
Monday, July 19, 2021

BAD PO Lamma


Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 9:12 AM
Subject: Sbmt CAFw: Lamma emails

Please submit your closing argument for the competency hearing. It is very good, I have nothing to add for this first of 2 closing arguments. The 2nd after ADA Entwisle's closing argument is reviewed.

Below are many emails to Lamma, Susan Gagnon, Greeley, AG Frey, Gov Mills, ADA Entwisle, from 7/2020-11/2020, proving entrapment, conditions of release questions that to date have NEVER been responded to by any, regardless of  many months of re-requesting, phone hacking with Hillary and advising Lamma how we complete hacked sessions, Lamma self incriminating emails refusing to correct psych eval to courthouse, no response to repeated requests for new PO, planting evidence, brutal 7/20-9/25 arrests and Judge Murray shutting off video hearing, and more documentation of me being the only communicator of manipulations of my conditions of release meant to fabricate violations. 

I only have this $30 Android cellphone to do this. Lots of problems because of volumes to go through, to freeze, loose and start over. I have many more to go through for overwhelming proof of their intent to keep me from freedom.

This is to prove the necessity for zoom therapy at the courthouse or to vacate therapy with all the psych working already done to me to break me. They can't. I'm solid truth and competent.

With this and more forthcoming, Lamma can't fabricate violations of therapy, the last shot to deny my freedom. The proof of color of law violations that can't be denied.

A new PO from Knox County should be ordered immediately or dismiss everything and give a compensation buyout deal, clear my record and be done with this hell. Or continue abusing Grannie. I comply.

Thank you Logan. I'll be sending another proof filled email history with Lamma. I am sending this portion now to give time for review before you go to the courthouse today. What a chit load of emails and recipients. I do not want to have anything to do with internet, free me to grid-less and privacy. Buh bye.

As Always,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 12:04 PM
To: Lamma, Lori <>; <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: Email next appt
ADA Entwisle,

I received your discovery for the illegal charge of disorderly conduct in my home at 11am. Lori Lamma had me arrested on a Friday again. Weekend of hate from Belfast Waldo Corrections I was placed in a room insde the fingerprint room, a small concrete room,and lights off. I had to urinate but they would not let me go. A 59 year old woman  I kept asking to no one. I begged and kicked the door with my mocassins.

They targeted me brutally. They took the bail from John Shifflett but would not release me.

At 4am Monday,  Corrections Officer Laurie transported me up to Somerset Prison, federally funded. I was cavity searched, body scan, and eyeball scan, then a lice shower.

Laurie told me in the recording cruiser that this arrest was illegal. 

Lori Lamma was just here and issued me a probation summons for A complaint by neighbor David Smith.

He stated he was peeking through the bushes and heard me talking. David has publically stated that he has mental issues and flashbacks from bad trips.

Your discovery is void of any written narrative of police records 

My police written records for B20-2551 are not given and Belfast PD will not give them to me. I have never received any true foia requests and then AGMills falsley charged me with terrorizing, 25k bail to die in Two Bridges via rape her to death bad. Free for all. I got out by sense and speech 

Your discovery is inept. Please provide the written reports and confirm Chief Lincoln will have them delivered to me in person as they visit me always.

Lori Lamma would not respond when I asked her who my new PO and case manager is. I told her she enda gers my life. She ignored me. 

Please respond to all today as ethics dictate.

Thank you.


Laurie Allen



Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 8:09 AM
To: Lamma, Lori <>; <> and list above
Subject: Re: Email next appt
PO Lori Lamma, Case Manager Lisa Hall, Sheriff Trafton, Chief Lincoln, ADA Entwisle, and AG Frey, 

This email confirms PO Lori Lamma is not supportive. After I replied to Lori (see thread below), I left a message to Susan Gagnon, Director of Adult Community Corrections.

I stated that my PO Lori Lamma, is a danger to me. I requested a new PO and case manager. I stated that I could not make it to this short notice appointment. I requested Susan's email to forward abusive targeting.

Then I called Lori Lamma and repeated the same. Please do not arrest me. I do not break the law

Thank you.


Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 4:35 PM
To: Lamma, Lori <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: Email next appt
Lori Lamma, 

This was not the next monthly appt. I came in to see you less than 2 weeks ago. I cannot make this short notice appt.

You will not State my case managers name and do not support me.

I am requesting a new PO with this email and case manager.

Laurie Allen

From: Lamma, Lori <>
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 12:31 PM
Subject: RE: Email next appt

Good afternoon, Laurie,


Please come see me at probation tomorrow, Tuesday 7/21/2020 at 9 a.m., and please remember to wear a mask. 


There is no need to sign into a log book as I am having clients come in at specific appointment times in order to limit the number of people in the office.


Thank you.


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

  From: LAURIE ALLEN <> 

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 8:16 AM
To: Lamma, Lori <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Email next appt


Lori Lamma,


Please email my next check in with you. You had me come in for a face to face and no one else had signed into the log book since March when the State stopped face visits because of the deadly COVID. Yet you made me come in. I do not think this is legal. Please advise


Laurie Allen


Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 3:30 PM
To: <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Fw: Email next appt
Director of Community Corrections Susan Gagnon, 

My parole officer, Lori Lamma is endangering my life. She will not respond to my repeated requests for a new P.O.  Will not advise who my case manager is and respond to repeated requests for a new case manager.

I am forwarding this thread and others to Lori violating my rights and privacy. This will be number one 

Please advise how a new PO and case manager is given and the earliest date this can be done as it needs to be weeks ago.

Thank you.


Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, February 21, 2020 11:35 AM
To: <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Cfmg 2/24 @ 11Fw: 6th regRe: Cmpltd app 2/11 Re: 4th reqRe: 3rd reqRe: Dlvd 1/30Re: 1/15/19 Intrvw/Documentation
Hi Lori Lamma,

This email confirms our appt. on Monday, 2/24 @ 11 am. 

I have told you of my concerns for false probation violations by claiming I was in range of some fearful victim.  Seems to me some keep trying to invite me into that big Waldo Cap building. 

Laurie Allen  

The email thread below was sent on 10/4/19 and I have not received answers.  This portion of the below thread re-states the questions on the conditions of  probation. 

A  #21 does not state that I cannot be in public places yet Lisa Hall told me I must leave Hannaford and only Hannaford, yet this is not on the probation conditions. Please state where public restrictions and the distance that must be maintained? 

#21- I have no contact direct or indirect or enter the residence, place of work, or educational location of Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and Wayne Marshall (and their family) except with the written permission of your probation officer and pursuant to a court order.
Lisa Hall stated that if I am in Hannaford and see Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and Wayne Marshall that I must leave the store immediately. Lisa did not state and their family which would be impossible because I don't know any of their family, who they are, what they look like or where they go.  Lisa stated that I am free to drive on all roads (in Maine), including the residence roads of all but that I cannot harass by driving past their homes again and again. 

