

Assessor Brent Martin taking Seaview Terrace/CM Slocum deleting this post (Chief McFadden internet porn detective)

June 6, 2017 Belfast City Council Meeting

The new disclaimers on Belfast City Hall correspondence states they are not liable for any truth. Ditto with real estate listings.

Waldo County deeded and recorded original surveys and final plans have been removed with mylar falsified documents.

Seaview Terrace is only one of boatloads of prime proof. I requested the original deeded plans for the 1966 development of Seaview Terrace in 2011.

Those plans were removed from the registry and hiddned in a box in the Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley's office. I know this because on a hunch, I raided Bob's office first thing in the morniing after Bob spent hours touring the miles of Belfast City Hall destruction to Seaview Terrace. He was alarmed and I figured if those original plans would ever see the light of day again, it would be that morning. I was right.

See pages 1-3 and for the 1965 & 1966 original deeded registered plans See page 4&5 for the 1990 Good Deeds survey dated July 29,1994 for my property, 17 Seaview Terrace and abutter 23 Seaview Terrace owned by Karen Caswell. Good Deeds could not subdivide the 2 lots because it did not meet the 20 ft side set back necessary for the garage. There is not 40 ft between my house and her garage. This survey falsely references the subdivide was done and recorded in the WCDR in volume 1408- page 165. It was never recorded or subdivided.

Bob had the original 1965 & 66 deeded plans right in front of me on the counter. The plans prove that a natural outlet that tears through my backyard, another sell undisclosed Belfast City Hall and Realtor hell to another.

Bob made me copies of those plans and would later tell me that City Manager Joe Slocum flipped out on him for giving me those plans. Bob said he had never saw that side of Joe.

On 5/27/2011 City Planner Wayne Marshall emailed me and I quote The 1966 Plan, and a subsequent 1978 amendment, are the only two documents of record on file in the Registry.This was also removed from the registry and repeated request to replace the documents were denied by City Manager Joe Slocum. He told me that the 1978 amendment was simply to allow the road to go over the massive Belfast City Hall culvert illegally force flooding Seaview Terrace.

On 11/10/2016 Marshall emailed me and I quote “Dear Ms. Allen
I went to the Waldo County Registry of Deeds to identify any subdivision plans and any amendments that were recorded for the Wendell McCleod Subdivision for the Seaview Terrace area.  There are only two recorded plans:
1)  1965 plan recorded at Book 6, Page 23.
2)  1966 plan recorded at Book 6, Page 59.
I have attached both plans to this email.  I note that the 1966 plan is consistent with information shown on the City tax map for your property. 
As these are the only recorded plans, I am unaware of any other amendments which were approved by the Belfast Planning Board and subsequently recorded. 
I hope that this information helps. 
Wayne Marshall “

The garage lot next to me, 23 Seaview Terrace is owned by Karen Caswell. Her garage is on the side boundary line and is not in compliance with the 2o ft. side set back for at least 20 years.
Karen trespasses onto my property to enter the side door of her garage. She has been trying to sell another undisclosed hell to another since 2011. 2 of the original 4 capped and deeded iron stakes were federally illegally removed on the other side of my property and Caswell federally illegally moved the other 2 capped stakes to give her 20 ft side setback. Confirmed first hand by the previous owners of my property, Minister and Laura Tarpley.
Last summer, Karen Caswell called the police against me for trimming a tree on my property. Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden was unsucessful in getting the DA to press charges against me.
Within weeks, Karen had Good Deeds measure 20 ft from the garage eves onto the middle of my property and drive in wooden markers as my new property line. I don't think so.
The side square footage of 127.8 ft and front square footage of 125 ft. for my property has been removed from the City Tax maps. Belfast City Tax Assessor Brent Martin refuses to put the footage on and refuses to tell me the 12 or so pending changes that he has for Seaview Terrace since last year. He told me to hire an attorney and surveyor. He'd be happy to recommend one. Surely owned by Belfast City Hall, Belfast resident John Worth III, Worth Real Estate Agency and his wife, District Court Judge Patricia Worth.
Put the original footage for all 4 sides of my property back on the Belfast City Tax Map.
Press charges against Karen Caswell for the federal crime of tampering with deeded survey stakes, at her expense, re-stake to the original plans with a deeded survey, deny approval of her zone violating garage and replace all the original deeded documents that have been removed from the Waldo County Deeded Registry.
All of you have been given these very documents many times last year and given to Code Officer Tod Rosenberg. And all have taken the 5th.
I am open for debate right now. Hammering me during communications where I am not allowed to speak is cowardly and corrupt. Nevertheless, I persist.

