
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Clooney Foundation 4 Justice

Save Mom. Tell. Innocent To Death. This Is It.

Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 11:24 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton and same 40+ recipients below.


Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2021 4:35 PM
To: Jeffrey Trafton and same recipients below with 4 attachments


Subject: Re: Grcrykdnpgnpt12-4thrdlwstmpbnmnhlthrape
 (1/4/2021 11:24am email below sent)

ADA Entwisle did not respond. I just called his office at 207--338-2512. The woman who answered did not give her name. I identfied myself and asked to speak with Mr. Bill Entwisle. She put me on hold and came back stating he would call me back and asked for my number. 

I told her to give Bill this message and she couldn't hear me but I could hear her. Proof of the hacking I have been condemnded to. Satellite hacking from my shackle or drug rapist DoD, Pharmco, Professor, on and on. Lombardi

I had to finnacle (sp?) my phone to call back because it wasn't calling. I went to the DA website and called from the site. It worked.

Another woman answered and her name is Megan. I have spoken to her before. As I was talking, the call was hacked again. She hung up. No one from the DA office is calling me back.

ADA Entwisle - I am not participating in your criminal corruption. I am driving to the Waldo Judiciary Courthouse, 11 Market St., Belfast, Me. 04915, on 1/7/2021 for the 10 am video psych eval. 

I will be driving my 2005 Big Lariat F-150 with the Maine plate Joi Z. It is inspected, registered, and insured. I will have my 18 yr. old incontinent beagle with me. I must be able to let him out every hour and a half.

Please have County Clerk Brooke Otis informed and direct me to the room for the video evaluation. If Brooke is unavailable when I get there, please make sure ALL the clerks know where I am to go and make sure the monitor and evaluation is up and ready to go before 10am.

Sheriff Trafton and Detective Greeley- It is difficult to get permission for travel for Court and food. I will be traveling to court on Wednesday, 1/7/2021 and back home. Please do not arrest me  I must do the evaluation.

PO Lori Lamma- FYI

AG Frey- You never returned my call nor does Governor Mills. 

Mr. and Mrs. Clooney- I will continue to forward this thread till I'm free or dead.

At this point, phone calls from any of the State of Maine are not reliable. Contact me only through email or postal mail.

Innocence to Death,

Laurie Allen

***Below is the email sent yesterday, Sunday.

ADA Entwisle, Sheriff Trafton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clooney,

The first attachment, #150125_4, is the 2nd notice for evaluation of competency & criminal responsibility received Saturday, 1/2/2021. A video conference on 1/7/2021 at 10 am, with William Barter, Ph.D. 

Reading this it states the exam "can take several hours and to come prepared with lunch... Incarcerated defendants to be transported must NOT be notified of the date, time, or location of the evaluation due to the security risk this poses. If an incarcerated defendant is released prior to the event and not date, please notify SFS immediately at 207-624-4648."

It once again does not State where I am to take this scam exam as I am under house arrest and shackled. The State has had me in Harbor Spring Acute Mental Care Hospital, Riverview State Psychiatric Hospital and Northern Lights Acadia Mental Health with evaluations at all and have not found me incompetent or even unbalanced. 

This is a corrupt attempt to deny my rights as pro Se to be heard for dismissal. Again. After 2 years of entrapment tactics for false harassment, Entwisle dropped the charges. Zero evidence. The same for every charge to be heard on 2/12/2021.
Judge Robert Murray and Entwisle collude right in front of me. Murray shuts down my hearing in jail on video. It's insanity of the collars and robes.

The next 2 attachments, #150211_5 and #150226_8 is a motion from ADA Entwisle filed on 12/10, 2020 for a continuance of the 12/18/2020, 8:30 am fabrication proceedings because "the Court was informed that the defendant failed to appear for the December 1 evaluation."

In this thread is a December 17, 2020 email to PO Lori Lamma. She told me I was to take the video exam at home which could not be done on my phone and it is not proper procedure for an evaluation of such importance. I told her to make sure the rescheduling was at the Court House in a controlled environment with video monitor. She never responded.

I was not notified of the hearing for Entwisle's continuance motion. As pro Se, I had a right  be present and discuss the corruption of the evaluation without a location.

The 4th attachment, #150141_0, is the notice of the first evaluation, video conference on 12/1/2020 at 10 am. Examiner Ann LeBlanc, Ph.D., ABPP. Stating "Notice to the Defense Attorney: If the defendant is not incarcerated, the Defense Attorney is requested to inform the defendant of the appointment date, place, and time. If the defendant has a guardian, the guardian will need to accompany the defendant to the examination to complete necessary forms."

I requested many times to know where the evaluation would take place. ADA Entwisle NEVER advised and had my PO Lori Lamma give me corrupt information.

I am requesting right here, for ADA Entwisle to email the location by tomorrow, Monday, 1/5/2021, 10 am. If he does not respond, I will call his office. This evaluation cannot be done by me, alone at home on my basic cellphone, hackville, Belfast,Maine 04915.

This costly taxpayers Court corruption and jestering should be dismissed immediately and clear my spotless record of innocence with a title 14 sect 556, by my State legislature Erin Herbig. I am competent beyond their comprehension. The problem.

Innocence to Death,

Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2021 10:04 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>
Subject: Re: Grcrykdnpgnpt12-4thrdlwstmpbnmnhlthrape
ADA Entwisle and Mr. and Mrs. Clooney,

Below explains more of the fear of this unnecessary forensic Psychiatric evaluation that is designed for failure and my end through incarceration. I fear attaching the documents and losing this enormous thread. You have them. I will send them separately. 

