Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.
Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.
BELFAST, Maine — A woman whose backyard is bounded by a stream she claims the city has created and increased in size remains locked in conflict with city hall. Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact. City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay. For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled. “That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week. Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said. This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course. But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved. On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake. “I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said. Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix. Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace. At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed. “I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies. Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November. Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem. The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms. And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property. Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000. “If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.
There was information left out of this report. When Miss Allen purchased this property she was not aware of the stream. It was frozen over and covered in snow when she looked at it and it was not disclosed in the paperwork from the realestate company she purchased through. (she did all this from away) I also want to mentiont that the city claims they can not do work on private property yet the city went through and dug a drainage ditch to drain water from behind the two houses across from her...on private propert. So before you Mainers wo make the "From away" spitefull comments get too excited, do some research before passing judgment. Your just making yourselves look ignorant.
4/2011 - 10/2017 Relentless requests, speaking at nearly every City Council meeting, many planning board meetings, publicly protesting more than often, for accountability for real estate non disclosure fraud by agents, Brown property inspectors, State of Maine Real Estate Commission, Realtor Earl Black, agents Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, most area agents (shhhh don't tell, $turnover, resell hell to another) DEP Commissioner Aho, FOIA BS With AG Mills/Brenda Keilty Ombudsman, Governor LePage, City Attorney Bill Kelly and Kristen Collins, Waldo County Deeded Registry, Judge Fields, Judge Patricia Worth, Court Clerk Brooke Otis, Chief McFadden, Sheriff Trafton. for forced flooding to Seaview Terrace, my property and Judicial corruption.
My number one priority to buy an in town home in Belfast was no water issues inside or out, City services 101 and police protection. All were found to be corrupt and more disturbed as my years of dedication to truth is well documented. Here's a sample from my blog
Please advise when you will print my letter and investigate the corruption. For the record here is the email from Stephanie. Sincerely, Laurie Allen
10/2017- 2/2018 fabricated charges of harassment by the Rae family (friends of Judge Worth and Worth Real Estate Agency) who stole portions of my property with Chief McFadden and department assistance and unlimited protection to Rae. Combined with fabricated charges of harassment by Belfast City Hall Council and officials, and Belfast Police Department. Banning me from the Police Department and City Hall! Illegally but corrupt to Augusta. Against just me. Spotless record and well known for accountability.
From: Michael McFadden <> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 1:19 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: RE: Order Of Protection 4 all owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915
At this time the Belfast Police Department will not be issuing a Protection order to anyone based on the information and events you've provided for review.
Chief Michael J. McFadden III
From: LAURIE ALLEN [] Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2017 6:16 PM To: Michael McFadden; Michael Rolerson; LAURIE ALLEN Cc: Joseph Slocum;;;;;;; Jeffrey Trafton; Subject: Order Of Protection 4 all owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915
Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden,
As documented on my blog and my you tube channel, PLEASE issue an order of protection against the owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915. Sheriff Jeff Trafton, Governor LePage and Wife have blocked me from emailing them. Please inform them of this order of protection. South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen received another threat from 23 Seaview Terrace in video IV, stating he will trespass onto my property and steal my boat. Please issue the protection order effective from the first threat today as documented in the video to Belfast Police and provide all orders and police report to me. Thank You.
2/23/2018- Fabricated arrest assault Friday evening, alone in my home. Belfast PD SUV's, K9 Unit, lights, bull horn, my poor beagles. I was kidnapped. To Waldo Jail sexual abuse hell weekend. Their Friday Night Special. 25k Bail! Saturday- Hunger Strike- Monday-cuffed and shackled to Two Bridges Regional Jail. In with murderers, addicts, serious mental illnesses... I was clueless to procedures. Tuesday - 4th day hunger strike. The "Social Therapist" thug tells me if I don't eat today, I am going into the bubble with the mother accused if murdering her child, Marissa Kennedy. I was called for my hearing.
In the waiting room, we (me and men prisoners) had to watch a video of procedures. With the hooded robe obsessed with my demise, Judge Robert Murray. I asked a Lt.? Dinsmore for water. He said NO! I asked to go to the bathroom. He said no because I will drink water. I told him to get me a cup too pee in! I was fearlessly angry.
The video hearing room was full of standing suits and uniforms. Coming to the showdown. It was a disgrace. A Judge Dobson came on the video with that County DA or ADA. Jail attorney for the day, David Sinclair played autistic to gain my trust. The real people are autistic as I have said for years. I plead not guilty to Dobson. I ask her if she watched the video which will prove my innocence? She states no as does the DA!
In 11/2017, I had filmed my hand after a first time, one time target shoot with my partner. It was his rifle, I never owned or shot a gun. I filmed the shoot, never saying anything about anyone. Just having fun with John. After the shoot, as I was shutting the camera off, I held my hand in front of the camera and named off City Council, Planner and Manager. I thanked them for being my target. Just a flippant remark. Then I filmed John walking away telling him to watch his ass as I hit the target well. I am Queen if flippant remarks. The video was on my playlist, John and Me. Just for us. Not sent to anyone or posted elsewhere. Chief McFadden lied 4 months later, stating I was shooting while naming, etc. Confident I would not be alive to prove my innocence. The "knuckle dragging thug...lying shamelessly... beating out false confessions.. " per 40 year veteran Belfast Police Beat reporter Peter Taber, Searsport Campgrounds and an anonymous commentor was Belfast Police Chief McFadden. He was removed in 2019? As was Chief Lincoln after he ordered my door broken down at gunpoint on 9/25/20. No warrant, take her out. Now Chief Cormier is a shadow. The shadow knows. #METOO.
BELFAST, Maine (AP) — Police have arrested a Maine woman who posted a video of herself target shooting while listing city officials by name and describing them as “my target.”
Police say 57-year-old Laurie Allen was arrested Feb. 23 on charges of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. The Bangor Daily News reports Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden says the videos and a series of public confrontations have caused “reasonable fear” among officials.
Dobson ordered an off camera break to watch the video. She had saw the video and didn't want it shown in the hearing. Sure enough, she came back on and said she found reason for fearful officials and held the 25k bail. I then agreed to take the fake, David Sinclair. Months later, he would withdraw when he refused to defend me with precedence and the First. He was for the State, ditto criminal defense attorneys Lisa Whittier and Tom Sheehan.
I began eating jail disgust prepared by the male in mates. Wednesday - Noon tv in the jail reports Laurie Allen's bail reduced to 5k. Sinclair never told me. John tries to pay the bail Wednesday and Thursday at Waldo Jail in Belfast. They refuse to take it. He states he will drive to Two Bridges in Wiscasset and bail me out. Waldo Corrections tells him he can't. Giving BS about needing an ankle monitor shackled on me!
I was never advised that my daughter had put $50 into a commissary fund to make phone calls and buy salt. No phone calls or visitors allowed. Mean, mean, men in blue. Why wasn't John paying my bail? Friday morning, 8am, I ask the mean guard if my bail was paid? He snickers No! And smiles. I knew then that I was going to die a bad free for all rape death that weekend. Found as a suicide. Next. Not!
Mean guard listened as I gave an outgoing at 9am cellmate with written instructions to contact John. She was out at 9am. At 9:10 am, announcement "Allen, prepare for transfer to Belfast immediately." John would tell me that he was trying to pay my 5k bail at Waldo Jail that Friday morning without success. Then, Corporal Albert was walking out and told John, "I'm going to get your girl." My bail had not been paid at that time. Two Bridges bailed on my rape death suicide because I got the message outside.
Ankle trackHer with clear entrapment conditions. No left onto Northport Ave (all in town) no left onto Rte 1 South, No Rte 3, No Swan Lake Ave, No Belmont Ave., No contact with any officials and all their families in resident, work or business... Endless. I stayed home, out briefly with John for witness.
Months later, I asked a Waldo Court Clerk the name of the Judge at the Tuesday, 2/27/2018 video hearing at Two Bridges. She couldn't find the record. Clerk Brooke Otis came over and found it under Monday. I told her it was Tuesday, the 4th day of my hunger strike. She dismissed. Charges should have been dismissed on that alone. Not in JustUs State of Maine.
Pre-trial at Waldo Corrections with "non profit" BS Rick Otto exposed the State Rape Ring. Judicial misconduct to take my life in evacuated dispositional conferences. Two deadly time but knowingly I brought a witness for each. They knew I ALWAYS came alone, pro Se. Against gun twitching Marshall Dudley, ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle, and JustUs Robert. Clerk Brooke or Michelle. So much more but not now.
1/8/2019 Illegally kidnapped from my home again. Cuffed into MaineHealth Drug Pins. Abused involuntarily, no prior diagnosed mental illness, not in crisis. Held 2 months and force drugged to near suicide by JustUs Mary Kelly.
8/19/2019 Bench trial, pro Se, JustUs Robert Murray corruptly made me a felon. Counting on 2 years of probation to fabricate more charges into their system of no return. Bringing in mental health troops for additional defense. All documented and survived.
Aug 20, 2019 — Laurie Allen, 58, was arrested and charged with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon in February 2018 after she posted a politically
6/6/20 - 9/25/20 The next series of fabricated charges, zero evidence as history of fabricated charges. ADA Entwistle ran the court jestering, JustUs Murray juggled ignorance. Git 'er before probation ends 9/2021. Staying in my home since 2018 has been their downfall. All charges dismissed at trials except to make me a fabricated felon with a fabricated mental diagnosis of persecutory delusional by a nurse practitioner. Sarah Street Taylor. She didn't know me, she had her orders.
If I go out, fabricated charges or involuntary hospitalization are just a neighbor away. 5th year at home... 13 years of them, let this year clear my spotless life and bring courage for truth to all. With love and wit. Joi Z.
23 minutes ago - Alexey Navalny, a potent political foe who survived at least two suspected poisonings and never shied away...
Yet CBS and all media refuse to interview me. Proving USA lethal system continues tactics to silence one female survivor documenting their corruption beyond scope. 13 years and counting. Trapped and surrounded. Someone entered my home yesterday when I left for less than an hour for essentials. One interview will save my life. PLEASE.
Laurie Allen
9/13/23-2/13/24 6 month viewing stats and escalating globally daily. Don't dismiss them or me. Miss Relevant.
For my protection, I am sharing one of my several YouTube playlists, Chief Pee Wee McFadden's Playhouse. It is a plethora of 50 videos filmed 2016 - 2019, specific to Belfast Police Department, Waldo County Sheriff Department, neighbor MPBN VP Charles Beck, Rae & LaCombe Family. Terrorizing crimes against me using their power to take and protect their system of rape and take for profit.
Including the 11/2017 private Target shoot video that was filmed after Belfast officials began fabricating charges against me in 9/2017. So many details to recite, horrific and sick to date. This video was on a private playlist, John & Me. It was not sent to anyone or posted elsewhere. McFadden used it on 2/22/2018 to kidnap me to a bad, bad ending of me. Mother Nature protects me. So far. It's been brutal but necessary, infiltrating their web of kill.
Chief McFadden's secret brother-in-law, Tom, was the TWC/Spectrum Belfast tech rep entering my home and computer, undercover, for constant "issues" with internet. Since I began attending Belfast City Council & Planning Board meetings to expose their corruption at open to the public agenda in 11/2011. Police presence at meetings began in 12/2011. Officer Ward, Chief McFadden and City Videographer, Ned Lightener (sadly, a fake friend from my life in neighboring Bayside, 1970-2010) pressuring me to back off and be concerned for my children.
In 5/2011, Belfast Chief McFadden called and ordered me to his office. I have never had a record except for speeding tickets. Long cleared in NJ. I obliged and met him for the first time. He stated that Belfast City Council called me in as a threat. I chattered away with proof of their abuse to me over the past 2 months.
During this interrogation, I linked TWC/Spectrum Tom to McFadden as his brother-in-law. McFadden had told me that he restored old tractor brake less mowers in his garage.
Tom had showed me a YouTube video of his brother-in-law's hand dipping a fully rusted part into a vat in his garage and pulling it out as shiny new. Ate that corrosion away. Tom didn't say McFadden's name, there was no sound. Tom said he used this video to test my computer internet speed.
When I told this to McFadden, he turned white and almost fell out of his chair. He ended the meeting, clearing me as a threat and told me that I was the highlight of his day. I thought his reaction to the linking was because he got insider information/computer access illegally through Tom. If only it was that. The evil began spewing.
In 2011, I began protesting real estate and City corruption in the center of downtown Belfast. Brad Williams (Ned Lightner's Bayside Shore Road neighbor) approached me as I was protesting. He was trying to show me a map of where McFadden buries bones of his murders, including Brad's guitar student, Jeremy Alex, gone missing from Northport in the 80's.
I told Brad that he can't say this without proof and to leave me alone.
As McFadden/Spectrum/law enforcement/Belfast to Augusta government/businesses/community/neighbors/MaineHealth, etc. with my 2014 exposure of global system healthcare/military guru, drug rapist Professor Dr Donald Lombardi PhD, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, I became bounty and hunted to date.
Linking McFadden's vat to Brad's bone map, McFadden stepped down as Chief and moved over to the trash disposal Belfast transfer station for a short stint as Director of Disposal. Bone chilling. Evil. So much deadly documentation. So much horror to silence me. Including the next Chief. Lincoln. His short stint was to have Sgt. Fitzpatrick break my door down at gunpoint on 9/25/20. No warrant, one twitch and me and my beagle, Gordon would be dead. Cuffed and kidnapped again. Three jails until 10/15/20. Then shackled again with a cancer ankle tracker, for a total of 700 killer days of military strength satellite cells.
I witnessed a woman, raped and assaulted in Belfast. She called the police to report and was arrested instead on a Friday night Belfast rape and take. She was transferred to Two Bridges Corrections, unable to make bail until Tuesday @ Waldo County Corrections in Belfast.
I had just left my check in with pre-trial manager, hole plugger Rick Otto.
I told him that he was not who he appears to be. That I was going to stand outside with my sign and ask each exit the reason for their arrest. I knew too much by then.
The next exiting Rick Otto was that poor, young woman. She approached me and told me of this evil. I could see the bruised hand prints of strangulation around her neck. Her shoulder was dislocated and untreated. Then she saw the camera on the building, taping us. She fled. I have feared for her life since.
Hooded Robe JustUs. January 8, 2019, kidnapped, cuffed in my home by a swarm of Belfast PD and cruisers. Illegal involuntary psychiatric MaineHealth and State hell for 2 months. Not in crisis and no prior diagnosed mental illness. To fabricated as "persecutory delusional" and force drugged by Judge Mary Kelly. With who knows what 20 billion pharmco drug rapist Lombardi concocts. Neighbor VP MPBN Charles Beck implicated with his "concerns" of my proof. He stepped out of PBS months later.
More "house" cleaning.
August 22, 2019- Judge Robert Murray fabricated and indicted innocent me as a felon. Disgusting.
This is just a bite of abuse of power behind the American flag by system culture evil "elite" and protected. Shhhh or else. Or else is proven, first hand, by justice, me. Thirteen deadly years. Shattering heartbreak.
Laurie Allen
FRONT STREET SHIPYARD, Belfast, Maine 04915
You are free:
to share– to copy, distribute and transmit the work
Sent To Laurie's List of 106 & FB
FYI All - My message to Annie Lennox on her FB & her website, .
OY! "State" of InHuMaine Belfast Police & "Adult Services" just came a knocking. Checking on me. From my opened window, I told them I am just fine & "Hasta la Vista."
(Sent this 2nd message @ noon.)
Holding the USA global system 4 rape & take accountable with 13 years of amateur, naive documentation. First hand to my deadly demise, again and again. Under self lockdown for many years with just this android cell and 24/7 surveillance to entrap, kidnap and fabricate death.
All systems pounce, Mother Nature is my boss. No charge. Sister duty and honor. My comment on Annie's FB post.
"Behind the curtain, system USA foundation global rape and take for profit and JustUs culture. They thought they could silence me. Thirteen years of documented, first hand corruption, clean record, to become bounty. Kidnapped into system after system, fabricating charges, indictment, mental illness of "persecutory delusional" (never a mental illness or in "crisis") Judicial, law enforcement, DoJ, DoD, White House, ACLU, 1982 drug rapist orders system horrors. Silence me. Please tell, the White House protects their system. Media compliant. Annie, Sinead, Sisters of Us. Pinky's Up. "
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace (Terror)
Belfast, Hellfast, "State" of InHuMaine, Land That I Love.
8am The White House Contact the President message:
Dear President and First Lady Biden,
Please see updates from my last message to both of you on my blog . Although the system corruption I have endured and documented covers all that sickens America, accountability can turn voters, especially "middle to lower class". System targeted. With abortion, and my facts, these classes of all races and gender will relate and finally see hope for America, truth and change through accountability. Not through the corrupt system, but through independent, truthful, targeted classes. Students, employees, families, individuals, the hearts of America. Like me.
How long can I be suppressed? One Interview away. Let it be from both of you.
Laurie Allen
(Below sent to list 1/17/24 @ 11 pm)
Belfast Planning Director Fouriner,
Your refusal to respond if Seaview Terrace will have any unique ordinance amendments in your 1/24/24 proposals is concerning.
Below is a 2016 email with surveyor and owner of Good Deeds, Gusta Ronson. The original 1965 development plans for Seaview Terrace are record of original lots and boundaries that have not changed. No legal subdivides.
The original owner of 17 Seaview Terrace was Dr. Caswell. Original plans reflect it as lot 5. He bought the abutting lot 7. He had a 2 car garage on a concrete slab built on the boundary line between lot 5 & lot 7. Lot 5 & 7 became one lot because ordinance required a 20 ft. side set back which would be 40 ft from the side house eaves to side garage eaves.
As Gusta's 1994 survey shows, 17 Seaview Terrace could not be subdivided, there was not 40 ft between both eaves. I closed on 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, ME 04915 on 6/28/2010.
In 2014, side set back ordinance was changed to 15 ft. In 2016, a hostile, illegal taking of my property began. False staking to sell the lot 7 with the garage on it. At showings, I told the agents and perspective buyers that it was an Illegal lot. Bo and Penny Rae bought the lot. I told Bo that it was illegal. He told me that they were friends with Judge Patricia Worth.
Worth had corruptly denied 2 of my previous small claims open and shut cases. Punishment for the Belfast corruption I was exposing with City Hall Officials, City attorney, Attorney General now Governor Mills with FOIA refusals, real estate agencies and commission, Waldo Deeded Registry, and DEP. Later, more and more. Including Judges Robert Murray, Mathews, Fowle, Davis, Dobson, Alexander, Walker, Mary Kelly, Fields and Billings. All first hand and corrupt. With ADA Entwistle, Belfast PD, Waldo Sheriff & Corrections, and State Agency heads & departments.
Suffice to say, there is no one to hold Maine government and it's pyramid, including attorneys, accountable. I do. Regardless of constant life threatening retribution, property destruction, and harm to loved ones.
With the State protecting the Rae and Lincolnville LaCombe crimes against me since 2016, they built a house on lot 7, filled in my drainage Swale and raised the grade to flood me more. Their terrorizing and vandalism rewarded.
How can so many sell out America? Not care for the future of our children and Earth. For more greed pie or for fear of retribution. To kill a mockingbird. Like me.
For record, if any changes are made, unique to Seaview Terrace, in your 1/24/24 hearing, they will be Illegal. These links and Good Deeds email below give the documentation.
Laurie Allen
This link is a picture of the full Seaview Terrace original plans by CK Archer, March 1965, re: Plan of Wendell Macleod Housing Development.
This link is my photo album with the standard Good Deeds 1994 survey proving that 17 Seaview Terrace could not be subdivided. A zoomed in picture of the original 1965 plans for Seaview Terrace. Lot 5 is where my house was built. Lot 7 is where Dr. Caswell built the concrete floor, 2 car garage on the boundary line between lot 5 & 7, making it one lot. That lot would be 17 Seaview Terrace. Pictures between the garage and my home are included in album.
On 7/7/2016, Good Deeds came onto my property at 17 Seaview Terrace and placed wooden stakes on my property. I came to see you with the Good Deeds survey, dated, 7/24/94, job #A9449, Estate of John A. Caswell, M.D. Property, stating Waldo County Registry of Deeds, Volume 1408-Page 165 that does not have the seal. I had just come from the Waldo County Registry of Deeds where they stated that this survey is not recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds. You told me that you remembered this and that the readings were a mess.
You stated that for the attached 1994 survey that I showed you was the actual standard survey where Goods Deeds simply measured the required side set back of 20 ft from the eaves of the garage on 23 Seaview Terrace and drew a new boundary line from that. However, that encroaches into my property side set back of 20 ft. as required by ordinance. Therefore, the survey is not a legal divide and could not be recorded into the deeded registry.
Please advise if you have taken on the documents after the 2/18/2016 death of surveyor C.K. Archer, Palermo, Maine. If so, I am requesting the sealed original plans by CK Archer, March 1965, re: Plan of Wendell MaCleod Housing Development, Belfast Maine (I have a copy with the seal given to me by then Belfast City Tax Assessor, Bob Whitely. City Manager Joe Slocum also confirmed, that I have on you tube at a City Council meeting, that this plan is the true registry plan. Joe Slocum stating he was looking for it for months, while Bob Whitely told me that Joe flipped out on him for giving me these plans. I brought them to another City Council meeting, documented on youtube and City Council Roger Lee, Mike Hurley and City Manager Joe Slocum again confirmed these original plans as true and stating they had already saw the originals. They did not return them to the registry to date and the registry needs the original and told me to request it from Good Deeds. My copy is also attached. Please advise if you have CK Archer's documents and the original of the copy I provided in the link below and if you do, when they will be received by the Waldo County Deeded Registry.
The 1994 survey, a picture showing the wooden stakes placed on my property and original plans for Seaview Terrace are on this link
1/15/24 My message to Lewiston, Maine Schemengees Bar and Grill. With love.
" Why did/does military and State of Maine agencies ignore reporting of dangerous/unstable males? 13 years of exposing State of Maine corruption, top to bottom, linking MaineHealth, global system rape and torture, through off the charts abuse of power to silence me. They fabricated me, life long clean record, (now 63) to felon, by Judge Robert Murray to Governor Mills/all State agencies to MaineHealth to Maine implicated businesses, "non-profit" organizations, every level officials/individuals, all Maine media, PBS/MPBN, to those "owned" by system, to Belfast Community, neighborhood, neighbor prior 2021 MPBN VP Charles Beck to lethal global system, military to healthcare to educational, etc. drug rapist Professor Dr Donald Lombardi Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ. System profit for public trauma. System grown. Damaged males allowed to fester, shootings, D.V., rape, creates more system profits, therapies, drug addictions, female intake to reach family/children. I witness, am survivor, on self lock down, reporting since 2011, to be hunted to death by all the terror profiting systems. Sean Hodgson got an AP Interview. AP won't Interview me. Too powerful. Top level thugs. System Profit underway in Lewiston hearts. System guilty. "
1/14/24 The State of Maine assaults Penobscot Indigenous rights. Assaults Mother Nature. Assaults children and women. Assaults 4 profit. With MaineHealth, Stevens Institute of Technology and their global system, drug rapist, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi, PhD. I witness, drug raped, and am continually assaulted with children. Terrorist tactics is their system. Truth and proof is mine. Did Vanity Fair receive White House instructions to protect the System as Clinton did for Epstein's child rape ring? Enable and perks abound. Tax payers expense. I witness with neighbor.
Mr. Mole. Constant surveillance and creepy. Trapped. Dead Mom Talking.
The Judge ruled in favor of the State of Maine's opinion that the water of the Penobscot River, which flows through Penobscot Nation Tribal territory ...
Bangor Daily News video 1/13/24 flooding @ Front Street Shipyard
As breast cancer is their prayer to silence me, I best get my posts of the guilty. Joining forces against one Little Laurie Allen. All alone. All my life. To die for. Hope not.
Here is Belfast Waterfront with Penobscot River into Bay @ Belfast Harbor. At sea level. Front Street Shipyard, you in trouble. Backstabbing me since 11/2011, our first City Council meeting. Me, choking back tears as I told of City abuse, JB Turner, JustUs royalty as he gave ship yard proposal to build FSS. As president & then as board member of MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital. My killHer abutters. Go Mother Nature. My saveher.
1/10/24 Sent to Laurie's List of 107.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 3:07 PM To: georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; ...
Update - There has not been any response from President Biden, Senator King, Governor Mills, Healthcare Marketplace Insurance renewal, MaineCare DHHS Fraudulent Enrollment, Steven's Institute of Technology Staff and Drug Rapist Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi of Steven's and guru of global system healthcare "management" hell.
Today FB removed my posting of this email posted 3 MONTHS ago on 10/5/23, pasted below. With the an email from 11/8/23 with Belfast Planning Director Bub Fourner. He responded immediately to the first email but left out specific possible ordinance amendments for Seaview Terrace. He has yet to respond and is included here, for record.
This 1/10/24 email to the 106 list will be posted on
This email below took 3 hours to send, hacking, spinning away. Xxxxx can confirm receipt too. On the blog is the picture of Mr. Mole sign. Identity on blog is xxxxxxx xxxx. That is not in the email for legal purposes. In 2019? NJ Gov Murphy passed a bill to extend rape charges 2 years from date of awareness. They knew it was underway and began the horrors to stop me. Even during the 2 year probation, during that 2 yr window, (that I still didn't know about) PO Lori Lamma (she's "gone" now) told me I could transfer probation to NJ if I wanted to move. I jumped on in it so I could go after Lombardi I'm person. Then they rescinded that, telling me I could not leave. I had put the house up for sale by owner, 200k cash. Charles feigned buying, coming in taking pictures and video. Then when I told him I asked Blair Agency to help me with closing he said he would do it at no charge. I said no. Then he ghosted me. No more communications. On top of all else he has done to me. 9/25/20 cops broke my door down at gunpoint. No warrant, no reason except to fabricate parole violation, shackle me again and attempt to begin parole again after a year wait for the trial. 9/2021 Maine fuel with LiHeap destroyed my furnace. No more serviced, they are one, destroy her. Then all the phone hacking to force fabricated violations during COVID-19 when phone was dire to comply.
Ordering a psych eval to try and find me incompetent to stand trial. I never gave up as all the emails prove. Judge Murray forced attorney Logan Perkins on me as pro SE. She filed a motion against me to sign release of records from my court ordered therapy sessions. They were not counting on me going to Northern Lights in Bangor for the therapy. I knew local would force drugs on me and fabricate me as nucking futs.
I refused to sign and Murray knew he could not over ride that with No Lights. Logan kept pressuring me. No. Then they subpoena'd my therapist Hillary Stewart to testify the day before the trial. At the trial, the psychiatrist, Dr Barter who did the eval lied saying I was incompetent to stand trial. An attorney showed up for No Lights stating Hillary had clients and could not attend. Logan knew I had all the documents and statutes to win. That is when she began defending me to save herself. I let her, ready to jump in if she began to sell me out. My probation was up. Free one would think. Dead survivor walking, talking, staying alive under lockdown with quick trip every 2 months or so for groceries when Charles is gone. Getting hacked constantly when doing this work. Until. No one here to help/protect me and house except me. If xxx wasn't contacting me in the jails and Riverview, I would be dead. Called a suicide. Cremate proof. Buh bye.
