

Pg #1-Emails with the Belfast Chief of Police

I ran out of room on this page- more emails are continued on Pg#2-Emails with the Belfast Chief of Police tab. It's been scarey- and now posting all this.... well, as we wrote in our yearbooks...

Laurie Lee Allen

For quick reference of all the corruption- this (copied from below) has really shaken me up- no boundaries- he fooled me. I want to trust the police that are supposed to protect me. Trust is so broken.


I read through the emails you sent me, but to tell you the truth I haven’t identified anything the Police would or should become involved in. That being said I want you to feel comfortable calling on us if someone/something is causing you to become afraid. I wish you nothing but good luck with your efforts, I said that to you when we met and I mean it.

As for me being mislead about you. I really hope I didn’t project that to you. My impression of you really only got better after we spoke, but it didn’t change. My impression of you was that you are a fighter (Not a bad thing) and you’re not afraid to stand up for what you think is right. (again not a bad thing) I met you and I found you to be genuine and believable, and I enjoyed our conversation. I understood your frustrations with the City, and I even felt comfortable enough speaking with you to tell you about something I didn’t particularly care for. (Your comment about the Police Officer at the City Council meeting). Something I wouldn’t have done if I thought you were a hot head or argumentative.  Believe it or not our conversation that day was one of the highpoints of the day for me. Thank you for coming in to talk with me.(During this conversation, the Chief had shared that he restores old tractor mowers. I had just had the same TWC tech at my house for the 3rd? time for internet issues. I am very chatty- told him about City Hall corruption-realtors- everything- he also knew my bully brother- similar to the Wall greed- George Allen VP of Beeline Cable-Skowhegan.We both give George high marks for his success in turning Beeline around. The tech has kids in the school- I enjoyed talking to the tech. He tested the internet by bringing up a youtube video by his anonymous brother-in-law. The tech showed me this restoration of a tractor mower with no brakes. I looked at the Chief and said "Hey, your brother-in-law is the Time Warner Cable Guy, I just saw your youtube video" The Chief looked like he'd been caught with more than just his and in the cookie jar. I didn't understand why at the time. Now I do. Unethical insider information and access to home computers of TWC customers. BIG. I now request no service from that tech. I have been protecting him because I do not want him to lose his job. He should have to disclose his relation to prior Belfast detective- now Belfast Chief of Police before to entry into private homes and computers)...

Subject: Failure of Man
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 10:45:51 -0500


Just now on Sunday Morning, Brad Pitt spoke about his help to New Orleans. He said nothing makes him angrier than hearing that the devastation was due to an "Act of God" when it is the "Failure of Man". Deja Vu.

Looking the other way through rose colored glasses is open invitation for those who have other ways. Someone has to fight back- you are not willing to see it and that is dangerous since you are Council. It is difficult and crushing while you support evil dealings and that has happened to other residents. However, they don't have the money to fight back or the strength. You will see, I hope you will try before it blows up.



Sent:Tue 1/31/12 8:59 AM;
Dear Chief McFadden and Marina,

I wanted to thank the Chief for reaching out to me on 1/30/12 in regards to the email below. I want to clarify the email and put Marina at ease. I meant that it is dangerous for ME that Marina does not see or acknowledge that I feel threatened because of the verbal discrediting/slander broadcast on TV from Mike Hurley, Joe Slocum and Wayne Marshall.

I meant that I will continue to make this very public until resolution ( hence, before it blows up). I have been trying since May to handle this with dignity and honesty. At minimum, it would have been professional and ethical for the slander and discrediting against me to have been publically retracted as I requested and was denied. For the record, I will forward those communications from Mike Hurley and me. I did express concern for my safety yesterday to Chief McFadden. There are many men with anger issues against strong women. Mike Hurley had no right to place me in jeopardy.

I should have contacted the Chief of Police immediately but didn't want to cause further friction.


Laurie Allen
(Abby Curtis is the Bangor Daily News reporter and refuses to report any of the Belfast corruption I have proved)

Sent:Thu 2/02/12 9:13 AM
In red are my responses. I can't continue with this banter. I am full steam ahead for justice. I am re-reading this and I am feeling fully threatened and vulnerable. I am sending this to Abby Curtis. Someone must know this. I need help.