They will not let me live. Free or kidnapped. This is it. Please get this in national news. Yesterday.

Innocent To Death,

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

207-505-9220 (leave a message, private callers are not answered. Or come on over. Bring that Brad guy, I want to go fishing. No hitting on me. Maybe.)

Sent Saturday, January 2 for reference
Subject: Fw: Thank you for signing up!
This is who I have been writing to since 2 hours ago. Emal is an international human rights attorney. George can do the movie.  I didn't write that. But damn. What an American story.

On their site, they have trial watch and take all the information one wants to give. I gave a to the point overview of purchase, to City Council, to law enforcement intimidation, fabrication, illegal arrests, kidnapping, linking me into their State Rape Ring, with MaineHeath and Lombardi. Rape for profit. To breaking my door down at gunpoint to kill. No violations, planned. Except I hit the floor fast and kept my mouth shut. 

To this notice today of the evaluation on Wednesday. Designed for immediate arrest. Into jail, no bail. To have my bench trial with Judge Murray, my motions to have all proceedings transferred, ADA Entwisle's  dispositional conferences for fabricated charges of disorderly conduct in my home, and PO Lori Lamma's revocation of my bail for these fabricated charges that there is not any evidence, be held in Knox County Jail (or wherever they kidnap me to come) on 2/12/2021, with a forced for the State attny to keep me in jail till probation is up in 9/2021. Gordon will die. My house will be taken for no reason. 

Orders not to screw up this time. Suicide before probation is up. The sooner the better. Burn evidence. Sounds crazy. I agree. They are crazy and can do.

I kept the message professional to CFJ and was able to attach 3 uploads. The continuance granted letter from ADA Entwisle and the first and todays psych eval notice.

On Monday, I will be emailing all, the evaluation notice and telling them that the procedure for the Title 15 Forensic Evaluation has to be in a professional, controlled environment, for these 4 hours needed. Per the notice itself. I will drive to Waldo Judiciary 11 Market St Belfast, for the 10 am video evaluation. 

PO Lori Lamma had emailed that I was to take the first eval (12/10/2020) at home on my phone. I sent several emails to ADA Entwisle, the State, AG Frey, Governor Mills, Sheriff Trafton, and Detective Greeley, requesting permission to go to the Waldo Judiciary Court House for the video evaluation. No response and I was unable to access the evaluation from my text and talk only cellphone.

I am under house arrest and shackled. With this email to all, stating my travel to the court house for the State evaluation video, I am not in violation and should not be arrested. I will have my 18 year old beagle, Gordon with me. An Illegal arrest would place him in the pound as a ward of the State where he will die. My truck will be impounded.

There is nothing I can do except keep contacting CFJ and plead for my life. Media. That's all I asked of them. Get this in the media now. It's what they do. If they don't, no one will. It's unbelievable. 

I wanted to take care of this with before anything happens. In jail, they hack my few phone calls, so the other party cannot hear me. Exactly what is done at home on my cellphone with the court ordered psych eval and therapy in the conditions of release for the corrupt felon indictment by Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle in August 2019, terrorizing Belfast City Council with a dangerous weapon. Fabricated.

They thought they could force me into MaineHealth Mental Health abutting my backyard. Instead, I went to Northern Lights Acadia Mental Health in Bangor. The evaluation deemed me as delusional paranoia and protected my 1980 drug rapist, Dr. Lombardi. 

I was working full time as an administrative assistant at Midas International in North Brunswick, NJ. I was 19, and attending night school through Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ. Taking business courses, Personnel Management at that time. Held at Old Bridge Regional High School.

Dr. Donald Lombardi was my professor. He told me to stay after class. He told me he was attracted to me and wanted to take me out to dinner. I said no  I was shocked and not interested. He asked me if it was because he was my professor. I said yes so I wouldn't hurt his feelings. He asked if I would go out with him after class was completed. I didn't want to hurt his feelings again. I said yes thinking after the course was over, I would not see him again and tell him then that I had a boyfriend and be done with Lombardi.

A few classes later, he told me to stay after class again. He said he was a "head hunter" for American Hospital Supply (later bought out by Baxter). He said AHS could double my salary of 9k at Midas. He said they had an opening for a credit correspondent and that I should apply. 

AHS in Edison was privately owned, had their own transportation fleet and were the only hospital supplier in the country of this caliper. Excellent, professional company. Exit 10. I'm Exit 9. Middlesex County College was 1 mile away on Woodbridge Ave., Edison, NJ. 

After 2 interviews in December 1979, while finishing the fall course for personnel management, I was offered the credit correspondent position by Bob A'Costa, Credit Manager. Almost 19k and benefits of the best. Yes! My first day was 1/4/1980. I had just turned 20 on 12/31/79. Happy New Year Laurie Lee.

Two weeks or so later, Lombardi calls me into his office. The course is over and he wants to take me to dinner. Oh no. He's a manager, how could he ask this of me? I keep my word. I had to accept. One dinner and that would be that.

He came to my family home and met my mother. He talked and talked. Very loud and funny. He took me to Van's in Freehold. A well known , elegant establishment. We had a nice dinner. One or two drinks. That was nothing for me. I could drink and become even tougher. All that knew me knew that. This was business. I am professional. I am old fashioned. I do not allow any sexual relations to begin, at first base, until we have dated for 3 months. Rule well known by all. To date.

After dinner, I asked to be taken home. He said he had to stop at his apartment in Freehold to pickup an important message. My home town in South River was 20 minutes away. He drove into his complex. I said I would wait in the car. He said, it may take 10 to 15 minutes and that I should come up because it was around freezing or below. I did not feel in danger. He was a manager and respectful. I would not date him but I liked his personality. Most do. Boisterous on steroids. Right away too.