Laurie Allen tried to sue MPBN VP Charles Beck and Maine Health in 2019. Judge Robert Murray, my personal hooded robe with ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle fabricating me as a felon and mentally ill since 2014. The year I outted their guru. Global system drug rapist, Professor Dr Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ. To run out NJ statutes to sue Lombardi for drug raping me in 1/1982. His lethal resume in this post unless he hacked it out. SOS.
"State" of Maine protects system Rape Ring 4"PROFITS"
Murray dismissed my lawsuit without hearing. Then PBS/MPBN dropped The Mic. Lavishing system perks to date. The Portland Press Herald
Longtime executive at Maine Public retiring after 40 years
Dec 21, 2020 — Charles Beck, vice president for radio and television content, will step down in January...
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Helfast, Maine 04915
Not Mr Rogers Neighborhood. Lethal to silence and destroy all of Laurie Allen's life and home.
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 7:04 PM To: Bub Fournier <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: 1/24 Ordnc Mtg
Director Fournier,
Thank you for responding. I understand that the amendments affect R1 zone. I want to know if there are specific changes to Seaview Terrace that are additional to the general R1 zone amendments and/or through unknown clean up amendments.
Laurie Allen
From: Bub Fournier <> Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 1:22 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: 1/24 Ordnc Mtg
Good Afternoon,
Thanks for reaching out to the Belfast Planning and Codes Department. Please see my responses below in red.
2. Please advise if private property signage, no larger than 6'x6', and not displayed for profit, per the Planning Director, is proposing any change or new requirements for my R1 zone. There are no proposed changes to the Chapter 86 Signs of the City Ordinance.
3. Per your letter dated 1/2/24, received via USPS 1/5/24, "This public hearing comes after several meetings by the Planning Board with input from the public to draft the current proposal." I did not receive any communications for proposals and public input. The Planning Board meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month generally and has conducted several meetings over the past year regarding increasing housing opportunities. Most of these are available to watch here. Although the City does try to promote public participation at meetings, including this direct mailing to everyone Inside the Bypass, there always ends up being folks who did not know about particular meetings. If you think you may be affected or have interest, please keep an eye on the Planning and Codes webpage, Agendas and Minutes webpage, Village Soup etc.
All of the proposed amendments are also available in a packet on our counter at City Hall for review.
Thanks again.
Bub Fournier
Director, Planning and Codes Department
City of Belfast
No action Biden protecting Lombardi Global Drug Raping Ring 4 Profit like Clinton protecting Epstein.
For my safety, this message was sent to Laurie's 106 list, Vanity Fair, The Daily Beast, Telegraph UK, and more. Confirmed.
" See Biden, Trump, Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ President with staff, entire State of Maine govt. top to bottom, Gov Mills, AG & all agencies, Corrections Comish Randall Liberty, MaineHealth (largest healthcare in Maine), entire DOJ Judicial, FBI, ACLU, George Clooney Foundation for Justice, Bill Gates, etc. and silent media system protect rape 4 profit. Globally by their guru, healthcare, military, education, business, system after system, drug rapist, Stevens Professor Dr Donald Lombardi PhD. Drug raped me in 1/1982. In 2014, when Bill Cosby was exposed, I had to go public for all. Spotless record, excellent health, physically and mentally. System fabricated charges, kidnapping me, jailings, MaineHealth 1/2019 illegal involuntary 2 month holding & abuse, force drugged by Judge Mary Kelly, Judge Robert Murray made me a fabricated felon in 8/2019, Corrections/law enforcement rape ring from Maine to Hoboken Police Department to Stevens Institute. Protect Lombardi, silence Laurie Allen. They hack me to death but I continue. All 1rst hand, 11 Maine Hooded JustUs robes, PBS (prior 2020) VP & my neighbor, Charles Beck assists system to end my life. I am trapped, on self lock down for years, deliveries tampered, no more Sam's Club food. I began exposing and documenting Belfast Maine corruption in 2011 after being sold a State of Maine corrupt home. Another InHuMaine enabling perk, shhhh, don't tell or else. Re-sell hell to another or else. Or else began with and my YouTube channel, etc., now without internet access, only this android cell phone without wifi, and escalating. PLEASE TELL MEDIA. LET ME LIVE. Phone is hacked to deny receiving or making calls. Email and posting is all I have left. Constant hacking but I do all I can. Alone. Neighbors, community, businesses, churches, attorneys, groups, media, endless list of the implicated. Epstein was one of many of Lombardi's global rape, in-take, break system. Next. NOT!"
1/1/24 Sent to Senator King on his website contact and then to the White House contact for President Biden.
"7th request 1/1/24 to Senator King, MaineCare MyMaineConnection, DHHS/Farmington/documents. Today, I sent my 2022 Federal tax return, filed ... , AGI... , and my bank statement, December 18, 2023,
... , uploaded and received on my Maine connection account.
The site will not allow me to correct errors of ... filing status and income of ... , bank account ... . Illegally forcing me into MaineCare and rescinding my federal marketplace renewal letter from, October 19,2022, eligibility for 2023 924.00, effective January 1,2024, 1,125.00 APTC.
The letter from DHHS dated November 23, 2023 illegally changed my income, bank account and filing status to illegally force me into MaineCare. Your refusal to correct has prompted contacting President Biden for a complete pardon of fabricated felon indictment, and fabricated Maine health, Riverview Psychiatric PNP Sarah Street Taylor diagnosis of persecutory delusional, and to be relocated to a safe state where I can receive marketplace insurance to receive immediate care from top healthcare for possible cancer. As you know and enable to protect State of Maine corruption and drug rapist, Professor Dr Donald Lombardi PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. This is being sent to President Biden for a 2nd request for immediate action.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915"
Adding to President Biden's message "PLEASE HELP ME FOR AMERICA."
12/24/23 Sent to Laurie's List of 106 on email thread @ 9:13 am.
" Dear President Biden,
Please see details of State of Maine illegally rescinding my automatic federal marketplace health insurance on my virus and ad free blog, . Illegally and fraudulently forcing me into MaineCare that I am NOT qualified to receive.
Recent breast lumps leave me without insurance and medical examination. 13 years of exposing first hand State of Maine and MaineHealth corruption with drug rapist Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD have violated my every right to life, civil rights to USA Constitutional rights to State of Maine constitutional rights. Documented on several blogs since 2011, current blog .
I just saw Neerce Tanden, USA Policy Advisor speak of marketplace health insurance., Maine DHHS, Governor Mills, Senator King, all State agencies and healthcare protect Lombardi and fabricate me as a felon and mentally ill to cover-up their rape 4 profit and corruption. Illegally cuffing and kidnapping me from my home into their facilities at life threatening harm. Again and again, since 2016. In 2014 I went public with Lombardi drug raping me in 1982. He is powerfully protected, including Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ where he currently accesses global systems. Military to business to students to me. Almost 63 and on lockdown for years.
Reports to the FBI, DOJ, Civil Rights, ACLU, agency to agency, documented and dismissed. I will not seek medical care in Maine regardless. I need your protection, relocation to safety and health care excellence, and a full pardon for felon and persecutory delusional fabrication records by the State of Maine to my spotless life. Please.
Merry Kritmas. Happy New Year, my 63rd birthday.
PS- I had contacted then, President Trump with this information and his response was not his job. Referring me back to the State of InHuMaine. "
12/24/23 Sent to Laurie's List of 106 on email thread @ 9:13 am.
" Dear President Biden,
Please see details of State of Maine illegally rescinding my automatic federal marketplace health insurance on my virus and ad free blog, . Illegally and fraudulently forcing me into MaineCare that I am NOT qualified to receive.
Recent breast lumps leave me without insurance and medical examination. 13 years of exposing first hand State of Maine and MaineHealth corruption with drug rapist Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD have violated my every right to life, civil rights to USA Constitutional rights to State of Maine constitutional rights. Documented on several blogs since 2011, current blog .
I just saw Neerce Tanden, USA Policy Advisor speak of marketplace health insurance., Maine DHHS, Governor Mills, Senator King, all State agencies and healthcare protect Lombardi and fabricate me as a felon and mentally ill to cover-up their rape 4 profit and corruption. Illegally cuffing and kidnapping me from my home into their facilities at life threatening harm. Again and again, since 2016. In 2014 I went public with Lombardi drug raping me in 1982. He is powerfully protected, including Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ where he currently accesses global systems. Military to business to students to me. Almost 63 and on lockdown for years.
Reports to the FBI, DOJ, Civil Rights, ACLU, agency to agency, documented and dismissed. I will not seek medical care in Maine regardless. I need your protection, relocation to safety and health care excellence, and a full pardon for felon and persecutory delusional fabrication records by the State of Maine to my spotless life. Please.
Merry Kritmas. Happy New Year, my 63rd birthday.
PS- I had contacted then, President Trump with this information and his response was not his job. Referring me back to the State of InHuMaine. "
Good News, I figured out that the apartments you are talking about and from what you explained and what I found doing some research, it did indeed happen in Freehold Borough.
Here is the bad news: As I stated in my earlier e-mail, NJ has no statute of limitations for certain criminal charges including sexual assault.
My legal advisor has gotten back to me and explained that NJ has a sliding scale starting back in 1979.
I have attached the statute of limitations sheet for sexual offenses for the state of NJ.
It states and of course I confirmed with my legal advisor, that based off your time line when the crime occurred in 1981, It’s 5 years, so we would have needed to charge/indict by June 1986.
Unfortunately, the law states that we could not charge him even if we built a case on him.
I wish I had better news for you and if I can help you in any other way, please let me know
DSgt John Reiff
DSgt. JohnT Reiff
Freehold Borough Police Department
Detective Division
36 Jackson St
Freehold NJ 07728
732 462-1234
I was Lombardi's student 10/1981-12/1981. He drug raped me in 1/1982. I have sent this to many, many, many. NJCASA too. No response. Hoboken Police Department is a reported rape ring. Steven's is in Hoboken, State of Maine/MaineHealth Rape Ring. Lombardi's system. To date. Rape 4 Profit. Sickening.
I have filed my witness statement with the Belfast Police department in 6/2020 and they buried it. I've posted it wherever I could since 2014 when I realized he drug raped me when Bill Cosby was ousted in 2014.
In 1981, @ 20, I was working full-time at NJ Aluminum, accounts receivable and attending night school through Middlesex County College. Taking personnel management fall semester 1981 @ M.C.C. satellite, Old Bridge Regional High School. Lombardi was my professor.
After many weeks into the course, he asked me to stay after class. He asked me if I knew that he was attracted to me? I did not and wanted nothing to do with him. I said no. He asked me out to dinner. I said no. He asked if it was because he was my professor. I said yes. This way I did not hurt him and thought it was over.
Instead, he asked me if I would go out with him after the course was over. I thought I'd never see him again after the course so I said yes to avoid this.
At the next class, he asked me to stay again. He said he was a "head hunter" for American Hospital Supply, personnel director. He said AHS could double my salary of 9k and I should interview for an opening as credit correspondent. I said yes.
In December, after the 3rd interview, I got the job, beginning 1/4/1982. The class had ended and he called me into his office for the dinner date. I was shocked. He was my manager and I did not want to date him ever. I keep my word and had to go to dinner with him. I was horrified that co-workers would learn of the one date and think I slept my way into the job.
He came to my home, sat and talked with my mother and took me to dinner at Van's in Freehold. Mom had taken me there before, it was considered classy. We had a nice dinner. He is Mr. Personality, loud, witty and funny. This was business for me. I had one drink at dinner. I am small but I could out drink many men. High tolerance from alcoholic family genes. The more I drank, the tougher I got over sexual advances to myself or any female in danger. All who know me know this.
After dinner, I asked to go home. He said he had to stop at his apartment because he had to pick up an important message. It was nearby and then to South River. Ok. I said I would wait in the car. I believe it was a brown 280 ZX, sportscar. He said it would take about 10 minutes and that I should come up because it was below freezing out. I said ok. I did not sense any danger and would not allow any advances. He was very respectful. I felt safe to go.
Inside, he showed me a framed newspaper article and picture of him as a medaled amateur boxer. I didn't care. Boxing is brutality. He offered me a drink while he went into another room to take care of his important business call.
After the call, I asked to go home. He said he wanted to have one drink before leaving. He made me one too. We sat on the couch, talking and laughing. Then, everything was fuzzy. He led me to his bed. I was like a zombie. Without senses. Passing out.
He was raping me and I was helpless, couldn't speak or move. Paralyzed. I passed out and woke the next morning, naked with Lombardi in his bed. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I got dressed and told him to take me home. I didn't say another word to him. My mother looked at me like I was a whore and I felt like a whore. I never did that and never cheated. To date.
A week later, he calls me into his office again. He asks to take me out again. I was disgusted and said no. My mother won't allow it. That worked. He left AHS @ 120 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ, within the next year or so. Gone and eventually forgotten. Until Cosby. Then I knew evil.
Now he's been shackled to my ankle & life. Reliving evil and enduring constant State of Maine Rape Ring 4 Profit with MaineHealth abutting, abusing and targeting me & mine. Alone & almost 63.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terror
Belfast, Maine 04915
Dr. Donald Lombardi
Distinguished Industry Professor and Academic Director of the Veterans Program, Stevens Institute of Technology
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps 1976 – 1980
Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.
Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison
General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development
Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988
Dr. Donald Lombardi has consulted for more than 170 healthcare organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives and has written more than 40 articles and 12 books, including Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager and, most recently, Manual of Healthcare Leadership and Management (McGraw-Hill, 2014).
As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).
Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
1978 MA – Human Resources Management
1976 BA - English
End of 12/17/23 email add on to 2? year long thread below
May this not be cancer. State of InHuMaine with Senator Angus King, Federal Government, global system drug rapist Dr Donald Lombardi and his powerful, diabolical players, illegally stripped me of my federal health insurance coverage on 12/15/2023. To force me into their system again and take all of me and mine. 13+ years of documenting fascism. Always hoping for national reporting. Until then, I remain on lock down, even if cancer. No Illegal MaineCare deathcare for me. Home is best. System corrupt did this. Hang on Sloopy, hang on. Otay.
Years ago, CBS PSA spelling error "Merry Chritmas" Twas funny. My way tis funny. Say & Smile. Triple Dog Dare Ya. Woof.
Drug Rapist Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ
12/12/23 Sent to Laurie's List of 106.
Yesterday, a stranger with Maine license plates, knocked several times as I was sleeping. The stranger was trying to peek through my windows.
I have posted a DO NOT TRESPASS sign on my front porch. As Russia's Putin critic, Alexei Navalny has been poisoned, sentenced and now missing in Russia's penal system, I shelter for peace in my home. The U.S. Constitution protected by the Bill of Rights is not protection. Freedom is not safe as the State of Maine cuffs and kidnaps me from my home, again and again. MaineHealth has poisoned and abused me, the State of Maine has force drugged me with unknown pills, inflicts horrific abuse and has shackled my innocent ankle with a cancerous satellite system militant, 700 days, maximum dosage of radiation, targeting and demoralization. Mob mentality. Traumatic stress and terror to loved ones.
Motions after motions to remove their shackle making me so ill (with video) were denied, with intent to harm, by Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwistle. Barbaric and InHuMaine. Rapists go free as I expose system rape and corruption. Fabricating what they wish, no one to stop them. Just me. Alone.
I have done all I must. I am at peace, having survived life threatening attempts after attempts. As corruption history dictates itself, State of Maine takes my federal marketplace coverage with Senator Angus King ignoring 6 requests to reinstate my federal insurance and investigate fraud and gross abuse of power.
If I do have illness, the system of the professor who drug raped me in 1/1982, Dr. Donald Lombardi, is the government, educational, business, social and healthcare system protecting him and his. His network is global and lethal to accountability and me.
I cannot stop him from taking me again and again. This plan to Illegally force MaineCare on me is life threatening. Cuff, kidnap, State of Maine/MaineHealth penal system, fabricate, repeat until complete.
I want to stay in my home without intrusion. I want to make my choice to seek healthcare or not. I am debt free and loyal to Mother Nature. Let me be.
Laurie Allen
12/8/23 Sent on Senator King's federal website. Confirmed.
From: Senator Angus King <> Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 10:35 AM To: <> Subject: Re: 6th reqCoverme Abuse/Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.
I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.
Best Regards,
Senator Angus S. King, Jr.
Sent @ 9:45 am to these recipients, then to list of 106.
DHHS/ Documents Farmington, Rachel Collamore, Community Health Options, and Maine Senator Angus King,
1. DHHS- Please forward this entire thread to Senator King as his direct email is unlisted. I will be posting this on my blog and
2. DHHS/ As detailed, and now confirmed by Rachel Collamore, Maine CAHC, your intentional mistake to rescind my federal marketplace health insurance with Community Health Options Lewiston Maine, is fraudulent. Forcing MaineCare on me is fraudulent. Repeated proof of mbefore forcing MaineCare and all this abuse of power is of no accountability.
Rachel Collamore states alimony payments received before 2019 are taxable (recipient of alimony since 2007) and an easy mistake by DHHS/Coverme to force me into MaineCare. This table from my marketplace health insurance, Community Health Options, proves that Coverme renewed coverage in 2019 to date.
"I am providing you with a simple table that will show you what your premium payment was at the start of the year and end of the year according to what is shown in our records. Unfortunately, if premium amounts were quoted over the phone by CoverME to you personally, I do not have any information available to explain why there would be a difference. Typically, annual income initially reported at the time of enrollment and income changes throughout the year are what would cause the amount you pay each month to fluctuate. We only see the finalized updates sent from them. I hope this helps!
Year Premium $ January Premium $ December 2016 $71.11 $71.11 2019 $0.00 $0.00 2020 $9.14 $9.14 2021 $2.01 $2.01 2022 $126.68 $126.68 2023 $2.58 $2.58
3. DHHS Farmington is the document office. has cut my live chat to continue this abuse of power. DHHS and have receipt of my 2022 federal tax returns, that are the same for 2023, AGI $36,694.
Please forward this thread to and copy me, Please use this thread to rescind your MaineCare determination and reinstate my 11/1/23 automatic renewal federal marketplace APTC with Community Health Options Lewiston Maine, TODAY, 12/8/23.
Please confirm automatic renewal via email,, and on my message portal.
4. Community Health Options Lewiston- This is an FYI. If time frames expire for changing plans and coverage, this will serve as an exception for immediate retroactive coverage for the Platinum plan.
5. Senator Angus King- This fraudulent abuse of power is life threatening. If there is not any federal marketplace health insurance rightfully reinstated today, I may have cancer without insurance and treatment. MaineCare is not legal and I do not break the law. Documented to the hill and back, lifetime.
State of Maine/Waldo CAP Liheap destroyed my furnace with 250 gallons of tainted oil from MaineFuel 2 years ago. Constant vigilance to heat my home with a small woodstove chains me home, 24/7. Protecting all I have left.
Prior to furnace destruction and Sgt. Fitzpatrick illegally breaking my door down at gunpoint (9/25/20), without a warrant, neighbor MPBN VP Charles Beck interfered and corrupted my for sale by owner. To stop me from fleeing this sick, constant surveillance, terrorizing, property destruction, theft, illegal fabricated arrests, kidnappings (10?) by State of Maine government, illegal involuntary hospitalization, 1/8/2019. No prior diagnosed mental illness and not in crisis. Regardless of, then, 9 years, government epic abuse against me and my constitutional rights. Force drugging me, needles, under MaineHealth and State of Maine full scale cover up. Fabricating me with a diagnosis of "persecutory delusional". Fabricating me as incompetent to stand trial. Endless attempts to silence my proof of State of Maine, MaineHealth corruption to drug rapist, global system guru, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ.
Senator King, please hold your government and MaineHealth accountable. This is undeniable with my volumes of first hand proof. My job is always accountability and to fix. Myself included and number one. Nobody beats me up better than myself. Conscience. Numbing out conscience is enabling wrong.
Renew my marketplace with healthcare facilities that will care for my health without fear of retaliation. Have the State of Maine settle, clear all records, State to MaineHealth, and relocate.
Or, I stay until I am gone. There is nothing left to prove and this system rat wheel continues. Tax payers expense for 13 years to protect State of Maine corruption and system rapes.
Merry Kritmas,
Laurie Allen
From:Rachel Collamore <> Sent:Thursday, December 7, 2023 4:57 PM To:LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:RE: Fw: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare
I just saw your message and realize you are unable to travel for an in-person enrollment. As I stated in my previous email, I cannot reinstate your coverage. My first advice is to reach out to and alert them to the error I pointed out in my last email. Correcting this error should do the trick. It is an easy mistake to make. Please keep me updated.
From:Rachel Collamore <> Sent:Thursday, December 7, 2023 4:50 PM To:LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:RE: 2022 Fed Tax RetFw: YourPlanEnrollment.pdf
It looks like CoverME and DHHS are listing your alimony payments as non-taxable; in your case, they are taxable. Alimony payments awarded before January 1, 2019 are taxable. Alimony payments awarded after that date are non-taxable. I believe this is where the error occurred. However, I am not able to reinstate coverage because I do not work for and I do not have the authority to act on your behalf. Because you cannot use a telephone, I am wondering if it would be helpful to connect you with a Certified Maine Enrollment Assister (MEA) who might be able to meet with you in person to identify and correct this income error in your application. An MEA would also be able to help you change your plan.
5th Request to Maine Senator Angus King ( for my Marketplace health insurance life saving continuance. Illegally denied by State of InHuMaine. See m.
Sent to email thread list of 106 @ 9:53 pm
Forcing me into MaineCare is illegal. I just learned of a couple where MaineCare took their home for payment. FYI:
9:30 pm Message sent on Senator King's federal website.
Dec. 1, 2023 4th request. fraudulently rescinded my federal marketplace APTC of 1,107.72 monthly per my insurance Community Health Options, Lewiston. My 2022 federal adjusted gross income was 36,694 and is 36,694 for 2023. I sent my uploaded 2022 federal tax return to Farmington.dhhs at
Today, I received a letter from DHHS stating I am approved for MaineCare. Impossible. 1 person household gross income limit 1580. My monthly gross income is 3058. I housebound and cannot travel. I can email my uploaded 2022 federal tax to you. If you do not intervene and have my federal marketplace APTC reinstated immediately than I will be without healthcare insurance.
To use MaineCare, as DHHS is trying to force me to do, is illegal and fraudulent. I want to change my plan with Community Health Options. December 15, 2023 is the deadline for changing plans to begin on January 1, 2024. I need to be examined for a breast lump immediately. I cannot schedule an appointment without my 2024 marketplace insurance reinstated immediately.
Please help Senator King. My phone is still hacked. I am unable to make calls. It isn't necessary for phone calls. This error is created by, hacking the site so I can't enter a new application and download my 2022 federal tax return. On November 1, 2023, my marketplace automatically renewed with Community Health Options. Two weeks later, began taking my federal marketplace away. Illegally.
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.
I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.
Best Regards,
Senator Angus S. King, Jr.
SENT to email thread list of 106
@ 8 am
Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD and Maine Governor Janet Mills,
Your relationship and determination to use your unscaled abuse of power to end my life to coverup system sadistic rapes and system healthcare profits is well documented by me. First hand, 1/1982 to date.
Unable to stop me through 13 brutal years of your corruption, every right to life, both continue through healthcare deathcare and federally funded marketplace healthcare insurance fraud. Senator Angus King is evading responsibility to intervene.
It appears that my current marketplace insurance with Community Health Options, Lewiston, Maine is working with you to end my coverage. My member ID with them doesn't exist online. Member services and dodgeball is clear.
Here is the proof of my coverage that legally continues through 2024. With coverage, global system healthcare guru, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi who drug raped me in January, 1982. What system would provide life saving treatment to me? Zero.
Further using system corruption to take the little I have left, house and property, to deny my children inheritance from your destruction to our simple lives. That is beyond hate. It's grand scale mental illness.
Posted on
Laurie Allen
11/28/23 Senator King Web Contact Message Sent to list &
Your message was sent successfully. We'll be in touch! You can also reach us by calling 1-800-965-7476 most week days between 8am and 4:30pm.
Sarah Graettinger, 207-213-7075 You left a message that did not address / Gov Mills fraud/hacking to my federal marketplace renewal coverage. See details on
Please send me your email address and I will forward you my 2022 tax returns of pension 18,525 and alimony 18,200, 36,725 annual income. Same now. Automatic renewal did process for 2024 with Community Health Options Clear Choice Bronze. sent them message rescinding my marketplace coverage for 2024 and cancelled my coverage for 2024. I am currently enrolled with Community Health as I have been for years through marketplace.
As blog states, the rep re entered my renewal but it would not allow for the correct income input. After holds the rep came back and said it was taking too long, to call and disconnected the chat.
Knowing I cannot make voice calls as advised with all this information in 2 messages on this contact to Senator King, liaison for federal programs to Maine residents. I tried to do a new application on but it will not allow me to do income. As the rep couldn't do either.
Please use email to your contact at, include me, and reinstate my automatic renewal immediately. Nothing has changed on my renewal for coverage from last year's application. I just found a breast lump as told in the last message. I cannot seek medical care until my 2024 marketplace insurance is reinstated with Community Health Options, Clear Choice Bronze. I am housebound.
This is intentional fraudulent abuse and abuse of power to deny my rights to marketplace healthcare insurance that I have been enrolled through for years without issue. If this is cancer, refusal to rectify this immediately is death for me. Please do not do this to me. Please use email for all communications and documentation.
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.
I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.
Best Regards,
Senator Angus S. King, Jr.
11/26/23 7:45 am Sent to list.
11/26/23 My message received @7:39 am on King's contact me site. Copied here.
Dear Senator King,
On 11/15/23, your email confirmation states a response will be forthcoming. As of 11/26, no response. Governor Mills has illegally rescinded my federal marketplace automatic renewal of my healthcare coverage. As proven on the blog I previously advised you of, m.
This is an emergency as there is a lump in my breast, requiring an immediate biopsy. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden has been notified and posted on your blog with all relative facts. I cannot research my options for a biopsy without 1/1/2024 marketplace healthcare insurance. Time is critical and I must have coverage and choice of appropriate coverage under a harrowing fraudulent history with Maine healthcare, and the entire Maine government system as you are well aware. Documented for 13 brutal years on current blog, m.
Until you advise of that my automatic renewal (previously received to Community Health Options, Lewiston and myself for their Clear Choice Bronze Plan) I cannot make any appointments. I must research the plans for possible changes to my current Bronze plan expiring in weeks at Governor Mills power over Phone calls have been hacked to deny calls for many weeks. Site access to has been hacked to deny my access. Ditto with to manually submit a new application to override Governor Mills rescinding regardless of hours of site chat representatives re- entering my application two times and system hack to disallow correct income input of 36k with 2022 federal and state tax returns.
