
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Attorney Logan Perkins

Dangerous Neighbor. 18 Seaview Terror. MPBN VP Charles Beck .      20 feet straight across. 

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 5:50 PM
To: list
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence
To All,

As an afterthought, I want to share this email that I just sent to Logan Perkins. I had also forwarded Logan a slew of emails to and from PO Lori Lamma with issues of intentional hacking and entrapment. PO Lori Lamma refuses to help, ignoring requests from therapist Hillary Stewart and me for an office in Belfast to succeed with probation therapy. This is beyond my control as I continually advise all. My only protection.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 5:15 PM
Subject: WaldoKnoxThrpy

From the start Lamma was pushing Waldo and Knox County mental health providers that are connected to MaineHealth who violated my rights, abused me and drugged me with out reason.

I went to No. Light Acadia because of that and the need for free care that hospitals give to poverty people like me. 

Lamma has not been supportive of this as proven.

When I was in Knox Jail, PO's help their parolees, getting them shelter, jobs, certainly a simple phone line to fulfill probation therapy. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 12:59 PM
To: list
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence
Attorney Logan Perkins,

Please defend me. I will testify. I certainly will. Please request the report forms/emails from PO Lori Lamma that she requests from Hillary Stewart proving I did not miss any sessions 
Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence

If you are asking me to represent you on 10/4, I strongly suggest you sign a release so that I can request your records from Hilary Stewart.  As you know, one allegation is that you violated your probation by not attending mental health treatment to the satisfaction of probation.  Those records are an essential way to refute that allegation.

The only other way to refute that allegation is for you, or Hilary Stewart to testify about your treatment. 

With respect to the allegations of disorderly conduct and violation of condition of release, I will need to know if you plan to testify. If not, then the focus of my defense will be to try to generate reasonable doubt regarding the elements of those offenses. 

I can mail you the hard copies of the written discovery that we do have, but I cannot create separate links for each video. I provided them to you the way that you asked for them, as a google drive link.  If you can access a single google drive link, there is no reason why you should not be able to open the folders and review the individual video files.  They are distinct and individual video files/links once you are inside the folder.


Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 12:14 PM
To: list
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence
Attorney Logan Perkins,

Your email below is not what I asked for.
I have given you facts for defense and misconducts of many by law enforcement, ADA Entwisle, etc. You did an excellent defense during the competency hearing and we had never met or discussed my case prior.

You know this case better than any. I cannot continue asking for documentation to be mailed and for separate links. I can't use these google
drive folders.

The bench trial is on 10/4/22 and it should be dismissed prior with offer. I am turning this all over to you to defend me on 10/4.

Please mail the discoveries and email and identify separate  links for law enforcement videos I gave below. If not, there is nothing else I can do. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

From: Perkins Law Office <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 10:08 AM
To: <>
Subject: Google drive folder with discovery materials
Goodmorning Laurie! 

I have just sent you an invitation to view a google drive folder containing your discovery materials. You should be receiving this invitation shortly, but just in case you miss it, here is the link to the folder as well: 

If you have any issues accessing the folder, or any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. 


Syd Moore, Administrative Assistant
Perkins Law Office
253 Waldo Rd.
Belfast, ME 04915
Office: 207-322-7297        
Fax:     207-433-1007                   
Hours:  Mon, Wed, Fri, 8am-2pm

Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2021 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence
Attorney Logan Perkins,

Also, to further establish  misconduct by law enforcement, Judge Walker, Judge Mary Kelly, Dr. Daniel Britton, Dr. Bealanother implicated neighbor across the street at 18 Seaview Terrace, then Maine Public Network VP Charles Beck, colluded on 1/8/2019 to an illegal involuntary psychiatric 2 month holding and drugging in MaineHealth horror's Waldo County General Hospital, Spring Harbor Acute Psychiatric Care, and Riverview State Psychiatric Hospital.