B #15- is not checked off please confirm. My copy looks like it was checked then whited out. 
#15 - submit to random search and testing for (alcohol) (drugs) (firearms) (dangerous weapons) (sexually oriented material) (blank) at the direction of a probation or law enforcement officer. 

Please have this information in writing for me on Monday, 2/24/2020 for my appt. with Lori Lamma.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 12:37 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>
Subject: Fw: MaineHealth/State of Maine Fraud case 00450421
Probation Officer Lori Lamma and Probation Case Manager Lisa Hall,

On 9/26/19 I met with Case Manager Lisa Hall at Dept. of Corrections, 2 Franklin St., Belfast, Me. 04915. Part of my probation is to get a psychological evaluation. The emails below and 3 attachments detail my open case where my insurance, Community Health Options is investigating Fraud, Waste and Abuse against MaineHealth, Spring Harbor and Riverview. 

Lisa had asked me if I have had an evaluation. I stated that I did have one in 2007 at 46 years old by Guardian ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum, NJ Middlesex County Family Courts during divorce proceedings. Dr. Rosenbaum was paid for my then husband and Dr. Rosenbaum found no mental illness  No prior mental health issues either. 

I told Lisa that Riverview Psych. Nurse Sarah Street Taylor, speaking at me for less than a hour total time, and  falsely labeled me as Bi-Polar 1. Staff at Riverview repeatedly told me that they can't understand why I am there because I do not display any mental illness during the month that I was held at Riverview(2/8/19-3/8/19) after being held a month at Spring Harbor beginning with 4 Belfast police officers cuffing me in my home on a "bail 
check" on 1/8/2019 and transporting me across the street to the ER @ Waldo County General Hospital, MaineHealth.

Lisa confirmed that I may choose my licensed provider for the evaluation.I am awaiting the confirmation date for the probation pyscholgical evaluation, intake is estimated at 3-4 weeks. I prefer to keep my provider confidential until after the evaluation under these circumstances. Lisa had stated the evaluation will determine if counseling is required. At this time, I am not in counseling. I am sending another email to both of you that is my notarized narratives for terrorizing with a dangerous weapon and 2 charges of harassment, also from 2017. Docket call for the harassment charges is on Monday, 10/7/19 @ 8:30am. ADA Entwisle's evidence is  video's that are not available. 

The 4th attachment is 8/20/19 Judgment and Commitment, WALCD-CR-2018-00139, indictment for terrororizing wiht a dangerous weapon conditions of probation. Upon turning myself in on 9/13/2019 to Waldo Corrections for incarceration to Somerset Jail until 9/18/2019, Officer Walker informed me that I could serve the time at my home which I did without issue. I have never owned any firearms or dangerous weapons. That 10/2017 target shoot was the only time I shot a firearm and it was not mine. I have not had any prior record.

The probations conditions that are checked off are:
#14- not own, possess or use any firearms of dangerous weapons. 

#15- is not checked off please confirm. My copy looks like it was checked then whited out. 

 15 states- submit to random search and testing for (alcohol) (drugs) (firearms) (dangerous weapons) (sexually oriented material) (blank) at the direction of a probation or law enforcement officer. I have never googled, downloaded or watched ANY porn in my life. I had to leave my home unlocked at the arrests and 2 month involuntary hospitalization where Chief McFadden was in my home and had access to my computer, phone, etc. I live alone with my beagle. I had 2 beagles but Stewie died on 7/1/2019. At the WCGH ER on 1/8/2019, I told the officer that my beagles would have to be put down if I was not going home because I did not have anyone to care for them. Weeks later, I was informed that Chief McFadden gave my beagles and key to my house to my brother, George Allen, VP, General Manager of Beeline Cable, Madison, Maine. Many items were taken from my home during those 2 months. I did not authorize giving my brother a key to my house or my beagles.

#16- complete (evaluation and) counseling and treatment as an (out-patient/in patient) (at _________( blank ) or a similar facility) as directed by your probation officer fro (substance abuse) (sexual offender) (psychological this is the only one circled) (certified batterer's intervention) (anger management) (medical) (___________blank) issues and sign any releases requested by your probation officer.

As written above, the psych. eval intake is underway,  pending 3-4 weeks. 

I had to sign this release (copy also attached) from Lisa Hall; Authorization for the disclosure of information by the Maine Department of Corrections for my "social, medical, mental health, educational, correctional, and employment related" I did not x the box stating "I waive my right to review these materials." However the copy has an x stating that. Please discard this release and I will sign another that states on the form that "I understand that I have the right to review any matierals provided by the Maine Department of Corrections prior to their disclosure." Upon reviewing "any materials provided" I will x that I have reviewed these matierals and request copies be given to me at my first meeting with my probation officer, Lori Lamma on 10/7/19 @ 1pm. My beagle Gordon cannot be left alone and will be in my vehicle while I am in this meeting. I hope this information will speed the meeting along.
#21- I have no contact direct or indirect or enter the residence, place of work, or educational location of Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and Wayne Marshall (and their family) except with the written permission of your probation officer and pursuant to a court order.

Lisa Hall stated that if I am in Hannaford and see Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and Wayne Marshall that I must leave the store immediately. Lisa did not state and their family which would be impossible because I don't know any of their family, who they are, what they look like or where they go.  Lisa stated that I am free to drive on all roads (in Maine), including the residence roads of all but that I cannot harass by driving past their homes again and again. No problem.

I am banned from Belfast City Hall and know that Hurley owns the Colonial Theater. Those are the only places that I am aware that I cannot enter. Please advise in writing of the specific places that  to I cannot enter or public places that I must leave if I see them. I fear going to Hannaford and being accused of violating probation because one of them may have saw me but I did not see them. This is too vague. I rarely leave my home to stay safe and free. 

Hannaford was the only place that Lisa advised that I must leave. I have been advised by Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum that I am banned from Belfast City Hall. I fear going to Hannaford or any public places and being accused of violating probation because one of them may have saw me but I did not see them. This is too vague. I rarely leave my home to stay safe and free.  It is not written anywhere that I must leave any public/business/educational places.

  1. Please state in writing amending the conditions of probation signed by Justice Robert Murray on 8/20/2019 identifying  the public establishments/grounds,  addresses of residences, places of work, and educational locations of Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and Wayne Marshall (and their family) as ordered in the conditions of probation. If any claim to see me and I don't see them please state the procedure in the amendment for them to notify me of their prescence and I will leave immediately. 
  2. I had to sign this release (copy also attached) from Lisa Hall; Authorization for the disclosure of information by the Maine Department of Corrections for my "social, medical, mental health, educational, correctional, and employment related" I did not x the box stating "I waive my right to review these materials." However the copy has an x stating that. Please discard this release and I will sign another that states on the form that "I understand that I have the right to review any matierals provided by the Maine Department of Corrections prior to their disclosure." Upon reviewing "any materials provided" I will x that I have reviewed these matierals and request copies be given to me at my first meeting with my probation officer, Lori Lamma on 10/7/19 @ 1pm. My beagle Gordon cannot be left alone and will be in my vehicle while I am in this meeting. I hope this information will speed the meeting along.
  3. #15- is not checked off please confirm. My copy looks like it was checked then whited out. 

Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 10:16 AM
To: William Entwisle <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>
Subject: marijuana allowed Cndtns Release
ADA Mr. Bill Entwisle, Attorney General Frey, Governor Mills Chief Lincoln, and Sheriff Trafton,

Today, Judge Robert Murray picked Judge Billings (looks alot like Judge Fowle) to push me into more dispositional conferences for fabrication and zero evidence. Just heresay from my chemically imbalanced, medicated neighbor, 2 houses down, over 500 ft. away from me. David Smith's boundary line is a full screen of high bushes. I can't even see his yard let alone little David.

In ADA Entwisle's discovery, is Maine State Database
Conditions of Release
BCS (14) In order to determine if I have violated any prohibitions of this bond regarding alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or their derivatives, marijuana products or dangerous weapon I will submit to searches of my person, vehicle and residence and if applicable, to chemical tests.

My P.O. Lori Lamma continues to try and incarcerate me, since beginning 2 years of parole, September 2019. As my neighbor, MPBN VP Charles Beck can attest, I rarely leave my home to stay free.

Cops have already come to my house to arrest me for smoking pot. After 15 minutes of proving to Officer Juba or Guba, the other cop was on the phone with ? to explain that I know my rights and what should he do? Let the Honest 60 yr old alone Mom go. This time 

Mr. Bill is at it again. He didn't appear and Judge Billings refused to hear me and threatened me with contempt of court. He instructed the audience to not behave like Laurie Allen, pro Se.

Therefore, Laurie Allen's condition of release allow marijuana and byproducts. No arrest please.

Every charge and the felon terrorizing conviction are fabricated and State of Maine Judiciary is guilty of at least 3 violations of 6 Rules of Conduct for State of Maine Judiciary.

Please Governor Mills, issue a title 14 sect 556 Maine Special Legislature
 This eraces all charges, convictions and restores my spotless record of 60 years. Please, for my children. Thank you.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 8:54 AM
To: list above
Subject: Cmply: Citizen InvstgnDiscountFw Corpral Albert
PO Lori Lamma, ADA Entwisle, AG Frey, Detective Greeley, and APNY Mike Stewart,

This YouTube video, Chief Pee Wee McFaddens Playhouse, is from 10/2017, after The State of Maine began their quest of fabricated charges and arrests against innocent Mom, me. It is spot on. If it plays, turn down the volume, I'M for the 1rst. At purchase of 17 Seaview Terror on 6/28/2010, 23 Seaview Terror is one lot of 17 Seaview Terror. Proven fact, mine .

PO Lamma- My phone session with Hillary Stewart was hacked but Hillary was able to call back and hear me. This time she understood the danger to me, with you in relentless pursuit to jail me to silence.

You will not allow me to transfer to NJ and the Court will not assign a new PO.
Hillary emailed you to request that future phone sessions on 11/19, noon, 12/3, 10 am, 12/10, 3pm, and 12/17, 3 pm, are to be on a landline in a State of Maine building, to be driven there by law enforcement escort and back home to safety.

If denied, Hillary will call my cell phone, 207-505-9220. If we get hacked again,she will call me back. If hacked again, the Court ordered therapy will be fulfilled.

You had me arrested for fabricated charges, no evidence on 6/7/2020 for disorderly conduct in my home. That hit the media. You had me arrested for fabricated intoxication in my home with a brutal holding in Waldo Corrections and transported to Somerset Jail. 

You had cops break my door down at gunpoint, cuffed to Waldo Corrections, to Somerset Jail on 9/25. On 9/30, Waldo County's contract with Somerset Jail expired. I was transported back to Waldo Corrections to Knox County Jail until 10/13 when Judge Murray and ADA Entwisle released me on fabricated class E charges and shackled again to watch and listen to my innocent life and privacy.

These past 2 fabricated charges and arrests were not in the media and ADA Entwisle will not provide true discoveries to me, pro Se

On 12/8, at Waldo Judiciary I am to appear for a bench trial at 8:30 am for your June 7 fabricated charges without any evidence or true discovery to date. Followed by dispositional conference corruption for unknowns of fabrication. At tax payers expense targeting the innocent. If my 17 year old beagle tried to protect me from the hate and rage from BPD busting my door down and taking hate stance against me with loaded gun, Gordon would have been murdered. By a gun. Dawn Marie Howard, shot to death at Becky Gibbons house, 40 Seaview Terror on 10/23/2020.
Nevertheless, Mom persists.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:59 AM
To: & list above
Subject: Re: Citizen InvstgnDiscountFw Corpral Albert
PO Lori Lamma,

It appears that my phone is being hacked again since my email to you today. This happens when important calls need to be called or taken. When I try to shut my phone off it will not, and a message appears to reboot in safe mode which is hacking. I then must hold the power button off button until it shuts down.

Other times when Hillary Stewart calls, the line breaks up, or gets hi pitched squealing, or cuts off, and Hillary is gone. FYI - I will call you today after my session with Hillary.

As for your email today, I am waiting for a mail response from Detective Greeley as I requested. Please do not interfere. Thank you.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 6:42 PM
To: list above
Subject: Re: Citizen InvstgnDiscountFw Corpral Albert
AG Frey and Detective Greeley,

It appears that The State of Maine has corrupted my YouTube channel as well. I see my hundreds of corruption video but am unable to play them. Here is the link to the video from May 2018 with you and hole plugger Rick Otto telling me I have to pay for the shakle, on since March 2,2018, and the contract. That's when the billing began and y'all tried to make my payments late to jail me. 

Camden National Bank even helped you by disabling my epay. I finally got the Camden branch to fix it  Until then, I sent them in early and you held onto them until I re-requested the hell out of you. That's just a drop in The State of InhuMaine. Charlie Beck's corruption videos are on it's own playlist. Domestic Violence Detective. Right.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 6:04 PM
To: list above
Subject: Re: Citizen InvstgnDiscountFw Corpral Albert
Detective Greeley and Attorney General Frey,

AG Frey- The thread of these emails documents abuse of power and a slew of color of law by State of Maine law enforcement, a slew of violations to my rights, property and life, and too much to identify yet live every moment under house arrest, shackled with cancer proven ankle surveillance, and unknown tactics to silence me after 10 years of exposing massive corruption. 
I have not received any response from you as I watch criminals in my neighborhood receive rewards for criminal acts against me and my property.