I tried to input a new application, draft #1403059 but system hack prevents entering income and stops the application. Pattern history of federal LiHeap services to me were destroyed by Governor Mills without federal investigation as also requesting to you. Ample proof and documentation.
Marketplace healthcare insurance coverage renewal is the immediate priority that I beg of you. My life in Belfast/State of Maine is in perpetual danger.
Leaving my home is life threatening without your intervention. Repairing my access to cell phone calls and web access is also paramount. It is the only communication I have left after every internet provider has joined Governor Mills to deny service, overcharge, abuse, etc. TWC, Spectrum, Consolidated Communications, Verizon, U.S. Cellular to date. Just me v JustUs.
It has been life threatening for 13 brutal years under the watch of neighbor, PBS/MPBN Charles Beck and MaineHealth. As advised to the First Lady, I have been forced to advise Donald Trump of denials to try and get life saving media attention. I am at your disposal.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
From:Senator Angus King <>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2023 7:39 AM To: <> Subject: Re: Coverme Abuse/Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.
I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.
Best Regards,
Senator Angus S. King, Jr.
11/25/23 10:13 am Sent to list adding &
Dr. Donald Lombardi, Governor Janet Mills, Community Health Options Member Service and DHHS Farmington Documents for,
My daughter is far away and calls still can't be received or made on either phone. I have 2. My U.S. Cellular phone, monthly plan charge is $43.40 since 2021, has been hacked completely for weeks, disconnected during a 611 call with customer service at that time. No calls, no web access, useless. In town Belfast. Surrounded by excellent service to all except me. Previous to US Cellular, Verizon did the same and worse. Relentless targeting. Pointless to endanger my life by driving to the Belfast U.S. Cellular as I did with Verizon. That resulted in being sold a hacked new IPAD, never to work, and service hacking continued with Verizon to stop court ordered therapy during COVID. Where I was beyond fearful, driving to Northern Lights Medical in Bangor for sessions as Belfast Corrections did all they could to force me into Belfast therapy. To be forced into their MaineHealth mental drugging death care again. Hacking phone sessions to fabricate probation violation to keep me at their disposal after use of sick system abuse by ...
My 2nd phone is the SafeLink program phone that I have been using for sketchy web service. Calls in and out were also hacked weeks ago with the U.S. Cellular phone. Clearly trying to force me out of my house for targeting by hacking both phones for even emergency 911 calls. Routed to Belfast Waldo County Sheriff aka Corrections. Where I have been kidnapped into again and again. Creepy hands searching me, up and down. creepy vibrator sales blaring all night on the TV in the 3 cell female jail, trapped in another cement cell, no windows, no toilet, no bed, held illegally for over 24 hrs, officials refusing to open the door to use a bathroom, forcing urination on the floor, to be opened at 4am, cuffed and shackled again. Transported to Somerset Jail, near Skowhegan/Farmington, to be body, eyeball X-ray scanned, lice showered, held without charges, during COVID, to video hearing of none sense with the regulars. Judge Robert Murray and ADA Mr. Bill Entwistle. Trying to force another court owned attorney on me. I did not waiver and Somerset Jail sent me back to Belfast on the 3rd day. On and on it goes. As all know and are so tired of corruption. Just finish her already. How can she keep surviving? Mother Nature.
Seems this is her final chapter to use me to stop this system assault on life. Keep abusing an innocent, nearing 63, single, female, most likely inflicted with cancer by the system. Perhaps taking longer than swallowed, eaten or drank. Unprovable but within reason.
Maybe hearts will open. There is nothing I want more than to protect this Earth from the wars of man. Giving my life, as many do. Females without system support rarely survive. Well documented on PBS. Isn't that right ? Ask neighbor Charles Beck prior PBS/MPBN VP ousted before retirement with Mark Vogelzang prior PBS/MPBN President. Both enabling my silence, both cut after my lawsuit against MPBN and MaineHealth. Both my pro Se lawsuits smothered by system law firms with my regular, Judge Robert Murray dismissing both without a hearing. Judge Robert Murray refusing to recuse himself no matter my efforts. Shackle her, get her, end her. Who wouldn't want to be me, Keith Urban sings so well.
Please stop making me do this. Clear all State of Maine and MaineHealth records of fabrication. Settle and use this to overhaul System with independent volunteers of youth integrity. Allow me access to a biopsy that Lombardi, State of Maine, and system do not have power over. Perhaps Community Health Options in Lewiston and Patrick Dempsey can offer me safe, insured access. Have renew my automatic, federally mandated, marketplace health insurance with Community Health Options, Lewiston.
Open up my phone lines and web access.
Replace my furnace and tainted fuel tank, replace my front door that Sgt. Fitzpatrick illegally broke through on 9/25/20, for starters or include this house in a settlement, and move me to a safe house with access to safe healthcare.
Honor and protect my children. They are hurting.
Stop This Hate and Help.
Laurie Allen
10:30 pm 11/24/23 Sent via messenger to
Dear First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, I just found a sizeable, hard lump in my left breast. Because of them, I haven't had a mammogram in many years. Can't trust any Maine hospitals, New England, NJ, Lombardi is connected to all healthcare systems. Who knows what pills they ordered me to take, cancer shackled for 700 days, stress and terror for 13 years in Maine, immediate family has died of cancer, father @ 56, sister 54, brothers @ 64 and 67. They were abusive to their health , smoking, alcohol, welding, toxic insecticides, poor diet. I am 62 and honor my health as they have sent me messages wishing I would die of cancer. My house is only heated now by a woodstove, constant vigilance. Pipes would freeze if I had to leave. Targeted when I leave my house as well. My children can't help and no one else will. Please help me. I have to make this public. It changes everything. Thank you. Laurie Allen.
7:28 pm 11/24 sent via messenger to
Dear First Lady Dr. Jill Biden- Please read this email posted on It has also been shared with Donald Trump for media attention only. Please ask President Biden to issue me a full pardon, have my Marketplace renewal restored before 12/15/2023, investigate continuing government crimes/denial of rights and protection, abuse of power, etc. against me and mine. Please denounce publicly and help provide sanctuary. I await hopefully, peacefully and respectfully. Thank you, Laurie Allen 17 Seaview Terrace Belfast Maine 04915
FYI - I just tried to submit a new application on Still hacked. It won't check the boxes, stopping my application, intentionally. Ditto with . Let me connect the hacks.
1/1982 Drug raped in Freehold Township, NJ by my professor, Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD.
6/2010 Closed on 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine, 04915. #1- No Water Issues, inside or out. Property inspection done in 4/2009 as I was in NJ selling my home. DJ Brown, Property Inspector, China, Maine. Supervised and corrupted with Town & Country Belfast Maine real estate agency. Listing agency with Bill Ingersoll. My agent, Jan Andrews, Town & Country, now Masiello Group. Jan called me from Florida and read report to me. All good, crack in bathroom basin and sliding back door issue. Hedges need trimming. No report of water coming through back yard as is always, especially spring melt time.
I was shown several homes by Jan when I came to Belfast in 12/2009. I summered and later took most of my vacations in Bayside, at my parents cottage. Five miles from Belfast. In 1997, my year round home was built in Bayside, 541 Bluff Road, Bayside Village, Northport, Maine. I lost it in the divorce to my NJ resident ex husband in 4/2007.
I moved in on closing, 6/28/2010. Unbeknownst to me that the previous owner, Minister Kent and Laura Tarpley, filled in the 150 ft long, 12 ft wide, 4 ft deep ravine with soil and sod. Later confirmed by my neighbor, Rose Costello. She told me there was always water issues here and it was too bad that I didn't get to talk to her prior to purchase.
I did everything right. Asked all the right questions including zoning and development. All denied. Nine months after purchase, 3/31/2011, wild rapids tore through my backyard almost taking my new 6K fence with it. Thankfully, I had it installed 20 ft from my property line. The soil and sod was taken to the bay, the ravine from hell remained. With all the cover-up and corruption of real estate and players, businesses, abusive Belfast City Hall City attorney, law enforcement, Waldo County - State House Augusta Governor, AG, agencies - realtor commission- DEP- DHHS-LiHeap- Judicial-Corrections-top to bottom with abutting MaineHealth- all together, silence Laurie Allen.
From 2011-2014 they used all their power to terrorize me, my children, and my 2 beagles. Too sick and lengthy to detail here. They had nothing on me or my children. Upstanding, law abiding, no records on any of us. I couldn't sell hell to another as is the status quo in Maine.
I did all our government states we must do. See something, say something, hold government and law breakers accountable. Every CIty Council meeting, planning board meetings, investigating, foia requests corrupted by government from Belfast to then Governor LePage and AG Janet Mills. She is the driving nail to my silence. No doubt.
In 2014, Bill Cosby was ousted as a drug rapist. Naive me then knew that Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi drug raped me. I googled him. I couldn't believe his global power, students to military to pharmco to system healthcare guru. How many since 1982, how many more if I don't expose him. He can hurt us and has. I ousted him on the internet, blog and Facebook. It is certain the State of Maine and MaineHealth are under his protection as they continue to hunt me.
Since 2014, fabricating charges, false arrests, jailings, 700 days shackled with cancer ankle trackHer, destruction to my property, vehicles, trailer, sunfish sailboat, airstream trailer, busting my door down at gunpoint, kidnapped and cuffed into jails and psychiatric illegal involuntary hell, for 2 months, for drugged by Judicial, no prior mental illness and never in dangerous crisis, try as they may. Diagnosing me as persecutory delusional to protect their hate crimes against me. I am just a white female, not entitled to hate crime protection.
Made a fabricated felon, globally through media connected Belfast Jay Davis with the AP in 8/2019. Lies from City Manager Joe Slocum printed in the Republican Journal Village Soup. downtown social media parties against me, cheering at every assault. With neighbors, MPBN VP Charles Beck, community to Augusta.
Against all their power and corruption, I survived. They thought during the 2 years of probation from 2019-2021, they could get the job done to silence me eternally. Lock down, posting and posting their never ending pursuit for my life and home, protected me. Charles Beck backstabbing me since 2011, did the final stab when he feigned purchase of my home that I put up for sale by owner for a steal of 200k, summer 2020. I knew then that the State of Maine and Lombardi would never allow the sale of my corrupted home. Destroy and deny.
9/25/20 Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke down my door at gunpoint. No warrant, cuffed and kidnapped to 3 jails until 10/15/20. At each kidnapping over the years, others have witnessed plain clothes men entering my house frequently. Planting surveillance, evidence, stealing evidence, documents, whatever their pleasure. Persecutory delusional? If only.
Probation ended 9/2021 and self lockdown became my lifestyle. WaldoCap - Augusta LiHeap with Maine Fuels, Searsport, destroyed my furnace to freeze me out and make sure my house was unsellable. Don't let her get to Freehold, NJ to do a civil lawsuit against Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD of the "esteemed" Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.
My woodstove and bio bricks from Aubuchon, picked up by me with my truck saved me. 2 ton pallet after pallet.
EBS Lumber used to deliver them to me until Hammond Lumber bought them out. Good ole boys boycotted me years before.
Now Aubuchon joined the good ole boys. Store manager, Greg Hodgeman recently bought a business in Northport, the dog boarding kennel. He became owned. His special order for unknown fire bricks was clear. Previous years were in stock orders and not any problem. This year was trouble. I know their troubles all too well. I refused the order and was able to source out safe in stock bricks from other vendors. Enough for 2 years as neighbor Charles Beck witnessed my loads and unloads. Back breaking, life sustaining. Let's hear it for Joi Z girl.
NO. Deny her health insurance coverage. Fabricate, kidnap and intake. Break her, take her house. Forget about damage to her children. Ours are JustUs fine. Next. NOT!
Healthy without Dr. since 2011. Poor teeth, receding, must be grinding the terror away, 13 years and counting. Beautiful, big smile not so pretty anymore. Still got all me teeth, no pain, no dentist. Chin up. Keep on truckin'. Grateful Dead.
Laurie Allen
_________________(End of this email of continuous 2 year thread)
See more below Creepy Mr. Mole.
11/18 - 11/24/23 sent to Laurie's List
(also posted on )
post on (if message appears that proceeding to site may be unsafe is UNTRUE. If still unsure then search out without blog address. My blogs do not have viruses, do not profit from ads or anywhere. Free information on the defiling of democracy. First hand with 13 years of documentation. DHHS Documents Farmington and Senator King are not responding. Take the 5th against America. Not me. Silence her. NO!
(previous entries dated 11/19-23 prove more rights/abuse of power...)
11/24/23 intentionally rejected tax returns that prove income is over MaineCare limit. Trying to deny Marketplace health insurance (Community Health Options Lewiston Maine) that I have had for many, many years. Seems another State of Maine plan to silence me for all their escalating corruption. Senator Angus King has yet to respond and probably won't. Enabling corruption. I tried to contact directly but hacked. Can't proceed on site to contact. Page is blank. Can't make calls. Tragic abuse and destruction to democracy. Democratic hypocrites are the worst.
11/18/23 email sent to list @1:08 pm of condensed State of InHuMaine Gaza Strip/Ukraine tactics against facts of documented terrorizing system corruption cannot be copied and pasted at this time, 2 pm. due to hacking. Maine Independent Senator Angus King must investigate State of Maine fraud of Federal Marketplace Health Insurance and LIHEAP against me and the whole 13 years of denying constitutional rights through epic power of abuse. I will advise when able to copy and paste my "most excellent" email. Love old SNL. I AIN'T GOING NOWHERE TFN. DON'T CUFF AND KIDNAP ME NO MORE. Pretty, pretty please, "SIRES".
The 11/18/23 email on year+ long, continuous thread to Laurie's List (list also printed below my hand reaching for my door lock).
FB post also sent to list "Sent email to Laurie's List 11/19 7:28am "FYI 11/18/23 email successfully posted 11/19/23 on
&" With cell phone picture proof where fixes don't work, hacked for weeks to stop calling for catastrophic silence. Set her house on fire? All smoke/carbon monoxide alarms working and chimney clean as a whistle. Woodstock soapstone stove burning safe fire bricks at steady, safe temperature. No need for space heaters. No reason for fire and I am home 24/7 protecting LaurieLargo."
Since 2014, when I went public with the lethal globally system connected, drug rapist, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD currently at Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, diabolical attempts to silence me are documented, proven, and fail. Further evidenced by any government agencies/officials/ACLU/PBS and more that refuse to take investigative action of criminal crimes against me through their systems to protect themselves.
MaineHealth Selected as Innovation Partner in National High-Value Health Collaborative Health systems and Department of Defense join collaborative to share data on outcomes, quality and costs across range of costly conditions and treatments
PORTLAND, Maine - May 17, 2011- MaineHealth, the state's largest integrated healthcare system...
Rape Retribution. Lombardi and system ring 4 profit. Sickening. His bio is below. Fabrication to make me a felon in 2017 and keep me in their systems until gone. More first person horrors on )
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 BOSTON – Three individuals have been arrested in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia. Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others. ...
Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ ...
Donald N. Lombardi is Industry Professor of Healthcare, director of the Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership, and academic director of the Veterans Office at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. He has consulted to more than 170 health care organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives since 1986, and has written eleven books, including Handbook for the New Health Care Manager. Dr. Lombardi holds more than fifty U.S. copyrights on organizational planning, management, and development systems for text, on-site, and on-line delivery.
1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
1978 MA – Human Resources Management
1976 BA - English
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.
CHR/InterVista 1984 – present Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer
Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004 University Director of Planning and Development
Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984 Director of Professional Development
American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982 Eastern Director – Human Resources
Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004 Department of Communication
Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison
Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.
Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988
Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps 1976 -1980
Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.
As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).
Achievements & Professional Societies
Professional Societies
Faculty Fellow – American College of Healthcare Executives
Senior Fellow – The Government Institute
Senior Advisor – Executive Educational Council of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Grants, Contracts & Funds
Department of Labor and Workforce Development Cycle 5/Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership Grant
Selected Publications
Lombardi, D.N.. (2006). Health Care Management. , New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Lombardi, D.N.. (2002). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager, Second Edition. , New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1997). Reorganization and Renewal: Strategies for Healthcare Leaders. , Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1996). Thriving in an Age of Change: Practical Strategies for Health Care Leaders., Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). The Healthcare Organizational Survey System, Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager. , Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). Progressive Healthcare Management Strategies,Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc. .
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). Stress and the Healthcare Environment. , Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). Handbook of Personnel Selection and Performance Evaluation in Healthcare., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Lombardi, D.N.. (2005). "Preparing for the Future: Leadership and Management Strategies. ", Healthcare Executive, (11), 8-14.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Pyramid Organization: Maximizing Performance ".
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Last Public Trust", Administrative Radiology, (1).
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "How to Diagnose and Treat Conflict in Your Department. ", Materials Management in Healthcare, (1).
Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). "Human Resource Management in the Health Care Setting", Hospital and Health Services Administration, (3), 298-299.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). "Healthcare and the New Union Movement", Materials Administrative Radiology, (4), 16-21.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "The New Pyramid: Laying the Groundwork with Motivational Power", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45 - 50.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "Ethics and the Organizational Human Resources Strategy. ", Clinical Laboratory Management, (1), 31-39.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Progressive Leadership with Values: Progressive Strategies for Healthcare Management", Chicago: ACHE.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics , Healthcare and the 1990’s: Part 1", Clinical Laboratory Management, (6), 416-425.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics of the Heart and Mind. ", Administrative Radiology, (10), 17-22.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Intraprenuerial Constituency Management: A Success Profile for the 1990’s", Hospital Material Management Quarterly, (11), 26-31.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Selection for Proformance.", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Managing the Pace and Pressure of Today’s Healthcare Environment. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Maximizing Managerial Performance. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Maximizing Human Resources.", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45-48.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Intrapreneurs: Finding Diamonds in the Rough.", Healthcare Executives, (5), 43 - 48
2014 post - I am sorry sorry for not posting this sooner but I had to be ready for the disbelief ...
Their access to military cyberspace hacking is proven. Erasing/changing any information to continue protection of their corruption. Proven with the 2 articles from the Bangor Daily News erased from internet search or fraudulently edited from the original print, copied and pasted from my files below. Proving my innocence and unwaivering truth.
Neighbors including MPBN VP CHARLES BECK & MaineHealth with the State of Maine, are guilty of treasonous actions to destroy Little America, family, self, and home of 17 Seaview Terror, Belfast, Maine 04915.
Now - Attempts by Aubuchon Hardware to sell the unknown "special order" fire bricks. I was able to get in stock fire bricks elsewhere, to heat my home solely for 2 more freezing Maine winters.
- Attempts by to fraudulently
make me uninsured via denial of Federal Marketplace automatic renewal of insurance Community Health Options Clear Choice Bronze, Lewiston, Maine.
Knowing my phone and only communication has been hacked, unable to make calls for weeks, regardless of fixes. All to force catastrophic end to Little America. Sound mind and healthy. Hanging on through self lock down for years and years, texting, emails, and blogging. HELP!
State of InHuMaine Gaza Strip/Ukraine. Come on Senator Angus King. Be Thee Change.
Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.
Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.
BELFAST, Maine — A woman whose backyard is bounded by a stream she claims the city has created and increased in size remains locked in conflict with city hall. Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact. City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay. For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled. “That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week. Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said. This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course. But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved. On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake. “I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said. Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix. Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace. At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed. “I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies. Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November. Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem. The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms. And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property. Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000. “If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.
There was information left out of this report. When Miss Allen purchased this property she was not aware of the stream. It was frozen over and covered in snow when she looked at it and it was not disclosed in the paperwork from the realestate company she purchased through. (she did all this from away) I also want to mentiont that the city claims they can not do work on private property yet the city went through and dug a drainage ditch to drain water from behind the two houses across from her...on private propert. So before you Mainers wo make the "From away" spitefull comments get too excited, do some research before passing judgment. Your just making yourselves look ignorant.
4/2011 - 10/2017 Relentless requests, speaking at nearly every City Council meeting, many planning board meetings, publicly protesting more than often, for accountability for real estate non disclosure fraud by agents, Brown property inspectors, State of Maine Real Estate Commission, Realtor Earl Black, agents Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, most area agents (shhhh don't tell, $turnover, resell hell to another) DEP Commissioner Aho, FOIA BS With AG Mills/Brenda Keilty Ombudsman, Governor LePage, City Attorney Bill Kelly and Kristen Collins, Waldo County Deeded Registry, Judge Fields, Judge Patricia Worth, Court Clerk Brooke Otis, Chief McFadden, Sheriff Trafton. for forced flooding to Seaview Terrace, my property and Judicial corruption.
My number one priority to buy an in town home in Belfast was no water issues inside or out, City services 101 and police protection. All were found to be corrupt and more disturbed as my years of dedication to truth is well documented.
Belfast woman found guilty of terrorizing city officials
Wellington Dunbar If our Maine Law Court upholds this conviction then we have another stake in the heart of free speech. I hope she doesn't continue to represent herself on any appeal and I hope the MCLU gets involved.
Do you know any attorney's to take me pro bono? I'll call the ACLU today. My email is My blog post-8/21/19 ADA Entwisle would not allow me to say the url# for the target shoot during the 2nd day of trial on 8/20/19. As soon as I went to say it he jumped up and objected. I did not understand why I could not say the url. Now I think it's because they didn't want the url identified in the court transcripts. On the first day, 8/16 ADA Entwistle gave a DVD of the target shoot to Judge Murray and did not state it as an exhibit. He told Judge Murray that there were 2 video's but only one was evidence. I objected, stating it must have only the my target shoot as that is the only video. Murray told him to recopy it and get it back to him by day's end. On day 2, I requested to view it to be sure it was my target shoot unedited. It was but when he gave it to Judge Murray, he said it was exhibit B. That was the only exhbit presented by the State for the trial. I questioned why it marked B and not A. Judge Murray acted like it was not an issue. I'm thinking different. Sounds like a bait and switch to me. With 2 years of court manipulation corruption. The trial was for them, not me. It's pontless for me to even try and do the appeal pro se. With 2k to my name, they'll take that in just the transcript fee, maybe even more. There is nothing else I can do. That gives me peace. I know I'm not guilty. I don't lie. I am 58 years old and many from Belfast and Bayside, village of Northport, have known me since 1969. All know that I do not have mental illness. During divorce from 2005-2007 in Middlesex County Family Courts, NJ, the Guardian ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum did a psychiatric evalutaion. He tried to find something for my ex. He could not and told me that I am fine. In January 2018, the State of Maine motioned for a title 15 state forensic psych. eval. in an attempt to stop me from representing myself pro se. To find me not competent. I won a protection order against Mark Rae, vandalizing, theft, destruction and outright taking of 15-20 ft of my property. Judge Murray had to deny the title 15 and did. Part of the probation is a pysch. eval., therapy and possible medications that have serious side effects, depression and suicidal tendencies. Especially on those that do not have imbalances/disorders. Like me. Please do not drug me and saddle me with an illness to hurt me further. I always comply and will attend therapy. I have done my best to fix what I can and have been punished severely since 2011. I want to be done with this blog, signs and everyone. To be left alone in my home as I have always wanted. Please don't drug me. 8/20/19 Judge Murray found me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon under the Maine statute definition of terrorizing. Stating that Maine statute basically over rules the 1rst Amendment. I don't buy it and am appealing to the Supreme Court. Murray sentenced me with a class c crime, 18 months jail but due to my age and a clean record, actual jail would be 14 days in Somerset County jail minus time served which is 7 days.. Two years probation, with a psych eval, therapy and meds they will most likely force on me. Where did America go?
Belfast woman found guilty of terrorizing city officials
BELFAST, Maine — A Waldo County judge found a Belfast woman guilty of terrorizing city officials this week at the close of a two-day trial that tested the limits of free speech.
Laurie Allen, 58, defended herself Tuesday, arguing that the politically charged video she made and shared to YouTube in the fall of 2017 was simply a joke made at the expense of public officials, and should be protected under the First Amendment. The video featured her shooting a rifle and calling out several Belfast officials by name.
But after just a half hour of deliberation, Justice Robert Murray said he found Allen’s threats to be both credible and not protected under the law.
“Constitutional free speech is not unlimited,” he ruled. “There are in fact credible threats that can be made by an individual that are not constitutionally protected.”
Allen was sentenced to 18 months in prison for the Class C charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. All but 14 days of the sentence will be suspended. She may be credited for time already served when she was initially arrested in February 2018. Allen also was sentenced to two years of probation, during which time she is not allowed to have contact with the seven local officials named in the video.
Allen also will not be allowed to possess or use dangerous weapons, and must undergo a mental health evaluation and treatment as part of the court’s mandate.
The state had asked that she also be denied access to the internet, but Murray did not agree to that condition.
Allen, who asked for her sentence to be temporarily stayed, was shocked at the verdict. She told the judge that if she had thought the video was illegal or that officials would take it as a threat, she would never have posted it.
“Where did America go?” she asked after leaving the courtroom.
Allen, who has a yearsl history of conflict with city officials and others and who acted as her own attorney during the trial, did not take the witness stand. In her closing statement, she said she had never meant harm and that her lack of violent acts over the past eight years should show she is not a threat. She said she does not own a gun and had only fired a gun on that single occasion.
“[I made] a flippant remark, a joke, that I thought would remain private on my playlist,” she said of the video.
Over the course of the trial, the judge heard from each city official that was named: Councilors Mike Hurley, Eric Sanders, Mary Mortier and Neal Harkness; former Councilor John Arrison; City Manager Joe Slocum; and Director of Code & Planning Wayne Marshall. Each described how they became scared of Allen.
Mortier, the only witness to testify Tuesday, described an incident that took place five or so years ago, when she arrived early for a meeting at City Hall and found that Allen was parked outside the building. When Mortier got out of her car, she said Allen came up to her and started screaming and cursing, calling her a murderer and saying that the councilor had murdered her children.
“This was the beginning of the ramping up,” Mortier said.
In January 2018, the city councilor said she was standing near the bananas at a Hannaford grocery store when she was accosted again.
“Ms. Allen was nearby and saw me. She started yelling and cursing at the top of her lungs. She called me a murderer,” Mortier said. “As I moved to the bread aisle, she continued. I got out of the store as fast as I could, but you could hear her halfway through the store. That was the night I became very fearful of my safety.”
After that night, Mortier changed her behavior. She installed motion detector lights outside her home and won’t walk into City Hall alone. Then she saw the YouTube video.
“I was petrified,” Mortier said.
When Assistant District Attorney Bill Entwisle asked what she was afraid of, the councilor did not hesitate before responding.
“That I was going to be killed,” she said.
Verdict ‘a relief’
But Allen, in her closing statement, said that Mortier and the other witnesses had no evidence to back up their statements of fear. She also read out loud the entirety of an article published in 2010 in the online magazine that described how the First Amendment protects the right to free expression, as long as there is not a genuine intent to commit or incite violence. In her eight years of fighting City Hall, she said she has never been violent.
“Is it legal to take aim at a representation of the president — and this also applies to public officials?” Allen said. “Absolutely.”