Subject: Re: Failure of Man
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 16:22:06 -0500

Hi Laurie,
Thank-you for your email.
I feel a little guilty and embarrassed now about what was clearly an overreaction to your email, but I did feel threatened by the language and was truly afraid that things had escalated out off control and might end in violence.
I have been fully reassured by the Chief that there is no danger of physical harm from you, and I hope that you can have that same reassurance for yourself in regards to the Council. We have no desire to keep you from having your say. Nobody has any plans or desire to have you intimidated from having your say, and I'm quite certain that the Chief did a good job at conveying that. Marina, you felt threatened by an innocent email from me? You don't think I am threatened with all that is happening because of City Planning? Rather than Council have an honest conversation with me, Council has allowed me to be slandered, has hired police protection in meetings where I may speak, has brought in the City Attorney to support Council/City and was another sham, not giving me time to see that nothing was resolved, was asked in for conversation with the Chief of Police ( which probably gave authorization to do a back ground check on me and create a video and file), have had documents with held, hidden altogether, lied to by the City Manager and Planner that stream was natural, even though a blind man could determine it wasn't, lied to that City work has not been done on private property and then when caught lying again about when it was done, and then when caught again, lying about the reasons it was done, claiming routine maintenance when it was initiated by residents complaint therefore making the City accountable and responsible and breaking the strom water state law, therefore  Belfast can fix private property and has, so another lie, Belfast has taken a flood plain that was over 240 acres of ground absorbtion, built it up all over, and funneled  (even from across rte 1 up and down) all the strom water runoff to my yard and I'm lectured on rainfall and Act's of God, resident's have been protesting against City Planning's lying and deceving ways for a very long time and will be made public, you are naively putting me in danger but allowing public slander of me with any viewer deciding that this woman needs to be put in her place- violence against women is rampent and Belfast Council is promoting it through me.   

I have been insulted several times, quite outrageously, by Mike Hurley, as have many, many other people. It's almost a rite of passage living in Belfast, and anyone who has lived in Belfast for awhile is very aware of this. Rather than damaging your reputation, you are much more likely to have gained sympathy from the public Rite of passage- what are you thinking? Take all of this to a mediator, therapist, someone unbiased because Belfast has been conditioned that this treatments is acceptable. It is not.
He rarely apologizes. But he will often turn right around later and do something kind and helpful.
Believe it or not, after his rant, he tried to find a way that we could help you to reinforce the banks of your stream inexpensively using some kind of wire netting system. We were told that the City can not selectively help out in matters involving private property- that in matters concerning drainage if we set a precedent it could cost millions and millions of dollars to help everyone else.. But Mike did sincerely make an effort to help you, doing research as to what was out there that could do the job inexpensively. He does really care about people, he just has a very short fuse,  But once he's blown off steam, he doesn't hold on to his anger. Physically, I can assure you, he wouldn't hurt a fly, and you are in no danger. This is acceptable behavior of a City Official, year 2012 with the only public movie theatre in the area?? FOR THE FINAL TIME, THE CITY HAS HELPED MY NEIGHBORS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ILLEGALLY WITH STORM WATER NEGATIVELY AFFECTING MT PROPERTY.

Laurie, at the neighborhood site visit, I heard both Chris Cabot from the DEP and Mike Hogan say that your drainage and erosion problem was not a serious one, and that it could be adequately addressed with $2000 to $3000 worth of work. I know that you are very hard up for money, so perhaps there is little comfort in that for you. But I also I know that you feel your house is in imminent danger, but that is not the impression that I got from them at all.Why don't you hear ME, acknowledge my information on the flooding that has happened- almost taking Becky Gibbons car down the road, flooding out her yard,  flowing over the Merril's across Seaview Terrace into the Hand's, the road cracking from all the water underneath- ponds for front yards because of flooding us and not storm water drainage, 600 feet of my property being swept away, Perhaps Mike Hogan would be willing to talk to you about that and have some helpful suggestions. I don't know how you heard this because it was not said to me and I should have been the person it was told to because it is not true. I have given you the estimate of at least 45-75k and you still come back to me with this. Please read up on Wetlands stabilization. Gordon Contracting is expert and accurate in their knowledge. Mike Hogan is not reliable or credible. I don't want to insult you. You are my representative and are you not representing me professionally or ethically. You are obligated to intercede and respond to me. I cannot understand Joe Slocum or Wayne Marshall, they lie to me and don't answer my questions. I will come to meeting after meeting until you give me direct, understandable answers to my direct questions from this email;
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:48 AM
Subject: Stormwater/Noise Ordinance vs State Law

Marina Delune,

Last night at the MFOIC meeting at the Belfast Free Library, I learned that you must answer my questions in regard to local ordinance vs State Law.

