
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Belfast Police Chief Pee Wee Mcfadden and your wanker, brother-in-law TWC tech Tom, Judge Patricia Worth & John the Turd- y'all going down.



My youtube playlist for the Rae Thugs Trust below. Watch these then read Attorney (who is also the Belfast City Attorney- more letters him to threaten and silence me as our City Attorney are below this) Belfast attorney and real estate agent Bill Kelly's letter accusing me of exactly what the Rae thugs are doing to me in this video. I repeatedly asked for an order of protection on video II to the cop, then repeated email requests of the same to the Belfast Chief Pee Wee McFadden. No response. Yet this super idiot ego Kelly is threatening the same to me. My boat above is still on my property and locked with my boot. Further below is the emails to Belfast Tax Assessor Brent Martin, the corrupt Gusta Ronson (Good Deeds Surveyor for the corrupt), etc. Documented falsifying recordings in the deeded registry, moving capped stakes, trespassing onto my property and driving in wooden poles, etc.

South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen Won't Back Down... Ever II

South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen Won't Back Down... Ever III

South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen Won't Back Down... IV

South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen Won't Back Down... Ever V

South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen Won't Back Down... Ever VI

South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen Won't Back Down... Ever VII

ATTORNEYS (207) 338-2702
96 HIGH STREET (207) 338-0328 (fax)
William S. Kelly, Esq. Belfast, Maine 04915

Augst 3, 2017

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

Dear Ms. Allen:

Please be advised that I represent Kayla J. Lacombe, Mark A. Rae and Donald C. Rae, Co-Trustees of the Rae Irrevocable Trust dated August 13, 2014 (“Rae Trust”). I enclose a copy of their deed as recorded in Book 4170, Page 125 of the Waldo County Registry of Deeds. As you can see, they have obtained Lot #7 and a portion of Lot #5 as depicted on the C.K. Archer Plan dated July 13, 1966 and recorded in Plan Drawer 6, File Cabinet 59 of the Waldo County Registry of Deeds ( I enclose a copy of that Plan ). I also enclose a copy of the Good Deeds Survey of your Lot and the Rae Trust Lot, dated July 29, 1994 and recorded in Plan Drawer 23, File Cabinet 132 of the Waldo County Registry of Deeds.

Please review your deed description carefully. It follows exactly the Lot as depicted on the Good Deeds Survey. Your received no more right, title or interest thatn the Lot depicted on the Good Deeds Survey upon which your home sits. In point of fact, the beginning of your description runs from the pin located on the edge of the Seaview Terrace right of way which abuts the Rae Trust property. That monument is the starting point of your description and legally important. The first call in you deed is along the common boundary line, which provides unequivocally that you do not own any property up to and adjacent to the Rae Trust garage as you have claimed. Let me underline again that the only right, title and interest that you have is described in your deed. Claims for land beyond the carefully described lot in your deed are simply without any basis in fact or law.

You have been repeatedly trespassing onto the Rae Trust propery with brush, tarps, a trailer and a small sailing vessel. You must immediately remove these items. I can draw no conclusion but that you actions are purposefully intentional to cause distress to the Co-Trustees of the Rae Trust and their guests. There could not be a clearer set of descriptions and clearer depiction of the common boundary line, which you are violating. Your behavior as depcited on your internet posted videos, as well as purposefully placing your personal property on the Rae Trust property, is willful and malicious as there is no basis in fact or law upon which you can claim more property that which you received in your deed. As such, I want to be very clear that should legal action need to be taken in Court, your willful action to intentionally disturb and interfere with the Rae Trust property and the Co-Trustees in their rights to enjoy and occupy their property, will result in a request not only for injunctive relief but also for reimbursement for all of their Attorney fees.