But Entwisle said in his closing statement that he believed the state’s evidence clearly established that Allen had made a threat to commit a crime dangerous to human life and placed people in reasonable fear they would be hurt. He said that by posting the target shooting video to a public platform, Allen was clearly communicating the threat.
“Each named individual took it as being very real,” he said. “This is Belfast, Maine. It’s real. It’s close. It’s not something that can be dismissed by just saying, ‘First Amendment.’”
Sanders said later Tuesday that the verdict came as a relief.
“I feel that the judge heard my concerns. Let’s hope Laurie does,” he said. “We’re all concerned about our safety.”
End of email 11/18/23@1:03 pm. Sent.
Sent to Laurie's List 11/13 @10:13 am *11/13/23 See current dated posts below- note also added on 11/9 and 11/8 posts 2012 Bangor Daily News article by Tom Groening of me v JustUs and more.
Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m
Look for *** on 11/9 and **** on 11/8. Please excuse repetitive information. Cutting my internet service by system players after Hooded Robe JustUs Robert Murray and ADA "Oh No Mr.Bill" Entwistle hang Laurie verdict 8/2019. See article and details of 11/2017 free speech slam dunk video thanking Belfast City council, planner and Manager for being my target as a flippant remark (note, I was illegally and brutally arrested in 2/2018, 3 months after the innocent video, with them locking me up with false charges through 8/2021 to end my life. That private video of just my hand, was after Chief McFadden began fabricating charges against me in 9/2017 as officials and players have been physically and mentally targeting me since I went public with their corruption. In 11/2011 at my first open to the public speaking following years of Belfast City Council and Planning Board meetings until they illegally banned me from City Hall after my 10/2017 YouTube video where I take on their brass in "Chief Pee Wee McFadden's Play House"
They leave me with only this bare bars android cell phone without wifi to inform. New contacts require repeating key facts and documenting that contact.
Back to those destroying life.*
Dr. Rape Retribution Donald Lombardi PhD
Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ His lethal bio can be found in this post way below or go to specific 4 "him"
September 13, 2023 - yack meaning: 1. to talk continuously, especially informally about things that are not very important
...sticking the pinkie at someone is a gesture of belittling the other party, indicating the other party as useless or if it's a guy, the gesture is also used to belittle his manhood
Current entries are below this very, very brief history. Pictures ARE NOT included in the emails. I inserted via blogger after emails were sent.
MaineHealth Drug Pin Participants with my danger neighbor PBS/MPBN VP CHARLES BECK & 4 BELFAST PD Cruisers, 1 unmarked car, speeding into Seaview Terror, parking at Beck's house, then storming into my home.
8? BPD swarmed me, cuffed & kidnapped me into MaineHealth Psychopath Horror on 1/8/2019, 10:30 am. Charles was home, watching and salivating. My old beagles, shaking and alone. House left unlocked. For 2 months they illegally held me hostage. MH
Waldo County General Hospital to MH Spring Harbor Acute Hospital, Westbrook (1 month) to Riverview State Psychiatric, Augusta (1 month).
I did not and do not have mental illness. I was not "in crisis'. I was cleaning my house! They fabricated persecutory delusional illness and Judge Mary Kelly ordered drugging to make me suicidal and a zombie.
Working me over to sign papers for psychiatric care with drugging that I refused.
Mom Moved Into The Cuckoo's Rape Culture.
1rst hand MaineHealth DeathCare- Dr.'s Beal, Daniel Britton, James Ray, Kirby, William Barter, & PNP Sarah Street Taylor.
1rst hand JustUs Hooded Robes - Robert Murray, Patricia Worth, E.M. Kelly, Dobson, Alexander, Fowle, Mathews, Field, Davis, Walker, and Billings.
Please know that I did everything right when I closed on this house, 6/28/10. Within 9 months, Maine government and profiteers came slaughtering my property and life to date. After 9 more months of Belfast City Council, Planner Wayne Marshall, and Manager Joe Sloscum shutting my facts down with Chief McFadden and Officer Ward telling me that I should be concerned for my children... I began documenting with a YouTube channel, protesting downtown, and Resident abuse. In 2012, Belfast Chamber of Commerce awarded Joe Sloscum Citizen of the Year. To slap me in the face. Not one downtown business ever approached me to help as we support them. In fact, they just about trampled over me in every CIty Council meeting. That is when I began another blog, and more. Volumes of psychopathic corruption, first hand. Spread like greedy JustUs.
No one stepped in, backstabbing me instead. PUP.
24/7 DoD surveillance. Taping every inch of me. Beck even asked me which bedroom I sleep in, pursuing me, deaf to NO. I parked my SUV as a barricade against more kidnapping by Beck's other good ole pervert,
Chief McFadden. Give me the mic, 13 sick years of sexual gaslighting abuse. Fabricating me as sick and a felon. Lifelong spotless record and bravely upstanding.
Git 'er.
A mole is an intentional or planted spy. For example, the police have a mole in the gang. That is someone who joined with the immediate intention of spying and collecting information.
Danger Neighbor Charles Beck MPBN VP
11/15/23 Sent To Laurie's List @ 10:39 pm
From:Senator Angus King <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 8:20 PM To: <> Subject: Re: Coverme Abuse/Fraud
Thank you for contacting me. Please accept this automated response as confirmation that I have received your communication. I am honored to represent you and the State of Maine here in the United States Senate. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the staff in one of my offices; their locations and phone numbers are below.
I place great emphasis on making sure each message I receive is reviewed, responded to, and used to inform my work in Washington. I appreciate the chance to hear what's on your mind. Thank you for reaching out.
Best Regards,
Senator Angus S. King, Jr.
Toll-free from within Maine: 1-800-432-1599
WASHINGTON, D.C. 133 Hart Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-5344
-----Original Message----- To: From: Subject: Coverme Abuse/Fraud
Dear Senator King,
The previous message that I sent earlier tonight did not contain the information. I tried again but it would not accept the copy and pasted emails with Community Health Options and DHHS Farmington. I created a blog specific for you to have all the information needed to resolve and continue my coverage. Please see
Thank you, Laurie Allen
Below is copied from
Dear Senator King,
Please investigate abuse and fraud against me by Coverme. As the email thread below proves fraudulent denial of marketplace APTC and cutting communications. As explained, my phone calls are hacked and it is not safe for me to travel anywhere. DHHS Farmington is not responding. Please have my automatic renewal with Community Health Options reinstated with my federal APTC as detailed below. Please help me. Forcing phone calls that will be dropped or dangerous travel are not possible or necessary. Thank you, Laurie Allen See 13 years of Maine agencies, LiHeap, etc. life threatening corruption to me on Boycottbelfast.blogspot...
Governor Mills, legislative branch, AG, etc. will not assist and support all abuse to coverup proven state corruption. Where did America go?
Thank you for your anticipated resolution.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
From: Enrollment <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 1:05 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare
Dear Ms. Allen,
Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. I have reviewed your enrollment and see since we last confirmed enrollment with you, we have since received termination of your 2024 passive enrollment. These files are received from Community Health Options (CHO) unfortunately has no control over your eligibility with in terms of qualifying for the APTC or if they feel you qualify for MaineCare.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.
Enrollment & Eligibility Team
Community Health Options
P.O. Box 1121
Lewiston, ME 04243
Member Services: 855-624-6463
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 8:12 AM
To: <>; MemberServices <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: 3rd final reqRe: No MaineCare
Dear Community Health Options Member Services and DHHS Documents Farmington,
DHHS Documents Farmington has not responded to errors to force MaineCare or pay open market price by not alotting my marketplace federal APTC. Coverme has used this error since 2022, intentionally and fraudulently.
They should refund the overpayment from 2022. For the 2023 enrollment, my email to Community Health Options Member Services identifying fraudulent errors resulted in correction without useless attempts to correct with Coverme. As tried again and again on 11/1/23 for hours. Through 2 separate chats, the representative entered the application with my income. The first resulted in error. The second was very thorough and regardless of correct input, their system was over riding my input income to force MaineCare. The representative told me to hold again, came back on and wrote this was taking too long, that I must call, and abruptly cut the chat.
Since 2020, my cellphone gets hacked. During a call, suddenly the other party cannot hear me but I hear them. The party hangs up. Every call I made. Documented with a call directly to Maine Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty
It happened in the jails they kidnapped me into. Court ordered therapy phone sessions because of COVID to force probation violations... Slews of fraudulent evidence from the state of Maine government.
There is no doubt that will continue this abuse created by them.
Therefore, as done for the 2023 enrollment, this email documents fraud regardless of documented proof of income, also included in this thread.
I have included receipt of my emails to DHHS Documents Farmington for record. See below. I did take screen shots of the chats with for record but not necessary to attempt reverse snail speed to upload in this email.
Per Community Health Options, my current Clear Choice Bronze Plan is renewing for 2024. I confirm this renewal.
"Below response confirms the automatic renewal through marketplace, $1,105.81 APTC, with my monthly fee of $2.66."
"In reviewing your policy information for 2024, I do see that your enrollment is currently for the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan."
Thank you for your e-mail. E-mails are processed in the order they are received. Please also be aware that we are a document processing department and if you are a client with case specific questions, you would need to call us at 1-855-797-4357.
Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 5:36 AM
To: <>; MemberServices <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: No MaineCare
Dear DHHS Farmington,
Coverme over billed me in 2022. My income was the same in 2022 as it is now. I did pay $126.68 for 12 months. The difference should be refunded as an exception to the appeal window, with proof of the same fault on Coverme attempting to overbill in 2023 and upcoming 2024.
See the the table below from Community Health Options. Thank you CHO. Your immediate responses are excellent.
Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.
I am providing you with a simple table that will show you what your premium payment was at the start of the year and end of the year according to what is shown in our records. Unfortunately, if premium amounts were quoted over the phone by CoverME to you personally, I do not have any information available to explain why there would be a difference. Typically, annual income initially reported at the time of enrollment and income changes throughout the year are what would cause the amount you pay each month to fluctuate. We only see the finalized updates sent from them. I hope this helps!
Year Premium $ January Premium $ December 2016 $71.11 $71.11
2019 $0.00 $0.00
2020 $9.14 $9.14
2021 $2.01 $2.01
2022 $126.68 $126.68
2023 $2.58 $2.58
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:02 PM
To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; MemberServices <memberservices@healthoptions.orgSubject: Re: No MaineCare
Dear DHHS Farmington,
Below response confirms the automatic renewal through marketplace, $1,105.81 APTC, with my monthly fee of $2.66.
Please rectify this as the error is with and refusal to correct their error.
Coverme member services refused this email.
I notified and documented my income of $35,152.00 with my bank statement direct deposits to DHHS Documents Farmington on the first day began open enrollment, 11/1/2023. This should be resolved immediately since your message states emails are worked in order of receiving.
I hope this will be corrected by Monday. Please confirm resolution by this email. Previously, DHHS Farmington did respond quickly through email when I had to apply for food stamps. In fact, that is when my ex-husband retired. Alimony had to be reinstated and the pension took a few months to get in retroactive place. I did not use the full food stamp allotment because the direct deposits began.
My automatic renewal must be originally reinstated as Community Health Options confirms below to the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan. I am keeping that plan.
"In reviewing your policy information for 2024, I do see that your enrollment is currently for the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan."
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
From: MemberServices <>Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:53 PM
To: <> Subject: RE: No MaineCare
Dear Ms.Allen,
Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.
In reviewing your policy information for 2024, I do see that your enrollment is currently for the Health Options Clear Choice Bronze $7500 PPO NE plan. You have from now until December 15, 2023 to change your plan selection however, it can only be done through CoverME (state-based marketplace) to ensure the proper advanced premium tax credits are applied to your premium. I do not see any updates for it to be changed to a silver level plan as of today. I also see that you copied several others on your initial email so I hope your request makes it to the appropriate individual who is able to assist you with making this plan change. It can be done on the website or by phone at 866-636-0355 however I understand that you do not have a phone line available at this time. We will look forward to receiving your updated plan choice in the near future.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to respond to this email or call Member Services at (855) 624-6463, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.
Member Services Email Team
Community Health Options
P.O. Box 1121
Lewiston, ME 04243
Member Services: 855-624-6463
Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 1:29 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; MemberServices <>; <>
Subject: No MaineCare
DHHS Farmington,
My income is $1429.34 pension x 12= $17,152.08 and $350 wk alimony x 52= $18,200, totalling= $35,362.08 yearly. No other income. sent a message stating my income as $35,174.72, that I did not qualify for MaineCare and I had to pick the silver plan.
Next, I received a message today stating coverme automatically renewed my marketplace insurance with Community health options, bronze, 0000032767 ID.image/jpeg
I am unable to make phone calls and do not have a computer or printing. On my phone, on coverme, the chat assistant could not change my plan to the silver.
We completed a new application online, same information as the year before and same income.
After submitting, Coverme sent message that it is likely I am eligible for MaineCare and not eligible for Marketplace insurance.
I uploaded my bank statement showing direct deposit of pension $1429.34 and $700 for biweekly of the $350 wk alimony.
The chat assistant tried to fix the problem and could not even though entering the correct incomes. MaineCare income limit for 1 adult on is $1,677 month x 12= $20,124. My income is $35, 362.08.
I am housebound and cannot travel.
Here is my bank statement for proof. Please respond to this email that my marketplace insurance is renewed with Community health options for 2024. With my plan of silver as messaged. If that was a mistake then please advise and renew with bronze
Thank you,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
Governor Mills, legislative branch, AG, etc. will not assist and support abuse to coverup proven state corruption
Sent To Laurie's List @ 7:02 am.
$1,000 bail sends message. System Rape 4 THEE PROFITS
This entire post on was sent to the email thread list of 106 on 11/8/23, 11:26 pm.
***11/13/23 Addition linking Maine Health with Department of Defense with Global System Drug Rapist Military Accommodate Officer Professor Dr Donald Lombardi Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ
MaineHealth Selected as Innovation Partner in National High-Value Health Collaborative Health systems and Department of Defense join collaborative to share data on outcomes, quality and costs across range of costly conditions and treatments
PORTLAND, Maine - May 17, 2011- MaineHealth, the state's largest integrated healthcare system, announced its selection as an innovation partner in the High-Value Health Collaborative formed by Mayo Clinic, Denver Health, Intermountain Healthcare, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Cleveland Clinic and The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. The collaborative will determine best practices for delivering healthcare and rapidly disseminate actionable recommendations to providers and health systems across the United States. In addition to achieving better quality and outcomes, the collaborative intends to improve the efficiency of standard clinical care delivery to reduce the per capita cost and to keep costs in pace with the consumer price index. ..."
Rape Retribution. Lombardi and system ring 4 profit. Sickening. His bio is below. Fabrication to make me a felon in 2017 and keep me in their systems until gone. More first person horrors on )
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 BOSTON – Three individuals have been arrested in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia. Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others. ...
Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ ...
Donald N. Lombardi is Industry Professor of Healthcare, director of the Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership, and academic director of the Veterans Office at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. He has consulted to more than 170 health care organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives since 1986, and has written eleven books, including Handbook for the New Health Care Manager. Dr. Lombardi holds more than fifty U.S. copyrights on organizational planning, management, and development systems for text, on-site, and on-line delivery.
1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
1978 MA – Human Resources Management
1976 BA - English
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.
CHR/InterVista 1984 – present Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer
Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004 University Director of Planning and Development
Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984 Director of Professional Development
American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982 Eastern Director – Human Resources
Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004 Department of Communication
Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison
Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.
Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988
Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps 1976 -1980
Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.
As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).
Achievements & Professional Societies
Professional Societies
Faculty Fellow – American College of Healthcare Executives
Senior Fellow – The Government Institute
Senior Advisor – Executive Educational Council of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Grants, Contracts & Funds
Department of Labor and Workforce Development Cycle 5/Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership Grant
Selected Publications
Lombardi, D.N.. (2006). Health Care Management. , New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Lombardi, D.N.. (2002). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager, Second Edition. , New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1997). Reorganization and Renewal: Strategies for Healthcare Leaders. , Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1996). Thriving in an Age of Change: Practical Strategies for Health Care Leaders., Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). The Healthcare Organizational Survey System, Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager. , Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). Progressive Healthcare Management Strategies,Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc. .
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). Stress and the Healthcare Environment. , Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). Handbook of Personnel Selection and Performance Evaluation in Healthcare., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Lombardi, D.N.. (2005). "Preparing for the Future: Leadership and Management Strategies. ", Healthcare Executive, (11), 8-14.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Pyramid Organization: Maximizing Performance ".
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "The Last Public Trust", Administrative Radiology, (1).
Lombardi, D.N.. (1994). "How to Diagnose and Treat Conflict in Your Department. ", Materials Management in Healthcare, (1).
Lombardi, D.N.. (1993). "Human Resource Management in the Health Care Setting", Hospital and Health Services Administration, (3), 298-299.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1992). "Healthcare and the New Union Movement", Materials Administrative Radiology, (4), 16-21.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "The New Pyramid: Laying the Groundwork with Motivational Power", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45 - 50.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1991). "Ethics and the Organizational Human Resources Strategy. ", Clinical Laboratory Management, (1), 31-39.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Progressive Leadership with Values: Progressive Strategies for Healthcare Management", Chicago: ACHE.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics , Healthcare and the 1990’s: Part 1", Clinical Laboratory Management, (6), 416-425.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Ethics of the Heart and Mind. ", Administrative Radiology, (10), 17-22.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1990). "Intraprenuerial Constituency Management: A Success Profile for the 1990’s", Hospital Material Management Quarterly, (11), 26-31.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Selection for Proformance.", Los Angeles: Proformance Press.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1987). "Managing the Pace and Pressure of Today’s Healthcare Environment. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Maximizing Managerial Performance. ", Chicago: American College of Healthcare Executives.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1988). "Maximizing Human Resources.", Administrative Radiology, (6), 45-48.
Lombardi, D.N.. (1986). "Intrapreneurs: Finding Diamonds in the Rough.", Healthcare Executives, (5), 43 - 48
2014 post - I am sorry sorry for not posting this sooner but I had to be ready for the disbelief and judgment. Anyone who knows me knows this would never happen to me consciously. Right out of the gate with Bill Cosby I said holy ****. I had posted it up on my blog for awhile but my children were in enough danger. I hope this helps anyone's girl who has been in this lengthy, accessible and horrifying, off the charts personable evil.
Dr. Donald Lombardi, Ph.D is a serial rapist into the thousands? I was 20 years old, 11/1981, working at NJ Aluminum accounts receivable, going to night school @ Middlesex County College, taking personnel management, fall semester, 1981. Held at Old Bridge Regional High School.
Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi taught the course. Very boisterous, and smart. He was targeting me. At the end of a class, he asked me to stay. He tells me he's been trying to get my attention through out the course. He asked me out to dinner. I said no. He asked if it was because he was my professor? I said yes (and I was not attracted to him what so ever). He asked if I would go to dinner after the course was over? I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I said yes but would not go since I would never see him again.
At the end of another class, he asked me to stay again. He said he was a "head hunter" for American Hospital Supply in Edison.
He told me to come to AHS to interview for a credit correspondent opening. Double my salary. AHS was the top hospital supplier in America with their own fleet. GREAT company then (later Baxter would buy AHS).
I get the job, start date 1/4/1982. The course is over but I have a paper to turn in and I don't want to because he may expect me to go to dinner with him. He keeps after me for weeks for my paper. I turn in the paper and he made plans for dinner. He was a manager! Totally inappropriate. I have to keep my word. One dinner and done.
He came to my house, met my mom and took me to Van's (Freehold) for dinner. Nice place, I had been there before. Ok, I'm safe. I had only one drink. After dinner, before he took me home, he said he had to stop at his apartment to pick up an important message. It was near Van's. I said I would wait in the car. He said I should go in because he may be 10 minutes and it was near freezing. I went in.
He shows me a framed article where he won the title for amatuer? boxing. Then he offered me a drink while he took care of the message. He went into another room for 10 minutes or so. He came out and said he wanted to have a drink before taking me home.
I was fine then I wasn't. He was steering me into his bedroom but I couldn't stop him or speak. I must have passed out. I became conscious at some point, he was raping me. I passed out. All night! He did what he wanted. I was out, like a corpse. Morning. I wake up...oh my God, I run naked to his bathroom. Throwing up. Please take me home. My mother looked at me like I was whore. I felt like I was. Sick to death. For the rest of my life from this serial drug rapist.
He kept stalking me in the office. I told him my mother will never allow me to go out with him again. In 2014 I read Cosby was outted as a drug rapist. Lombardi drugged and raped me! I had to go public with this in 2015. Look at his resume. Serial rapist. How many taught system rape 4 profit? Global.
Fabrication of charges against innocent me, without records, began shortly after, 2015. Fabricating me into their system as a felon with drugging and fabricating me as mentally ill with persecutory delusional in 1/2019. With the help of my back stabbing neighbor of 13 years, prior 2020, MPBN VP
Charles Beck and all the constants to break and silence me.
Laurie Allen
Belfast woman found guilty of terrorizing city officials
Wellington Dunbar If our Maine Law Court upholds this conviction then we have another stake in the heart of free speech. I hope she doesn't continue to represent herself on any appeal and I hope the MCLU gets involved.
Do you know any attorney's to take me pro bono? I'll call the ACLU today. My email My blog post-8/21/19 ADA Entwisle would not allow me to say the url# for the target shoot during the 2nd day of trial on 8/20/19. As soon as I went to say it he jumped up and objected. I did not understand why I could not say the url. Now I think it's because they didn't want the url identified in the court transcripts. On the first day, 8/16 ADA Entwistle gave a DVD of the target shoot to Judge Murray and did not state it as an exhibit. He told Judge Murray that there were 2 video's but only one was evidence. I objected, stating it must have only the my target shoot as that is the only video. Murray told him to recopy it and get it back to him by day's end. On day 2, I requested to view it to be sure it was my target shoot unedited. It was but when he gave it to Judge Murray, he said it was exhibit B. That was the only exhbit presented by the State for the trial. I questioned why it marked B and not A. Judge Murray acted like it was not an issue. I'm thinking different. Sounds like a bait and switch to me. With 2 years of court manipulation corruption. The trial was for them, not me. It's pontless for me to even try and do the appeal pro se. With 2k to my name, they'll take that in just the transcript fee, maybe even more. There is nothing else I can do. That gives me peace. I know I'm not guilty. I don't lie. I am 58 years old and many from Belfast and Bayside, village of Northport, have known me since 1969. All know that I do not have mental illness. During divorce from 2005-2007 in Middlesex County Family Courts, NJ, the Guardian ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum did a psychiatric evalutaion. He tried to find something for my ex. He could not and told me that I am fine. In January 2018, the State of Maine motioned for a title 15 state forensic psych. eval. in an attempt to stop me from representing myself pro se. To find me not competent. I won a protection order against Mark Rae, vandalizing, theft, destruction and outright taking of 15-20 ft of my property. Judge Murray had to deny the title 15 and did. Part of the probation is a pysch. eval., therapy and possible medications that have serious side effects, depression and suicidal tendencies. Especially on those that do not have imbalances/disorders. Like me. Please do not drug me and saddle me with an illness to hurt me further. I always comply and will attend therapy. I have done my best to fix what I can and have been punished severely since 2011. I want to be done with this blog, signs and everyone. To be left alone in my home as I have always wanted. Please don't drug me. 8/20/19 Judge Murray found me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon under the Maine statute definition of terrorizing. Stating that Maine statute basically over rules the 1rst Amendment. I don't buy it and am appealing to the Supreme Court. Murray sentenced me with a class c crime, 18 months jail but due to my age and a clean record, actual jail would be 14 days in Somerset County jail minus time served which is 7 days.. Two years probation, with a psych eval, therapy and meds they will most likely force on me. Where did America go?
Belfast woman found guilty of terrorizing city officials
BELFAST, Maine — A Waldo County judge found a Belfast woman guilty of terrorizing city officials this week at the close of a two-day trial that tested the limits of free speech.
Laurie Allen, 58, defended herself Tuesday, arguing that the politically charged video she made and shared to YouTube in the fall of 2017 was simply a joke made at the expense of public officials, and should be protected under the First Amendment. The video featured her shooting a rifle and calling out several Belfast officials by name.
But after just a half hour of deliberation, Justice Robert Murray said he found Allen’s threats to be both credible and not protected under the law.
“Constitutional free speech is not unlimited,” he ruled. “There are in fact credible threats that can be made by an individual that are not constitutionally protected.”
Allen was sentenced to 18 months in prison for the Class C charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. All but 14 days of the sentence will be suspended. She may be credited for time already served when she was initially arrested in February 2018. Allen also was sentenced to two years of probation, during which time she is not allowed to have contact with the seven local officials named in the video.
Allen also will not be allowed to possess or use dangerous weapons, and must undergo a mental health evaluation and treatment as part of the court’s mandate.
The state had asked that she also be denied access to the internet, but Murray did not agree to that condition.
Allen, who asked for her sentence to be temporarily stayed, was shocked at the verdict. She told the judge that if she had thought the video was illegal or that officials would take it as a threat, she would never have posted it.
“Where did America go?” she asked after leaving the courtroom.
Allen, who has a yearsl history of conflict with city officials and others and who acted as her own attorney during the trial, did not take the witness stand. In her closing statement, she said she had never meant harm and that her lack of violent acts over the past eight years should show she is not a threat. She said she does not own a gun and had only fired a gun on that single occasion.
“[I made] a flippant remark, a joke, that I thought would remain private on my playlist,” she said of the video.
Over the course of the trial, the judge heard from each city official that was named: Councilors Mike Hurley, Eric Sanders, Mary Mortier and Neal Harkness; former Councilor John Arrison; City Manager Joe Slocum; and Director of Code & Planning Wayne Marshall. Each described how they became scared of Allen.
Mortier, the only witness to testify Tuesday, described an incident that took place five or so years ago, when she arrived early for a meeting at City Hall and found that Allen was parked outside the building. When Mortier got out of her car, she said Allen came up to her and started screaming and cursing, calling her a murderer and saying that the councilor had murdered her children.
“This was the beginning of the ramping up,” Mortier said.
In January 2018, the city councilor said she was standing near the bananas at a Hannaford grocery store when she was accosted again.
“Ms. Allen was nearby and saw me. She started yelling and cursing at the top of her lungs. She called me a murderer,” Mortier said. “As I moved to the bread aisle, she continued. I got out of the store as fast as I could, but you could hear her halfway through the store. That was the night I became very fearful of my safety.”
After that night, Mortier changed her behavior. She installed motion detector lights outside her home and won’t walk into City Hall alone. Then she saw the YouTube video.
“I was petrified,” Mortier said.
When Assistant District Attorney Bill Entwisle asked what she was afraid of, the councilor did not hesitate before responding.
“That I was going to be killed,” she said.
Verdict ‘a relief’
But Allen, in her closing statement, said that Mortier and the other witnesses had no evidence to back up their statements of fear. She also read out loud the entirety of an article published in 2010 in the online magazine that described how the First Amendment protects the right to free expression, as long as there is not a genuine intent to commit or incite violence. In her eight years of fighting City Hall, she said she has never been violent.