Your response will dictate direction of District Attorney assistance.

1. Does the City of Belfast site construction storm water draining ordinance over ride Maine State law for site construction storm water draining?

2. Does the City of Belfast ordinance for resident storm water draining by accumulating and draining to another, enhanced by the City of Belfast on 10/1/09 with heavy equipment on private property, over ride Maine State Law stating it is illegal to accumulate/puddle storm water and send to another?

3. Please provide the City of Belfast ordinances for all storm water rules.

4. Does the City of Belfast noise level ordinance provided to me at 75 dBA over ride Maine State law of 60dBA and below?

Previous responses of not knowing anything about storm water or unable to request records are unacceptable. I am requesting for this information to be reviewed and deemed acceptable by you before forwarding to me.

Please provide a reasonable time frame that I can expect these answers before I am forced to appear before the Council for such.

Please respond on your ward 1 email, not your personal email address.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
I have received some free information from the Waldo County Cooperative Extension about various inexpensive plantings that I can do to help prevent erosion along the bank of my property in Stockton Springs. I don't know if that would be helpful information for you, but if you think it might be, their phone number is 342-5971.
Best wishes,
 (red wording below is Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall. By this point- Heil Hurley has ordered all Wall collars including me City Council Rep Marina Delune to stop communicating with me- my requests will be answered by the secretary- adminsitrative assistant and also sweet clueless- Jennika Lundy- scapegoat.)
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden
Subject: FW: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater

Dear Chief McFadden,

I will not be involving you (unless I am afraid) in the rest of this City Saga. I think it is appropriate to forward this last email (and I will give you all of them if you wish) because it is clear that since May I can't get a straight answer from City Officials on the most basic storm water requests.

I may be wrong, but I got the impression that you were mislead about my character and integrity. I am beginning to prevail having held on through the storm. I found you to be impressive and fair. I hope we maintain mutual respect and celebrate the fun of no brakes! Superbowl in the garage?? Toast one for me and many for Tom Brady. I'm hooked.


Laurie Allen

Subject: FW: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 15:48:08 -0500

Subject: FW: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 15:46:30 -0500
Jennika and Mr. Haslam,

This is the response I received in the mail from Wayne Marshall and it does not answer my request. Please advise of storm water paths from the annex- where entering and where exiting, in writing.
From Wayne Marshall, City Planner
January 25,2012

Ms. Allen requested information regarding the drain pipe that is located on the Hospital annex property about equidistant between the Costello and Smith properties. I visited the site with Mike Hogan on January 24 to inspect the site and to ensure that my knowledge of this drainage pipe was accurate.

The pipe is a 4" plastic (green in color) pipe that proves drainage for the generator pad located on Hospital annex property. The generator pad is 7'x7' in size; 39 square feet. This small drainage area contributes very little if any storm water (groundwater) to the the stream located between the Hospital site and the Smith/Costello properties. This drain pipe does not serve (drain) any other area. I have a attached a portion of the site plan that identifies the approximate location of the drain pipe and the location of the generator.

As stated by Ms. Allen, the existence and location of this drainage pipe is not shown on the site plan, however it was noted when the Planning Board conducted a site visit associated with its review of the Preliminary Plan for this project.


????? I never mentioned this pipe, please respond specifically to my email dated 1/24 and copy that email to the the response. I have informed Mr. Haslam that there is a yellow caution tape on a tree where storm water is draining into the stream and was not approved to drain there. It is between my house and the Costello's.


