
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I Stop Rape

Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 10:12 AM
To: georgeallen99 <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Shute, Andrea <>; <>; Tips Account <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Jon Carman <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: LmbdGunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLamma
Dear Brother George,

I called Waldo Judiciary again today. Per Ashley there is nothing scheduled. Fabricated charges for disorderly conduct IN my home and ON my property during business hours, began in JUNE when I was trying to transfer all probation to NJ because my PO Lori Lamma said I could. It is clear that I am to be kept in Belfast, shackled and innocent. 

My drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi, NJ, has has healthcare, military, pharmco, education, and global powerful networks to protect himself against your little sister. 

I tell the truth of what has been done to me by him and his network that includes MaineHealth and the profits of rape, addiction and pharmco. Sold this undisclosed water slaughter property by real estate agents for corruption and turnover on 6/28/2010. To begin again to live in privacy and safety of in-town law enforcement and services and heal with my children. Instead, I am hunted by these systems that kill because of freedom of speech and truth. Beating her mentally to death. Any female rape reporter. Those that can survive, find peace and strength for simply holding on  and holding the line of accountability. Always.

They make me a felon, call me dirty, kidnap, cuff, force mind changing meds to my excellent health and mind, abuse and take all they can of my clean life and the little I have. Entrapment is proven again and again, fresh groceries and fabrication of  mental illness and parole violations are their weapons to silence me.

I stay as safe as I can in my home since I posted Lombardi drug raping me and his system. That was in 2014, after Bill Cosby was outted. That was when I knew Lombardi drug raped me in January 1981. Who does that? The serially ill and deadly.

I sent this email to many of Steven's Institute faculty last week since their human resources, Jose Abad and Lombardi protect rape beyond Maine. Here it is. We can stop rape and profit from that. Not families. 

Please George, get me an attorney or Governor Mills to issue the title 14 sect 556 to clear my record and restore truth and innocent. I will help or leave. Free me.


Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 11:12 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Leslie.stevens@stevens.efu <Leslie.stevens@stevens.efu>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Xi' <Xi'>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Dr. D. Lombardi 1980 Drug Rape Me
Dear Ladies, 

I hope we can get this printed and in the news. He is dangerous and very sick as below will tell. I put his old bio and new bio where he has removed all the students he has had with his system. 

I have filed  witness statement with the Belfast Police department in 6/2020 and they buried it. I've posted it wherever I could since I realized that is how he did that to me when Bill Cosby was outted in 2014. Almost 40 years later and now I knew and googled him. Reading that first bio on the Steven's Institute website. He is a serial global system drug rapeher/him, I had no doubt.

I have always stopped rape. This is my job and worth dying for as you will read just a portion of the hunt. Some of you or your students may have been drug raped and fear Lombardi and his. Getting my proof told will protect all. They can't kill me, I'm clean and tough. Exit 9, South River, NJ 08882. 

I was born on 12/31/1960. St. Peter's, New Brunswick, NJ. In 1980, @ 19, I was working full-time at NJ Aluminum, accounts receivable and attending night school through Middlesex County College. Taking personnel management fall semester 1980 @ satellite, Old Bridge Regional High School. Lombardi was my professor. 

After many weeks into the course, he asked me to stay after class. He asked me if I knew that he was attracted to me? I did not and wanted nothing to do with him. I said no. He asked me out to dinner. I said no. He asked if it was because he was my professor. I said yes. This way I did not hurt him and thought it was over.

Instead, he asked me if I would go out with him after the course was over.
I thought I'd never see him again after the course so I said yes to avoid this.

At the next class, he asked me to stay again. He said he was a "head hunter" for American Hospital Supply, personnel director. He said AHS could double my salary of 9k and should interview for an opening as credit correspondent. I said yes.

In December, after the 3rd interview, I got the job, beginning 1/4/1981. The class had ended and he called me into his office for the dinner date. I was shocked. He was my manager and I did not want to date him ever. I keep my word and had to go to dinner with him. I was horrified that co-workers would learn of the one date and think I slept my way into the job. I am the opposite, very uptight of all sexual using. Always.

He came to my home, sat and talked with my mother and took me to dinner at Van's in Freehold. Mom had taken me there before, it was considered classy. We had a nice dinner. As you know, he is Mr. Personality, loud, witty and funny. This was business for me. I had one drink at dinner. I am small but I could out-drink many men. High tolerance of alcoholic family genes. The more I drank, the tougher I got over sexual advances to myself or any female in danger. All that know me know this. To date. 

After dinner, I asked to go home. He said he had to stop at his apartment because he had to pick up an important message. It was nearby and then to South River. Ok. I said I would wait in the car. I believe it was a brown 280 zx, sportscar. He said it would take about 10 minutes and that I should come up because it was below freezing out. I said ok. I did not sense any danger and would not allow any advances. He was very respectful. I felt safe to go.

Inside, he showed me a framed newspaper article and picture of him as a medaled amatuer boxer. I didn't care. Boxing is brutality. He offered me a drink while he went into another room to take care of an important business call. 

After the call, I asked to go home. He said he wanted to have one drink before leaving. He made me one too. We sat on the couch, talking and laughing. Then, everything was fuzzy. He led me to his bed. I was like a zombie. Without senses.

He was raping me and I was helpless, couldn't speak or move. Paralyzed. I passed out and woke the next morning, naked with Lombardi in his bed. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I got dressed and told him to take me home. I didn't say another word to him. My mother looked at me like I was a whore and I felt like a whore. I never did that and never cheated. To date.

A week later, he calls me into his office again. He asks to take me out again. I was disgusted and said no. My mother won't allow it. That worked. He left AHS @ 120 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ, within the next year or so. Gone and eventually forgotten. Until Cosby. Then I knew evil.

Now he's shackled to my ankle. Reliving evil and enduring constant State of Maine Rape Ring 4 Profit with MaineHealth abutting and targeting. Me. Alone and 60. Pog mo thoin. Kiss My Ass in Gaelic. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Aye for an eye. Lombardi's. Print this and spread. 

I Stop Rape.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Belfast, Maine 04915


. Donald Lombardi
Dr. Donald Lombardi
Industry Associate Professor
420 Babbio




School:  School of Business

Research & Education

  • 1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
  • 1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
  • 1978 MA – Human Resources Management
  • 1976 BA - English

Experience & Service

General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.
CHR/InterVista 1984 – present
Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer

Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004
University Director of Planning and Development

Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984
Director of Professional Development

American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982
Eastern Director – Human Resources
Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004
Department of Communication

Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.

Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988

Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps                    1976 – 1980

Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.     

Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison

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  • Donald N. Lombardi, Ph.D., USMC(R) - Master of Ceremonies

Distinguished Industry Professor and Academic Director of the Veterans Program, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • Dr. Donald Lombardi has consulted for more than 170 healthcare organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives and has written more than 40 articles and 12 books, including Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager and, most recently, Manual of Healthcare Leadership and Management (McGraw-Hill, 2014).

    As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

    Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).

Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2021 7:01 AM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: Fw: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Brother George and All,

The list was not reflecting as sent. Sorry for the duplicates. 

George- the attorney must be one that is in your Beeline Cable network. I've contacted nearly every attorney for the people in the State that should have jumped on this. First was our Bayside, Judy Metcalf (Eaton Peabody) who we grew up with. She never responded, returned my calls and would not even give me a referral. 

Did anyone in Belfast see the 2 military choppers do a fly over my area at approximately 10:30 am? Lombardi. I gave them my 2 pinkies up salute as I was outside on my back deck. Had a stealth come before. I was just watering my petunias. Watching and hearing my little life. To date. Sick power. MaineHealth proudly announced joining the Department of Defense in collaboration in 2011. See Lombardi's bio I sent in emails. Youngest decorated military officer, DoD. 

My drug rapeher rapist. January 1980. My professor. Personnel Manager. I said NO. Then he drugged me so he could do as he pleased, all night long. Thank Mother Nature that I passed out from the drugging within the first half hour of Dr  Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute, Hoboken NJ raping me. I couldn't talk or move. An alert zombie.

Hudson County is holding the serving of my $1 dirty dollar to Dr. Donald Lombardi since December 2019. Rape 4 Profit. Therapy, families, meds, attorney's, law enforcement, jails... I met a woman coming out from Waldo Jail just after I told Rick Otto that he was not who he appeared to be. He is the pretrial hole plugger. The woman told me that she had been assaulted (raped) in Belfast on Friday night. I could see the fingers printed around her neck. She said she called the Belfast Police Department and they arrested her and let the man go free to do more intake.

Belfast lawless kept her in Waldo Jail over the weekend and then to abusive Two Bridges Correctional in Wiscasset. She was poor and finally was able to get bail posted on Tuesday and exit via Rick Otto, Maine Pretrial. For Profit. Her shoulder was dislocated too. No treatment, more abuse. Break her with fear. She was terrorized. 

I was in the Waldo Jail parking lot on that Tuesday with my big blue sign. . I fear for her even more because they saw her talking to me. I posted it right away in hopes to protect her. She didn't state her name and quickly left when she realized that they were taping. The camera is as visible as Putin. 

I've witnessed more and more with each attempt to silence me in illegal jailing after jailing since 2016, MaineHealth, Waldo County General Hospital Hell, MaineHealth Harbor Springs Drug Her, abuse off the charts, held illegally for 2 months with my neighbor, the VP of MPBN, Charlie Beck fabricating mental illness charges against me, one of many attempts to silence the female to expose Rape Ring 4 Profit. MPBN chose profit.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Helfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 11:25 AM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: Re: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Dear Brother George,

I have no where else to go. No one to help except you. You wrote that for 10 years you have watched Belfast take my rights to freedom of speech and asked all in the list to help.

You have power and connections to Governor Mills and to attorneys that will represent me and will force dismissal at the next hearing as there is not any evidence. Only here say from the owned neighbors who haven't even a video on their phones. Fabrication. The burden of proof and evidence is on the State. ADA Entwisle does not have any. 

Governor Mills can issue a title 14 sect 556, Maine Special Legislature that will clear my innocent record completely and stop these fascist actions. 

I cannot prepare for the hearing as you will read below. The library cannot allow me the time I need and I am not safe to travel period. I haven't gone to the store since before Thanksgiving. Shackled, tracked, and under house arrest since 10/15/2020. Door busted down at gunpoint by Sgt. Fitzpatrick on 9/25/2020. No warrant, never charged during 5 days in Somerset Jail, then to Knox County jail until 10/15 when I was given bail release, grudgingly. I did not break any laws or any violations. Ever.