“Is it legal to take aim at a representation of the president — and this also applies to public officials?” Allen said. “Absolutely.”
But Entwisle said in his closing statement that he believed the state’s evidence clearly established that Allen had made a threat to commit a crime dangerous to human life and placed people in reasonable fear they would be hurt. He said that by posting the target shooting video to a public platform, Allen was clearly communicating the threat.
“Each named individual took it as being very real,” he said. “This is Belfast, Maine. It’s real. It’s close. It’s not something that can be dismissed by just saying, ‘First Amendment.’”
Sanders said later Tuesday that the verdict came as a relief.
“I feel that the judge heard my concerns. Let’s hope Laurie does,” he said. “We’re all concerned about our safety.”
Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.
Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.
BELFAST, Maine — A woman whose backyard is bounded by a stream she claims the city has created and increased in size remains locked in conflict with city hall. Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact. City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay. For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled. “That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week. Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said. This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course. But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved. On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake. “I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said. Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix. Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace. At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed. “I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies. Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November. Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem. The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms. And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property. Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000. “If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.
There was information left out of this report. When Miss Allen purchased this property she was not aware of the stream. It was frozen over and covered in snow when she looked at it and it was not disclosed in the paperwork from the realestate company she purchased through. (she did all this from away) I also want to mentiont that the city claims they can not do work on private property yet the city went through and dug a drainage ditch to drain water from behind the two houses across from her...on private propert. So before you Mainers wo make the "From away" spitefull comments get too excited, do some research before passing judgment. Your just making yourselves look ignorant.
4/2011 - 10/2017 Relentless requests, speaking at nearly every City Council meeting, many planning board meetings, publicly protesting more than often, for accountability for real estate non disclosure fraud by agents, Brown property inspectors, State of Maine Real Estate Commission, Realtor Earl Black, agents Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, most area agents (shhhh don't tell, $turnover, resell hell to another) DEP Commissioner Aho, FOIA BS With AG Mills/Brenda Keilty Ombudsman, Governor LePage, City Attorney Bill Kelly and Kristen Collins, Waldo County Deeded Registry, Judge Fields, Judge Patricia Worth, Court Clerk Brooke Otis, Chief McFadden, Sheriff Trafton. for forced flooding to Seaview Terrace, my property and Judicial corruption.
My number one priority to buy an in town home in Belfast was no water issues inside or out, City services 101 and police protection. All were found to be corrupt and more disturbed as my years of dedication to truth is well documented. Here's a sample from my blog
Please advise when you will print my letter and investigate the corruption. For the record here is the email from Stephanie. Sincerely, Laurie Allen
10/2017- 2/2018 fabricated charges of harassment by the Rae family (friends of Judge Worth and Worth Real Estate Agency) who stole portions of my property with Chief McFadden and department assistance and unlimited protection to Rae. Combined with fabricated charges of harassment by Belfast City Hall Council and officials, and Belfast Police Department. Banning me from the Police Department and City Hall! Illegally but corrupt to Augusta. Against just me. Spotless record and well known for accountability.
From: Michael McFadden <> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 1:19 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: RE: Order Of Protection 4 all owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915
At this time the Belfast Police Department will not be issuing a Protection order to anyone based on the information and events you've provided for review.
Chief Michael J. McFadden III
From: LAURIE ALLEN [] Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2017 6:16 PM To: Michael McFadden; Michael Rolerson; LAURIE ALLEN Cc: Joseph Slocum;;;;;;; Jeffrey Trafton; Subject: Order Of Protection 4 all owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915
Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden,
As documented on my blog and my you tube channel, PLEASE issue an order of protection against the owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915. Sheriff Jeff Trafton, Governor LePage and Wife have blocked me from emailing them. Please inform them of this order of protection. South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen received another threat from 23 Seaview Terrace in video IV, stating he will trespass onto my property and steal my boat. Please issue the protection order effective from the first threat today as documented in the video to Belfast Police and provide all orders and police report to me. Thank You.
2/23/2018- Fabricated arrest assault Friday evening, alone in my home. Belfast PD SUV's, K9 Unit, lights, bull horn, my poor beagles. I was kidnapped. To Waldo Jail sexual abuse hell weekend. Their Friday Night Special. 25k Bail! Saturday- Hunger Strike- Monday-cuffed and shackled to Two Bridges Regional Jail. In with murderers, addicts, serious mental illnesses... I was clueless to procedures. Tuesday - 4th day hunger strike. The "Social Therapist" thug tells me if I don't eat today, I am going into the bubble with the mother accused if murdering her child, Marissa Kennedy. I was called for my hearing.
In the waiting room, we (me and men prisoners) had to watch a video of procedures. With the hooded robe obsessed with my demise, Judge Robert Murray. I asked a Lt.? Dinsmore for water. He said NO! I asked to go to the bathroom. He said no because I will drink water. I told him to get me a cup too pee in! I was fearlessly angry.
The video hearing room was full of standing suits and uniforms. Coming to the showdown. It was a disgrace. A Judge Dobson came on the video with that County DA or ADA. Jail attorney for the day, David Sinclair played autistic to gain my trust. The real people are autistic as I have said for years. I plead not guilty to Dobson. I ask her if she watched the video which will prove my innocence? She states no as does the DA!
In 11/2017, I had filmed my hand after a first time, one time target shoot with my partner. It was his rifle, I never owned or shot a gun. I filmed the shoot, never saying anything about anyone. Just having fun with John. After the shoot, as I was shutting the camera off, I held my hand in front of the camera and named off City Council, Planner and Manager. I thanked them for being my target. Just a flippant remark. Then I filmed John walking away telling him to watch his butt because I hit the target well. I am Queen of flippant remarks. The video was on my playlist, John and Me. Just for us. Not sent to anyone or posted elsewhere. Chief McFadden lied 4 months later, stating I was shooting while naming, etc. Confident I would not be alive to prove my innocence. The "knuckle dragging thug...lying shamelessly... beating out false confessions.. " per 40 year veteran Belfast Police Beat reporter Peter Taber, Searsport Campgrounds and an anonymous comment was Belfast Police Chief McFadden. He was removed in 2019? As was Chief Lincoln after he ordered my door broken down at gunpoint on 9/25/20. No warrant, take her out. Now Chief Cormier is a shadow. The shadow knows. #METOO.
BELFAST, Maine (AP) — Police have arrested a Maine woman who posted a video of herself target shooting while listing city officials by name and describing them as “my target.”
Police say 57-year-old Laurie Allen was arrested Feb. 23 on charges of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. The Bangor Daily News reports Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden says the videos and a series of public confrontations have caused “reasonable fear” among officials.
Dobson ordered an off camera break to watch the video. She had saw the video and didn't want it shown in the hearing. Sure enough, she came back on and said she found reason for fearful officials and held the 25k bail. I then agreed to take the fake, David Sinclair. Months later, he would withdraw when he refused to defend me with precedence and the First. He was for the State, ditto criminal defense attorneys Lisa Whittier and Tom Sheehan.
I began eating jail disgust prepared by the male in mates. Wednesday - Noon tv in the jail reports Laurie Allen's bail reduced to 5k. Sinclair never told me. John tries to pay the bail Wednesday and Thursday at Waldo Jail in Belfast. They refuse to take it. He states he will drive to Two Bridges in Wiscasset and bail me out. Waldo Corrections tells him he can't. Giving BS about needing an ankle monitor shackled on me!
I was never advised that my daughter had put $50 into a commissary fund to make phone calls and buy salt. No phone calls or visitors allowed. Mean, mean, men in blue. Why wasn't John paying my bail? Friday morning, 8am, I ask the mean guard if my bail was paid? He snickers No! And smiles. I knew then that I was going to die a bad free for all rape death that weekend. Found as a suicide. Next. Not!
Mean guard listened as I gave an outgoing at 9am cellmate with written instructions to contact John. She was out at 9am. At 9:10 am, announcement "Allen, prepare for transfer to Belfast immediately." John would tell me that he was trying to pay my 5k bail at Waldo Jail that Friday morning without success. Then, Corporal Albert was walking out and told John, "I'm going to get your girl." My bail had not been paid at that time. Two Bridges bailed on my rape death suicide because I got the message outside.
Ankle trackHer with clear entrapment conditions. No left onto Northport Ave (all in town) no left onto Rte 1 South, No Rte 3, No Swan Lake Ave, No Belmont Ave., No contact with any officials and all their families in resident, work or business... Endless. I stayed home, out briefly with John for witness.
Months later, I asked a Waldo Court Clerk the name of the Judge at the Tuesday, 2/27/2018 video hearing at Two Bridges. She couldn't find the record. Clerk Brooke Otis came over and found it under Monday. I told her it was Tuesday, the 4th day of my hunger strike. She dismissed. Charges should have been dismissed on that alone. Not in JustUs State of Maine.
Pre-trial at Waldo Corrections with "non profit" BS Rick Otto exposed the State Rape Ring. Judicial misconduct to take my life in evacuated dispositional conferences. Two deadly time but knowingly I brought a witness for each. They knew I ALWAYS came alone, pro Se. Against gun twitching Marshall Dudley, ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle, and JustUs Robert. Clerk Brooke or Michelle. So much more but not now.
1/8/2019 Illegally kidnapped from my home again. Cuffed into MaineHealth Drug Pins. Abused involuntarily, no prior diagnosed mental illness, not in crisis. Held 2 months and force drugged to near suicide by JustUs Mary Kelly.
8/19/2019 Bench trial, pro Se, JustUs Robert Murray corruptly made me a felon. Counting on 2 years of probation to fabricate more charges into their system of no return. Bringing in mental health troops for additional defense. All documented and survived.
Aug 20, 2019 — Laurie Allen, 58, was arrested and charged with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon in February 2018 after she posted a politically
6/6/20 - 9/25/20 The next series of fabricated charges, zero evidence as history of fabricated charges. ADA Entwistle ran the court jestering, JustUs Murray juggled ignorance. Git 'er before probation ends 9/2021. Staying in my home since 2018 has been their downfall. All charges dismissed at trials except to make me a fabricated felon with a fabricated mental diagnosis of persecutory delusional by a nurse practitioner. Sarah Street Taylor. She didn't know me, she had her orders.
If I go out, fabricated charges or involuntary hospitalization are just a neighbor away. 5th year at home... 13 years of them, let this year clear my spotless life and bring courage for truth to all. With love and wit. Joi Z.
Sent to 106 email recipients (listed far below for reference) 10/2/23, 2 am (takes hours to do this without internet/Wi-Fi)
To All,
Failure to index Joizexit9 means it doesn't register in web search if searching Lombardi, limiting public viewing amongst other deterrents. All have the email in this thread showing that as the only post on Joizexit9. I have added the information in this email to Joizexit9 and
To All,
This email information below is the first post on my new blog, . This blog is to ensure that Lombardi and system powers will be accountable for hacking this blog to deny public viewing. Done through switching view to html code and or messages that proceeding to blog will infect. Infect truth. Laurie Bee. Glory Be.
I posted this message on
2nd email (FYI) sent at 4:12
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2023 4:12 PM
FYI - I here is the page link on my copying the email below. It is viewable to me in it's entirety.
If it is not viewable entirely to the public, please notify me through email. Ditto for link to the new blog . No one wants this to be reconciled more than me. Come on Washington Post. I need you to save my life. In print. Please.
Subject: Blog Joizexit9Re: SignsSister/Bar
To All,
Maine Commissioner of Corrections, Randall Liberty has never responded. Status quo with all State of Maine employees vowed to protect my rights as a Maine resident and American citizen. Instead, they, with MaineHealth & their public association with DoD, State agencies, businesses, non profits, media, community, neighbors, endless affiliations are loyal to power rapists for profit, benefits and protection. All systems go, kill Laurie Allen. Destroy all she loves.
See #1 for proof of State of Maine protection to power Rape Ring and silencing the victim with any force desired. One continues to plea for all. Alone and against their system worst and lawless. Judicial to neighbor, prior MPBN/PBS VP, Charles Beck. Taken out to early retirement for their protection.
See #2 for proof of their guru, global system drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ. Protected by DOJ, DoD, Steven's, Health/Behavioral/Pharmaceutical /system on top of systems. He lives in Manalapan, NJ, exit 9. Bruce Springsteen lives in Colts Neck, NJ, exit 9. Neighbors. Obama and Bruce. Laurie and Innocence. All alone for all.
I tried to post this. System is switching view to html code. Hence email to all instead advising this as first post on new blog,
Laurie Allen
Joi Z exit 9
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:29 PM To: <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; William Entwisle <> Subject: Re: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty and PO Lori Lamma,
I have not received any direction to complete my probation counseling in a Belfast government facility. I cannot schedule another appointment with No. Lights, Acadia, Hillary Stewart without a government line because of hacking.
Please do not charge me with violation of parole conditions because this is not my fault or Hillary's. We have been imploring PO Lori Lamma to set up a secure line for a monthly 45 minute session.
I cannot safely travel to Acadia to zoom on-site. The fabrication of the Belfast Police Blotter writing I was in Bangor on 9/25/20 and was arrested for a parole violation, when I was home (not in Bangor since 3/2020).
Then Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint without a warrant, no violations and I am still under arrest for that frightening arrest. Jailed until 10/15/2020, then house arrest with an ankle tracker.
Please allow me to have a phone or zoom counseling session with Hillary in a government location on a government phone. Please respond.
Thank you.
Laurie Allen <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty,
Supervisor Cory from Adult Probation, 941-4713 left me another message to call the same number, 941-4713 which is a recording of all names and phone numbers to contact each person. His name is not on the list as I wrote before.
I left another message for Supervisor Corey and gave my blog address for him to read the emails to you. I said that I have given the information with Waldo Corrections to you. I gave my email address if he needs to contact me again.
My probation is up on 9/15/21 but PO Lori Lamma motioned for a hold after I was taken down at gunpoint and falsely arrested on 9/25/2020 and am still under arrest for that fabrication. It is clear the next plan is to find me in violation of counseling because PO Lori Lamma refuses to help through courthouse or probation office phone or zoom counseling.
It is proven to force me to travel to Bangor for onsite zoom counseling with Hillary Stewart. Where I could easily be arrested for fabricated charges as was the attempt on 9/25/20. Failing a warrant, because I was home. Proof that travel is too dangerous for my safety, health and absolutely unnecessary.
If probation will not be vacated, then I have a little over a month left unless I am punished further since PO Lori Lamma's motion to rescind my freedom on 9/30/2020 places me back in jail or psychiatric holdings.
Counseling and any other mental health orders must be through Acadia for reasons stated with Maine Health that also includes area providers in Waldo and Knox County and all associates of Maine Health.
Hillary Stewart cannot take anymore hacking sessions and contacted PO Lori Lamma to make sessions available to me through zoom or phone in an available local facility. PO Lori Lamma will not assist, deeming violations instead.
At this time, there is one more session that could be appointed before probation is to end on 9/15/21. I have been in psychiatric holding and observation from 1/8/19-3/7/19, undergone 2 more psych. evals after that. One with Acadia in 11/2019 with counseling since. The second with the State's forensic psych eval with Dr. Barter. All trying to paint me as a delusional paranoid. Acadia does not drug me. All this expense and effort for someone who presents stability, sense, patience, compliance, is law abiding and was drug raped. My history and present is upstanding and honest.
I will wait for an email from you, Commissioner Liberty or your assistant for future counseling direction with Hillary Stewart. She will not take another appointment for a hacking session through my phone. PO Lamma misleads and does not "want me to succeed."
This is so dangerous to my health, rights and freedom. Please free me. An innocent 60 year old, low income, Mom.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 3:20 PM To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <> Subject: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty,
I wanted to advise you that I posted this entire email on my blog. A supervisor Corey has left a message to contact him. I left a message back but I don't know who he is or why he is contacting me.
Please have him email me as my phone is not safe for important calls. I want everything documented for my safety. I have a voicemail but I cannot pick it up. It may be from him.
Here is the post from a few hours ago. Please remove probation and ask Governor Janet Mills to clear my fabricated record completely. I prove my innocence with my life history.
Laurie Allen
I have decided to post this email to Maine Correction Commissioner Randall Liberty since I did not receive a response from his assistant. I am not breaking my word.
After my call with his assistant, Colleen (or Collette) was hacked, I called back and got voicemail. I explained that my phone counseling with Hillary Stewart at Waldo Judiciary was hacked and witnessed by security officer, Dan Leavitt. He let me use his phone to call Hillary back to fulfill my probation counseling that is constantly hacked.
PO Lori Lamma has refused requests from Hillary and me to set up zoom or phone sessions in a government facility in Belfast as I had to fight to get done for the State's competency evaluation against me. To fail at home to violate probation and be jailed again. Proven again and again that PO Lori Lamma and Waldo County Corrections is working to violate my probation.
Ditto with counseling from Northern Lights Health, Acadia Behavioral in Bangor with Hillary Stewart. Although at the Acadia intake, the evaluation protected Dr. Donald Lombardi by not stating his name, stating I was raped by a night school teacher and that I worked in a factory. Making it appear as I was going for a G.E.D. , rather than to college for a business degree. I was working full-time in accounts receivable at NJ Aluminum, No. Brunswick, NJ.
I went to No. Lights Acadia because Maine Health has been causing great harm to me personally since 2011 abutting my backyard. Maine Health illegally held me in psychiatric hell, Spring Harbor for over a month, taking my blood, abusive and getting Judge Mary Kelly to force drug me. I do not have a diagnosed mental illness and was not in crisis.
Four Belfast Police SUV's came and cuffed me at 10:30 am on 1/8/2019 as I was cleaning my house. Kidnapped brutally. Taken across the street to MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital ER. Held and abused over the weekend, papers favricy, signed by Judge Walker and Dr. Daniel Britton. Blood drawn and 2 days and nights in a glass suicide room where staff tried to force meds and my signature for psychiatric treatment. NO, NO, NO.
Kidnapped from there to Maine Health Spring Harbor, Westbrook for a horrifying month and then to Riverview State Psychiatric for another month of drugging.
Unable to break me, they continue through fabricated charges, more false arrests and hacking to my counseling. Trying to force me to travel to Bangor for onsite zoom counseling with Hillary. Which is what they fabricated on 9/25/20 when Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint. No warrant. No violations.
However, the Belfast Police Blotter stated I was arrested in Bangor for a parole violation. I was home, getting abused at gunpoint by the lawless.
They arrested me at home, in 7/2020, fabricating disorderly conduct. Locking me in a cement, windowless room, from noon till 4 am. Not allowing me out to urinate, forcing me to go on the floor like an animal. To Somerset Jail, eye scan. body scan, lice shower... Years of this lawless abuse to protect themselves and Lombardi's rape 4 profit ring. By one brave, honest, good girl. Little Laurie Allen.
I take back this email not to press charges against Lombardi. Coverage of NY Governor Cuomo's sexual abuse gave me back my courage.
Please clear my innocent record and free me.
Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 7:46 AM To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Over&Out?
Dear Commissioner Liberty,
I had to see all this through to you. Matter of Duty. There is nothing else I can do and no one will step in publicly. No one. I am sure.
I propose this. I cease all actions. All. Maine to NJ. My blogs will be private and remain private, always. I am compensated as fair as you can manage with non-disclosure through assumption of 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. There is nothing else I can do and no one will step in publicly. No one. I am sure.
I want everything documented for my safety. Please remove probation and ask Governor Janet Mills to clear my fabricated record
I will move out of State and am done. I will not report, write or push this any further. I want privacy and safety as I did when I moved here on 6/28/2010.
I will not pursue rape charges against Lombardi. I can rest knowing I did all I could. Force drugging me again is not an end and not for the good.
I will sign an accepted agreement that can be done with Logan Perkins, my court appointed attorney. She is on vacation this week and next.
I hope always. I can meet with you or this can be it. Continuing this is worsening for all. I will not post this. I only do that for the little protection I can give myself.
I spoke with your assistant, Collene, Collette?, and our call was hacked. I called back later and left a message on the recording. If she could call and leave me a message that my emails were received, I can stop. I will not answer the phone and will keep everything private. You have my word. Honest and true.
If this is acceptable, DSgt. Reiff has to know either way. Please advise.
Thank you Commissioner Liberty.
Laurie Allen
Serial System Drug Rapist Dr. Lombardi
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 9:09 AM To: <>; <> Subject: Serial System Drug Rapist Dr. Lombardi
I was drug raped by Dr. Donald Lombardi in 1/1981. Below are emails to Freehold NJ police department where I am currently trying to file a report. Below that is an email including Lombardi, and many as I fight for my rights to life against Lombardi's powerful system including the "State" of Maine and statewide healthcare. It is very frightening, disturbing and I am pro Se.
The State forces court appointed attorneys on me to get a plea deal. Logan Perkins is the 4th one since fabricated charges began in 2017 after posting of Lombardi in social media, news media, my blogs, etc. My current main blog is that includes the emails proving constant denial of my rights as the State of Maine with 11 Judges, violate Judiciary rules and constitutional rights without accountability or fear. First hand. Very corrupt and rape for profit.
Attorney's are equally corrupt, statewide. I have wasted years trying to get representation including the ACLU. No one will help. I have tried several law firms in NJ to file a lawsuit against Lombardi and am hitting his wall.
Freehold DSgt. Reifff is stalling. I do not leave my house because I am on system surveillance even with the ankle bracelet shackle that was on my innocent 60 yr old leg for 700 days removed. They scanned my eyes and body for another fabricated charge and arrest in 7/2020 at Somerset Jail in Maine. I am hunted.
They kidnap me from my home. The last was on 9/25/20, no warrant, no violations, Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint, hoping to shoot but I complied silently and immediately. I am still under arrest as the State tries to find me incompetent to stand trial. Because there is no evidence. Ever. I have never had a record and am upstanding courage for right.
They can put me in psychiatric holding again and force drug me again. It's insanity corruption for profit by the system. Against me proving their rape for profit, intake females, therapy, drug.... Lombardi is their Guru. I am the problem to be eliminated. Many attempts but not successful.
Media will not interview me. It's unbelievable. Brutal terrorizing against me full force since 2017 from the State to Waldo County to Belfast, Maine Health, the biggest employer, 22k, abutts my property, Northern Lights Healthcare, all private providers, even dentists. They work together to silence rape, abuse and horrors directed by Dr. Donald Lombardi.
Filing a lawsuit against him will force media to report. I hope. How many students, military, employees, clients, patients, endless list have been drug raped by Lombardi and his system? This must be reported for national news. I can't get that done. Please help us
My phone gets hacked as you will read. Internet has been taken, I keep trying through this $35 Android cellphone. Emails don't get hacked. They may read them. Most likely. I can't leave. I have tried. For many years.
My witness statement link is in the email with the Freehold Police and my blog is full of information and documentation.
Thank you for all you help.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen from Exit 9, South River, NJ for 49 years.
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
(I don't answer most calls. Messages are left if caller is valid. I can't trust our system. Lombardi is so dangerous and global.)
From:LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent:Monday, August 2, 2021 5:09 PM To:John Reiff <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Re: Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission
Dear DSgt. Reiff,
He is a professor at Steven's Institute, Hoboken. Can you do a check on his past residencies? He was working at American Hospital Supply, 120 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ., in 1981. He knows I contacted your site to report him. The email with his bio is on my blog .
I don't know what apartment complex he took me to. I thought I was going home after he got his important message so I didn't pay attention.
Does NJ have a statute of limitations for drug raping?
Thank you.
Laurie Allen
From:John Reiff <> Sent:Monday, August 2, 2021 2:40 PM To:LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:RE: Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission
OK, We’re definitely getting closer.
The Freehold Borough/Township border is right there.
Based off the year, I’m guessing Post and Coach apartments or the Stonehurst Apartments which ironically, one is in the Borough, One in Freehold Township.
I’m having a problem making out some of the writing on your statement, The photos are not as clear as I would like them. That is why I’m asking the questions.
Do you remember the landscape?
Please let me know
From:LAURIE ALLEN [] Sent:Monday, August 02, 2021 11:44 AM To:John Reiff <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission
Hello Sgt. Reiff,
Dr. Donald Lombardi took me to his apartment in Freehold. It was close to what was Van's Restaurant on Rte 9. That is where he took me to dinner as written in my witness statement given to the Belfast Chief of Police, 6/9/20.
Rape does not have a statute of limitations in NJ? I didn't think so then I saw that man raped by the Cardinal in NJ on the news last week. It reported that statutes had run out but since the Cardinal was from Massachusetts, they can prosecute.
Since posting Lombardi as drug raping me in January 1981, the State of Maine and Maine Healthcare has come at me with loaded guns, fabricated charges, false jailings, illegal involuntary psychiatric holding for 2 months, force drugging by Judicial and Healthcare, continuing proceedings to find me incompetent and order psychiatric drugging, observation, anything Lombardi wants to protect himself and all the constitutional violations and hate crimes to my life and property by the State of Maine and Maine Healthcare.
The State of Maine to City of Belfast corruption in my spotless life began at purchase of my home, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915 and escalated to terrorism after posting Lombardi as a dangerous system drug rapist after Cosby was charged. I was very frightened to do this after I researched his power and access to students, military, healthcare guru, pharmco, his list is enormous and sickness.
I had to expose him through social media to stop the raping. I was not wrong with his power but I never thought the State of Maine and healthcare would break all rules of conduct, ethics, color of law, civil rights, constitutional rights, Judicial rules. on and on, for all these years to silence me eternally. Mob mentality style, many with a smile. Especially my neighbor, MPBN VP Charles Beck. Hell with a smile and a back stabbing coward.
Again, prior to Belfast and the State of Maine fabrication, my record was spotless. I do not have mental illness and have been in this unregulated mental health system since my ex husband began using this system in NJ to stop me from divorcing him after 18 years of a difficult marriage in 2007. Psych evaluations, the whole hell hole of system mental health that I was clueless to.
Through this I learned of Dialetical Behavior Therapy and sought out the out of network, DBT Center of Lawrenceville, NJ. Coping skills with Buddhism healings. They taught me how to cope with these destructive ego's that believe they can take my life when I say no. Thank you ladies and Dr. Steven Levine, excellent and handsome Princeton psychiatrist. Too young for me but I did ask him if his father was single.
As ADA Entwisle attempts to put me away again, I decided to report a with probable cause, at least 40 years of possible global system drug raping by Lombardi and his massive constituents. Dark and deadly. I know and tell.
How can so many do this to me when you all know how innocent and helping I am? Fear. It's always fear. Below is Lombardi's bio's from his Steven's Institute bio. After I emailed him he changed his bio so that it didn't reflect that he was a professor at Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ. Where he chose me as his next corpse. Drugging those who say NO. The hunted ones. Get 'er.
Then below that, a site of all his Healthcare books to system take and break, mental health style.
Then my reporting to the Freehold Police Department of the serially I'll drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi who still lives in that County.
Governor Janet Mills, please clear my record, compensate and come together to stop system rape.