Laurie Allen

Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:29:03 -0500
Subject: Re: FW: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater

Hi Laurie,
I should have information for you on this by Friday, if not sooner.
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 8:39 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:

This is the other concern that Mike Hogan has not cleared up for me. Bob Whitely is aware of it too- I showed it to him and he called Mike Hogan as well. I just checked the undisclosed/hidden ditch from the annex to the stream between my house and Costello's. It is still draining storm water from the Annex property and was NEVER approved in ANY of the planning. We were all there when Mike showed the point of exit at the stream. That is between the Costello's and Smith's and currently, hardly any storm is coming down. Even though I am questioning the legality of draining there, that spot is where Annex storm water is to be draining.



Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 14:38:44 -0500
Mr. Haslam,

This is not complying with State regulations. I am finding the City to be dishonest. I wanted to let you know. This is the last response form Joe Slocum last week to my inquiries on storm water management. I understand that there is a 7 year limit. Please advise of stormwater paths.
You also asked about action which the Planning Board may take in response to your concerns. The Planning Board, per City Charter and City Ordinances, is responsible for the review of certain applications for development, such as but not limited to subdivisions and site plans, to determine compliance with City Ordinances. There is no review process of Planning Board decisions by the City Council or by the City Manager. Under the law, those reviews are for the Zoning Board of Appeals and if necessary, the Courts.

As an example, in your area, the Planning Board most recently reviewed an application by Waldo County General Hospital to construct a new office building. The Board found that this proposal satisfied all City Ordinance requirements and voted in June 2011 to approve this project. The statutory appeal period regarding that decision ended in late July.


Laurie Allen

Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 13:42:05 -0500
Subject: 125 NPA Project_ stormwater
Good afternoon Ms. Allen:
Waldo County General Hospital submitted plans to the City of Belfast Planning Committee to construct the 125 Northport Avenue addition.  After several public plan reviews, two neighborhood meetings,  additional information requests by representatives of the of committee, and any requested revisions implemented, the project was found in compliance with state and local regulations, including storm water management. This building is under construction in compliance to those ordinances.  If you feel the City of Belfast was in error in their approval of this project, your discussion is with them.
Gary Haslam
Director of Support Services
From: Michael McFadden ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Wed 2/01/12 12:19 PM

I read through the emails you sent me, but to tell you the truth I haven’t identified anything the Police would or should become involved in. That being said I want you to feel comfortable calling on us if someone/something is causing you to become afraid. I wish you nothing but good luck with your efforts, I said that to you when we met and I mean it.

As for me being mislead about you. I really hope I didn’t project that to you. My impression of you really only got better after we spoke, but it didn’t change. My impression of you was that you are a fighter (Not a bad thing) and you’re not afraid to stand up for what you think is right. (again not a bad thing) I met you and I found you to be genuine and believable, and I enjoyed our conversation. I understood your frustrations with the City, and I even felt comfortable enough speaking with you to tell you about something I didn’t particularly care for. (Your comment about the Police Officer at the City Council meeting). Something I wouldn’t have done if I thought you were a hot head or argumentative.  Believe it or not our conversation that day was one of the highpoints of the day for me. Thank you for coming in to talk with me.(During this conversation, the Chief had shared that he restores old tractor mowers. I had just had the same TWC tech at my house for the 3rd? time for internet issues. I am very chatty- told him about City Hall corruption-realtors- everything- he also knew my bully brother- similar to the Wall greed- George Allen VP of Beeline Cable-Skowhegan.We both give George high marks for his success in turning Beeline around. The tech has kids in the school- I enjoyed talking to the tech. He tested the internet by bringing up a youtube video by his anonymous brother-in-law. He did not appear in the video but show his restoration of a tractor mower with no brakes. I looked at the Chief and said "I saw your video- your brother-in-law is the Time Warner Cable Guy" The Chief looked like he'd been caught with more than just his and in the cookie jar. I didn't understand why at the time. Now I do. Unethical insider information and access to home computers of TWC customers. BIG. I now request no service from that tech. I have been protecting him because I do not want him to lose his job. He should have to disclose his relation to prior Belfast detective- now Belfast Chief of Police before to entry into private homes and computers)

Viewing of the Super Bowl will take place in the Rec Room at my home this year. This is serious business the Giants must be beaten.