Consequently, it is hereby demanded that you remove your personal property from the Rae Trust property immediately. As you cannot behave in a civilized manner, the Rae Trust is forced to install a fence will shall be done in the very near future. If you don not remove your personal property and continue to interfere with the placement of the fence, you behavior will be monitored and complaints will be filed with both the Belfast Police Department and the Waldo County Sheriff's Office. So there is no confusion, your are hereby ordered to stay off the Rae Trust property as described in the attached deed ( Book 4170, Page 125 ) and depicted on the attached Survey from Good Deeds (Plan Drawer 23, File Cabinet 132). The placement of any property of the retention of any property on the Rae Trust is a trespass. Your physical presence on the property is a trespass. Directing any agent, employee or contractor to go onto the Rae Trust property is a trespass.

If you have any questions or comments please direct them to me. Do not contact the Co-Trustees of the Rae Trust. It is not acceptable to continue to instigate conflict for no purpose other than to present yourself as a hsotile neighbor. Since you have presented yourself in this manner for multiple weeks, the Rae Trust Co-Trustees have had no choice but to retain me to represent them and to make a very straight forward demand as described in this letter. If you have any Attorney, please have him or her contact me a this or her earliest convenience.


By: W/
Willam S. Kelly

Cc: Rae Trust

2/19/2013 Bill Kelly City Attorney Final Refusal to Resolve‏

Kelly & Collins, LLC
96 High Street
Belfast, Maine 04915

207-338-0328 (fax)

February 19,2013

Re: City of Belfast/Seaview Terrace

Dear Ms. Allen:

I am writing to you in my capacity as the Belfast City Attorney.  I previously corresponded with you on April 26 and July 20, 2012.  In those letters, you were advised that the City had a disagreement with you as to any alleged allegations regarding the drainage that runs by and through your property on Seaview Terrace.  You were informed that the City had provided you with all documents in its possession relative to the issues that you complained of and that the City had reached a conclusion, after exhaustively looking at all of your claims and records within the City of Belfast, regarding the management of the flow of water through your property which has been mapped and depicted as a flood plain and a natural course of water flow for many decades.  You choose to ignore these important facts.

In my April and July, 2012 letters, I informed you that the City would not index documents, create memos, or draft narrative documents in response to your repeated questions.  There is no requirement under the Freedom of Information act that requires the City to provide verbal or written responses to these repetitive questions.  You continue to ask for these actions to be done and you ignore the clear statement from the City that it is not going to engage in responding to your questions.  You choose to ignore that City position.  Repetitive e-mails from you on this subject and your statements in Open to the Public are not going to change the City's position.  When you come to Council meetings and make these same arguments you should expect that the Council will not be responding to you because they have already made the decision that the do not agree with your position. 

The City respectfully, and for the third time, requests that you recognize we have a difference of opinions.  This matter is resolved front the City's perspective.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kelly & Collins, LLC
by: William S. Kelly


cc:  City of Belfast

7/20/12 Bill Kelly-CA Letter Strong Refusal/ BDN 2006 Sweetser/CASS school article

Immediately documents and maps were corrupted after my first with Wayne Marshall in April 2011 when I came to The Planning Office pleading for assistance as runoff came crashing through my property that I had purchased in 6/2010 where there was no disclosure of a stream, watershed outlet, flood zone, not reported on the property inspection by DJ Brown of China supervised by Sam Mitchell of Town and Country Realtors, High St, Belfast Me- the listing agency for the property and the same agency of my agent, Jan Andrews. My #1 concern was no water issues on any properties- they with held and lied and sold me a nightmare soon to unfold that spring. 1/4 of my 1/3 acre lot would become wild rapids for days, ripping over 600 feet of my property with it- getting ready to take my new 6k fence with it.

Smirking, Wayne pointed to the maps on the wall- and traced at least 5 channels coming into Seaview Terrace. To say I was aghast is an understatement. I looked at him and said you can't do that- I want a copy of that map and there was the beginning of City Hall Hell.

Here is a prime example of unethical corrupt manipulation of not providing public documents and information. They have been caught by this time, with holding requested vital  development plans that prove there is my private property is not a natural outlet for the watershed. All runoff off of my property lines is illegal and catastrophic. A major lawsuit in the horizon.