Thank you,
Laurie Allen
(Lombardi's resume/bio was copied here and included in this email to Det. Sgt. Reiff, Freehold Township Police Department, NJ)
I have been advised by my attorney, Logan Perkins, to report this. I believe statutes have run out but I want this reported. Dr. Donald Lombardi still lives in your county. Here is my witness statement link that I filed with the Belfast Maine Police Department, 6/9/20. Please confirm via email how this will be handled. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
PS- I have emailed this statement to many of the staff at Steven's Institute, Hoboken including Human Resources and Lombardi. No response.
Thank you for submitting your concern or inquiry to the Freehold Township Police Department. Your comment has been received.
ClickHEREto return to Freehold Police Department home page.
11/8/23 Who You Looking At ...
10/31/23 Facebook posts to Lewiston and WABI Brian Sullivan. Sent to email thread list.
Post on Schemengees Bar and Grill & Just-In-Time Bowling, Lewiston, Maine.
Troy Cote- I just saw you on WABI Action heals. Let's Roll. Bring all. FYI Kaitlin Gallagher- I see you are from Belfast. Can you help to organize a protest @ WCGH MaineHealth. I am right across the street and my truth is feared by the system and owned media. Here is my post to others I found. Mills is very corrupt and knows I am the proof. 13 years+ Gary Jasper- I can help. The Cards will get understanding and all will know. Bring a group to Belfast.
Jennifer Blais Lane Please gather and come to my house and Belfast. Link state to Judiciary to law enforcement to healthcare to global system healthcare guru drug rapist 4 profit.State ignores proactive to react with system profit to it's agencies. I can't leave but I can prove and they know it. 17 Seaview Terrace Belfast Maine 04915
PS-Rollies Bar in Belfast is owned by Waldo County clerk Brooke Otis and prior bailiff Ryan Otis. State Rape ring for profit. The raped get arrested and rapists free (many of Justus) The raped and families are life long system profit. Sickening and I am first hand witness to this and worse. Hence make me a fabricated felon, fabricated persecutory delusional illness and hurt her till silent. 13+ years.
10/29/23 Both of my phones have been hacked to prevent making or receiving calls. This has been for several months. Can't call 611 on either "cellular network not available for voice calls" Text to carrier is useless. Bigger than we can fix. Belfast Verizon is partners with corruption. I drove to Rockland US Cellular for this phone and service last year. Hacking is constant. System corruption override. Texting, emails, and Facebook Messenger are my only communications. I did messenger the Obama's today, through their Higher Ground website post on Bayard Rustin. Public posting of message is on my Facebook. Getting bars to access web is difficult daily. FYI for any trying to reach me. Thank you. (Sending to email list)
10/28/23 sent to email thread list @8:20am
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2023 11:23 AM To: georgeallen99 <>; <>; < +95 <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: AddRe: LombardiRe: Jan re:CNBMomDayKing
Belfast Police Chief Cormier,
**Edit 2nd email to list for this add on from my blog 04915.blogspot to prove MaineHealth to DoD to LOMBARDI military/system healthcare management bio in this thread.
MaineHealth Selected as Innovation Partner in National High-Value Health Collaborative Health systems and Department of Defense join collaborative to share data on outcomes, quality and costs across range of costly conditions and treatments
PORTLAND, Maine - May 17, 2011- MaineHealth, the state's largest integrated healthcare system, announced its selection as an innovation partner in the High-Value Health Collaborative formed by Mayo Clinic, Denver Health, Intermountain Healthcare, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Cleveland Clinic and The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. The collaborative will determine best practices for delivering healthcare and rapidly disseminate actionable recommendations to providers and health systems across the United States. In addition to achieving better quality and outcomes, the collaborative intends to improve the efficiency of standard clinical care delivery to reduce the per capita cost and to keep costs in pace with the consumer price index. ...
I began protesting rape across from ...
Laurie Allen
Note- It appears Governor Mills may be blocking my emails again. I did not receive the automatic response acknowledgement from Governor. Chief Cormier, please make sure Governor Mills and House Rep Jan Dodge has received this. Thank you.
"PBS/MPBN has been running ads of MaineHealth support. I had saw another for The Masons (since pulled after I publicized). VP Charles Beck had pulled the Humble Farmer off the air, true Mainers say that is when MPBN went far right under far left cover.
Oct 3, 2023 — Freemasonry, the teachings and practices of the fraternal order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret ...
7pm 10/27/23 SENT TO EMAIL LIST
PBS/MPBN has been running ads of MaineHealth support. I had saw another for The Masons (since pulled after I publicized). VP Charles Beck had pulled the Humble Farmer off the air, true Mainers say that is when MPBN went far right under far left cover.
I am far in.
Name correction - Belfast Police Fitzgerald is Fitzpatrick. He is the one who broke my door down at gunpoint on 9/25/20. No warrant. Ordered me to the floor, knee in my back, yelling "We're sick of your shit Laurie", as he brutally cuffed me. Kidnapped again. No charges ever given. Gone until 10/15/20. 1 night in Belfast jail, 1 night, 4 nights in Somerset jail, 15 nights in Knox County jail. Bail finally announced. Paid and placed under house arrest with with another cancer shackle trackHer (until 7/2021) House arrest until trial in 9/2021, same time my 2 year probation would end. JustUs Murray and ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle were trying to fabricate a violation through my ordered therapy to keep me in their system until I won't die a free for all, call it a suicide. Hence, self lock down since. Begging for an interview to save my life and America.
What they did to my beagles, attached to my hip since 2007 is sadistically heartbreaking every day. Break her children, her dogs, every piece in her little life. "Cultured" corruption and rape retribution.
Fraud Case Reporting to Community Health Options, Lewiston, Maine. Escalated to CEO Robert Stack. Finding no fraud, paying out over 50k to MaineHealth.
Thank you for your submission. The detection and prevention of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse is essential to maintaining the integrity of the healthcare system. We appreciate your willingness to assist us with this vital process. If further information is needed, we will contact you.
(also documented on your sales force case #00450421. Per the Maine Bewhavioral Health FAQ one needs to have a diagnosed mental illness/disorder to do an involuntary hospitalization. I was never examined by Dr. Daniel Britton at Waldo County General Hospital, 1/8/2019-1/10/209, Dr. Beal did not examine me and I had never met him or had any medical care for many, many years. Never mental healthcare. When transferred to Spring Harbor Hospital on 1/10/19-1/29/19 the one piece of paperwork I finally got, stated Dr. James Ray examined me. I was never examined by him and I have never met him. I was transferred to Riverview Psych Hospital on 1/29/19 and on 2/13/2019 psych. nurse practioner Sarah Street Taylor who spoke at me less than a half hour total since intake, diagnosed me with BiPolar 1 , delusional disorder and an unspecified psychotic disorder. Note in 2007 where I did have a psych, eval in NJ Family Courts by Guardian ad litem Dr. Rosenbaum. No mental illness/disorder. I have never been treated for mental illness/disorder.)
The State of Maine on 8/20/2019 has corruptly found me guilty of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon from a one time comment at a one time target shoot in 10/2017 where I don't own a gun, never shot one before or after (absolutely not illegal/public figures freedom of speechexpression) On 9/13/18 I must serve 5 days in jail and 2 years probation that mandates a psychiatric evaluation and counseling. I do not have mental illness/disorders and have 58 years of clean health.
3 minutes 30 seconds in John is shooting, I say "Right there Hurley. That's Hurley right there in the center. Fuck you Hurley. All of Shitty Hall. All ya's, that's the center target. How do you like it?" That is all I say during this video.
First few seconds I say "Joi Z's turn. I never shot before. I was good in archery though, in camp. When I was 8 or 7, whatever. @ 1 minute John asks me if I want to shoot that target or just shoot. I tell him he doesn't have to fix it (the target) I'm not gonna hit anything. He says yes you will. @1:43 I say I wanna shoot the target. HEY, I wanna shoot the target. Let me have fun.
John says let me fix it. Stop. I say it ain't on red, we're good. John mumbles something. I say yeah that's what he said. @2:50 John says you're good to go baby. I say alright. @3:20 John says you're ready to roll. You have 9 shots.
I'm having a hard time seeing the target through the scope. Later John would tell me because the scope is for his dominant eye vision, it's his rifle. I don't have dominant eye.
In the lying Republican Journal and jail court hearing they made a big deal about being a "scoped" rifle and trying to use the 9 shots as me planning 9 shots for each of the officials. Which is not true and I name off less than 9 anyway (below)
@3:59 I finally shoot one and say "oh this is nice. What I'd get. (NOT WHO) Let's go look. Safety on. Oh that's fun. That's nothing. It's a little weinie gun for Laurie. I like it. And little bullets. "
John says You got it. I say "oh fuck yeah. I'm good too. Didn't ya know that." John is telling me it's automatic and I say "yeah it's automatic, just like me. It's not even that loud either. I don't need these plugs. Alright, I'm set. Ohhh, this is cool. I don't even need that stand. Done. I'm done. (meaning done shooting period. I did it and did not want to shoot again.) I did it. I did it. 9 9 9. I'm gonna bring the camera over. John's gonna point out. I hit some."
@6:11 I say "Fuckin' Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marhsall, blah, blah, blah
Thanks for being my target ya assholes."John says Look, ya shot it all full of holes. I say"I shot it all full of holes. And I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me." John counts 6 shots in the target area and says pretty good. I say "pretty good. I got em all on there. All 9 right?" John says yes, nice group. Not bad for your first try. I say "not at all. Watch your ass buddy" (meaning John because he is a sharp shooter. They edited this part to the media to make it seem like I was saying watch your ass to City Council.)
Then John walks away and I follow him with the camera and say "I'll watch your ass. Go ahead keep on walking. Look at that dupka. Oh Johnny- who's your girl? Who's your girl? He's acting like he can't hear me. It's bullshit. Look at these little things. Tell me you can't hear with these little peanuts. Alright bye."
Below sent online to WFA Community Health Options
Please note on my earlier online submission sent 8/22/2019 @ 4:18am. Found guilty on 8/20/19 of Terrorizing With A Dangerous Weapon. Judge Murray is ordering a psychiatric evaluation, therapy and meds proving what follows was an illegal involuntary hospitalization kidnap to silence. I have not shared this because I feared it would be used against me in my trials. I have feared every day that it may be my last since 2017. I have no one to help me, no money and I am under countdown to file an appeal within 21 days from 8/20/2019. I am beat up and just a H.S. diploma. I am to report to jail on 9/13/2019. I have never been diagnosed with a mental illness/disorder and even had a psych. Eval in 2006 during divorce in Middlesex Family Courts, NJ with Guardian ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum. No illness. I’m fine. I may not be able to afford the tainted transcripts of my 8/20/19 trial for the appeal. I hope you can respond immediatley. Both of my submissions are beyond belief of State of Maine silence her.
Since posting bail, 3/2/18, charged on 2/23/18 with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon for a freedom of expression 10/2017 youtube video of my one time target shoot where I have never owned a firearm or shot before or after. Judge Murray found me guilty on 8/20/19 after 2 years of manipulated corrupt court dispositional hearings to buy time to break me. I had been shackled with an ankle monitor since 3/2/18, 57 years old, no prior record, 25k bail reduced to 5k on the 5th day in jail. Waldo corrections refusing to take the bail from my friend John on 2/28/18, 3/1/18 and 3/2/18. I proved I was to die that weekend in Two Bridges. And again to be taken out on 6/6/18 @ Waldo Superior Court hearing with Judge Murray.
1/8/19, 10:30 am. Four Belfast Police SUV’s in front of my home. I call 911 to document as usual. Four cops come in for a bail check, one was Fitzgerald. They brutally cuffed and kidnapped me. There were no bail violations and never have been. I am taken across the street to MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital ER and not told anything. Placed in a suicide watch cell with a guard. A Dr. Beal tells me I am not eating, my house is messy, I’m not sleeping and I am unhygenic. I live alone. I never met this Doctor and have been to a healthcare provider in at least 5 years. He tries to get me to sign a diagnosis of Psychosis Paranoia. I refuse. I have not received any information telling me why I am here. A crisis worker from PenBay, Susan asks my history and I tell her a long story. I will not sign anything. Staff persists all day. I can’t leave. My dogs are home alone, I tell the cop they will have to be put down if I am not returning home.
1/9/19 Dr. Beal is nasty and harassing me to sign. I refuse. All day they try to force me to sign for psychiatric treatment. I refuse.
1/10/19 7am I am transferred via Waldo Sheriff Dept. cruiser to Spring Harbor Acute Hospital, Westbrook. I am not given any information or documents at intake with Essie Leach. Another staff female meets with me, I state that I do not have mental illness and this is illegal. Social worker Erik meets with me and I tell him my story and that I am not participating in anything and this is illegal. On 1/11/19 Jennifer Parent, psych. Nurse comes to my room and I state no mental illness, illegal hospitaliztion.
1/12/19 Stephanie Birdshall Psych. Nurse speaks with me, I tell her the same. I read Maine Behvaioral Healthcare Maine Health Rights on the wall. These rights, pamphlets, admittance packet were never given to me at admission as protocol dictates. Staff refuses to give them to me. I fill out a formal grievance and Alison M r/n gave me the Blue Paper application dated 1/9/19 from Waldo County General Hospital. Signed by Dan Britten, who I have never met to date. Dan Britten states he is the examiner and believes I have mental illness because of “mental health decompress?, delusional, unable to care for self, doesn’t want to live anymore, perservative? Thoughts at persecutory delusion” and citing untrue recent actions and behaviors. Signed by Dan Britten and endorsed on 1/9/19 @ 8:04pm by Eric J. Walker, Judicial officer, District Court Judge. Alison M/RN refused to give me any further records and order me away from the desk. I saw a fake post admission certificate signed by James Ray, DO stating he examined me at Spring Harbor Intake on 1/10/2019 and diagnosed me with severe mental impairment. I have never met James Ray, DO and was not examined by any Dr.
1/13/19 I get a pamphlet- Maine Healthe Behavioral FAQ- It states a person WITH a diagnosed mental illness can be involuntarily hospitalized through family and behaviors. I called 911 from the wall phone to report I was being held illegally against my will. The 911 operator spoke to a staff member and I was to be punished severely from there on in. I wrote a grievance to “CEO or Top Administrative Brass @ Spring Harbor”
1/14/19 Staff has been trying to force Risperidone on me, ordered by a Dr. Kirby who I have yet to meet. I refuse and am on day 1 of a food/fluid strike after being sickened by tainted tea that I witnessed changing tea bags. I was violently sick, throwing up for hours the day before. Dr. Kirby met with me for a few minutes and I would not participate. I was given an envelope with the white paper process and I refuse it, and state to mail it to my son in NJ. I write a directive @ 7:40pm that I will not take foods/liquids or treatment here or in Maine and request to be transferred to Princeton Medical Center, Princeton, NJ. Given to Ellen, the supervisor.
1/17/19 5pm. Day 4 no food or liquid, staff unconcerned but still pushing Risperidone as is Dr. Kirby. I show him my skeletal back at the desk in front of staff and ask what kind of Dr. allows this and pushes drugs. I am having chest pains and ask to be transferred to Princeton. I am ignored.
1/18/19 Day 5 no food or liquid. Food trays have names on them, that is why I have refused to eat them. They refused to let me go to the cafeteria to pick out my food since intake on 1/10/19. I am never allowed outside. I see a another’s food tray and he has not woken up yet. I grabbed it and ate it before they could stop me. After that, they allowed me to go to the cafeteria. I ate a lot.
1/23/19 White paper hearing video with Portland District Court Judge E. Mary Kelly, docket MH-19-13. Order for hospitalization in a mental hospital and involuntary treatment up to 90 days. 34B MRS S3864. Medication ordered. Halopeidol begins on 1/24/19.
1/29/19 Transferred via ambulance to Riverview Psychiatric Hospital. Carmen Wright, social worker and Sarah Street Taylor, psych. Nurse practitioner.
2/6/19 PNP Taylor orders Haldon in a.m. and Seroquel in pm.
2/9/19 PNP Taylor stops Haldon and increases Seroquel from 100 mg. To 200 mg.
2/13/19 approaches me in common room and states I have paranoia and persecutory delusion. Stating a diagnosis of BiPolar 1, Delusional Disorder and unspecified psychotic disorder and goes into depth about how sick I am. I file a grievance against her for HIPPA privacy violation in the common room with others.
3/1/19 PNP Taylor increases Seroquel to 300 mg. Desk staff repeatedly states since my admission that I do not belong here and they do not see any mental illness and enjoy my company and talks.
3/8/19 Discharged from Riverview and transported home, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine, 04915.
I live alone and the meds have made me unable to be productive and causing severe depression. I am in bed only getting up for the bathroom, my dogs and food. Ordering food online, my packages arriving opened. After a month, I realize that I am not court ordered to take these meds on the outside. I stop and it took months to rid my system of the many side effects and harm.
Belfast Police and State of Maine have violated my life and countless rights, lawlessly for 8 years. Going full throttle since May 2017. Throughout this summer, 2019, Officer Gormely and Sweetser Crisis worker Bre and Stephanie came weekly to incite paranoia and mental abuse in attempts to facilitate me before my charges went to trial. The ankle monitor was removed after 515 days, costing me $5 a day where my father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer, video of the monitor making me ill and Judge Murray refusing to take it off, motion after motion. Over 10 dispositional conferences where I was pro se. Thank you.
That was the end of what was submitted to the ACLU on 8/22/19, one of three submitted. They may not respond for up to 60 days. Please investigate and advise immediately.
Thank You,
Laurie Allen
From:MemberServices <> Sent:Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:30 PM <> Subject:RE: New member portal contact form submission from Laurie Allen
Dear Ms. Allen,
Thank you for contacting Community Health Options. Our goal is to answer all of your questions with courtesy and respect.
I am not sure what you are inuring about today. Can you please be more specific? It appears you included past emails in your inquiry but our system cut off your email before I can see a question was asked.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call Member Services at (855) 624-6463, weekdays between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance
10/26/23 FB post sent to all media's reporting. System Mental Health care is not regulated and is a sickening disgrace. This post was sent @ 5:54pm to the 106 email thread chain of corruption.
"For 13 years, I have been exposing 1rst hand corruption from "State" of InHuMaine, State Rape Ring, agency after agency, to Belfast and MaineHealth. They couldn't stop me, clean record and no mental illness. They fabricated me as a felon for a video where I said thanks for being my target ya assholes, not sent to anyone, in 11/2017 (7 years into Belfast-LePage-Janet Mills-AG denying every FOIA request, etc. ) Then they cuffed me into MaineHealth, illegal as hell- 2 months hostage to fabricate me I'll with "persecutory delusional" Judge Mary Kelly forcing unknown drugs on my healthy, chem free mind and body. Costing taxpayers over 50k just by MaineHealth and my health insurance, Community Health Options, Lewiston, President Robert Stack, denying investigation into fraud. Just a little of massive system corruption
See I stay under self lock down but they can do what they want. Neighbors are rewarded and assist. Spread this please. Sure would lead a protest across the street @ MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital if you and all could come on over. This is big and the difference. Already proven. Time to answer before they end me. I got the powerful, alone. 62. For all. Let's roll. Media is owned by the same powers. Refusing Interview pleas but going global with fabricating me as terrorizing Belfast officials and worse. Bury her. I do as ordered, then try again and again and again... "
10/23/23 Shackled for 700 days with cancer pulsing trackHer, video her. Daily, I begged neighbor Charles Beck, PBS/MPBN VP, for an interview. He knew I was innocent. I displayed a sign in my driveway with daily shackled days, almost 2 years. Making me ill with excruciating headaches, weakness and tremors. Beck sold me for a drainage ditch. Illegally dug by Belfast public works and his good ole boy, Joe Sloscum, city manager.
Laurie Allen (Sissy from my Dad 1977 RIP cancer 4 horror years)
No more skiing, sailing, hiking, swimming,
protesting, banned from ALL downtown, including police department, City Hall and meetings, library, court house, City Park,, no left from Seaview Terror, no left onto Rte 1 South, no left onto Rte 3, no left onto Swan Lake Ave, no contact with any City Council, Planner, Manager and ALL their family members (that could be anyone, anywhere) on and on. Endless attempts at entrapment.
Illegal taking of my property with years of harassment and terrorizing abuse from Belfast Police, the Rae/LaCombe family (Judge Patricia Worth's friends) and workers as they built a house, filling in my drainage ditch and raising the grade to further flood me. Protected by their JustUs system with City attorney Bill Kelly as Rae's attorney. Kelly had been threatening me with illegal actions since 2012. All Beck's "people".
I have survived due to years of self lock down forcing police to illegally enter, break down my door at gunpoint (9/25/20), all warrantless. Cuffed and kidnapped again and again and again and again and again... For Beck to stop the FSBO of my house, Liheap and Maine Fuel destroy my furnace, Hammond stopping my purchases for my only heat source of bio bricks for my small woodstove. Now Aubuchon Hardware Manager Greg Hodgeman attempting to force purchase of his special order of unknown and unseen flammable, toxic product. Meanwhile Beck got one of those heating/ac AC units, 2 woodstoves and an oil furnace fueled by Consumer Fuel, Belfast.
(Above 10/23 post was sent to the email list of 106 on 10/23/23, @7:40am)
Killers of Laurie Allen. With PBS VP driving the stake a mere 20 ft. away, 13 years to date. The power of this media to kill while showcasing documentaries and program after program of atrocities by government, military, healthcare, education, racism, on and on.
Many in this email list have spoken on PBS. Why won't the NY Times, Washington Post, Clooney Foundation for Justice, ACLU civil rights, FBI, DoJ, or First Lady Jill Biden give me an interview? This is exactly how the horrors of Killers of the Flower Moon escaped media reporting. Wealth and power is above the law, lawless brutality, I know first hand with proof. Already proven hundreds of times to so many of importance.
Who has the integrity and courage to interview me and report nationally? PLEASE. Real time is my only time. The powers are deleting and destroying with a click. True journalism and investigative reporting is the last leg of America.
Laurie Allen
Leonardo DiCaprio, Lily Gladstone and Robert De Niro star in the new film that tells a brutal chapter of American history. Read More:
10/23/23 6pm 2nd request to Aubuchon Hardware Manager Greg Hodgeman
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:55 PM To: BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: [EXT] Check $2249.28
I do not download attachments from those untrustworthy. You did not confirm the amount as I had written. Please respond to this email the refund amount. Please mail the return receipt and confirm.
You made it s special order, I paid cash for in store product. You chose to order unknown and refused to verify safety of your special order. You chose to refund rather than resolve customer concern for product accountability and safety. OSHA mandate for flammable products where you ordered unknown/unseen to me to date.
Again, "Please respond to this email the refund amount. Please mail the return receipt and confirm."
"I hope you can find the help you need." To quote you.
Laurie Allen
From:BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <>
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 12:27 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: [EXT] Check $2249.28
Hello Laurie
I attached a copy of the return receipt from your special order. At your request it was processed as a check refund to be mailed. Our system downloads the return to our accounting dept. They process the request and mail a check from headquarters. You should expect to receive your check in 7-15 days would be my best estimated guess
I hope you can find the help you need.
From: <> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 7:22 PM To: <> Subject: RE: [EXT] Check $2249.28
Thank you for emailing Aubuchon Hardware -Someone will email you back within 2-3 business days.
10/18/23 7:22 am message to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Aubuchon Headquarters is in Massachusetts.
"Aubuchon has blocked my email of horrific abuse to freeze me out. Please see email to 155 on my blog Please help me. State of Maine will not stop trying to silence me. Eternally.
Trying to send this post to the email chain but continuing Microsoft Outlook freeze hack is preventing sending. Phew! Sent at 6:20 am. Good Morning Vietnam.
Apr 2, 2018 — The Hodgemans used to bring J.D. to work with them at Aubuchon Hardware in Belfast, where Greg Hodgeman works as manager and
This email thread with Aubuchon Hardware Manager, Greg Hodgeman, is another once decent man gone. Into the culture system that rapes 4 profit, protects their own and become owned by the State of InHuMaine. From neighbor, to community, to businesses, to church, to MaineHealth & healthcare affiliates, to local, county, State government & all it's agencies, the most dangerous law enforcement system in sync with attorneys, attorney general, Governor, Senate & House, to Judicial, to Supreme Court, to the Koch Brothers. Comply or die. One female will not comply and will not die. They try and try, with all their Putin might. Alone, I try and try, the story of my life. United States of America, homes for their taking. Next.
Aubuchon Hardware Manager Greg Hodgeman please send a check for my heartbreaking refund. I will cry me a river if I ever step into your store again. Will I survive the winter with a space heater amongst the surrounded owned and all their perks, energy efficient to picking up their trash. Be owned or be Laurie Allen. Help us destroy all she is. All in? So be it, get her done. Look at her struggle to survive. Let's have another social media party to cheer on her demise. Mother Nature continues to protect me. Emotionally battered to cause death, I must trudge on. Chosen to take beating after beating. Never give up. OK.
From: BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 10:12 AM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Fw: Logs
Good Morning Laurie
I understand there was confusion on what product was available. At the end of the day, All that we could source was the logiK-e 408087
I am honoring the original order price of $6.39. That is a savings of $2.60 per case. 352 case x $2.60 =$655.20 savings to you
I feel very strongly that I am honoring our initial quote and taking care of the customer [ You]. This savings is easily offsetting any confusion that took place instore with the order
I have the product here ready for you to start hauling. As discussed on the day of order we will need the product taken out within 7 days .
As far as txt goes, The online ordering system has the ability to format for txt. When you txt the store phone number its a "land line" and has no capability to receive or / view or send txt
That is why I asked email communication
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 12:48 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <>; Greg <>; Greg <>; <> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Fw: Logs
Greg & Logik-e,
Please re-read my email. You are not responding to the safety of whatever product you have sold to me. You did not tell me I had to pick up within 7 days. In fact, the sign in your store states orders must me picked up within 30 days.
Your decision to force me to take this within 7 days against store policy of 30 days tells me that this sketchy order is not acceptable without further assurance of full product safety from Aubuchon Product Safety and Logik-e in Canada.
Without resolution from Aubuchon, I would accept a drop ship direct from Logic-k for the product to ensure a safe product, or you can refund the order to my credit card. This will cause me to be without my only source if heating. Hammond lumber, as I have told you, stopped selling me product 5 years ago even though I was a loyal customer to EBS for the fire bricks before Hammond bought EBS. My Bayside childhood friend, Ted Lovejoy (not sure if he is still with Hammond) was the warehouse manager of EBS and did the actual free deliveries to my house.
Your employee told me that Hammond customers have switched to Aubuchon because Hammond is customer abusive.