He showed me a framed photo and article of himself as a champion amateur middle weight boxer. I didn't care. I wanted to go home. He said he'd do his phone calls and offered me a drink while I waited. Ok. He eventually came out and I said let's go. He said he wanted to have one drink and then he would take me home. He made a drink for me. I was fine at that time after the first drink.

After the 2nd drink, I was a zombie. He led me to his bed, I could not talk and was in a heavy fog, I remember it clearly. He took my dress off and began raping me. I had no power or voice. I passed out. It was around 11 pm. I awoke the next morning, naked, with him in his bed. I grabbed a sheet around me and ran to the bathroom and vomited profusely.

I got dressed and told him to take me home. I did not talk, I was disgusted. He said nothing. I walked past my Mom and she looked at me like I was a whore. I felt like a whore. A week later, Lombardi calls me into his office. He asks me out again. I was horrified. I said my mother would not let me. Easy way out and smart. He transferred out within a year or so.

Thirty five years later, Cosby is outted as a serial drug rapist from same time period. That's how Lombardi got me. I wasn't a whore. What is that evil genius up to now? Holy shit. Students globally and medaled military DoD royalty. I'm scared for my children. He is with MaineHeath. In my backyard. Students are being raped. I have to post this and protect my children the best I can. That was many years ago and many attempts to destroy my children and me. 

I finally filed a witness statement with Belfast Police Chief Lincoln in power. They made it very difficult to do but I did and video of it is on my YouTube channel. They could have hacked it though. Many videos have been. No one cares. Silence her from our shame and guilt. ADA Entwisle never mentioned that, not one query that they are mandated to investigate.

Acadia reported my statement of the rape by Lombardi as this. I was working at a factory, going to night school and assaulted by a teacher. Making it sound like I didn't have a high school degree, and was an ignorant factory worker of trash. Nice. They refuse to do the evaluation correctly
 Protecting the drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute Faculty, Hoboken NJ.

Guru of MaineHealth and MPBN. My neighbor, Charles Beck is the VP (unless suddenly retired after outting him and filling a 10 million dollar lawsuit against PBS/MPBN , 10 million against MaineHealth, and 1 dollar against Lombardi last month.)

On 1/8/2019, Charles helped the State of Maine to kidnap me, via 4 Belfast police cruisers, cuff me in my home at 10:30 am, Friday, to MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital ER psych hell. Illegal. I do not have mental illness, did not have a diagnosed mental illness, was not in crisis, and have never had mental health issues. To date. MaineHealth kept me for 2 months. After a weekend of horrid mental abuse by WCGH MaineHealth Dr. Drake and staff, forcefully pushing meds and signing for pysh. treatment, I refused. Kept in a glass surveillance cube, shackled with ankle cancer trackher, no shower or concern. Mean to the bone. To be transferred on Monday to Spring Harbor MaineHeath in Westbrook. Beyond mean. Terror. Force, theft, poisoned, mentally abused constantly. Forcing the same meds and signings, I refused but stayed compliant. I called 912 and was punished worse. Dr. James Ray signed the blue paper stating he examined me and diagnosed"undiagnosed mental illness" I never met a Dr. James Rae or Ray. After intake, days later, it was Dr.Kirby. Incompetent liar. He got nowhere as with his Massachusetts staff. They white papered me to a video hearing with Judge Mary Kelly at the end of January, 2019. She ordered drugging me. Risperidone, for schizophrenia and bipolar. Causes suicide and TDK. Especially to the healthy minds. A week later, I was transferred via ambulance, still shackled with trackher for abuse and private video for all, to Riverview State Psychiatric. Sarah Street Taylor, LPCN, after 5 minutes saddled me as bipolar and persecutory delusional paranoia. Seriqueol. 100 mg, 200 mg. 300 mg. The staff was shocked. Telling that I don't belong here, there is nothing wrong with me. I was released the first week of March. Alone, scared, and medded for suicide. Bastards. I survived and Charles Beck continues.

Getting perks for trying to end my voice and prescence. Feigning to buy my house, to gain access, take pictures and video and then went silent. Never telling me that he was not buying my house, just hid in his house even as I knocked on his door and tried to talk to him. Then I knew. He did me in again. Daily abuse from him, to me, a rape survivor. I reported him to PBS ethics department, headquarters. No action. Hence lawsuits.

It appears to me now, that the friends of Judge Worth, Rae's, Cameron's, and LaCoombes (sp) built on my lot. Beating the hell out of my property and life since 2017 with Belfast Police Department protecting them and fabricating harassment charged and multiple false arrests for 2 years. With ADA Entwisle at the front and 11 Judges, robed hoods. As pro Se, I would not plea. Entwisle tried for a psych eval then to stop me as pro Se and win because there is never evidence. Judge Murray had to deny that hearing for the title 15 forensic eval. I had just won a protection order, pro Se, against 300 lbs of mean, Mark Rae, taker of my land, vandalism to my property, boat, trailer, tires on my boat trailer, airstream, F-150 and my rear backup camera on my F150 ripped off and irreplaceable from 2005. 

Men were seen going in and out of my house,taking and planting what ever they want. Each time I'm kidnapped. There is more but it's all documented and clearly evil at every level. The worst is profiting from rape. I stop rape. To die for.

From: The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>
Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2021 5:35 PM
To: <>
Subject: Thank you for signing up!

