
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Save Seaview NOW Email sent 6/30/14

Below is the 4th request from 6/6/14 FOAA.  At the 6/17/14 City Council Meeting- I demanded for this request to be fulfilled. Belfast City Attorney, Bill Kelly and Code Zoning Officer Todd Rosenburg were at the meeting, not on the agenda. An executive meeting followed. Low and behold, the next night, Wayne Marshall, Belfast City Planner, advised the planning board to vote Seaview Terrace against rezoning Seaview Terrace into the new zone of R3 clearly because I caught them breaking procedural Maine Law for Comprehensive Plans (cited below). My FOAA for this information is relevant to the whole and still stands. Below was sent on 6/30/14 cc'g City Council and Mayor.

City Manager- Joe Slocum,

4th request- On 6/18/14 The planning board vote to reverse the proposed rezoning of Seaview Terrace to R3 .

However, per FOAA from 6/6/14 mandates response to ascertain how the proposal to rezone Seaview Terrace to R3 was approved by the planning board in the first place.  For clarity- respond specifically to #1 & #2.

1. Respond via email today- Members of the Belfast Planning Board approving PROPOSAL to rezone residential Seaview Terrace to R3- Healthcare and Housing. (Advise to all recipients on this email) 

 2. All the information provided to "persuade" the Belfast Planning Board to approve the proposed change to rezone Seaview Terrace to R3, Healthcare and Housing. Per Maine State Law Comprehensive Plan cited below, 

Pg 267 “However, even if a municipality is WILLING AND ABLE TO FINANCE SUCH A PROFESSIONAL STAFF, the desired flexibility is still not assured. A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.”

(None of the landowners in residence prior or at adoption of the plan in 2009 EVER agreed to this rezoning procedure. City Planner, Wayne Marshall claiming he sent out letters is irrelevant.  This procedure was violated.   Pg 263 "LANDOWNER AGREES PRIOR TO A ZONING AMENDMENT, TO PERFORM CONDITIONS NOT IMPOSED ON OTHERS IN THE SAME ZONING CLASSIFICATION.”)

Laurie Allen
Below also sent 6/30/14
Joe Slocum, City Council and Mayor,

A few months ago, City Manager Joe Slocum confirmed in the early budget meetings that Seaview Terrace would be paved in conjunction with the water district's replacement the water line on Seaview Terrace.
Joe Slocum stated the paving would be in late spring or early summer.

The water district tells me the City is delaying the paving until fall. Furthermore, Joe Slocum does not want to spend 220k necessary for roadside sewer drainage. This is unacceptable. Please advise when Seaview Terrace will be paved with roadside sewer drainage.  Property tax dollars are mandated as a given for roads and upgrades. 

The City has been cutting corners by using our private property as an outlet for enormous volumes of illegal forced run off and snow stock piling outside covering many miles of impervious ground outside of Seaview Terrace for over 35 years. We are not a natural outlet, the "stream" is not a stream confirmed in 1987 by the Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson in his written report to then Belfast City Manager, Wilma Moses. Neil wrote that theses are private property drainage tracts put in by the developer. NOT A STREAM.

The City has been slaughtering the private property, flood zone, flood plain of Seaview Terrace illegally and unethically. Endangering our lives at each event and snow melt. Joe Slocum refuses to prepare a mitigation plan for Seaview Terrace, not caring what happens to us. The City is misspending property tax dollars that are a priority for resident safety. 

Please save the residents of Seaview Terrace from this forced water slaughter.

To clarify-
#1- Exact date Seaview Terrace will be repaved with roadside sewer drainage.
#2-Rerouting all runoff from outside of Seaview Terrace on ALL 3 sides. See my map (below)
Rerouting  to Wight Street and to the City maintained sewers at the bypass can be done immediately.

Laurie Allen

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