MPBN VP Charles Beck made calls to fabricate that I was unstable, that I was spitting on neighbors, that I was dirty, that my house was messy, etc. He was home on 1/8/2019 as 4 Belfast Police SUV's and 1 unmarked car flew up Seaview Terrace, turn around and park at MPBN VP Charles Beck's house. 

It was 10:30 am, I was cleaning my living room and saw this. All the police came forcefully to my door, stating a bail check. The person in the unmarked car stayed in the car. 

The police swarmed the inside of my house and then cuffed and kidnapped me. No reason and cruelly not telling me what was happening. Leaving my door open and my poor old beagles shaking and crying, all alone again.

To do an involuntary hospitalization, one must have a pre diagnosed mental illness or be in crisis. I did not have a diagnosed mental illness and I was not in crisis. The abuse was beyond belief and I held my ground. Even through dangerous drugging. Note that ADA Entwisle and Judge Robert Murray would try to make me incompetent for the third attempt with the 12/2020 State forensic psych eval. Patterned history of targeted abuse and terrorizing tactics. With neighbors of mob mentality and compensation.

During those 2 months in psych jail, men were seen going in and out of my house 
many times. Weapons and alcohol were planted in my house. Many items stolen. Is there video recording my personal life ? History says yes. 

I tried to sell my house again last summer. By owner. MPBN VP Charles Beck abused me again. Feigning interest in buying my house. Coming in taking pictures and videos. I believed him and had forgave him again. After I said I contacted Blair (Bayside real estate agent that I've known since 1970) to help me with the closing, 

He had said he wanted to do the closing to save me money. Right.  His last words. He wouldn't answer my knocking at his door. He was swindling me to take my life again. Every day I must live with this dangerous man and his kind. 

How can all this and more happen in America to an upstanding, honest, strong, compassionate female, alone and not owned? There's the answer. Hate retaliation.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2021 11:29 AM
To: list
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence
Attorney Logan Perkins,

Please confirm that each separate video has a separate link. It is imperative as my Android cellphone cannot view large files .The videos directly from officers webcam are separate links. Please send those originals. 

I have been requesting all this information from you since the 9/3 email in this thread. Now, the bench trial is 10 business days away and defense requested has not been given.

I have told you the July 2020 arrest was when I in my yard, Officer Gormley cuffed me around noon, to Waldo Jail, told I was drunk and disorderly. Not true. I was placed in a cement cell, no window, no sink, no toilet, just a bench. In the booking room area. 

John Shifflett kept trying to pay the $70 bail but Officials would not free me. 

As they did in Two Bridges Correctional 3/2018, Waldo Corrections refused to take the 5k bail day after day after day. Until I got a note to the outside that Friday and Two Bridges Officers saw and I was transported back to Belfast as John was still trying to pay the outrageous bail of 5k, down from the original 25k in place 4 days to insure I couldn't bail out  first at Waldo Jail, second at Two Bridges in Wiscassett. Almost 2 hours away. 

I am certain I was to die from "suicide" that weekend. If cellmate Kim didn't leave that Friday at 9 am with my note, I would have been silenced by brutality. No doubt. Innocent then, now and always. Facts. 

Repeating again in July 2020, abusive brutal treatment, kept in concrete till 4 am the next day. That room is video taped, did you request that? I was forced to urinate on the floor. The officer yelling at me to shut up as I begged through the steel door for the bathroom. 

Then at 4am, Laurie the transport officer cuffed and shackled me to Somerset Jail. Almost 2 hours away. Video recording in the vehicle as I told Laurie that I was arrested for fabricated disorderly conduct in my home.  Laurie even said that was illegal. Did you get that video?

At Somerset Jail they body and eye scanned me. Was that the purpose to get me tracked by satellites for the rest of my life? ADA Entwisle's old discovery totally omits my transport to Somerset Jail. Did you request that booking video at Somerset Jail ?

Another discovery had small print stating my conditions of release prohibited use of marijuana when I appeared before Judge Billings. For 2 years of probation PO Lori Lamma has refused to respond to my many requests to clarify the whiting out of alcohol and marijuana use on my copies. She actually told me I could use marijuana and then tried to arrest me for that. There are more entrapment issues on the conditions, also never resolved. Judge Billings refused to hear me, threatening me with contempt of court instead, 9/2020.