As you know, my internet, laptops, ipad, cable and phone lines have all been hacked and are useless. ADA Entwisle even asked Judge Robert Murray to deny me any Internet access. Shackled, hunted and tracked. You know I won't receive a fair hearing. They continue to corrupt and destroy my life, property and rights. I can't sell, can't leave, can't live freely, peacefully, and safely. I hold on the best I can. This is their last attempt to take and silence me.

Please get me an attorney yesterday or call Governor Mills and clear my record. The right thing to do.

Hi Laurie,
I am responding for the Belfast Free Library Director Steve Norman who is not here today. I am sorry, our current policies due to the pandemic do not allow people to use the computer for two hours. All patrons are limited to 30 minutes inside the building. We do have one 15 minute computer available for people to use for printing and quick use. See our opening guidelines here:

Be well and stay safe,
~Brenda Harrington

Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 7:12 AM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Detective Greeley and Sheriff Trafton,

I am requesting open travel to the Belfast library for 2 hours per day, Monday through Friday, next week. Upon your approval today, I can schedule 2 hours of daily computer time in the morning, 10-12 with Mr. Norman today. I ask that you respond granting permission by 10 am today. I must have computer internet and copying access to prepare for a Court hearing yet to be informed. 

Per the library website:
 Patrons may use a library computer for a maximum of one hour per day.  Library staff may grant additional time for research or certain other purposes or if no one else is waiting for a computer.

Previously, my 2005 F150, plates Joi Z, has been vandalized with nails driven into my tires several times, air let out of tires, rear backup camera ripped off and stolen, while parked outside, downtown, Courthouse and my driveway. The Belfast Police Department does not take my statements to report thefts, vandalizing, trespassing, harassment, terrorizing hate to my safety, and participates with harmful, frightening, unwarranted and unnecessary actions against me. Inside and outside of my home that I do not want to leave because of this brutal treatment. Innocent and hunted. For stopping rape and system corruption.

I hope for safe travel and apologize to my brother, George Allen, VP, General Manager of Beeline Cable, Madison, Maine. I thank you, brother for stepping in against this mob mentality terror of 11 years. As I wrote you, stopping rape is not pleasant but necessary. I can do and must. 

Detective Greeley or Sheriff Trafton please respond to this email today by 10 am. Please don't hamper my rights to work my hearing pro Se as ADA Entwisle and Judge Robert Murray continue to do. This hearing will be to declare me incompetent to represent myself and force a for the State attorney on me to not represent me. They have forced 3 on me to fleece me and not represent. David Sinclair, Brunswick, Tom Shehan, Searsport, and Lisa Whittier, Waldo?.

Private attorneys will not represent me because of .... I have called and called many. Easy wins. No evidence and freedom of speech. Dismiss at arraignment for all, fabricated. Except the little brave girl that takes on wrong. Alone and always. Ask me brother and any that know me. Especially on this email list. 

I Stop Rape, 
Laurie Allen, pro Se

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 8:32 AM
To: Laurie's List 
Subject: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
ADA Entwisle, 

As pro Se, I inform you of the following:

The dispositional conferences of at least 50 with you and Judge Robert Murray of fabricated charges against me since October 2017 are violations of the State of Maine Judicial Codes of Conduct.

At each initial hearing, for fabricated charges of harassment, terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, and disorderly conduct in a private place (my home), I was not allowed to be heard for dismissal because you do not have any evidence. 

Instead, a total of 11 Judges violate my rights to silence me through corruption and dispositional conferences with only you, Marshall Dudley, sometimes a court clerk and me, pro Se and alone. Except for 3 where my son and John Shifflett came with me.

Those 3  dispositional conferences in 2018 were to end me in the old Superior Court Building. In June 2018 you had charges against me for harassment with Judge Worth's friends, BO and Penny Rae Cameron, Mark Rae, Kayla LaCoombe (Lincolnville treasurer...granddaughter to BO Cameron) proteceted by BPD as they and neighbors trespassed on to my property, vandalizing, threatening, stealing, taking 15 ft of my property for their illegal abutting lot with hate crimes and mob mentality. Destruction with excessive force of power by police and the State of Maine. Fabricating charges. After 2 years of Court jestering and enormous cost to humanity, you dropped the charges when you could not beat me down to a plea to stop you.

You also had me indicted with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, a felon for absolutely freedom of expression, protected by the Constitution of America. For thanking Belfast City Council, City Manager and City Planner for being
 my target in a YouTube video where only my hand was filmed as I named them. I did not send the 10/2017 video to anyone. It was simply a flippant remark after 7 years of abuse and corruption from them to me, my children and property that they illegally use as an outlet for massive run off from half of in town Belfast and miles of roads and highways and beyond. Water slaughter hell to my small 1/3 acre property with MaineHealth abutting and violating codes like the Gaza Strip. Propane tanks, dynamite, clear cutting wetlands, years and years of terrorizing, protected by the State of Maine. I protest and protest, document, contact authority, attend meetings galore, do all I am bound to do as an American Mom. Protect.

The terrorizing and harassment charges cost my rights to enter City Hall period, no travel into town or the City Park across the road where I walked every day with my beagles to visit with my Dad, Mom and Sis in the Penobscot Bay. Not allowed to travel on Rte 1 south, only Rte 1 north and not any roads off of Rte 1 in Belfast. No library, post office, police department, courthouse, all necessary to work my cases, pro Se. It is easily a thousand page book to tell of eleven years of hell, eleven Judge's of hell, eleven years of being thrown into this State of Maine Rape 4 Profit Ring. I was only protecting my home, children and Seaview Terrace. I didn't want to know any of this.

Linking Brad Williams, Chief McFadden's garage vat melting rust away to shiney new, statements of McFadden's bone cemetery with Brad Williams guitar student Jeremy Alex, amongst the bones. I told Brad to get away from me, it was frightening. Then, Tom, the local Time Warner Cable ( now Spectrum) always coming to my house for "internet" problems, brought up a YouTube video showing a hand dipping a rusted metal into a vat and out looking brand new. I was in awe. Tom told me that was his brother-in-law in his garage with a home made dissolver he used to restore old tractor mowers that had no brakes. No voice or face in the video, just the gloved hand, rusted metal and vat in a garage. Tom did not name him. I did not ask. This was in 2011.

A few weeks later, Chief McFadden calls me to come to the station. I had never met him and had never been to the station. Spotless record since birth, 12/31/1960. He tells me Belfast City Council called me in as a threat because in an email to my rep, Marina Delune, I had asked her to stop looking through rose colored glasses before this all blows up. 

I start yapping away, explaining and entertaining. McFadden cleared me and wrote that I was the highlight of his day.
 I had said that my Dad got us a racing go cart that didn't have brakes and I almost ran him over. McFadden states that he restores old brakeless tractor mowers. I said "Hey, you're TWC Tom's brother in-law. He showed me your YouTube video." McFadden turned white and almost fell out of the chair. Then he said I was free to go. Later I thought he was caught at getting insider information and access to private homes and computers through his secret brother in-law, TWC Tom. Who would believe it to be a bone vat? Link, link. Then I get sexually threatening abusive anonymous letters that McFadden and Sheriff Trafton dismiss.

Then catfished by a young, decendent of Pocohontas, stating she was drugged and satanically raped over a weekend at Brad Williams house and men in blue when she came from Kittery to interview with Brad for a Craigslist ad. I stopped my life to save Shannon Berry for months until they screwed up and I knew it was a sting to get me to Kittery to dispose of me. I told all, blogged, emailed, documented to hell and rape. Nothing. Hate crimes are the base line for all done to me to date.

Each of those 3 dispositional conferences hearings we're to dispose of me. The entire building was evacuated, no security, no scanners, a portable court room resembling the District Court was inside the doors of the grand Superior Court room. Easy clean up of crime scene. Except, I knew and I brought witness. Only those 3 times. I'm always alone.

You tried then to get a title 15 psych eval to find me incompetent to represent myself, pro Se. I had my son and gave Judge Robert Murray the protection order I had won, pro Se, in May 2018, against 300 lbs of mean, Mark Rae. Through the only fair Judge I know, Judge Susan Sparaco. Murray refuses to allow Judge Susan Sparaco to take me. Stating she is in family court only. 

However, when Superior Court Judge Robert Murray showed up at my hearing for harassment in District Court, I asked Court Clerk Brooke Otis why was he here since this was district court. She said that the State of Maine unified their courts and any Judge can preside over any hearing.

On Wednesday, 2/24/2021 at Waldo Unified Court, you claimed you still haven't gotten the title 14 report from Dr. Barter. You lie consistently and this is more proof. That dispositional conference was a fishing expedition to find anything I may say to stop me as pro Se. My right to represent truth and file lawsuits of magnitude and terrorizing abuse of power and rape. 

My motions to transfer all my proceedings to Knox County Court House have been shelved for months to deny fair hearings with only Judge Susan Sparaco. My motions to transfer parole, denied. I have filed motions to remove this shackle trackher and rescind house arrest. You had me shackled with this cancer cell for 525 days the first time. As rapists rape away, Friday night special 4 profit. This time, since October 15, 2020 where you have not provided evidence it even charges when Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint, cuffed and kidnapped me on 9/25/2020. 

I filed a motion for recusal of the eleven Judge's violating my rights through their 6 rules in the State of Maine Judiciary Code of Conduct. Judge Robert Murray, Worth, Fields, Alexander, Mathews, Fowle, Billings, Davis, Dobson, Mary Kelly and Walker.

I continue to ask for a Maine Special Legislature Title 14 sect 556 to clear my record. Denied. I ask the public to submit a petition for this. 

Final offer. Title 14 sect 556, clearing my record of 60 years of innocence. Eleven million dollars for 11 years of hate crimes from 11 Judges and theirs, and 1 dirty dollar from Dr. Donald Lombardi, drug rapeher.

As Always,

Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 4:12 PM
To: Laurie's List 
Subject: Re: Det Greeleye: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Add on 3/13/21 Alimony is restored. DHHS emailed to stop food stamps.

Detective Greeley,

My ex-husband has cut my income. Refusing to pay the court ordered alimony since he retired, 12/31/2020. I had his paycheck garnished for this reason. I have $69.98 left. Not enough to cover the shackle payment of over $70. Is there another program for zero income? Or is it jail?

I applied for food stamps on 2/12/2021 but have not received the emergency card that I qualify for but am stalled at every contact with trying to survive this eleven year corruption. I divorced that to this. Welfare, jail, hell beyond my innocence. Until I receive food stamps, I cannot get groceries. I will ask to leave my home when I get welfare. The State of Maine protects my drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi and keeps the hit on me. That is not allowed in my America.

Perhaps the State of Maine will clear my innocent record with a title 14 sect 556, buy me out with undisclosed 11 years of epic corruption, unshackle me and let me run free. Far, far away from White Lives That Murder Me. Mom. Or I continue with lawsuit hell in Knox County that I motioned for months ago, along with others. My motions don't get heard. Dismiss until no more.