Currently, I have posted the documents that City Manager, Joe Slocum has evaded for 3+ years of requesting.  Had he provided these, I would be underway with the Courts. He is buying time for the 7 year statute with the immense fraud and corruption of the Captain Albert Stevens School. We may be at that statute- I can't get that information. My first request to the DEP for CASS documents was 7/2011 and they have dodged requests and did a  fraudulent investigation in 9/2012 after intense  persistence. Commissioner Aho closed the investigation when I reported the fraud. She and her department have since surfaced as corrupt in other dealings and is ??? probably a slap on the wrists and on with the next corrupt project. Maine Government is ranked 4th in corruption- top to bottom. Found this article where the deal not to demolish the Robertson School as originally planned in CASS construction is where it all went foul. Sweetser School was to open in 9/2006. See below Bill Kelly's letter for request and Joe Slocum manipulating. I have requested this many times- may post it all in another heading later. This serves as plenty for now. The Council meeting is outrageous denial. Below is partial article from Bangor Daily News
This story was published on April 15, 2006 on Page C2 in edition 2 of the Bangor Daily News
BELFAST – A deal between the nonprofit Sweetser organization and SAD 34 that would allow Sweetser to lease the former George Robertson School is close to resolution, though for less money than previously thought.
The school building, off Miller Street, has been vacant since June. It was replaced by the Capt. Albert Stevens School...
I have posted the spinning of my current request where the only  knowledgeable  trustworthy to validate the authentic documents or corruption of, is Bob Whitely, City Assessor. Joe Slocum, City Manager and Wayne Marshall, City Planner refuses to allow Bob to supervise the viewing of the original documents and the receipt of the copies. This is non-negotiable. In this network of Liberty and Justice, is there one person of with Site plan and compliance knowledge that will attend the viewing with me. I'll pay for your time, buy you lunch, and you will be impressed, enlightened, and no doubt entertained. I happen to be very joyful and fun when respected. Here's my number- Call Me, help me, 207-323-5883 or
Kelly & Collins, LLC
96 High Street
Belfast, Maine 04915

July 20,2012

Re: City of Belfast

Dear Ms. Allen,

I am  writing  to you in my capacity as the Belfast City Attorney.  The purpose of this letter is to address and  resolve issues that you repeatedly included in emails to various City Staff and Officials which relate to the drainage swale/ditch that burdens your real property on Sea View Terrace.

The City will provide access to you for inspection of documents that it has within its possession. There will be a charge for copies,  consistent  with charges made to any citizen who seeks the format-typed of the various documents you seek.

The City will not bear the expense to expend Staff time for any research that you request for documents located in the  Waldo  County Registry of Deeds, or some other location outside of the custody and control of the City.

The City will not index or otherwise list the documents you request, or otherwise invest Staff time to organize, comment on or interpret the documents you seek.  Each time has done so, it has been staff's experience that you malign or  mis characterize  the Staff's efforts and statements.  Staff is not required to draft narrative documents, index or characterize them for you.  Staff will locate documents and provide an opportunity for you to review them with Staff present, and then make copies consistent with copying charges policies adopted by the City from time to time.

The City has collected documents responsive to your recent emails in the last few weeks.  They are available for inspection by you in the City Manager's Office; please contact Jennika to arrange for your inspection.  However, be advised that to the extent that you, in person or through emails and letters, seek analysis, written indexing or characterizations of documents made available to your requests, the City will no longer respond to such requests.  I strongly suggest that you seek professional help regarding analysis or interpretation of documents, surveys and plans provided to you.  It is clear to me that you  misunderstand  the  legal  of factual basis for many of your criticisms of the City and its Staff, including, for example, the legal requirements, or lack of requirements, regarding recordation of certain plans and documents in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds, and the mistaken implications you derive therefrom.