For my protection from this State of Maine system, I only leave my property when ordered and necessary. They take me from my home, every time.  2017-9/25/2020.

At gunpoint, door broken down, no warrant, no violations, Sgt. Fitzpatrick caused PTSD and jailed me again. 

Two hours up to Somerset Jail for 5 days, to Waldo Jail to Knox County Jail. Charges unknown and bail was not given.  Judge Robert Murray refused to hear me at the video hearing in Knox Jail and shut off his monitor while I was informing of fabrication and non receipt of disclosure.

The next hearing in Knox County Jail was ADA Entwisle trying to get a title 15 forensic psych eval to declare me incompetent to stand trial. Judge Robert Murray decided for the title 15.  They had tried for this title 15 during the fabricated terrorizing with a dangerous weapon hearings of many but I had won a protection order, pro Se. Against Judge Worth's friend, Mark Rae. My abutting neighbor, stealing 15 ft of my property, vandalizing, more thefts, abusive tactics by Belfast Police Department protecting them and terrorizing me. 2017 to date 

After the title 15 was awarded while I was falsely imprisoned is when my family was able to speak to Knox Jail for bail information. Bail of almost $500 was then announced and paid. 

I was then placed under house arrest and shackled with a cancer cell tracker again. 700 days since 3/2018 of shackling an innocent, abused, drug raped by powerful system Dr. Donald Lombardi.

My bench trial was set for 12/8/2020. The State manipulated the psych eval to delay the trial of zero evidence and extreme abuse of power, police brutality, denial of constitutional rights, color of law violations, on and on.

Attempts after attempts to force failure of the evaluation by PO Lori Lamma in emails telling me I had to do it at home without internet, without a link for the actual zoom meeting. ADA Entwisle motioning that I was missing the appointments regardless of my emails of requests for courthouse zoom appointment. I got it done. Against their will and power. As is with phone therapy.

As is since 6/28/2010 when I did everything right, and  was sold undisclosed, illegally forced City runoff from half of developed Belfast and miles of highway and roads. Water slaughter hell. My #1 was NO WATER ISSUES, INSIDE AND OUT. Real estate agent Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, and Sam Mitchell sold me their hell. Shhhh. Don't tell. Sell to another. Turnover. 

No. Fix this. I do. I did. Offer - buy me out with undisclosed compensation, clear my record, let me be. Free and far away from the State of Maine.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, September 17, 2021 3:55 PM
To: list
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence
Logan Perkins,

Please use Google drive for the videos and please respond to:

Referring to #2 and #3. I want you to tell me in an email what evidence does ADA Entwisle and PO Lamma have against me. If it is only bodycam video of officers giving me summons and arrests, then that is not evidence. Please give video links, not DVD'S.

What is the tangible evidence from my implicated neighbors, proof or hear say? Please mail the discoveries and advise when mailed.

2. Please provide the motions and evidence of PO Lamma's claims that I have violated probation and requests revoking my probation. My 2 year probation would have been over on 9/15/21, in 15 days. 

3. Please advise of the evidence that ADA Entwisle has against me for fabricated charges against me in my home for disorderly conducts, loud noise in a private place. 

Please advise of all his charges against me with the evidence and current discoveries for the bench trial yet to be confirmed for 10/4/12. ADA Entwisle's discoveries change as time goes on and evidence is not presented

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

From: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2021 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence

It is hours worth of uploading, You did not give me a clear answer yesterday about what type of link you would like.  Google Drive or Dropbox?

Sent: Friday, September 17, 2021 2:12 PM
To: list
Subject: 10/4 Bench Trial Aly Rape Death Silence
To All,

I just received notice that the bench trial for fabricated charges of disorderly conducts is on 10/4/21 @ 1pm.m, Waldo Judiciary, 11 Market St., Belfast. 