Please advise of shackle price for zero income. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 2:05 PM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
PO Lori Lamma,

I will be traveling (still on house arrest and shackled since 10/15/20 from jail 9/25/2020-10/15/2020) for unknown charges where my door was broken down at gunpoint by Belfast Sgt. Fitzpatrick with rage and hate to terrorize me on 9/25/2020.

Finally, after several continuances by ADA Entwisle, that dispositional conference with 3 other dispositional conferences for fabricated disorderly conduct charges at and in my house is on Wednesday, 2/24/2021 at Waldo Judiciary, 8:30am. The bench trial has been replaced by a dispositional conference. No trial and ADA has not provided any discoveries for any  

Sheriff Trafton and Detective Greeley have not responded to my previous request for travel approval. Please confirm approval to travel to Waldo Judiciary on 2/24/2021 and if I may get groceries, go to my bank and the Sheriff's Dept. to hand deliver a shackle payment. I am waiting for funds as I only have $70 left. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 2:54 PM
To: Laurie's List 
Subject: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Dear Amal and George Clooney,

I just received these unprofessional dismissals from Judge Robert Murray. The one colluding with ADA Entwisle to end my life, feedom and rights. The Belfast police department broke my door down on 9/25/2020, and ordered me down at gunpoint. They had been trying to get me to come outside for hours to arrest me for no violations but to stop me from the freedom to file lawsuits against the State of Maine, PBS/MPBN, MaineHealth, Spectrum, Verizon, Consolidated Communications, The Republican Journal, and my drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi.The short list. 

I would not come out and told them to come back with a warrant. Instead they broke my $2,000 door down and were raging, yelling at me, ready to blow my face off. Me. A small, poor female, 60 years old, American, no record, standing up for rights of all on my property for 11 years of frightening abuse of no value to the system that is not America. 

They had fabricated a report on 9/25 on the Belfast Police Blotter that I had violated parole in Bangor that day. Probably to state I was there for my therapy with Hillary but I have not even left Belfast since March 2020. The last session via zoom with Hillary where I drove to Bangor. Clearly, a Judge refused to sign for this one. The police broke my door down anyway, to Waldo Jail, to Somerset Jail to 9/30/2020, 5 days and no hearing for charges, transferred to Knox County Jail, where days later I had a bogus hearing with corrupt Judge Robert Murray, where I did not receive any Discovery and he kept trying to direct me to a State owned attorney. I am pro Se. As I was speaking to Judge Murray via video conference, he shut off his monitor and the attorney appeared. I refused to talk to him and was taken back to the cell. Days later, my bail was announced and paid by  my ex husband. I was shackled and placed under house arrest on release from Knox County Jail on 10/14. Illegal. Bail paid. I should have been free until the hearing. Still under house arrest and shackled. This is one of the dispositional conferences (DC) on the docket for 2/12/2021 at 8:30 am.

Another D.C. for that day is when they arrested me in my house in the summer. Claiming disorderly conduct in a private place. Fabricating that I was drunk and placed me in Waldo Jail again. Before noon. They would not take the $70 bail from John again. They kept me in a cement room in the booking area. No bathroom, no window. For hours I banged on the door to go to the bathroom. They just yelled at me that I had to wait. Eventually, I had to go in the corner on the floor.

At 4am, they opened the door, cuffed and shackled me for transport to Somerset Jail. Transport Officer Lori said arresting me in my house for disorderly conduct is not legal. Of course it isn't. None of the past 10 years have been legal to destroy my rights, property and life.

At Somerset Jail, cavity check, eye scan, body scan, swabbed, etc., I did not receive a Discovery for the video hearing with Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle. I was vocal on their corruption with the jail admin. listening in disbelief of the truth. They got rid of me that day. 

Another fabrication on the docket for 2/12/2021 is having another owned neighbor claim that I threaten him. No evidence, not true, he is on the spectrum and has a history of illness. That one is the bench trial with Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle where they want to claim I am not competent to represent myself, pro Se. Forcing a State owned attorney to take me as they did with attorneys David Sinclair, Lisa Whittier, and Tom Shehan.

Another fabrication on the docket is the neighbor connected to City Hall. For a DC of disorderly conduct, I think. They all like and change stories.

I filed only 3 lawsuits and Judge Murray is confusing the parties in his lacking dismissals. My lawsuit is to PBS/MPBN, not owned neighbor Charles Beck and the other is to MaineHealth, not Waldo County General Hospital. It cost me $175 each to file those and Judge Murray denies my rights for a hearing. My $1 lawsuit to Dr. Donald Lombardi is still pending but he will be protected by rape 4 profit in Maine. Deny, lie and silence Laurie Allen. No. I said NO! 

I have done more than any human can and I can't even get an interview as a man like Russian activist Alexi Navaony does. Public backing him up in Russia with protests. Yet, I am raped, stand up to epic corruption of United States corruption and no one has the courage to even report my facts. Our poor children and theirs. 

Please Amal and George, tell my truth. Clooney Foundation for Justice. Save America. I am America.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 10:28 AM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Diana Story, Camden National Bank, AG Frey, Governor Mills, Senator Collins, and Clooney Foundation For Justice,

My bank, Camden National Bank is not trustworthy to my account. Proven when I was shackled for over 525 days when kidnapped into Waldo Jail on 2/23/2018, then into Two Bridges Correctional Facility , 25k bail for the bogus indictment of terrorizing Belfast City Council, Manager, and Planner with a dangerous weapon. It is proven that I was to die a very bad death in Two Bridges the weekend of 3/2/18. 

After I gave instructions to an outgoing cellmate on 3/2/18 to the outside, Two Bridges bailed and Waldo Jail Corporal Albert came to get me after Waldo Jail was on the 3rd day of refusing to take the reduced bail of 5k from my boyfriend, John. Waldo Jail also had informed him that he could not drive down to Two Bridges to bail me out. More proof. 

Corporal Albert walked past John that Friday morning, 3/2/2018 before 9 am as John was at Waldo Jail again trying to get Waldo Jail to take the 5k before work at 9am. Corporal Albert told John that he was going to get his girl. John was still trying to pay the bail. It had not been paid when Waldo Jail got the call that I got word to the outside.

I was shackled on 3/2/18. Then I had to pay $5 a day, $150 a month from my below poverty income of $18,200, (still is). I was not advised that I should have received a discount for the poor  PO Lori Lamma advised me of the discount for my 2nd bogus shackling on 10/15/2020. Sheriff Trafton will not reimburse me for the over billing from 5/2018 to 8/2019.

During that payment time, Waldo Jail held my early mailed payments to have reason to take me again. Every month, emails and calls to the jail to force payment of my check. Finally, during one call, Officer Castle advised me to email the fee through my bank. I told her I didn't have that option with my bank as I already researched that. I get direct deposit for the alimony support from NJ probation and could not switch banks from Camden National Bank. Office Castle said she had Camden National and pays through epay. 

I called the 800 to bypass the Belfast branch of CNB. They confirmed that the epay/e-bill had been removed from my account and fixed it. This gave me documentation of the pay out date and cashing. Waldo Jail still held payments but I persisted until cashed each month. No matter that payment was sent 3 weeks in advance.

Payment is now sent to the Sheriff's Dept. in the same complex, Public Safety Way, Belfast to Diana Story. The first payment of $160 (PO Lori Lamma was not aware that I was being over charged yet) was done on 10/22, arrived on 10/28 and cleared on 10/29/2020.

The 2nd (discounted) payment of$77.50 was sent on 11/24/2020, arrived on 12/1 but did not clear until 12/10/2020 after my emails and calls. Previous shackle 2018-2019 payments were due by the 12th. Diana Story told me that since I was getting the discount, she had to wait for payment of the balance from Waldo County Triad which is the 2nd Tuesday and my check would clear at that time. I gave her this history and she assured me that my payments would process on time on the 2nd Tuesday, regardless of receipt day.

However, my 1/2021 payment was sent on 12/22/2020, received on 12/29 and cleared on 12/30/2020 for $70. Making the 2nd Tuesday accounting false.

The 2/2021 payment of $70 was sent on 1/22 and received on 1/28/21 and has not cleared. 

My bench trial and dispositional conferences, all fabricated with no evidence, just heresay fabrication is one2/12/2021 where PO Lori Lamma wants my probation revoked and put me innocent, back into jail if the charges and trial in not dismissed. I am hoping for the Title 14 sect 556 to clear my innocent record completely and leave Maine for good.

Furthermore, the Title 15 forensic psych eval that ADA Entwisle has been trying to silence me since the bogus terrorizing charge in 2018, was designated for failure to jail me for failure to appear. The 2 previous letters from the State of Maine Forensics, 1rst and 2nd attempts for failure to appear we're to do the evals by myself at home, giving a website but no specifics to sign in. Hacking my phone each time I had probation phone therapy with Hillary Stewart Reed of No Lights Acadia since 3/2020, with COVID and switch to phone rather than on site.

I persisted with requests for the evaluation to be done at Waldo Judiciary because I could not do it at home. Two strikes for failure to appear. ADA Entwisle persists to jail me. I appear at Waldo Judiciary for the evaluation and they do not have the equipment for the zooming. I show County Clerk Brooke Otis the letter and the vague website to prove it is corrupt. She contacts ADA Entwisle and the 3rd letter for the appointment is 
notification from the State Forensic, dated 1/13/2031, for the title 14 forensic evaluation video conference for tomorrow,1/21/2021 at 10am via zoom, at home. Again. I received this notice the day before, 1/20/2021. Definite to jail for failure to launch at home.

I called the State Forensic number that morning and spoke with Chelsea. She said she was just emailing with Waldo Court Clerk Brooke Otis, giving her the zoom link. I spoke with Brooke Otis next. My evaluation is at Waldo Judiciary.

On 1/21/2021, Brooke Otis brought me into a room with a large cart and screen. She had lots of trouble trying to get it going. Traveling in and out and finally got the internet on. She left her link information downstairs. I had my letter to do it at home with the link on it. I try to give it to her and she said she needs hers. Her's had the numbers needed to sign into the zoom video evaluation with Dr. Barter. Mine did not. Same with the other 2 attempts by ADA Entwisle and State of Maine to corrupt my evaluation and take me again.

Dr. Barter didn't have to ask questions. I was spot one with facts to end my freedom of speech, rights, and life. Dr. Barter already knew and let me talk. After 2 hours, he had to go eat. I liked him and said don't go yet. I like talking. A lot. He enjoyed my conversation. I am competent to a T. Truth.

