

Tortured for Public Information Never Received

This is only one of 5 years of requests for the same information.

Subject: Forward to AG Ex Sec Rose Smith
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:07:05 -0400

Ms. Kielty,

I have not received any response advising my next step. Please forward this improper denial and credible corruption to the Executive Secretary to the Attorney General, Rose Smith as it part of the investigation. I will include my last attempt to get the documents through the Chief of Police immediately below, sent yesterday 3/21/13.  Certainly, if I were given these documents I would not be asking for them. Certainly, the past 2 years of documented with holding from the City Attorney, City Planner and City manager corroborates improper denial and credible corruption.


Laurie Allen
Dear Chief and Not So Dear CEO,

All sites are in violation of not removing plowed snow. I did not drive into Legore Subdivision- was afraid I'd loose my trannie in that mess.  See slide show.

2013-03-20 spring2013vio

2013-03-20 spring2013vio

Mar 19, 2013 by laurie allen
Public on the web
3/20/13 Site Violations Not Removing Plowed Snow Offsite
Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Police Power to Protect Flood Plain
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 09:05:39 -0400

Dear Chief and CEO (Todd Rosenburg),

Per Local Ordinance, the Code Enforcement Officer is not issuing violations that are flooding our floodplain, flood zone neighborhood of Seaview Terrace. We have confirmed the CASS and Annex are in violation and the other sites need confirmation so that police power may protect the flood plain as our local ordinance dictates.

Drainage. Adequate provision shall be made for stormwater, with particular concern for the effects of any effluent draining from the site. Erosion resulting from any improvements on the site shall be prevented by landscaping or other means (see sections 102-1123 and 102-1124 and chapter 98).

j.Snow removal. The plan shall provide for storage of snow accumulation or removal from the site.

Floodplain and floodprone area mean any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source (see definition of "flood" and "flooding").
Floodplain management means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood control works, and floodplain management regulations.
Floodplain management regulations means zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, health regulations, special purpose ordinances, such as a floodplain ordinance, grading ordinance, and erosion control ordinance, and other applications of police power. The term describes such state or local regulations, or any combination thereof, which provide standards for the purpose of flood damage prevention and reduction.

CASS and Sweetser Schools
WCGH Annex
MidCoast Mental Health
Tall Pines Nursing Home
Volunteers of America on Congress
Belfast Birches
Hilltop Birches
Legore Subdivision (Birch St)
National Guard Rte 1 So
MMP Rte 1 So
Larabees Plumbing and entire business park including airport
Prays Homes Rte 1 So
Mcleod's Trailer Park on Lower Congress

After confirmation, I will check the area's and alert CEO with a copy to all.  Until then, I will assume all sites are in violation and will email complaints and our police force can protect residents and City Hall in harmony.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: FOAA inquiry
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2013 18:22:16 +0000

Ms. Allen,

The Executive Secretary to the Attorney General, Rose Smith, will be in touch with you after attorneys in the office have reviewed your complaint.

According to counsel for the City, any requests for documents have been fully responded to. I understand that there are questions you want the City to answer, but the FOAA does not require a response to these questions.

Brenda Kielty

Subject: RE: Response to March 5 Request
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 09:59:02 -0400

Ms. Kielty,

Your email does not answer the next step in the refusal to provide specific response for specific documents. Presenting enormous manipulated files are not acceptable, been there, done that, more corruption. What is the next step for improper denial and credible corruption. Clearly, Wayne Marshall chose to stop recording the final approved site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry to with hold from the public. I have been unable to get any true documents for approved final site plans and conditions for two years. The refusal to commit in writing to this simple basic request is cause for improper denial. Does this go to the Attorney General, Superior Court, what is the process?

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Response to March 5 Request
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:28:01 +0000

Ms. Allen,

This is the email that I sent to you on 3/13/13 that answers your question:

The inspection of public records may be scheduled during reasonable office hours and at a time that will not delay or inconvenience the regular activities of the official having custody or control of the public record requested. You may contact Mr. Marshall’s office directly to schedule inspection of the records that are responsive to your request. Mr. Marshall asks that you allow three days of notice. You have demanded that a specific public official, the tax assessor, be present for your inspection. While you may make such a request, the allocation of staff for responding to a FOAA request is a determination to be made by the agency or official having custody of the records.