As to the merits of your allegations, and as you have been previously informed in writing by me, the City Council, Mayor, City Manager, City Planner, Public Works Director and I find no basis for your complaints alleging City responsibility for the flow of water through your property.  That position has remained the same for the past year, and it is not  going  to change.  Your neighbors have also disagreed with your allegations and your  characterizations of the conditions in the neighborhood.  I am not aware of any credible source or informed person that supports your position alleging City responsibility for drainage conditions that have been present for over fifty years on the property you recently purchased.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kelly & Collins, LLC
By: William S. Kelly

Cc: City of Belfast

4/26/12 TOTALLY UNETHICAL City Attorney Letter

This one blows my socks off! Such ignorance and disgrace. The City provided documents and ordinances but not the one's I requested. Later those multiple residents were most likely Bud Hand who the City helped get accumulated runoff from his property to mine with the ditch digging and culvert lowering in 2009 and The Smith's. From the first month I moved in, the Smith's and the Hand's were very active in calling complaints against my dogs. . The Smith's and The Hand's do not own stream/ditch property and the Smith's I believe built a shed on property that is not their property but is Mid Coast Mental Health. They are not going to draw any attention to that what so ever. Except to nail me. Peace be with you neighbors.

Then back to the "slight moving" of what ever this was- previously it was a farm. Seems like this would have been an irrigation ditch running through the center of the farm. That's what it looks like in the old pictures that I was able to score. Then Billy Boy tries again to lead me to the path of billable hours for his rabbit hole lunches of deception with other attorneys. Not. Another resident warned me after she was out 10k for the City Planner's "Highly Illegal" approval to build a house on a lot that he said was un-buildable. Since the lot was unbuildable - she bought her house knowing her  water view  would never be obstructed. 

Then, Wayne Marshall, City Planner, receives a paper napkin from Mr. Caswell (his home on the Comfort Inn property) with a sketch for a home on this unbuildable lot. Wayne Marshall approves the napkin per this resident telling me the facts. She spent hundreds  in appeals to the Zoning Board of Appeals, to be voted down. The house stays. 

Later, a City Council member, Alan Wood (now on the School Board and a Realtor) would tell the resident he will never forgive himself for being forced to vote against them.... They were alienated by many as they fought to save their home. Forced to hire an attorney that said open and shut case, highly illegal... and after 10k all the resident saw was her attorney lunching with the City Attorney. A motion was no where in sight. She stopped pursuing and put her house up for sale. 
April 26, 2012
Re: Flood Plain Issue

Dear Ms. Allen:

I am writing to you in my capacity as Attorney for the City of Belfast.  I have reviewed a copy of your most recent e-mails to the City of Belfast dated April 23,25 and 26,2012.  I have been following your correspondence to the City for these last few months, and I am aware that you have a copy of my correspondence to the City Council, addressing the fact that the City has not  exhibited  control or  ownership  of the drainage swale/stream located on your property, which has been the subject of your  communications  to City Hall.

Your e-mails, at this point in time, and the information that you are requesting are repetitive from information that has bee previously provided to you, which includes documents and aspects of the ordinances of the City of Belfast that have been identified as being responsive to your request for information of the controlling local law that addresses your stream/swale, as well as the approval and permitting process for the hospital annex located near your boundary line.

I have also been aware of your comments in which you have derided and made unfair, insulting, and untrue characterizations regarding various City officials.  City official maintain a decorum and a level of respect for citizens that sometimes requires them to take passing insults and unfair characterizations somewhat in stride in their daily work.  It appears to me that your repeated unfair characterizations and defamatory statements have become a form of sport for you.  You couple these characterizations with your own versions and  characterizations  of efforts made be City officials in the last year in responding to your  requests.  It appears that it is time for me to advise you to stop harassing City employees.

