

At least 25 veterans kill themselves every day. The horror of what they were duped into believing was not saving democracy but killing for the 1%. Use that horror to hold the 1% accountable and lead the 99% to the democracy that citizens let slip away while you were fighting for us.  Don't kill yourselves. We need you, I want to help.  Independent Committee's of the 99% cleaning house.

I started a FB page- Civilian Duty- please join and begin democracy for the 99%. I decided to post the below email to show that symptoms of depression and despair caused by the 1% can be managed and even become a badge of courage and peace through resolve and accountability.  Terror to protect my children as the bullies and thugs try to silence me has been shocking. I held on by getting back up and telling. Again and again and will until. Tattle Tale LOUDLY and PROUDLY the secrets of the evil ones.

Sent:Tue 12/24/13 8:53 AM (; LAURIE ALLEN (; (; Jeffrey Trafton (
Dear Sheriff Liberty,

Thank you for bringing the effects of trauma and corruption for all to see. I pulled great strength from it. I suppose I work through Civilian PTSD without support or camaraderie. Revealing some of the trauma's to defend my character as I fight City Hall, have produced 3 years of finger pointing at the insane Seaview Terrace woman. And I haven't revealed the truly horrific personal trauma... and may never.

I crawled to Belfast to start over, under the radar, in peace, safety and honesty. Big Fat Wrong. I couldn't be more out there, alone and taking dangerous risk. It is out of my hands, what is the point if you don't step up. My only fear is the safety of my children and my ability to protect them.

I saw the therapy of repeating the trauma over and over and it works to a degree. The other factor is accountability. Holding yourself accountable under insane forces crushing you is not possible. Holding those accountable who created the trauma is. I posted the below on the Sheriff's FB page for the Matter of Duty posting.

It is with great respect that I send this to you, Deputy Chief Trafton and BPD Chief McFadden. Your protection to civilians and courage to share PTSD gives me the courage to do this. I always knew from childhood that every trauma was making me stronger for something much bigger than my problems. I don't whistle blow for pity but for awareness and resolution. I do it with any available tools, much to the dismay and distaste of public judgment. Phew, so glad I have dogs. Who needs humans? 

Merry Christmas, 

Laurie Allen
Belfast Me.

(Chief McFadden- new phone number to update in case City Council calls me in as a threat again. :)  )

" "When we ignore the issue..." Sheriff Liberty Thank You! Visiting my Dad in the VA/East Orange when I was 14-16, so many lonely, lost vets, just terrible. Seems our paths are merging. From my FB post today and more "Remember my pledge to send out 53 cards to our service people? After watching Matter of Duty on PBS and the epic PTSD - maybe a mission to hold government accountable is the best therapy. I sent 53 cards to 53 Veterans Hospital through out the country. All should be received. I've got my Dad's willpower- no doubt about it. I love you Dad. Our time was too short. Merry Christmas All ! Let's Roll !! Join me!!!"

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