As I have proven, all charges are fabricated and the felon acquittal is false. An easy appeal that I would win if the Associated Press out if NY would print the truth. New England media is culprit in libel and NY is my only lifeline.

I am begging Mike Stewart to call me. 207-505-9220. Please.

Detective Greeley- The State has corrupted my laptop, new iPad and several cell carriers. ADA Entwisle even asked Judge Murray to take away my internet access. This cell phone is all I have for internet and communications. I cannot download documents because it's too much data for this phone.

Please mail the information from your email below. I paid every month for that first shackling of 515 days. You had me sign the contract and began the billing around July 2018. I have it in my YouTube channel. Please don't rip me off further for standing up for American rights. Innocent to death.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 10:55 AM
To: list above
Subject: Citizen InvstgnDiscountFw Corpral Albert
Governor Mills, AGFrey, Sara Gideon, and Senator Collins,

During my hearing last month, for more fabricated charges and arrests by The State of Maine and 10 Corrupt Judges to date ( Robert Murray, Davis, Worth, Fowle, Alexander, Fields, Mathews, Walker, Dobson, and Mary Kelly) that will not dismiss Fabrications from the State with zero evil. Making me a felon from my Constitional right, freedom of speech/expression. I made a flippant remark to my corrupt Belfast City Council, Planner, and Manager "Thanks for being my target, ya assholes." I did not even send that video to anyone. Yet, your constant attempts to break And silence me eternally are State of Maine policy. Proven, pro Se every time for 10 years to date.

In the hearing I told Judge Murray and ADA Entwisle that alcohol and a pellet gun that John Shifflett had at his mother's house, Becky Gibbons, 40 Seaview Terrace we're planted in my home while The State of Maine had me in countless incarcerations and illegal involuntary psych ward force medicating me to a silent suicide. With the help of my neighbor, MPBN VP Charles Beck.

The State willnot hear me no matter how persistent I am to dismiss all charges because there is not any evidence and clear my spotless record of the fabricated felon charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon through Title 14 sect 556.
I am now demanding n investigation for the death of Dawn Howard at Becky Gibbons house on 10/23/2020. This accounting is copied from my blog, 

Please respond today through email of the investigation.

Laurie Allen

I just learned of Dawn's death through my neighbor. I had thought it was Charlie Parker. I have been very close to John Shifflett for 5 years and have known his mom, Becky Gibbons (Mary Rebecca Parker Shifflett Gibbons) for 10.

She has been trying to keep John and I apart for 10 years and has done horrible things to me. John protects his "mum". I have no doubt that she is ill.

I saw Becky drive down Seaview Terrace around 10 am from her home at 40 Seaview Terrace on the morning Dawn died in Becky's house on Friday, 10/23/2020. John leaves at 7:45 am for work.  I was road side all morning putting up my signs at my home, 17 Seaview Terror. Not a joke. John drove up Seaview Terrace around 11:45am and looked at me. 

I knew something was wrong, and 15 minutes later, 4-5 BPD cruisers flew past, and were there for at least 4 hours. I was not outside when the ambulance came but it was at least 1-2, maybe more, hours after the cops were there. My neighbor told me that Searsport Ambulance came, even though WCGH, MaineHealth hell surronds Seaview Terrace. Belfast Ambulance is 2 miles away. A huge flag.

My neighbor told me that Dawn was very ill with Lyme's and shot herself in John's bed. He said that Becky had left in the morning while Dawn was still in bed. I believe the cops spread this private information.

That is is when she drove past me after 10. My neighbor said that when Becky returned home she went into John's room and felt Dawn's leg and it was cold. Then, she called John.

The hours are not making sense. I read of Dawn's joy and the love of her Uncle in Dawn's obituary and memories at Riposta Funeral Home. Suicide does not fit.

John should have never brought Dawn into that .... I was told that Charlie moved out during this time because of what was happening.That is a huge flag as well.

There wasn't any mention of a suicide note and Dawn has a daughter. I was with my Mom when she died in her home. The medics came right after the ONE policeman arrived. I was with Mom for a few hours after she died until Mom was taken away. Mom wasn't cold when I later, put her teeth back in her mouth. 

If Dawn was my Mom, I would want to know this. I am sorry and sickened that I have to post this. Belfast is very sick and deadly. Fact.

It is so dangerous and corrupt. I've been fighting for my life against way too many for just trying to live in peace and privacy in my home for almost 11 years, after being sold undisclosed water slaughter horror.

My #1 at showings was NO water issues period. It's a landslide of never ending terror by the Specials and the owned. No one owns me. Never. I am smart and live with in my needs. Easy, when one is not greedy and is honest.

My heart is breaking for Dawn, Brandi and family. I am sure I would have loved her too.

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 3:30 PM
To: 'James Greeley' <>& list
  Subject: DiscountFw Corpral Albert Visit


Detective Greeley,

You did not advise me of the discount for the poor and innocent when I was shackled for 515 days and took my money and freedom then and now. 


Please refund the difference for the 515ish days and the monies you have received to track my innocence again.


Charles Beck supports the taking of my life and assists. Entering my home to take pictures to ? Feigning to buy my house, calling to illegally do an involuntary hospitalization, 4 cuffed and kidnapped for 2 months to force med me to suicide, using his sons to approach me as he hid in his house, illegally getting rewarded with City of Belfast drainage work on private property to illegally send accumulating water to another with Davis (relation to Judge Davis?) Contractor filling in his property to further the flow of illegal water to another, to 11 years of my neighbor taking me down, a novel of hell.


I stand alone but with the love of my children and support of my ex, Father Joe, $18,200. Amazing. Yes indeed.


Laurie Allen


Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020, 9:11 AM
To:;; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton;; 'James Greeley'; William Entwisle;; Governor
Subject: Corpral Albert Visit

PO Lori Lamma,

Yesterday, Corporal Albert (sp?), kindly came to my house to give me a check for your last fabricated arrest and several jails since 9/25 when BPD busted my door down and took excessive force and rage to take me out at gunpoint.


To save my life yet again at your fears,I had contact with law enforcement. Furthermore, I am shackled yet again, under house arrest, yet again and am confirming that I cannot leave my home to visit you, and do not know of any of your plans to silence me.

I always hope for peace, especially to you.

Laurie Allen

Subject: Re: Forensic eval 12/1Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist

PO Lori Lamma,

I will not be responsible if this forensic psych eval has internet issues as often happens with probation conditions when I have phone therapy sessions with Hillary Stewart as I continually report to you.

As with this evaluation, you will not allow this evaluation to be done at Waldo Judiciary as it should be done. You wouldn't allow my phone therapy sessions to be done at a government facility or even a MaineHealth office as they are in my backyard. 