You have been provided the information that you have requested and have been provided references to other tools within the City such as ordinances, documents, permitting process information and regulations.  You have chosen not to use the aid of professionals, and you have repeatedly stated that you cannot afford such help.  However, the system is fairly straightforward in that the City is required to provide you with information and materials, which it has done.  It has exhausted the information that it has available to it in providing you with responses to your requests.  There is nothing more any City official can provide to you, nor any other resources that you can be directed to which you have not already been directed to by the City officials.  The City cannot advise you when it disagrees with your position- that is a conflict of interest.  Your repeated requests relating to the same information are not going to lead to different information, nor different positions of the City officials.  The fact that you do not agree with the City's position is well understood.  However, there is no point, purpose or result that will be obtained in your continuing efforts  to make false and untrue statements and  characterizations  as to the efforts of the City officials.  City officials and staff employee time is a limited commodity.  It is not possible or practical for the City to continue to respond to the same questions and same observations from you on a repeated basis merely because you disagree.

The City officials have expended significant time and energy in addressing your questions and requests.  They have done all the can do and there is nothing more they can do at this point in time.  As a result, to the extent that your e-mails, commentary and questions are repetitive, there is no purpose at this point in the City officials responding to you.  That will be the course that is taken from here on regarding repetitive inquiries.   Therefore, your future e-mails, to the extent that they are repetitive and cover the same issues that already have been asked and answered by the City officials, will result in an e-mail from whomever you provide the e-mail to with the  simple  comment that there is nothing  further  that the City can provide for you at this time beyond what has already been provided.

I am aware that multiple residents on Seaview Terrace do not share your concern, do not share your methodology of unfair characterizations of City employees, nor the way that you describe the impact on your property's value regarding stream/drainage swale,  which  has  been  in the same approximate location for at least 50 years and certainly for a greater period of time  before  it was slightly moved by the developers in the late 60s.  I encourage you to seek legal an/or attorney or professional engineering advice to address your private issues.  I am happy to speak with your attorney or engineer at any time.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kelly & Collins, LLC
by: William S. Kelly

12/27/11 Belfast City Attorney-Bill Kelly SandBags Me 1987 Eng. letter, 1/3/12 Agenda Meeting, 5/1/12 Neighbor Alienation meeting...

These letters on the blog are unreadable on laptops- I'll type them here, word for word. This first letter was read to me at the 1/4/12 City Council Meeting where I was finally placed on the agenda and sandbagged. City Attorney Bill Kelly spoke for City Council and read me this letter. I was thrown, didn't grasp that he was speaking for them, didn't understand how this 1987 engineers report was never given to me when I asked for the history and  development  of my property and Seaview Terrace. Even then, the report was corrupt. It reads like you see a bee sting on your hand and wonder how? Yet you refuse to look at the massive bee nest buzzing above your head. Idiots to try and pass this off. I try to question Bill Kelly on how this is even relevant after 25 more years of development. ) He ran out of the meeting and City Council quickly voted to take no further action and closed the agenda. In hindsight the report is actually even more relevant-

*** 1/3/12 City Hall Meeting- Seaview Terrace 1rst on agenda (I also speak publicly ff about 15 minutes in- 3rd person up. Council remains silent and hires City Attorney, Bill Kelly with our tax dollars to try and deflect the forced flooding. KELLY REVEALS YET ANOTHER PUBLIC DOCUMENT OF FLOODING ON SEAVIEW PURPOSELY WITHHELD FROM ME.(Who knows what else they hide? Impossible to know, I have been intimidated and refused information on my property for 10 months and counting. ) A 1987 City hired engineer report that...SURPRISE- does not hold the City accountable for flooding. In fact, even with residents complaints of flooding in 1987, begins the City Planning approvals for Capt Albert Stevens School, Volunteers of America, Tall Pines, MidCoast Mental Health to build, eliminating ground absorption, accumulating storm water in huge dug out pools and channel down to private property, Seaview Terrace. Clobber us further by taking the storm water across Rte 1 from the Armory, National Guard, down to Pray's Homes along the side, back towards the trailer park, meandering and to accumulate more stormwater from who knows how far back and back across Rte 1, culvert forced directly into Seaview Terrace.

