

Thursday, August 3, 2023

2012 BDN Article on me


Belfast woman fights city over drainage

By Tom Groening, BDN Staff
Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m. 
Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.

Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.
BELFAST, Maine — A woman whose backyard is bounded by a stream she claims the city has created and increased in size remains locked in conflict with city hall.
Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact.
City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay.
For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled.
“That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week.
Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said.
This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course.
But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved.
On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake.
“I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said.
Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix.
Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace.
At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed.
“I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies.
Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November.
Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem.
The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms.
And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property.
Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000.
“If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.

There was information left out of this report. When Miss Allen purchased this property she was not aware of the stream. It was frozen over and covered in snow when she looked at it  and it was not disclosed in the paperwork from the realestate company she purchased through. (she did all this from away) I also want to mentiont that the city claims they can not do work on private property yet the city went through and dug a drainage ditch to drain water from behind the two houses across from her...on private propert. So before you Mainers wo make the "From away" spitefull comments get too excited, do some research before passing judgment. Your just making yourselves look ignorant.

4/2011 - 10/2017 Relentless requests, speaking at nearly every City Council meeting, many planning board meetings, publicly protesting more than often, for accountability for real estate non disclosure fraud by agents, Brown property inspectors, State of Maine Real Estate Commission, Realtor Earl Black, agents Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, most area agents (shhhh don't tell, $turnover, resell hell to another) DEP Commissioner Aho, FOIA BS With AG Mills/Brenda Keilty Ombudsman, Governor LePage, City Attorney Bill Kelly and Kristen Collins, Waldo County Deeded Registry, Judge Fields, Judge Patricia Worth, Court Clerk Brooke Otis, Chief McFadden, Sheriff Trafton. for forced flooding to Seaview Terrace,  my property and Judicial corruption.

My number one priority to buy an in town home in Belfast was no water issues inside or out, City services 101 and police protection. All were found to be corrupt and more disturbed as my years of dedication to truth is well documented. Here's a sample from my blog 

Please advise when you will print my letter and investigate the corruption. For the record here is the email from Stephanie. Sincerely, Laurie Allen 

10/2017- 2/2018  fabricated charges of harassment by the Rae family (friends of Judge Worth and Worth Real Estate Agency) who stole portions of my property with Chief McFadden and department assistance and unlimited protection to Rae. Combined with fabricated charges of harassment by Belfast City Hall Council and officials, and Belfast Police Department. Banning me from the Police Department and City Hall! Illegally but corrupt to Augusta. Against just me. Spotless record and well known for accountability. 

From: Michael McFadden <>
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: Order Of Protection 4 all owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915



At this time the Belfast Police Department will not be issuing a Protection order to anyone based on the information and events you've provided for review.


Chief Michael J. McFadden III


Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2017 6:16 PM
To: Michael McFadden; Michael Rolerson; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: Joseph Slocum;;;;;;; Jeffrey Trafton; 
Subject: Order Of Protection 4 all owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915


Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden,


As documented on my blog and my you tube channel, PLEASE issue an order of protection against the owners/trust of 23 Seaview Terrace 04915. Sheriff Jeff Trafton, Governor LePage and Wife have blocked me from emailing them. Please inform them of this order of protection. South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen received another threat from 23 Seaview Terrace in video IV, stating he will trespass onto my property and steal my boat. Please issue the protection order effective from the first threat today as documented in the video to Belfast Police and provide all orders and police report to me. Thank You.



South River Rat Laurie Lee Allen

17 Seaview Terrace

Belfast, Maine 04915


2/23/2018- Fabricated arrest assault Friday evening, alone in my home. Belfast PD SUV's, K9 Unit, lights, bull horn, my poor beagles. I was kidnapped. To Waldo Jail sexual abuse hell weekend. Their Friday Night Special. 25k Bail! Saturday- Hunger Strike- Monday-cuffed and shackled to Two Bridges Regional Jail. In with murderers, addicts, serious mental illnesses... I was clueless to procedures. Tuesday - 4th day hunger strike. The "Social Therapist" thug tells me if I don't eat today, I am going into the bubble with the mother accused if murdering her child, Marissa Kennedy. I was called for my hearing.

In the waiting room, we (me and men prisoners) had to watch a video of procedures. With the hooded robe obsessed with my demise, Judge Robert Murray. I asked a Lt.? Dinsmore for water. He said NO! I asked to go to the bathroom. He said no because I will drink water. I told him to get me a cup too pee in! I was fearlessly angry. 

The video hearing room was full of standing suits and uniforms. Coming to the showdown. It was a disgrace. A Judge Dobson came on the video with that County DA or ADA. Jail attorney for the day, David Sinclair played autistic to gain my trust. The real people are autistic as I have said for years. I plead not guilty to Dobson. I ask her if she watched the video which will prove my innocence? She states no as does the DA!

