they almost always accuse the other person of having it instead. (This is why I strongly advise non-BPs to leave this disclosure to a trained professional)
        2. They cope with their pain by raging outward, blaming and accusing family members for real or imagined problems ("acting out")
        3. They refuse to seek help from the mental health system unless someone threatens to end the relationship. If they do go, they usually don't intend to work on their own issues. In couples therapy, their goal is often to convince the therapist that they are being victimized
        4. They may hide their low self-esteem behind a brash, confident pose that hides their inner turmoil. They usually function quite well at work and only display aggressive behavior toward those close to them (high functioning). But the black hole in the gut and their intense self-loathing are still there. It's just buried deeper
        5. If they also have other mental disorders, they're ones that also allow for high functioning such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). (These mostly appear concurrently in men-especially APD)
        6. Family members' greatest challenges include coping with verbal abuse, protecting children, trying to get their family member to seek treatment, and maintaining their self-esteem and sense of reality. Partners, especially, are in relationships with Cluster Two BPs

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