 Seaview Terrace began flooding in the late 70's ( 10 years after development and with the first developed site a mile above- The Belfast or the Hilltop Birches in 1975?). A neighbor recently told me that they were at a Christmas party 1979-80 in my current home then owned by Dr. Caswell. They were down stairs and it began raining. He said the water came pouring in through the walls- they had to run out of there. Dr. Caswell was the original owner and it took him till 1987 to get the City to investigate and this corrupt City Engineer report made Puzz Caswell (local realtor) run. The house was sold to a banker, then sold to a minister, then sold to me. The corruption stops here. Note how Bill Kelly refers to the ditch as a "stream/flood and drainage swale" and "that there is no question in my mind that the stream/drainage swale was moved....". Note Kelly doesn't refer to any City  meetings on Seaview Terrace from 1975 on where residents- Dr. Caswell, Mr. Gerry and Mrs. McDonald file flooding complaints to the City. When did the Huntress Gardens Apartments behind Mr. Gerry's house go up. Probably around the same time he started taking in water. Planning Abuse non stop.

Up until my covert raid on City Hall and uncovering the hidden plans showing that is was not a natural stream City Hall was full rant and chant- 100 year old natural stream. Clearly visible that this is a man made ditch on my private property for my private runoff drainage ONLY. But without documents locked in City Hall, they can lie however and whenever they need to. This letter is true cover up corruption. He reviews "record evidence" but never visits the site or contributing sites. The engineer's report, pure cover up corruption. He is also covering up the City work done for private drainage on 23 Seaview Terrace in 2009. City Manager, Joe Slocum denied that any work was done while residents confirmed heavy City equipment dug out that ditch which is far from the culvert and road. The water in that ditch would never reach the road because of the culvert. However the ditch was not draining into the stream because of overgrowth. 27 Seaview Terrace called public works to say it was a nuisance, stagnant water and bugs. The City came and dug out the ditch.On the opposing side at 26 Seaview Terrace,  Bud Hand told me that he made an agreement to maintain this ditch at 23 Seaview Terrace belonging to Karen Caswell to make sure the water would drain from his property to the ditch, to the stream, and to my property. This is against the law. In later letters from Bill Kelly I have no doubt that this is the neighbor who is not in agreement with my findings as Bill campaigns to alienate me from my community. In fact, Bud comes to a meeting (2011), appearing very frail and asking for relief from my protests of flooding. It was choreographed and sad but effective to the public. The next day, as usual, he was up and down the street with his wheel barrow and tools, the handyman fixing neighbors roofs and gutters- up and down on ladders.  Amazing for his age or ANY AGE FOR THAT MATTER!

5/1/12 City Council Meeting Video  forward exactly 22:20 (minutes/sec) I speak quickly to avoid "jail" a nice looking police man is standing by, this is not normal. I did not realize he was there for me, and he was visibly shocked when I offered him a friendly, loud hello. My neighbor 2 houses up and across speaks for 7 minutes. He never told me he would be taking my private conversation with him to City Hall- which is fine by me. What he doesn't say is that when I tried to tell him corruption details, including storm water draining that he is doing with City help (since 2009) is illegal and eroding my property- he threw his hands up and walked away. He did not want to see the maps that show all the storm water illegally being forced to Seaview Terrace private property either


William S.Kelly, Esq.
Kristin Collins,Esq
96 High St.
Belfast Me 04915


Re:Flood Plain Issue/Seaview Terrace

Dear Council Members:

I have had an opportunity to review the record evidence and information available relating to claims of Laurie Allen relative to the stream/drainage swale behind her house. I have reviewed the records from the Public Works Department, Assessor's office, the Code Enforcement office and the Clerk's office.  These records have largely consisted of aerial photography, notebook logs, Council meeting minutes relating to Seaview Terrace from 1965 to 1975, copies of a 1987 engineering report (attached  hereto), United States Geologic Service floodplain maps, the  original  subdivision and amended subdivision plans relating to the private  development  which is now served by Seaview Terrace, as well as e-mails and correspondence which have  occurred  between Ms. Allen and various City officials.  Finally, I have also reviewed the statutory and common law that are applicable.  I have also spoken with Bob Richards, Bob Whiteley, Wayne Marshall and Joe Slocum.