A late payment claim could place me back in jail which is suspicious at this payment, hence, this email and history of corruption by Waldo County, Belfast, Camden National Bank, Two Bridges and State of Maine Judicial and law enforcement.

Laurie Allen

County of Waldo

Last Paid: $70.00 on 1/28/2021

Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2021 8:34 PM
Subject: Lombardi 2bio's


. Donald Lombardi
Dr. Donald Lombardi
Industry Associate Professor
420 Babbio




School:  School of Business

Research & Education

  • 1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
  • 1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
  • 1978 MA – Human Resources Management
  • 1976 BA - English

Experience & Service

General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.
CHR/InterVista 1984 – present
Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer

Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004
University Director of Planning and Development

Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984
Director of Professional Development

American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982
Eastern Director – Human Resources
Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004
Department of Communication

Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.

Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988

Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps                    1976 – 1980

Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.     

Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison

Skip to Main Content
  • Donald N. Lombardi, Ph.D., USMC(R) - Master of Ceremonies

Distinguished Industry Professor and Academic Director of the Veterans Program, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • Dr. Donald Lombardi has consulted for more than 170 healthcare organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives and has written more than 40 articles and 12 books, including Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager and, most recently, Manual of Healthcare Leadership and Management (McGraw-Hill, 2014).

    As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

    Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).

Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2021 7:01 AM
To: georgeallen99 <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Shute, Andrea <>; <>; Tips Account <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; <>; lora mills <>; dave reardon <>; Patty Keyes <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Jon Carman <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Fw: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Brother George and All,

The list was not reflecting as sent. Sorry for the duplicates. 

George- the attorney must be one that is in your Beeline Cable network. I've contacted nearly every attorney for the people in the State that should have jumped on this. First was our Bayside, Judy Metcalf (Eaton Peabody) who we grew up with. She never responded, returned my calls and would not even give me a referral. 

Did anyone in Belfast see the 2 military choppers do a fly over my area at approximately 10:30 am? Lombardi. I gave them my 2 pinkies up salute as I was outside on my back deck. Had a stealth come before. I was just watering my petunias. Watching and hearing my little life. To date. Sick power. MaineHealth proudly announced joining the Department of Defense in collaboration in 2011. See Lombardi's bio I sent in emails. Youngest decorated military officer, DoD. 

My drug rapeher rapist. January 1980. My professor. Personnel Manager. I said NO. Then he drugged me so he could do as he pleased, all night long. Thank Mother Nature that I passed out from the drugging within the first half hour of Dr  Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute, Hoboken NJ raping me. I couldn't talk or move. An alert zombie.

Hudson County is holding the serving of my $1 dirty dollar to Dr. Donald Lombardi since December 2019. Rape 4 Profit. Therapy, families, meds, attorney's, law enforcement, jails... I met a woman coming out from Waldo Jail just after I told Rick Otto that he was not who he appeared to be. He is the pretrial hole plugger. The woman told me that she had been assaulted (raped) in Belfast on Friday night. I could see the fingers printed around her neck. She said she called the Belfast Police Department and they arrested her and let the man go free to do more intake.

Belfast lawless kept her in Waldo Jail over the weekend and then to abusive Two Bridges Correctional in Wiscasset. She was poor and finally was able to get bail posted on Tuesday and exit via Rick Otto, Maine Pretrial. For Profit. Her shoulder was dislocated too. No treatment, more abuse. Break her with fear. She was terrorized. 

I was in the Waldo Jail parking lot on that Tuesday with my big blue sign. . I fear for her even more because they saw her talking to me. I posted it right away in hopes to protect her. She didn't state her name and quickly left when she realized that they were taping. The camera is as visible as Putin. 

I've witnessed more and more with each attempt to silence me in illegal jailing after jailing since 2016, MaineHealth, Waldo County General Hospital Hell, MaineHealth Harbor Springs Drug Her, abuse off the charts, held illegally for 2 months with my neighbor, the VP of MPBN, Charlie Beck fabricating mental illness charges against me, one of many attempts to silence the female to expose Rape Ring 4 Profit. MPBN chose profit.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Helfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 11:25 AM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Dear Brother George,

I have no where else to go. No one to help except you. You wrote that for 10 years you have watched Belfast take my rights to freedom of speech and asked all in the list to help.

You have power and connections to Governor Mills and to attorneys that will represent me and will force dismissal at the next hearing as there is not any evidence. Only here say from the owned neighbors who haven't even a video on their phones. Fabrication. The burden of proof and evidence is on the State. ADA Entwisle does not have any. 

Governor Mills can issue a title 14 sect 556, Maine Special Legislature that will clear my innocent record completely and stop these fascist actions. 

I cannot prepare for the hearing as you will read below. The library cannot allow me the time I need and I am not safe to travel period. I haven't gone to the store since before Thanksgiving. Shackled, tracked, and under house arrest since 10/15/2020. Door busted down at gunpoint by Sgt. Fitzpatrick on 9/25/2020. No warrant, never charged during 5 days in Somerset Jail, then to Knox County jail until 10/15 when I was given bail release, grudgingly. I did not break any laws or any violations. Ever.

As you know, my internet, laptops, ipad, cable and phone lines have all been hacked and are useless. ADA Entwisle even asked Judge Robert Murray to deny me any Internet access. Shackled, hunted and tracked. You know I won't receive a fair hearing. They continue to corrupt and destroy my life, property and rights. I can't sell, can't leave, can't live freely, peacefully, and safely. I hold on the best I can. This is their last attempt to take and silence me.

Please get me an attorney yesterday or call Governor Mills and clear my record. The right thing to do.

Hi Laurie,
I am responding for the Belfast Free Library Director Steve Norman who is not here today. I am sorry, our current policies due to the pandemic do not allow people to use the computer for two hours. All patrons are limited to 30 minutes inside the building. We do have one 15 minute computer available for people to use for printing and quick use. See our opening guidelines here:

Be well and stay safe,
~Brenda Harrington

Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 7:12 AM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Detective Greeley and Sheriff Trafton,

I am requesting open travel to the Belfast library for 2 hours per day, Monday through Friday, next week. Upon your approval today, I can schedule 2 hours of daily computer time in the morning, 10-12 with Mr. Norman today. I ask that you respond granting permission by 10 am today. I must have computer internet and copying access to prepare for a Court hearing yet to be informed. 

Per the library website:
 Patrons may use a library computer for a maximum of one hour per day.  Library staff may grant additional time for research or certain other purposes or if no one else is waiting for a computer.

Previously, my 2005 F150, plates Joi Z, has been vandalized with nails driven into my tires several times, air let out of tires, rear backup camera ripped off and stolen, while parked outside, downtown, Courthouse and my driveway. The Belfast Police Department does not take my statements to report thefts, vandalizing, trespassing, harassment, terrorizing hate to my safety, and participates with harmful, frightening, unwarranted and unnecessary actions against me. Inside and outside of my home that I do not want to leave because of this brutal treatment. Innocent and hunted. For stopping rape and system corruption.

I hope for safe travel and apologize to my brother, George Allen, VP, General Manager of Beeline Cable, Madison, Maine. I thank you, brother for stepping in against this mob mentality terror of 11 years. As I wrote you, stopping rape is not pleasant but necessary. I can do and must. 

Detective Greeley or Sheriff Trafton please respond to this email today by 10 am. Please don't hamper my rights to work my hearing pro Se as ADA Entwisle and Judge Robert Murray continue to do. This hearing will be to declare me incompetent to represent myself and force a for the State attorney on me to not represent me. They have forced 3 on me to fleece me and not represent. David Sinclair, Brunswick, Tom Shehan, Searsport, and Lisa Whittier, Waldo?.

Private attorneys will not represent me because of .... I have called and called many. Easy wins. No evidence and freedom of speech. Dismiss at arraignment for all, fabricated. Except the little brave girl that takes on wrong. Alone and always. Ask me brother and any that know me. Especially on this email list. 

I Stop Rape, 
Laurie Allen, pro Se

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 8:32 AM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
ADA Entwisle, 

As pro Se, I inform you of the following:

The dispositional conferences of at least 50 with you and Judge Robert Murray of fabricated charges against me since October 2017 are violations of the State of Maine Judicial Codes of Conduct.

At each initial hearing, for fabricated charges of harassment, terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, and disorderly conduct in a private place (my home), I was not allowed to be heard for dismissal because you do not have any evidence. 

Instead, a total of 11 Judges violate my rights to silence me through corruption and dispositional conferences with only you, Marshall Dudley, sometimes a court clerk and me, pro Se and alone. Except for 3 where my son and John Shifflett came with me.

Those 3  dispositional conferences in 2018 were to end me in the old Superior Court Building. In June 2018 you had charges against me for harassment with Judge Worth's friends, BO and Penny Rae Cameron, Mark Rae, Kayla LaCoombe (Lincolnville treasurer...granddaughter to BO Cameron) proteceted by BPD as they and neighbors trespassed on to my property, vandalizing, threatening, stealing, taking 15 ft of my property for their illegal abutting lot with hate crimes and mob mentality. Destruction with excessive force of power by police and the State of Maine. Fabricating charges. After 2 years of Court jestering and enormous cost to humanity, you dropped the charges when you could not beat me down to a plea to stop you.

You also had me indicted with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, a felon for absolutely freedom of expression, protected by the Constitution of America. For thanking Belfast City Council, City Manager and City Planner for being
 my target in a YouTube video where only my hand was filmed as I named them. I did not send the 10/2017 video to anyone. It was simply a flippant remark after 7 years of abuse and corruption from them to me, my children and property that they illegally use as an outlet for massive run off from half of in town Belfast and miles of roads and highways and beyond. Water slaughter hell to my small 1/3 acre property with MaineHealth abutting and violating codes like the Gaza Strip. Propane tanks, dynamite, clear cutting wetlands, years and years of terrorizing, protected by the State of Maine. I protest and protest, document, contact authority, attend meetings galore, do all I am bound to do as an American Mom. Protect.

The terrorizing and harassment charges cost my rights to enter City Hall period, no travel into town or the City Park across the road where I walked every day with my beagles to visit with my Dad, Mom and Sis in the Penobscot Bay. Not allowed to travel on Rte 1 south, only Rte 1 north and not any roads off of Rte 1 in Belfast. No library, post office, police department, courthouse, all necessary to work my cases, pro Se. It is easily a thousand page book to tell of eleven years of hell, eleven Judge's of hell, eleven years of being thrown into this State of Maine Rape 4 Profit Ring. I was only protecting my home, children and Seaview Terrace. I didn't want to know any of this.

Linking Brad Williams, Chief McFadden's garage vat melting rust away to shiney new, statements of McFadden's bone cemetery with Brad Williams guitar student Jeremy Alex, amongst the bones. I told Brad to get away from me, it was frightening. Then, Tom, the local Time Warner Cable ( now Spectrum) always coming to my house for "internet" problems, brought up a YouTube video showing a hand dipping a rusted metal into a vat and out looking brand new. I was in awe. Tom told me that was his brother-in-law in his garage with a home made dissolver he used to restore old tractor mowers that had no brakes. No voice or face in the video, just the gloved hand, rusted metal and vat in a garage. Tom did not name him. I did not ask. This was in 2011.

A few weeks later, Chief McFadden calls me to come to the station. I had never met him and had never been to the station. Spotless record since birth, 12/31/1960. He tells me Belfast City Council called me in as a threat because in an email to my rep, Marina Delune, I had asked her to stop looking through rose colored glasses before this all blows up. 

I start yapping away, explaining and entertaining. McFadden cleared me and wrote that I was the highlight of his day.
 I had said that my Dad got us a racing go cart that didn't have brakes and I almost ran him over. McFadden states that he restores old brakeless tractor mowers. I said "Hey, you're TWC Tom's brother in-law. He showed me your YouTube video." McFadden turned white and almost fell out of the chair. Then he said I was free to go. Later I thought he was caught at getting insider information and access to private homes and computers through his secret brother in-law, TWC Tom. Who would believe it to be a bone vat? Link, link. Then I get sexually threatening abusive anonymous letters that McFadden and Sheriff Trafton dismiss.

Then catfished by a young, decendent of Pocohontas, stating she was drugged and satanically raped over a weekend at Brad Williams house and men in blue when she came from Kittery to interview with Brad for a Craigslist ad. I stopped my life to save Shannon Berry for months until they screwed up and I knew it was a sting to get me to Kittery to dispose of me. I told all, blogged, emailed, documented to hell and rape. Nothing. Hate crimes are the base line for all done to me to date.

Each of those 3 dispositional conferences hearings we're to dispose of me. The entire building was evacuated, no security, no scanners, a portable court room resembling the District Court was inside the doors of the grand Superior Court room. Easy clean up of crime scene. Except, I knew and I brought witness. Only those 3 times. I'm always alone.

You tried then to get a title 15 psych eval to find me incompetent to represent myself, pro Se. I had my son and gave Judge Robert Murray the protection order I had won, pro Se, in May 2018, against 300 lbs of mean, Mark Rae. Through the only fair Judge I know, Judge Susan Sparaco. Murray refuses to allow Judge Susan Sparaco to take me. Stating she is in family court only. 

However, when Superior Court Judge Robert Murray showed up at my hearing for harassment in District Court, I asked Court Clerk Brooke Otis why was he here since this was district court. She said that the State of Maine unified their courts and any Judge can preside over any hearing.

On Wednesday, 2/24/2021 at Waldo Unified Court, you claimed you still haven't gotten the title 14 report from Dr. Barter. You lie consistently and this is more proof. That dispositional conference was a fishing expedition to find anything I may say to stop me as pro Se. My right to represent truth and file lawsuits of magnitude and terrorizing abuse of power and rape. 

My motions to transfer all my proceedings to Knox County Court House have been shelved for months to deny fair hearings with only Judge Susan Sparaco. My motions to transfer parole, denied. I have filed motions to remove this shackle trackher and rescind house arrest. You had me shackled with this cancer cell for 525 days the first time. As rapists rape away, Friday night special 4 profit. This time, since October 15, 2020 where you have not provided evidence it even charges when Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint, cuffed and kidnapped me on 9/25/2020. 

I filed a motion for recusal of the eleven Judge's violating my rights through their 6 rules in the State of Maine Judiciary Code of Conduct. Judge Robert Murray, Worth, Fields, Alexander, Mathews, Fowle, Billings, Davis, Dobson, Mary Kelly and Walker.

I continue to ask for a Maine Special Legislature Title 14 sect 556 to clear my record. Denied. I ask the public to submit a petition for this. 

Final offer. Title 14 sect 556, clearing my record of 60 years of innocence. Eleven million dollars for 11 years of hate crimes from 11 Judges and theirs, and 1 dirty dollar from Dr. Donald Lombardi, drug rapeher.

As Always,

Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 4:12 PM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: Det Greeleye: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Detective Greeley,

My ex-husband has cut my income. Refusing to pay the court ordered alimony since he retired, 12/31/2020. I had his paycheck garnished for this reason. I have $69.98 left. Not enough to cover the shackle payment of over $70. Is there another program for zero income? Or is it jail?

I applied for food stamps on 2/12/2021 but have not received the emergency card that I qualify for but am stalled at every contact with trying to survive this eleven year corruption. I divorced that to this. Welfare, jail, hell beyond my innocence. Until I receive food stamps, I cannot get groceries. I will ask to leave my home when I get welfare. The State of Maine protects my drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi and keeps the hit on me. That is not allowed in my America.

Perhaps the State of Maine will clear my innocent record with a title 14 sect 556, buy me out with undisclosed 11 years of epic corruption, unshackle me and let me run free. Far, far away from White Lives That Murder Me. Mom. Or I continue with lawsuit hell in Knox County that I motioned for months ago, along with others. My motions don't get heard. Dismiss until no more.

Please advise of shackle price for zero income. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 2:05 PM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Det Greeleye: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Detective Greeley,

PO Lori Lamma stated you would respond to my travel request that I requested from her on Thursday.

I have not received a response from you
 I will be traveling to Waldo Judiciary on Wednesday, 2/24/21 for 8:30 am dispositional conferences with ADA Entwisle. I had hoped to run the errands on Wednesday. Please confirm.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday February 19, 2021 8:02 AM
Subject: RE: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22

Good morning, Laurie,


Thank you for the update regarding court next Wednesday.  I am sure Detective Greeley will respond to your travel requests, and I appreciate your letting me know.


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Ste. 202

Belfast, ME 04915



Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 4:58 PM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
PO Lori Lamma,

I will be traveling (still on house arrest and shackled since 10/15/20 from jail 9/25/2020-10/15/2020) for unknown charges where my door was broken down at gunpoint by Belfast Sgt. Fitzpatrick with rage and hate to terrorize me on 9/25/2020.

Finally, after several continuances by ADA Entwisle, that dispositional conference with 3 other dispositional conferences for fabricated disorderly conduct charges at and in my house is on Wednesday, 2/24/2021 at Waldo Judiciary, 8:30am. The bench trial has been replaced by a dispositional conference. No trial and ADA has not provided any discoveries for any  

Sheriff Trafton and Detective Greeley have not responded to my previous request for travel approval. Please confirm approval to travel to Waldo Judiciary on 2/24/2021 and if I may get groceries, go to my bank and the Sheriff's Dept. to hand deliver a shackle payment. I am waiting for funds as I only have $70 left. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 2:54 PM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Dear Amal and George Clooney,

I just received these unprofessional dismissals from Judge Robert Murray. The one colluding with ADA Entwisle to end my life, feedom and rights. The Belfast police department broke my door down on 9/25/2020, and ordered me down at gunpoint. They had been trying to get me to come outside for hours to arrest me for no violations but to stop me from the freedom to file lawsuits against the State of Maine, PBS/MPBN, MaineHealth, Spectrum, Verizon, Consolidated Communications, The Republican Journal, and my drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi.The short list. 

I would not come out and told them to come back with a warrant. Instead they broke my $2,000 door down and were raging, yelling at me, ready to blow my face off. Me. A small, poor female, 60 years old, American, no record, standing up for rights of all on my property for 11 years of frightening abuse of no value to the system that is not America. 

They had fabricated a report on 9/25 on the Belfast Police Blotter that I had violated parole in Bangor that day. Probably to state I was there for my therapy with Hillary but I have not even left Belfast since March 2020. The last session via zoom with Hillary where I drove to Bangor. Clearly, a Judge refused to sign for this one. The police broke my door down anyway, to Waldo Jail, to Somerset Jail to 9/30/2020, 5 days and no hearing for charges, transferred to Knox County Jail, where days later I had a bogus hearing with corrupt Judge Robert Murray, where I did not receive any Discovery and he kept trying to direct me to a State owned attorney. I am pro Se. As I was speaking to Judge Murray via video conference, he shut off his monitor and the attorney appeared. I refused to talk to him and was taken back to the cell. Days later, my bail was announced and paid by  my ex husband. I was shackled and placed under house arrest on release from Knox County Jail on 10/14. Illegal. Bail paid. I should have been free until the hearing. Still under house arrest and shackled. This is one of the dispositional conferences (DC) on the docket for 2/12/2021 at 8:30 am.

Another D.C. for that day is when they arrested me in my house in the summer. Claiming disorderly conduct in a private place. Fabricating that I was drunk and placed me in Waldo Jail again. Before noon. They would not take the $70 bail from John again. They kept me in a cement room in the booking area. No bathroom, no window. For hours I banged on the door to go to the bathroom. They just yelled at me that I had to wait. Eventually, I had to go in the corner on the floor.

At 4am, they opened the door, cuffed and shackled me for transport to Somerset Jail. Transport Officer Lori said arresting me in my house for disorderly conduct is not legal. Of course it isn't. None of the past 10 years have been legal to destroy my rights, property and life.

At Somerset Jail, cavity check, eye scan, body scan, swabbed, etc., I did not receive a Discovery for the video hearing with Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle. I was vocal on their corruption with the jail admin. listening in disbelief of the truth. They got rid of me that day. 

Another fabrication on the docket for 2/12/2021 is having another owned neighbor claim that I threaten him. No evidence, not true, he is on the spectrum and has a history of illness. That one is the bench trial with Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle where they want to claim I am not competent to represent myself, pro Se. Forcing a State owned attorney to take me as they did with attorneys David Sinclair, Lisa Whittier, and Tom Shehan.

Another fabrication on the docket is the neighbor connected to City Hall. For a DC of disorderly conduct, I think. They all like and change stories.

I filed only 3 lawsuits and Judge Murray is confusing the parties in his lacking dismissals. My lawsuit is to PBS/MPBN, not owned neighbor Charles Beck and the other is to MaineHealth, not Waldo County General Hospital. It cost me $175 each to file those and Judge Murray denies my rights for a hearing. My $1 lawsuit to Dr. Donald Lombardi is still pending but he will be protected by rape 4 profit in Maine. Deny, lie and silence Laurie Allen. No. I said NO! 

I have done more than any human can and I can't even get an interview as a man like Russian activist Alexi Navaony does. Public backing him up in Russia with protests. Yet, I am raped, stand up to epic corruption of United States corruption and no one has the courage to even report my facts. Our poor children and theirs. 