From: Good Deeds <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: Gusta Ronson/Survey/CK Archer Orig Plans
Dear Ms Allen—
I understand that this issue is consuming to you.  To answer your demands— The surveys we do for individuals are their property and it is their decision what becomes of the plans and research.  It is not up to outside parties to determine if they should be recorded or not.  You can take that up with the Caswells.  When you came to my office I tried to show you the reasoning as to why the Caswells redefined the  line between their 2 contiguous lots in hopes that would help you understand the genesis of the line.  The subdivision lots were never monumented by Mr. Archer.  Finally, we were not the recipients of Mr. Archer’s papers.  You could call his family and see where they might have ended up.
I hope this answered your questions.
Gusta Ronson

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2016 2:21 PM
To: Good Deeds <>;; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: ATT: Gusta Ronson/Survey/CK Archer Orig Plans

Dear Gusta Ronson,

On 7/7/2016, Good Deeds came onto my property at 17 Seaview Terrace and placed wooden stakes on my property. I came to see you with the Good Deeds  survey, dated, 7/24/94, job #A9449, Estate of John A. Caswell, M.D. Property, stating Waldo County Registry of Deeds, Volume 1408-Page 165 that does not have the seal. I had just come from the Waldo County Registry of Deeds where they stated that this survey is not recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds. You told me that you remembered this and that the readings were a mess.  

You stated that for the attached 1994 survey that I showed you was the actual standard survey where Goods Deeds simply measured the required side set back of 20 ft from the eaves of the garage on 23 Seaview Terrace and drew a new boundary line from that. However, that encroaches into my property side set back of 20 ft. as required by ordinance. Therefore, the survey is not a legal divide and could not be recorded into the deeded registry. 

1. Per the Registry, please submit to the Waldo County Deeded Registry, for the new boundary line between 23 and 17 Seaview Terrace  the original mylar and one copy (with seal) that was approved by Belfast City Hall to be the new boundary lines for 23 and 17 Seaview Terrace. If it never was official (then a variance would have had to be approved and clearly was not) please remove the wooden stakes that I witnessed and photographed, that were placed on my property by Good Deeds on 7/7/2016 and done without my permission.  Please advise of which actions you will take immediately. 23 Seaview Terrace is for sale and boundary resolution was needed prior.

2. Please advise if you have taken on the documents after the 2/18/2016 death of surveyor C.K. Archer, Palermo, Maine. If so, I am requesting the sealed original plans by CK Archer, March 1965, re: Plan of Wendell MaCleod Housing Development, Belfast Maine (I have a copy with the seal given to me by then Belfast City Tax Assessor, Bob Whitely.  City Manager Joe Slocum also confirmed, that I have on you tube at a City Council meeting, that this plan is the true registry plan. Joe Slcoum stating he was looking for it for months, while Bob Whitely told me that Joe flipped out on him for giving me these plans. I brought them to another City Council meeting, documented on youtube and City Council Roger Lee, Mike Hurley and City Manager Joe Slocum again confirmed these original plans as true and stating they had already saw the originals. They did not return them to the registry to date and the registry needs the original and told me to request it from Good Deeds.  My copy is also attached. Please advise if you have CK Archer's documents and the original of the copy I provided in the link below and if you do, when they will be received by the Waldo County Deeded Registry.

The 1994 survey, a picture showing the wooden stakes placed on my property and original plans for Seaview Terrace are on this link
6 new photos added to shared album

Thank you very much for your professionalism, honesty and email response.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

I confirmed my assistant sent to you the property record cards as well as the valuation report which, along with my responses, clearly documents what you have asked for in full and I've done the majority of answering your email remotely from outside of business hours or while at a conference to the best of my ability. I am sorry you feel that way. I will not be available until Monday for future responses. Have a nice weekend.

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 21, 2017 4:26 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
Belfast City Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

To be clear, you are refusing to tell me the exact square footage of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes that I have been asking you to reveal since November 2016 (overwhelmingly documented in this thread)?


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:19 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

You've been given what you've asked for. 

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:04 PM

To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

15246... 43560 in an acre x.35 acre is a calculation that I did not ask for.  Please respond to this email to keep the thread in tact.

7th request for this simple answer.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

15246....   43560 in an acre x .35 of an acre.

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 2:26 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

6th request- Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

Since I sent you the card with all of your info relied upon for your tax basis, I didn't need to clarify whether by square footage you meant your GLA or acreage. I thought I was helping you by giving you more info, not less. As an aside, the GLA square footage of your home is in the property card

Attached is the deed description in conjunction with the offering prior to your purchase. The assessment on your acreage is at a rounded .35 of an acre, based on the size in the deed, which states it was part of a lot. I don't have the original subdivision plan, but if you bought the partial lot and the original is larger than .35 acres or so, then your title company should look into this. 

This is in response to the 5th request.


Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 12:28 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

5th Request - Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

Our email thread extended to after hours and I pulled over to respond to you, attempting to guide you to get you the information you sought as quickly as possible as it was not available to me on the side of the road. I had a full schedule yesterday, leaving at 7pm. I am writing you from a conference in Bangor after confirming my assistant forwarded the committed square footage via the property card, which has greater weight than the tax map, which,as stated, is only for guidance. 

On Apr 21, 2017 11:37 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
4th request- Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 


Your efforts to refuse to state in email the square footage of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes is wrong.