Thank you for visiting the Clooney Foundation for Justice and signing up to get more information.
We'll be adding more information about our programs as we develop them. We'll be sure to contact you with important announcements.
-The Clooney Foundation for Justice Team

From: Laurie Allen <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 8:19 AM
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: Enquiry via
Dear Amal Clooney,

I have uncovered a student system rape ring that the US will not investigate including all media. NJ to Maine to CA, Bill and Melinda Gates, Gloria Steinam, endless list of 7 years work, no charge, below poverty,  60 yr old girl from Ex 9, NJ, now in Belfast, Maine. When Cosby was outted, I knew that was how my professor from 1980 drug raped me. Dr. Donald Lombardi, currently faculty @ Steven's Institute, Hoboken, NJ. Powerful serial system student, Dept of Defense, Pharmco, etc. drug rapist. No doubt, probably globally with his bio. Connecting to me in Belfast, Maine
17 Seaview Terrace, 04915. 207-505-9220. Primary email Sold a corrupt property on 6/28/10. Took on local to County to State growing daily. 24/7, for 10 years now. Alone, pro Se, targeted with mob mentality. Neighbors, community, businesses, attorneys, Judicial, law enforcement, MaineHealth, No Lights Medical, the State of Maine Rape Ring 4 profit. Documented and proven, alone and trapped. MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital abutts my property. In 2011 they "proudly announce joining collaborations with the Department of Defense." Details on one of my old blogs, was to stop rape, is semi current of the State of Maine to Lombardi attempting my eternal silence through Maine Judiciary. Continiuos fabricated charges since being cuffed and charged with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, 2/2018. No prior record, never shot or owned a gun. After 7 years of City Hall destroying my property and life, I videoed the 10/2017 target shooting on to my YouTube channel playlist John and Me. Just for us to view. I didn't send it to anyone and it's innocent. I taped my hand after the shoot and named off Belfast City Council, Manager and Planner and said " Thanks for being my target ya assholes." Flippant remark, freedom of speech with precedence. Jersey shore target game with Obama's face. See article In The Line of Ire. 25k bail to keep me until video hearing with for the State attny, David Sinclair. Charged and no bail reduction. 2 days later, John saw on news (all New England media is owned and corrupt) reduced to 5k. I saw it too but had no contact to outside. My daughter put $50 in commissary for phone calls but I was not told. John tried to pay bail on Weds, Thrs, and Fri at Waldo Corrections. They would not take it. Knowing he had to leave for work. The hate for me in jail by 2 Bridges was sure. I had been exposing the rape ring, protesting and telling, see my video Pee Wee McFaddens Playhouse. Whoa. I was to die a bad rape for all "suicide". I got  note to the outside with an outgoing cell mate at 9 am that Fri. Guards saw me giving her instructions. She left at 9 am. 10 min later, "Allen, transport back to Belfast, now." John had not paid the bail as Corpral Albert walked past him at Waldo Corrections and said "I'm going to get your girl." Bail taken after. Big mistake of proof. I was shackled with cancer ankle trackher for 525 days, 2 of many dispositional conferences in Superior Court was to be my end. No attorneys would or will take me. I go pro Se, not to be heard and alone. Except for those 2 times. The State had been motionong for a title 15 forensic eval to stop me as pro Se. I knew they were going to take me from court somehow. Each time I was right. The busy Superior Court building was evacuated, no security, guards, employees, not a soul. Except Judge Murray, ADA Entwisle, Court Clerk Michelle, and gun twitching Marshall Dudley. I brought my son for one and John for another. The court room was not as usual (Vatican City beautiful done ceiling) A portable office was set up inside. Easy clean up of crazy, suicidal, Mother. Next year, 1/2019 after 2 years of more fabricated charges, neighbor Charles Beck, VP of MPBN/PBS has me illegally hospitalized, 4 police cruisers,come and cuff me again. Into MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital. Trying to force me to sign for psychiatric care and meds. I do not have a diagnosed mental illness and have never received psych care or meds. MaineHealth kidnapped me for 2 months, poisoned me for refusing meds, abused, and forced meds by Judge Mary Kelly. To die of suicide. It was close. I have 11 Judges violating most of the 6 Maine Judiciary Code of Ethics and Conduct. I have no rights. They never stop and I continue to stop rape by the State of Maine and Dr. Donald Lombardi. On 9/25/2020, Sergant Hate Me Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint. One flinch and my face would have been blown off
 Cuffed and kidnapped again. No parole violations just fabricated. I never leave my home. Alone with my beagle, I get food online. They put me in jail again (5th or 6th time) until 10/15. No charges given but ordered to take Title 15 forensic eval by hearing on 2/12/2021 @ Waldo Judiciary. To be forced to have a Court appointed attorney plea deal my life to an end. No evidence. Never has been. Just mine, rape ring for profit. Proven. Women raped, call Belfast police and the woman gets arrested. I met them in jail. They fund the system. Therapy, meds, kids taken, disgusting trail for profit. Their guru is Lombardi. I filed a 10 million lawsuit each against MPBN Charles Beck and MaineHealth and a one dollar lawsuit against Lombardi. But, I am under illegal house arrest, shackled again and they have cut all my internet access, corrupted my laptop, iPad and cell phones through Spectrum, Verizon, and CCI. My brother, George Allen, VP of Beeline Cable is one of them. Trying to silence me all my Life. Irish Twin. Mom was a Rosie the Welder in Brooklyn Shipyards, Dad, the great grandson of Anne Foster Melton- Tom Dula- Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley, Kingston Trio. WWII Navy South Pacific, deep sea fishing Capt. for rich and famous- Arthur Godfrey, Lana Turner... Miami. I'm just a girl, stopping wrong and rape. Heartbroken at the enormity and cowardess of so many. I've contacted all. I am thourough and factual. No heresay. I do it alone. I need help now. One attorney to stop the title 15 and not guilty. No evidence. Dismiss on 2/12/2021 or die. For stopping System Rape 4 Profit. My rapist is shackled to my ankle. 24 hr surveillance, my lawsuits will be trashed, no one to care in the United States. Where did America go? 17 Seaview Terrace, Standing Rock. Please get my story out to global media as was done to me as a terrorist, by the AP. They (Mike Stewart, AP, NYC) will not interview or respond. Endless emails of facts to those that can help but will not. They are profiting or in fear. They have nothing on me. Mother Nature is my boss. I should have been dead many times. I dance. Please help however you can. Thank you. Merry Kritmas. Laurie Allen. Joi Z Exit 9 South River Rat

Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2020 8:57 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: Grcrykdnpgnpt12-4thrdlwstmpbnmnhlthrape
Detective Greeley,

I will be home by 11am. My 2005 F-150, white, plates Joi Z, is inspected, registered, and in compliance like me. There will not be any reason to stop me and I am not talking to anyone unless approached by another. I will have my beagle with me.

We have PTSD from the years of Belfast Police Department using excessive force, abuse, intimidation, kidnapping, my beagles taken, Stewie dying last year, Gordon to become a ward of the State after the horrifying breaking down of my door and the cop that is the one to show case his hate and rage to me, Sargent Fitzpatrick. He is the chosen one to cuff me again and again, shoving my cuffed wrists high up my back, metal cutting into my thin 59 year old skin,. He broke my door down, came charging at me, yelling hands up and taking stance at me with gunpoint. Yelling to hit the floor, yelly "I am sick of your shit Laurie." 

Gordon was shaking to near death. At my side for life since 2007. 17 years old. Put in a shelter, 9/25 till 10/15. He was over an hour away, and I had no one to get him. I finally found a taxi that cost me $100. The shelter cost was $1,000. The bail almost$500. 

The shackle trackher has cost thousands and more in bails, false arrests, fabricated charges, never ending abuse and heartbreak of greed and guilt to use girls and children for profit through domestic abuse, drug addiction, poverty, and rape.

In town, downtown Belfast government, businesses, community and neighbors do this to me for standing up to corruption of rights, property, and rape. Alone. All these 10 years. Facts only. First hand. By many, many hands. Spreading to Waterfront Concerts and Cross Center. Staff harassing me and threatening me with witnesses, yet no one steps in. How can people be in such fear and anger in Maine? 

How many reading this are rolling their eyes and wishing I would be killed already? My brother. My last family of our parents. My private life and family broadcast to death for moving to Belfast and real estate agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews, selling me undisclosed City/State water slaughter hell. My #1 written and verbally, "No water issues, outside or inside." DJ Brown Property Inspection and agent Sam Mitchell didn't put the forced water outlet through my small yard, 1/3 acre to the Bay in the report as I was in NJ, bravely relocating against the odds. My friend and attorney, Fred Roselli didn't believe I could. I did. File relocation Fred, Belfast or Bust.

2010 spring which is when they did my$600 property inspection and did not report the forced channeling of runoff from miles and miles of developed Belfast and miles of highway 1, North and South. The worst water slaughter property I viewed in 13/2/2009 with others. Minister Tarpley and Ingersoll filled in the 4ft. deep, 12 ft wide, 150 ft long ravine. 2 inches of snow, they were good to take me. Other showings were given issues. 17 Seaview Terrace was to become this. The Gaza Strip of Belfast and State. Maine realtor commission said they had never received such a documented, thorough complaint. Then, they dismissed e, stating I "should have done a more exhaustive search of my drainage ditch." 

I kept going. To the enormous wetland that became Captain Albert Stevens School. Illegally draining to Seaview Terrace from miles away. DEP Commissioner Aho corruptly closed my 2 yr investigation after I proved epic violations with Belfast City Hall and the Waldo County Deeded Registry withholding and removing every public document that I requested. Brutal abuse by City Attorney Bill Kelly. City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, and City Council, Mary Mortier, Mike Hurley, Roger Lee, Eric Sanders,, Neal Harkness, Nancy Hamilton and her replacement, name escapes me. Weasel.

MaineHealth blowing property to pieces. No zoning applies. No communication, as I communicate to all. Then banned from all, after MaineHealth WCGH, "proudly" announced it's collaboration with the Department of Defense in 2011. I was more than alarmed. No one cared. Then Bill Cosby was outted as a drug rapist going back to the 70's. 

That is when I knew that my professor from Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ, drug raped me when I had just turned 20. Dr. Donald Lombardi, also personnel manager at my work. The stellar American Hospital Supply, Edison, NJ. Baxter Healthcare bought AHS years later and is everywhere. As is Dr. Donald Lombardi, read his bio on Steven's Institute, Hoboken NJ faculty. Department of Defense, colleges to drug galore, author of more and more, accommodated, medaled, he is powerful and a drug rapist of how many? System entrenched. 

Link to MaineHealth, Waldo County General Hospital, abutting and illegally kidnapping me on 1/8/2019 for 2 months, to force med me to suicide. No diagnosed mental illness, not in crisis, for exposing Belfast to State of Maine Rape Ring.

Exposed by Belfast law enforcement to scare me into silence. To learn more and more abuse to girls and children at each taking and punishment. With my 11 year neighbor, PBS/MPBN VP, Charles Beck, the Charlie behind the curtain. Trapping the girl. Protected by the Rape Ring.  Charles used to teach at UMO. 

Lombardi has removed Middlesex County College from his bio. When I knew he drug raped me after Cosby was charged, I feared for my children's life if I exposed him. Not mine, theirs. Men go after the children to silence Mom. I waited and couldn't wait any longer. Students being drug raped, 40 years, escalating to dark evil where the serially sick go.

