
Monday, July 4, 2016

Eminent Domain Begins In Belfast Maine 4th of July 2016. NOOOO!!

Clip of Belfast City Council Mike Hurley stating City Council does NOT listen to the public.

Clip of Belfast City Council Mike Hurley stating his greed illness and telling himself "NO NO NO"

Clip of Hurley admitting to do it before discussing public permission.

Little Laurie Allen, Threat of the Corrupt. Truth.

and now for the North Woods National Monument.

Of course, as opposed to needing a connector path by going imminent domain in Belfast. Climb back down, Mr. Hurley

My response went into holding. In case Hurley receives BDN protection again. I posted it on my Boycott Belfast blog.
Laurie Allen

Belfast proposes false development, ordinance, zoning, etc. to the public and votes through corruption. Locks up documents and manipulates FOIA and public. Hurley King of get it done before the public can stop us. Hurley even stated that in one of his "senior classes" with the seniors chuckling. Here are a few from 6 years of intense intimidation and threats as we try to live in safety and privacy to begin again. Mom and children. No mistakes.
12/6/11 CC Mike Hurley Slanders me at @ 2 minutes in.
9/4/14 CC Mike Hurley Threatens Seaview Terrace "Has had it" Take the illegal goat path pave job or don't get any paving.
At that 9/4/14 meeting I am still asking when will we get paved according to code, no response. I don't know my brother had died until the next day. I had sent an email to UU Minister Perkins (City Council Roger Lee is the UU treasurer) telling him. City Hall knew. On 9/8/2014 City Hall sent in the trucks to hurry up and get the illegal paving (ignoring paving/drainage ordinance and corrupting a map to force more water to my property) to my home when they thought I'd be in Alabama for my brother's funeral on 9/8/14. I was home watching the City assault. The City forgot to pull the public announcement on 9/12/2014 that Seaview Terrace would BEGIN approx. 9/17/2014. More proof on http://boycottbelfast.blogspot...
Posted on: September 12, 2014
City Road Construction
Paving and reclaiming the following roads. Crocker Road, Wight Street and Seaview Terrace.
Paving on Seaside Drive and Back Belmont Road.
This will tentatively be starting on Wednesday September 17th, and lasting a couple of weeks.
Prepare for possible delays and detours during this time.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Public Works Director Bob Richards at 338-2375.
Here's Hurley defending the corruption on 916/2014 and turning the public against me again.
Written Insults and threats when I proved zoning corruption to Seaview Terrace- inverse condemnation or eminent domain. My choice, if I had a brain.
Mike Hurley (
Fri 6/13/14 12:52 PM
What would be helpful would be if you were capable of believing the basic information.
From: Mike Hurley ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent: Sat 6/14/14 11:39 AM
To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (;;;;;;;;
Which one is it? An all-encompassing office complex or the new Grand Canyon?
7/4/16 post on www. See Tom Seymour's history of Belfast taking the true blue's too.
Eminent Domain Begins In Belfast Maine 4th of July 2016. NOOOO!!
This can be the beginning. Protest with Blue Collar pride.I'm ready. Six years of local protest and City Hall intimidation has me mad as hell. Let's Roll.
Stop the taking. Blue Collars Boycotting is Apple Pie. Come on Penobscot McCrum workers, bring on the pie. I'll take a piece of that. Email me- There is no doubt that this taking will be the beginning of the end Full 6/21/2016 Belfast City Council meeting link
Short Clip With City Council Neal Harkness showing troll I mean true colors. Snarky comment stating Council hasn't voted to take... yet. They will. For City Wall and Eminent Domain. Setting precedence to take, foot by foot, by corrupt foots. The first cut is the deepest and opens the way.
Lets see if Hurley gets this deleted. Media protects Belfast corruption.
Laurie Allen

Angus King - the slimiest of the slimiest - never trust this guy.

Yeah, I made sure all the slimes knew of the corruption in Belfast. King, Mitchell, Snowe, LePage, Mayhew, Aho, Thibodeau. DEP, EMA, EPA, FEMA, Realtor Commission,FBI, media, far right, right, center, left, far left. The list is endless. All the hypocrites and all the "King's" thugs couldn't put democracy before their ego's again....
Laurie Allen


Laurie, what do you expect from carpetbagger Hurley, originally from NJ? He fits right in with Gov. Christie.

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      Painful to know so many out of state thugs, taking the Maine hand shake to shake down integrity. The thug out of state attorneys making it law in loophole language for the corrupt judicial gravy train. Implicating Mainers in mass- ministers, doctors, businesses, activists, even lobster men.
      In 1969 when I was 8, we took the coastal route home from the Worlds Fair in Canada. We stopped at the Colonial Gables in Belfast and to this day, unchanged, beauty beyond my Jersey eyes. Since then, I've lost 3 homes in Bayside to the same Jersey family greed and illness as Hurley and all those he has enlisted. Quite an army of corrupt illness. State of fear. Enable or else. I have been or else, placing my son's scholarships and social standing in their fire. Burned badly, they couldn't break him, still kind and true. High AP honors with low income abuse off the charts by Belfast White Collar bullies. Especially the Superintendent, Principal and Director of Guidance. Good ole boys connect.
      In 2010, it was Belfast or bust, I moved us before the contested relocation papers were even filed in NJ. Awarded and into hell. What they have done to my son because they couldn't break me over the past 6 years is life threatening.This Mom army will fight back to the end. Death or eminent domain. MaineHealth with Belfast City Hall is assaulting my borders. Hit me with your best your shot, fire away. They can't fight fair, I already won.
      Thugs without Borders. Epic disorders in power. Independent oversight committee's in every town are urgent. Until then, legal shake downs break Maine. Grass roots Moral Monday (I have a blog on that too) Step in and stop them.
      Laurie Allen

    End of BDN post. Below is my blog entry from 7/4/2016.

    This can be the beginning. Protest with Blue Collar pride.I'm ready. Six years of local protest and City Hall intimidation has me mad as hell. Let's Roll.

    Stop the taking. Blue Collars Boycotting is Apple Pie. Come on Penobscot McCrum workers, bring on the pie. I'll take a piece of that. Email me- There is no doubt that this taking will be the beginning of the end Full 6/21/2016 Belfast City Council meeting link

    Short Clip With City Council Neal Harkness showing troll I mean true colors. Snarky comment stating Council hasn't voted to take... yet. They will. For City Wall and Eminent Domain. Setting precedence to take, foot by foot, by corrupt foots. The first cut is the deepest and opens the way.

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