In your 4/18/2017 email below (see A), you write that the tax maps are not reliable "please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps." You write hypothetically of your tax map discrepancies, reconciliations, conflicts, or resolutions yet have not advised me of any discrepancies, reconciliations  or resolutions to my property since my  request to YOU in November 2016 (see B) to reconcile the Belfast Assessor Tax Map deletion of the front and side footage of my property with proof of footage with the 1966 plans recorded in the Waldo County Deeded Registry, with no subdivides or ANY changes to my property legally recorded in the registry since. You refuse to state the assessed square footage of my property, do not advise of any assessing issues to my property,  and tell me that you will contact me with map changes and you have not and that email is right here .  Again advising me to hire an attorney or surveyor for your secret assessed footage of my property. 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

While I can appreciate your persistence and insistence on pushing me toward making an immediate change based on your research, when I do get to the mapping next year, I will contact you as I have printed this thread for potential mapping changes. In the interim, I can only suggest an attorney or a surveyor.
Brent Martin
City Assessor

Incredibly, you continue to refuse to state your secret assessing property footage to my property. Offering your confirmed unreliable documents that you had Annie McGowan send me with Belfast City Hall disclosure of absolute unreliability and liability (See C). 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


I am sorry the tax maps haven't made this easier for you but please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps. The tax maps are for guidance only. 

The deed history and surveys dictate and the title company will know this. When a tax map discrepancy requires reconciliation, it is not uncommon to have the conflicts omitted in the tax map. Further, April 2015 maps were printed to reflect data we understood to be correct and uncontested as of that date so we don't go back to make changes even if fully resolved thereafter. 

Currently, we aren't budgeting for a tax map update next year so no changes will be made until after April 1, 2018, meaning, probably after commitment in the Fall of 2018. We are looking into digitizing earlier updates but this is not confirmed yet.

Thank you

Brent Martin
City Assessor

Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 10:01 AM
To: Brent Martin;
Subject: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

2nd request 11/18/16 Please respond today. Thank you.

Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 1:02 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage


The 2015 Belfast City Tax Map below for my property #47 is missing 2 measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side,  confirmed in the 1966 plan, recorded in the Waldo County Deeded registry with no amendments or sub-division to my lot recorded since the 1966 plan per the Waldo County Deeded Registry  on 10/28/2016. Please add these measurements to the Belfast City Tax Map. Every other lot lists the frontage and side except for my lot #47 and the abutting lot #47-A, which also needs to identify the same. Please update the measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side to my property #47 and confirm today. Thank you.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me 04915

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

Your request seems to look for a level of specificity that would be best served by a surveyor as the tax maps are generally for mass valuation, parcel identification and reference purposes. It seems you are seeking something more definitive than tax maps provide. Please advise if you need help locating a surveyor as there are several in the area.
Brent Martin

On Nov 15, 2016 3:01 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Belfast Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

Please advise and confirm the footage of each boundary line (front, sides and rear, 4 lines for each property) for 17 (47 on tax map)) Seaview Terrace, 23 (47-A on tax map)Seaview Terrace, 30 (41 on tax map) Seaview Terrace and 40 Seaview Terrace (40-A and 40 on tax map).  Below is the 1966 plan for Seaview Terrace from the Waldo County Deeded Registry, taken on 10/28/2016 . There are No Waldo County Deeded Registry amendments to Seaview Terrace since this 1966 plan. There is no legal subdivision or legal boundary changes recorded for 17 Seaview Terrace or 23 Seaview Terrace since this 1966 plan. The 2015 tax map and 1965 recorded plan reflect different lot sizes on Seaview Terrace and 40-A does not exist on the 1966 plan nor does a legal recorded subdivide in the Waldo County Deeded Registry.

Please advise immediately on the boundary footages requested for 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace.  23 Seaview Terrace is for sale by Karen Caswell. Boundary footage must be reflected in the tax map for 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 4:02 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN

Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


There has not been any conflict on my property boundaries.  Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?


Laurie Allen

PS-The April 2015 maps you reference were not printed until " Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015" and recently posted on the City website.   In November 2016 you wrote you would contact me for potential map changes next. You did not and printed the maps without my footage again. Below is the thread from that email.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

While I can appreciate your persistence and insistence on pushing me toward making an immediate change based on your research, when I do get to the mapping next year, I will contact you as I have printed this thread for potential mapping changes. In the interim, I can only suggest an attorney or a surveyor.
Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Nov 18, 2016 3:06 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Thank you for responding.  Your response did not include the maps (I copied and pasted your response below) I provided to prove there is no question of the original front and side footage to my property.  The Waldo County Deeded Registry proves that there have been no legal sub divides to my property to change the original front and side footage. There is no question on my property front and side footage.  Please update the measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side to my property #47 and confirm.

The 2015 Belfast City Tax Map below for my property #47 is missing 2 measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side,  confirmed in the 1966 plan, recorded in the Waldo County Deeded registry with no amendments or sub-division to my lot recorded since the 1966 plan per the Waldo County Deeded Registry  on 10/28/2016. Please add these measurements to the Belfast City Tax Map. Every other lot lists the frontage and side except for my lot #47 and the abutting lot #47-A, which also needs to identify the same.