I await response
Thank you,
Laurie Allen
From:BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <> Sent:Tuesday, October 17, 2023 10:12 AM To:LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Fw: Logs
Good Morning Laurie
I understand there was confusion on what product was available. At the end of the day, All that we could source was the logiK-e 408087
I am honoring the original order price of $6.39. That is a savings of $2.60 per case. 352 case x $2.60 =$655.20 savings to you
I feel very strongly that I am honoring our initial quote and taking care of the customer [ You]. This savings is easily offsetting any confusion that took place instore with the order
I have the product here ready for you to start hauling. As discussed on the day of order we will need the product taken out within 7 days .
As far as txt goes, The online ordering system has the ability to format for txt. When you txt the store phone number its a "land line" and has no capability to receive or / view or send txt
That is why I asked email communication
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 8:05 PM To: BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Fw: Logs
Greg- FYI - It was very confusing and stressful when I came into the store on 10/4. The lady cashier could not get the product numbers that you gave her to work. She called Simon to do the transaction. He had a hard time and was stressing with your note. I was becoming very concerned. Another employee came over to watch. Simon had Mark come to the desk. I wasn't shown what this replacement was.
When I originally came into the store to place my order, you were off. Simon showed me the 12/pk bricks (the same one you have sold me for the past years) and new 6/pk bricks, both 88pk/skid. I wanted 4 skids of 6/pk (same packaging size as the 12 just bigger bricks).
He said I had to come back and order directly with you. He said you would be in Saturday, 9/30. I placed the order with you on 9/30. Looking at the receipt, the item number you entered was for the 12/pk Why?
(9/30/23 - You placed order for 352 pk (12/pk) bio blocks 192125, $6.39pk. 88pk/skid, 4 skids. Order #1715392.)
Your note to the lady cashier to call me on Monday of an order change to a new vendor and brick was not possible because my phone was broken as I texted you on 10/2, Monday from my other phone. I thought it strange that you didn't text me back on that phone as done previously or email me as I gave you my email in the text. I don't understand why you wrote in this email that text is not an option. My text is marked sent and I recently received an email from Aubuchon for a discount if I allow text.
The description on this unseen fire brick, according to my paid receipt, is 10/pk, are they the same packaging size as the bio block 12/pk?
( Logik-e logs 408087, 10/pk price match $6.39 pk x 352pk, 70pk/skid, 5 skids + 2 pk.)
Mark did something on the register and then supervised as Simon tried again to enter the order. He told Simon he was making it harder than it was. I had to step in and ask for the specs of each pk and skid amount. Mark told Simon to order 4 skids. I said it should be 5 skid+ 2pk, totalling the original 352 pk ordered.
Mark disagreed. I said 352 is 352, regardless that this new item comes 70pk/skid. He was not agreeing and talked of mass, etc. It was upsetting. I told Simon that you were honoring the same pk price, it should be 352. At this point, I had been there an hour and said why can't you call Greg, it's not like he's the president. No offense to you Greg.
Then the delay in the delivery until today, when you returned from vacation. I have to be sure this new item is not defective with all these problems. Maine Fuels gave me tainted oil to destroy my furnace under Liheap direction.
Mark said 32 skids were ordered, brick vendors change all the time, and that he uses larger bricks. I wanted larger bricks but got all this run around.
You want to pull out my stock prior to pick up. That is concerning too. Please assure me that my bricks will be safe. For record, I will share this with others.
I hope you understand my concern with this explanation. I have valid reasons for questioning product safety on this very probmatic order. Belfast officials and judiciary have fabricated charges against me to make me a felon, BPD broke my door down at gunpoint, no warrant, no reason. Cuff, kidnap, jail, harass, on and on for exposing their corruption as I have told you many times. See my virus free, free blog for 13 years of 1rst hand proof. .
Last year I said I was worried you would stop selling me bricks because of Belfast officials may order you to do so. You said you will sell to anyone. Please guarantee safety of bricks with confirming product information in below email.
Thank you,
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 3:38 PM To: BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Fw: Logs
Greg- please confirm that this is the order that I am picking up. Thanks.
3. 10/4/23 I came to store for update. You were off. Per your note to staff, bio blocks not available. Replace with Logik-e logs 408087, 10/pk price match $6.39 pk x 352pk, 70pk/skid, 5 skids + 2 pk.
From: BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 12:50 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [EXT] Fw: Logs
We just received the shipment of replacement bio blocks today.
They are inside, dry storage and ready to go when you are ready.
This email will work best for communication, their is no option for text .
Let us know when you think you might want to start pulling some out and we will be sure they are ready for you
From:BELFAST, ME - 171, Aubuchon <> Sent:Sunday, October 15, 2023 2:48 PM To:LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Re: [EXT] Fw: Logs
Greg will be in the morning. H
From:LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent:Sunday, October 15, 2023 10:30 AM
To:Aubuchon BELFAST, ME - 171 <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Fw: Logs
Greg FYI (seems there are 2 email addresses for your store.) Please advise of below.
From:LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent:Sunday, October 15, 2023 8:42 AM <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Logs
Is my special order ready? Here is the history.
1. 9/30/23 - You placed order for 352 pk (12/pk) bio blocks 192125, $6.39pk. 88pk/skid, 4 skids. Order #1715392.
2. 10/2/3/23, sent text to advise phone broken, email or text when it will be ready. No response.
3. 10/4/23 I came to store for update. You were off. Per your note to staff, bio blocks not available. Replace with Logik-e logs 408087, 10/pk price match $6.39 pk x 352pk, 70pk/skid, 5 skids + 2 pk.
Simon placed order #1715395. He entered my email on my account for notification.
4. 10/10/23 I came to store to confirm above with you. You were on vacation. Mark advised order was placed with total shipment of 32 skids with Logik-e. He advised that an email would be sent to me when ready.
5. 10/15/23 No email yet. Please advise if my order is ready or when it will be ready. Heavy rain is forecasted for later this week.
Thank you,
Laurie Allen
10/17/23 State of InHuMaine to Drug Rapist Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD Big Pharma, DoD, Universities, System Global Healthcare's "Guru" Rape 4 Profit In All+... Protected by System Powers 4 More. Using system to silence my freedom of speech from public access in all internet searches for my first hand, 13 year documentation of terrorizing corrupt power to destroy me and mine. My YouTube channel, Facebook, Google Blogger, internet access, any communications with cell phone, subject to system control to stop. Constant.
I have been under self lock down and stopped displaying my protest signs on my property. Fearing another illegal cuff and kidnap into system terror silence. Constant since 2015 for exposing lawless drug rape by Dr. Rape Retribution Lombardi Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ. He receives pedestal glory for drug raping Little Laurie Allen, 1/1982. System GlobalSerial drug rapr. No doubt. Untouchable with all hands on innocent, brave, soon to be 63 year old me. Will Belfast Aubuchon save me or freeze/fire/use toxic product to silence me per State of InHuMaine, MaineHealth, & Lombardi's Power Rape Culture System? Here is the page link to email thread with Aubuchon Hardware. No one to help, no one to trust. Alone on Seaview Terror with constant surveillance and entrapment by Mr. Mole. Sadly true since closing, 6/28/2010.
Liberal, Conservative, Far Left, Far Right.... Potato, Potatah, All Corrupt. I am for freedom to stop the corrupt. Far In I am. JoiZexit9 v Corrupted. To die for.
Oy! FB Big Brother of (pictured) "State" of InhuMaine JustUs Robert Murray, Steven's Institute of Technology Hoboken NJ Drug Rapist Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi, Danger Neighbor MPBN/PBS VP Charles Beck (Mr. Mole), removed my post of 2nd damning email sent on 10/5/23. Screen shot of removal citing "Cyber security" Surely Not. "Rape Ring Security" Surely. See email on
This email below took 3 hours to send, hacking, spinning away. Xxxxx can confirm receipt too. On the blog is the picture of Mr. Mole sign. Identity on blog is xxxxxxx xxxx. That is not in the email for legal purposes. In 2019? NJ Gov Murphy passed a bill to extend rape charges 2 years from date of awareness. They knew it was underway and began the horrors to stop me. Even during the 2 year probation, during that 2 yr window, (that I still didn't know about) PO Lori Lamma (she's "gone" now) told me I could transfer probation to NJ if I wanted to move. I jumped on in it so I could go after Lombardi I'm person. Then they rescinded that, telling me I could not leave. I had put the house up for sale by owner, 200k cash. Charles feigned buying, coming in taking pictures and video. Then when I told him I asked Blair Agency to help me with closing he said he would do it at no charge. I said no. Then he ghosted me. No more communications. On top of all else he has done to me. 9/25/20 cops broke my door down at gunpoint. No warrant, no reason except to fabricate parole violation, shackle me again and attempt to begin parole again after a year wait for the trial. 9/2021 Maine fuel with LiHeap destroyed my furnace. No more serviced, they are one, destroy her. Then all the phone hacking to force fabricated violations during COVID-19 when phone was dire to comply.
Ordering a psych eval to try and find me incompetent to stand trial. I never gave up as all the emails prove. Judge Murray forced attorney Logan Perkins on me as pro SE. She filed a motion against me to sign release of records from my court ordered therapy sessions. They were not counting on me going to Northern Lights in Bangor for the therapy. I knew local would force drugs on me and fabricate me as nucking futs.
I refused to sign and Murray knew he could not over ride that with No Lights. Logan kept pressuring me. No. Then they subpoena'd my therapist Hillary Stewart to testify the day before the trial. At the trial, the psychiatrist, Dr Barter who did the eval lied saying I was incompetent to stand trial. An attorney showed up for No Lights stating Hillary had clients and could not attend. Logan knew I had all the documents and statutes to win. That is when she began defending me to save herself. I let her, ready to jump in if she began to sell me out. My probation was up. Free one would think. Dead survivor walking, talking, staying alive under lockdown with quick trip every 2 months or so for groceries when Charles is gone. Getting hacked constantly when doing this work. Until. No one here to help/protect me and house except me. If xxx wasn't contacting me in the jails and Riverview, I would be dead. Called a suicide. Cremate proof. Buh bye.
#2 sent to list first today taking 3 hacking hours to send
Laurie Allen tried to sue MPBN VP Charles Beck and Maine Health in 2019. Judge Robert Murray, my personal hooded robe with ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle fabricating me as a felon and mentally ill since 2014. The year I outted their guru. Global system drug rapist, Professor Dr Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ. To run out NJ statutes to sue Lombardi for drug raping me in 1/1982. His lethal resume in this post unless he hacked it out. 🆘 HELP ME. I AM TRAPPED.
"State" of Maine protects system Rape Ring 4"PROFITS" Murray dismissed my lawsuit without hearing. Then PBS/MPBN dropped The Mole and Mic. Lavishing system mole perks to date The Portland Press Herald › long...
Longtime executive at Maine Public retiring after 40 years
Dec 21, 2020 — Charles Beck, vice president for radio and television content, will step down in January
10/2/23 10:20 am sending this message to the 106. Phone calls to my US Cellular 207-930-9710 are not coming through. Calls to US Cellular customer service today were hacked. They have my information but hacking where they could not hear me again and again results in disconnect. As has been happening for years and documented in this thread. Alarmingly, now I can't make/receive/retrieve voicemail calls from this phone. Web service is hacked too. My other SafeLink Trac phone 207-505-6833 seems to still receive calls but got hacked when US Cellular called me back on this number to try and fix their service to 207-930-9710. Under system attack by the worst. Again and again. Contact me through email only. So far Microsoft has been on the up and up. .
Sent to 106 email recipients (listed far below for reference) 10/2/23, 2 am (takes hours to do this without internet/Wi-Fi) and this long one at 8:15 am, 10/2/23.
To All,
I get hacked each time I try to copy and paste Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ Dr Donald Lombardi's resume. In the previous email sent to all @ 2 am, this morning, his resume was not included. I see he or his is switching my blog that has his resume to HTML code on my editing. Therefore, I have copied and am pasting the entire email thread that began the on 8/5/23. Previously, this was sent to all on this thread, 8/5/23, including the page link
Below is the 8/5/23 email.His resume is at the end.
After outting Lombardi in 2015, Steven's rewarded their drug raping professor, Dr. Donald Lombardi, PhD with several prestigious awards, not included in this older resume. As MPBN awarded backstabbing Charles Beck a lavish dinner ceremony when he was forced to step down in 2020 @ 63. Due to my documentation of his actions against me. Drop the mic is really drop the mole. Judge Robert Murray dismissed my lawsuits against MPBN and MaineHealth without a hearing. Burning my $700 filing fees like a below poverty level rape survivor's life. Mine. Here I go. Go Laurie. Let's hear it for the girl.
First post copied from new blog, today 8/5/23 .
To All,
This email information below is the first post on my new blog, . This blog is to ensure that Lombardi and system powers will be accountable for hacking this blog to deny public viewing. Done through switching view to html code and or messages that proceeding to blog will infect. Infect truth. Laurie Bee. Glory Be.
(I posted this message on BOYCOTTBELFAST.BLOGSPOT.COM
2nd email (FYI) sent at 4:12
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2023 4:12 PM
FYI - I here is the page link on my copying the email below. It is viewable to me in it's entirety.
If it is not viewable entirely to the public, please notify me through email. Ditto for link to the new blog . No one wants this to be reconciled more than me. Come on Washington Post. I need you to save my life. In print. Please.
To All,
Maine Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty has never responded. Status quo with all State of Maine employees vowed to protect my rights as a Maine resident and American citizen. Instead, they, with MaineHealth & their public association with DoD, State agencies, businesses, non profits, media, community, neighbors, endless affiliations are loyal to power rapists for profit, benefits and protection. All systems go, kill Laurie Allen. Destroy all she loves.
See #1 for proof of State of Maine protection to power Rape Ring and silencing the victim with any force desired. One continues to plea for all. Alone and against their system worst and lawless. Judicial to neighbor, prior MPBN/PBS VP, Charles Beck. Taken out to early retirement for their protection.
See #2 for proof of their guru, global system drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ. Protected by DOJ, DoD, Steven's, Health/Behavioral/Pharmaceutical /system on top of systems. He lives in Manalapan, NJ, exit 9. Bruce Springsteen lives in Colts Neck, NJ, exit 9. Neighbors. Obama and Bruce. Laurie and Innocence. All alone for all.
I tried to post this. System is switching view to html code. Hence email to all instead advising this as first post on new blog,
Laurie Allen
Joi Z exit 9
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:29 PM To: <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; William Entwisle <> Subject: Re: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty and PO Lori Lamma,
I have not received any direction to complete my probation counseling in a Belfast government facility. I cannot schedule another appointment with No. Lights, Acadia, Hillary Stewart without a government line because of hacking.
Please do not charge me with violation of parole conditions because this is not my fault or Hillary's. We have been imploring PO Lori Lamma to set up a secure line for a monthly 45 minute session.
I cannot safely travel to Acadia to zoom on-site. The fabrication of the Belfast Police Blotter writing I was in Bangor on 9/25/20 and was arrested for a parole violation, when I was home (not in Bangor since 3/2020).
Then Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint without a warrant, no violations and I am still under arrest for that frightening arrest. Jailed until 10/15/2020, then house arrest with an ankle tracker.
Please allow me to have a phone or zoom counseling session with Hillary in a government location on a government phone. Please respond.
Thank you.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 6:17 PM To: <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty,
Supervisor Cory from Adult Probation, 941-4713 left me another message to call the same number, 941-4713 which is a recording of all names and phone numbers to contact each person. His name is not on the list as I wrote before.
I left another message for Supervisor Corey and gave my blog address for him to read the emails to you. I said that I have given the information with Waldo Corrections to you. I gave my email address if he needs to contact me again.
My probation is up on 9/15/21 but PO Lori Lamma motioned for a hold after I was taken down at gunpoint and falsely arrested on 9/25/2020 and am still under arrest for that fabrication. It is clear the next plan is to find me in violation of counseling because PO Lori Lamma refuses to help through courthouse or probation office phone or zoom counseling.
It is proven to force me to travel to Bangor for onsite zoom counseling with Hillary Stewart. Where I could easily be arrested for fabricated charges as was the attempt on 9/25/20. Failing a warrant, because I was home. Proof that travel is too dangerous for my safety, health and absolutely unnecessary.
If probation will not be vacated, then I have a little over a month left unless I am punished further since PO Lori Lamma's motion to rescind my freedom on 9/30/2020 places me back in jail or psychiatric holdings.
Counseling and any other mental health orders must be through Acadia for reasons stated with Maine Health that also includes area providers in Waldo and Knox County and all associates of Maine Health.
Hillary Stewart cannot take anymore hacking sessions and contacted PO Lori Lamma to make sessions available to me through zoom or phone in an available local facility. PO Lori Lamma will not assist, deeming violations instead.
At this time, there is one more session that could be appointed before probation is to end on 9/15/21. I have been in psychiatric holding and observation from 1/8/19-3/7/19, undergone 2 more psych. evals after that. One with Acadia in 11/2019 with counseling since. The second with the State's forensic psych eval with Dr. Barter. All trying to paint me as a delusional paranoid. Acadia does not drug me. All this expense and effort for someone who presents stability, sense, patience, compliance, is law abiding and was drug raped. My history and present is upstanding and honest.
I will wait for an email from you, Commissioner Liberty or your assistant for future counseling direction with Hillary Stewart. She will not take another appointment for a hacking session through my phone. PO Lamma misleads and does not "want me to succeed."
This is so dangerous to my health, rights and freedom. Please free me. An innocent 60 year old, low income, Mom.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 3:20 PM To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <> Subject: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty,
I wanted to advise you that I posted this entire email on my blog. A supervisor Corey has left a message to contact him. I left a message back but I don't know who he is or why he is contacting me.
Please have him email me as my phone is not safe for important calls. I want everything documented for my safety. I have a voicemail but I cannot pick it up. It may be from him.
Here is the post from a few hours ago. Please remove probation and ask Governor Janet Mills to clear my fabricated record completely. I prove my innocence with my life history.
Laurie Allen
I have decided to post this email to Maine Correction Commissioner Randall Liberty since I did not receive a response from his assistant. I am not breaking my word.
After my call with his assistant, Colleen (or Collette) was hacked, I called back and got voicemail. I explained that my phone counseling with Hillary Stewart at Waldo Judiciary was hacked and witnessed by security officer, Dan Leavitt. He let me use his phone to call Hillary back to fulfill my probation counseling that is constantly hacked.
PO Lori Lamma has refused requests from Hillary and me to set up zoom or phone sessions in a government facility in Belfast as I had to fight to get done for the State's competency evaluation against me. To fail at home to violate probation and be jailed again. Proven again and again that PO Lori Lamma and Waldo County Corrections is working to violate my probation.
Ditto with counseling from Northern Lights Health, Acadia Behavioral in Bangor with Hillary Stewart. Although at the Acadia intake, the evaluation protected Dr. Donald Lombardi by not stating his name, stating I was raped by a night school teacher and that I worked in a factory. Making it appear as I was going for a G.E.D. , rather than to college for a business degree. I was working full-time in accounts receivable at NJ Aluminum, No. Brunswick, NJ.
I went to No. Lights Acadia because Maine Health has been causing great harm to me personally since 2011 abutting my backyard. Maine Health illegally held me in psychiatric hell, Spring Harbor for over a month, taking my blood, abusive and getting Judge Mary Kelly to force drug me. I do not have a diagnosed mental illness and was not in crisis.
Four Belfast Police SUV's came and cuffed me at 10:30 am on 1/8/2019 as I was cleaning my house. Kidnapped brutally. Taken across the street to MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital ER. Held and abused over the weekend, papers favricy, signed by Judge Walker and Dr. Daniel Britton. Blood drawn and 2 days and nights in a glass suicide room where staff tried to force meds and my signature for psychiatric treatment. NO, NO, NO.
Kidnapped from there to Maine Health Spring Harbor, Westbrook for a horrifying month and then to Riverview State Psychiatric for another month of drugging.
Unable to break me, they continue through fabricated charges, more false arrests and hacking to my counseling. Trying to force me to travel to Bangor for onsite zoom counseling with Hillary. Which is what they fabricated on 9/25/20 when Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint. No warrant. No violations.
However, the Belfast Police Blotter stated I was arrested in Bangor for a parole violation. I was home, getting abused at gunpoint by the lawless.
They arrested me at home, in 7/2020, fabricating disorderly conduct. Locking me in a cement, windowless room, from noon till 4 am. Not allowing me out to urinate, forcing me to go on the floor like an animal. To Somerset Jail, eye scan. body scan, lice shower... Years of this lawless abuse to protect themselves and Lombardi's rape 4 profit ring. By one brave, honest, good girl. Little Laurie Allen.
I take back this email not to press charges against Lombardi. Coverage of NY Governor Cuomo's sexual abuse gave me back my courage.
Please clear my innocent record and free me.
Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 7:46 AM To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Over&Out?
Dear Commissioner Liberty,
I had to see all this through to you. Matter of Duty. There is nothing else I can do and no one will step in publicly. No one. I am sure.
I propose this. I cease all actions. All. Maine to NJ. My blogs will be private and remain private, always. I am compensated as fair as you can manage with non-disclosure through assumption of 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast.
I will move out of State and am done. I will not report, write or push this any further. I want privacy and safety as I did when I moved here on 6/28/2010.
I will not pursue rape charges against Lombardi. I can rest knowing I did all I could. Force drugging me again is not an end and not for the good.
I will sign an accepted agreement that can be done with Logan Perkins, my court appointed attorney. She is on vacation this week and next.
I hope always. I can meet with you or this can be it. Continuing this is worsening for all. I will not post this. I only do that for the little protection I can give myself.
I spoke with your assistant, Collene, Collette?, and our call was hacked. I called back later and left a message on the recording. If she could call and leave me a message that my emails were received, I can stop. I will not answer the phone and will keep everything private. You have my word. Honest and true.
If this is acceptable, DSgt. Reiff has to know either way. Please advise.
Thank you Commissioner Liberty.
Laurie Allen
Serial System Drug Rapist Dr. Lombardi
+ 1
Wed 8/4/2021 9:09 AM
View more
I was drug raped by Dr. Donald Lombardi in 1/1981. Below are emails to Freehold NJ police department where I am currently trying to file a report. Below that is an email including Lombardi, and many as I fight for my rights to life against Lombardi's powerful system including the "State" of Maine and statewide healthcare. It is very frightening, disturbing and I am pro Se.
The State forces court appointed attorneys on me to get a plea deal. Logan Perkins is the 4th one since fabricated charges began in 2017 after posting of Lombardi in social media, news media, my blogs, etc. My current main blog is that includes the emails proving constant denial of my rights as the State of Maine with 11 Judges, violate Judiciary rules and constitutional rights without accountability or fear. First hand. Very corrupt and rape for profit.
Attorney's are equally corrupt, statewide. I have wasted years trying to get representation including the ACLU. No one will help. I have tried several law firms in NJ to file a lawsuit against Lombardi and am hitting his wall.
Freehold DSgt. Reifff is stalling. I do not leave my house because I am on system surveillance even with the ankle bracelet shackle that was on my innocent 60 yr old leg for 700 days removed. They scanned my eyes and body for another fabricated charge and arrest in 7/2020 at Somerset Jail in Maine. I am hunted.
They kidnap me from my home. The last was on 9/25/20, no warrant, no violations, Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint, hoping to shoot but I complied silently and immediately. I am still under arrest as the State tries to find me incompetent to stand trial. Because there is no evidence. Ever. I have never had a record and am upstanding courage for right.
They can put me in psychiatric holding again and force drug me again. It's insanity corruption for profit by the system. Against me proving their rape for profit, intake females, therapy, drug.... Lombardi is their Guru. I am the problem to be eliminated. Many attempts but not successful.
Media will not interview me. It's unbelievable. Brutal terrorizing against me full force since 2017 from the State to Waldo County to Belfast, Maine Health, the biggest employer, 22k, abutts my property, Northern Lights Healthcare, all private providers, even dentists. They work together to silence rape, abuse and horrors directed by Dr. Donald Lombardi.
Filing a lawsuit against him will force media to report. I hope. How many students, military, employees, clients, patients, endless list have been drug raped by Lombardi and his system? This must be reported for national news. I can't get that done. Please help us
My phone gets hacked as you will read. Internet has been taken, I keep trying through this $35 Android cellphone. Emails don't get hacked. They may read them. Most likely. I can't leave. I have tried. For many years.
My witness statement link is in the email with the Freehold Police and my blog is full of information and documentation.
Thank you for all you help.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen from Exit 9, South River, NJ for 49 years.
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
(I don't answer most calls. Messages are left if caller is valid. I can't trust our system. Lombardi is so dangerous and global.)
From: John Reiff <> Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:09 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: RE: Pedigree Info
Miss Allen,
Good News, I figured out that the apartments you are talking about and from what you explained and what I found doing some research, it did indeed happen in Freehold Borough.
Here is the bad news: As I stated in my earlier e-mail, NJ has no statute of limitations for certain criminal charges including sexual assault.
My legal advisor has gotten back to me and explained that NJ has a sliding scale starting back in 1979.
I have attached the statute of limitations sheet for sexual offenses for the state of NJ.
It states and of course I confirmed with my legal advisor, that based off your time line when the crime occurred in 1981, It’s 5 years, so we would have needed to charge/indict by June 1986.
Unfortunately, the law states that we could not charge him even if we built a case on him.
I wish I had better news for you and if I can help you in any other way, please let me know
DSgt John Reiff
DSgt. JohnT Reiff
Freehold Borough Police Department
Detective Division
36 Jackson St
Freehold NJ 07728
732 462-1234
From:LAURIEALLEN <> Sent:Monday, August 2, 2021 5:09 PM To:John Reiff <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Re: Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission
Dear DSgt. Reiff,
He is a professor at Steven's Institute, Hoboken. Can you do a check on his past residencies? He was working at American Hospital Supply, 120 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ., in 1981. He knows I contacted your site to report him. The email with his bio is on my blog .
I don't know what apartment complex he took me to. I thought I was going home after he got his important message so I didn't pay attention.
Does NJ have a statute of limitations for drug raping?
Thank you.
Laurie Allen
From:John Reiff <> Sent:Monday, August 2, 2021 2:40 PM To:LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:RE: Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission
OK, We’re definitely getting closer.
The Freehold Borough/Township border is right there.
Based off the year, I’m guessing Post and Coach apartments or the Stonehurst Apartments which ironically, one is in the Borough, One in Freehold Township.
I’m having a problem making out some of the writing on your statement, The photos are not as clear as I would like them. That is why I’m asking the questions.
Do you remember the landscape?
Please let me know
From:LAURIE ALLEN [] Sent:Monday, August 02, 2021 11:44 AM To:John Reiff <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject:Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission
Hello Sgt. Reiff,
Dr. Donald Lombardi took me to his apartment in Freehold. It was close to what was Van's Restaurant on Rte 9. That is where he took me to dinner as written in my witness statement given to the Belfast Chief of Police, 6/9/20.
Rape does not have a statute of limitations in NJ? I didn't think so then I saw that man raped by the Cardinal in NJ on the news last week. It reported that statutes had run out but since the Cardinal was from Massachusetts, they can prosecute.