I conclude that the City Of Belfast has no right, title,  interest  or obligation to maintain the stream/flood and  drainage  swale which  burdens Ms. Allen's property.

I am significantly influenced by the fact that in 1987, an engineer was hired by the City as is referenced in the attached document, and he found no evidence of any obligation of the City to maintain the stream/drainage swale in that area at that time.  That was 24 years ago.  I have to assume that when the matter was freshly being discussed in 1987, they also looked at the historical evidence of the prior 20 years in terms of any control or maintenance over that drainage swale as  exercised  by the City.  I have not found any  evidence  that the City was ever deeded any form of easement or took control of it.

It is significant that the stream/drainage swale on Ms.Allen's property was part of a significant system that is  topographically  driven such that water comes from near the Robertson School, flows down and through, by and along the northerly side of Seaview Terrace, then crosses Northport Avenue,then courses through an underground drainage system at the hospital and then through City Park to the Bay. The aerial evidence, including the photograph from 1957, confirms that this natural drainage system has been in existence since at least 1939, clearly demonstrating the existence of the stream well before any approval or development of the Seaview Terrace subdivision. 

I will also say that there is no question in my mind that the stream/drainage swale was moved at some point after the subdivision was approved as originally and then amended in 1965/66. This clearly was a matter that benefited the private landowner in terms of moving the stream/drainage swale in a northerly direction and away from the Seaview Terrace road.  Using some simple scaling, it appears, based on an aerial photography, that the stream/drainage swale may have been moved  approximately 35 or 40 feet in a northerly direction;  however, as depicted on present day maps and considering the stream/drainage swale location as depicted on the 1965 topographical subdivision map, it is clear that while the stream/drainage swale has been moved, it has at all times been located within the boundary lines of the lot that Ms. Allen now owns. Again, having seen no evidence whatsoever that the City controlled or developed private real property, and I would not expect it to do so, I come to the conclusion that the diversion or  relocation  of the stream/drainage swale was done privately.  Significant to note, however, is the fact that the diversion of the stream/drainage swale is what provided for the possibility of most of the actual development of the houses that sit on the northerly side of the Seaview Terrace road.  Without moving the stream/drainage swale, the houses on the north side of Seaview Terrace subdivision, including Ms. Allen's property, would not have been buildable.

The laws have changed significantly since 1965 and 1966 as to how stream and wetlands are treated and I am under no understanding or belief that there was any law violated when the stream/drainage swale was moved. It is my understanding that there was a site walk with the City Code and Planning Office and a representative from the Maine Department of  Environmental  Protection, and it was concluded that Ms. Allen qualifies to obtain a $65.00 permit by rule which will allow her to then engage in private mitigation efforts to address any erosion issues on her site.

In policy terms, it would be unlawful for the City to use public funds to improve private property, be that for erosion control or any other reason.  That said, the City is obligated to maintain the drainage systems and culverts located within the right of ways, as well as those for which the City has obtained an easement over private property.  I find no evidence that any failure to maintain/clean out the culvert which crosses Northport Avenue near the intersection with Seaview Terrace in any way caused the erosion that Ms. Allen has described.


As was determined 24 years ago, the drainage issues relating to the lots on the  northerly  side of Seaview Terrace are private matters.  There is no credible evidence that the City of Belfast created, installed or has maintained this stream/drainage swale since 1965 when Seaview Terrace was first approved as a subdivision.  City officials are legally precluded from improving private property with public money for any purpose, including private drainage.  That said, the City should continue to maintain all existing public  culverts at  all right of way crossing of the particular flood plain, as it has done in the past.  The City may elect to install infrastructure addressing carriage of water under City public streets as the City's elected official deem necessary, but the statute placed that decision solely within the discretion of the City Council.
Below is the 1987 City Consulting Engineer of Belfast A. Neil Finlayson, P.E.  findings to Wima Moses, Belfast City Manager.  Mr.Gerry is at 18 Seaview Terrace across the street from me (now owned by Charles Beck) Mrs. McDonald is at 11 Seaview Terrace next door to me (now owned by Rose and Frank Costello) and Dr. Caswell is 17 Seaview Terrace (now owned by me, Laurie Allen) A tri-angle.