A high storm alert is on every 15 minutes, high winds up to 70 miles per hour on the coast through tomorrow evening with mass power outages. Your lax concern for me to comply with ADA Entwisle's demands to render me silent are documented.

I had police contact about an hour ago. I was taking down my Stop Raping Us and White Lives Murder signs off my back porch because of the storm. Someone from MaineHealth called the police because they didn't like hearing me talking to stop rape and the profiting. MaineHealth has slaughtered the property, no trees or buffers. The other day, a MaineHealth worker in the COVID test drive up, told the driver that I am a redneck. I didn't call the cops. MaineHealth profits and drugs. Documented.

I'LL text you after the eval if I have a connection or power. It says it can take hours, to bring a lunch, glasses and writing material. Meaning this is not done from home. On a tiny cell phone where I haven't any idea what I will need to do. I don't have the requirements for live video. The only thing I can do is talk as a phone call as Hillary Stewart and I do and press text. Do you understand?

For that, the Dr. can just call me. 207-505-9220. Seems destined for failure. Not by me. I comply, innocent and brave.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Forensic eval 12/1Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist

Good morning, Laurie,


The evaluation is being done through videoconference, and the web address of the video conference is in the letter you received.  Your access to the web seems to be intact, as your emails would not go through without an internet connection.  Please abide by this court ordered evaluation.


Lori Lamma

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 9:16 AM
To: William Entwisle <>; Attorney General <&list
Subject: Re: Forensic eval 12/1Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
PO Lori Lamma,

Tomorrow, @10 am is ADA Entwisle's "Competency & Criminal Responsibility" Forensic exam with Ann LeBlany, pH.D., ABPP. The letter states Dr LeBlanc is with Waldo Superior Court, and her address is with Adam, Waldo County District Attorney, State Bureau Identification. 

The intent of this exam, that the previously was denied, is to stop me from representing myself, pro Se. ADA Entwisle's fabricated charges of violation of parole with the ludicrous charges of disorderly conduct, in my home. Where I rarely leave because of his hot pursuit to have me. I rise early, I do not violate any conditions of parole, up in September 2021. 9 months away. I do not socialize with anyone and am in bed by 7 pm to watch The Big Bang Theory. 

Again, ADA Entwisle spent 2 years try to get this title 15 forensic eval to stop me pro Se for more fabricated charges of cease harrassment violations against Judge Worth's friends, Penny Rae Cameron and thugville from taking 15 ft of my property and daily hate crimes with BPD and owned neighbors, for those 2 years. Entwisle finally had to dismiss after he couldn't break me or incarcerate me to silence.

My neighbors have been enlisted again, with cell phones, surveillance and baiting the innocent Laurie Allen for their profit? They can't get me because I am innocent and honest to an apparent fault that many resent me for. Plus, I'm told by Chief McFadden and the staff at Riverview State Psychiatric, that I am "delightful".

Where neighbor Charles Beck, VP, MPBN illegally helped Entwisle to have 4 mean, cop filled cruisers, bust into my house on 1/8/2019 to med me to suicide and TDK side effects at MaineHealth Spring Harbor, horrendous abuse to"clients", for a month, then transferred by ambulance, an hour away to Riverview. For another month. The State Forensic Service is at Riverview in Augusta for kritsake. A month of evaluation and LPN owned Sara Street Taylor unable to break me. Staff and clients loved me. 

How much more money and lives are going to be spent to protect rape. The job I do, no charge, just for Entwisle and Lombardi to stop me. No matter the method, the more, the better. I'm a resilient one. Drug her. Didn't work. Take her out. From her home and ole beagle. Innocent to death.

You haven't responded as to how I can take this evaluation that Entwisle is placing all his nuts in. Perhaps the wise decision has been made to issue the Title 14 sect 556 clearing my spotless record of 59 years and the sale of my house, undisclosed. I will be gone from Maine for good. The lawsuit against Lombardi is in the hands of Waldo Judiciary and I am done. Ready to retire"from away" from Maine.

Sheriff Trafton would not allow me to work my case to file motions to transfer all my proceedings to Knox County and my motion challenging the illegal ordering of the evaluation, ordered by Judge Murray while falsely imprisoned, 9/25/2020 to date  

I cannot do this life threatening eval from hackville home and cell phone. Advise by noon today, as to where I must go go to take this waste of time and taxpayers money. 10 years now. Must be over one million, at least, to silence me.

 You should know me by now. Ain't gonna happen.

Joi Z
Exit 9

 Subject: Re: Forensic eval 12/1Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
PO Lori Lamma,
My phone got hacked with the past 2 phone therapy sessions with Hillary Stewart, as you know. We talk and then she can't hear me but I can hear her. She called back each time as we discussed previously if hacked, as you know.

A video conference evaluation on this phone will not work. I had bought a new iPad at the Belfast Verizon store, they told me that they had to get it from off-site and to come back in a few days. That iPad is corrupted. The manager would not replace it and told me to leave.
Verizon 800# was helping, sending a replacement but then did not and would not.
I still have the corrupted one from Belfast and tried to get it working with my new cell carrier. They need the IMEI # which is on the box. It is not on this one. They can't try to get it working without it. Proven corrupted by Belfast. Costing me $600.
Please advise. With COVID, this is the State's order and should provide an iPad to my home for the evaluation or have Belfast Verizon replace corrupted. Who is criminal? Not me.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 3:09 PM
Cc: William Entwistle ( <>
Subject: RE: Forensic eval 12/1Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist

Hi Laurie,


The evaluation is being done as a video conference, you can stay at home and do it, you do not have to go to a courthouse.  The web address of the video conference is on the letter. 


Thank you.


Lori Lamma

Ditto list


Subject: Re: Forensic eval 12/1Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
ADA Entwisle,
This document photo attached does not give the address,. The new Waldo Judiciary Center is unified with all courts in this building at 11 Market St., Belfast, with security and scans for my protection.

Your office is at the old Superior Court where I was segragated from the District Court and the population for my hearings, motions and countless dispositional conferences for dismissal of the fabricated cease harrassments charges that you ultimately had to dismiss after 2 years. During those 2 years, the illegal lot @ 23 Seaview Terrace, which is mine because that was part of 17 Seaview Terrace, proven when the original owner of 17 Seaview Terrace, Dr. Caswell died and the 17 Seaview Terrace was willed to his 2 sons. 

Per Gusta Ronson, owner of Good Deeds, Belfast, the sons hired her to subdivide 17 Seaview Terrace. She told me that it could not be subdivided because of the stand alone slab garage next to the house. There was not the 20 ft side setback from the eaves of the house and the garage. A total of 40 ft was needed in 1994 and there is not 40 ft.

In 2014, give or take a year, City Council changed the ordinance to 15 ft side setback. That does not apply to 1994. City Planner Wayne Marshall confirmed that a subdivide was never done on 17 or on any property on Seaview Terrace. That email is from 2013, give or take a year. 