Realty of Maine, Timothy Dutch is the listing agent for the abutting lot, 47-A on the 2015 Belfast Tax Map (lot #7 on the original 1966 plan).  The garage on that lot is in violation of  the 20 ft side set back ordinance that was in place when the garage was built by the Caswells and now for sale by Karen Caswell.  As a courtesy, I have included the realtor and Belfast Code Enforcer, Tod Rosenburg is this email.
23 Seaview Ter, Belfast, ME 04915 a single family home is Sq. Ft., beds, and baths. Visit 5 photos on®, listing value of $75,000.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


I am sorry the tax maps haven't made this easier for you but please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps. The tax maps are for guidance only. 

The deed history and surveys dictate and the title company will know this. When a tax map discrepancy requires reconciliation, it is not uncommon to have the conflicts omitted in the tax map. Further, April 2015 maps were printed to reflect data we understood to be correct and uncontested as of that date so we don't go back to make changes even if fully resolved thereafter. 

Currently, we aren't budgeting for a tax map update next year so no changes will be made until after April 1, 2018, meaning, probably after commitment in the Fall of 2018. We are looking into digitizing earlier updates but this is not confirmed yet.

Thank you

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 18, 2017 10:25 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

I hope to be putting my house for sale immediately, needing to clear 200k to move.  My title insurance has confirmed the title is clear, the boundaries have never changed from the original 1965-66 plans. This link provides the 1965-66 original plans, a 1990 Good Deeds survey confirming original boundary lines and The Waldo County Deeded Registry proving no subdivide to my property.

If I cannot sell, I stay. Please advise of any changes to 17 Seaview Terrace. I copied my neighbor (lot 48 on tax map ) because the front and side footage of my property is still not posted even though I gave you all this information and documentation in November 2016.  Your new Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 appears to give 23 Seaview Terrace more front footage. Looking equal to my 125' frontage. Your new map is missing the footage (every other lot has original footage, and mine has been removed).

Per the original plans and survey, 23 Seaview Terrace, lot 47A and 17 Seaview Terrace, lot 47 per  Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 must state the front and side frontage. 23 Seaview Terrace is 100 ft front, 17 Seaview Terrace is 125 ft front and 127.8 ft side between 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace.

Laurie Allen


From: Annie McGowan <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 8:58 AM
Subject: Emailing: 032-047_4, 032-047_5, 032-047_6, 032-047_3
Good Morning,

Attached to this e-mail you will find the valuation report and tax cards
for 17 Seaview Terrace. I am sending this information to you per Brent
Martin who is out today at a conference.

Annie McGowan
Assistant to the Assessor
(207) 338-3370 x17

Disclaimer: Assessed values or other discussions of value herein are for
tax assessment purposes only and not to be used or relied upon for any
purpose other than for computational purposes for Municipal Valuation by
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at his/her own risk.

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 6:49 AM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

3rd request-  Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 9:47 AM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

Belfast City Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

No thank you. Only you can tell me what you did.

Again, as the Belfast City Hall Tax Assessor you assess my property via SQUARE FOOTAGE, property condition & features, property values, fair market value, market conditions... What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 


Laurie Allen

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

I am on the road at this time with inspection work. If you have the wherewithal to go to the website in the interim and look up your address online then your square footage will be listed when you select the property card option on the left and then select the trio property card information at the link in the middle of the page.

On Apr 20, 2017 9:20 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Belfast City Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

Again, as the Belfast City Hall Tax Assessor you assess my property via SQUARE FOOTAGE, property condition & features, property values, fair market value, market conditions... What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

Laurie Allen

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

As it is after hours right now, I can suggest that you look at your tax bill to see the acreage, you can look at the commitment book online, or you can see the new mapping function online under City Departments, then Assessing, then Aerial Maps and Property Data, which will show the property card information, including acreage (or square footage) relied upon, during the off hours.


On Apr 19, 2017 6:04 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
As the Belfast City Hall Tax Assessor you assess my property via SQUARE FOOTAGE, property condition & features, property values, fair market value, market conditions... What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes?


From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

I can't speak as to the intent of my predecessor, though, as stated, when there may be a discrepancy, it is better to not leave questionable dimensions so as not to further any future reliance on something that may be incorrect. 

On Apr 19, 2017 5:32 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
Please simply answer the question
Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

That change on the tax maps predated my employment as per the 2012 maps; however, given that you are indicating this is a potentially unresolvable matter absent appropriate legal authority, I will be refraining from indicating the boundaries for the time being as tax map updates are not currently being worked on. You should obtain legal counsel for the clarity you seek. 

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 19, 2017 4:48 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
2nd request-
There has not been any conflict on my property boundaries.  Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 4:02 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN

Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


There has not been any conflict on my property boundaries.  Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?