Being public and constant has been the only way to protect as many as I can. No stopping. My job. One girl link. Tell me Mother Nature didn't choose me to do this. Groomed my whole life. My Dad praised God. His daughter praises Mother Nature. 

Please stop trying to silence me. Join me. Fix, don't shoot. Lombardi needs to be fixed.  I copied his bio before he knew I knew. He knew when I outted him on Facebook and my blog on economic genocide of Belfast. It's way down the blog. It's also on . Those blogs haven't been updated as I was hacked of internet through TWC/Spectrum, Consolidated Communication (fair point), and Verizon. Hacking my $600 hp laptop and$600 iPad and several iPhones to useless. I update my blog with Judiciary and law enforcement corruption but it is too much. I am just a girl. Tough but hurting bad. Heartbreaking hurt not health. 

Please Governor Mills, you can free me. Title 14 sect 556. Clear my record, buy-out my house, and let me go. Home. To hug my children. It's been too many years. Make this right. They can't. 

I'm done with Lombardi. Keep your dirty dollar. Steven's Institute Shame.

I am not leaving home now. Milk can wait. 

Merry Kritmas,
Laurie Allen

Sent: , December 18, 2020 11:47 AM
Cc: Jeffrey Trafton <>; Lamma, Lori <>
Subject: RE: Grcrykdnpgnpt12-4thrdlwstmpbnmnhlthrape

Hi Laurie,


I apologize for the delay in response, my email was down.  You are all set to go to the store tomorrow morning.  Please have your shopping done by 1100 am.

Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 8:02 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: Grcrykdnpgnpt12-4thrdlwstmpbnmnhlthrape

Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 7:49 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>
Subject: Grcrykdnpgnpt12-4thrdlwstmpbnmnhlthrape
Sheriff Trafton/Detective Greeley,

Please clear the trackher to allow for groceries tomorrow, Saturday, 12/19. FYI, today is not possible. I have only gone once since Judge Murray gave bail on 10/14 at Knox Jail after being kidnapped at gunpoint on 9/25. To Waldo Corrections, to Somerset Jail, to Waldo Corrections, to Knox Jail. No charges given, no bail till 10/14,. After ADA Entwisle and Murray illegally ordered the title 15 to stop my innocent plea, pro Se, To force State plea, silence me eternally.

Bail paid. Free till hearing. Not Laurie Allen. No rights, shackle again, take more money from below poverty Mom, no legal record in 59 years, placed illegally to house arrest. She stops Rape. No charge. I'm not for profit or sale. I want milk.

Laurie Allen

PS Sheriff Trafton- Please advise today when lawsuits mailed to you for serving last Friday. 12/11/18. Local. In town Belfast. Sheriff Department, MPBN VP Charles Beck, and MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital.

Ajanette Young Laurie Allen Brianna Taylor #Law Enforcers Stop Assaulting and Killing Innocent Girls All Girls Forced To Comply To Silence. 

Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 5:07 PM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: LammaRe: SrvLawRe: 77.50 epay 11/24ts
PO Lori Lamma,

Officer Spencer came here for a breach on the trackher. He took me and my beagle to Waldo Corrections where Corporal Albert fixed it. You have been advised of law enforcement contact. 

I keep my phone off alot to save the battery and I don't answer private callers. If you want to talk to me, email me with 24 hrs notice of date and time you will you will be calling.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 1:23 PM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: LammaRe: SrvLawRe: 77.50 epay 11/24ts
PO Lori Lamma,
I just picked up your phone message from 12:39 pm today. In case you miss me again,I am checking in via email. You didn't advise that you would be calling nor what time you will be calling back and you called from a private number and did not leave your number.

ADA Entwisle was granted a continuance for all the fabrication Court date 12/18/2020. Pending the forensic evaluation by the ADA/State that he has been after for years to stop me from representing myself pro Se and proving fabrication because the State does not have any evidence for all these civil and Constitional violations to my property and life by the State of Maine, County of Waldo, and City of Belfast. 

The State is also blaming me for the scamming of the evaluation where it can't be done on my trac phone as you wrote I had to do. I emailed again and again to be a advised when I could go to the court house to take the evaluation. You did not respond. 

Please guarantee that the next evaluation will be done properly and in the Court House. I understand it can take 4 hours each for 2 days. This cannot be done in my home with my trac phone, no zooming or data able and I have many interruptions and distractions in my home. 

One example of over 100 by The State of Maine - Belfast police department busting my door down at gunpoint on 9/25/2020, no violations, no reason period. Cuffing and kidnapping me back into the hands of State of Maine corruption. To silence my facts and life.

My next appointment for probation therapy with Hillary Stewart is on 1/25/2021.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 4:14 PM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: SrvLawRe: 77.50 epay 11/24ts
Sheriff Trafton and AG Frey,

Friday, December 11, 2020  noon, the mailman took 2 envelopes for each lawsuit and a check for $30 each.

One for PBS/MPBN, Charles Beck@ 18 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. One for MaineHealth WCGH 118 Northport Ave., Belfast. Both are in my view.

Charles Beck is working from home since COVID. MaineHealth is open for intake every day. Serving these lawsuits should be within 2 business days. 

Sheriff Trafton please advise when these lawsuits will be served. They should have been delivered to your office today since it is up the road and had Saturday for transit.

AG Frey or his executive assistant did not return my call. I will reiterate that I did not violate probation and was not disorderly in my home or on my property.

As Laurie, Waldo Corrections Transport Officer said, it's Illegal to arrest me for disorderly conduct in my home. The charges for disorderly conduct as well, on my property.