Tax assessor Brent Martin removed my side (where the stand alone garage is) property line footage and front property footage from the tax maps and refused to reinstate them. I have the original deeded plans for the development of Seaview Terrace, the Holy Grail, as you know. Brent also emailed that he had 12 or so property changes for Seaview which is impossible. He refused to give anymore information. This was around 2014, I have not pursued that as the illegal lot of 23 Seaview is owned by friends of Judge Worth as owner BO Cameron told me. His attorney is our City Attorney Bill Kelly and has sent me threatening letter after letter. BO died last year but the family, workers and BPD harass me with hate, property theft, destruction, terrorizing me every day for those 2 years and to date by BPD and neighbors. 

BPD Chief would not respond, report, or give me protection, and kept fabricating charges, with false arrests, bail, shackled with electronic monitor for 515 days, and never letting up on abuse of magnitude. With neighbors joining in, mob mentality. To date. This backs up my email below that my house may be taken, illegally. If I live or am put away, illegally.

The last 2 times that I had hearings in the old Superior Court, the building was evacuated and there weren't any security guards or scans. I always went alone. Wisely, I made sure to bring a witness for those last 2 hearings. Judge Murray was not pleased. I was scared to near death of what could have happened. No witness.

I will not go to your building for the evaluation if that is where it is being planned. The video conference must be in Waldo Judiciary, 11 Market St. Belfast. with security, scanners, and witnesses.

I must bring Gordon, he cries if I am not in sight, traumatized by all of this corruption into our private property and home. Shame on all of you. Please confirm address via this email. You refuse to give me responses because I am pro Se. Please respond via email tomorrow, Monday, noon, or I will be forced to begin the abusive re-requesting.

Laurie Allen

Subject: Forensic eval 12/1Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
To All,

Rose Costello, my neighbor that is part of the fabricated charges, just walked over to my property and handed me an envelope that was delivered to her. I am not to have any contact, direct or indirect, I did not say anything. 

The mailing is to:
Waldo Superior Court
Ann LeBlanc, Ph.D., ABPP
Waldo County District Attorney
State Bureau of Identification

From: Sarah Miller, pH.D., ABPP
Director, State Forensic Service

Re: Competency & Criminal Responsibility
Docket Number Cr-18-139 (this is where I said on a YouTube video, that is on my playlist John and Me, not the Belfast and State of Maine corruption videos with Law enforcement violating my rights to the moon and back. I did not send that 10/2017 video to anyone. On 2/28/2018 @ 6pm, 3 BPD cruisers with blue lights, megaphone, a K-9, ordered me out of the house and arrested me. 25k bail , no prior record, and I was not supposed to get out. I did. All I said on the video was thanks for being my target to Belfast City Council, City Manager, and City Planner. This was a flippant remark after 7 years of dealing with them to stop flooding Seaview Terrace and all their corruption that they escalated  Freedom of Speech, with precedence. An Obama picture on a Jersey shore water gun game. I didn't even say their names as I filmed my first and only target shooting
I have never owned a gun. No record. After the shoot, I put my hand out, filming only my hand and thanked them for being my target. Judge Murray found me guilty stating all they had to do was talk about being in fear of ME. No videos, no evidence. Heresay and false. 
On this eval, they list 4 more dockets that are fabricated, no evidence, heresay. 20-332, 20-466, 20-581, and 20-714. Disorderly conduct in my home and property and 2 were fabricated violations of cease harrassments that the State dragged out for 2+ years, to get dismissed finally because I would not plea down, pro Se.)

Examiner: Ann LeBlanc, video conference on 12/1/2020 @ 10 am.

My bench trial for fabricated disorderly conduct in my home and 2 dispositional confereii for 2 more fabricated disorderly conduct at my home is on 12/8/2020, 8:30 am  Waldo Judiciary. No evidence. Everyone has cell phones yet no evidence. Not for terrorizing, not for harassment, and not for disorderly conduct.

Perhaps this eval will protect the State of Maine and Dr. Donald Lombardi from the crimes they have committed against me. Documented with videos, documents, proof to the stars and beyond.

All I can do is keep telling and comply. I don't have any money left. All have fleeced me to poverty. If they force a State attorney on me again (I've had 3 that were for the State and took my money. David Sinclair, Lisa Whittier, and Tom Sheehan) who will know what will happen to me. If they take me then, you will know. I won't be able to send an email when I get home.

Will they put Gordon away to die? How can this be happening, by so many, and I just stand up for right. That's all. Big threat.
If this was in the news, the public would be outraged, disgusted, and help would finally come. From outside of Maine, New England and Steven's Institute.

Will they use this to lock me up until my parole is over in 9/2021. Will I live to get out? Will claiming, crazy, suicidal, etc. be the ending? They have tried those already and are still trying. 

To my New Jersey people, please get this in the news yesterday. I can't call any reporters, they hack my phone. Proven with Hillary Stewart this week and last week. She is my Court ordered therapist who knows I don't have any mental illness and certainly not suicidal meds as Spring Harbor MaineHeath, Dr. Kirby, Dr. James Ray (never met him yet he deemed with unknown mental illness. Same as Dr. Beal (Dread)at Waldo County General Host when I was kidnapped because of illegal fabrication from another owned neighbor, Charlie Beck, VP, MPBN (PBS).

For 2 months, 1/8/2019 - 3/2/2019 they drugged me at Spring Harbor and Riverview State Psychiatric. Risperidone, then Seroquel, upping and upping, ordered by Judge Mary Kelly. Till they thought I was ready. Not. Will they take my house? They have been trying. 

I'm healthy, debt free, calm and happy to be home, alone with my Gordon (17 yr old beagle) and free. Innocent and true. As always. I hope to stay free and see my family in NJ. It's been too many years and I won't let them come here. 

NJ/NY media, please call them. Bet a real attorney, from NJ/NY/IL... would protect American rights and one little Mom taking them all on. Alone. That's Laurie. Same ole. Not owned.

Laurie Allen

Subject: Re: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
Chief Lincoln, ADA Entwisle, and A G Frey,

On 9/15/2020, I tried to file this lawsuit to Dr. Donald Lombardi at Waldo Judiciary and was given a 4 page, Civil Summary Sheet, CV-001, Rev. 07/20. 

I was too nervous to fill it out in this place of corruption and stripping of my rights, life, and all I do. I should have because the first time I was outside in the front of my house, watering my lawn, on 9/25/2020, I saw David Smith filming me with his iPhone from his backyard. I said nothing and then saw a BPD cruisers come up Seaview Terror. I dropped the hose, water running and ran for safety into my house. Locked the door and jammed a chair in and ran to the back door and jammed it with the stick.