Laurie Allen

PS-The April 2015 maps you reference were not printed until " Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015" and recently posted on the City website.   In November 2016 you wrote you would contact me for potential map changes next. You did not and printed the maps without my footage again. Below is the thread from that email.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

While I can appreciate your persistence and insistence on pushing me toward making an immediate change based on your research, when I do get to the mapping next year, I will contact you as I have printed this thread for potential mapping changes. In the interim, I can only suggest an attorney or a surveyor.
Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Nov 18, 2016 3:06 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Thank you for responding.  Your response did not include the maps (I copied and pasted your response below) I provided to prove there is no question of the original front and side footage to my property.  The Waldo County Deeded Registry proves that there have been no legal sub divides to my property to change the original front and side footage. There is no question on my property front and side footage.  Please update the measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side to my property #47 and confirm.

The 2015 Belfast City Tax Map below for my property #47 is missing 2 measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side,  confirmed in the 1966 plan, recorded in the Waldo County Deeded registry with no amendments or sub-division to my lot recorded since the 1966 plan per the Waldo County Deeded Registry  on 10/28/2016. Please add these measurements to the Belfast City Tax Map. Every other lot lists the frontage and side except for my lot #47 and the abutting lot #47-A, which also needs to identify the same.

Realty of Maine, Timothy Dutch is the listing agent for the abutting lot, 47-A on the 2015 Belfast Tax Map (lot #7 on the original 1966 plan).  The garage on that lot is in violation of  the 20 ft side set back ordinance that was in place when the garage was built by the Caswells and now for sale by Karen Caswell.  As a courtesy, I have included the realtor and Belfast Code Enforcer, Tod Rosenburg is this email.
23 Seaview Ter, Belfast, ME 04915 a single family home is Sq. Ft., beds, and baths. Visit 5 photos on®, listing value of $75,000.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


I am sorry the tax maps haven't made this easier for you but please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps. The tax maps are for guidance only. 

The deed history and surveys dictate and the title company will know this. When a tax map discrepancy requires reconciliation, it is not uncommon to have the conflicts omitted in the tax map. Further, April 2015 maps were printed to reflect data we understood to be correct and uncontested as of that date so we don't go back to make changes even if fully resolved thereafter. 

Currently, we aren't budgeting for a tax map update next year so no changes will be made until after April 1, 2018, meaning, probably after commitment in the Fall of 2018. We are looking into digitizing earlier updates but this is not confirmed yet.

Thank you

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 18, 2017 10:25 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

I hope to be putting my house for sale immediately, needing to clear 200k to move.  My title insurance has confirmed the title is clear, the boundaries have never changed from the original 1965-66 plans. This link provides the 1965-66 original plans, a 1990 Good Deeds survey confirming original boundary lines and The Waldo County Deeded Registry proving no subdivide to my property. 

If I cannot sell, I stay. Please advise of any changes to 17 Seaview Terrace. I copied my neighbor (lot 48 on tax map ) because the front and side footage of my property is still not posted even though I gave you all this information and documentation in November 2016.  Your new Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 appears to give 23 Seaview Terrace more front footage. Looking equal to my 125' frontage. Your new map is missing the footage (every other lot has original footage, and mine has been removed).

Per the original plans and survey, 23 Seaview Terrace, lot 47A and 17 Seaview Terrace, lot 47 per  Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 must state the front and side frontage. 23 Seaview Terrace is 100 ft front, 17 Seaview Terrace is 125 ft front and 127.8 ft side between 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace. 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

I confirmed my assistant sent to you the property record cards as well as the valuation report which, along with my responses, clearly documents what you have asked for in full and I've done the majority of answering your email remotely from outside of business hours or while at a conference to the best of my ability. I am sorry you feel that way. I will not be available until Monday for future responses. Have a nice weekend.

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 21, 2017 4:26 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
Belfast City Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

To be clear, you are refusing to tell me the exact square footage of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes that I have been asking you to reveal since November 2016 (overwhelmingly documented in this thread)?


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:19 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted
You've been given what you've asked for. 

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:04 PM

To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted
15246... 43560 in an acre x.35 acre is a calculation that I did not ask for.  Please respond to this email to keep the thread in tact.

7th request for this simple answer.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

15246....   43560 in an acre x .35 of an acre.

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 2:26 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

6th request- Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

Since I sent you the card with all of your info relied upon for your tax basis, I didn't need to clarify whether by square footage you meant your GLA or acreage. I thought I was helping you by giving you more info, not less. As an aside, the GLA square footage of your home is in the property card

Attached is the deed description in conjunction with the offering prior to your purchase. The assessment on your acreage is at a rounded .35 of an acre, based on the size in the deed, which states it was part of a lot. I don't have the original subdivision plan, but if you bought the partial lot and the original is larger than .35 acres or so, then your title company should look into this. 

This is in response to the 5th request.


Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 12:28 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

5th Request - Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

Our email thread extended to after hours and I pulled over to respond to you, attempting to guide you to get you the information you sought as quickly as possible as it was not available to me on the side of the road. I had a full schedule yesterday, leaving at 7pm. I am writing you from a conference in Bangor after confirming my assistant forwarded the committed square footage via the property card, which has greater weight than the tax map, which,as stated, is only for guidance. 