In 11/2017, I had filmed my hand after a first time, one time target shoot with my partner. It was his rifle, I never owned or shot a gun. I filmed the shoot, never saying anything about anyone. Just having fun with John. After the shoot, as I was shutting the camera off, I held my hand in front of the camera and named off City Council, Planner and Manager. I thanked them for being my target. Just a flippant remark. Then I filmed John walking away telling him to watch his ass as I hit the target well. I am Queen if flippant remarks. The video was on my playlist, John and Me. Just for us. Not sent to anyone or posted elsewhere. Chief McFadden lied 4 months later, stating I was shooting while naming, etc. Confident I would not be alive to prove my innocence. The "knuckle dragging thug...lying shamelessly... beating out false confessions.. " per 40 year veteran Belfast Police Beat reporter Peter Taber, Searsport Campgrounds and an anonymous commentor was Belfast Police Chief McFadden. He was removed in 2019? As was Chief Lincoln after he ordered my door broken down at gunpoint on 9/25/20. No warrant, take her out. Now Chief Cormier is a shadow. The shadow knows. #METOO.

BELFAST, Maine (AP) — Police have arrested a Maine woman who posted a video of herself target shooting while listing city officials by name and describing them as “my target.”

Police say 57-year-old Laurie Allen was arrested Feb. 23 on charges of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. The Bangor Daily News reports Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden says the videos and a series of public confrontations have caused “reasonable fear” among officials.

Dobson ordered an off camera break to watch the video. She had saw the video and didn't want it shown in the hearing. Sure enough, she came back on and said she found reason for fearful officials and held the 25k bail. I then agreed to take the fake, David Sinclair. Months later, he would withdraw when he refused to defend me with precedence and the First. He was for the State, ditto criminal defense attorneys Lisa Whittier and Tom Sheehan. 

I began eating jail disgust prepared by the male in mates. Wednesday - Noon tv in the jail reports Laurie Allen's bail reduced to 5k. Sinclair never told me. John tries to pay the bail Wednesday and Thursday at Waldo Jail in Belfast. They refuse to take it. He states he will drive to Two Bridges in Wiscasset and bail me out. Waldo Corrections tells him he can't. Giving BS about needing an ankle monitor shackled on me!

I was never advised that my daughter had put $50 into a commissary fund to make phone calls and buy salt. No phone calls or visitors allowed. Mean, mean, men in blue. Why wasn't John paying my bail? Friday morning, 8am, I ask the mean guard if my bail was paid? He snickers No! And smiles. I knew then that I was going to die a bad free for all rape death that weekend. Found as a suicide. Next. Not!

Mean guard listened as I gave an outgoing at 9am cellmate with written instructions to contact John. She was out at 9am. At 9:10 am, announcement "Allen, prepare for transfer to Belfast immediately." John would tell me that he was trying to pay my 5k bail at Waldo Jail that Friday morning without success. Then, Corporal Albert was walking out and told John, "I'm going to get your girl." My bail had not been paid at that time. Two Bridges bailed on my rape death suicide because I got the message outside.

Ankle trackHer with clear entrapment conditions. No left onto Northport Ave (all in town) no left onto Rte 1 South, No Rte 3, No Swan Lake Ave, No Belmont Ave., No contact with any officials and all their families in resident, work or business... Endless. I stayed home, out briefly with John for witness.

Months later, I asked a Waldo Court Clerk the name of the Judge at the Tuesday, 2/27/2018 video hearing at Two Bridges. She couldn't find the record. Clerk Brooke Otis came over and found it under Monday. I told her it was Tuesday, the 4th day of my hunger strike. She dismissed. Charges should have been dismissed on that alone. Not in JustUs State of Maine.

Pre-trial at Waldo Corrections with "non profit" BS Rick Otto exposed the State Rape Ring. Judicial misconduct to take my life in evacuated dispositional conferences. Two deadly time but knowingly I brought a witness for each. They knew I ALWAYS came alone, pro Se. Against gun twitching Marshall Dudley, ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle, and JustUs Robert. Clerk Brooke or Michelle. So much more but not now.

1/8/2019 Illegally kidnapped from my home again. Cuffed into MaineHealth Drug Pins. Abused involuntarily, no prior diagnosed mental illness, not in crisis. Held 2 months and force drugged to near suicide by JustUs Mary Kelly.

8/19/2019 Bench trial, pro Se, JustUs Robert Murray corruptly made me a felon. Counting on 2 years of probation to fabricate more charges into their system of no return. Bringing in mental health troops for additional defense. All documented and survived. › ...
Aug 20, 2019 — Laurie Allen, 58, was arrested and charged with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon in February 2018 after she posted a politically 

 6/6/20 - 9/25/20 The next series of fabricated charges, zero evidence as history of fabricated charges. ADA Entwistle ran the court jestering, JustUs Murray juggled ignorance. Git 'er before probation ends 9/2021. Staying in my home since 2018 has been their downfall. All charges dismissed at trials except to make me a fabricated felon with a fabricated mental diagnosis of persecutory delusional by a nurse practitioner. Sarah Street Taylor. She didn't know me, she had her orders. 

If I go out, fabricated charges or involuntary hospitalization are just a neighbor away. 5th year at home... 13 years of them, let this year clear my spotless life and bring courage for truth to all. With love and wit. Joi Z.

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