Your next step is to let Mr. Marshall’s office know when you want the inspection to occur.

Brenda Kielty

Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 8:28 AM
To: Kielty, Brenda
Subject: RE: Response to March 5 Request

Ms. Kielty,

3rd request 3/18 for denied response to 3/13/13 specific simple request(below) for  3 related items to be validated ONLY with Bob Whitely, Tax Assessor. The City Council Meeting is tomorrow, 3-19-13 and I must have direction prior. Please advise.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Response to March 5 Request
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 09:55:33 -0400
Ms. Kielty,

I have not received a response. Please advise the next steps in being denied through my 2 years of documented credible corruption.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Response to March 5 Request
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 10:34:39 -0400
Ms. Kielty,

Please do not be offended but vague responses allow for the continuing corruption of public documents by the City of Belfast. Refusal to commit to this simple specific request below will prove credible corruption and improper denial. Please support request specifically and require specific response from Wayne Marshall. Thank you.

Without written confirmation that the specific document is available, it is impossible to prove " improper denial with credible evidence". It is absolutely within reason and ease to provide these specific requests. Since Wayne Marshall cannot manage the entire request, I will make several viewings with Bob Whitely, Tax Assessor. He is the only one that is trustworthy and knowledgeable to  verify that is a City Official. Having the specific authentic documents available will require less than 15 minutes per viewing. The CASS and WCGH Annex requests will be the first viewing and should be available immediately- Wayne has them in his office. Requests will go in order of priority which coincides with development year, newest to oldest. The next would be Mid Coast Mental Health, Tall Pines Nursing and Volunteers of America on Congress St.

Please have Wayne Marshall Confirm in My Specific Language that the following is available for the first viewing, copying Brenda Kielty in response to this specific email by simply stating available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office:

1. Final Approved Site Plan for CASS/Sweetser (old Robertson School- this was slated for demolition in preliminary plans- final approved plans will include Robertson aka Sweetser School)- including the conditions to remove plowed snow and the exits of stormwater for the CASS fenced in detention area. (Satisfying 1 and 1A in request below) State ready for viewing with Bob Whitely and state date and time for viewing. I am available 24/7.
available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office: 

2. Per the WBRC Document provide #6 - step 1- all documents pertaining to drainage study, implementation and results, and all funding parties and complete financial accounting of fees for study to present day. Step 2-  Provide final approved plans showing runoff   redirectment  with subcatchment 3S , identifying original planned path which flowed under Congress to the new Study Point 3 stream to the Belfast Harbor. This is saying there are 2 streams- the plans must identify both path of each stream to the harbor.(for clarity I will list this one as #17 to take off the list after provided) State ready for viewing with Bob Whitely and state date and time for viewing. I am available 24/7.
available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office:

3. Final Approved Site Plan for WCGH Annex  119-125 Northport Ave. (Satisfying 2 in request below)  State ready for viewing with Bob Whitely and state date and time for viewing. I am available 24/7.
available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office:

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Response to March 5 Request
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 14:13:38 +0000
Ms. Allen,

The inspection of public records may be scheduled during reasonable office hours and at a time that will not delay or inconvenience the regular activities of the official having custody or control of the public record requested. You may contact Mr. Marshall’s office directly to schedule inspection of the records that are responsive to your request. Mr. Marshall asks that you allow three days of notice. You have demanded that a specific public official, the tax assessor, be present for your inspection. While you may make such a request, the allocation of staff for responding to a FOAA request is a determination to be made by the agency or official having custody of the records.

Your next step is to let Mr. Marshall’s office know when you want the inspection to occur.

Brenda Kielty

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:35 AM
To: Kielty, Brenda; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: FW: Response to March 5 Request

Ms. Kielty,

The letter attached and dated 3/12 from Wayne Marshall is not acceptable. This refusal to commit in writing that the specific document/documents are ready for viewing is the corruption. I have explained previous "viewings" for specific final approved site plans that were never provided, instead handing over files- specifically the CASS file with every storm water document removed and the final approved site plan which would have listed the snow removal conditions and shown the exit of stormwater from the CASS fenced in detention area behind the Sweetser School is not on the final approved plan. Supported by the DEP Tom Gilbert's false investigating of that exit- it was not included in his report and the number one request from me to investigate.  This can go on and on, another smokescreen tactic. Wayne Marshall stopped recording the final approved site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry  to with hold and corrupt information as I haven proven many times.