On Apr 21, 2017 11:37 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
4th request- Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 


Your efforts to refuse to state in email the square footage of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes is wrong.

In your 4/18/2017 email below (see A), you write that the tax maps are not reliable "please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps." You write hypothetically of your tax map discrepancies, reconciliations, conflicts, or resolutions yet have not advised me of any discrepancies, reconciliations  or resolutions to my property since my  request to YOU in November 2016 (see B) to reconcile the Belfast Assessor Tax Map deletion of the front and side footage of my property with proof of footage with the 1966 plans recorded in the Waldo County Deeded Registry, with no subdivides or ANY changes to my property legally recorded in the registry since. You refuse to state the assessed square footage of my property, do not advise of any assessing issues to my property,  and tell me that you will contact me with map changes and you have not and that email is right here .  Again advising me to hire an attorney or surveyor for your secret assessed footage of my property. 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

While I can appreciate your persistence and insistence on pushing me toward making an immediate change based on your research, when I do get to the mapping next year, I will contact you as I have printed this thread for potential mapping changes. In the interim, I can only suggest an attorney or a surveyor.
Brent Martin
City Assessor

Incredibly, you continue to refuse to state your secret assessing property footage to my property. Offering your confirmed unreliable documents that you had Annie McGowan send me with Belfast City Hall disclosure of absolute unreliability and liability (See C). 

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


I am sorry the tax maps haven't made this easier for you but please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps. The tax maps are for guidance only. 

The deed history and surveys dictate and the title company will know this. When a tax map discrepancy requires reconciliation, it is not uncommon to have the conflicts omitted in the tax map. Further, April 2015 maps were printed to reflect data we understood to be correct and uncontested as of that date so we don't go back to make changes even if fully resolved thereafter. 

Currently, we aren't budgeting for a tax map update next year so no changes will be made until after April 1, 2018, meaning, probably after commitment in the Fall of 2018. We are looking into digitizing earlier updates but this is not confirmed yet.

Thank you

Brent Martin
City Assessor

Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 10:01 AM
To: Brent Martin;
Subject: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

2nd request 11/18/16 Please respond today. Thank you.

Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 1:02 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage


The 2015 Belfast City Tax Map below for my property #47 is missing 2 measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side,  confirmed in the 1966 plan, recorded in the Waldo County Deeded registry with no amendments or sub-division to my lot recorded since the 1966 plan per the Waldo County Deeded Registry  on 10/28/2016. Please add these measurements to the Belfast City Tax Map. Every other lot lists the frontage and side except for my lot #47 and the abutting lot #47-A, which also needs to identify the same. Please update the measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side to my property #47 and confirm today. Thank you.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me 04915

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

Your request seems to look for a level of specificity that would be best served by a surveyor as the tax maps are generally for mass valuation, parcel identification and reference purposes. It seems you are seeking something more definitive than tax maps provide. Please advise if you need help locating a surveyor as there are several in the area.
Brent Martin

On Nov 15, 2016 3:01 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Belfast Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

Please advise and confirm the footage of each boundary line (front, sides and rear, 4 lines for each property) for 17 (47 on tax map)) Seaview Terrace, 23 (47-A on tax map)Seaview Terrace, 30 (41 on tax map) Seaview Terrace and 40 Seaview Terrace (40-A and 40 on tax map).  Below is the 1966 plan for Seaview Terrace from the Waldo County Deeded Registry, taken on 10/28/2016 . There are No Waldo County Deeded Registry amendments to Seaview Terrace since this 1966 plan. There is no legal subdivision or legal boundary changes recorded for 17 Seaview Terrace or 23 Seaview Terrace since this 1966 plan. The 2015 tax map and 1965 recorded plan reflect different lot sizes on Seaview Terrace and 40-A does not exist on the 1966 plan nor does a legal recorded subdivide in the Waldo County Deeded Registry.

Please advise immediately on the boundary footages requested for 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace.  23 Seaview Terrace is for sale by Karen Caswell. Boundary footage must be reflected in the tax map for 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 4:02 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN

Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

There has not been any conflict on my property boundaries.  Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?


Laurie Allen

PS-The April 2015 maps you reference were not printed until " Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015" and recently posted on the City website.   In November 2016 you wrote you would contact me for potential map changes next. You did not and printed the maps without my footage again. Below is the thread from that email.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

While I can appreciate your persistence and insistence on pushing me toward making an immediate change based on your research, when I do get to the mapping next year, I will contact you as I have printed this thread for potential mapping changes. In the interim, I can only suggest an attorney or a surveyor.
Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Nov 18, 2016 3:06 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Thank you for responding.  Your response did not include the maps (I copied and pasted your response below) I provided to prove there is no question of the original front and side footage to my property.  The Waldo County Deeded Registry proves that there have been no legal sub divides to my property to change the original front and side footage. There is no question on my property front and side footage.  Please update the measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side to my property #47 and confirm.