Please Amal and George, tell my truth. Clooney Foundation for Justice. Save America. I am America.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 10:28 AM
To: <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; Clif Staples <>; lora mills <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Patty Keyes <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>
Subject: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Diana Story, Camden National Bank, AG Frey, Governor Mills, Senator Collins, and Clooney Foundation For Justice,

My bank, Camden National Bank is not trustworthy to my account. Proven when I was shackled for over 525 days when kidnapped into Waldo Jail on 2/23/2018, then into Two Bridges Correctional Facility , 25k bail for the bogus indictment of terrorizing Belfast City Council, Manager, and Planner with a dangerous weapon. It is proven that I was to die a very bad death in Two Bridges the weekend of 3/2/18. 

After I gave instructions to an outgoing cellmate on 3/2/18 to the outside, Two Bridges bailed and Waldo Jail Corporal Albert came to get me after Waldo Jail was on the 3rd day of refusing to take the reduced bail of 5k from my boyfriend, John. Waldo Jail also had informed him that he could not drive down to Two Bridges to bail me out. More proof. 

Corporal Albert walked past John that Friday morning, 3/2/2018 before 9 am as John was at Waldo Jail again trying to get Waldo Jail to take the 5k before work at 9am. Corporal Albert told John that he was going to get his girl. John was still trying to pay the bail. It had not been paid when Waldo Jail got the call that I got word to the outside.

I was shackled on 3/2/18. Then I had to pay $5 a day, $150 a month from my below poverty income of $18,200, (still is). I was not advised that I should have received a discount for the poor  PO Lori Lamma advised me of the discount for my 2nd bogus shackling on 10/15/2020. Sheriff Trafton will not reimburse me for the over billing from 5/2018 to 8/2019.

During that payment time, Waldo Jail held my early mailed payments to have reason to take me again. Every month, emails and calls to the jail to force payment of my check. Finally, during one call, Officer Castle advised me to email the fee through my bank. I told her I didn't have that option with my bank as I already researched that. I get direct deposit for the alimony support from NJ probation and could not switch banks from Camden National Bank. Office Castle said she had Camden National and pays through epay. 

I called the 800 to bypass the Belfast branch of CNB. They confirmed that the epay/e-bill had been removed from my account and fixed it. This gave me documentation of the pay out date and cashing. Waldo Jail still held payments but I persisted until cashed each month. No matter that payment was sent 3 weeks in advance.

Payment is now sent to the Sheriff's Dept. in the same complex, Public Safety Way, Belfast to Diana Story. The first payment of $160 (PO Lori Lamma was not aware that I was being over charged yet) was done on 10/22, arrived on 10/28 and cleared on 10/29/2020.

The 2nd (discounted) payment of$77.50 was sent on 11/24/2020, arrived on 12/1 but did not clear until 12/10/2020 after my emails and calls. Previous shackle 2018-2019 payments were due by the 12th. Diana Story told me that since I was getting the discount, she had to wait for payment of the balance from Waldo County Triad which is the 2nd Tuesday and my check would clear at that time. I gave her this history and she assured me that my payments would process on time on the 2nd Tuesday, regardless of receipt day.

However, my 1/2021 payment was sent on 12/22/2020, received on 12/29 and cleared on 12/30/2020 for $70. Making the 2nd Tuesday accounting false.

The 2/2021 payment of $70 was sent on 1/22 and received on 1/28/21 and has not cleared. 

My bench trial and dispositional conferences, all fabricated with no evidence, just heresay fabrication is one2/12/2021 where PO Lori Lamma wants my probation revoked and put me innocent, back into jail if the charges and trial in not dismissed. I am hoping for the Title 14 sect 556 to clear my innocent record completely and leave Maine for good.

Furthermore, the Title 15 forensic psych eval that ADA Entwisle has been trying to silence me since the bogus terrorizing charge in 2018, was designated for failure to jail me for failure to appear. The 2 previous letters from the State of Maine Forensics, 1rst and 2nd attempts for failure to appear we're to do the evals by myself at home, giving a website but no specifics to sign in. Hacking my phone each time I had probation phone therapy with Hillary Stewart Reed of No Lights Acadia since 3/2020, with COVID and switch to phone rather than on site.

I persisted with requests for the evaluation to be done at Waldo Judiciary because I could not do it at home. Two strikes for failure to appear. ADA Entwisle persists to jail me. I appear at Waldo Judiciary for the evaluation and they do not have the equipment for the zooming. I show County Clerk Brooke Otis the letter and the vague website to prove it is corrupt. She contacts ADA Entwisle and the 3rd letter for the appointment is 
notification from the State Forensic, dated 1/13/2031, for the title 14 forensic evaluation video conference for tomorrow,1/21/2021 at 10am via zoom, at home. Again. I received this notice the day before, 1/20/2021. Definite to jail for failure to launch at home.

I called the State Forensic number that morning and spoke with Chelsea. She said she was just emailing with Waldo Court Clerk Brooke Otis, giving her the zoom link. I spoke with Brooke Otis next. My evaluation is at Waldo Judiciary.

On 1/21/2021, Brooke Otis brought me into a room with a large cart and screen. She had lots of trouble trying to get it going. Traveling in and out and finally got the internet on. She left her link information downstairs. I had my letter to do it at home with the link on it. I try to give it to her and she said she needs hers. Her's had the numbers needed to sign into the zoom video evaluation with Dr. Barter. Mine did not. Same with the other 2 attempts by ADA Entwisle and State of Maine to corrupt my evaluation and take me again.

Dr. Barter didn't have to ask questions. I was spot one with facts to end my freedom of speech, rights, and life. Dr. Barter already knew and let me talk. After 2 hours, he had to go eat. I liked him and said don't go yet. I like talking. A lot. He enjoyed my conversation. I am competent to a T. Truth.

A late payment claim could place me back in jail which is suspicious at this payment, hence, this email and history of corruption by Waldo County, Belfast, Camden National Bank, Two Bridges and State of Maine Judicial and law enforcement.

Laurie Allen

County of Waldo

Last Paid: $70.00 on 1/28/2021

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Brother George Save Me

My first sheet sign, 1978? our family cottage. Laird and Patti's birthday are one day apart. Party central. Allen's.

Current email chain overview of Waldo County and Belfast lawless to profit from rape, addictions, poverty stricken, system intakes. For JustUs. Feed and build the system with my kind. Easy takings. Except for me. Laurie's List.

Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2021 8:22 AM
Subject: Lauriew: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl

Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2021 7:01 AM
To: georgeallen99 <>; Governor <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Shute, Andrea <>; <>; Tips Account <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; VillageSoup <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; ; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Jon Carman <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Fw: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Brother George and All,

The list was not reflecting as sent. Sorry for the duplicates. 

George- the attorney must be one that is in your Beeline Cable network. I've contacted nearly every attorney for the people in the State that should have jumped on this. First was our Bayside, Judy Metcalf (Eaton Peabody) who we grew up with. She never responded, returned my calls and would not even give me a referral. 

Did anyone in Belfast see the 2 military choppers do a fly over my area at approximately 10:30 am? Lombardi. I gave them my 2 pinkies up salute as I was outside on my back deck. Had a stealth come before. I was just watering my petunias. Watching and hearing my little life. To date. Sick power. MaineHealth proudly announced joining the Department of Defense in collaboration in 2011. See Lombardi's bio I sent in emails. Youngest decorated military officer, DoD. 

My drug rapeher rapist. January 1980. My professor. Personnel Manager. I said NO. Then he drugged me so he could do as he pleased, all night long. Thank Mother Nature that I passed out from the drugging within the first half hour of Dr  Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute, Hoboken NJ raping me. I couldn't talk or move. An alert zombie.

Hudson County is holding the serving of my $1 dirty dollar to Dr. Donald Lombardi since December 2019. Rape 4 Profit. Therapy, families, meds, attorney's, law enforcement, jails... I met a woman coming out from Waldo Jail just after I told Rick Otto that he was not who he appeared to be. He is the pretrial hole plugger. The woman told me that she had been assaulted (raped) in Belfast on Friday night. I could see the fingers printed around her neck. She said she called the Belfast Police Department and they arrested her and let the man go free to do more intake.

Belfast lawless kept her in Waldo Jail over the weekend and then to abusive Two Bridges Correctional in Wiscasset. She was poor and finally was able to get bail posted on Tuesday and exit via Rick Otto, Maine Pretrial. For Profit. Her shoulder was dislocated too. No treatment, more abuse. Break her with fear. She was terrorized. 

I was in the Waldo Jail parking lot on that Tuesday with my big blue sign. . I fear for her even more because they saw her talking to me. I posted it right away in hopes to protect her. She didn't state her name and quickly left when she realized that they were taping. The camera is as visible as Putin. 

I've witnessed more and more with each attempt to silence me in illegal jailing after jailing since 2016, MaineHealth, Waldo County General Hospital Hell, MaineHealth Harbor Springs Drug Her, abuse off the charts, held illegally for 2 months with my neighbor, the VP of MPBN, Charlie Beck fabricating mental illness charges against me, one of many attempts to silence the female to expose Rape Ring 4 Profit. MPBN chose profit.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Helfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 11:25 AM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: Re: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Dear Brother George,

I have no where else to go. No one to help except you. You wrote that for 10 years you have watched Belfast take my rights to freedom of speech and asked all in the list to help.

You have power and connections to Governor Mills and to attorneys that will represent me and will force dismissal at the next hearing as there is not any evidence. Only here say from the owned neighbors who haven't even a video on their phones. Fabrication. The burden of proof and evidence is on the State. ADA Entwisle does not have any. 

Governor Mills can issue a title 14 sect 556, Maine Special Legislature that will clear my innocent record completely and stop these fascist actions. 

I cannot prepare for the hearing as you will read below. The library cannot allow me the time I need and I am not safe to travel period. I haven't gone to the store since before Thanksgiving. Shackled, tracked, and under house arrest since 10/15/2020. Door busted down at gunpoint by Sgt. Fitzpatrick on 9/25/2020. No warrant, never charged during 5 days in Somerset Jail, then to Knox County jail until 10/15 when I was given bail release, grudgingly. I did not break any laws or any violations. Ever.

As you know, my internet, laptops, ipad, cable and phone lines have all been hacked and are useless. ADA Entwisle even asked Judge Robert Murray to deny me any Internet access. Shackled, hunted and tracked. You know I won't receive a fair hearing. They continue to corrupt and destroy my life, property and rights. I can't sell, can't leave, can't live freely, peacefully, and safely. I hold on the best I can. This is their last attempt to take and silence me.

Please get me an attorney yesterday or call Governor Mills and clear my record. The right thing to do.

Hi Laurie,
I am responding for the Belfast Free Library Director Steve Norman who is not here today. I am sorry, our current policies due to the pandemic do not allow people to use the computer for two hours. All patrons are limited to 30 minutes inside the building. We do have one 15 minute computer available for people to use for printing and quick use. See our opening guidelines here:

Be well and stay safe,
~Brenda Harrington

Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 7:12 AM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: LbryRe: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
Detective Greeley and Sheriff Trafton,

I am requesting open travel to the Belfast library for 2 hours per day, Monday through Friday, next week. Upon your approval today, I can schedule 2 hours of daily computer time in the morning, 10-12 with Mr. Norman today. I ask that you respond granting permission by 10 am today. I must have computer internet and copying access to prepare for a Court hearing yet to be informed. 

Per the library website:
 Patrons may use a library computer for a maximum of one hour per day.  Library staff may grant additional time for research or certain other purposes or if no one else is waiting for a computer.

Previously, my 2005 F150, plates Joi Z, has been vandalized with nails driven into my tires several times, air let out of tires, rear backup camera ripped off and stolen, while parked outside, downtown, Courthouse and my driveway. The Belfast Police Department does not take my statements to report thefts, vandalizing, trespassing, harassment, terrorizing hate to my safety, and participates with harmful, frightening, unwarranted and unnecessary actions against me. Inside and outside of my home that I do not want to leave because of this brutal treatment. Innocent and hunted. For stopping rape and system corruption.

I hope for safe travel and apologize to my brother, George Allen, VP, General Manager of Beeline Cable, Madison, Maine. I thank you, brother for stepping in against this mob mentality terror of 11 years. As I wrote you, stopping rape is not pleasant but necessary. I can do and must. 

Detective Greeley or Sheriff Trafton please respond to this email today by 10 am. Please don't hamper my rights to work my hearing pro Se as ADA Entwisle and Judge Robert Murray continue to do. This hearing will be to declare me incompetent to represent myself and force a for the State attorney on me to not represent me. They have forced 3 on me to fleece me and not represent. David Sinclair, Brunswick, Tom Shehan, Searsport, and Lisa Whittier, Waldo?.

Private attorneys will not represent me because of .... I have called and called many. Easy wins. No evidence and freedom of speech. Dismiss at arraignment for all, fabricated. Except the little brave girl that takes on wrong. Alone and always. Ask me brother and any that know me. Especially on this email list. 

I Stop Rape, 
Laurie Allen, pro Se

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 8:32 AM
To: Laurie's List 
Subject: GunpntJailkidnap DrBarterEvalGreeleyLammatrvl
ADA Entwisle, 

As pro Se, I inform you of the following:

The dispositional conferences of at least 50 with you and Judge Robert Murray of fabricated charges against me since October 2017 are violations of the State of Maine Judicial Codes of Conduct.

At each initial hearing, for fabricated charges of harassment, terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, and disorderly conduct in a private place (my home), I was not allowed to be heard for dismissal because you do not have any evidence. 

Instead, a total of 11 Judges violate my rights to silence me through corruption and dispositional conferences with only you, Marshall Dudley, sometimes a court clerk and me, pro Se and alone. Except for 3 where my son and John Shifflett came with me.

Those 3  dispositional conferences in 2018 were to end me in the old Superior Court Building. In June 2018 you had charges against me for harassment with Judge Worth's friends, BO and Penny Rae Cameron, Mark Rae, Kayla LaCoombe (Lincolnville treasurer...granddaughter to BO Cameron) proteceted by BPD as they and neighbors trespassed on to my property, vandalizing, threatening, stealing, taking 15 ft of my property for their illegal abutting lot with hate crimes and mob mentality. Destruction with excessive force of power by police and the State of Maine. Fabricating charges. After 2 years of Court jestering and enormous cost to humanity, you dropped the charges when you could not beat me down to a plea to stop you.

You also had me indicted with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, a felon for absolutely freedom of expression, protected by the Constitution of America. For thanking Belfast City Council, City Manager and City Planner for being
 my target in a YouTube video where only my hand was filmed as I named them. I did not send the 10/2017 video to anyone. It was simply a flippant remark after 7 years of abuse and corruption from them to me, my children and property that they illegally use as an outlet for massive run off from half of in town Belfast and miles of roads and highways and beyond. Water slaughter hell to my small 1/3 acre property with MaineHealth abutting and violating codes like the Gaza Strip. Propane tanks, dynamite, clear cutting wetlands, years and years of terrorizing, protected by the State of Maine. I protest and protest, document, contact authority, attend meetings galore, do all I am bound to do as an American Mom. Protect.

The terrorizing and harassment charges cost my rights to enter City Hall period, no travel into town or the City Park across the road where I walked every day with my beagles to visit with my Dad, Mom and Sis in the Penobscot Bay. Not allowed to travel on Rte 1 south, only Rte 1 north and not any roads off of Rte 1 in Belfast. No library, post office, police department, courthouse, all necessary to work my cases, pro Se. It is easily a thousand page book to tell of eleven years of hell, eleven Judge's of hell, eleven years of being thrown into this State of Maine Rape 4 Profit Ring. I was only protecting my home, children and Seaview Terrace. I didn't want to know any of this.

Linking Brad Williams, Chief McFadden's garage vat melting rust away to shiney new, statements of McFadden's bone cemetery with Brad Williams guitar student Jeremy Alex, amongst the bones. I told Brad to get away from me, it was frightening. Then, Tom, the local Time Warner Cable ( now Spectrum) always coming to my house for "internet" problems, brought up a YouTube video showing a hand dipping a rusted metal into a vat and out looking brand new. I was in awe. Tom told me that was his brother-in-law in his garage with a home made dissolver he used to restore old tractor mowers that had no brakes. No voice or face in the video, just the gloved hand, rusted metal and vat in a garage. Tom did not name him. I did not ask. This was in 2011.

A few weeks later, Chief McFadden calls me to come to the station. I had never met him and had never been to the station. Spotless record since birth, 12/31/1960. He tells me Belfast City Council called me in as a threat because in an email to my rep, Marina Delune, I had asked her to stop looking through rose colored glasses before this all blows up. 

I start yapping away, explaining and entertaining. McFadden cleared me and wrote that I was the highlight of his day.
 I had said that my Dad got us a racing go cart that didn't have brakes and I almost ran him over. McFadden states that he restores old brakeless tractor mowers. I said "Hey, you're TWC Tom's brother in-law. He showed me your YouTube video." McFadden turned white and almost fell out of the chair. Then he said I was free to go. Later I thought he was caught at getting insider information and access to private homes and computers through his secret brother in-law, TWC Tom. Who would believe it to be a bone vat? Link, link. Then I get sexually threatening abusive anonymous letters that McFadden and Sheriff Trafton dismiss.

Then catfished by a young, decendent of Pocohontas, stating she was drugged and satanically raped over a weekend at Brad Williams house and men in blue when she came from Kittery to interview with Brad for a Craigslist ad. I stopped my life to save Shannon Berry for months until they screwed up and I knew it was a sting to get me to Kittery to dispose of me. I told all, blogged, emailed, documented to hell and rape. Nothing. Hate crimes are the base line for all done to me to date.

Each of those 3 dispositional conferences hearings we're to dispose of me. The entire building was evacuated, no security, no scanners, a portable court room resembling the District Court was inside the doors of the grand Superior Court room. Easy clean up of crime scene. Except, I knew and I brought witness. Only those 3 times. I'm always alone.

You tried then to get a title 15 psych eval to find me incompetent to represent myself, pro Se. I had my son and gave Judge Robert Murray the protection order I had won, pro Se, in May 2018, against 300 lbs of mean, Mark Rae. Through the only fair Judge I know, Judge Susan Sparaco. Murray refuses to allow Judge Susan Sparaco to take me. Stating she is in family court only. 

However, when Superior Court Judge Robert Murray showed up at my hearing for harassment in District Court, I asked Court Clerk Brooke Otis why was he here since this was district court. She said that the State of Maine unified their courts and any Judge can preside over any hearing.

On Wednesday, 2/24/2021 at Waldo Unified Court, you claimed you still haven't gotten the title 14 report from Dr. Barter. You lie consistently and this is more proof. That dispositional conference was a fishing expedition to find anything I may say to stop me as pro Se. My right to represent truth and file lawsuits of magnitude and terrorizing abuse of power and rape. 

My motions to transfer all my proceedings to Knox County Court House have been shelved for months to deny fair hearings with only Judge Susan Sparaco. My motions to transfer parole, denied. I have filed motions to remove this shackle trackher and rescind house arrest. You had me shackled with this cancer cell for 525 days the first time. As rapists rape away, Friday night special 4 profit. This time, since October 15, 2020 where you have not provided evidence it even charges when Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint, cuffed and kidnapped me on 9/25/2020. 

I filed a motion for recusal of the eleven Judge's violating my rights through their 6 rules in the State of Maine Judiciary Code of Conduct. Judge Robert Murray, Worth, Fields, Alexander, Mathews, Fowle, Billings, Davis, Dobson, Mary Kelly and Walker.

I continue to ask for a Maine Special Legislature Title 14 sect 556 to clear my record. Denied. I ask the public to submit a petition for this. 

Final offer. Title 14 sect 556, clearing my record of 60 years of innocence. Eleven million dollars for 11 years of hate crimes from 11 Judges and theirs, and 1 dirty dollar from Dr. Donald Lombardi, drug rapeher.

As Always,

Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 4:12 PM
To: Laurie's List 
Subject: Re: Det Greeleye: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Add on 3/13/21 Alimony is restored. DHHS emailed to stop food stamps.

Detective Greeley,

My ex-husband has cut my income. Refusing to pay the court ordered alimony since he retired, 12/31/2020. I had his paycheck garnished for this reason. I have $69.98 left. Not enough to cover the shackle payment of over $70. Is there another program for zero income? Or is it jail?

I applied for food stamps on 2/12/2021 but have not received the emergency card that I qualify for but am stalled at every contact with trying to survive this eleven year corruption. I divorced that to this. Welfare, jail, hell beyond my innocence. Until I receive food stamps, I cannot get groceries. I will ask to leave my home when I get welfare. The State of Maine protects my drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi and keeps the hit on me. That is not allowed in my America.

Perhaps the State of Maine will clear my innocent record with a title 14 sect 556, buy me out with undisclosed 11 years of epic corruption, unshackle me and let me run free. Far, far away from White Lives That Murder Me. Mom. Or I continue with lawsuit hell in Knox County that I motioned for months ago, along with others. My motions don't get heard. Dismiss until no more.

Please advise of shackle price for zero income. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 2:05 PM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: Lamma trvlre: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
PO Lori Lamma,

I will be traveling (still on house arrest and shackled since 10/15/20 from jail 9/25/2020-10/15/2020) for unknown charges where my door was broken down at gunpoint by Belfast Sgt. Fitzpatrick with rage and hate to terrorize me on 9/25/2020.

Finally, after several continuances by ADA Entwisle, that dispositional conference with 3 other dispositional conferences for fabricated disorderly conduct charges at and in my house is on Wednesday, 2/24/2021 at Waldo Judiciary, 8:30am. The bench trial has been replaced by a dispositional conference. No trial and ADA has not provided any discoveries for any  

Sheriff Trafton and Detective Greeley have not responded to my previous request for travel approval. Please confirm approval to travel to Waldo Judiciary on 2/24/2021 and if I may get groceries, go to my bank and the Sheriff's Dept. to hand deliver a shackle payment. I am waiting for funds as I only have $70 left. 

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 2:54 PM
To: Laurie's List 
Subject: Save America re: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Dear Amal and George Clooney,

I just received these unprofessional dismissals from Judge Robert Murray. The one colluding with ADA Entwisle to end my life, feedom and rights. The Belfast police department broke my door down on 9/25/2020, and ordered me down at gunpoint. They had been trying to get me to come outside for hours to arrest me for no violations but to stop me from the freedom to file lawsuits against the State of Maine, PBS/MPBN, MaineHealth, Spectrum, Verizon, Consolidated Communications, The Republican Journal, and my drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi.The short list. 

I would not come out and told them to come back with a warrant. Instead they broke my $2,000 door down and were raging, yelling at me, ready to blow my face off. Me. A small, poor female, 60 years old, American, no record, standing up for rights of all on my property for 11 years of frightening abuse of no value to the system that is not America. 

They had fabricated a report on 9/25 on the Belfast Police Blotter that I had violated parole in Bangor that day. Probably to state I was there for my therapy with Hillary but I have not even left Belfast since March 2020. The last session via zoom with Hillary where I drove to Bangor. Clearly, a Judge refused to sign for this one. The police broke my door down anyway, to Waldo Jail, to Somerset Jail to 9/30/2020, 5 days and no hearing for charges, transferred to Knox County Jail, where days later I had a bogus hearing with corrupt Judge Robert Murray, where I did not receive any Discovery and he kept trying to direct me to a State owned attorney. I am pro Se. As I was speaking to Judge Murray via video conference, he shut off his monitor and the attorney appeared. I refused to talk to him and was taken back to the cell. Days later, my bail was announced and paid by  my ex husband. I was shackled and placed under house arrest on release from Knox County Jail on 10/14. Illegal. Bail paid. I should have been free until the hearing. Still under house arrest and shackled. This is one of the dispositional conferences (DC) on the docket for 2/12/2021 at 8:30 am.

Another D.C. for that day is when they arrested me in my house in the summer. Claiming disorderly conduct in a private place. Fabricating that I was drunk and placed me in Waldo Jail again. Before noon. They would not take the $70 bail from John again. They kept me in a cement room in the booking area. No bathroom, no window. For hours I banged on the door to go to the bathroom. They just yelled at me that I had to wait. Eventually, I had to go in the corner on the floor.

At 4am, they opened the door, cuffed and shackled me for transport to Somerset Jail. Transport Officer Lori said arresting me in my house for disorderly conduct is not legal. Of course it isn't. None of the past 10 years have been legal to destroy my rights, property and life.

At Somerset Jail, cavity check, eye scan, body scan, swabbed, etc., I did not receive a Discovery for the video hearing with Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle. I was vocal on their corruption with the jail admin. listening in disbelief of the truth. They got rid of me that day. 

Another fabrication on the docket for 2/12/2021 is having another owned neighbor claim that I threaten him. No evidence, not true, he is on the spectrum and has a history of illness. That one is the bench trial with Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle where they want to claim I am not competent to represent myself, pro Se. Forcing a State owned attorney to take me as they did with attorneys David Sinclair, Lisa Whittier, and Tom Shehan.

Another fabrication on the docket is the neighbor connected to City Hall. For a DC of disorderly conduct, I think. They all like and change stories.

I filed only 3 lawsuits and Judge Murray is confusing the parties in his lacking dismissals. My lawsuit is to PBS/MPBN, not owned neighbor Charles Beck and the other is to MaineHealth, not Waldo County General Hospital. It cost me $175 each to file those and Judge Murray denies my rights for a hearing. My $1 lawsuit to Dr. Donald Lombardi is still pending but he will be protected by rape 4 profit in Maine. Deny, lie and silence Laurie Allen. No. I said NO! 

I have done more than any human can and I can't even get an interview as a man like Russian activist Alexi Navaony does. Public backing him up in Russia with protests. Yet, I am raped, stand up to epic corruption of United States corruption and no one has the courage to even report my facts. Our poor children and theirs. 

Please Amal and George, tell my truth. Clooney Foundation for Justice. Save America. I am America.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 10:28 AM
To: Laurie's List
Subject: Feb trackher mld 1/22
Diana Story, Camden National Bank, AG Frey, Governor Mills, Senator Collins, and Clooney Foundation For Justice,

My bank, Camden National Bank is not trustworthy to my account. Proven when I was shackled for over 525 days when kidnapped into Waldo Jail on 2/23/2018, then into Two Bridges Correctional Facility , 25k bail for the bogus indictment of terrorizing Belfast City Council, Manager, and Planner with a dangerous weapon. It is proven that I was to die a very bad death in Two Bridges the weekend of 3/2/18. 

After I gave instructions to an outgoing cellmate on 3/2/18 to the outside, Two Bridges bailed and Waldo Jail Corporal Albert came to get me after Waldo Jail was on the 3rd day of refusing to take the reduced bail of 5k from my boyfriend, John. Waldo Jail also had informed him that he could not drive down to Two Bridges to bail me out. More proof. 

Corporal Albert walked past John that Friday morning, 3/2/2018 before 9 am as John was at Waldo Jail again trying to get Waldo Jail to take the 5k before work at 9am. Corporal Albert told John that he was going to get his girl. John was still trying to pay the bail. It had not been paid when Waldo Jail got the call that I got word to the outside.

I was shackled on 3/2/18. Then I had to pay $5 a day, $150 a month from my below poverty income of $18,200, (still is). I was not advised that I should have received a discount for the poor  PO Lori Lamma advised me of the discount for my 2nd bogus shackling on 10/15/2020. Sheriff Trafton will not reimburse me for the over billing from 5/2018 to 8/2019.

During that payment time, Waldo Jail held my early mailed payments to have reason to take me again. Every month, emails and calls to the jail to force payment of my check. Finally, during one call, Officer Castle advised me to email the fee through my bank. I told her I didn't have that option with my bank as I already researched that. I get direct deposit for the alimony support from NJ probation and could not switch banks from Camden National Bank. Office Castle said she had Camden National and pays through epay. 

I called the 800 to bypass the Belfast branch of CNB. They confirmed that the epay/e-bill had been removed from my account and fixed it. This gave me documentation of the pay out date and cashing. Waldo Jail still held payments but I persisted until cashed each month. No matter that payment was sent 3 weeks in advance.

Payment is now sent to the Sheriff's Dept. in the same complex, Public Safety Way, Belfast to Diana Story. The first payment of $160 (PO Lori Lamma was not aware that I was being over charged yet) was done on 10/22, arrived on 10/28 and cleared on 10/29/2020.

The 2nd (discounted) payment of$77.50 was sent on 11/24/2020, arrived on 12/1 but did not clear until 12/10/2020 after my emails and calls. Previous shackle 2018-2019 payments were due by the 12th. Diana Story told me that since I was getting the discount, she had to wait for payment of the balance from Waldo County Triad which is the 2nd Tuesday and my check would clear at that time. I gave her this history and she assured me that my payments would process on time on the 2nd Tuesday, regardless of receipt day.

However, my 1/2021 payment was sent on 12/22/2020, received on 12/29 and cleared on 12/30/2020 for $70. Making the 2nd Tuesday accounting false.

The 2/2021 payment of $70 was sent on 1/22 and received on 1/28/21 and has not cleared. 

My bench trial and dispositional conferences, all fabricated with no evidence, just heresay fabrication is one2/12/2021 where PO Lori Lamma wants my probation revoked and put me innocent, back into jail if the charges and trial in not dismissed. I am hoping for the Title 14 sect 556 to clear my innocent record completely and leave Maine for good.

Furthermore, the Title 15 forensic psych eval that ADA Entwisle has been trying to silence me since the bogus terrorizing charge in 2018, was designated for failure to jail me for failure to appear. The 2 previous letters from the State of Maine Forensics, 1rst and 2nd attempts for failure to appear we're to do the evals by myself at home, giving a website but no specifics to sign in. Hacking my phone each time I had probation phone therapy with Hillary Stewart Reed of No Lights Acadia since 3/2020, with COVID and switch to phone rather than on site.

I persisted with requests for the evaluation to be done at Waldo Judiciary because I could not do it at home. Two strikes for failure to appear. ADA Entwisle persists to jail me. I appear at Waldo Judiciary for the evaluation and they do not have the equipment for the zooming. I show County Clerk Brooke Otis the letter and the vague website to prove it is corrupt. She contacts ADA Entwisle and the 3rd letter for the appointment is 
notification from the State Forensic, dated 1/13/2031, for the title 14 forensic evaluation video conference for tomorrow,1/21/2021 at 10am via zoom, at home. Again. I received this notice the day before, 1/20/2021. Definite to jail for failure to launch at home.

I called the State Forensic number that morning and spoke with Chelsea. She said she was just emailing with Waldo Court Clerk Brooke Otis, giving her the zoom link. I spoke with Brooke Otis next. My evaluation is at Waldo Judiciary.

On 1/21/2021, Brooke Otis brought me into a room with a large cart and screen. She had lots of trouble trying to get it going. Traveling in and out and finally got the internet on. She left her link information downstairs. I had my letter to do it at home with the link on it. I try to give it to her and she said she needs hers. Her's had the numbers needed to sign into the zoom video evaluation with Dr. Barter. Mine did not. Same with the other 2 attempts by ADA Entwisle and State of Maine to corrupt my evaluation and take me again.

Dr. Barter didn't have to ask questions. I was spot one with facts to end my freedom of speech, rights, and life. Dr. Barter already knew and let me talk. After 2 hours, he had to go eat. I liked him and said don't go yet. I like talking. A lot. He enjoyed my conversation. I am competent to a T. Truth.

A late payment claim could place me back in jail which is suspicious at this payment, hence, this email and history of corruption by Waldo County, Belfast, Camden National Bank, Two Bridges and State of Maine Judicial and law enforcement.

Laurie Allen