Officer Megan Trubizo (sp?), pounded on my door for at least 3 hours, trying to get me outside. I did not violate anything or break any laws. History proved that they were going to cuff and kidnap me into the unknown again to silence me.

Dr. Donald Lombardi, faculty at Stevens Institue has power and the military. This lawsuit is life threatening for me, alone and taken for all they want. They broke my door down and the big, raging cop took stance, with his loaded gun pointed at me, yelling at me, hands up, I did, then yelling to hit the floor and spread. I did in a set. He came in me, jammed the metal cuffs on and up my backe, yelling that he has had enough of my"shit".

I never said a word and feared for my life. My 17 year old beagle, Gordon was shaking to death. He has seen this many times before and this time, without Stewie, his son. Stewie died last year after MPBN VP Charles Beck had me cuffed and kidnapped into pyscho hell for 2 months. Judge Mary Kelly forced suicidal meds on me . I survive but the heartbreak of such cruelty to my babies is unbearable.

My brother George Allen, refused to take Gordon but did enter my house and didn't lock the door or give a damn for us. Status quo. Gordon was put into a shelter, then became a ward of the State. My family, not George, paid to have Gordon transferred to a kennel until?
I was taken to Waldo Corrections on 9/25/2020. No charges given because there were none, never have been. All fabricated. I would later learn that I appeared on a police blogger of being in violation of parole in Bangor! I haven't left Belfast to Bangor since COVID in March. 

Then, I drove to zoom with Hillary Stewart (she from home) and me, unannounced to Acady because of phone hacking to previous therapy calls to make me in violation of parole to take me out to silence. That is what the plan was this time but failed because I would not come out of my house. My Court date for this hell is 12/8. 

I was kidnapped to Somerset Jail until 9/30/2020, the contract with Waldo Corrections expired. I was taken back to Waldo, to Knox County Jail. Three jails in one day. I was never told the charges and still don't know the fabricated lies. ADA Entwisle has not given me the discovery where others are fabricated and changed again and again, Illegal and criminal. 

Knox County Jail began hacking my phone calls and refused to let me make calls from the booking phone as others could do, no problem. At the first video hearing, Judge Murray tried to force an attorney on me. Illegal to deny my rights pro Se. I presented the facts of police hate on steroids, color of law violations, court corruption, fabrication, and Judge Murray shut the video screen off. I kept presenting my case and an attorney appeared on the screen. I refused to deal with him and went back to my cell of drug addicts, withdrawing and volatile.

 Knox Jail is like a dormatory. Rooms, hall, bathroom, and common area. Within 2 weeks, these young women, detoxing with Suboxone, stating that this really got them high, became too hostile to me.

I had the guards put me into isolation, not even a light, table or chair. Better than the evils of Suboxone.

I was notified of another video hearing with Judge Murray and ADA Entwisle. I spent hours and hours on the dark jail cell floor and wrote out my defense to the unknown. I presented the whole tale if parole violation fabrication. Time is ticking, parole is up in 9/2021 and I do not violate anything or anyone. They come after me. Proven many times. With my brother. He is not well. Alcohol does not help him. Scotch. Hard.

I made Judge Murray and ADA Entwisle listen to all. Judge Murray gave the time I presented. One hour, fast speaking and facts. Charged and a discovery was not given or presented. The jail was full and Judge Murray said he couldn't find reason to hold me in jail till the 12/8 court date. He said because it's a class E, I was to be placed on house arrest and shackled again. No charges given. Gordon had to be taxied home, costing$100 on top of the boarding and shelter fees, over $500. He has been bleeding with diarrhea. I found whole shelled peanuts in my backyard and don't know if he has been poisoned or has cancer or is so traumatized. I can't leave my property, not to even have milk it stinking lettuce. No one helps me. All are afraid. I understand and want nothing but to be cleared of all, including the felon fabrication fear of terrorizing corrupt City officials.  $1 million dollars for countless murder attempts, in court bondage.

This is so despicable and blatant that it must be my rapist, decorated and accommodated to hell. Dr. Donald Lombardi. I am mailing the civil lawsuit form in today's noon mail.Waldo Judiciary is one to two miles straight down but I am shackled and not allowed to live free. It will be there tomorrow and I will send it to Waldo County Clerk, Brooke Otis and call her tomorrow to confirm receipt and time frame.

Chief Lincoln has had my witness statement (1rst page attached to this email for reference) since 6/9/2020. To my knowledge, neither he or ADA Entwisle had taken any action for drug rape of Laurie Allen, 1/1980, by AHS manager and my Middlesex County College professor, Dr. Donald Lombardi. 

Laurie Allen

 Subject: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
September 15,2020

Waldo Unified Courts
Market St.
Belfast, Maine 04915

Brooke Otis County Clerk

I, Laurie Lee Allen, pro Se charge Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute, NJ with drug raping Laurie Lee Allen in January, 1980.

This link is my Google photo album of my witness statement to BPD, my 2009 resume, my false psychiatric evaluation from Acadia No.
Lights, Bangor, Me.

All my home access to Internet has been fried by ? and I must use my iPhone with ONLY Verizon. ADA Entwisle has been lying to make me a felon, fabricating charges since 2017 to date. He is trying to silence me with a title 15 Mainehealth Psych. Eval., to stop my 1rst amendment rights, Freedom of Speech and my life. He was denied restricting me from ALL internet access.

Therefore, printing is not possible. I hope to file this with Brooke Otis today 

I do not have a home address for Dr. Donald Lombardi but he is at the Steven's Institute, 1 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, NJ 07030 phone 201-216-5000

Thank you.

Laurie Allen, pro Se
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Who's Zoomin' Who


  From  : LAURIE ALLEN <>

Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2021 7:21 AM
To: <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>;  @; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; dave reardon <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: POZoomCrthse: Mail CA JNFw: Laurie Allen--Judicial Notice Motion
PO Lamma and Attorney Logan Perkins,

What makes a good parole officer?
A probation officer needs excellent communication skills, especially with regard to listening. He must listen to and understand court orders about monitoring the offender's activities. He must also listen to the offender, his employer and others involved in his life to find out whether he is in compliance.


I just tried to leave a message for my probation therapy with my Acadia Northern Lights, Bangor therapist, Hillary Stewart, 973-4440.

It appears that number is now hacked. That is her number for clients and her voice is gone. It is a robot voice recording " 3444 is not available" I called a few times to be sure. The same. 

I called the main number and as I was explaining this to Evan, at the access extension, we got disconnected three times (hacked). The 4th time, I was able to explain hacking issues and therapy interference to fabricate parole violations and jail me.

Evan confirmed Hillary's number. I asked him to leave her a message explaining all this and to check my blog as she does check when I leave her messages. Also that we must set up phone therapy at the courthouse with zoom as I had to fight to get done for the State title 15 forensic psych eval with Dr. Barter. 