Attorney Logan Perkins has not responded for the proof of evidence, the mailing of discoveries and emailing the video links of body cam video from officers issuing need summons, arrests,  and especially the 9/25/20 body cam video link on Sgt. Fitzpatrick raging mad, breaking my door down at gunpoint. No warrant, no reason. Cuffed and kidnapped to jail. Still under arrest for no reason to date. Innocent and drug raped. Silence Laurie.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 1:13 PM
To: List
Subject: Re: Aly Rape Death Silence
Court Appoint Attorney Logan Perkins,

I just received your email. FYI, I zoomed with court ordered therapy on site at Acadia, Northern Lights, Bangor, with Hillary Stewart on Monday, 9/13/21. Hillary sent PO Lori Lamma an email confirming that I have never violated therapy conditions and am accountable.

Referring to #1 Please send me a video link for the 9/25/20 Sgt Fitzpatrick body cam where he broke my door down at gunpoint, without a warrant, reason, or even a warning. I cannot view DVD's and must share the video assault of near death with all. 

1. Please advise if you can request the 9/25/20 Belfast, Maine Police Department Officer Megan Tribuzio and Sgt. Fitzpatrick body cam video. 

Referring to #2 and #3. I want you to tell me in an email what evidence does ADA Entwisle and PO Lamma have against me. If it is only bodycam video of officers giving me summons and arrests, then that is not evidence. Please give video links, not DVD'S.

What is the tangible evidence from my implicated neighbors, proof or hear say? Please mail the discoveries and advise when mailed.

2. Please provide the motions and evidence of PO Lamma's claims that I have violated probation and requests revoking my probation. My 2 year probation would have been over on 9/15/21, in 15 days. 

3. Please advise of the evidence that ADA Entwisle has against me for fabricated charges against me in my home for disorderly conducts, loud noise in a private place. 

Please advise of all his charges against me with the evidence and current discoveries for the bench trial yet to be confirmed for 10/4/12. ADA Entwisle's discoveries change as time goes on and evidence is not presented.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 11:25 AM
To: list
Subject: Aly Rape Death Silence
To All,

Court appointed attorney Logan Perkins is not responding. Aly Raismann does.

 CBS morning hardly gave you time. And only because you fought to tell to stop rape. Dr. Donald Lombardi is a global system rapist, since at least 1980 to me. I can't get media or any to investigate as I get falsly arrested, jailed, illegal involuntary psychiatric holding with force drugging for 2 months, hunted by the massive system of rape 4 profit. I Stop Rape. We Stop Rape. Pinky's Up People. P.U.P. Let's Roll. I will try to paste one of many emails to Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute Hoboken and staff. He is powerful, military, healthcare, pharmco, education, serial global system rape.

 My blog post link to Lombardi's bio. Let me know if you can read it.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Sunday, September 5, 2021 10:30 AM
To: list
Subject: Death Silence Thread
Attorney Logan Perkins,

Furthering my 9/3/21, 9:44 am email to you, here is more reporting of the lawsuit to District Attorney Doug Evans. I have consolidated the 9/3 email in this thread for clarity.

As my attorney, 1-5 should be responded to upon reading of this email.  New additions of 6-9 within a reasonable time frame with your advisement.

1. Please advise if you can request the 9/25/20 Belfast, Maine Police Department Officer Megan Tribuzio and Sgt. Fitzpatrick body cam video. 

2. Please provide the motions and evidence of PO Lamma's claims that I have violated probation and requests revoking my probation. My 2 year probation would have been over on 9/15/21, in 15 days. 

3. Please advise of the evidence that ADA Entwisle has against me for fabricated charges against me in my home for disorderly conducts, loud noise in a private place. 

Please advise of all his charges against me with the evidence and current discoveries for the bench trial yet to be confirmed for 10/4/12. ADA Entwisle's discoveries change as time goes on and evidence is not presented.

4. Once I receive the above information from you I can produce evidence to refute all charges. There is no purpose in delay through meetings at this time.

5. ADA Entwisle and State agencies do not respond to me and cause delays. As my attorney, I am requesting you to act on numbers 1, 2, and 3 and advise of timeline in email. Please advise of the evidence that ADA Entwisle has against me for fabricated charges against me in my home for disorderly conducts, loud noise in a private place.  

Please understand that a timely response is necessary with the long awaited bench trial forth coming. Delaying my due process is evident. System abuse of power and misconduct plethora. 

Frightening, deadly abuse to a 60 year old single female. Law abiding and a drug raped reporter of the worst. Not newsworthy? Too awful and powerful. It is my duty and honor. I survive against the worst with truth and proof.

6. Please file lawsuits to hold state officials accountable for misconduct leading to wrongful imprisonment.
 “The law allows innocent people to file lawsuits seeking to hold state officials accountable for misconduct leading to wrongful imprisonment."  

7. Please file personal lawsuits to State of Maine government officials for constitutional rights violations against me because of their government work. Advise of all constitutional rights violated.

Maine officials HAVE “clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.” 

8. Please advise if ADA Entwisle can be sued under Maine law for malicious prosecution.

...we are suing Doug Evans under federal law for his actions in an investigative capacity and also under state law for malicious prosecution,”

9. Please advise of Maine retaliation law against government officials, commerce, and individuals.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Curtis Flowers sues District Attorney Doug Evans

The Mississippi man tried six times for the same crime alleges in a lawsuit that Evans and three investigators committed misconduct that led to his wrongful imprisonment for more than two decades.

September 3, 2021 | by Natalie Jablonski

...“Given the absence of any solid evidence against Mr. Flowers, Defendants engaged in repeated misconduct to fabricate a case that never should have been brought,” the complaint states. ...

“The law allows innocent people to file lawsuits seeking to hold state officials accountable for misconduct leading to wrongful imprisonment." 
Kaitlyn Golden, one of the attorneys representing Flowers, in a statement. ...

The Supreme Court has ruled that these officials can’t be sued personally for their government work unless they have violated “clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.” 

“While prosecutors have immunity against federal law claims for actions taken as a prosecutor, we are suing Doug Evans under federal law for his actions in an investigative capacity and also under state law for malicious prosecution,” Rob McDuff, an attorney for Flowers, wrote in an email on Friday. ...

Subject: Flowers Rqst 9/25/20 BPD Gundown Video
To All,
Deja Vu. Thank you In The Dark reporting. Report  State of Maine ADA Entwisle next please.

From: In the Dark <>
Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 12:55 PM
To: <>
Subject: BREAKING: Curtis Flowers sues District Attorney Doug Evans

Curtis Flowers — the Mississippi man who endured six trials, four death sentences and nearly 23 years behind bars before charges against him were dropped — is suing the prosecutor and investigators he believes are responsible for his ordeal.

Attorneys for Flowers filed a lawsuit on Friday in federal court in Mississippi against District Attorney Doug Evans. The suit also names John Johnson, a former investigator for the district attorney’s office, along with Jack Matthews and Wayne Miller, who worked on the case for the Mississippi Highway Patrol.

The suit accuses Evans and the other defendants of concocting a murder case against Flowers that violated his rights under the Fourth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, and sections of the Mississippi Constitution. Flowers seeks damages from each of the defendants and "further relief as the Court deems equitable and just"

Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 9:44 AM
To: <> and list
Subject: Rqst 9/25/20 BPD Gundown Video & 
Attorney Logan Perkins,

1. Please advise if you can request the 9/25/20 Belfast, Maine Police Department Officer Megan Tribuzio and Sgt. Fitzpatrick body cam video. 

Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down unannounced, without a warrant or cause. He took gunpoint stance against me, raging and yelling, hands up. Hit the floor, spread, as he jammed his knee in my back, brutally cuffing me  yelling "We're sick of your shit Laurie!!!"

The Belfast Police Blotter reported that day 9/25/20, that I was arrested in Bangor for probation violation. I was home and had not been in Bangor for 6 months prior, March 2020. See below article and Maine FOIA information.

2. Please provide the motions and evidence of PO Lamma's claims that I have violated probation and requests revoking my probation. My 2 year probation would have been over on 9/15/21, in 15 days. 