August 26, 1987

Subject: Seaview Terrace Drainage Problems

Dear Wilma:

The rain water drainage problems which we investigated this morning on Seaview Terrace, are primarily due to the overall topography of the land on which this development was built.  In general, the land slopes downward from South to North across Seaview Terrace.  In addition, there is a slope form the direction of Route 1 Bypass downwards towards Northport Ave.

The owner complaints, as I recall them, are as follows:

1. Mr.Gerry states that after heavy rains his basement tends to collect water. (The same  problem  of basement  flooding  is a regular feature in many other houses in Belfast.)

This problem could be minimized by having Keith Pooler lower the culvert that crosses the road at Mr. Gerry's lot and make sure it is clean inside for maximum water flow from his lot across Seaview Terrace to the boundary between Mrs. McDonald's lot and Dr. Caswell's.  In addition, it should be suggested to Mr. Gerry that if he would increase the cross sectional area of his ditch which empties into the City culvert, (now about 6" wide and of equal depth), there would be less  tendency  for water to collect on his lawn, and thus send its way into his basement.

2.  Mrs. McDonald says that rain water drainage, after a heavy rain, can rise to the point where it gets into and damage expensive plantings at the easter side of her house.  In part, this may be due to water flooding across the road from Mr. Gerry's house.  But there is also water coming down on her side of the road from other lots above hers.  Lowering and cleaning the culvert in front of Mr.Gerry's house would tend to minimize flooding over the road, but the overall  effect  with respect to correcting her problem might well be negligible.

It should be suggested to Mrs. McDonald that if she had a sizeable ditch dug from the end of the culvert on her side of the road and carried it back to the "Brook", it would probably reduce the flooding of her gardens.

3.  Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency.  I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. 

You could suggest to Dr. Caswell that his brook is private  property  and that if he, and other owners, feel strongly about the  problem, that the hire a contractor to clean out the brook to their specifications.


As you mentioned during our visit, the basic cause of the is the topography of the land which the owners bought.


Suggest to the owners:

1.  Aside from the culvert, which is on  a Belfast City street and thus a City responsibility, all other possible corrective actions involve private land and must be carried out by the owners themselves.

2.  The flooding problems that exist are inherent in the topography of the land that them bought; it has existed pretty much as it is now, from the outset.  The problems are not due to any action by the City and are therefore not a direct City responsibility.  However, in accordance with your belief that the City should assist the residents with their problems, I have added my thoughts on the action the might take to minimize these problems.

Very Truly Yours,
A. Neil Finlayson, P.E.
City of Belfast Consulting Engineer


BPD Chief McFadden & TWC Tech Tom Spectrum Got You All of You Stupid Mobstah Lobstah's  

Went public in 11/2011 with 40 minutes of Joisey Girl nailing and nailing, scared, choking back tears. Internet problems followed- always Tom. Few months later I hooked him as the brother-in-law to BPD Chief McFadden. City Council called me in as threat in 5/2011, Pee Wee McFadden (prior porn internet detective) cleared me and when I said, hey- you're TWC Tom's brother- in-law. He went white and almost fell of his chair. No more internet problems after that. TWC refused to investigate. Epic busts, downloading child porn onto problems, blah, blah, blah. To have Belfast Judge Patricia Worth and John Worth the Turd (III) own, incarcerate, take children, order psych. eval., drug 'em, juice them into the system, MaineHealth, all filthy scumbags.
Documented and barely skimming their ripping away life after life, child after child, hope after hope. I am so sorry for you. I's got to go fishin's with my guy. If there are any legal issues with my blogs, please contact me at and I will fix it. Belfast-Augusta Short List Mobstah Lobstah's