Evan took down all that information and said he would leave that message with Hillary. Then he transferred me to the generic number where I was able to leave all this information for Hillary in a voicemail at  973-6199.

PO Lamma has been interfering with therapy and the title 15. The notice in November 2020 from the State forensics just gave a generic link, date and time for the 2+ hour evaluation. No address was given to where I was to take this 

ADA Entwisle would not respond. PO Lamma said I was to do it at home on my hacking Android. Meant to hack and cause violation. I contacted everyone including the court clerk. 

It was never rescheduled for the courthouse. Appointment missed and another notice appointment at my house with my phone. I went to the courthouse and showed Brooke the notice and told her I could not do this from home. Please set it up for here at the courthouse. 

I came to the courthouse for it and nothing was done. Two missed appointments that ADA Entwisle and PO held against me as violations. The third notice was the same. I reached Augusta and was told it was just changed to the courthouse. It was the next day and PO Lamma never advised.

At the courthouse, Brooke Otis had zoom set up. She had to get her notice to enter the code for the video conference with Dr. Barter. I told her to use my notice. She said she needed hers. My notice didn't have the code. Proof that I could not do the evaluation from home and on my phone even if I didn't get hacked! To jail. Do not pass go 

I must do zoom therapy with Hillary Stewart Reed at the courthouse. I keep on trying while Lamma and Entwisle continue to violate my probation compliance.

Please Logan, get my zoom therapy at the courthouse. I cannot drive to Bangor. Fabrication is constant, proven. Phone hacking is constant. Proven again and again. Patterned history of system violations to put me away.

Please advise immediatly. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 5:25 PM
Subject: Fw: Mail CA JNFw: Laurie Allen--Judicial Notice Motion

There is nothing to address, it was proof of system corruption to me personally and intimation tactics to silence me. FYI for all, media and Governor Mills to have and act on or not. 

Your closing argument is very good. Please mail the hard copies of the Judicial notice.

Thank you.

From: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: Mail CA JNFw: Laurie Allen--Judicial Notice Motion
Laurie, I am out of the office today and will not be delivering copies. I will address the rest of your concerns on Monday when I return. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Just Me v Just Us

  No Brakes. Go Sissy. Thanks Dad.


Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 10:26 AM
To: <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; dave reardon <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: Mail CA JNFw: Laurie Allen--Judicial Notice Motion
Logan and All,

Logan- Yesterday, you replied to my email and refused to deliver your competence hearing closing argument draft, stating you would email it to me when done.

Please email it and have Andrew deliver 3 copies of each page of your closing argument and judicial notice motion.

You also stated that you do not believe I am innocent of the fabricated charges of disorderly conducts and parole violations. Informing me that when PO Lori Lamma filed a motion on 9/30/2020, my probation clock stopped and my freedom on 9/18/21 will not happen if this corrupt judicial system decides to order me Into whatever is decided. I comply to all the attempts to take my rights to life.

My hope is that an investigative report will be done by the Media on this list. They reported me as a terrorizing felon and never interviewed me. The AP picked it up and It went global. The Daily Mail UK had a yearbook of me and abusive comments. The local paper, Republican Journal, Village Soup reported lies, downtown had a social media party when I was arrested on 2/21/18 for fabrication. 25k bail. It's all outrageous and fascism. All know I am innocent including you. 

Watching all those raped by Bill Cosby. our gymnasts, Maine State Police Officer Hatch, Bangor Daily News, 1/2019, no jail for him  all the raped and dismissed by the system that I take on to stop rape. How do you feel about that? How am I treated? I am made a felon and hunted to silence. That is fact, not delusional paranoia, persecutory delusion, bi polar, schizophrenia, not any mental illness or lies in my 60 year old upstanding life to help and stop the wrong I witness.

Alone, abused, robbed of so much by this system of corruption and dismissal of rape and epic violations of color of law rules by law enforcement. Just Me vs Just Us. 

I am brave and I am not incompetent, stupid or a liar. If media would interview me, I would prove all beyond these shadows that hunt the innocent who whistle blow and blog,, first hand, documented truth. 

I huff and I puff and Sgt. Fitzpatrick blows my door down at gunpoint on 9/25/20 no warrant, no violations, no hearing if I am found incompetent. Outrageous court manipulation. Under arrest and shackled again. Rapists and fabricators run free for more.

My probation therapy with Hillary Stewart is hacked with PO Lamma interference, fabricate parole violations, and drive to force me into Waldo County, Maine Healthcare and/or affiliated therapy to drug me against ethical and constitutional rights again. 

As MPBN VP neighbor, Charles Beck, assisted in having me  kidnapped, involuntary hospitalised and drugged for 2 months. Taken just like that. No prior diagnosis, not in crisis, and not breaking any laws. I connected MPBN to protecting the rape ring.bmCharles demanded that I take my sign down "MPBN supports State of Maine Rape Ring" He would not interview me or assist in a public broadcast interview. He is not in support of my rights and quite threatening. Creepy as hell.

I can tell 11 years of first hand system corruption as I did to Dr. Barter, for The State. To protect me? I think not. Does this answer your question as to why I must stay as safe as I can? You should be defending me from fabrication and law enforcement/Judicial violations to my constitutional rights. No response necessary, I have the answer. Truth.

Please have Andrew leave the documents under my front door mat. Please email your competency closing argument draft and deliver 3 copies of each, closing argument and judicial notice motion.

To all- I waive my privacy rights for these documents from Logan Perkins. When she finishes her draft and emails that today, I will share it with all. Regardless that I can't open them. It's precaution, I have nothing to hide and share all I can. Always.

From: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: Mail CA JNFw: Laurie Allen--Judicial Notice Motion
Laurie, I can have my intern Andrew drop hard copies of the judicial notice motion and our draft closing off for you this afternoon. Does that work? 

Do you want to tel why you feel you can’t travel since we amended your bail? 



Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 7:40 AM
To: <>; and list 
Subject: Mail CA JNFw: Laurie Allen--Judicial Notice Motion

Please mail 3 copies of the Judicial Notice and your Closing Argument draft from the 7/1/21 competency hearing. Previously, you said you would be happy to make copies. I cannot print and I can't open word documents on my phone.
Please motion for an extension for the Monday, 7/19/21 due date for the closing argument to Judge Robert Murray. 

I will not receive the these documents in time to review. For my safety, I have stopped travel until proceedings are over.

Please confirm dates mailed.

Thank you.

Laurie Allen

From: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 11:51 AM
To: William Entwisle <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Laurie Allen--Judicial Notice Motion
ADA Entwisle, 

Please see attached a draft motion seeking judicial notice of certain things from the Competency Hearing. Can you please let us know your position on this issue?



Logan E. Perkins, Esq.
Perkins Law Office
253 Waldo Rd.
Belfast, ME 04915

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