Any fan of the Patriots is a friend of mine!!!


Sent:Wed 5/02/12 9:11 AM; LAURIE ALLEN (
Dear Chief McFadden,

Hi, hope you are well. At the meeting last night was one of our finest. I wanted to talk to him but held back, I did not want to appear disrespectful or have him feel awkward. I tend to take a bad situation and try to find some humor or have a conversation- as you and I did. Apparently, because I am not presenting a bad attitude, Bill Kelly has sent me an unprofessional, personal observation letter. Bill tells me that trying to get Officials to answer my questions with a direct answer has become a "sport" for me and he sees this as harassment. He has told me that Officials, i.e.- City Council will not respond to my emails. This forces me to the City Council meetings to ask for direct answers to  unanswered questions specific to an ordinance cited by Wayne Marshall in the 11/1/11 City Council Meeting. Wayne stated that local ordinance calls for persons to drain storm water/water to the nearest PUBLIC waterway-streams. That is the ordinance I want to see highlighted that gives permission for Wayne to use in flooding Seaview Terrace, a flood zone. The Seaview Terrace Stream is private property, the City has no rights of ways or easements. Wayne gave this ordinance in response to Mike Hurley's question to cite the storm water ordinance. Furthermore, Mike Hurley said that failure to provide City Storm water Sewers is the Council's problem and I am holding them accountable and responsible per Mike Hurley. They voted in 1/3/12 meeting to take no action.  I feel that I am within my rights as a citizen to hold my government accountable and that this "self inflicted harassment" is bogus and an attempt to bait me or intimidate me again.

Please allow me to remain a law abiding respectful citizen and advise if I am in violation of any laws.

1.I plan to continue attending the City Council Meetings until the flooding and roads of Seaview Terrace has been resolved-fixed.
2.I will ask questions that have not been directly answered.
3.I would like to wear my shirt that says "Stop Flooding Seaview Terrace" and "
4. I display information on my SUV when I protest at City Hall.
  b. A sign reading Town and Country sold me an undisclosed dirty storm water sewer (on one side) City Planner, City Manager Bully Residents (on the other side)
5. I have my hatch back open with in the confines of the parking spot and an information board inside.
6. I protest with my sign "STOP FLOODING SEAVIEW" and I do not impose my cause verbally on anyone . I am cheerful and say good day to those give me eye contact.
7. Lastly, I was told by a supporter that the Supreme Court recently passed a ruling that residents are allowed to have political signs on their private property. All my signs are of political nature. I want to be sure that I am not breaking any laws and do not invite trouble of any kind. My children would be traumatized to see their Mom being cuffed, interrogated or put in the pokey and have to bail me out.

The City Attorney is trying to force be into getting legal counsel to speak for me. I speak for myself and will not get legal counsel. My meager money is to feed my children and pay my taxes, flood insurance and bills. It is shameful that our Council is using tax dollars for City Attorney and Police Protection for their...


Laurie Allen

From: Michael McFadden ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 5/04/12 12:54 PM
No worries…

Sent:Fri 5/04/12 2:21 PM
Oh boy, at Bank of America when my boss said "No Worries" that meant I best worry... Thanks for responding- this one is private and NOT meant to harrass :O
Subject: Liberty and Justice For All
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 13:21:38 -0500

To All,

Added this on to my blog and want to be sure Mike Hurley reads it.

Laurie Allen

 I requested a copy of that map. Weeks later a bogus map was given instead and original went missing and lies that it never existed. How was I able to know where to trace the paths myself and make my own map on this blog?? I stated this at the 11/2011 meeting and did a banging on the podium. No concern, no investigation. In fact, Council Mike Hurley defends the corruption, appreciating Marshall and Slocum being a pinata against this ridiculous woman. He further attempts to slander me by threatening no help because after 7 months of the Council dodging and ignoring volumes of evidence, I had the audacity to go public!! The pain so clear, my voice cracking, fighting back tears when I gave the 7 month history of corruption and torture. Slocum, Marshall and Hurley wipe their feet on me after I have left the meeting right on public TV. It is beyond comprehension. It is disgusting.
Let me tell you Mike Hurley, this domestic survivor Mom, who spent the last of her dollars to fight and win relocation for the safety of her children, desperately did not want any attention. I needed peace and time with my children to heal and you ripped that from us/ You and the City Wall Hall continue the atrocity and slaying of myself and home , fueling the fire in NJ. All because the disaster Planning has created is an expensive mess to fix. Lets build a rail trail instead, go ahead with the Harbor Walk, give Wayne and Joe a raise, go for more grants for our visions, screw Seaview Terrace...yes, let's do that. Do I hear a 2nd? It's a vote- BUHBYE SEAVIEW TERRACE. Bang, Bang. 

RE: Liberty and Justice For All

Sent:Mon 11/26/12 1:52 PM (; (; (; (; (; (; Jennika Lundy (; ( (
Bang, bang as in Mayor Ash hitting the gavel. Please don't call me in as a threat to Chief McFadden again.
To All,

The Planning Board stated that snow removal is to be taken off site. Right now I am seeing a front loader dumping loads of snow to the banks of the ditch behind the annex up from the chiller. This will thaw into stream into the unauthorized path ( that everyone ignored against plea after plead) and further erode our properties and further endangering the huge tree. This tree is on the resident side, just holding on, directly across from the unauthorized drainage path into the stream.

Driving through CASS- snow also being dumped along sides where it will go into detention pond and illegally drain down to Seaview Terrace DEP "PROTECTED" wetlands, via the unapproved outlet behind and to the Miller St side of the Sweetser School.

It is more likely than not that every site above us is stock piling to drain to us as well as up and down Rte 1 from Huntress Gardens  to the National Guard, both sides and Wayne knows where behind Prays.

You are killing us.


Laurie Allen
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 3:46 PM
To: Michael McFadden;
Subject: FW: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

Dear Chief and A. Walker, WCGH (Gary Haslam was the contact),

Please advise if I should be contacting the police department when I see illegal dumping of snow. I want this reported and documented.


Laurie Allen
Subject: RE: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 09:35:15 -0500

As we’ve spoken of before, the Police Department will respond to and document calls of a criminal nature. We work hard to remove ourselves from Civil type situations. If there is a law in the Maine State Criminal Statutes regarding the illegal dumping of snow we will enforce it. We will not simply take reports and document information on Civil issues.

Mike McFadden 

Sent:Mon 1/07/13 10:15 AM (
Dear Chief,

This is hard to understand. Illegal dumping of anything seems to be a first call to the police. I am asking for patrolling and enforcement of illegal snow dumping clearly visible and violated by use of front loaders on sites. Where there is a front loader operating, there must be a dump truck to haul it out. After visiting all the sites, the piled snow behind and piling at specific spots off the pavement is clearly in violation of ordinance below. A neighbor had reported another resident for shoveling snow into the street to clear the driveway exit from City snow plowing. The police responded to that call and gave the neighbor a warning. The spring thaw of 2009 and 2011 endangered every resident on Seaview Terrace because of this illegal practice that is criminal.

Specific design standards. The developer shall take into consideration the following points, and shall illustrate on the plan the treatment of open spaces, paths, roads, service and parking areas and other features required in his proposal:


Aesthetics and orientation. Buildings and other improvements shall respect scenic vistas and natural features as defined in the comprehensive plan.
Streets. Access from public ways, internal circulation and parking shall be designed to provide for vehicular and pedestrian safety and convenience, emergency and fire equipment, snow clearance, street maintenance, and delivery and collection services. Streets shall be laid out and constructed consistent with the provisions of chapter 98
Drainage. Adequate provision shall be made for stormwater, with particular concern for the effects of any effluent draining from the site. Erosion resulting from any improvements on the site shall be prevented by landscaping or other means (see sections 102-1123 and 102-1124 and chapter 98).
Sewage disposal. Adequate provision shall be made for sewage disposal. If public sewer is unavailable or inadequate, the planned unit development must utilize a private community package system designed in compliance with the state subsurface water disposal rules.
Water supply. Adequate provision shall be made for water for ordinary use as well as firefighting needs.
Utilities. All utilities shall be installed underground wherever possible. Transformer boxes, pumping stations, and meters shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public.
Recreation. Facilities shall be provided consistent with the development proposal.
Buffering. Planting, landscaping, disposition and form of buildings and other improvements, or fencing and screening, shall be utilized to integrate the proposed development with the landscape and the character of any surrounding development.
Disposition of buildings. Disposition of buildings shall recognize the need for natural light and ventilation.
Snow removal. The plan shall provide for storage of snow accumulation or removal from the site. 


