

Belfast "Downtown Revitilization" corrupt- this got me banned from local paper,a Heil Hurley symapthizer

Your post on the revitalization project was potentially libelous, so I have disabled 
your posts. At this point, I see no reason to reinstate your ability to comment on
our site since we both know we will be having this conversation again in the near 
future if I do. 
You can still read stories on the site. 
Daniel Dunkle
News Director
The Courier-Gazette, Camden Herald and Republican Journal
594-4401 ext. 122

BELFAST — Three bids received by the city for the planned Downtown Revitalization project came in much higher than officials anticipated.
City Planner Wayne Marshall briefed councilors on the status of the Downtown Revitalization project during a meeting Tuesday, July 15. The three bids the city received came in at $867,716, $1,162,210 and $1,203,15.
Those amounts were significantly higher than the $650,000 cost estimate that was prepared by the city's engineering firm Sebago Technics.
The purpose of the Downtown Revitalization project is to rebuild Cross Street between Main and Spring Streets, create additional parking and enhance the infrastructure above and below the ground to encourage redevelopment in the area.
The city received a $500,000 grant in order to help pay for the cost of the project.
Because the bid amounts “considerably greater” than what the city anticipated, Marshall recommended councilors accept the bids, which simply acknowledges they were received, and then ask the Downtown Revitalization Committee to reevaluate the project.
Once the committee has time to review the bids and the project, it provide recommendations to the council on how to proceed at a future date.
Marshall also noted that the city was looking at splitting the project into two phases with a portion of the work to be completed in the fall and the remainder to be finished in the spring. However, he pointed out that delaying the start of the project and seeking more bids in the spring may encourage additional companies to express an interest in the project. He noted one of the challenges of bidding a project during the summer is that many of the businesses are busy with other projects.
Councilors voted 3-0 to accept the bids as presented with Councilors Mike Hurley and Eric Sanders absent.
 POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Jul 17, 2014 11:19

Ron Harriman, economic consultant, , Sebago Technic Engineering, and City Planner Wayne Marshall all on the tax payers payroll. Tying us into the 500k grant with a match requirement and corruptly under estimating the tax payers tab to secure approval for acceptance of the grant. Again, Marshall is "gravely" at the podium, like almost EVERY one of his riddled planning projects. Stating the original bait cast by these con artists would cost us "100k plus or minus"  for this "greater connectivity" City Hall want. Right there- when Council approved the acceptance of the grant, the motion must include matching requirement can not exceed 100k. They corruptly do not do that. Knowing the scheme, the submitted match estimate is never  true. 100k is not even in that realm. They all knew it then.  

Per Maine Municipal Association, basic infrastructure for the residents is automatic. Belfast Director of Public Works, Bob Richards stated 3 months ago in the budget hearings, that the City was over 1 million dollars in neglect to just the UPKEEP of the roads. Wayne Marshall admitting over and over again that resident drainage is a disaster..

Get the project underway and then slam us. SOS- from 100k to a minimum of 1 million. Even the bids are not actual. Always a fore seen "unforeseen" behind the scene to award the lowest bid and slam us again, again and again. City Manager, Joe Slocum, corrupt steward of our money, casts more bait- wait a few more months and see if bids come in lower when they are hungry, unethical securing of easements after underway, straddling those residents over a barrel again and again. Wayne Marshall deflecting accountability by stating he's "just on the committee". Sue Wayne Marshall, Ron Harriman, Sebago Technics and Joe Slocum for fraud and embezzlement.

Below was not part of above post, but part of my blog.

City Council approving all the spending, all the committee's, all the Kings horses and all the Kings men that are slaughtering the residents basic rights and safety.  Mayor Ash slams down his gavel, not even allowing me 3 minutes to speak at open to the public where every other speaker is not timed. I have proved the corruption again and again, put myself out there to make everyone aware and react.
This meeting was dangerous for me. Mayor Ash was looking to the Chief of Police to take me out. JB Turner and the owners of Front Street Shipyard were there. They have seen this again and again. JB and I were at the same meeting where he was pitching the purchase of land for the future Front Street Shipyard in November 2011. The contrast is sickening. How they sit next to me silent as I beg to save Seaview Terrace is beyond me.
Mayor Ash refuses to allow me a few minutes to finish the proving of the corrupt City slaughter to Seaview Terrace. I am begging him, he tells me basically, he is sick of hearing it, wants something new. I respond, like what- when Seaview Terrace is under water, Becky Gibbons house is gone, maybe dead? Chief McFadden tells his new officer to follow me out. Right, like I am the danger. I come back into the meeting and wait for the 2nd open to the public to finish pleading to save us and stop the corruption. 
Because I am a single Mom, who won difficult contested relocation, the danger the City and others further imposes on us is beyond maniacal. The local real estate agents were the vultures fully aware of our battered situation to relocate to safety and privacy. The led us to slaughter, did not disclose the water, (previous and later Seaview Terrace listings disclose stream- the Maine Real Estate Commission and Mary refuse to provide those listings- not public- Commission corruptly dismissed complaint just like DEP/Aho). Property Inspector DJ Brown recommended by real estate agents, inspected in Spring- did not report stream/brook/ditch with water running through it and un-stabilized banking. Agents did not advise of flood zone. I would have refused this property and they knew it. I was paying cash and they nailed me. Counting on my situation to stay under cover and succumb to more abuse.
What they can't understand is that I will not succumb, even if it kills me. Stress kills. Water kills. White Collar Terrorism with City Attorney and Law Enforcement Support. I will never give up. My kids will have the recorded City Hall meetings and my blogs. I stood. I spoke. Until.
7/15/14 City Council Meeting Click both open to the public and business- ff to Downtown Revitalization. No one is accountable. Pass it on to us. Do we stand up for our children and for those who risk their lives for our rights? Or pretend it's just me?

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