The 2015 Belfast City Tax Map below for my property #47 is missing 2 measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side,  confirmed in the 1966 plan, recorded in the Waldo County Deeded registry with no amendments or sub-division to my lot recorded since the 1966 plan per the Waldo County Deeded Registry  on 10/28/2016. Please add these measurements to the Belfast City Tax Map. Every other lot lists the frontage and side except for my lot #47 and the abutting lot #47-A, which also needs to identify the same.

Realty of Maine, Timothy Dutch is the listing agent for the abutting lot, 47-A on the 2015 Belfast Tax Map (lot #7 on the original 1966 plan).  The garage on that lot is in violation of  the 20 ft side set back ordinance that was in place when the garage was built by the Caswells and now for sale by Karen Caswell.  As a courtesy, I have included the realtor and Belfast Code Enforcer, Tod Rosenburg is this email.
23 Seaview Ter, Belfast, ME 04915 a single family home is Sq. Ft., beds, and baths. Visit 5 photos on®, listing value of $75,000.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


I am sorry the tax maps haven't made this easier for you but please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps. The tax maps are for guidance only. 

The deed history and surveys dictate and the title company will know this. When a tax map discrepancy requires reconciliation, it is not uncommon to have the conflicts omitted in the tax map. Further, April 2015 maps were printed to reflect data we understood to be correct and uncontested as of that date so we don't go back to make changes even if fully resolved thereafter. 

Currently, we aren't budgeting for a tax map update next year so no changes will be made until after April 1, 2018, meaning, probably after commitment in the Fall of 2018. We are looking into digitizing earlier updates but this is not confirmed yet.

Thank you

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 18, 2017 10:25 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

I hope to be putting my house for sale immediately, needing to clear 200k to move.  My title insurance has confirmed the title is clear, the boundaries have never changed from the original 1965-66 plans. This link provides the 1965-66 original plans, a 1990 Good Deeds survey confirming original boundary lines and The Waldo County Deeded Registry proving no subdivide to my property.

If I cannot sell, I stay. Please advise of any changes to 17 Seaview Terrace. I copied my neighbor (lot 48 on tax map ) because the front and side footage of my property is still not posted even though I gave you all this information and documentation in November 2016.  Your new Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 appears to give 23 Seaview Terrace more front footage. Looking equal to my 125' frontage. Your new map is missing the footage (every other lot has original footage, and mine has been removed).

Per the original plans and survey, 23 Seaview Terrace, lot 47A and 17 Seaview Terrace, lot 47 per  Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 must state the front and side frontage. 23 Seaview Terrace is 100 ft front, 17 Seaview Terrace is 125 ft front and 127.8 ft side between 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace.

Laurie Allen


From: Annie McGowan <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 8:58 AM
Subject: Emailing: 032-047_4, 032-047_5, 032-047_6, 032-047_3
Good Morning,

Attached to this e-mail you will find the valuation report and tax cards
for 17 Seaview Terrace. I am sending this information to you per Brent
Martin who is out today at a conference.

Annie McGowan
Assistant to the Assessor
(207) 338-3370 x17

Disclaimer: Assessed values or other discussions of value herein are for
tax assessment purposes only and not to be used or relied upon for any
purpose other than for computational purposes for Municipal Valuation by
the City of Belfast for the State of Maine. The City of Belfast assumes no
liability for any damages incurred, whether directly or indirectly,
incidental, punitive, or consequential, as a result of any errors,
omissions, discrepancies, or use, whether selective or in total, of any
information provided or published by the City of Belfast, its Employees or
via its website or any systems related to online access to such records,
or of any use of the website or other online content or any data provided
by the City of Belfast or the State of Maine, including, but not limited
to, use of the information contained in any employee, sub-contractor, or
municipal or State e-mail, the State of Maine or City of Belfast website,
or any online system, forms or data provided by the State of Maine or City
of Belfast in any way whatsoever. Neither the City of Belfast, nor any
department, officer, sub-contractor, or employee of the City warrants the
accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this
system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked
from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by
reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information.
Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person
or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system or from
any e-mail originating from the City of Belfast or its employees does so
at his/her own risk.

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 6:49 AM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

3rd request-  Only you can tell me what you did.  What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 9:47 AM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

Belfast City Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

No thank you. Only you can tell me what you did.

Again, as the Belfast City Hall Tax Assessor you assess my property via SQUARE FOOTAGE, property condition & features, property values, fair market value, market conditions... What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 


Laurie Allen

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

I am on the road at this time with inspection work. If you have the wherewithal to go to the website in the interim and look up your address online then your square footage will be listed when you select the property card option on the left and then select the trio property card information at the link in the middle of the page.

On Apr 20, 2017 9:20 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Belfast City Tax Assessor Brent Martin,

Again, as the Belfast City Hall Tax Assessor you assess my property via SQUARE FOOTAGE, property condition & features, property values, fair market value, market conditions... What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes? 

Laurie Allen

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

As it is after hours right now, I can suggest that you look at your tax bill to see the acreage, you can look at the commitment book online, or you can see the new mapping function online under City Departments, then Assessing, then Aerial Maps and Property Data, which will show the property card information, including acreage (or square footage) relied upon, during the off hours.


On Apr 19, 2017 6:04 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
As the Belfast City Hall Tax Assessor you assess my property via SQUARE FOOTAGE, property condition & features, property values, fair market value, market conditions... What is the SQUARE FOOTAGE of my property that you are using to bill me for property taxes?


From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

I can't speak as to the intent of my predecessor, though, as stated, when there may be a discrepancy, it is better to not leave questionable dimensions so as not to further any future reliance on something that may be incorrect. 

On Apr 19, 2017 5:32 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
Please simply answer the question
Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

That change on the tax maps predated my employment as per the 2012 maps; however, given that you are indicating this is a potentially unresolvable matter absent appropriate legal authority, I will be refraining from indicating the boundaries for the time being as tax map updates are not currently being worked on. You should obtain legal counsel for the clarity you seek. 

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 19, 2017 4:48 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:
2nd request-
There has not been any conflict on my property boundaries.  Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 4:02 PM
To: Brent Martin; LAURIE ALLEN

Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted

There has not been any conflict on my property boundaries.  Why was removal of the front and side footage for my property on the tax map done?


Laurie Allen

PS-The April 2015 maps you reference were not printed until " Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015" and recently posted on the City website.   In November 2016 you wrote you would contact me for potential map changes next. You did not and printed the maps without my footage again. Below is the thread from that email.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd req/ Re: 17, 23, 30, 40 Seaview Terrace 2015 Tax Map Footage

While I can appreciate your persistence and insistence on pushing me toward making an immediate change based on your research, when I do get to the mapping next year, I will contact you as I have printed this thread for potential mapping changes. In the interim, I can only suggest an attorney or a surveyor.
Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Nov 18, 2016 3:06 PM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

Thank you for responding.  Your response did not include the maps (I copied and pasted your response below) I provided to prove there is no question of the original front and side footage to my property.  The Waldo County Deeded Registry proves that there have been no legal sub divides to my property to change the original front and side footage. There is no question on my property front and side footage.  Please update the measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side to my property #47 and confirm.

The 2015 Belfast City Tax Map below for my property #47 is missing 2 measurements of 125 feet frontage and 127.8 side,  confirmed in the 1966 plan, recorded in the Waldo County Deeded registry with no amendments or sub-division to my lot recorded since the 1966 plan per the Waldo County Deeded Registry  on 10/28/2016. Please add these measurements to the Belfast City Tax Map. Every other lot lists the frontage and side except for my lot #47 and the abutting lot #47-A, which also needs to identify the same.

Realty of Maine, Timothy Dutch is the listing agent for the abutting lot, 47-A on the 2015 Belfast Tax Map (lot #7 on the original 1966 plan).  The garage on that lot is in violation of  the 20 ft side set back ordinance that was in place when the garage was built by the Caswells and now for sale by Karen Caswell.  As a courtesy, I have included the realtor and Belfast Code Enforcer, Tod Rosenburg is this email.
23 Seaview Ter, Belfast, ME 04915 a single family home is Sq. Ft., beds, and baths. Visit 5 photos on®, listing value of $75,000.

From: Brent Martin <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: 2016 Tax Maps 17 Seaview Terrace Footage Omitted


I am sorry the tax maps haven't made this easier for you but please don't have too much emphasis on the authority of the tax maps. The tax maps are for guidance only. 

The deed history and surveys dictate and the title company will know this. When a tax map discrepancy requires reconciliation, it is not uncommon to have the conflicts omitted in the tax map. Further, April 2015 maps were printed to reflect data we understood to be correct and uncontested as of that date so we don't go back to make changes even if fully resolved thereafter. 

Currently, we aren't budgeting for a tax map update next year so no changes will be made until after April 1, 2018, meaning, probably after commitment in the Fall of 2018. We are looking into digitizing earlier updates but this is not confirmed yet.

Thank you

Brent Martin
City Assessor

On Apr 18, 2017 10:25 AM, "LAURIE ALLEN" <> wrote:

I hope to be putting my house for sale immediately, needing to clear 200k to move.  My title insurance has confirmed the title is clear, the boundaries have never changed from the original 1965-66 plans. This link provides the 1965-66 original plans, a 1990 Good Deeds survey confirming original boundary lines and The Waldo County Deeded Registry proving no subdivide to my property. 

If I cannot sell, I stay. Please advise of any changes to 17 Seaview Terrace. I copied my neighbor (lot 48 on tax map ) because the front and side footage of my property is still not posted even though I gave you all this information and documentation in November 2016.  Your new Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 appears to give 23 Seaview Terrace more front footage. Looking equal to my 125' frontage. Your new map is missing the footage (every other lot has original footage, and mine has been removed).

Per the original plans and survey, 23 Seaview Terrace, lot 47A and 17 Seaview Terrace, lot 47 per  Map 32 Printed: 3/2/2016 Effective Date: 4/1/2015 must state the front and side frontage. 23 Seaview Terrace is 100 ft front, 17 Seaview Terrace is 125 ft front and 127.8 ft side between 17 and 23 Seaview Terrace. 

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