Laurie Allen

From: Michael McFadden ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Mon 1/07/13 10:53 AM

I’m not sure I’m following you here. We may be speaking of two different issues. It is not legal for someone to place snow on a public way. That is very much a police issue. It was my impression that you were speaking of illegal dumping of snow on a larger scale than someone with a snow shovel.  We may just have to evaluate each call on its own merit and determine the nature of situation (Civil/Criminal).

I’m sure we can figure these things out as they crop up.



Sent:Mon 1/07/13 1:05 PM (
Thanks Chief, I am talking way larger scale. I'd be happy with just a shovel issue, wouldn't be getting a complaint from me. Maybe you can't help. Back to Nowhere City Wall Hall for me I guess. Mayor Ash won't even take my AAA emergency calls. Refused the last 2. Such horrible public abuse for a survivor Mom and kids who came here to begin again. Really hurts. I know it's trickling down to my kids too. Stuck in hell after crawling out of hell. A flood seems the only way out for me (if we survive).

rom: Michael McFadden ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Mon 1/07/13 1:27 PM
I haven’t met an issue I can’t do something about… I’m sure we’ll get through it…

Take care, and Go Pats!!!!

From: laurie allen []
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:15 PM
To: Michael McFadden
Subject: laurie allen shared an album with you.

You are invited to view laurie allen's photo album: 1/4/13 Site pictures of illegal snow dumping
1/4/13 Site pictures of illegal snow dumping
Jan 4, 2013
by laurie allen
Message from laurie allen:

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Michael McFadden <> wrote:

There wouldn’t be anything we could do about this particular type of situation. In reality the snow you’ve documented has been removed from the parking lots themselves, which is the only solution to removing snow from these areas. I would be surprised to learn that snow in these particular areas was being brought from other areas and dumped in the locations you’ve documented.

Of course I’m not a snow bank authority and the above is simply my opinion. I could be wrong, but I really don’t think I am.


Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:16 AM
To: Michael McFadden
Subject: Re: laurie allen shared an album with you.
Hi Chief- Local ordinance and the Planning/Zoning state that plowable snow is to be removed off site. Not piling to melt to us. I never said it was being brought in from other area's. I am in the process of sending this out to many. If your department while patrolling saw a violation of City ordinance, at minimum I would think the department would be required to report it to the Zoning/City Manager and with a courtesy copy to me. The victim. Thanks for anything you do.

from:Michael McFadden <>
to:laurie allen <>
date:Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:08 AM

RE: laurie allen shared an album with you.

I did some research, first the Zoning Conditions of Approval document indicates that the CASS school is responsible for snow removal. Any potential violations of this document would be a zoning issue handled by the board or by the code enforcement office. We as Police would have no authority over this issue unless a state law or local ordinance was violated. There are no state laws or ordinances enforceable by the Police Department which would prohibit the school from removing snow from the parking lots or events/sporting fields in the manner in which they are currently doing it.

The Armory issue is a little more difficult to research. I can not find any documentation regarding any guidelines for snow removal on this property. I think it’s highly unlikely that a condition to the zoning at the time the armory was constructed would have included language that mandated all snow be removed from the property, but I can’t find any documents regarding that property more than likely due to the fact that it was constructed prior to the evolution of our code enforcement office from what I understand.

I’m not defending anyone’s position on this and I’m not taking sides. I just want to make myself clear to you why the Belfast Police Department will not be getting involved with the issues that you’ve illustrated. Furthermore I should admit to you that there are far better legal minds than mine within our community which may be able to assist you. My legal comfort zone is not within the areas of the law you’re speaking of. As a matter of fact, you may eventually find that everything I’ve just written is not accurate, I’m always willing to stand corrected on an issue when I’m wrong, I’ve stated the above because that’s the way I understand these things to be.

The Pats looked pretty good last night!!!....

Hope this helps,


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