Since posting Lombardi as drug raping me in January 1981, the State of Maine and Maine Healthcare has come at me with loaded guns, fabricated charges, false jailings, illegal involuntary psychiatric holding for 2 months, force drugging by Judicial and Healthcare, continuing proceedings to find me incompetent and order psychiatric drugging, observation, anything Lombardi wants to protect himself and all the constitutional violations and hate crimes to my life and property by the State of Maine and Maine Healthcare.
The State of Maine to City of Belfast corruption in my spotless life began at purchase of my home, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915 and escalated to terrorism after posting Lombardi as a dangerous system drug rapist after Cosby was charged. I was very frightened to do this after I researched his power and access to students, military, healthcare guru, pharmco, his list is enormous and sickness.
I had to expose him through social media to stop the raping. I was not wrong with his power but I never thought the State of Maine and healthcare would break all rules of conduct, ethics, color of law, civil rights, constitutional rights, Judicial rules. on and on, for all these years to silence me eternally. Mob mentality style, many with a smile. Especially my neighbor, MPBN VP Charles Beck. Hell with a smile and a back stabbing coward.
Again, prior to Belfast and the State of Maine fabrication, my record was spotless. I do not have mental illness and have been in this unregulated mental health system since my ex husband began using this system in NJ to stop me from divorcing him after 18 years of a difficult marriage in 2007. Psych evaluations, the whole hell hole of system mental health that I was clueless to.
Through this I learned of Dialetical Behavior Therapy and sought out the out of network, DBT Center of Lawrenceville, NJ. Coping skills with Buddhism healings. They taught me how to cope with these destructive ego's that believe they can take my life when I say no. Thank you ladies and Dr. Steven Levine, excellent and handsome Princeton psychiatrist. Too young for me but I did ask him if his father was single.
As ADA Entwisle attempts to put me away again, I decided to report a with probable cause, at least 40 years of possible global system drug raping by Lombardi and his massive constituents. Dark and deadly. I know and tell.
How can so many do this to me when you all know how innocent and helping I am? Fear. It's always fear. Below is Lombardi's bio's from his Steven's Institute bio. After I emailed him he changed his bio so that it didn't reflect that he was a professor at Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ. Where he chose me as his next corpse. Drugging those who say NO. The hunted ones. Get 'er.
Then below that, a site of all his Healthcare books to system take and break, mental health style.
Then my reporting to the Freehold Police Department of the serially I'll drug rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi who still lives in that County.
Governor Janet Mills, please clear my record, compensate and come together to stop system rape.
Thank you,
Laurie Allen
From:LAURIE ALLEN Sent:Saturday, March 13, 2021 8:34 PM <>; <> Subject:Lombardi 2bio's
1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
1978 MA – Human Resources Management
1976 BA - English
Experience & Service
General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.
CHR/InterVista 1984 – present Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer
Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004 University Director of Planning and Development
Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984 Director of Professional Development
American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982 Eastern Director – Human Resources
Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004 Department of Communication
Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.
Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988
Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps 1976 – 1980
Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970’s.
Donald N. Lombardi, Ph.D., USMC(R) - Master of Ceremonies
Distinguished Industry Professor and Academic Director of the Veterans Program, Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr. Donald Lombardi has consulted for more than 170 healthcare organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives and has written more than 40 articles and 12 books, including Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager and, most recently, Manual of Healthcare Leadership and Management (McGraw-Hill, 2014).
As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017).
Dr. Donald Lombardi is Industry Professor of Healthcare, director of the Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership, and academic director of the Veterans Office at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. He has consulted to more than 170 health care organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives since 1986, and has written eleven books, including Handbook for the New Health Care Manager. Dr. Lombardi holds more than fifty U.S. copyrights on organizational planning, management, and development systems for text, on-site, and on-line delivery.
I have been advised by my attorney, Logan Perkins, to report this. I believe statutes have run out but I want this reported. Dr. Donald Lombardi still lives in your county. Here is my witness statement link that I filed with the Belfast Maine Police Department, 6/9/20. Please confirm via email how this will be handled. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
PS- I have emailed this statement to many of the staff at Steven's Institute, Hoboken including Human Resources and Lombardi. No response.
2am email to all 106 below.
To All,
Failure to index Joizexit9 means it doesn't register in web search if searching Lombardi, limiting public viewing amongst other deterrents. All have the email in this thread showing that as the only post on Joizexit9. I have added the information in this email to Joizexit9 and
2015 post - I am sorry sorry for not posting this sooner but I had to be ready for the disbelief and judgment. Anyone who knows me knows this would never happen to me consciously. Right out of the gate with Bill Cosby I said holy ****. I had posted it up on my blog for awhile but my children were in enough danger. I hope this helps anyone's girl who has been in this lengthy, accessible and horrifying, off the charts personable evil. Dr. Donald Lombardi, Ph.D is a serial rapist into the thousands? I was 20 years old, 11/1981, working at NJ Aluminum accounts receivable, going to night school @ Middlesex County College, taking personnel management, fall semester, 1981. Held at Old Bridge Regional High School.
Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi taught the course. Very boisterous, and smart. He was targeting me. At the end of a class, he asked me to stay. He tells me he's been trying to get my attention through out the course. He asked me out to dinner. I said no. He asked if it was because he was my professor? I said yes (and I was not attracted to him what so ever). He asked if I would go to dinner after the course was over? I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I said yes but would not go since I would never see him again.
At the end of another class, he asked me to stay again. He said he was a "head hunter" for American Hospital Supply in Edison.
He told me to come to AHS to interview for a credit correspondent opening. Double my salary. AHS was the top hospital supplier in America with their own fleet. GREAT company then (later Baxter would buy AHS).
I get the job, start date 1/4/1982. The course is over but I have a paper to turn in and I don't want to because he may expect me to go to dinner with him. He keeps after me for weeks for my paper. I turn in the paper and he made plans for dinner. He was a manager! Totally inappropriate. I have to keep my word. One dinner and done.
He came to my house, met my mom and took me to Van's (Freehold) for dinner. Nice place, I had been there before. Ok, I'm safe. I had only one drink. After dinner, before he took me home, he said he had to stop at his apartment to pick up an important message. It was near Van's. I said I would wait in the car. He said I should go in because he may be 10 minutes and it was near freezing. I went in.
He shows me a framed article where he won the title for amatuer? boxing. Then he offered me a drink while he took care of the message. He went into another room for 10 minutes or so. He came out and said he wanted to have a drink before taking me home.
I was fine then I wasn't. He was steering me into his bedroom but I couldn't stop him or speak. I must have passed out. I became conscious at some point, he was raping me. I passed out. All night! He did what he wanted. I was out, like a corpse. Morning. I wake up...oh my God, I run naked to his bathroom. Throwing up. Please take me home. My mother looked at me like I was whore. I felt like I was. Sick to death. For the rest of my life from this serial drug rapist.
He kept stalking me in the office. I told him my mother will never allow me to go out with him again. In 2014 I read Cosby was outted as a drug rapist. Lombardi drugged and raped me! I had to go public with this in 2015. Look at his resume. Serial rapist. How many taught system rape 4 profit? Global.
Fabrication of charges against innocent me, without records, began shortly after, 2015. Fabricating me into their system as a felon with drugging and fabricating me as mentally ill with persecutory delusional in 1/2019. With the help of my back stabbing neighbor of 13 years, prior 2020, MPBN VP
Charles Beck and all the constants to break and silence me.
Laurie Allen
Sent to 106 email recipients in thread, 10/1/23 3pm. Go Allen #17. The Bills.
10/1/23 Drug Rapist Dr. Donald Lombardi and his have been blocking search to the blog I made 8/23 specific to his drug raping protected by Steven's, Government, Healthcare, MPBN, Google, FaceBook, all the collared culture rape 4 profit. Shameless to them, disgusting to me and most. Pleading for an interview before they ...
"Some fixes failed for Page indexing issues on site
Oct 1, 2023
Page indexing"
17 Seaview Terror
Belfast, Maine 04915
Sent to 106 email list 11:15 am, 9/24/23
To All, 9/24/23 post is below. Duplicating hacking was also corrected on my blog specific to Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ, Drug Rapist, Professor Dr. Donald Lombardi, PhD and State of Maine proof of rape, reporting and cover-up 4 "profits". .
No response from Monmouth County NJ Prosecutor Mr. Santiago or any "officials".
Laurie Allen
Shhh! Don't Tell! LIKE HELL!!!
9/24/23 I was able to delete the duplicating/hacking on the 6/29 post. I am the proof of global system corruption by United States Power Capitalism Corruption. Koch brothers, Sackler family drug thugs, State of Maine, MaineHealth, Global Guru Drug Rapist Dr. Donald Lombardi Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. His connections are plugged in. Fry Laurie Allen. Media will not interview. Owned by Koch? Sheltering for my life, no contact to family for fear of harm. Thirteen + active years by the State of Maine and MaineHealth to silence my life. Well documented proof of power rape for profit and corruption, hooded robes to elected hacks to badges to now owned media to neighbor, prior MPBN/PBS VP Charles Beck. America lives with me. Even with lawless enforcement hunting, kidnapping, power abuse including breaking my door down at gunpoint to cuff and kidnap me yet again on 9/25/20. No "violations", no warrant. Charles Beck's adult sons were witness to this 3 hour stance to force me out of my locked door where I refused to come out without a warrant. Nevertheless, I persist from my broken home. Alone and honestly innocent.
9/11 For Todd Beamer For All 'Let's Roll"
Facebook interference for system. I sent this post to the email thread today at 8:30 am.
9/8/23 9:45am
Copied and pasted this evil abuse to the email list. All service by their kind is to hurt me and mine. Check mate with facts. The winner regardless of future abusers.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 9:07 AM To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: Re: SERVICE
You hurt me beyond humane. You have been receiving emails updating power abuse against me, a strong drug raped female.
My blog is on fire. You milked the job all summer for a tiny valve leak. You filled my tank with tainted oil in October to destroy my furnace. Sharon told me my delivery day in Belfast was Tuesday. It did not get delivered.
I called on Wednesday. Dana answered and he became rude when I told him Tuesday was my delivery day. He demanded to know who told me that. Then he said it would be delivered today, Wednesday. It was delivered.
The furnace has always turned on to calibrate several times a day when the thermostat is shut off. I had told you this because it interferes with my TV reception during the calibration and is quite loud. You acted puzzled when I told you this during the summer milk job.
Shortly after delivery, it stopped calibrating. A few weeks later I turned the thermostat on and the furnace would not turn on. You then dropped me after 11 years as your customer. As you "formally" wrote in the email below.
At 62 years old and alone, my only heat since you destroyed my furnace and left me with 250 gallons of tainted tank oil is my small woodstove. Thankfully I have that and last winter was mild. It is hard work to fuel and keep the stove going, praying my pipes don't freeze.
Remember when I asked you if you could show me how to drain my pipes in case I decided to leave my house during the winter? You said I would be better off keeping the thermostat low and my pipes would be fine. I trusted you. You set me up.
Shame on you and LiHeap. No threat, just telling the facts. I do.
Sadly and Truly,
Laurie Allen
From: office <> Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 4:50 PM To: LAURIE ALLEN <> Subject: SERVICE
Ms. Allen,
In response to your request for service work, I need to inform you that all service requested by Maine State Housing has been completed. At this time no further work shall be done. We will be returning your Fuel Assistance credit balance to Maine State Housing, and you will need to provide them with the name of the fuel company that you wish your benefits to be sent.
Donald R. Lemieux
President, Maine Fuels, Inc.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 5:25 AM To: georgeallen99 <>; <>; & list of 103 (see below 8/31/23 email post for full list)
Re:MnmthPrsctr30yrs8/21/19BDN Guilty
To All,
No response from Waldo DA Natasha Irving to date. FYI below to Mr. Santiago.
My Turn,
Little Laurie Allen
Sent and received via Facebook Messenger to Monmouth County NJ Prosecutor Mr. Santiago, 9/7/23 @ midnight. My phone was under hacking after sending first email below to Lombardi and list advising of Masterson Drug Rapist conviction on 9/7/23. Thirty years in jail. His turn. Again and again and again...
Sent this to Lombardi and list of email thread today.
Dear Mr. Santiago, Monmouth County Prosecutor,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
From: John Reiff <>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: Pedigree Info
Miss Allen,
Good News, I figured out that the apartments you are talking about and from what you explained and what I found doing some research, it did indeed happen in Freehold Borough.
Here is the bad news: As I stated in my earlier e-mail, NJ has no statute of limitations for certain criminal charges including sexual assault.
My legal advisor has gotten back to me and explained that NJ has a sliding scale starting back in 1979.
I have attached the statute of limitations sheet for sexual offenses for the state of NJ.
It states and of course I confirmed with my legal advisor, that based off your time line when the crime occurred in 1981, It’s 5 years, so we would have needed to charge/indict by June 1986.
Unfortunately, the law states that we could not charge him even if we built a case on him.
I wish I had better news for you and if I can help you in any other way, please let me know
DSgt John Reiff
I have filed my witness statement with the Belfast Police department in 6/2020 and they buried it. I've posted it wherever I could.
I was born on 12/31/1960. St. Peter's, New Brunswick, NJ. In 1981, @ 20, I was working full-time at NJ Aluminum, accounts receivable and attending night school through Middlesex County College. Taking personnel management fall semester 1981 @ satellite, Old Bridge Regional High School. Lombardi was my professor.
After many weeks into the course, he asked me to stay after class. He asked me out to dinner. I said no. He asked if it was because he was my professor. I said yes. This way I did not hurt him and thought it was over.
Instead, he asked me if I would go out with him after the course was over.
I thought I'd never see him again after the course so I said yes to avoid this.
At the next class, he asked me to stay again. He said he was a "head hunter" for American Hospital Supply, personnel director. He said AHS could double my salary of 9k and should interview for an opening as credit correspondent. I said yes.
In December, after the 3rd interview, I got the job, beginning 1/4/1982. The class had ended and he called me into his office for the dinner date. I was shocked. He was my manager and I did not want to date him ever. I keep my word and had to go to dinner with him. I was horrified that co-workers would learn of the one date and think I slept my way into the job. I am the opposite, very uptight of all sexual using. Always.
He came to my home, sat and talked with my mother and took me to dinner at Van's in Freehold. Mom had taken me there before, it was considered classy. We had a nice dinner. He is Mr. Personality, loud, witty and funny. This was business for me. I had one drink at dinner. I am small but I could out-drink many men. High tolerance of alcoholic family genes. The more I drank, the tougher I got over sexual advances to myself or any female in danger. All that know me know this. To date.
After dinner, I asked to go home. He said he had to stop at his apartment because he had to pick up an important message. It was nearby and then to South River. Ok. I said I would wait in the car. I believe it was a brown 280 zx, sportscar. He said it would take about 10 minutes and that I should come up because it was below freezing out. I said ok. I did not sense any danger and would not allow any advances. He was very respectful. I felt safe to go.
Inside, he showed me a framed newspaper article and picture of him as a medaled amatuer boxer. I didn't care. Boxing is brutality. He offered me a drink while he went into another room to take care of an important business call.
After the call, I asked to go home. He said he wanted to have one drink before leaving. He made me one too. We sat on the couch, talking and laughing. Then, everything was fuzzy. He led me to his bed. I was like a zombie. Without senses.
He was raping me and I was helpless, couldn't speak or move. Paralyzed. I passed out and woke the next morning, naked with Lombardi in his bed. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I got dressed and told him to take me home. I didn't say another word to him. My mother looked at me like I was a whore and I felt like a whore. I never did that and never cheated. To date.
A week later, he calls me into his office again. He asks to take me out again. I was disgusted and said no. My mother won't allow it. That worked. He left AHS @ 120 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ, within the next year or so.
(The end if FB messenger. I ran out of space. Good enough.)
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 9:02 PM To: georgeallen99 <>; <>; & LIST OF 103
Re: 30yrs8/21/19BDN Guilty
Sent to Drug Rapist Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, his system rape protectors/enablers and email thread list.
Will the Church of Scientology be investigated for obstruction of justice in regards to Danny Masterson’s case?
At the sentencing, the three women in the case told the judge that Masterson’s crimes had ruined their lives, and asked the judge to give Masterson life behind bars. Jane Doe 1 called the actor “a true coward and heartless monster.” Jane Doe 2 said to Masterson across the courtroom, “I still have to contend with what you did to me that night… That takes a life’s worth of therapy to repair. Every time I think I’m okay, that rape comes back to me.” Jane Doe 3 told the judge that she has been diagnosed with PTSD. ...
“Mr. Masterson, you are not the victim here. Your actions 20 years ago took away another person’s voice and choice. Your actions 20 years ago were criminal, and that is why you are here,” Judge Charlaine Olmedo said, as she sentenced Masterson on Thursday in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom. The judge sentenced Masterson for 15 years to life on each of the two charges, ordering Masterson to serve both terms consecutively. ...
Mueller said that whether Masterson is good father “does not preclude one from becoming a violent, serial rapist” and called his crimes “targeted” and “heinous,” telling the judge that he conducted his actions while women were “incapacitated,” after “drugging” them.
“These are multiple victims over time on different occasions,” Mueller told the judge, in asking for the harshest sentence. “After [he] raped the first, he had time to think about what he had done to that human being…and despite that, he went ahead and committed again. And committed again.” ...
Alison Anderson, the attorney representing Jane Doe 2 and Jane Doe 3, praised her clients in a statement to Variety, identifying them by their first names: “Niesha and Chrissie have displayed tremendous strength and bravery, by coming forward to law enforcement and participating directly in two grueling criminal trials. Despite persistent harassment, obstruction and intimidation, these courageous women helped hold a ruthless sexual predator accountable today, and they are not stopping there. They are eager to soon tell the fuller story of how Scientology and its enablers tried desperately to keep them from coming forward.” ...
Laurie Allen
Sent:Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:35 PM To:georgeallen99 (see full list sent to 104 below email)
Subject:Re: 8/21/19BDN GuiltybyFascistsRe: Blog Joizexit9...
District Attorney Natasha Irving,
Please review the fabricated records against me and clear them. ADA Entwistle began fabricating charges against me in 10/2017 with a harassment charge per a video that didn't exist. It was after that summons that I drove to the Belfast Police Department and called out Chief McFadden for fabrication as
documented in my YouTube video Belfast Chief Pee Wee McFadden's Playhouse (volume is loud). I even asked McFadden what to do, that I offered to wash Belfast City Councils feet...
After that, in the first week of November is when John took me target shooting for my first and only time. Using his rifle with a scope for his dominant eye issue. I couldn't even use the scope that was made to sound so deadly. As proven in the video, flippant remarks because of City Officials direct 7 year corruption and abuse to me. Simply thanking them for being my target after I was done. Protected by the first with precedence. Not threatening and video not uploaded to my private playlist of John and Me until 2/2018. Not sent to anyone or posted elsewhere. I have playlists for the corrupt officials and illegal City work at neighbor's property, "MPBN VP Charles Beck is Special " The 700 day ankle tracking shackle on my abused body is visible in that playlist. Documented abuse of power by Belfast officials to me is over 100 videos.
Before that target shoot vide was uploaded in 2/2018, another fabricated charge in November 2017 resulted in a false arrest. Also using this to illegally ban me from City Hall and the Police Department. Judge Mathews would not allow me to be heard in the December 2017 court hearing for dismissal. No evidence! Mathews said that now was not the time to hear dismissal, pushing me into dispositional conferences. Yet he dismissed his next hearing. After 2 years of this abuse and scare tactics, ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle could not bait me into a plea deal and finally dismissed his near deadly fabricated charges against me.
In 2/2018 is when the target video was used to illegally arrest me into horrors that are with me forever. The high bail of 25k was done to keep me in jail until I committed "suicide" the next weekend of 3/2018. In Two Bridges Jail, on Wednesday, the news said my bail was reduced to 5k. Waldo Corrections refused to take the bail money of 5k from John on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They told him he couldn't drive to Two Bridges in Wiscasset to bail me out either. By the grace of Mother Nature, I wrote and gave instructions on that last Friday of my life to an outgoing cellmate, leaving at 9 am. The guard watched and heard. He alerted superiors. Ten minutes after she left, announcement, "Allen, transport to Belfast, pack up now" Two Bridges bailed on my rape to death "suicide". Waldo Corrections Corporal Albert walked past John at Waldo Jail and said "I'm going to get your girl." Waldo Jail had not taken the bail, expecting John would have to leave for work again for 9am. As he did for 2 days prior.
You and Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty are aware of all the attempts to fabricate probation violations against for 2 years 9/2019-9/2021. Real estate agents have corrupted properties including mine. I tried to sell by owner in 2020 and MPBN VP Charles Beck feigned purchasing, coming into my home taking pictures and video. I told him that Blair Agency in Bayside may help me with the closing. Charles said he would do it and save me money. I said I had already contacted Blair. Charles was to meet with me the next morning. He hid in his house and would not come out as I waited on his porch. I could hear him in an angry tone on the phone. He never came out and never said another word to buy my house. He was setting me up to be homeless?
That summer 2020, Waldo LiHeap was abusing me again. Documented complaints of fraud ignored. My 12 year oil supplier, Maine Fuels, Searsport, used months to fix a small oil drip for the furnace valve. Milking the job but I trusted and liked Don, the owner.
In October 2020, the furnace was fixed and I called for an oil delivery. She said Tuesday was my delivery day in Belfast. Fine. It wasn't delivered until Wednesday. I had called that morning to find out why I didn't get my delivery. His name was Dana and he became rude, and said it would be delivered today, Wednesday. It was.
Several weeks later, I tried to turn the heat on for first time since fill up. It wouldn't turn on. Don refused to come and fix it, dropped me as his customer and returned my remaining Liheap funds to Liheap, all in an email. Chuck Ransom, Waldo Cap LiHeap sent an abusive email, and mailed new suppliers for me to allow into my house to do whatever they want to me and my home. No doubt 250 gallons of oil is tainted by that special delivery just for me. I haven't had heat since, a small woodstove has saved my life. It doesn't heat enough rooms and pipes. Thankfully last winter was mild.
Charles Beck also contributed to having me illegally kidnapped into a 2 month involuntary force drugging hospitalization of MaineHealth trauma and abuse beyond human. He told me he was "worried" about me. I have never had a mental diagnosis and was never "in crisis". Trying to break me but never succeeding. Life long clean, honest record of health and law.
Until moving into system corruption, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915, 6/28/2010. Charles Beck's birthday. Damn. All protected by their system drug rapist guru. Drug raped me in 1/1982. In 2015, I exposed Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute of Technology, Reported Hoboken Police Rape Ring, NJ. The State of Maine, MaineHealth, Northern Lights, and MPBN protect him. Connect the dots. System rape 4 profit. Arrest the victim... Next.
The only 2 valid media reports are the ones I posted. Others are tainted and falsified. I have not sued Belfast or State government. No protection orders against me until Belfast/State of Maine Officials made me a fabricated felon.
My house is destroyed with Sgt. Fitzpatrick breaking my door down at gunpoint on 9/25/20. No warrant, no reason, ready to kill me and my dogs. Brutally cuffed and kidnapped until 10/15/20 with Judge Murray refusing to hear me for dismissal for unknown charges, no evidence again. Released and shackled with cancer ankle trackHer to try entrapment or worse before probation was done on 9/6/21.
Judge Worth's friends, Bo and Penny Rae illegally built a house on my lot in 2016-17. The original owner of my house, Dr. Caswell also bought the abutting vacant lot. He put a garage on the boundary line, making that lot one with my house. His sons could not subdivide into 2 lots because of the garage eve's needing 20 ft side set back and another 20 ft from house eve's per ordinance through then (1992 to 2014). There is not 40 ft between and per Good Deeds owner, Gusta Ronson, hired by the Caswell sons to subdivide, it could not be done because of the garage. They could have taken it down but chose corruption and destroying my children, my dogs, my life and my home instead. With abuse of power by officials that are documented, proven and I am trapped. Please District Attorney Natasha Irving, let it begin here. America. Home of the free.
Laurie Allen
Copied and pasted the long sent to list below the email for ease to read actual email story.
Subject:Re: 8/21/19BDN GuiltybyFascistsRe: Blog Joizexit9...
8/29/23 Sent to email thread list, 12:48 pm .
To America,
Today's post on
How can MPBN, PBS, MCLU, DoJ, DoD, FBI, Clooney Foundation for Justice and their enormous system, continue complicity corruption through silencing factual females?
Here is the 8/21/2019 Bangor Daily News article reporting JustUs Robert Murray & the Official Fascists driving their stake into America and Little Laurie Allen. Wisely, I saved it because this article proving unjust and against our constitutional right has disappeared on my internet search.
That new blog post can also be viewed on this blog page link. Please email me if the new blog or page links are not viewable. I can view it. Thanks.
Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17
8/3/23 See below 7/27/23 Laurie's email list for 8/3 signage email to Code Enforcement Officer Steve Wilson (105 addressees years long thread). Thread continuation of older emails/history is in previous post, which is link to previous post, which is link
In 2014-15 they began fabricating charges and mental illness against me amongst a horror book of tactics to silence me. Mother Nature protects me at the last hour every time. It hurts and hurts. Living my life without records, till Hellfast-Belfast to MaineHealth to Facilities to State to Lombardi and his global system management of military, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, students, employees, non profit, 4 profit... his reach and ways are sickening. System Serial Rape Retribution Beyond Conscience. Rapist see, rapist do, own the innocent, implicate power players, silence the truth. Rape is their appetizer of endless crimes, protected by massive systems of JustUs.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2023 11:01 AM
Facebook "temporarily" banned me after I posted this comment on FB WABI Bangor Maine's post on Sinead. Is my blog next? Again and again. Silence Laurie. NO!!!
"With You Sister. Irish Voice Up. Stop Raping Us. Fascist Rapists United States Belfast Maine "
Laurie Allen
25 years on, here's why Sinead O'Connor deserves praise for ripping up a photo of the Pope
Steve Wilson's reply to all on this thread and adding in recipients, compromises the integrity of my thread. Previous responses from officials were not to "all'. They were direct to me and additional recipients at their choice. From their responses, I copy and paste those onto my original thread and continue my email thread from there.
Aside from his adding in recipients, changes could have been made to the original thread. Please be advised to use this email for reference and originality. All emails sent to all are authentic if originating from me. Any others could be tampered with.
At this time, Steve has yet to reply to my forwarded response and question that was sent ONLY to Steve and Chief Cormier. His response should be directly to me, not to all on my thread. I have taken his email address off this response for this reason. It is not of importance to all if I can hang my sign on my mailbox post. Upon his directions, I will adhere. This private property signage subject is complete. Steve or any others should not be responding to "all". If done, I will follow up with a copy and paste to MY original. As original as I can control in these corrupted systems.
Thank you,
Laurie Allen
From:Steve Wilson <> Sent:Wednesday, August 2, 2023 1:25 PM To:LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@.. & Steve's altered list
You are allowed to have any signage for any cause within your property boundary, as long as you are not advertising a product or service for sale. Seaview Terrace is has a 37’right of way. So if your signs are 18’6” or more from the center of the road you will be in compliance.
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