Plus, it's fabrication, no evidence of any disorderly conduct. Therefore, the bench trial and dispositional conferences for these fabricated disorderly conducts must be dismissed. This court date is 12/18/2029, 8:30 am. My old beagle cannot walk. He may die at anytime. Please have mercy. Dismiss this now. He has been put in shelters each time I am kidnapped. It's inhumane.

PO Lori Lamma wants my probation revoked for these fabrications, to jail me until my parole is up in September 2021. I don't leave my house because of illegal arrests and charges since parole began for privately taping these words while filming my hand, thanking corrupt City Council, manager, and planner for being my target in October 2017 and arrested 4 months later. Freedom of Speech. Flippant PRIVATE remark for 6 years of their destruction to my property and life.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 10:17 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; Patty Keyes <>
Subject: Re: 77.50 epay 11/24
Attorney General Frey, Sheriff Trafton, and Detective Greeley,

I called AG Frey today and left a lengthy message with his executive assistant. I see the Millinknocket Chief of Police is fired for sexual abuse, ... AG Frey must investigate Belfast and Waldo County. I fear for my life. A Title 14 sect 556 and compensation is it. Otherwise, I will file horrific lawsuits of attempts to silence me and rape. I have 11 Judges, first hand. Brooke Otis, Waldo County Clerk using her position to stop my lawsuit to Dr Lombardi. I got proof yesterday. Big.

My computer and internet has been corrupted for years since ADA Entwisle was denied a Court order to take all internet access away from me at the terrorizing with a dangerous weapon trial, 8/202019. A totally corrupt trial with Judge Murray. 1rst rights beyond any threat. Easy win to appeal as AG Frey and all know. 

The lawsuits I filed yesterday to MPBN, PBS, VP Charles Beck, $10 million, MaineHealth, $10 million, and Dr. Donald Lombardi, $1 dollar, are in the process of being served 

Copies for the lawsuits to PBS and MaineHealth need to be picked up at Black printing in Belfast.tfor serving by the Sheriff's Dept.

Dr. Lombardi's lawsuit is small claims and already transferred to the Sheriff's Dept for serving at Steven's Institute, Hoboken,NJ.

I fear leaving my home at all. Perhaps the Sheriff's Dept could pickup the copies and bill me as part of the service since I should be free and certainly not felon. Just a Grannie rape survivor of Dr. Donald Lombardi.

Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 10:33 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: 77.50 epay 11/24
Detective Greeley,

I am at Waldo Judiciary right now and have pasted part of your message below. I
My Court day is not on the docket. The clerk said my Court date is 12/18. I had called to confirm my hearing today but the Waldo Judiciary phones are down, per Ashley.

All my emails in this thread state my going to Waldo Judiciary today and advising you of my travel.

You, nor PO Lori Lamma,or ADA Entwisle advised me that the date had been changed and not to travel today.

I have filled lawsuits to Dr. Lombardi, MaineHealth, and PBS/MPBN VP Charles Beck. I filed a motion to move all my Court proceedings to Knox County.

I will be here for another hour. Please do not have me arrested for legal travel back home. Please advise when I can go to the grocery store. I am out of food and milk.

Laurie Allen
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 10:03 AM
Cc: Lamma, Lori <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>
Subject: RE: 77.50 epay 11/24

Good morning,


I have mailed (United States Postal Service) a paper copy of the schedule of amounts due to your home address as you requested.  If you don’t receive it, I trust you’ll let me know and I will ensure that you got

Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 4:08 PM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: 77.50 epay 11/24
Detective Greeley,

You haven't responded. I have a bench trial tomorrow@8:30am for fabricated charges of disorderly conduct in my home day. Zero evidence and just about as despicable as it gets. To protect rapists from Belfast to Hoboken. 

Then there are supposed to be some dispositional conferences for more fabricated charges where BPD busted my door down at gunpoint and kidnapped me into jails (3) until 10/14 when bail was finally announced by a guard at Knox County Jail. Barely audible. My ex kindly paid it and I should have been free till this hearing tomorrow, dispositional garbage.

Instead, me, a Grannie rape survivor is shackled and under house arrest. Why? To protect rape. Way before I moved into hell, on neighbor backstabber, protector of the ring, Charles Beck MPBN VP:s birthday, 6/28/2010.

I told him yesterday of his backstabbing and using my children and his to protect him. I don't like him one bit.

You have been advised of my travel to corrupt, Waldo Judiciary.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 10:13 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: 77.50 epay 11/24
Detective Greeley,

Please stop these abusive tactics. I am certain that all are sick of my emails. I take the time and sadness to show just a bit of absolute evil by government and it's systems that are raping America for profit. United States not America. All this to one little Grannie. Law abiding to death do I protest. I do. Always. Worth dying for. My honor and duty to Mother Nature. True. My boss.

Your response went to my spam. I copied and pasted it below. This internet jestering is more never ending abuse by the corrupt.

I retrieved my mail in the evening and got a response from corrupt Brooke Ots, County Clerk and owner of Rollies Bar and Grill, with husband, Ryan Otis, Bailiff Waldo County. Nepotism is illegal in American government but the rule in Waldo County. Specials of Belfast drive drunk from Rollies, to Rollies, and citizens report It to BPD and get bullied. Documented. 

Specials bring it. Drunk,rape, intake. Fund your system. Your title is Domestic Violence Detective. Women report rape to BPD and they get arrested. Rapist free to fund. Rick Otto,Case Manager, employee of ankle shackle and satellite surveillance, non profit, right. He plugs up the holes. Documented first hand, witness and survivor of constant hunting me to a bad death. Locked in my home for years now. Changing my locks again and again, each time cops cuff me and kidnap me. 