Without written confirmation that the specific document is available, it is impossible to prove " improper denial with credible evidence". It is absolutely within reason and ease to provide these specific requests. Since Wayne Marshall cannot manage the entire request, I will make several viewings with Bob Whitely, Tax Assessor. He is the only one that is trustworthy and knowledgeable to  verify that is a City Official. Having the specific authentic documents available will require less than 15 minutes per viewing. The CASS and WCGH Annex requests will be the first viewing and should be available immediately- Wayne has them in his office. Requests will go in order of priority which coincides with development year, newest to oldest. The next would be Mid Coast Mental Health, Tall Pines Nursing and Volunteers of America on Congress St.

This is the Belfast Ordinance for Final Plans and be presented in entirety
ec. 90-102. - Required information and format.Description: Image removed by sender. Description: Image removed by sender. permanent link to this piece of content
The final plan may be presented on one or more sheets. Each sheet shall be numbered "1 of 3," "2 of 3," etc. Each sheet shall contain the following information when applicable:
All the information required for the preliminary plan, in final form.
Existing and proposed final lines of streets, ways, lots, easements for utilities and/or drainage and public areas within the development. Easements shall be recorded prior to filing the plat at the registry of deeds and the appropriate book and page number shall be noted on the final plan.
Sufficient data such as NGVD or local datum.
Profiles and cross sections every 50 feet, or break in grades from proposed streets to side lots. The plan scale shall be one inch equals 20 feet, and the vertical scale shall be one inch equals four feet, or as approved by the code enforcement officer or city engineer.
All curve data.
Unless otherwise approved by the code enforcement officer, separate intersection plans showing geometry for right-of-way lines and curblines, curve data, drainage flow, drainage structures and finish grades on 8½-inch by 11-inch or larger sheets at a scale of one inch equals ten feet.
Tangent and curve data showing stationing of all existing and/or proposed streets or public ways, rights-of-way, building lines and easements in the development, to determine the exact location, direction and length of every street line, easement, lot line and boundary line sufficient to reproduce these lines upon the ground.
Centerline stationing and station equations at intersecting streets.
If subject to review and approval by the state department of environmental protection, evidence of such approval. If lacking state approval, Planning Board approval shall be conditional pending department of environmental protection approval.
Location of all permanent monuments, existing and proposed, wherever, in the opinion of the city engineer or code enforcement officer, such monuments are necessary to properly determine the location on the ground (on the face of the earth). All monuments and control points shall be protected and not covered.
Designation of the location, size, type of planting and landscaping of such parks, esplanades or other open spaces as may be proposed or prescribed (see section 90-12).
The signed seal of a state-registered professional engineer and signed seal of a state-registered land surveyor attesting that such final plan is correct. The design of proposed infrastructure for water, sewage and drainage must be designed, signed and sealed by a licensed engineer.
Design of any municipal sewers to be installed to serve the proposed development.
A parking plan, which shall be in compliance with the provisions of chapter 98
Approval block. Space shall be provided on the plan drawing for the signatures of the Planning Board and date, together with the words "Approved: Belfast Planning Board."
Adequate provision shall be made for stormwater, with particular concern for the effects of any effluent draining from the site. Erosion resulting from any improvements on the site shall be prevented by landscaping or other means (see sections 102-1123 and 102-1124 and chapter 98).

j. Snow removal. The plan shall provide for storage of snow accumulation or removal from the site.

(Ord. No. 58-1997, § 7.2, 6-17-1997)

Please have Wayne Marshall Confirm in My Specific Language that the following is available for the first viewing, copying Brenda Kielty in response to this specific email by simply stating available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office:

1. Final Approved Site Plan for CASS/Sweetser (old Robertson School- this was slated for demolition in preliminary plans- final approved plans will include Robertson aka Sweetser School)- including the conditions to remove plowed snow and the exits of stormwater for the CASS fenced in detention area. (Satisfying 1 and 1A in request below) State ready for viewing with Bob Whitely and state date and time for viewing. I am available 24/7.
available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office: 

2. Per the WBRC Document provide #6 - step 1- all documents pertaining to drainage study, implementation and results, and all funding parties and complete financial accounting of fees for study to present day. Step 2-  Provide final approved plans showing runoff   redirectment  with subcatchment 3S , identifying original planned path which flowed under Congress to the new Study Point 3 stream to the Belfast Harbor. This is saying there are 2 streams- the plans must identify both path of each stream to the harbor.(for clarity I will list this one as #17 to take off the list after provided) State ready for viewing with Bob Whitely and state date and time for viewing. I am available 24/7.
available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office:

3. Final Approved Site Plan for WCGH Annex  119-125 Northport Ave. (Satisfying 2 in request below)  State ready for viewing with Bob Whitely and state date and time for viewing. I am available 24/7.
available for viewing with Bob Whitely on ?date at ?time in Bob's office:

Laurie Allen

To All,

Per Ms. Kielty's email below, I request written response specifically wording that each document contains specific requested information for that document, copying Ms. Kielty.  Furthermore, all of Council, Mayor, City Manager, City Planner, City Attorney are accusing me of lying and go to great lengths to create smokescreens and intimidate me. I did not receive any documents from my "written" request from 1/31/13. What is true is that prior requests were not fulfilled and requested documents held in Wayne Marshall's office were removed from the files. It was only by an unscheduled inspection, after Wayne Marshall thought I was done with the Captain Albert Stevens School files, that all the missing stormwater documents that Wayne said did not exist, were now in the file. Marie Stalworth, administrative assitant can confirm this and actually was kind enough to make me one copy immediately. That is the 17 page WBRC Engineer report. 11/7/2002 to MDEP- Mike Morse, Project Manager. I will be requesting all offsite drainage documents to #6, page 2 of this report. This is the only document I could get without going through Wayne where he preiviously removed the most important page from a 10 page document I found in the first inspection. Marie can confirm this too.  I came to pick up that 10 page copy,and the needed page was page missing. We went through the file, found a slew of new with held documents ranging from the abutters concerns (many from Mr. Sanderson that I specifically asked Wayne for and he told me did not exist, they "simply dug a ditch for Mr. Sanderson"), DEP, Army Corp, emails, letters- easily over 100 pages of stormwater documents.  Marie was never able to find that 10 page document, it too went missing from Wayne's office like the map, there one day and gone the next.  These tactics have been in place since the first request, 4/2011 for the map on the Planning Office wall that was removed and replaced by another map. That map did not show the paths of water into Seaview Terrace that Wayne Marshall personally traced on the wall and them claimed that map never existed but they would charge me exuberant fees to look for maps where they may not find anything, per Joe Slocum, City Manager.

I spent hours going through files for documents that were removed. I will not accept files. The wording below "he will make them available to you." is the same used before and were manipulated. Todd Rosenburg, Zoning Code, with held visible maps from me and he told me he would not help me. I cannot trust Jamie or anyone under Wayne's purview. The City Manager is not credible. The only City Hall official capable and trustworthy of identifying the documents as actual and authentic is Bob Whitely, Tax Assessor. I request his supervision in reviewing the documents for all of the reasons above and more.  Bob Whitely just received another 2 year appointment as the Tax Assessor for the City of Belfast. Upon a surprise visit in 11/11, to Bob's office is where he was viewing another map with held from me. It was the 1965 original development plan for Seaview Terrace showing the stream WAS MOVED. I had requested the development and history documents of Seaview Terrace  5/11 and was not given any.. This plan shows that the stream that the City Manager and City Planner had been pledging and defending was natural and never altered was in fact a lie. It was clear to see the stream had been moved and not stabilized. They tried to make me look as if I was an incapable, high anxiety ridden, woman doing this for "sport" - Anxiety was by Joe Slocum, City Manager and "for sport" by the City Attorney, Bill Kelly. They also with held a City hired engineers report specific to my property done in 1987 when the original owner filed complaints of flooding. Bill Kelly brought that out in the 1/2012 City Council meeting to use in the City's defense and left the meeting when I questioned the validity of the report. The engineer never looked outside of Seaview Terrace for cause and that was 25 prior to even more water coming to us from Planning developments.

 I know for fact that the CASS and WCGH Annex sites are to remove plowed snow off site. If Wayne does not produce the exact document stating this than he is in violation. Bob Whitley must be present and viewing must be in an office with a large table.  Prior viewing of the CASS files were forced on the counter in the Planning Office. It was bad. Perhaps the press would like to attend considering the Bangor Daily News is familiar with MFOIA requests.

Kielty, Brenda
Kielty, Brenda ( Description: Image removed by sender. Description: Image removed by sender.
Tue 3/05/13 10:58 AM
To: (
Ms. Allen,

I spoke to Mr. Marshall in the Belfast Planning office who indicated that sometime in the last six months you inspected documents relating to “final approved site plans zoning conditions for snow removal.” According to Mr. Marshall, any documents that were responsive to your request have been made available. Should you need to review the existing documents again, please submit a FOAA to his office and he will make them available to you.

As I stated in my last email, there is no action for this office to take without credible evidence of an improper denial.

Thank you,

Wayne Marshall stopped recording plans in registry and has them in his office definitely for CASS and the WCGH ANNEX and others in his office should be available ASAP. Request is for the final approved site plans that contain the language for the below provisions of stormwater and snow removal. If I am directed to the Deeded Registry to retrieve older plans, please advise the procedure if those plans are missing. Surely they can be replaced by a request to the engineer and should probably be done so through the City since it is a missing City document. Please advise all in writing.

J. Snow Removal must be clearly addressed on each plan as stated by Belfast ordinance rules for Site Plans listed below.

Adequate provision shall be made for stormwater, with particular concern for the effects of any effluent draining from the site. Erosion resulting from any improvements on the site shall be prevented by landscaping or other means (see sections 102-1123 and 102-1124 and chapter 98).

j. Snow removal. The plan shall provide for storage of snow accumulation or removal from the site.

1. CASS and Sweetser School showing J.
a. CASS and Sweetser showing the fenced in storm water behind Sweetser, specifically final approved site plan showing the exit for storm water at the lower end east corner behind Sweetser School. Traveling underground coming out of a culvert along the East side of Sweetser School and Miller St. Another culvert coming from the Muck? also empties here. The water goes under School St and into the Legore Subdivision towards Seaview Terrace.  My research indicates this exit is illegal and unapproved, substantiated by the fraudelent neglect to include this exit in Tom Gilbert's, DEP 2011 investigation requested by me for this specific exit.
2. Entire WCGH Annex Office Site 119-125 Northport Ave. Previous drainage summary behind my home.
3.Belfast Birches
4.Hilltop Birches
5.VOA- Volunteers of America housing on Congress St.
6. Tall Pines Nursing Facility
7. MidCoast Mental Health
8.Legore Subdivision- Birch St. Development
9. Town Houses on Cedar St
10. National Guard
11. MMP Seafood (next  to National Guard)
12.Larrabees (sp?) Plumbing
13.Prays Homes
14. Belfast Airport
15. McLeods Trailer Park on Lower Congress
16. Belfast Airport Business Park

Per the WBRC Document provide #6 - step 1- all documents pertaining to drainage study, implementation and results, and all funding parties and complete financial accounting of fees for study to present day. Step 2-  Provide final approved plans showing runoff   redirectment  with subcatchment 3S , identifying original planned path which flowed under Congress to the new Study Point 3 stream to the Belfast Harbor. This is saying there are 2 streams- the plans must identify both path of each stream to the harbor.
Description: Image removed by sender. Description: Image removed by sender.

Description: Image removed by sender. Description: Image removed by sender.
Laurie Allen

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 17:55:29 -0400
Subject: Response to March 5 Request

Dear Ms. Allen:

Attached is my letter of March 12 that responds to your request for information.  You can contact me when you are prepared to examine the Department's files.

Wayne Marshall
City Planner
City of Belfast
131 Church St
Belfast, ME   04915
207-338-1417 x 25 (phone)

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