I did check in with PO Lori Lamma at her office yesterday. I asked her to withdraw her motions as she knows I am innocent. I advised of my offer to clear my spotless record prior Belfast 2017 fabrications,
buy out my home undisclosed agreed amount, and this horror is over. No lawsuits. Or I proceed.

You advised me that she filed motions against me on 9/30/20 while I was falsely imprisoned again (9/25/20-10/15/20) and released to shackled ankle tracker house arrest since 10/15/20. That my probation clock stopped on 9/30/20 when she filed those motions and unknowns to me.

You advised to file a motion to vacate probation which I did on Tuesday, 8/32/21 with the 17 motions filed and explained below. Hand delivered to Waldo Court Clerk Jennifer and to Syd at your office.

3. Please advise of the evidence that ADA Entwisle has against me for fabricated charges against me in my home for disorderly conducts, loud noise in a private place. 

I see only hear say by implicated neighbors and police. No video or tangible evidence as ADA Entwisle did with 2 years of fabricated harassment charges by implicated neighbors and police 2017-2019. He dropped his case after 2 years if he'll at the bench trial. October 31, 202. I was pro Se. He told me he didn't want to see me in court again. Lie! Repeat on steroids.

Please advise of all his charges against me with the evidence and current discoveries for the bench trial yet to be confirmed for 10/4/12. ADA Entwisle's discoveries change as time goes on and evidence is not presented.

4. Once I receive the above information from you I can produce evidence to refute all charges. There is no purpose in delay through meetings at this time.

5. ADA Entwisle and State agencies do not respond to me and cause delays. As my attorney, I am requesting you to act on numbers 1, 2, and 3 and advise of timeline in email3. Please advise of the evidence that ADA Entwisle has against me for fabricated charges against me in my home for disorderly conducts, loud noise in a private place.  communications. 

Please understand that a timely response is necessary with the long awaited bench trial forth coming. Delaying my due process is evident. System abuse of power and misconduct plethora. 

Frightening, deadly abuse to a 60 year old single female. Law abiding and a drug raped reporter of the worst. Not newsworthy? Too awful and powerful. It is my duty and honor. I survive against the worst with truth and proof. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen


9 states with some of the strictest rules on releasing body cam videos



Maine does not have a law specifically governing the release of body camera footage. The state’s Freedom of Access Act provides for requesting public records, but there are more than 300 exceptions to public disclosure, including county personnel records concerning the use of force.


Maine State Legislature
Exceptions to Maine’s Freedom of Access laws

This page allows you to search a list of statutory exceptions to the state’s Freedom of Access laws. The list contains statutes that either designate records and information as confidential or specifically except records and information from the definition of “public records”. Inclusion in or exclusion of items from this list does not affect the purposes for which the information was collected or for which it may be used or maintained. This list is continually under review and will be updated as possible.

This list is maintained by the Maine Legislative Council on behalf of the Maine Right to Know Advisory Committee.

Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:06 AM
To: List
Subject: Re: 9/2 Reporting

At the end of this thread is an email from PO Lori Lamma advising me the day of the in office check-in, not to come in. Hence my emails to confirm today's 1 pm office check-in. Of course I will go to her office to check-in. I always comply above and beyond as continually documented and proven. PO Lori Lamma has not confirmed at this time.

I hand delivered the 17 motions I hand wrote and filed with Waldo Judiciary Court clerk Jennifer on 8/31/31 to Sid at your office yesterday. Please advise when we will prepare for bench trial.

Thank you,

Laurie Allen

From: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: 9/2 Reporting

In general probation can change the frequency of reporting requirements as they choose.  I urge you to report as directed. Not reporting as directed may result in another violation.


Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 10:02 AM
To: list
Subject: 9/2 Reporting
PO Lori Lamma,

I have not received a response from my 8/31 email;
"PO Lori Lamma and Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty- I am worried of PO Lamma's order to have me check-in in person this Thursday at 1 pm to her office. For the past two years she has done monthly check-in's. 

The last check-in was on 8/18/21 at 11:30 am via phone because of COVID. I don't know why this check-in is just 2 weeks later and in person. One phone check in was hacked 3 times. 

All know my phone therapy is hacked at will. To cause violations. After the Belfast Police Blotter falsely stated my arrest in Bangor (where my therapy through Northern Lights Acadia is) I fear driving there to do zoom on site with Hillary Stewart. I did it this month but not without fear of ...

Please confirm my check-in for Thursday, 9/2/21, 1pm and if it can be a phone check-in. Waldo County is in the red zone of high COVID outbreaks. I am not vaccinated and still under house arrest. Please allow a phone check-in."

Please advise. Please note my SafeLink cellphone number is 207-323-2394 and got hacked with my cellphone 207-505-9220 through sim card on both. This happened as emailed on 8/9/21 after I informed all on 8/6/21 that I would be calling Acadia Bangor, Hillary Stewart on 8/9 to make an appointment.

This crucial call was to correct the hacked phone therapy session with Hillary Stewart on 8/2/21. PO Lori Lamma refuses to assist with hacking by arranging for phone therapy in a Belfast government facility, ie, probation office, sheriff office, police office. DA office, or court house zoom as done with the psych eval. PO Lori Lamma also tried to cause violation of that evaluation by refusing to correct the appointment notification. Two appointments were not giving location of the evaluation. My repeated requests for location and zoom link appointment were ignored.

PO Lori Lamma kept emailing that I was to do it at my home (for up to 4 hours) on my hacking cellphone without the zoom appointment link. ADA Entwisle wrote in a motion that I had missed 2 appointments for the evaluation that he knew were intentionally corrupted.

After 2 visits to the courthouse with clerk Brooke Otis, I got the zoom evaluation scheduled and done at Waldo Judiciary with Dr. Barter. That appointment notice received on 1/19/21 stated the evaluation was scheduled 1/21/21! In two days where I am under house arrest and shackled. It did not include the location or zoom link. I called the Augusta contact number the day before the appointment. She said she had just emailed the information to Brooke Otis with the link for the courthouse zoom evaluation the next day. I was not supposed to succeed again. Forcing another fabricated violation regardless of constant documentation for Corrections and Protection.

As emailed previously, I asked attorney Logan Perkins if I could do phone therapy at her office for completion of parole conditions. Logan said no but advised me to that I could access the Waldo Judiciary wifi with my cellphone to do the phone therapy on 8/2/21 at 3pm. I did and the session was hacked after Hillary and I were speaking for awhile. Same hack, she
suddenly couldn't hear me but I could hear her.  This happened for the first time with PO Lori Lamma on her 7/8/21, 11:30 am phone check-in.

On 8/6/21, Friday, I emailed all and posted of the therapy hack and stated I would call and make an appointment on Monday, 8/9/21 with Hillary Stewart. On Monday, I feared my call would be hacked so I could not make an appointment and a fabricated violation would result to in prison me again. PO Lori Lamma is not helpful.

I kept my phone off and drove to Acadia Bangor to make the appointment in person. Done. I had zoom therapy on site at Acadia, 3 days later, with Hillary Stewart. I am fearful driving with previous fabrication of being arrested in Bangor on 9/25/20, Belfast Police Blotter. I have no choice. The attempts on my life are constant.

When I got home from Bangor on 8/09/21, after making the therapy appointment, I could not make phone calls on either of my cellphones, The sim card application was disabled. That had never happened. Clearly intentional to stop me from making that appointment.

Today's check-in appointment with PO Lori Lamma at her office at 1pm is fearful with this documentation. 

PO Lori Lamma, please confirm appointment today at 1 pm in office or via phone due to COVID and flash floods alerts in Waldo County.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

From: Lamma, Lori <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:26 AM
Subject: Reporting

Good morning, Laurie,


Please don’t come in to report in person today.  I will call you at 11:30 instead.


Please let me know you got this email.  Thank you!


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Suite 202

Belfast, ME 04915

O: 207-338-4108