On 9/25/2020 when BPD busted down my beautiful door and was ready to blow my face off for nothing, that changes one like only my kind know. More funding the system for PTSD and meds and therapy. Not Grannie. I make signs and email. Communication. ☮️.

Otis refused my 11/19/2020 lawsuit to your guru, Lombardi. Status quo for Grannie, pro Se. Denied. Ramp up the abuse men and women of the system and the owned. 

Read my email again and please respond to that. Mail it and clear the damn check before the due date of the 12th? You did this every month during the last shackling of 515 days, ankle recording my every moment. I asked Otto if he had me up on an internet porn channel. He didn't deny it. Chief McFadden came from State of Maine, Internet Porn Detective. His secret brother in-law, Tom, TWC now Spectrum. Accessing private homes and computers. He was at my home many times till he made a mistake and outted himself and McFadden. That's when all sexual threats and threats to my children began. 2011. I'm alive. Mother Nature.

I hear Officer Ward is Internet Detective Porn man. He threatened me a few times. Guess he's in line to be the next Chief. How about Shannon Berry? The fictious rape victim of Belfast Specials that you catfished me with for months. To get me to Kittery, to be gone, girl,gone. Close one. I was dedicated to save her. Documented on my blog. Months and months. I can't help anyone anymore. Trap after trap. So many. Miserable waste of love.

Laurie Allen

 James Greeley <>
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 8:30 AM
To: <>
Cc: Jeffrey Trafton <>
Subject: FW: Electronic Monitor Payment Adjustment

Good morning,


I have resent you the email I sent to you from November 4, 2020 and it includes as an attachment the schedule of amounts due.  Please reference that

Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 3:19 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: 77.50 epay 11/24
Detective Greeley and/or Sheriff Trafton,

My shackle epay of 77.50 for December has not cleared yet. I sent an email  City of the same day and it cleared on 12/1. Please advise.

Please advise amount due for January as Detective Greeley has not mailed the below poverty payments. I have requested it several times because I cannot access the download link he sent. Please advise when it will be mailed.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror

Friday, December 4, 2020

Arrest The Raped Waldo County, Belfast, State of InHuMaine


Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 10:13 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; LIHEAP Email <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Rick <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: 77.50 epay 11/24
Detective Greeley,

Please stop these abusive tactics. I am certain that all are sick of my emails. I take the time and sadness to show just a bit of absolute evil by government and it's systems that are raping America for profit. United States not America. All this to one little Grannie. Law abiding to death do I protest. I do. Always. Worth dying for. My honor and duty to Mother Nature. True. My boss.

Your response went to my spam. I copied and pasted it below. This internet jestering is more never ending abuse by the corrupt.

I retrieved my mail in the evening and got a response from corrupt Brooke Ots, County Clerk and owner of Rollies Bar and Grill, with husband, Ryan Otis, Bailiff Waldo County. Nepotism is illegal in American government but the rule in Waldo County. Specials of Belfast drive drunk from Rollies, to Rollies, and citizens report It to BPD and get bullied. Documented. 

Specials bring it. Drunk,rape, intake. Fund your system. Your title is Domestic Violence Detective. Women report rape to BPD and they get arrested. Rapist free to fund. Rick Otto,Case Manager, employee of ankle shackle and satellite surveillance, non profit, right. He plugs up the holes. Documented first hand, witness and survivor of constant hunting me to a bad death. Locked in my home for years now. Changing my locks again and again, each time cops cuff me and kidnap me. 

On 9/25/2020 when BPD busted down my beautiful door and was ready to blow my face off for nothing, that changes one like only my kind know. More funding the system for PTSD and meds and therapy. Not Grannie. I make signs and email. Communication. ☮️.

Otis refused my 11/19/2020 lawsuit to your guru, Lombardi. Status quo for Grannie, pro Se. Denied. Ramp up the abuse men and women of the system and the owned. 

Read my email again and please respond to that. Mail it and clear the damn check before the due date of the 12th? You did this every month during the last shackling of 515 days, ankle recording my every moment. I asked Otto if he had me up on an internet porn channel. He didn't deny it. Chief McFadden came from State of Maine, Internet Porn Detective. His secret brother in-law, Tom, TWC now Spectrum. Accessing private homes and computers. He was at my home many times till he made a mistake and outted himself and McFadden. That's when all sexual threats and threats to my children began. 2011. I'm alive. Mother Nature.

I hear Officer Ward is Internet Detective Porn man. He threatened me a few times. Guess he's in line to be the next Chief. How about Shannon Berry? The fictious rape victim of Belfast Specials that you catfished me with for months. To get me to Kittery, to be gone, girl,gone. Close one. I was dedicated to save her. Documented on my blog. Months and months. I can't help anyone anymore. Trap after trap. So many. Miserable waste of love.

Laurie Allen

 James Greeley <>
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 8:30 AM
To: <>
Cc: Jeffrey Trafton <>
Subject: FW: Electronic Monitor Payment Adjustment

Good morning,


I have resent you the email I sent to you from November 4, 2020 and it includes as an attachment the schedule of amounts due.  Please reference that

Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 3:19 AM
To: Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: 77.50 epay 11/24
Detective Greeley and/or Sheriff Trafton,

My shackle epay of 77.50 for December has not cleared yet. I sent an email  City of the same day and it cleared on 12/1. Please advise.

Please advise amount due for January as Detective Greeley has not mailed the below poverty payments. I have requested it several times because I cannot access the download link he sent. Please advise when it will be mailed.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror